Birthday Fun (Freg)

Requested by: asriel_dreemur09853

Type: Fluff

AU: Fallout AU (Again, I don't know shit about Fallout and I just watched a game-play from the third game XP  So sorry if it kinda sucks!) And also Soulmate AU (You can hear the songs your soulmate thinks of at an unknown age)

Pairing: Freg (Freddy x Meg) with mentions of Goldami (Golden x Cami)

Third Person's POV:

Freddy walked into the bar, strangely not excited at all, even though it was his birthday today. Freddy's dad walked over to him, giving him a playful push that nearly send him stumbling forwards.

"Happy birthday, little man! Can't believe you're already 15! Your mother would've been proud of you." Freddy heard Fred grumble in his head.

Freddy honestly wondered why his dad kept referring his mother nearly every single day. He understood that he missed her, but couldn't he try to let her go? Fred was also starting to grow annoyed at it.

"I think now's a good time to tell you about your official VAULT responsibilities!" Freddy's uncle chimed in.

Most kids already got told about their responsibilities when they turned 10, but Freddy's dad had always been too overprotective.

"Here you go! Your own personal Pip-Boy 3000! Treat it with utter care!" Freddy heard snickers coming from the tables in the back.

"Thank you....." He attempted to slightly smile at his uncle.

His uncle grinned brightly.

"You'll get your first assignment tomorrow!" His uncle happily announced.

"Gee, thanks. I sure love getting work assignments right after my fucking birthday." Fred sarcastically said.

Freddy shushed him before turning to his dad.

"You only turn 15 once, so enjoy your party!" Freddy nodded and walked towards the other booths in the bar.

A selection of kids he didn't like were all chatting with each other or giving him judging looks. Luckily, Bonnie and Fox were there too. They were probably his only friends here besides Meg.

"Happy birthday, dude. I'll get you some orange juice." Typical Fox, always greeting someone and then immediately leaving afterwards.

"That would be great, thanks!" Freddy fondly smiled at him.

"Hey, Freddy! Guess what I got you for your birthday!" Bonnie excitedly asked him.

"Uhm......" Freddy furrowed his eyebrows, a habit of his whenever he was deeply thinking about something.

"A date with Meg!" Fred yelled in his head.

Freddy's face lit up at the thought of going on a date with Meg of all people. Okay, so that would be the best present ever but you can't always get what you want, right?

"Just gimme my present!" Freddy desperately told Bonnie.

"Ha-ha! Okay, okay! You like Grognak, right? Uh-huh, I got you Issue 14, with no missing pages!" Freddy gasped from happiness.

Bonnie handed him the comic book, and Freddy could've screamed from how happy he was. His friends always managed to cheer him up, no matter how bummed he was!

"Thank you so much!" Freddy tightly hugged Bonnie, earning a laugh from the smaller boy.

"Sorry, mate! I gotta go, but I'll definitely see you later!" Bonnie waved at him before leaving the bar in a hurry.

Freddy wondered what made his friend leave, but didn't question it any further as someone called his name.

"Oh, Freddy. I see you haven't met your soulmate yet. But nice party, by the way." Freddy growled with Fred in sync.

He walked over to Golden, who was smugly smiling at him. Freddy nervously grinned and nodded. Why the hell was he invited to his party? And what a surprise, he was mocking him about his soulmate. Another weird thing about this world, was that something like soulmates existed. Golden had met his soulmate already. The ironic thing was that Freddy actually got along with Golden's soulmate Cami, but he had a distaste for the rich blonde. Freddy wasn't sure how Cami was able to deal with him, but maybe he had a secret soft side Freddy didn't know about?

"Ehe, thanks......" Freddy dryly thanked him.

"Hey, shouldn't you be lookin' for Meg? You like her, don't ya?" And who let Deuz attend his party?

"And what if I do.....?" Freddy muttered mostly to himself.

"What?" Golden's normally smug expression was changed with a genuinely curious one.

"N-nothing! Enjoy the party!" He quickly backed away from the conversation.

As Freddy was walking around, trying not to talk to anyone, he suddenly heard music. That was odd, considering there wasn't a radio on or anything. Freddy checked if maybe his Pip-Boy had a music function, but the device was turned off.

"Holy crap, dude! Our soulmate's thinking about a song!" Fred excitedly yelled.

"Oh my God! No way! Are we seriously gonna meet our soulmate today?!" Freddy earned some odd looks from other kids, but he completely ignored them.

"Come on! Go look for them!" Fred demanded.

He had to tell Meg about this! He looked around for the white-haired girl, and spotted her sitting in the very last booth.

"Hey, Meg!" Freddy was about to run up to her, but Meg already caught him in her arms.

"Happy birthday, Freddy and Fred!" Freddy had never heard Meg so upbeat before, he liked it!

"Thank you! By the way, I'm hearing music!" Freddy took Meg's hands in his own, his excitement making him forget that he was actually holding his crush's hands.

A light color dusted Meg's cheeks, and Freddy abruptly let go of her hands.

"U-uhm.....sorry!" He waved his hands in front of his face as a manner of needless defense.

Meg merely chuckled.

"It's cool! But what song are you hearing?" Meg curiously asked.

"Uh......I think it's a Michael Jackson song....." Freddy muttered, trying to concentrate on the music he was softly hearing inside his head.

Fred was singing along to it, making it easier for Freddy to understand the lyrics.

"It's goes like 'Cuz this is thriller! Thriller night!" Freddy badly sang the lyrics to Meg.

The girl in question, completely froze up.

"Meg? What's wrong?" Freddy asked with a tilted head.

"That's......that's my favorite song....." Meg's jaw dropped, and her face flushed.

It took Freddy a few moments to progress this new information. And by the time he realized who his soulmate was, Fred was already freaking out.

" Thriller? E-eh?!" Freddy yelled the words, as if yelling would let everyone know how frickin' happy he was.

"Birthdays really are special, huh?" Meg's lips formed into a soft smile.

"Y-yeah....." Freddy barely managed to hold back a sigh of pure relief.

Meg took a step forwards, and in a matter of seconds, her lips touched his. Freddy grinned in the kiss, and Fred demanded him to let him out. But just at that moment, Fox walked over to them.

"Hey, sorry it took me so long to get you some juice. The line was long as-"

"...........Freddy, my dude, I feel bad for ya." Fox said with a sudden saddened expression.

"Why?" Freddy asked confused.

"Your soulmate's Meg. No human should have to go through a relationship with her......"

"Oh fuck off, Fox."

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