The other side (Henry/Old Sport) ("3")

Honestly, I wanted to do something shitposty, but I decided this will be a bitmore coherent.
Which ended up being a TERRIBLE idea because this is way too long.
This is an unofficial sequel to Doki Doki Dayshift Club, because... way too manypeople wanted more of that??? Unofficial mainly due to the fact that I haven'tre-read it in a while, might got some facts wrong.
What's wrong with you guys.
Calling you out:
>Wait, just two? I could have sworn there was one more. You're lucky No. 3,you're not getting called out- unless you comment and remind me that it wasyou, then I'll put you on here.
Why you'd want that is beyond me, but hey.
Hope you'll enjoy!
Oh and sorry if it's a bit wonky at parts, the big sad™ hit during creation andmy judgement is kinda clouded. This chapter is long and might not be all that fun. Do tell me if I need to overwork something.


"If we do this, we have to come to a conclusion on how we share the body."
"Well it's my body, so... I think I should have it the most!"
"Except when did you ever do anything good with your body? When I took you,you were BEGGING for death to come and take you. You have no use for itanyhow."
"But you can't get out of here without my body."
"And you cannot get out without my soul."
"Except I don't care about getting out."
"A bluff. This place hurts you still. I know that."
Black eyes meeting white dots.
Henry moved in, leaning over the glass wall.
"Listen, you will not be too bothered with me taking over. You tend toself-sabotage, letting me take over will be a relief." He looked about. "Youare not afraid of me anymore. The wall is slowly disappearing."
"Only on certain days. And it's not because I'm scared, but because you're a b it c h. Recently you've just become a bit more bearable and I've become morebored." Old Sport was quick to answer, showing that he was desperately lookingfor something to excuse him. "Not to mention, you're just a bad guy. I don'tfeel like watching you do fucked up stuff."
"You absolutely DO feel like watching me do fucked up things. The more inhumaneand disgusting, the better. Your lies are getting worse and worse."
Displeased the Orange Guy gave him a sideways glance. "You talk like this makesme DOUBLE as willing to simply let you stay here for another eternity."
"You do not even know what an eternity feels like. We barely spend three monthshere together." Henry growled to himself.
Growing slightly pale at that realization, Old Sport shook his head. "... how doyou keep it together stuck here alone..."
"Barely. Which is why I would like to leave. However, I am willing towait until you go fully insane in order to take your body. Do not turn thisinto a battle of endurance, employee, I have played that game before you wereborn."
"... how old are you."
"Is that relevant?"
"... you don't know anymore, do you?"
"Of course I do! But I choose not to share."
"Because it could leave to obnoxious situations!"
"I- like- you trying to celebrate my birthday!"
Instantly Old Sport broke out into laughter, so intense he teared up,causing Henry to instantly grow red. The humiliation was hard to cover up.
"FINE. Fine, I do not remember. Happy?"
No, the other guy didn't stop wheezing and poor Henry had to wait for him tocalm down in his own time.
"Orange Guy! Calm down already. We are in the middle of negotiations- I ambeing serious, if I must I will leave again."
"No- no, no, don't leave me honey-"
"I swear to god." Pinching the bridge of his nose, Henry took a deepbreath. "I will take the body the majority of the time. You used to spend atleast eighteen hours sleeping, so I demand that amount of time. You need nosleep anyhow."
"It was that or cocaine and I couldn't really work well with withdrawals."
"I'm not giving you my boy for eighteen hours. You're getting twelve at most."
"No way. You are getting the body for eight hours at most."
"Ten hours."
There was a certain change in his tone that caused the Pink Guy to pause for amoment, then slowly nod.
Reaching out, both sides shook hands.
Then Old Sport frowned a bit. "So... how do we decide when we take our time? Youin the morning, I take the night?"
"No, we need to be flexible."
"What would prevent me from just denying you your time?"
"The same thing that would deny me from taking YOUR time."
"So literally nothing but trust between a monster and a soulless husk?"
"You want out, I want out. And after that we have to rely on one anothercontinuously, unless I find a way to find my own body."
"New entry on "shit I won't let happen" found-"
"Oh, why? Have you grown fond of me yet?" The words were drippingsarcasm.
"... what if?"
There was a flirty smile on the Orange's face and Henry recoiled.
"Please. Do not joke around so pathetically."
Old Sport snickered, then the wall finally disappeared- almost causing the PinkGuy to fall flat on his face.
There was a weird, almost sweet undertone in the other one's tone now, as hehelped up Henry.
"... alright I'm ready. How do we get back?"
Out of nowhere Henry tightly grabbed his companion's arm, his fingers diggingdeep into the orange flesh.
Mortified Old Sport looked at him and for a second all he could think about wasthat there was no protective wall of glass was between them anymore, if Henrywould lash out he would
There was a grin on Henry's face now, morbid and filled with a bitter mania.
It stayed on there for only a second though, the longest second the OrangeGuy had to endure, utterly paralyzed, before softening up a little.
"We would have to go through the other layers. But that will no problem for us,right?"
Old Sport wanted to protest.
He wanted to say that he reconsidered.
But nothing came out of him.
Unable to try and escape, he followed Henry's lead to the edge that- wasn'tquite there.
His head was starting to hurt again, as he always did when the void beganmessing around.
Finally there was a hole-
And Henry dragged him down without as much as a warning.

They traveled through different games, but we don't have the time for that-a story for another day. If requested. With ideas for which games.
Out of breath and completely wrecked, both arrived on the other side.
Hesitant the Orange Guy rose his head, slightly hopeful after having not beenattacked for five minutes.
"Are we... through?"
'Seeing as I am without body, I think we can safely assume we are.'
Skeptical Old Sport raised one arm.
"If you're with me now... do you feel that...?"
'Somewhat, it is rather numb. But that is no matter. Stand up.'
Instantly the other one's inner angsty teen snapped up.
"Stand me up yourself, coward!"
'That hardly makes sense!'
"Can you do it or not?!"
There was a moment of quiet.
'... it seems we have a problem.'
Laughter bubbled from within Sportsy's throat.
"... you CAN'T, can you?" Interrupted by his snickers, he slowly stood upby himself. "... guess the universe DOES hate you!"
'I always told you.'
"You're calmer about this than I expected you to be."
'At a certain point in your life you get used to the universe itself fightingyou. Adapt and overcome, Orange Guy.'
There was a weird feeling in the Orange Man's chest. Carefully he let his handrest on there, before snapping out of it as he felt Henry's curiosity on him-
"Well- too bad. For YOU! NO CONTROL TIME FOR YOU! Now I just need to figure outhow to repress you-"
'You would not DARE!'
Why was he smiling?
"Aw, you know me..."
Why was he so excited?
Because he was back out?
Where was the dread?
Of having a stranger in his head?
An utterly familiar stranger...
'That does NOT reassure me.' Henry sighed in the back of his head. 'Either way.Let us go home. To MY home, please.'
"Give me a good reason to go to your house instead of mine."
'You want to. You are curious.'
And indeed- the curiosity inside of his soul was undeniable.
"... are you doing this?"
'Doing what?'
Suspicious the Orange Man frowned, but decided to drop it.
"Never mind, it's gone now. I'm sure it's nothing."
'I am glad to know that you will have to deal with as many issues as I do. Preparefor many weird sensation and fateful accidents ruining you.'
"It's not confirmed yet!"
'Well, you are connected to ME now, thus you WILL be cursed with something. Iam beyond excited to learn what it will be~'
The schadenfreude was real and Old Sport quietly noted down that he couldfeel it himself.
Bad news indeed- maybe he should actually be more careful with making Henryinto his foe.
Not that he planned to do that in the first place-

Oh god, he felt odd.
There was something like... a weird electrical humming, inside of his chest.Energy. A sense of urgency.
"Let's get to your place then. Can't wait to mark my territory by pissing inyour bed!"
'Disgusting. You spent too much time with William.'
Despite better judgement, Old Sport had to ask.
"Did... did he ever do that?"
'Thankfully not. I would have hurt him. Badly. The same goes foryou, so you better restrain yourself, you horrid stray.'
"My heart!"
'My soul.'
"Honestly... I'm surprised you actually do have a soul. Dave insisted youdidn't."
'I may not have a fully functioning one, but reality hardly makes a differenceof it. While reality is a fickle mistress, it is willing to allow broken thingsto remain.'
"... okay, the same thing in English please."
'Reality doesn't give a fuck.'
Delighted Old Sport turned his head. "You can say FUCK?"
'I am very sure I said this at least once in your presence already.'
"It's a delight every time you do it!"
'You are easy to please, are you not?'
"... well... you will have to find out-"
'Stop. Let us talk about something else. Something VERY different. I forone vote for you to change your name. I will not call you Old Sport, thatchapter of your life has closed. Seeing as you now harboring my soul withinyour body, you must have a name that represents this.'
"You're a coward and your bloodline is weak."
'You have no imagination and you will stew forever in your ownmeaninglessness.'
"You are-"
'Look. If you want a name you are guaranteed I will hate, then chooseJack.'
"Why do you hate the name Jack?"
'Because I used to have a worker with that name that attempted to end memultiple times.'
"Okay, I think I like that name. Jack. Jack-o-boy. Jack-o-lantern-"
'Yes, very nice. You can stop now.'
"You seriously never had any fun in your life, did you?"
The arrived at the big, abandoned seeming home.
There was an electronic lock at the door, to which Henry quickly told Old Sportthe completely randomly generated password.
"You can remember THAT, but not your birthdate?!"
'To be fair, my birthdate has a lot less relevance and importance overall thanthe code to the front of my house.'
"Priorities like that are the reason you ended up being yeeted by a shadow fromyour fursuit into the literal nothingness."
'What- what does one thing have to do with the other-?'
The doors swung open, showing a dull interior. Not that it was colorless, butit seemed to have all greyed out more and more over time, a thick layer of dustsuffocated everything.
Slowly Orange Guy moved through the building, fairly big for a simple home.
It was so muffled inside of here- for some reason he started worrying that hewasn't as alone as it sounded like.
'Your sensation is most likely caused by me being here too.'
Henry scoffed, but became a bit softer.
'Nobody would dare to enter this house. Perhaps the Marionette, but even if so,he has already left again. He has no reason to stay here while other matterscall for his attention. I taught him to keep himself busy.'
"And who taught YOU that?"
'What do you mean...?'
"Who taught YOU to keep yourself busy? If you taught the Marionette that-"
'I am not traumatized.'
"Then say it. Say that you traumatized him into emulating you. You didn't teachanyone anything."
Irritated Henry glanced around, over the old, worn down furniture. 'Why doesthat even matter, Jack? I think we should rather find out what year it is. Timeis non-linear inside of the void, frankly, we are lucky we did not end up inthe ice age.'
For a second Jack considered calling him out on attempting to change the topic-but he chose to let it slide. Not because it didn't matter, but because theyboth had the time to put it off.
Not because it didn't matter...
"Lucky? Are we? Or are we the unlucky ones, because we're missing out on di n o s a u r s."
'During the ice age.'
"Yes. That's when those weird pink birds developed, right?"
'Are you TRYING to drive me insane or is it merely a bad habit of yours.'
"Don't you know me well enough to answer that yourself?"
'I do actually. Keep moving.'
They moved through the place and Old Sport was quietly taking it in.
That was the first time in a few decades that he felt like this. He didn'teven know that this specific emotion even existed.
When you opened the door and everything is quiet, nothing else is left to dobut to sit down and take a breath-
It all felt familiar.
And really, it made the Orange Guy more and more concerned. Perhaps he shouldhave been more careful about making deals with the devil.
Once more Old Sport's eyes wandered over the walls, wiping away some dust fromthe pictures on the walls.
"Damn bitch, you lived like this?"
'It was all in a better state, back when I disappeared.'
"Of COURSE. I'm not THAT stupid, Henry. I meant about the pictures. That's apicture of a lighthouse, Henry. A lighthouse. On your wall."
Irritated Henry looked at it too. 'Yes, that is what it is. Where seems tobe the issue?'
"Why. Why do you have an image of a lighthouse here. We're not even atthe coast! This is the most stock-image picture that I have EVER seen. AND IHAVE SEEN THE KIDS. This is the kind of image someone puts on the wall in a badvideo games to cover up they didn't think at all about the character's tastes!"
'... I like lighthouses. I like theimagery of a ray of light, a point of reference, out here on the dark, stormysea. It is about finding your path, not a set path, but a set goal, thatmaintains power, regardless of the chaos. The life inside of a lighthouse is alonely one, Jack. But necessary, a necessary price to pay to enable people toprotect themselves and their ships.'
"So that's what I'll get now that I have you in my body, huh? Pointless,overly "deep" rambles without point-"
'Just because you do not understand the deeper meaning of the world around you,does not mean nobody will appreciate-'
"Okay, I'm bored."
'No you are not.' Henry sighed, exhausted. 'Why do you talk like this?Why do you act out this way?'
"... I don't like you Henry. You're a bad guy. So I enjoy seeing you stressedout."
'Did we not establish that I am not evil, I am merely-'
"You're sadistic, Henry. You're deluded, psychopathic, you think you'remore valuable than everyone, you think you should have the right to controleverything around you. You have no empathy for people who disagree with you.You're needy, selfish, short-sighted unless you work your ass off to craft along-term plan before starting to act."
It was silent.
There was nothing coming from either side.
There was nothing Henry could even say about this.
Usually things like that didn't remotely got close to the Pink Guy, because-
Because he just couldn't care less.
People who said that were hardly people and not worth his time. If they wereunable to recognize his genius, then they were a waste and would soon vanish,one way or another.
So this uproar inside of him was... new.
But he wasn't willing to let himself show any weakness, old or new.
'... still upset about me making the Phone kill himself?'
"Nah. I never cared too much about him." Arriving at a bedroom, he sneaked apeek inside, seeing nothing really worth noting.
Perhaps he should clean this place up sometimes soon. If he was living here...
It's been a while since he last had the energy to clean...
Shortly he glanced out of the almost blind windows onto the buzzling streetsoutside.
... not only that, he had to find out the year and what fate Freddy's had sufferedso far-
This was important.
Prickling in his fingers, in a way that made him oh so giddy.
"... do you always feel like this?"
'Hm? Yes. You do not? How would you travel from location, saving ungratefulsoul after ungrateful soul without this sense of purpose?'
"You don't." The words were bitter, but quickly Jack snapped out of it,trying to smile. "But never mind that! There are things to be done! I gotta saypal, the tactic of overworking yourself to frantically suppress depression ISgenius. Maybe the only smart thing you've ever come up with!"
There was something fluid going on, a sensation of change.
One moment he was aware and feeling, then the next something just broke, wassimply taken out, no muss no fuss-
And suddenly Jack was in a spectator mode, floating slightly over his own body-yet somehow still watching through his own eyes, feeling himself moving, faraway.
His body coughed, then breathed in desperately.
"Oh my. I am not used to breathing. Why, this might present a problem."
'What the everloving f r i c k happened?!'
"Do not take that tone with me young man!" Henry proceeded to stretch himself,to a point he almost dislocated his shoulder. "God, your body has beenmistreated by you. I will have to do some self-care. A bath would beperfect."
'I already feel violated.'
"Darling, if you feel violated now, just wait until I eat some fresh fruit andvegetables."
'I can't wait, mainly because I KNOW I will spontaneously combust if you do. Youunderestimate my body's abnormal chemical structure.'
"You may be dead, but you are not an anomaly. At least not to a point thatyou combust in combination with FRUIT."
'Try me.'
"First we need to get a few things done. Figure out how we switched, so I cankeep doing it when necessary. Then-"
'Get out already, Henry!' He was less concerned about having lost control overhis body than he should be, but he assumed that they would switch back the sameway they had switched before. This whole situation was bizarre andunpredictable and he was fine with it. Stranger things had happened. 'Youwanted to do some stuff, right? So get on it.'
"Alright, alright..." He looked outside too, watching the still familiarbuildings outside. "I will take care of this.

There were a few things that they figured together.
Firstly, it has been roughly fifteen years since the last Freddy's Fazbear'sclosed its doors.
Bad, according to Henry, who deemed it a bit problematic to try and reopen itnow-
Too long to try and smooth over any tragedies, sweeping them under the rugwithout many people asking questions, but too short to make it a grandreopening.
Orange Guy argued that it made it even more of a power move to open a newplace.
Henry explained that power moves were rather meaningless if you shootyourself in the foot with it.
Jack called him a coward.

The next thing they found out was that it was a new millennia. The technologyhad made some impressive leaps-
The next thing Jack in specific found out, was that Henry was impossible todrag away from trying and figure out new technology.
Also, that he was incredibly FAST in deciphering these things.
"Animatronics hooked up to phones! To computer systems! The possibilities areendless!"
'Fair enough, but for that we'd need some animatronics first!'
Jack also learned that working on animatronics was fun.
If only they could agree on what to make.
'Mediocre bootlegs.'
"Golden versions of everyone."
'Literal trash.'
"Actual abominations, but not Bredbear."
Though eventually they managed to overcome that disagreement however, meetingin the middle and a new restaurant was born!
'This is going to be a dumpster fire and I LOVE IT.'
"Oh, hush. This will be fine. Beyond fine."
'When do you plan to start the killening™?'
"The what."
'The big murder.'
"No, I still do not understand."
'The thing you do instead of developing a personality and healthy copingmechanism for your own meaninglessness.'
"I despise you."
'Grow a thicker skin.'
Henry looked around in the empty location. "Why would that concern you?"
'So you do plan on starting up again.'
'You know I can't let you, right?'
"Why not?"
'What kind of question is that?!'
"A genuine one. What is preventing you from letting me aside your old habit tooppose me on purpose?"
"Is it not weird? Despite everything you tried, everything you worked for, youare still doing what is expected of you. Yes, you are being louder about it,you do it while jumping from table to table, singing and laughing- but you arestill following the same path you always did. Why is murder wrong? Because italways has been wrong. Because that is simply how the world works. I knowyou want to escape the pattern, Jack. You crave a name, you crave to surprise.To stun. We can reach that goal together."
Orange Guy was silent.
For a moment longer, Henry waited for a response, until accepting that therewouldn't be one.
Moving down from the stage Henry passed his machines.
Their machines.
They had both worked hard on this.
Without even having a way to justify it, Henry realized he somewhat worried forhis orange companion.
Life is not easy.
"You have time to figure it out."
'Make that terrible spider abomination sing a song.'
'You heard me. I want it. Make the Music Man sing.'
"... is that really what your heart desires?" Dreadful Henry asked, but was onhis way over already, to the silent cheering of his shared body.
They watched the show together after Henry had booted up, borderline hypnotizedby how the mechanical body shook and moved into every direction at once itseemed.
'We will get sued.'
'I'm looking forward to it!'
Skeptical the Pink Guy rose an eyebrow, still firmly watching the Music Man. "Why."
'I don't know. I wanna see you in a proper suit. Bet it would look prettysexy.'
Maybe it was how out of nowhere it came.
Maybe it was because he already was high-strung due to the new restaurant.
But Henry grew flustered, completely hot and red in his face.
Of course, Jack instantly noticed.
'What's that?'
'Is someone getting uncomfortable?'
"No I am not."
'I did not even know you could FEEL like that! The great Henry Miller, blushinglike a schoolboy-'
"I am NOT, you are talking NONSENSE."
'Who would have thought that I could make get you all embarrassed-'
"You did NOT."
'Henryyyyyyy, you should know better than to lieeeeeeee-'
Finally having calmed down, the Pink Guy quietly groaned.
"I am merely not used to you. Enough treats for today- we will run test untilearly in the morning. No more time for messing around. Music Man works, let usnow move on to the others. Tomorrow will be an exciting day."
'There is no way in hell you can fill six hours with running tests.'
There was a way in hell.
And while Old Sport promised him that he was regretting having tested him andto PLEASE go home and sleep instead, Henry stubbornly repeated the routine overand over again until the birds started singing and the sun crept over thehorizon.
"This is good for you."
Henry insisted.
"Being drained will keep you from wanting to sabotage yourself and your ownhappiness again."
'... you're not going to start taking children, will you? Not on the first day.'
"Not on the first day. Also, my methods will change quite a bit, now that Ihave the luxury of unlimited time."
'Could you make that sound any MORE ominous?'
"... time is on my side and while those opposing me may begin the process ofrot, of giving up their bodies and souls to what craves taking ownership ofwhat remains of all of us, I shall remain undying, unchanging, unfeeling,infecting the world not like a conqueror, but like a fungi-"
"Anything to please you."
Now Old Sport was the one caught off-guard, starting to flusterdly laugh, buttrying to cover it up as a cough.
Henry however decided to be the bigger man and let him off easy.
Also, the staff was arriving.
Lucky Sport.
Putting on his usual smile, albeit lacking his usual voice, he started greetingthe new people.
The Phone Guy was first and he seemed slightly nervous.
At least he wasn't an uptight bastard or a completely anxious mess, so that wasgood news.
'Maybe you should stop forcing terrible coding onto these poor people and the constantthreat of death- maybe then they would be actual functioning human beings?Revolutionary idea, I know.'
"What. Do you now want to fight for Phone rights?"
'... maybe. Depends on how bad you'll bore me.' Teasingly Old Sport grinned tohimself.
In fake outrage, Henry recoiled. "How dare you even IMAGINE me possibly boringyou!"
Looking up, he realized the Phone Guy was looking at him, his body languagetense.
'... whoops. He knows we're a nutcase now.'
"... everyone at Freddy's is." Henry had turned away anyways. "Wait until you seethe other employees."
'What could be worse than us-'
As though he summoned it, the door opened and a faceless creature stuck itshead in.
It has fluffy brown hair and a shy smile on the eyeless face, so it wasn't asscary as it could have been, but it certainly wasn't anything Jack was readyfor.
'I'm taking it back, can I go home now-'
"Just because he does not look like you does not mean you should bediscriminating."
Excited the boy walked up to the Phone Guy, then rushed towards the two peoplesharing one body.
"Sir! I- I am Jeremy Fitzgerald. It is very nice to meet you! Thank you forletting me work here!"
'I'm terrified of him, Henry- not because of his nonexistent face,but DO YOU SEE HOW EXCITED HE IS TO WORK FOR A FURRY?'
Henry couldn't help it, his smile became a bit more genuine.
"Nice to meet you, Jeremy. I saw your essay on why you think you would be fitfor the job and knew you were just the person we needed."
Ignoring him, Henry kept focused on the employee. "Let the Phone Guy show youaround, he will manage most of the day to day business. You will have to relyon him."
"Yes sir!"
With that he was gone.
'I think we are under TOO bad of a curse. Maybe we should close Not-Freddy's.'
"Coward." Again, Henry couldn't help but smile. It felt too comfortablelike this.
'Did you just call me coward?! Get your own body, you bubblegum bitch, I willFIGHT you right here and now'
"Did you just call me a "bubblegum bitch"-?"
Ready to at least verbally fight, Henry responded- just to jump as beside him avoice sounded.
"No I fucking didn't, but dear god, I fucking wish."
For a moment Henry stared at the new guard before trying to smile. "Why- MikeSchmidt."
'I like him already, maybe we're not going THAT cursed.'
"Yeah, that's me. Great guess. You're really fucking bright, aren't you?"
"... if you want to get familiar with the establishment, I direct you at PhoneGuy. He will manage most of the days, thus you should get familiar with him."
He moved away, leaving Henry to let outthe suppressed groan.
"He reminds me of my son. I cannot wait to teach him how to wear aspringlock suit."
'... did you do that to your child?'
"No. But I wish I would have."
'... Christ.'
"What. Do you feel pity? Sympathy for a little brat? He had been awful anduseless."
'Don't you? Do you never think about how it could be different? Better?'
There was a moment of muddled emotions, muddle sensations- something thatalmost felt familiar-
And with that Old Sport was back in his body, instantly starting to grin.
"So you DO feel bad!"
'How did you come to THAT conclusion?!' Henry hissed, back in his position,demoted into being a mere spectator.
"I feel like you do. At least a little." Without giving any furtherexplanation, Old Sport excitedly bounced around, switching topic. "Look at me,I get to introduce the location to everyone... the grand opening is MINE!"
'You better not mess it up. I will do something terrible if you do mess up.'
"Like what? Aw, look at you, thinking you are scary-"
'I can and will scream without pause to torment you if I must.'
"Okay, okay, relax. I won't mess up. It'll be fun!"
'I have a speech prepared.'
Only an hour later, the location finally opened the doors, people pouring in.
This WASN'T a Freddy Fazbear establishment- but it was mentioned that it usedsome of the same- and new and improved!- technology... and that was enough todraw a curious crowd.
The same but different.
Freddy's still was infamous- and children who had grown up with the morbidstories of the place where now teenagers or even adults, wanting to sneak apeek.
'Why are people like this?'
"What do you mean?" Old Sport was smiling and enthusiastically waving, tryingto move his mouth as little as possible. Not that anyone would manage to hearthem in the chaos that going down, sweeping the whole place up.
'... I think these people are scared, or at least tense. They came here forbloodshed and rumor, yet if there were to be true bloodshed, none of them wouldever get over it. I tend to understand what people DO, how they ACT... but why dothey FEEL the way they do?'
The words became quieter the longer he spoke, causing Jack to stay quiet too,after it, thinking about these words for a moment longer.
"Henry... I think people are hard to understand. For everyone! I had to deal witha lot of weird people growing up. People who-" Was he really about tell hislife story? To HENRY? "- didn't really like me for reasons I never understood.So Henry. Maybe stop believing your own bullshit that you're so special anddifferent and instantly dismiss yourself and your chance to connect to people."
The sheer baffled energy coming from his occupying soul was enough to fill theOrange Guy with a sense of satisfaction.
Though, he didn't want to turn this into a fight.
"Hey, what can I say? If you make me into someone soulful, I might make youinto a person with some chill and actual self-reflection. Can't blame a guyfor trying! And you know what we will do now?"
"We will have FUN, babe! Get you out of your dumb sulking!"
'I do not-'
"You'll have fun! Trust me! Or don't, you have no choice- and then I can proveyou wrong!"
With that Old Sport jumped of the stage that he had remained on and rushed intothe crowd.
"As you may or may not know-" He had shifted from hysterical to completelynonchalant. "I have planted bombs all around the building."
'I wish to return to the void. At least nobody has the chance to be utterlymindless there.'
While before the crowd had gasped- even some laughed along, though the outragewas prevalent along the adults- it now was deafly silent.
"And they will be set off at random! So let's celebrate our last momentstogether by-"
Someone rushed out from the crowd, fearlessly and without hesitation.
"What the EVERLOVING FUCK?!" Mike had freed himself from thegroup that had gathered in a circle around the Orange Guy, with a distance.
Jack was grinning, staring at his challenger, only in the last momentrealizing-
The employee had reached out to attempt to catch their throat, undoubtedly to stranglethe lights out of their eyes.
Stumbling backwards, Jack just barely escaped the grab.
'Congratulation. I hope you know how to deal with someone who wants to killyou. DUCK DOWN.'
Mike absolutely was out for blood. His punch would have broken something forsure.
"Mikey, Mikey, h-hey, relax!"
'Maybe you should have read the contract.'
"Maybe you should have read the contract!"
"Anyways, the bombs are just a set up!" Jumping off the table he had escaped ontop of, over the back of multiple cheap chairs, the crowd moving away beforethey could be used as steppingstones.
"NO STEP FURTHER!" Old Sport pulled out a detonator.
'... where did you get that from.'
"UNDERSTANDABLE, HAVE A NICE DAY." With that the Orange Guy pressed thebutton.
Things fell from the ceiling and before anyone could do anything more thanscream, there were popping sounds, then confetti rained and the banners talkingabout PIZZA TIME fell, suffocating at least fifty men and women in cold blood.
The poor Phone Guy, who was near passing out level of panic, laughedhysterical.
The level 5 amnesia inducing drugs were already working and everyone wascheering, rushing to the tables.
Mike, who had been having a difficult time keeping up with everything aroundhim, was stunned.
For a moment he turned to look around, watching the people leave as the PhoneGuy was removing the bodies-
And as he turned back, his boss was sitting by another table, drinking a cup ofwhat seemed to be dishwater.
"What the- what the fuck?" Swaying on the spot, Mike blinked a few times,before stepping down from the table.
Uneasy he looked at his employer, opening his mouth-
But Jack was quicker. "Will you NOW get off the table or do you need anotherfew minutes to gather yourself and your freak-out? That's a bad look for ourlocation, you know that, right?"
Wordlessly Mike stepped down and turned away to leave.
Relieved the Orange Guy sighed.
"... that went better than expected."
'... incredible.'
'... the amount of instinctive essokinesis, purely on a primal level- I DOhave something to learn from you, desperately...'
"... okay, now you're freaking me out. I never considered myself veryesoteric, so no idea what you are on about." Slightly confused and frankly alittle concerned Jack shook his head.
'The ease and on such a scale- of course I have been working towards thisfor years, but I never realized how potent it already was. That was completelyimpossible, yet-'
'And if I would manage to use that type of-'
Snapping out of it, the Pink Guy responded. 'Yes?'
"What are you talking about."
'I... will explain it to you later.'
"I think we have time now."
'No, we do not. You have to entertain the guests. Put on a suit and make somechildren smile. But... to at least give you something, remember this: The placeis haunted, with or without murders actively happening.'
"Wait, seriously? How is that supposed to work?!" He leaned forward. "... I mean,I always suspected, but I thought it was just the sheer insanity of everyonewho would willingly gather here-"
'YES. But not really. It is also- the material we are using to createthese places- especially if it is reused- never mind. Someone needs yourattention. Badly, it seems. Oh dear.'
Before the Orange Guy could protest, he heard something heavy and metallicmoving closer.
As he looked up he looked at the Fredbear suit, that was slightly slouched over,creeping forward, albeit somehow standing.
"Oh god. Are we dead?"
Thankfully before he could go on his knees and pray, he noted that there wassomething within the bear's empty eyes- a few strains of fluffy hair.
"Is that you, sir?" Muffled it sounded from within the suit. "It-tried to put it on and... uhm..."
"Alright, I guess we need put up a new job ad already... employees get used up sofast."
Pitiful the Orange Guy looked at him. It was only a matter of seconds until thespringlocks would snap.
And then...
His head-
Suddenly there was sickening sensation inside of his stomach as panic grewfrom within him. The memory of his own springlock incident hit so hard asthough it had happened to him yesterday.
Screaming, crying, trashing and then just this dull sensation of exhaustion andthe knowledge that there was no out-

And as though something had separated itself from his mind, as though a thicklayer of disgusting dirt had been soaked in and now was slowly peeling itselfoff, revealing something PAINFUL beneath-
"I'm going to get you out of there. I was just joking. Don't panic Jeremy.Don't panic. Breathe slowly. You don't want to get the space inside humid."
"W-why not?"
Jack laughed, but it felt like it burned his throat. "Why- I mean, because- ifit gets wet in there, it can get moldy! That's really hard to clean."
Everything was making him shake, it felt like time itself was becoming thicker.
The boy relaxed a bit. "O-okay then. Thank you, sir."
'The rules, Jack.'
For a second Jack felt about ready to explode on Henry, about how he didn'tcare about any rules and that he needed to get out there right now-
But he relaxed his fists.
"Jeremy, I will lead you back to the saferoom... we don't wanna scare anykiddens, right?"
"Yes, sorry!"
"You didn't do anything wrong."
He could feel Henry's curiosity scratch at the back of his mind, like a catlazily trying to gain entry into a forbidden room.
Slowly they moved, Jack wincing with every step as he saw the head of the suit wobble and heard the strainedspringlocks creak.
Despite that they managed to get back inside, the Orange Guy picking up the oldhandcrank from the table, swallowing the metallic taste that had built up inthe back of his throat.
Carefully he set the crank to the neck of the suit, to push back the springsfar enough that the parts would basically fall off with a bit of a shake. Firstthe head. Just the head. The head was easy. The head was danger.
It fell off and revealed the head of hair stuck below and when he heardHenry's chuckle at that sight, he was about ready to puke.
Looked like-
Looked just like-
Focus, for the love of god focus.
Next were the arms. It was fine. Then it was the torso and that- that was themost dangerous part, so then they would be almost done-
"Pull back your arms, Jeremy."
They feel off and one of them SNAPPED.
It jumped up like a snake and while Jack managed to stay quiet, Jeremy wincedand moved.
"What happened- did something break? I- I am so sorry!"
"DON'T MOVE. Don't- move. I'll get you out of there. Just another moment."
"You... sound scared sir. Are you sure everything is okay?"
"Everything is just fine."
Finally he put the crank to the torse, trying not to press too hard, while alsomanaging to pull the springs back with the force needed, hoping and praying hewouldn't be messing up- this cursed old crank was rusty and unreliable- butit would have to make do.
Slowly the torso go wider until finally-
"Don't move. I'll take it off for you."
Picking up the torso, he felt like he would pass out any minute- slowly hepulled it over the head, thankfully meeting little physical resistance asJeremy took the order of "don't move" still VERY serious.
His expression was mortified, but he was quiet and let him do what was needed.
Finally, his legs were freed too.
Jack reprimanded him.
"Haven't you listened to the tapes!?"
'Of course he did, or he would have been bleeding out, not stumbling around.Foolish question.'
"Y-yes I did! I was very careful!"
"It's not the safest suit to wear... go out and do your job. We'll talk aboutthis later, with all the employees."
"Yes, sir, I'm so sorry sir-"
Rushing outside with reddish cheeks, probably from shame, the boy left the room,leaving Henry and Jack behind.
Mildly interested Henry leaned in.
'So... do you care about informing me what that was about?'
Clutching his head, the occupant of the body slowly tried leaning against thewall, pathetically failing. He slid down to the ground, making himself as smallas possible.
"... you KNOW what this was about."
'Frankly, my dear, I do not. After all, I have seen you deal with these suitsmany times, you even helped me restore this one. Please elaborate on what theissue happens to be?'
He was looking for words to say-
Until just burrowing his face in his knees.
"I don't know. I don't know what suddenly happened."
'... perhaps you are going through reality changes. What you have managed to do afew moments ago probably comes at a cost. We will need to document these changesand try to trace back the trigger for it.'
"Can you stop?"
'... talking?'
"No- yes. Actually."
'Jack, relax a little. Nobody got hurt. We seem to have a very good tape toinstruct our employees to wear these suits. The grand opening seems to be a greatsuccess, albeit we already lost some money on all the free pizza. You are doingwell.'
Even if he didn't want to admit to it, hearing this was a littlereassuring.
Still, he didn't want to dwell on this topic.
Instead he decided to tease him.
"... and I entertained you-"
Instantly Henry snapped up. 'At what point?'
"You had fun! You always wanted to make a bomb threat, admit it!" Playful Jackleaned back, grinning to himself.
'No. I do not have such silly impulses.'
"Silly time, Henry. It's calling your name!"
'Ah yes, the Sillytimes. Almost as good as the Funtimes, except not.'
"Fun times?"
Finally fully relaxing, the Orange Guy reached for the golden head, picking itup after a few attempts to look into its hollow eyes.
"... okay, but do you know what is better than the owner of the establishment makinga bomb-threat?"
'If you dare, I will hurt you. Stay away from Fredbear's image.'
"Woahwoahwoah, relax!" Interrupted by shit-eating giggling, Orange Guy madethe head wobble. "Hewwwwwwwwwo! I'M FREDDYBEARY! KIDDYS, DO YOU LIKE THECOOL NEW THING CALLED G L O M P I N G – OUCH!"
Wincing, Jack looked around, irritated.
"How did you do that!?"
'I will do it again if you continue.'
"Sorry for disrespecting your fursona, papi."
'Every time I start feeling bad for you, you act out in a way that makes me regretit to the fullest'
"Thank you, it was a hard trait to perfect! Payed off though against Phoneys!"
'Did you just put me on the same level as a mere Phone Guy?'
"I mean... you're a buzzkill, like him-"
'There shall be no more peace between us.'
Jack jumped up, grinning, but as he waited, nothing came back.
"Oh, come on Henry. Are you giving up? Admitting defeat?"
Finally Jack rolled his eyes.
"Alright, alright... I'm sorry. You know what Henry, I know what will cheer youup."
'Do. Not.'
'W h a t .'
"But we're not the killer, we're the game master. I'LL GET THE CARDS AND HANDTHEM OUT!"
'What cards?! Do you plan to create them from thin air?'
"SCARED!? SCARED OF BEING THE KILLER?! EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE THE KILLER. We'llgo out and buy fifty games and then scatter the cards via the ventilation- alllosers go to the shadow realm!"
'The void?'
Rushing out, the Orange Guy almost jumped over the table, but decided to justslide under it, towards the door. "Come on. You know how to make Cluedo morefun!"
'I do not even know what Cluedo IS.'
"You're kidding, right? A detective game!"
'Ah. Huh. Cluedo, but EVERYONE is a killer...?'
Before he could even touch the huge doors, they swung open.
Now, that wouldn't be too weird, if it didn't caused Jack to stop dead in histracks.
Inside of the doorframe stood a tall, purple man.
His glowing eyes shifted about, before settling square on Jack's face.
His grin widened, unnaturally.
"... why hello there! Old Sport!"
Instantly a wave of terror washed over Jack. It was primal, it was from deepwithin him and it resonated right from a part he didn't use to have.
The realization was very quick and brutal.
1. His newfound status as soulful human did not make him into the same personas Henry, just for having his soul.
2. Having no soul made it quite a lot easier to not have any feelings towardsyourself, much less caring about yourself. Even psychopaths tended to careabout something- their status, their goals, their bodily health- egotistical,yes, but still something.
3. Caring was a vicious emotion, animalistic and directionless.
Has he ever felt fear for himself before?
Discomfort, panic, the need to do SOMETHING-
"Haven't expected ya of all people to show back up! Haven't seen ya ever sinceI didn't manage to shoot up the place!"
Stepping back, Jack tried to get distance between them, but all Dave seemed tosee it as was an invitation to step inside, stepping closer.
"But I knew I'd find ya again! I knew you'd be here. Lookin' forward toworkin' for ya... I'm sure ya learned something from last time, right?"
He needed to get out.
Unpredictable. Dangerous. Unnatural.
Those white, empty eyes-
Jack couldn't speak. Not at all. He tried to.
Before anything managed to get out, it turned into a borderline creaking noise,stuck inside-
"If ya are back here... I bet'cha ya live nearby too, right Sportsy?"
Don't call me that.
It's been enough-

He felt dizzy, but then finally his mouth would move again. The voice washowever unfamiliar.
"Good day to you, William. Good to see you here... and by good I meanthat I never wanted you anywhere near here. You have the mostamazing track record of messing things up. Your mere presence seems to enableterrible things happen and I have the feeling that because at THIS point,reality itself despises you. Why did you think you would be welcomed here,by anyone?"
Don't upset him. He will do whatever it takes to get back. Anything.
"Can you remain within your lane, can you pretend to be a functioning humanbeing? I have dealt with you for long enough to know what you want... now I amasking the question the other way around: What can you do for me? How canyou serve me?"
"Sportsy, why-"
"You have nothing to offer me. I will have to go for today, so you havethe rest of the day to attempt to convince me to allow you to remain within ourpremises. Good day."
Swiftly Henry moved past the baffled Purple Guy, leaving directly for theirhome.
'He'll follow us. He'll find out we're living in your old home.'
"He will not."
'I feel sick.'
"I know. You are messing with me too."
'I am sorry.'
"... you do not need to be. You need to relax and note down these experiences.They are valuable information."
'I don't want to-'
"Let us get you a bath first."
They arrived inside and Henry moved determined towards the bath, opening acabinet behind the mirror. Inside were different dusty balls, wrapped inplastic, smelling sweet.
While the bath filled up, he picked up a big orange one, with some glitterseemingly over it.
'... didn't take you for the treat-yourself kind of person...'
"One of the few luxuries I allow myself. When was the last time you have had abath?"
'Can't remember.'
'I don't want you to look at my scars.'
"I will not."
Finally, they sunk into the water.
It was incredibly hot, enough to make Jack feel a bit dizzy, as he lazily movedhis arm, allowing the other arm to clean it.
It was as though there was a second hand inside of his own, moving it about- itdidn't feel uncomfortable or painful, but it was an alien sensation.
Carefully he helped navigating himself, until every bit of him smelled likesoap and he could completely melt into the heat.
"... why were you so scared?" Henry asked, his voice quiet.
Staring up at the ceiling, Jack's eyes wouldn't focus. "I don't know. I'mgoing through a lot today. It feels like opening up the Freddy's just has...activated something. I mean- Dave is scary. Dave broke into my house, I knowhe did. He watched me sleeping. I don't think I can sleep if he picks that backup. He stalked me everywhere and I think he would even hurt me- not that's notit. I KNOW he would hurt me and that's honestly less of the issue than the factthat I don't know WHAT he would do to hurt me. The guy pulled a gun, planningto massacre an entire establishment. For what!?"
It stayed silent as Henry carefully washed one hand with the other, a strangelygentle gesture.
Finally the Orange Guy sighed and closed his eyes, relieving his burning nerves,before gathering up energy to continue.
"I don't know. Before I was at most annoyed, almost flattered. But now it feelslike everything is breaking up inside my head. Suddenly everything feelsdifferent. It's the soul, Henry. I know it. I feel it in my soul!"
"... in me? I apologize, but I cannot claim I feel anything myself."
"It is different."
"Will you write it down?" There was a moment of hesitation. "... please...?"
"You really think writing stuff down will help in ANY way?!" Sitting up a bit, Jacklooked at the glistening, orange water. His own body was fully hidden within itand that's the way he liked it.
Henry's touch felt less invasive like that too.
"Yes. It will help you, Jack. We will be able to spot pattern more easily too."
"... fine. I'll do it. But- let's stay in here a while longer."
Henry's hand slowly raised up to Jack's cheek and the guy sighed, leaning in.
For a moment he remained, allowing all the discomfort to wash away, beforesmiling again.
"This is the weirdest thing that ever happened to me."
"Are you being sincere? This is weird? Not the fact that yousummoned confetti bombs out of nowhere?"
"I don't know. Petting my own hand on my own cheek in the bathtub in the houseof my nemesis, because my nemesis is making me, is pretty damn unlikely."
Slowly Henry moved his hand, slipping from the cheek to the back of his neck,massaging it a little.
"But you do not dislike it, do you?"
Jack didn't trust him.
But he was in a situation he had no idea how to deal with, under rules he didn'tknow how to play.
He had to let himself be lead along, until-
Until when?

As Henry's hand moved along his body, something he was letting happen, he tooka deep breath, before lowering himself fully into the bright orange liquid.
He didn't have to fear death.
But maybe he'd find out there is a little bit more to lose than just a life.


Well, that was fun and light-hearted!
Or at least as light-hearted as Henry and Old Sport together can be.
Hope you guys are happy with some more Henrysport material-
Urgh, look at me. Ending basically on another tease. Seeing as this dumb ficspans basically over 3 chapters, one even being skipped over in this, thisbasically is another tease. I wouldn't mind writing more of it, but I reallywanna apologize for not getting too the point. Maybe I just can't write propershipping with Henry. Or maybe I should just really dedicate myself a simpledrabble. Either way, sorry for this mess.

Calculators, I hope you weren't disappointed with how little the guard's lifecrew was in, I promise I tried!
Next up I'll write some self-indulgent "Special Delivery" fnaf stuff, becausethe concept of getting send animatronics just gives me ALL the good vibes.
Until then, I hope you had fun!
You guys are free to add your ideas to the special delivery stuff, I'd love tohear some, but the next stuff WILL be special delivery themed.
Until then, thanks for reading!

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