The meeting ( Lefty/Puppet )

A/N: Welp, Anon_the_magical, here you go! Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what the heck you wanted, despite you trying your best to explain it to me... be patient, I'm a u t i s t i c !
So, this is a Lefty out of the universe where Henry is still actually a bad guy and the Puppet is still male :v
Who cares about the canon, AMIRITE?! (If you do then I feel deeply sorry for you)

He isn't all THAT chill of a dude, despite you asking me for it... sorry, sorry, sorry! Also, this fic is heavily focused on their interaction. Please forgive me, I promise I will rewrite it if you're disappointed... ;w;

Never mind, I hope you enjoy! x3


He appeared out of nowhere.
Really, it was quite... odd. The Marionette had never seen this creature before. This... animatronic. His black fur and golden eyes made him stand out from all the others. The Foxy line were usually the only ones with golden eyes, Freddys were supposed to have blue eyes.
That's the way it always has been.
The robot also had a habit of sneaking glances at him.
Whenever their eyes met, the strange being smiled.
But it all looked so empty.
The Marionette simulated a deep breathing. Even though he wasn't technically able to breathe anymore, it still was a comforting feeling. Trying to break his mind away from him, Marionette looked around the pizzeria that he was currently calling his home.
When they first locked William Afton away, something told him that the monster wouldn't back away and honestly, he didn't even deserve to get out of this world that easily... so after years he began searching for his killer again. Finding him again. Finding out he hadn't changed in the slightest. And burning him for good after thirty years of torture.
Yet, somehow he couldn't rest. Were there more children?
What kind of legacy had Afton left behind?
What if he was able to... return?
What if he stole another body?
When Marionette was alive, his mother told him story of vampires that needed nothing but a drop of blood to fully regenerate. Back then he was laughing about those silly stories, designed to scare the most naïve people imaginable, yet now he was... older. No, not older. He simply spend more time on this forsaken world.
Now that someone had the demented idea to revive the franchise, he had sneaked into a restaurant and assumed his usual role as the protector of the children. If Afton still was around, he would return here. There was no way around it.
Once more he glanced over to the animatronic and noticed with relief that the thing was finally gone. It was HIS role to be a creepy observer, so when some else tried to steal his-
The voice was deep and smooth and made him almost jump out of his box. Turning his body slowly and incredibly concentrated, he gave the creature his best haunting stare.
The bear didn't even changed his expression. A soft smile kept its rightful place on the entertainment machine. "Not much of a talker, are you? I understand."
Marionette tried the silent treatment for a while longer, but the robot wouldn't stop staring at him. This was getting ridiculous.
Hm... at least he should test what this creature really was. Did it possess a soul?
What do you want from me?
"Ah, finally. My name is Lefty, nice to meet you."
You haven't answered my question.
"It's rude not to introduce yourself first."
Guess who I am... what name could I have?
Bloody Numbnut.
"I understand. Now to your question: I was trying to find you."
Me? Well, that isn't remotely creepy.
"I'm glad you aren't scared." His smile had gotten wider, a hint of amusement behind it. Apparently the sarcasm wasn't that lost on him. "Really, it took quite some time... but finally we get to meet in person."
Why did you search for me?
"Because..." Now the animatronic was silent. "... I am you counterpart."
... Excuse me, WHAT?
Now full on grinning, Lefty sat down next to him. "Ah... ahaha... are you saying you don't understand...?"
I... of course I understand!
"In that case it's sorted out then, am I right?"
The Marionette leaned back, letting his gaze wander over the children. None of them were trying to kill each other, which was good. Also rare. Why were children so damn focused on getting each other killed in some way or another?
For a while they sat together in silence, then his companion began playing a familiar tune. It was a lullaby, one of those he used to hear as a child...
Slowly he relaxed, as the sweet melody brought him to his happiest place.
You... why did you play that song?
"Oh my, I have to explain all my actions around you... it is simply my favorite song."
That song isn't very appropriated for a children's restaurant...
"Yes. But you seem to like it, so I'm happy I have this melody on my chip."
Feeling slightly odd, the Marionette allowed himself a closer look at Lefty. It was weird hearing someone saying this to him... when was the last time anyone had ever talked to him?
Probably when he said goodbye to the children... to his children. Wow, that had been... years by now. He hadn't even noticed how lonely it was.
Now, hearing that someone wanted to please him... really what was he supposed to say?! Argh, but if he got nervous, he would make a fool out of himself as well!
Panicking he noticed that he was playing with his fingers and immediately stopped. Quick, think of something!
You mentioned you were my counterpart... and you are playing soothing songs instead of the usual upbeat melodies the others are programmed to play.
The black bear tilted his head with a patient smile. He could have made a snarky comment, yet obviously the creature wasn't that type of guy.
It was appreciated that he wasn't being sarcastic, but a little help in keeping the conversation going would have been nice as well...
Are you some sort of emergency machine, destined to keep the human children safe and calm?
Soft laughter escaped the machines throat. "Sounds like a job for me... but don't you think the children will be scared of me?"
This actually managed to get the Puppet to laugh as well, shortly and loudly.
The children are NEVER scared of things they would be better off running away from...
"What a beautiful laugh you have..."
This made him pause, a nervous sensation crawling up his artificial spine. He wasn't used to... compliments...
You are a weird creature, Lefty...
"Likewise my lovely Marionette."
Compliments won't earn you any kind of favor with me, as I am not that easily manipulated!
"Have you ever considered that compliments might be paid to you, because they are true? In my case, I only said what I wanted to say."
This left him once more stunned. Lefty had quite the way with words... he was an odd specimen. If something was clear at this point then it was that there was quite an old soul inside of this machine. Yet, if it was an adult that actually somehow managed to possess a machine, or a child that had been around for a long time... he couldn't tell. Adults usually couldn't get ahold of the metal, but a child that has been around for such a long time... surely their paths would have crossed before this day!
Something else was brush alongside the back of his mind, but before he could fully grasp it-
"Marion. You have been watching these places for an eternity by now. Aren't you tired?" Softly Lefty leaned in, his golden eye focused onto the silver dots in the darkness.
I can't be tired when there is more work to be done.
"What kind of work is there left for you? After all the time..."
They always come back. There is no rest for the wicked after all.
The pure sounds of the childish melody gave the situation an almost enchanting atmosphere. Admittedly, he was enjoying himself... talking was a more favorable activity than he gave it credit for.
What about you, Lefty? Have you been around for a long time?
"Without being too arrogant, I would say I could almost rival you."
Hm... who of them took you?
So you ARE quite old!
Once again, there was this something... it was off, something was-
Lefty changed the melody, to another familiar tune was echoing through their small corner.
Do you ONLY have lullabies?
Silence took over the conversation, but this time Marionette didn't feel the need to break it. The soft melody made him sleepy...
The slight chuckle got him back out of the daze rather quickly. Lefty had rested his head on one hand, tapping against the side of the box with the other. "You're sweet when you sleep..."
I will politely ask you to stop with the manipulative language.
"You're far too scared for being an immortal creature..."
My doubting nature has saved me many times.
"Hm... but it made you quite lonely, hasn't it?"
Define lonely. Though I do admit, I might be a little rusty on the social sector. Tell me! Where have you been all the time you claim to have spent as an animatronic?
His smile became somewhat frozen. "Underground. I never was approved for the stage... even after Henry died, no one wanted me. You see, I can't sing... I can't dance... I can't even tell the children nice stories."
It was so close now, Marion could taste the metal flavor of an important realization...
"But now, in the Freddy's renaissance they take everything they could find and brought it into their halls, no matter how useful, no matter how dangerous... just to be able to claim authenticity."
Hasn't it always been that way?
"Maybe. I haven't seen the light until a year ago, I wouldn't know."
Children were rushing past them, making the Puppet perk up. At this rate they would get hurt... but at least they stayed inside of the restaurant, this way the guards would be able to handle the situation.
"You're quite the worried soul..."
How couldn't I be? It is as if you can't spend two minutes at Freddy's without at least one kid getting eaten by a monster!
"Eaten by a monster...? You should speak more kindly about your fellow animatronics."
Are you kidding me?! They are nothing but nuts and bolts! I would know, I am the one responsible for most of the hauntings!
"Hm..." Lefty smiled again, hiding something behind this fairly neutral expression. Once more the same group of kids passed them, apparently they were playing catch. The mechanical bear watched them intensely, a hint of jealousy in his presence. "Sometimes I wonder what we would have become if we wouldn't have died... Bums? Criminals? Bullies?"
What...? What are you talking about?!
"You know, we were normal children. It's highly likely that at least one of us would have become a monster no matter what. A pest to our surroundings..."
That... I mean, it is within the realm of the possibilities, but...
"What do you think you would have turned into?"
There is no reason to discuss something that isn't available anymore.
"Haha... you have no idea how to have fun, do you? You're so innocent."
"Okay, okay, do you at least know about the stories of the stars?"
N-no...? Stars can't tell stories.
"You sound like a brat. You would have become quite the nuisance if you would have managed to grow up."
Would you mind repeating yourself?
Marion's politeness sounded like ice, but Lefty's distraught expression was not explainable by that.
"I'm so incredibly sorry! I didn't... I didn't meant to say this! Please, forgive me! I have overstepped my boundaries..." Irritated the Puppet wanted to say something, but the machine was stepping back. "I will leave you for now. Once more, forgive me."
Walking off, Lefty cursed mentally at himself. He was supposed to be kind to the Marionette, he was supposed to gain his affection!
And he went and SCREWED it up! The only thing that mattered...
What was the fragile being thinking currently? Was he considering leaving again? Disappearing once more into the night to vanish forever?
He couldn't allow this.
Don't... don't freak out. Don't let him see.
A child ran into him, fell back and began crying. He wanted to cheer the creature up, but he hadn't any words. Silent he saw the small thing ran off.
The Marionette could fix this. The Marionette would complete him.
They wouldn't have to watch the children cry from the sidelines, too helpless to do anything. And then they wouldn't have to be alone ever again.
Time passed it and as the restaurant closed down, Lefty felt finally brave enough to return towards the most important person in his existence.
"Marion... how about we go outside? I will tell you the stories the stars have told me."
Once again, stars can't speak. But I'm fine going outside with you, it is very uneventful inside of here.
They quietly left the building, unnoticed by humans and machines alike.
It was beautiful night, the sky was clear and the surroundings were dark, dark enough to let the stars shine even brighter. Amused the Puppet looked up at the sky, feeling validated by the silence from above.
Lefty sat down, completely relaxed and pointed up. "You see these small lights right beside each other? I you follow them, you will find the dogs of the hunter."
"The hunter is called Orion... it's some old Greek myth."
Clenching his fist, Lefty got ready to activate the frequency...
In that case, look up there, to the right! That is actually the story of the real Fredbear and the time he fought a whole army of ninja-pizzas on his own!
Laughing the puppet followed a line of stars, but as the frequency activated, he immediately got interrupted. In the spur of the moment, Lefty deactivated it again. He wanted to hear the story.
Did you feel that?
"No? Please, continue with the story the stars have told you!"
The stars didn't tell me anything, for god's sake! I just made it up!
"By looking at the stars, right?"
Almost pouting, Marion leaned back.
Well... I guess they had the right form to fit...
"Now, what was that about Ninja-Pizza?"
They spent almost the whole night together, telling each other silly stories loosely based on the formations above them.
The morning dawned and they returned to their respective places, with a slightly better opinion of each other.
Lefty smiled dreamily. The Puppet was different from the being he expected, but most certainly had exceeded his expectations.
The next day the Marionette actually greeted him as he went over. The creature chatted with him, telling him a few interesting stories from other places.
He couldn't do it yet.
Truthfully, it took him almost a week until it finally clicked. A weird week, filled with small and bigger catastrophes, for example flying toddlers and burning pizza. Yet... it clicked. Finally he could understand.
What he was about to do, wasn't bad...
Once more he invited Marion outside to watch the stars.
It felt darker than before.
Really, it is surprising that you can actually recognize all these formations!
"We will always remember the holy Bonnie-trio, the sick tricks of the legendary Swagoxy and the tragic love between the cupcake and the chicken."
It was a lovely, sweet laugh that followed, a laugh, which strengthened the black bear's will. Happy he watched the stars twinkle down at them. "Marion... I would like to ask you something."
What is it?
"What do you think is your purpose, now that you freed the souls and burned the monster?"
... It hasn't changed in any way. There will always be another monster and the children of the future need protection as well.
"So... you would leave if you heard about a new serial killer?"
Of course! I would have to stop him!
"As expected." Lefty sighed, but couldn't feel bitter in the slightest. With a bittersweet emotion he activated the frequency. "Something went wrong today. Horribly wrong."
Is... that is...
Shocked it floated upwards, closing in on him.
Is there a child inside of you?!
"Please, help her. I can't get her out myself..." Knowing exactly what to do, he leaned his head back and opened his maw. With some hesitation Marion slowly entered it, trying to reach the poor human trapped inside.
How did this happen?
Deeper and deeper he reached, before suddenly freezing, the answer crystal clear in front of him. Both of them new what happened.
Henry created an animatronic. That couldn't sing. That couldn't dance. That played lullabies. That was searching for him.
"They all have a purpose, you know? And even if they didn't... they at least could make those children smile. I had no talent, I had no ability. The only reason I was ever allowed to exist is... because of you."
You don't have to do this, Henry is gone, y-you could still decide your own fate!
"Wow. I have never heard you... scared. I admit, it's adorable."
Please, Lefty, we are friends. Rethink this!
"No, we aren't friends. We are counterparts. Not even that, actually we were made to synergize perfectly. I was made for you. Now, the question is, will you accept me that way?"
The answer came in form of the sudden struggle the animatronic put up, before Lefty fully forced him into his body, sealing him off almost instantly. Inside of him Marion trashed around, but couldn't do anything against the reinforced insides he was caged in.
"Oh no, my dear! I will protect you from now on... you never knew when to stop anyway. We can't have a haunted Marionette stalk the earth for all eternity, right?"
"Don't worry, we'll work something out. I'm so happy. I'm finally complete."
You're a psychopath!
"And there you go being rude again... ahahaha... but that is fine. Everything is fine now. It feels like heaven..."
Let me out! LET ME OUT!
"Where do you want to go? I will carry you there~" His voice had gotten some sort of hidden edge inside of it, as if the calmness he had showed before has been nothing but mental form of self-control. "After all we are a team now. Two parts of the same being. I don't understand what you fear... I will be on your side forever and always."
You've lost your mind a long time ago, didn't you?
"I feel perfectly healthy, but I don't want to fight with you about this."
We need to go back inside!
"Why?" Despite asking, the bear didn't hesitate to follow the instruction.
Because... someone in there will be able to get me back out of here.
"How heartless. But you don't really believe that anyone would ever help you, right? They don't care either way... was there one time an adult tried to do anything good for us?"
There... there was one guy. But that had been a long time ago...
"Ah? Do you want to search for him? I'd love to get to know that person."
That is a good idea. He will be able to fix this.
"I don't know what you mean with "fix", but well, your wish is my command."
I should have known better than trusting you.
"You overreact again. I haven't done anything to you."
I do not appreciate being locked into small spaces. That happens ridiculously often to me...
"You're far too riled up! Let me play some music for you..."
Despite Marionette's anger, the music soothed his emotions, until he slowly closed his eyes. If Lefty hadn't lied to him, they would search for the solution.
Until then he might as well sleep.


A/N: I'm sorry... I feel as if there's something missing, but I really can't put my finger on it... Argh, it bothers me!

Sadly, there's nothing I can actually do about it, except asking you about it. Deep frustration won't go away by sitting on this for an eternity... so I guess here it is! If anyone has an idea how to fix this mess, tell me and I will fix it...
pls help me.
Never mind, enjoy your time until the next request!

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