The itch (3) (Yandere!Dave/Old Sport)
Two WONDERFUL people have said they'd like a sequel to this and now I actually have some time on my hands!
Thank you to Crowfefe and user78891514 for encouraging me to make a continuation! I hope it's what you wanted!
It only goes worse from here.
Seeing as there are no game events I can go along from, for this one, the style will be more like my usual, I hope that isn't too disappointing!
Really, it's just a small little something, since I wanted to have a distraction.
When they left the restaurant together, the itch had stopped.
The painful scratching and screeching had subsided.
Finally, with Old Sport firmly by his side, he finally could feel... rest.
If the burning returned, he simply shortly touched him.
Felt that smooth skin.
Made it all better.
Made it not hurt anymore.
Not that it helped with his self-control.
But the urges didn't hurt as much anymore.
Finally, finally, finally.
Yet- there were small troubles still.
It had been not even five minutes since Old Sport had rested his head on Dave's shoulder and the man already wanted to scream.
Old Sport was so WARM.
But if he screamed, if he moved, his poor Orange Baby would wake up.
Lord no.
Not his sweet little Old Sport.
Nobody would get to hurt him.
Smiling Dave leaned onto the windows of the train and smiled himself. It had been a good coincidence that the police caught them going 300 m/ph and they had to abandon their car it seemed.
Slowly he reached out, petting his love over the head, combing his hair gently.
So peaceful.
A sting of worry made him wince as he thought of the possibility that something in or around Vegas could take away his precious little friend.
No, he couldn't let that happen.
But he promised Sportsy Vegas.
... he wouldn't have to keep it up for long, right?
They could just... see a few things and then leave again...
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
Maybe Old Sport wouldn't get this distracted.
The body next to him mumbled and snuggle into him, instantly deleting everything related to worry out of his brain.
And his brain too.
In utter delight he just stared at all those microscopic movements moving over his face.
His lovely little Orange.
And now they were all on their own.
In Vegas.
Sportsy never was there, he told him.
He would lead them.
Lead him around.
Be careful.
Old Sport all alone and scared in the big city.
Needing his protection.
Wait, wasn't he worried about something?
Ah, he couldn't remember.
Not so important then.
Slowly he tugged Old Sport closer, until he had his body on top of him.
Nuzzling his face into the man's neck, he excitedly breathed in.
All his.
His own bravery surprised him, yet no fear was to be found. So what if Old Sport woke up right now? Why could that ever be a problem? Old Sport would enjoy this too.
He just knew it.
Softly he petted along his body, closing his own eyes.
They'd be at their goal soon.
Dave was awoken by Old Sport squirming in his grasp. While his tired brain was trying to figure out why the hell his partner was fighting back, Old Sport made a weak sound and explained himself.
"You're- choking me-"
Shocked Dave softened his grip, allowing his partner to escape out of his grasp.
Old Sport moving away from him hurt more than anything.
"Sorry, Sportsy! I was dreamin'!"
For a moment there was a pause, then he heard the calming, caring voice of Old Sport made his paining insides calm down. "What did you dream?"
"...Ain't important Sportsy! Now I'm awake after all! And we're almost there, get ready!"
"... Dave, really, what did you dream?"
Worry, worry, worry, sweet worry, Old Sport feared for him, it was an addicting feeling, such an expression, such a sweet expression, on his Sportsy's face, for him, for HIM-
The grin spreading on Dave's face almost hurt it was so wide. "I'm all good, darlin'. Move your ass, Sportsy, this is our station!"
Together they left and took in the first view of the city.
It was dirty.
That was the first time Dave realized how unpleasant this place was.
All sort of dirt was lying around.
Cigarette stumps.
Pidgeon shit.
Trash of all kind.
This wasn't a place for his Old Sport.
Under no circumstances.
Resisting the urge to grab his friend and hold his eyes closed, Dave growled at the dirt and hasted with Old Sport through it. "Better hurry buddy, I think some of 'em MAY could recognize them!"
This was a logical thing, right? Believable.
They rushed through the street and it didn't feel better. Wherever he looked, he could spot dirt.
Dirty, dirty, dirty.
Not good enough, not good enough for his love.
Not- for-
Only the best places!
"Let's get ourselves a nice place to sleep, eh, Sportsy? I know the perfect place for ya!"
"You do?" The skepticism in Old Sport's voice gave him pause.
Did he know?
... hm.
"Sportsy!" Picking him up, enjoying the feeling of his skin, he giggled. "You'll see! You'll see! I'll get us a place, you go and have fun! Imma bring you to-"
A place where nobody would hurt his Sport.
... "- the casino!"
"But Dave, I-"
"You'll be having fun, Imma be back before you know it!"
"Dave, really-"
"It's ADORABLE when you're nervous, but ya need to trust me!"
After being shoved into the fanciest casino around, Dave used his neck like some sort of stringshot and moved from building to building, looking for a place Old Sport could like.
Okay. Okay. You know him. Nothing fancy. No. Old Sport didn't want that, not all the time.
Old Sport wasn't a guy to want to be focused on. Less potential for causing chaos.
... homely...
... home.
A home. For a family.
That was what he wanted.
He peered through windows, searching for the perfect place.
Taken or not.
When he came back to the casino, he caught Old Sport talking to somebody and it almost made his head explode.
Slowly he sneaked up on his Orange Partner, his fingers twitching. Maybe he should just... snap the other person's neck.
He hugged him from behind, grinning widely at the stranger. "Sportsy~ My dearest Sport~ Who's that?"
With a snort Old Sport moved a bit to get out of the grip. "Somebody who wants to throw me out, because I don't have any money and lurk around creepily. SOMEBODY left me with nothing but Tokens in a casino!"
"Oh, who'd ever do such a thing, Old Sport!" Purring he snuggled into his hair, breathing in slowly.
"Yeah. Who. Anyways, now you're here, do you actually have any money?"
"Sure I do! Let's go and have some fun!" Dragging him away from the confused employee, they set down at some tables, gambling for a fair while. It was delightful, because whenever he made a pick, he looked up and at Dave.
And every time he did so, their eyes met.
And every time that happened, he could feel his body shiver.
It was beautiful.
Old Sport looked at him for approval.
For connection.
Don't worry, he wanted to say, I love you too. I have fun when you have fun, darlin'.
It was good.
The numbers, the outcome didn't matter. All that matter was them leaning on the table, laughing and making bets.
Nothing else could ever be of any importance.
On their way out Dave casually pick-pocketed everything around them, since he didn't really feel like leaving without any money. It was only the first of many stations after all!
Old Sport raised an eyebrow at him, but shrugged.
When they got out, the man finally opened his mouth again. "I haven't expected to get out of here without you getting the police involved somehow."
Snickering Dave took his hand, firmly. "Only if ya wanted! But I think we just came out of the fuckin' train, we deserve a break! But 'cha bet I could come up with something REALLY mischievous!"
Visibly Old Sport considered the offer, but then shook his head and yawned. "No. Not today. Bring us to the place we're supposed to sleep."
Happily Dave did so and his grin became twice as wide when Old Sport nodded in surprise at the nice, comfortable house expecting them. "I actually thought we would sleep in some cardboard box."
"What'cha thinking of me, Sportsy?! I take good care of you! You won't have to suffer under anything with me!!" Pouting he exclaimed that. "Only good things that ya enjoy!"
"... I take your word for it." Walking around he tried to find the bedroom, which he promptly entered and threw himself onto the soft sheets. "Good night."
How- how lovely.
Good night.
Giddy Dave giggled.
Good night.
You'd say to someone you go to sleep with.
Someone you live with.
Someone you sleep besides.
Someone you love.
"G-Good night, Sportsy. Sweet dreams!"
For a while he stood in the doorframe, staring into the room, smiling at the figure laying there.
What a lovely, adorable, precious, cute-
"Dave. Stop staring. You're being creepy." The ball hidden under the blanket growled.
"A-ah! I just... Sportsy... didn't mean to creep ya out- it's just-"
"Come and lay down, I want to sleep now."
It almost killed him.
Old Sport loved him.
Old Sport loved him.
Old Sport loved him.
"Yar such a cranky d00d when you're sleepy, Sportsy!" Happily he rushed into the bed and curled around his partner. "Ya won't even know I'm here, promise ya! I love ya so much!"
The answer was a tired hum.
Answer enough.
Slowly he coiled around his partner, like a weird snake and fell asleep.
Where did it go wrong?
It went so smoothly.
Okay, not really smoothly, seeing as they destroyed the Foxy strip club "on accident" after Old Sport had stared at one specific Fox for a tad too long-
There wasn't a fire, but all the Foxy's were now a magnetic stuck together, in a terrifying ball of fur, teeth and pink leather boots.
Again, just an accident. An accidental accident.
Dave would NEVER do that.
Okay, that was the FIRST problem, a small hiccup, no big deal, right?
Nothing Old Sport would be mad about, right?
It wasn't!
As he thought!
No big deal!
... then it got worse as they entered the club.
The amount of people there should have been a red flag.
Plus him almost ripping of someone's arm who accidentally touched Sportsy was also a bad sign.
But seeing somebody gracing the man was killing him.
There were no words for the emotion he felt when Old Sport got touched by strangers. The closest would probably the inner feeling of being a rubber band, stretched to a point of snapping, while also being a try on fire, having all your juices burned out of you while someone whacked you branches with an axe.
Close, close enough to describe why Dave suddenly felt the urge to scream as loudly as he could and to assault the man who hadn't even looked at the Orange Guy as he passed. The hiss he let out was drowned out too, which could have been a good situation, but sadly it prevented Old Sport to notice the clear warning.
In Dave's defense, he tried. He tried his very best to hold himself back.
For a moment he managed to calm down, as he twirled his Orange Love around, dancing to an upbeat song- but it wasn't enough, not in the longrun.
Not when there were so many people around, close, too close to Old Sport.
It could have been okay too.
But then there was a chick, high off something.
And she attempted to make out with the creepy corpse dude.
Probably a dare.
Well, the brave die young.
A saying that was very true.
And if it wasn't a saying, it should be one.
At least after what Dave reacted with.
... now he quietly sneaked down into the workshop he had connected to Old Sport's home in a moment of weakness.
Old Sport was probably angry with him, wasn't he?
Killed a shitton of people...
Got them banned from Vegas...
And that was kinda the point where he fucked up.
Clear as day he remembered Old Sport coming up to him, his face showing clear signs of annoyance.
Time slowed down.
It became hard to breathe.
Old Sport spoke to him.
The words refused to register.
When caught in an argument with his partner, when he saw the anger...
He got scared.
Froze up.
Old Sport could leave him.
It made him black out.
And then... well...
...stuffed him in a bag and carried him back to his home.
His fevering mind hadn't allowed him to come back to his senses until he had tied him to a chair, still unconscious.
At which point he freaked out even more.
Now Old Sport would be mad, right?
Old Sport would...
Yes, he was scared.
The thought of Old Sport screaming at him hurt.
Maybe he should just keep his mouth closed.
It- it would be-
No, no, no. His beloved Old Sport, looking at him with contempt-
Please. Please no.
Currently he had gotten Old Sport snacks and was back on his way down the elevator. Good. He'd- he'd feed him snacks and try to convince him that there was a VERY good reason for kidnapping him. Some fantastic, in fact! Like-
"Sportsy! Glad you're awake again!" Smiling widely, he looked at the guy who stared him down. "And see! We're back home again! And you didn't even have to experience the exhaustin' travel! Lemme tell ya, it was HORRIBLE. Really!"
The glowing dots didn't see convince.
Yet- the way they stared him down... it made- something- react-
His smile widened into a more earnest one. "Thankfully that's over! You must be hungry! I gotcha some food! Look! So... Imma take off that gag I put there... so you wouldn't accidently think you got stuffed in there without intend. Ya know. Didn't want to have you... scream and shout..."
Slowly he stepped closer and marveled at the figure Old Sport made so tightly locked down. Maybe... maybe this hadn't been the worst turn of events?
After caressing the guy's cheek, he took off the gag, still waiting for his explosion.
To his surprise, none came. At least no real one.
"Dave, what the hell. Where even are we?!" Confused Old Sport look around, the surroundings completely unfamiliar.
"Like I said, Old Sport. Home." This felt right to say. His breath hitched. Home.
"So... either you remodeled the whole house I had or you somehow built a whole underground bunker UNDER my or your house, which would be insane." Expectantly he looked at Dave, then slowly the realization hit. "... you didn't, did you?"
"Did that one AGES ago! All set up and nice!" Twirling around, but bit by bit his fears melted away as he was overflown with happiness. "Ya know, Sportsy- I don't even know why I didn't plan to use it this way in the first place! This is genius!"
Excitedly the Purple Guy looked around, the place was looking better and better! More and more like a perfect little plays to live.
"Dave, you..." Trailing off, Old Sport moved around a bit. "... could you let me go? Please?"
"No can do, Sportsy! You'll be running away!"
"Dave... for god's sake- you can't just kidnap me!"
"Why?" Honestly confused he looked at him. "Who's gonna stop me?"
The Orange Guy frowned, his expression shortly pained.
That wasn't what he wanted.
Not at all.
Quickly he approached, putting the food aside, in favor of hugging the man. "Old Sport! I- I didn't mean to make ya sad! All I meant was- ya know! We can hang out here! Nobody cares about you, but nobody cares about me either!"
Finally, Dave managed to put it into words and it hurt. "Nobody ever cares about people like us, Sportsy. We ain't liked. We ain't wanted. They want us to curl up and fucking die in a whole and try desperately to use us until then. Ya remember how Phoney treated us, don't cha?"
With a disgusted scoff he sat down beside him and leaned against him, searching for comfort he never had been allowed to have. "... I didn't mean to freak out at ya. I didn't mean to get us in trouble. But... Old Sport. When- they touched you- so many people touched you-" Slowly he began hyperventilate as he thought back of it.
"It- you- if somebody- TAKES you-"
"Didn't we establish nobody wants me?" Sarcastic Old Sport answered, his voice sounding sad and tired.
"I WANT YOU!" The sudden scream made Old Sport wince a bit and look at his distressed partner in shock, who simply continued. "I can't- you're EVERYTHING to me, Old Sport! You popping up in my life was the best thing that ever happened to me! YOU'RE- YOU'RE SUCH A WONDERFUL, SUCH A UNIQUE- And I just- they will take you away from me."
Utterly lost they both looked at each other, even if they were lost for different reason.
A small red blush crept up Old Sport's face, even if he didn't seem happy about it. "... Dave. You're right. There IS nobody that wants me. Stop freaking out."
"No, no you don't get it! It's EVERYTHING- the whole world wants- wants to- HURT- Old Sport- I meant what I said. I love you. You did so much for me. Old Sport! I don't want people to threaten you! I don't want ya to... suffer under them..."
"Dave, you goddamn lunatic. You can't do this."
"Why not!? I want your best!"
"I- I have things to do-" More and more disturbed Old Sport began to stutter.
They both knew it was a lie. There was nothing left to do. All promises they made were null and void.
Softly Dave reached out to pet Old Sport.
"Sportsy- I'll take good care of you. Promise. I love you. Don't be nervous."
Cold, disgusting fear.
For a second, he believed. He honestly believed Old Sport would tell him to disappear. That he was disgusting. Wrong.
But... the orange skinned man simply leaned into the touch. "... you'll calm down eventually."
With that everything was alright.
Everything was okay.
"Old Sport!" Happily he said. "Old Sport, we're a family now!"
"I haven't gotten a ring yet, so-"
"COME BACK- PLEASE-" But Dave was already gone.
With a sigh he sat back.
Oh well.
Guess he would now have to live out his fantasy of being a dragon.
There could be worse.
... sitting in a springlock suit.
So, deep down... he was alright.
And at one point or another, Dave would let him out.
So... uh... yeah.
This was spontaneous, mainly because I'm low on mental juice.
Looked through the comments for "requests" and...
I think somebody wanted some more of child Dave?
Anyways, always remember, you can ask me for requests whenever! Ask me more often! Inbox me!
Because I forget too quickly about things.
I hope you enjoyed! Even if it was just really a big pile of nothing
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