Small thing, big problem ( Dave/Old Sport )
A/N: This is something I thought of, too unrealistic to be on my main story, too uninteresting to stand on its own and too deep in my head to just ignore. So, here it is! ENJOY!
It had been quite the good week for Old Sport. Despite Dave actually showing up to work, mostly to be weird and sneak around, no kids have yet disappeared! It actually felt like... vacation!
No souls were in need of saving and the killer was... well, acting somewhat civil, so he wouldn't worry about him for a while. Right now his time felt better spend decorating the pepperoni so it looked like a dancing Foxy.
"Ronaldo! Isn't this great?"
"Ah, the italic declaration of independence, very good!"
"What?" But before he could ask for more information, suddenly Phone Guy's more than enraged voice echoed through the hall.
Alarmed Old Sport jumped up, fearing what Phone Guy might have found that set him off this much. Did he find his secret Foxy/Train erotica fanfic, a story about the heartbreaking romance between a possessed, oversexualized fox and his beloved train that passed his windows every day at noon? No, if he had found that, he'd sure be crying on the floor by now, it was a masterpiece! What else could it be though? The pictures of his boss's ass were well hidden inside of the suit, after all he was planning on using those for his Breadbear photoshop work.
"I'M HERE, I'M HERE AND I HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION! Y-you see those pic-" Before he could even attempt to justify his hobbies, Phone Guy, who had crouched over something turned around.
"EXPLAIN THIS! NOW!" Inside of his arms, akin to an unloved puppy with hanging legs, he held a purple child. It's eyes, glowing white circles, somewhat shifted to look at the newcomer, his weird frozen grin not changing in the slightest. The fuzzy hair and helplessly rugged clothing only made the "lost-puppy-look" stronger.
"I... I actually have no words. Is that... Dave?"
"I dunno, maybe he has actually a son?"
"Right! Maybe it's actually like cell division, or he's planting seeds of himself, since he's an eggplant!"
"That's a horrible thought! Stop!" Close to a break down, Phoney simply handed the child over to Old Sport, leaving as fast as possible. "Whatever it is, FIX IT! Or at least keep an eye on him!"
"Wait, wait, I can't deal with children! What if this turns into a time loop and I'm the one who turns him into a psycho?!"
"That's unlikely. Have you even LOOKED at that thing?! It isn't even TALKING, I'm sure he's messed up already beyond believe."
Following that, Orange Guy checked out the kid dangling in his arms. It- okay, this was too mean- HE was staring up at him, still smiling unfazed and empty. Slowly he sat him down, fearing what the kid would do, once freed of his grip. Surprisingly enough it did little more than swaying back and forth, staring at him.
"H-hey, Dave, is this a joke? C'mon, it's enough already."
The boy tilted his head and while his smile became wider, it didn't become warmer. Slightly helpless Old Sport shook his head, crouching down to be on eyelevel with him.
"Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?"
Dave finally murmured something with a shit-eating grin.
"What did you say?"
"I don't talk to strangers."
Baffled the adult stood back up. "We WORK together! I know your name!"
"Wrong name."
"Wrong name!" Smiling shyly he hid his arms behind his back and kept swaying from side to side. His whole body language was... weirdly unnatural. As if he tried to copy something he had seen, without knowing what it was about.
"How can it- OH! William. Your name is William!"
"Hm... yes. But I think you guessed."
"I didn't! When you were with me, you used to use another name!"
"Hm." Completely losing interest, he began walking around the taller one, apparently checking him out. For a while Orange Guy let him, expecting it to leading somewhere, yet five minutes passed and nothing happened. Purple... boy... just kept walking in circles around him, watching him closely.
"Will?" Careful he tried the nickname.
"I am?" Snickering Dave hid his face.
"U-uh... what... never mind, why are you walking around me?"
"I like to look at you. You look like me!" The last sentence actually sounded excited, thankfully, since his weird monotone voice began freaking him out.
"Ha... I guess you're right!"
"Did you ever opened a squirrel?"
"I opened one once and looked at its insides. Did you know squirrels aren't fluffy on the inside?"
"I-I... Yes, I kinda knew already..."
"I'm bored. Goodbye." And just like that he dashed out, being nothing more than a purple streak of color. Shocked Old Sport tried to process the situation for a second before chasing after him, terrified whatever this small being of chaos could do unsupervised.
It had been busy the whole day, but only now the Orange Man realized how hard it was to find someone in this bloody mess. "WILLIAM? WILL, WHERE ARE YOU?"
His voice sounded drowned out in all the chattering surrounding him, making him question if the kid ignored him by choice or if he just really couldn't hear it. Giving up on screaming out his lungs, Old Sport tried to think of a place where his sized down co-worker could be. Maybe he ran out of the restaurant to steal a car, for all he could think off-
Though Dave still was a kid at this moment, it would be easy to get him distracted and if Freddy's did ONE thing right, then it was DISTRACTION. From the overstuffed prize corner, over the flashy arcade to the colorful ball pit inside of the kids cover, there was plenty of opportunity for a young, unsupervised kid to occupy himself.
Hopefully Matt wouldn't find him first. Even if Dave had been fucked up since birth, meeting Matt ALWAYS made things worse.
Sighing he dashed off towards the prize corner, without finding anything purple and decided to quickly checked the arcade as well, not seeing the mini-psycho anywhere. This was slightly relieving, as it meant he wouldn't have to cleanse that young soul or at least drown him in bleach anytime soon.
Slowly he walked over to the kid's cove, begging the holy shadow doggo to let his psychotic child be there and be alive, as well as everyone around him.
Oh god, hopefully he hasn't set the ball pit on fire, Phoney would force both of them into prison for that one, no matter how much of an accident they'd try to frame it as!
On the first step inside it felt... off. Not more screaming than usual, no noises of drowning people either, but there was just a missing... thing... Everything was fine, nothing was exploding, nothing was screeching-
The screeching! The trashpile was completely silent!
YES! Dave was sitting next to Mangle, rummaging around in its insides, THANKFULLY, after all there was NOTHING bad that could happen there, like BITES and... weird... stuff... no-oh, nothing bad happening here! He darted over and softly touched the boy's shoulder, making him jerk back in horror.
For a moment the child stared at him with an unreadable expression, hovering between slight annoyance, anger and shock. They stared at each other once more, Old Sport determined this time to not look away, which actually payed off!
Dave gave in and looked away, his weird, cold smile plastered on his face again. "You followed me? You followed me? But you aren't my teacher?"
"N-no, I'm not!"
"Will mommy be mad at you if you don't look for me?"
"No, what are you talking about?"
"I don't mind! I don't like to make mom mad either. I understand."
Deeply confused Orange Guy sat down next to him. "Your mom isn't even here..."
"Hm. Odd. Why are you here?"
"Because... I'm worried about you." It was so peculiar. This kid would grow into the most perverted, inconsistent killer he'd ever would have the displeasure to meet, yet the way he talked, the way he walked... it made him... sympathetic? It was as if he was constantly lost, split between places and used to it.
"You're worried."
"Yes, Will, I am very worried. You could get hurt on your own, you know?" Softly he patted the small boy, who didn't change his expression.
"I could get hurt."
"Exactly! So stay close!"
For another minute Purple Guy stared, but all of a sudden his grin became scaringly wide, outright psychotic. "Do you wanna see something?"
"Uh... I... guess yes? What is it?"
Puffing his chest, Dave turned towards Mangle. "Trashpile! What do you like?"
"Feed me pizza and call me your meme-slut!" The female voice came out without a hint of glitches. "I am the trashpile and now I can talk dirty like a proper whore!"
"This... this is amazing! How did you DO that?!" Unbelieving he stared at his favorite source of dildos.
"It was easy! I only had to repair a cable! It was a bit broken, so I changed it! A-and I did something else!" Slowly losing his composure, the excited kid grabbed a piece of metal and tugged on it.
A small clicking sounded and out of the animatronic and a smaller machine crept out of it. Was a makeshift animatronic, using that weird spare head Mangle had carried around on its shoulder. The thing walked on four legs and reminded the adult of a dog. A mangled, old, ugly dog that had been hit by the car not once, but at last five times and now just wanted to die.
Its one golden eye looked at him, appearing annoyed beyond belief. Or was it its normal expression?
"W-what do you think?!" Young Dave's cheeks had redden, his breath short and frantic, his eyes glowing comparable to spot lights. What was wrong with this child? Still, it was impressive.
"It's amazing! How? You're far too young to be this talented! You're a genius, Will!"
Hiding his smile poorly behind his fists, a body language far too... odd to be insincere. Almost embarrassed he glanced at him and away again. "You like it. I'm glad."
They sat back and watch the abomination drag itself over the ground, apparently the boy was more than perfectly content to not move for a while. A few kids were watching from afar, until one ran over. "What's that for a thingy? Can I play-"
Suddenly Dave pounced onto him and pushed him into the ball pit. As he spotted a bit of hair coming back out, he pushed down on the head (probably) attached to it, without changing his frozen smile. "No."
As always Phone Guy teleported behind them, (nothing personel, kiddo) and raved. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"C-chill, boss, I'm on it! Dave- I mean, Will, stop that!" He dragged the kid back to him, assuming a lecturing tone. "What was that for? Don't do that again!"
Watching the kid pout he moved closer to his ear and whispered. "At least not without telling me first. Next time we'll tag time the shit out of that kidden!"
Finally his friend snickered again, nodding in agreement. When he was a kid, he was far cuter than his adult version... whatever happened to him might wasn't all that bad? Old Sport wouldn't be TERRIBLY sad if he stayed like this for a while...
Phone Guy watched them, shaking his head. At least he had calmed a bit, his nervousness slowly leaving his body. "Don't let him cause any more trouble or you're fired."
"W-what? Please, give me three chances! It isn't easy to keep track of him!" Begging he gave his boss the best puppy-eyes and after a few heartbeats, the man gave in.
"Fine. You get two warnings for him."
"YES! I WON'T DISAPPOINT! You'll be flashed by how good I can take care of insane kids!"
"He just walked off."
"This will be a day you'll think back off in your future and think "Man, that was a good idea" and smile gladly at your finally repaired fam-"
"Dave. He's gone!"
"O-Oh, goddammit!" Running off, he began to search for his small friend. "WILL! NOT AGAIN!"
"I'm over here..." His quiet voice almost disappeared in the crowd, but thankfully Old Sport's Breadbear sense tingled and he finally managed to spot him.
A doggo had bitten into small Dave's hand, leaving some nasty marks- no, leaving a full on flesh wound on his hand that he stared at in deep thoughtfulness. Once Orange Guy stepped closer, he looked up and smiled actually warmly at him. "You're my friend."
"You're hurt! C-come here, we'll take care of it!" Swiftly the child was swooped into his arms, where he rested smiling.
"You will take care of it?"
"Yes, you can't have an open wound like this!"
"Thank you."
They sat down inside of the office, where Old Sport searched frantically, until he pulled out a bottle of disinfection spray and bandages. While applying the spray, Dave didn't even flinched at the burn, he only smiled.
"Hey. You're my friend, right?"
"Yes, I'm your friend, I'll not just stop being your friend like that!"
"I will kill that dog. Will you help me?" Expectantly his eyes laid on the adult, who was having an uncomfortable Déjà-vu. Sure, this time it was only a doggo, a bad behaved one at that, but...
Purple Child's gaze kept him in place, he was waiting for an answer, yes or no.
"... I'll help you." Guilt gnawed on his bowels, but Dave's bright, blessed and utterly glad smile made it quickly go away. Dogs were at least... not human... right?
"You're a special friend! Let's go! I think we should go and shove that stupid dog into the oven! I'll catch him, go prepare the kitchen!"
No backing out now, Old Sport wasn't a quitter! Compliant he entered the kitchen and walked up to Ronaldo. "Ronaldo! My man!"
"What do you want, hooligan?"
"Just going to cook a doggo, is that fine?"
"Whatever, I used worse meat on my pizza."
"Oh... okay then...?" Well, fine with him! At least this time it wasn't corpse meat. Ten minutes later Dave arrived, dragging the whining doggo on its neck behind him. This wouldn't be pleasant...
Mercilessly he threw the small beast into the confined space and immediately slammed it closed and setting the heat even higher, before sitting down before it and peacefully watching it like a campfire. He was even humming.
Orange Guy wasn't a fan of gore and so decided to do his job while Purple Boy was distracted. Maybe he could even earn a few tokens today! Shortly he considered saying goodbye to Dave, but he'd be back in ten minutes, the kid wouldn't notice.
Fairly quiet he opened the door, yet before he could even make one step out, his leg was grabbed and Dave was staring up at him in terror. White dots in endless blackness, his expression for the first time crystal clear... he was slightly shivering. "Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. You can't leave me. Please. Don't."
"Will, what are you saying? I'm just away for a few minutes, you won't even miss me!"
"You can't. Please. Don't do this. I won't take it."
"... Christ..." Old Sport crouched down and hugged the distressed child. "I'm not out of this world..."
"I'll come with you. Whatever you do, I promise, I'll help. I'm useful."
"Fucking hell, do you get abused?!"
"Will that make you take me along? Then yes."
"I take that name. Just please don't stop talking to me."
"Will, no! It's fine! I just thought you might rather see your dog... fry?"
"No, I don't care. Please stay with me."
Once more he squeezed the small boy tightly. "Don't be scared, I'm here with you. I'm still your friend... do you believe that?"
Sniffing he rubbed his eyes and frightened watched him. "Yes...?"
"Then come, let's go out and play together! I'll show you the suit that I usually work in!"
"You will do that?"
"Yes! And you even get to choose what we'll play!"
"You will play with me?"
"I mean, it isn't as good as watching a dog explode, but maybe it's enough for now!"
"I'd let hundred dogs live to play with you. You're my special friend."
The Purple Guy grabbed him with his little hand and together they left towards the saferoom. Back inside, he smiled somewhat weirdly. "I like this place. It's nice and quiet. I'd like to spend forever here with you."
"Uh... thanks?"
"When I grow older, I'll kidnap you and chain you to a wall here."
"B O I, that escalated a BIT..."
"Did I do something wrong?" Cold, empty, yet still fearful he stared up to him. "Sorry."
"N-no, it's... fine... I think. I really don't mind, so say what you think!" Smiling at the small kiddo, he noticed that he was FAR too nice to Dave. He shouldn't tolerate those psychotic antics, much less encourage them! For god's sake, Old Sport, you needed to get your shit together!
But all of a sudden Purple Guy snuggled against him, looking nothing short from adorable. He'd get diabetes in a few days and die anyway, so whatever... death awaits everyone.
"And you can wear that?" The kid pointed at the suits laying on the ground. "Can I wear one too?"
"Well, they are pretty smelly and a little too big for you..."
"Hm. One day." Non-committal Dave blew the air out of his nose and began to roll around on the ground. A while Orange Guy watched him, struggling with himself, before deciding that he could trust him. It was only a child after all.
"When I wear this suit, please don't punch against me or play around with any metal bits if you see them okay? It's VERY dangerous if you do this and it could hurt me A LOT..."
"Why would I punch you? You're my friend, I will protect you."
"No need to worry that much, but just... don't distract or scare me right now, okay?"
As quickly as possible Old Sport began slipping on Spring-Freddy, while concentrating on staying as far away from those pesky springs. Clip this, close that aaaaaaand... DONE!
"Come on, Tiger, let's go and entertain some kiddens!"
Feeling cheeky, Old Sport turned around and swooped up the child, making it squeal and sat it onto his shoulders. "ONWARD, WILLIAM! TO DESTINY!"
Purple Boy was giggling and screaming, as he was bounced around by the adult, who jumped and took turns, twirled and everything else he could think of to squeeze some more laughter out of his boy. Once they arrived in the main hall, they immediately attracted a small crowd.
"Hi Spring-Freddy." Why did crowds always have this semi-demonic hive mind voice?
Now, what to do, what to do...? Shortly he glanced at sized down Dave, but he has apparently deactivated himself, staring empty into the void.
"How about we play hide and seek?" Really, it was the only thing he hadn't tired yet and everything else he could think of would only cause trouble.
"Yes. Count to thirty and we hide!"
"Just don't leave the restaurant, okay? Whoever leaves, is out of the game!"
"Okay." This time, even Will was joining in, back in reality.
"Get ready! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..."
He could hear them scatter everywhere, running away giggling. The ball pit would be good, but was too deep, so anyone trying to hide in there was a waste of time searching. They would never see the light again. Between and behind the arcades were an option, under the tables... the saferoom was too heavy to open, Phoney was inside of the office, so no need to look there, behind the curtains might be an option...
"26, 27, 28, 29, 30... READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" Not losing any time, he checked place after place, quickly gathering the kids. At least TWO had hidden under a table as if it was an original place, one kid actually tried to hide in the kitchen and was thrown out by Ronaldo, right as he came along and so he was down to Dave and one other kid in no time. Wherever he looked, he couldn't seem to find them... they weren't at the arcade and after he got desperate enough to check the office, he still found nothing...
The last two rooms he hadn't checked yet, aside from the bathroom, were the saferoom and the backroom... both employees only.
Breathless he checked the saferoom, yet no one was there. Thank Real Fredbear's Springlocks, after all Phone Guy would use his intestines to create sausages if he'd ever gotten a child back here.
Darting back, through half of the restaurant, he entered the backroom, where the spare heads and broken down machines were located. As he arrived, he spotted Dave staring at Freddy... AND THE PAIR OF LEGS THAT WAS HANGING OUT OF IT!
Innocently Purple Kid hugged himself and smiled widely, without actually saying a word. As fast as his body allowed, the employee got the slightly traumatized, yet not physically harmed girl out of the machine. She began crying her heart out and the males slowly backed out, both most certainly not equipped to deal with EMOTIONS™.
As they were out of the danger-zone, he once more tried to confront Purple Boy about his actions. "Why did you shove her into the robot?"
"Because she wanted to hide. You wouldn't search in a robot."
"That was... right, but incredibly dangerous!"
"I didn't know." He kept on smiling, unfazed by that information. "Okay. I lied. I wanted to kill her. She told me she wanted to touch you."
"If she'd touch you, she'd hurt you! I protected you. When I told her it would hurt you, she said I lied. They always say I lie, when I don't! I didn't lie, but they said I did and I hate that! I HATE OTHERS! THEY ARE STUPID!" Majorly distressed he pulled on his own hair, screaming out loud.
"Shshsh, don't worry, it's fine, I don't think you lied..."
"Why don't they listen to me? Why do they do that, Orange Man? I want to be nice. I want a friend. But they don't listen. I hate them. I don't need them. They can go away and never come back. Only you should stay here."
As Orange Guy got on his knees, Purple Guy didn't waste any time to throw himself into his arms and cuddle him tightly.
Sighing Old Sport checked the clock, deeply worried about the boy's behavior. Only half an hour to kill, it would be fine. He knew just the right place to keep his small psycho busy and most importantly AWAY FROM EVERYONE ELSE. After a quick stop in the saferoom to get rid of his death-suit, before it crushed about ninety percent of the bones in his body and maybe, probably ruin the whole week, he maneuvered both of them into an empty party room.
He sat down in one corner and picked up a few balloons. "Dave- I mean, Will! Did you know I'm great at balloon animals?"
"No." It didn't sound very enthusiastic, but at least he got his attention.
"Then let me show you! Here, I have an idea! You pretend to be an animal and I'll make a balloon!"
Shortly the kid went silent, but began jumping around. "Woof, woof! Woof, woof, woof!"
He put a lot of effort into it, even putting out his tongue and pretending to have dog ears by using his hands.
Just as easily as he recognized the animal, he created a perfect doggo-balloon that actually borfed back at the boy. It got taken away and the pure amazement in Dave's expression even repressed Orange Guy's instinct to protect his creation. Just let him keep it, his heart said.
"But that was an easy one! Try another!"
"O...kay..." Now his whole body became stiff and he began waddle around, squawking and moving his arms akin to...
"Here! A penguin!" This one was slightly cruder, since he hadn't really made this one before, but it felt like a good attempt.
"It's... horrible."
Snickering the kid ran in circles, feeling apparently funny. Pouting Old Sport pocketed the shaped balloon, but soon enough Purple Kid stood in front of him again. "You have one last chance to create a good balloon!"
"Who said I needed another chance? Okay, let's make something else... elephants, fish, cats, horses and birds are forbidden! Now try to act like an animal!"
A while Dave stared down at the ground, frowning and highly focused. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he smiled. "Look!"
"What am I?" The abomination asked cheerfully.
Back in a normal state, he was rolling on the ground, holding his stomach and laughing madly, while the traumatized Guard tried to stop his hands from shaking to be able to form the asked animal. A bit hasty he finished its neck and handed it over to Dave, rubbing his eyes in hope of erasing the imprints of this horrifying pictures on his brain.
"Dave, it's soon to be closing time. Would you mind waiting inside of the office for a few minutes, so I can talk to my boss?"
"The boring, old dude? He's stupid, let's just leave!"
"Ha! No, I can't... it'd be illegal. Three minutes at most, alright?"
"Fiiiiiiiiine.... Hurry." Dave's sad puppy eyes gave more than enough motivation to take his promise seriously.
"Calm down, employee. I admit, this is... quite worrying."
"I'm going to take him home?"
"He has to sleep somewhere and is right now not really in the position to be left alone..."
"I- I understand that, I was just surprised that you would be this willing to do this..."
"I'm soulless, not heartless, get your facts straight!"
"Yeah... right... okay. I guess you'll have to-"
The door slammed open and an adult Dave dragged himself in, whining like a hurt dog. "Sportsyyyyyyy, Phoneyyyyyy... I have a fucking headache... what happened....?"
"Dave! You're normal again!" Without being fully aware of it, Old Sport stepped close to his actual foe and touched his shoulders. It got an instant reaction in form of a surprised tilt of the head.
"Old Sport? What are you talking about?"
"O-oh... uh..." Nervously Orange Guy stepped back before he and Phone head exchanged a look. The boss took charge.
"He had slept at the job and dreamed something weird. Don't mind him."
"Ah, Sportsy! Good to see I'm not the only slacker here!"
"Yeah... haha..." It felt so weird to see Dave as an adult again. He appeared happier, but in the end he was eerily similar to his child form... his body language was more natural, the expressions too, but if you looked deeply into it... "I... have to go?"
Phone Guy nodded. "You did well today, employee. I'll remember what you did for me today."
"What did he do?! I thought he slacked off?" Apparently Purple Guy couldn't stand being out of the loop.
"Yes, but he..." Before he was forced to come up with an explanation, the psychopath had followed his object of obsession outside.
"Old Sport! Old Sport, I didn't even got to see you today!" He almost ran, as it was the only way to keep up with Orange Guy's fast pace.
"What a shame. You should go home and cry about it." His unnatural rudeness came as an impulse to feeling this uncertain about himself and guiltily odd.
"C'mon, Old Sport, don't be mean..." Displeased he groaned "What did I do?"
"Nothing, really, I just... need more sleep..."
Suddenly Aubergine Guy grabbed the fleeting one's arm. "Old Sport, I..."
He trailed off, but Orange Guy had already turned around, looking into his face. Yes, the way he slightly frowned was far more "normal" then any of his childhood expression, yet his eyes...
He appeared so lost again. So split. Helpless.
And finally it clicked. The expression behind the masquerade.
Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. You can't leave me. Please. Don't.
Dave continued, trying to find any excuses to spend time with him. "If you have a bit time... we could..."
At this rate they would get back to his constant, all consuming "offer"... No, it wasn't necessary. Breathing in, Old Sport decided. "Hey Dave? Wanna come over tonight?"
" abo- WHAT?!"
"You heard me! If you missed me today, then you could hang out at my place for the evening, we could watch a movie or something..."
"F-forget that last part." Brightly red and smiling ecstatic, he rushed in and hugged him tightly. "I'M DOWN! I EVEN KNOW A GOOD MOVIE!"
"No... need... to... choke... me..."
"Sorry, Old Sport, I got a little carried away! Haha! Won't happen again!" Glad Dave grabbed his hand. "Let's go!"
Old Sport smiled at the massive man-child next to him. Maybe he wouldn't even need to stop him by violent means... maybe he just needed someone to show him the right way?
It was worth a try. Tightly squeezing each other's hand, they went out into the clear night.
A/N: So... no real explanation. Maybe this was boring, but I guess I simply wanted to write something soft :3 After all, one-shots are made for the shorter ideas, right? Around 5.000 words... quite a bit longer than the last one, eh?
I feel pretty happy now, but do tell me what you thought! Thanks for reading and enjoy your day! x3
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