Memories (Dave/Henry)
Welp, for Cupcakekittycat360, thanks for the challenging request!
It was a challenge to give Henry some real FEELS, so I kept it slightly vague... though here is Henry actually intended to feel affection for Dave, even without what Fredbear did.
I guess I'll warn that it is my version of Henry and Dave and in no way canon, but... that's part for the course by now. Why am I even doing this?
E N J O Y !
(By the way, the pic above reflects the tone of the story in NO WAY, but I found no other pic of those two together, so... R U AVING A GIGGLE, M8?)
Fredbear looked at the ground, his paws hanging loosely by his sides.
Shadow Doggo knew what that meant, but wasn't prepared anyway.
"We should try it."
Shadow Doggo made it clear that he wasn't very fond of that idea, but Fredbear wasn't ready to give up. He was never one to accept unhappy fates.
"It would be nothing but a day. Trust me, it will change things to the better."
Aggressive the dog let his tail whip from the left to the right.
"Trust me. I have a plan."
Henry did not enjoy the silence. Really, he hated it.
Silence was standstill. Silence was uselessness. Silence was death.
Taking a deep breath, the Pink-skinned human focused on "Now" to create it. The "Now" he was searching for would lead to the "here" he so desperately needed. The only way to escape.
"Henry Miller!"
Surprised he glanced at the visitor. "The Real Fredbear. What do you want?"
The giant bear let himself fall down again, noticing that he wouldn't impress anyone today. "I've come to offer you one last day on earth."
"What? Why?"
"Uh... shouldn't you be grateful?"
"Well, you are certain to have some sort of gain from it, otherwise you would not offer this, so of course I will doubt you."
"I'm nothing like you."
"But you still are a person, correct?"
"Do you accept or not?"
"Depends on what the catch is."
"The catch is that you have to feel..."
An awkward pause. Henry got impatient. "... what my victims felt? Constant pain? The whole universe?"
"No. Just feel."
For a while the psychopath inspected the golden bear of his creation.
Risks and rewards. One last day on earth could give him time to create a stronger connection to the reality, as well as it being possible to thin the walls at certain points...
What could they gain? Here in the void was nothing he couldn't simply recreate. They would be able to watch him for a day, but he could hide his true intention and pretend to be a reformed man.
"Alright, Fredbear. I accept your conditions." Sometimes he asked himself if the other creatures ever took the time to analyze their surroundings. Probably not, as it was but a mere backdrop to their travels.
But he shouldn't underestimate them. Without a doubt, the bear has done his research with the human around him and would make it quite hard for him to focus on the real task. Yet... how distracting could "feelings" really be?
He never missed them all his life.
He didn't mind that everyone around him acted seemingly completely random.
It was fine.
It had always been fine.
Fredbear stepped closer and hold his claw out to Henry. Hungry the almost human opened his senses for this new experience, the first new experience in years... also, the first time he got back out of the void, maybe there was a clue in how they would get out-
And they stood in the middle of the street, not knowing what just happened, a heavy feeling in his chest.
It was midnight.
One day.
Act fast.
"Whaaaaat shall wwwwe do with'n drunken 'ployee..."
Whatever Fredbear was planning, it shaped up to be interesting.
Or was it blood calling for blood?
Now, the thinner parts of the void were placed where the thoughts of people were the strongest, as memories were lacking time and reality. Yes, memories was what fed the void and supplied it with energy.
William was the perfect specimen to feed off.
And he was the perfect bundle of emotions to get overwhelmed by.
But he was stronger than Fredbear and he was most certainly stronger than William. This would be a cakewalk!
Slowly he walked up to him and waited for the man to notice him, which took quite a while and for a minute he even though that William would simple walk past him.
Something washed over him.
A sentiment.
So it begins.
Fascinated the Pink Guy analyzed his body's reaction. His stomach was knotting, his skin was burning and his fingers were freezing... quite the negative emotion. Despair?
But at the same second their eyes met, the feeling completely vanished and was replaced by this quick heartbeat, the knotting got shortly worse, then better again and he felt as if he was close to hyperventilate.
"H-Henry?" William swayed on the spot, the spotlights he called eyes loosely focused onto the figure in front of him, before smiling brightly. "Youu mus' be an angel... wanna trade places...?"
The stench of alcohol was incredible unbearable, but despite that, Henry grabbed his arm and softly tugged him along. "I am back, William."
"Henry..." With that the Purple Guy was out like a light. Finally, his hyperactive senses stopped and his usual apathy returned, giving him a break from the new sensation he could feel.
Where to go, where to go...
The school, the workshop, his house.
What was he aiming for... affection? He had to instill a deep seated need or fear inside of his former partner and to be exact he would prefer to gain affection. Fear was easily exploited... but affection... either way, he needed to do it quick.
Almost careless he broke into a car and threw William into the backseat. It would soon enough not be his problem that this car was stolen.
A quick ride later, he found himself at his university, getting more and more impatient. How long could it take for a regular consumer of alcohol to sleep his drunkenness away?
To calm down, he tried to do the old reason-reconstruction.
What the hell was William doing back here?
They had different locations all over America and this city was most certainly nothing special.
Either he got a job, or he was here for nostalgia.
He had been out until midnight.
But not longer.
A job was still in the realm of possibilities.
But he probably didn't leave the place out of his own volition.
He could have been kicked out.
He could have stolen that alcohol.
Probably, he had a gun out and about.
Also, if he wasn't earning money, which Henry for some reason doubted, he would have a much easier time robbing places.
The building was abandoned, tall and shrouded in shadows. Home sweet home.
From the back came a groan and William tumbled out of the car, staring at him for about ten seconds, before charging right at him, jumping to hug his old friend.
Normally Henry would have stepped aside a bit, to let the Purple Guy crash into the side, but the need for this hug had overtaken him before he could fight against the alien emotion.
William had hidden his face in his partner's chest and was... sobbing.
This was the first time Henry didn't knew what to do.
"Sh... it is okay..."
"O-oh! Sorry, right! Time is precious! What... why came you back?" They had lived together for long enough. William knew that every of his action had a practical reason.
"For you of course."
Critical hit. Judging from the explosion inside of his own stomach, his partner was pretty close to fall unconscious. It was a brutal lie, but he would get what he wanted and that was all that mattered.
"Ha... Haha! You're... heh..." Deeply flustered the guy stepped back, actually believing that his partner wouldn't lie to him. Desperately seeking for a new topic, he stared into the back. "We're... why are we here?"
"This is my last day on earth... I wanted to find some solace in what I have accomplished and experienced."
"This can't be your last day on earth! You'll find a way! You can do anything!"
The amount of trust William was putting into him was... adorable. "I have a plan, do not fret! For now I would enjoy indulging in our shared memories."
It was... pitiable how easily the boy was placing all his trust in him. Lovely.
It took only a few well-placed, sugary lies.
"Follow me. It is time to relieve our past."
They broke back into the place without any problem, the movements need to pick the lock almost completely saved in muscle memory. How... enjoyable.
"We have broken into here far too often..."
That made Purple Guy laugh. "Like that one time we screwed with the microphones?"
They had spent the whole night inside of this place and right now they were ecstatic to see the results.
"I swear to god, Henry, if this works then Imma declare you the new god of this world!" Will jumped from the left to the right foot, giggling excited, his whole face lightened up.
"Oh, you have not already?" Henry enjoyed the situation more than he would admit. Once he found William trying to make planes crash, without any hint of remorse in his expression, he knew he found someone he could trust with his... more interesting inventions.
"How did you know?" It was a light tease, something he could tolerate from his follower.
"Insert the chips in your ears now. I will activate the signal with the bell."
Henry felt the tension rushing through his body. They have played around with quite a lot of signals and different frequencies and now they would be able to test it on a larger scale.
Will had finally managed to fumble in the earplugs with the other frequency and gave him a thumps-up.
Ready, set and go!
They sat down in their lecture and as soon as the professor began speaking, Henry activated the speakers and the incredibly high-pitched sound filled the rooms. Okay, it was so high-pitched that Will couldn't even hear it, neither could anyone else, but the way the expression of his classmates changed was evidence enough.
It took not five minutes until the room broke into chaos, people screaming, crying and kicking each other for no apparent reason.
Even the teacher was part of it...
As unsuspicious as possible, the humanized aubergine sneaked a glance at the Pink Guy. This person was a genius.
His... best... friend was a genius.
Overtaken by memories, William took a deep breath of the old smell and smiled. "It hasn't changed one bit, right?"
"The education of the youth appears not to be the focus of the founding in this city."
William gave him a weird look before snickering. "Ah... Henry. You ain't changing either!"
"Something good in your books."
They continued to search for their favorite places before. "Ya know, Henry... it's too bad your experiment didn't work too well... I would have loved to fuck with the costumers and Phoney!"
"The fact that the creation of Phone Guy was a successes is already enough of a feat."
"You're so boring in that regard! Why not kidnapping some more toddlers and test it?"
"Why not doing it yourself?" Somehow that gave his partner a peek of excitement, irritating Pink Guy slightly. Getting emotions without context was... disturbing. "What... do you think about it?"
"Y-you think I can do it?!"
"It will be your legacy."
"No, it can't be! After all you're the one who build the prototype..."
"I am sure you will find a way to give it your own twist. Maybe your own brand of animatronic, with new features?"
The excitement was burning hot under his skin and for a second Henry asked himself how William was even able to exist with this constant overflow of feelings. He himself wanted to do some unreasonable things by now and he KNEW he didn't actually want to do so.
Was this nervous sensation his own?
They had been staring at each other for an overly long time now, the emotional instability went up, something he could not allow. It was too distracting.
Trying not to let it get to his head, he continued to walk forward, until they came back to the cafeteria, which reminded Henry of fun times.
There were always THOSE kind of girls. Those retarded airheads that were dreaming about books and fantasize about mysteries. Henry had met and used a few of them, but he never expected Will to attract one of them.
Well, he should have known better.
His friend handled her all wrong! Apparently he enjoyed the senseless attention that held no real worth and would fade away within days.
The boy needed more guidance. He was half the man he could be.
But that was to be fixed.
Once William returned into their shared dorm, Henry looked out of the window. At least the Purple Guy had the decency to sound guilty. "Sorry, Henry, I was just... we were talking... and I KINDA forgot..."
"Oh? Dear William, do not be ashamed. I am happy that you got over your fears."
"Fears? What...?"
"Her... insects? You seemed to be unfortunately terrified whenever the human usually showed signs of infection, to a point where we had to get rid of them previously. I am truly blessed to witness the day you can be relaxed around those flying, filthy, bloodsucking..."
It worked, Will was already pale as a ghost. "S-she said she would come over in an hour..."
"Lovely! Just do not let the maggots lay eggs in the cushions, alright? I will give you some private time... do not waste it and enjoy your newfound freedom."
Smirking to himself, Henry closed the door behind him.
He might has created a mess, but...
No buts. It would be fun to see how Will would try to hide the corpse on his own.
It couldn't have been jealousy.
Such a petty emotion didn't exist inside of his mind.
"Henry...?" Will had reached for his hand, but hesitated before actually touching him. Good boy. This was even more impressive now that he knew that William's emotional world was a hurricane of wants, needs and fears.
"I was thinking about the one thing you thought it was a bright idea to put a corpse into our closet. We spend the whole night washing them..."
"Sorry... I overreacted a bit. But I needed to quickly get rid of her, or we would have to burn down the whole place! An infestation is no joke!"
Everything inside of the Purple One screamed of embarrassment and guilt, two things Henry never understood before. Fascinated he tilted his head, clenching and relaxing his fists to fight the urge to hide his face.
Naturally, Will was actually hiding his face, his self-control still inferior in any way. "It never happened again!"
Hug him.
Why would he?
This impulse was ridiculous and pointless.
But it started to become physically painful.
"Will... do you visit this place regular?"
"Yes! How- I won't even ask, you know everything anyway! I come here as often as possible."
"Hm... why are you not moving on with your life and get a job in another city?"
"Then I might have to leave you- I mean... well... uh... the things that meant something to us! For example, who takes care of the workshop without me?"
"Workshop? So you ARE taking care of it. Good."
The sweet taste of pride.
William. You damn fool.
The man smiled brightly, jumping around him and running forwards. "How stupid of me! You probably want to see it! LET'S GO, LET'S GO! I'LL GET TO DRIVE!"
So much joy in such a little wish.
So much joy.
He felt his hand twitch. "I look forward to see your improvements as a driver."
"AS A RACER, BABY! LET ME BLOW YOU AWAY!" And with that the genius was grabbed and rushed out, forced into the car with one swoop and before he could even sit up straight, the man was pushed into the seat as the g-forces multiply due to the sheer speed.
Fifteen seconds later, five to start driving, five to stop driving, they managed to leave out of the wreck that was left of the car and stumbled into Henry's old home. Professionally they ignored the explosion in the back.
For some reason William became suddenly nervous.
Did he do something to his old home?
Finally he felt an emotion he was sure was his. Annoyance.
In the end, what did he expect?
William wasn't functioning on his own.
Better get it over with.
He opened the door to find out what the problem was and was greeted with... a wall.
A wall full of pictures.
Of him and Will, together and alone, always happy.
He barely remembered that those photos were taken...
And so many of them!
Henry paused.
What... was this?
His heart was beating again.
But... softer...
Did William-
"Hahaha! U-uh... like it? I... let's... go down..."
"You live in here?"
"Welp, no one else was using it, so-"
"What about-" No. He actually didn't care and wasn't in the mood to pretend to care. "Never mind. Show me what you did to the workshop."
They used the elevator, towards their small personal hell factory.
It was perfectly silent down here. Henry had actually missed this place.
The cold seeped already into his bones and the dreams of the sleeping machines surrounding them were thickening the air. In reality it was only the dust and the inability of the age old vents to push enough fresh air down here, but... it had poetic meaning.
Will looked around as well, smiling sadly. It really had been a long time since they last were down here together.
"Hey, Henry! Henry, Henry, Henry!"
"Look!" Proudly the Aubergine Man held up a small machine that was frantically looking around. "I used a hamster!"
"And WHY did you do that?"
"Because it's cute! Look, it's scared to death! But it can't die!"
It was obvious that his friend was neither interested nor amused by this, as he instantly turned away. "You are wasting our resources."
"Uh... I thought it was fun..."
"Fun is not our main objective, William and it never was."
"Sorry..." Ashamed he returned towards the endoskeletons they were working on. After their first success, Henry decided it was time for the next step: Fully working animatronics, infused with the souls of children.
Once more he checked up every part of the skeletons, to ensure the creatures could move every bit without danger.
Henry also insisted that they should be able to bite through bones.
Again he peeked at Henry, who was getting more and more frustrated. "We need... let us say, two more characters. What do children want? What animals?"
"Uh... wolfs?"
"A fox. Great."
William sighed. Were his suggestions this bad? "And maybe an eagle?"
"An eagle? Are you trying to get people to make fun of us?"
"Nono! How about a chicken? Alone for the fact that it could deliver fried chicken to the customers!"
"... Wow. Applause. How edgy. Fine, a chicken it is." Henry began to scribble again.
"Can I see whatcha doing?"
With a simple hand-movement, Henry gave him the permission to step closer and Dave marveled at the concepts of the four new animatronics, who even had notes to their use and personality at their side.
"Foxy looks derpy!"
"Foxy. And why does he look... "derpy"?"
"You drew those eyes all different!"
Without a second thought Henry blacked out the eye. "Better?"
"Now we have a pirate fox!"
"Foxy the Pirate Fox?"
Purple Guy laughed. "Why not! It's something new!"
"Why not? Why putting any thought into it? Why putting any effort into something you create? Tell me, William, is that the way you handle your work?!"
"I'm just-"
"William. You do not have to work with me on this, you know? You can just sit back, relax and plan the next luring."
For a while they both stayed silent.
"Will. Thank you for your input. Foxy the Pirate Fox it is. Maybe we should even give him a little parrot for his shoulder."
For a split second William could not believe it. Henry never tried to cheer people up.
Yet, right now, Henry looked up at him, hidden worry in his eyes.
"A-a-a parrot?!" Awkwardly he noticed his own stuttering and rubbed his neck as an excuse to look away. "Yeah! That is cool! Let's do it!"
"We could use your small hamster robot for it... this works. Good job, partner."
He called him partner.
Will couldn't remember ever feeling so happy.
Henry saw use in him.
For the first time he was useful.
Back in reality, the machines down here came back to life. Henry was checking up on each and every one of them, ensuring that they were still working as intended.
Within half a minute they were up and about, ready to produce whatever was needed. Genuinely happy Pink Guy softly stroke over the side of this giant complex until a sting of jealousy stopped him. Bemused he turned around to see Will tilt his head. Guilt flooded their body's as said man noticed that he was jealous over a piece of metal.
Henry decided to tease him. "Something the matter? You strike me as... stressed."
"A-ah... it's just... I guess I'm sorry that I have bored you, you probably wanted to be here from the get-go. Heh, if I think about it, you always loved this place and the machines more than everything else... though I also never understood why you said you could hear the machines sing. Really, ever got that checked out?"
William was a bit more daring than before his death. Huh.
"It is merely a metaphor. But I do admit I always enjoyed being around machines more than humans. They are reliable, consistent and tireless, as well as if you act correctly, absolutely trustworthy. They remind me a lot of you. No wonder I love being around them."
Wondrous how even William believed what he wanted to hear.
Warm and fuzzy, it tasted like sugar. Poisonous.
He hated this sensation.
But he needed to go on.
"Though I admit to adoring your chaotic nature. You bring inspiration."
"H-henry... you think that?"
"Of course. You will carry on my work, will you not?"
"Yes! I will never stop!" The childish guy jumped upwards, but stopped shortly. "Uh... which part of it...?"
"Modify animatronics. Make everyone pay who drags our name in the dirt. You will know what to do."
"O-okay! Yeah! I won't disappoint you!"
"You never did."
Smiling he left the silence hanging, observing how well his partner finally found a way to cope with those insane emotions.
What an emotion.
Maybe he had missed out.
This was a whole new world, a whole new reality and he wasn't sure if he simply had been blind before. Emotions were more than things to use and abuse, they were... a whole new basis of energy! He needed to analyze this amount of power that could be taken out of this!
This could be a side project to the souls!
Harvesting the energy of emotions!
Where were emotions located?
How would he go about harvesting them?!
Amazed to a point of helplessness, he gave William the biggest smile he ever gave anything in general. "William, you are a miracle. I am so glad to be with you."
This made his partner pause and step back.
"O-okay, okay... are you really Henry?"
"A-am I dreaming? Is it because I was about to kill myself again?"
The sudden, bitter pain came out of nowhere. What was wrong with Will?
"Whatever do you mean?"
"I'm... I'm pretty stupid, aren't I? Henry would never talk to me like this. I was a fucking idiot. I couldn't even protect him."
"Excuse me, I am perfectly able to handle my own fate. I would not desire for you to protect me."
"I was dead-weight."
"You were not. William, for you own sake, keep it together. I am here with you and I came back because I needed to tell you all these things. I was never good at showing what I felt, no, I will go further and say that I never was good at feeling in general. But you were my best friend. My only friend. The only human who ever mattered to me. The only being I was capable of caring about."
Those glowing eyes were full of hope and full of fear. His voice was shaking. "Is... this... true?"
Everything inside of Henry screamed to get closer, but those were William's emotions, he had to keep them in check. "Would I ever lie to you?"
This was the straw the broke the camel's back apparently and the Purple Guy jumped right at him, squeezing him tightly and refusing to let go.
Pink Guy wasn't sure what to do. His mind was twirling, his body was shivering as his heart beat violently in his own chest. It was way too warm. Way too close.
For the first time in a long while he felt panic bubbling up in his mind.
"Will! You... you are smothering me..."
"Sorry..." Well, William said that, but wouldn't let him go anyway.
It was weird to have someone pressing their body against one, without any reason and not wanting to stop or struggle immediately. "We do not have much time anymore. Let us go back up."
"We could crack open a cold one!"
"You already had enough to drink for these days."
"Aw... you're worrying about me!" Happily Will threw his arms in the air and the warm prickle in Henry's stomach made him enjoy this situation more than usual.
They returned to the fairly barren place. Probably all that useless furniture had been sold away, like he always secretly had wished it to be. Finally there was a lot of space to build and learn.
He could feel those spotlight on his back.
"Do you remember how I taught you the waltz?"
Everything about the overly-excited man-child perked up. "Of course! I've even gotten better! Lemme show you!"
Without waiting for consent, William took his hand and shoulder, forcing him into the female role... but William wanted to only to show off what he learned, right? Well, obviously not, but he couldn't find the strength to force against it. It was a better way to see his improvement anyway.
One thing was a blatant mistake though.
"You are still holding me way to close."
"Do you mind?"
It was getting ridiculous, but... he had to re-instill the addiction William always had carried around. The addiction to devotion and closeness.
Henry's face felt hot, almost as if his body was getting sick. "No."
They twirled around, in perfect harmony. This... was really impressive. Shortly Henry wondered how William even had trained without him-
No. Stop those unproductive thoughts.
Finally, they let each other go, standing on the spot, both drunk on William's insane happiness. A dream come true.
Wasn't there something he wanted to do...?
Oh, right!
"Will... do you know how I could return to you?"
Speechless Purple Guy shook his head, apparently not ready to break the spell.
"It was your blood. Well, rather my blood."
Icy guilt and shock almost made Henry's heart stop, so he decided to smile once more, to melt this nauseating sentiment away as quickly as possible.
"I- I- I'm sorry, I just had to-"
"Sh... Will, it is okay. I knew it from the beginning. You cannot ignore a needle suddenly being shoved up your arm. I allowed you to proceed, because I was impressed that you fought your inherent fear of needles to connect with me further. It was the best decision I ever made."
"When I entered the void, a small part of myself could stay with you. Heal your wounds. Protect you from doing a mistake as grave as killing yourself."
"IT WOULDN'T BE A MISTAKE! I WANTED TO BE WITH YOU AGAIN!" Desperate the distraught man screamed his pain out.
"No, Will. You cannot think like this. Do you consider me not powerful enough to escape the clutches of death?"
"Y-yeah, but... how long? How long do I have to wait?" The pain became almost unbearable, as Henry's nose began to itch and his eyes... were... heating? "I can't take it. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be without you. I can't take that a-anymore..."
William was crying. Clenching his fists and begging to be allowed not be away.
Taken a deep breath, Henry tried to fight back. This weren't his emotions. This wasn't his mind. This wasn't him.
I don't want to be without you.
And for the first time Henry understood what it felt like to be loved.
Unbelieving he reached for his cheeks, where a liquid was situated. It was pouring out of his eyes.
This was his body, wasn't it?
I don't want to leave you.
As if something... more had just opened to him.
A new door, a new way.
As if he for the first time saw color.
It was just so much more than he could handle.
Had William felt this all this time they were together?
What... what had he done?!
For the first time in his life, it felt as if there was another person in the room with him. A real person, who was just like him, who felt and thought and wanted-
An extension to him, but an individual nonetheless.
He wasn't alone.
"We n-need a syringe."
He hadn't seen William dash like that since the last time he had accidently cut himself on a metal plate.
Sweet like candy.
But he had poisoned every single bit of it.
In a second the boy was back, a syringe in his shivering hands.
The sadness from before, the fear of leaving him had been fully replaced with terror of having hurt him. Why was William like this?
The fear of the sharp needle was only an afterthought in the storm of his mind.
"We will exchange blood one more time. So I will never leave your side."
"Y-you... you actually want that?!"
"I have to protect you, Will. And it will help me return to you when the time comes."
Without any hesitation Purple Guy handed over the syringe. "Will you... be able... to talk with me?"
"I do not think so. However, I will guide you in any other way possible."
They proceeded in silence, but Henry had to chuckle at the confusing mixture of fear and excitement his friend was experiencing at the moment he inserted the syringe.
Truly, he was envious over the amount of force behind Will's desires. While in the void, he would focus on learning more.
After absorbing the blood, Will threw the syringe away, slightly disgusted with the lingering feeling of the foreign metal in his body.
Smiling after this feat, he stepped closer to his idol and partner, leaning his down to be forehead against forehead.
Was this love?
This... floaty... emotion?
"I won't hurt myself anymore. I will continue your work for as long as it takes."
"Never dare to forget me."
"Haha, how's that even supposed to be possible?! You mean everything to me!" It was the last minute of them being together and Will was almost crying again. "I will always think about you. You're the only reason I'll stand up in the morning and not put a shot-gun in my mouth."
Oh so painfully sincere.
William never was meant for this world.
"There is nothing that will ever keep us apart, Will."
At the last second, Henry leaned up and kissed him. One last guilty pleasure before he would return into the frozen state of emptiness.
Slowly he faded away.
It had been long enough.
Impatiently Henry clenched his fists. He knew Fredbear's weakness. Hell, he even knew how to make the Shadow Doggo back off.
But he couldn't find his way back.
"Here" and "now" were USELESS.
He concentrated back on William and let himself sink into his reality.
They were about to destroy another Fazbenders...
Fine by him, as long as it kept his partner from hurting himself. The brand wasn't all that important anyways.
But he needed to get out. He couldn't let Will-
Then, suddenly, it caught his eye.
An orange person, with glowing eyes and a smile.
A soulless smile.
A soulless body.
The perfect vessel.
He just needed to get the body to belief that he was his actual soul, so he could settle in and take control, it was ridiculously simple!
Smiling to himself, he waited until Will himself noticed the person and dropped one simple thought into his head.
Either way, this has been a wild ride. For anyone who cares, the memories are canon to my "A Guard's life", maybe you even recognized a few!
But that hardly matters, so... Tell me what you thought!
Now, next up is PROBABLY (Yandere)Dave/Phone Guy, if the requester still wants that x3
Feel free to leave other requests though, I'm always happy when I'm busy!
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