He calls me~ (Yandere!Dave/Scared!Phone Guy)
For my friend , I hope it entertains you!
No one could say the factory was perfect. It had a strict rules and knew how to reprogram the people they send out.
But... due to the nature of the metal... some things even the factory couldn't "fix".
The deep seated core of the personality.
The individuality.
The soul.
Sometimes Phone Guy wish they could.
With shaking fingers he took a glance at the cameras, fearing for everything to explode at any minute. The computers, were they overheating?! If they broke, would he be terminated?!
No, no, they were not overheating.
A-and if he closed them down, would he managed to restart them?! Or what if something horrible happens while the cameras were out?!
Breathing heavily, he allowed himself to sit down for a moment.
God, he wished the factory would have turned him into a useful human. But they didn't. He still was a nervous piece of shit that should die, but didn't dare to kill himself, because he was scared of what came after, even if everyone was better off if he was dead-
His alarm ringed, giving him almost a heart attack.
Right, he needed to meet the new... employee....
Why would anyone want to work here?!
S-should he tell him or would that get him fired?
Scared he sneaked towards the entrance, hoping that the toddlers wouldn't spot and kick the shit out of him... as well as hoping that no one tried to ask him about anything. He hated it when people went into his general direction.
Hiding behind the robots, he waited for the door to show someone wearing the Guard-clothing, they already have been send after all.
O-or did he forget that?!
No, he... he couldn't have!
Maybe the new employee just decided not to come?
Yeah! Maybe he got a better offer!
Phew, then he could go back to the office!
Into safety!
"Eyo, ya the phone?"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" He stumbled forward, almost falling of the stage, but catching himself in the last second, realizing that he almost broke his neck. Once he turned around he almost whished that it happened and he was over with it, because now surely his end was near.
A purple... person... was standing there, his glowing eyes fixated on him, reminding him of the headlights of a quickly approaching car, keeping him in place like a deer.
For a minute or so it stayed silent between them, until the guy furrowed his brow and yawned. "I'm the new guy! Care to put me through the paperwork, or can I go and do my thing already?"
Every Phone Guy knew about the Purple Guy.
When the Purple Guy entered the establishment, it was bound to close, they said.
Purple Guy brought chaos.
And Purple Guy was on contract.
He couldn't turn him down.
"A-ah... I mean... hello..." Helpless he swallowed, his throat painfully tight. "H-hello to... F-Freddy Fazbenders..."
"Hurry the fuck up, I don't have all day!"
"IEEP- Y-you can go, I just need a name!"
The man tilted his head and suddenly reached forward, making the manager actually fall back off the stage, hurting himself badly. "O-ouch..."
There was a soft laughter, a laughter not as spiteful as he expected. Purple Guy put on his hat and smiled down at him. "The name is Dave, looking forward to working with you!"
"Now calm the fuck down before I lock you into the security office."
Ashamed the supposed boss stood back up, trying to ignore the immense back pain. "Would probably be better... s-sorry. U-uh... you look like you know what you're doing... so..."
There was some sort of... sparking in these glowing eyes. For a second they became brighter, he was sure of it.
That was... creepy...
"You're the residential Phoney, huh?"
"You ain't the worse version I ever met. Ya know, of the millions of you that get created every day, I like you the most already!"
"... Thank you."
Dave paused, shortly surprise was on his face, but then the grin returned. "You're welcome! See ya later, slick!"
What a weird... way to talk. Somehow he felt calmer now, so Phone Guy decided to actually check on his other employee—nope. Nope, nope, nope. Ronaldo would probably insult him and Matt... MATT...
Nah, better go back into the office, where he could keep an eye on everything. A safe eye, safe for him!
As fast as possible he sneaked back, avoiding all sort of human interaction and manager responsibility. Accomplished he slummed back down into his seat, staring with a sore feeling in his faceplates at the screens. Now he had one more person to search for, but apparently Dave was more interested in robbing the prize corner than hurting his customers.
Huh, maybe having him here would not automatically get them closed down!
Maybe he wouldn't need to recheck his testament for today.
With his fingers he tipped onto the table he was leaning onto, trying to reflect on what kind of situations he could soon find himself in.
He already replaced the animatronic's teeth with foam, he already restricted quite a bit of items from the prize corner and he secretly got rid of the salad bar!
Should he... get the saferoom sealed?
Usually there was the place toddlers got slaughtered.
Nervously breathing he shook his body. He wasn't allowed, it was there where the employees were supposed to put on the suit.
Those hecking suits made nothing but trouble.
But they were company rule... for some reason...
Who thought of that?
All employees must work in death-suits! BECUZ REASONZ!
Once more he checked over the cameras and-
In a flash he appeared in Pirate Cove and interrupted whatever his new employee thought he was doing. "D-DAVE! Drop whatever you're holding and step back from the fox!"
"What if not?"
"I-I demand to know what you're doing!"
"Aw. Nah, fuck yourself!"
"Employee! You can't talk to me like this!"
"Or what?" His voice became cold.
Immediately Phone Guy cowered again. "Dave... I... you could hurt yourself, you know...?"
"T-those parts are pretty sharp you know?"
For a moment the Purple Guy stood atop of the stage, before messing with the fox again. "So... you want me to stop building, right?"
"Come here, I'll just have to show you something quick and then I'll stop!"
"Show me... something?"
"Yeah! Come up!" His smile was bright and he didn't took his stare off Phoney for one second, while he clumsily climbed onto the stage. Hesitantly he stepped up to the slightly mangled Foxy and tried to spot what was wrong with it.
Dave pointed into the mess of cables in the core. "There's this metal plate, even though it shouldn't be there... it could cut some toddlers!"
"What are you talking about...? There isn't-"
"Hahahahahahahahaha, you look so fucking stupid!" The Purple Guy began laughing far louder than fitting for this kind of prank. Phoney had fallen back again, trying to hide behind his arms, whimpering in fear.
"T-that was NOT funny! I had almost a heart attack! DAVE!"
"Whatcha gonna do?"
Thoroughly humiliated, the Phone-headed manager stood up, still shaking. "Nothing. A-at least this won't get us sued or closed... don't do this prank on the customers, a-alright?! Please."
Again he walked back towards the office, leaving his speechless employee behind. This place would kill him before the factory got even the chance to call him back.
For a minute or so, he considered shutting the doors, but knew that he ultimately would have to open them again anyway...
They would have to stay open.
He needed to ensure that in case of something happening, he would be there.
But he was terrified.
What if someone sneaked into the office behind him?
Sighing he shortly rested his head on the table, exhausted beyond believe from the chaotic day. Now he would have to watch the cameras, inspect the kitchen in case that Ronaldo had been a bit too lenient with the ingredients, he would take a look at the prize corner, in hopes that Matt hadn't figured out how to break the steel chains around the dangerous items and he would have to search for anything people could slip on or stumble over... he would need to search through the ballpit, in case something dangerous fell into it, or was deliberately hidden in there, he needed to... ensure that in the dumpsters... there wasn't... toxic things...
And with that the man was out like a light.
Hours passed, the customers left, the other employees left and the restaurant closed down. The place was barren and desolated... except for the sleeping manager and one particularly mischievous employee.
Smiling the Purple Guy spotted his boss sleeping in front of the humming monitors and got out his knife. Wasn't this a golden opportunity?
Getting rid of a Phone Guy was risky, but if done right, he wouldn't even need to lure all those kiddens around!
One more step he came closer, looming over the helpless figure under him. Fascinated he watched his supposed superior twitch around, having some sort of nightmare.
Carefully, slowly, he reached out for his shoulder, touching the heated and sweating skin.
For a while he stayed in place, before beginning to softly rub in circles over it, attempting to sooth the tormented human.
If someone would ask him, why he was doing it, he probably just stab them. Why should he need to justify this?
He shouldn't! After all... it had been...
Okay, he couldn't even remember if he ever saw another human being in this situation. Henry usually stayed up quite late and stood up even earlier, so he never caught him sleeping anywhere.
And that's it.
He never lived with anyone else.
For the first time he could peek into a reality that had been denied to him before.
The small circles have turned into a full on caressing and to his surprise it seemed to work, Phoney had stopped his slight whining and was now breathing more regularly.
Wow... that effect could physical contact have?
Curiously he crouched down next to the sleeping phone and listened to his breathing. Every human being was so fragile... all he had to do was pushing his knife between this man's ribs to stop this endless seeming cycle of sucking air in and pushing it back out.
But he didn't want to.
Not today.
One last time he glanced at his knife, before hiding it back into his pocket and searching for something resembling a blanket.
Tomorrow he would have to lure a few kids, but today he could play a good employee.
Phone Guy stared down, not believing it.
Well, at least the five children weren't missing anymore.
His whole body, including his mind felt numb.
The small bodies were scattered around the saferoom, the bloodied suits giving their empty, goofy smile.
The factory.
The factory was calling for him.
This. This had to be a joke.
He couldn't feel pity with the children. At least they only died once.
This was the same old dance. Children go missing, parents try to find them, two to three days later police was called, the place was searched and they would find SOMETHING and except if they sold of an employee, they would be closed down.
Anyway, he would be send back.
This was the end.
Except if...
W-what if...
He needed to...
Without thinking, he picked up the first small corpse. The restaurant had already closed, he just needed to quickly bring them to the dumpster, get the gasoline, burn them to crisp, then clean this room, h-he should better clean this room first, in case that the police came to check on the fire-
"What the fuck are you doing, Phoney?"
Oh god.
Almost the dead body slipped from his hands, but in the last second, he managed to hold it up with his knee. Without another word he turned around to see Dave tilting his head.
The breath of the manager was going frantic.
Purple Guy.
At this point he had only one choice.
Finally, the body fell out of his hands, onto the ground.
"Please... help me."
Again, he could swear he saw something flicker in those white glowing eyes. His grin widened.
Without any further word, he picked up the body. "First we'll need to get rid of the bodies, before a vengeful spirit comes and stuffs them into the suits."
"I-I thought w-we could b-burn t-them..."
"Nice one! Gotta get the police here somehow, right?"
"We need to get them to the kitchen."
"NO!" All color was drained, even if it was only visible on finger and neck.
"K. Have fun at the facto-"
He had underestimated the Purple Guy's cruelty, but now it was bright as daylight in the way he stared at him. Like a... predator. A cat that had gotten ahold of a mouse and now wanted to see how long it could still run with a bitten leg.
"O...kay..." Phone Guy couldn't believe what he was saying.
But the children were already dead.
And he could still make it out alive.
Dave followed him on his heels, he could feel the slight breathing on his oversensitive neck. Nauseous he placed the first body on the kitchen table, staring at the pale skin, knowing that it was because the blood was flooding to its back.
Had he just called this small boy "it"?
Dear lord.
I-It was a dead body. Nothing more, nothing less.
Dave just smiled, waiting for him to get the next body.
He had to carry them all over, except the last one who Dave suddenly picked up to carry alongside him.
"Now, Phoney, we gotta chop 'em all up!"
Nodding PG tried to grab a sturdy knife, but his hands were shaking far too much. It always slipped away.
Suddenly, Dave put his hand over his, leading him to cut the corpse. "You'll need a LOT more experience to pull this off!"
"A-ah... I don't... f-feel good..."
"Ya think this is supposed to make you feel good?"
Helpless he began shaking, his knees gave in and he found himself on the floor.
This was a nightmare.
This was a nightmare.
This was a NIGHTMARE!
He wanted to wake up. Now. He wanted to be back home.
Dave stared down at him with somewhat of a frozen expression. "I'll do it."
Confused he looked up.
"I'll chop up the bodies. But you'll stay right there while I'm working."
Thankful PG nodded and sat back to lean against the wall, watching Dave doing his work.
There he stood.
The mascot killer.
They said Purple Guy brought chaos, but they never mentioned, or at least never dared to confirm that Purple Guy was the murderer.
And now he was on his side.
What has he done?
God, what has he done?!
The fleshy sounds became more and more bearable, at least he managed to tune it out.
Tired he hid his face.
He should have called the police.
He should have accepted his fate.
"You know, Phoney... I kinda always thought you were just a mindless puppet for Fazebear's entertainment... seeing you fight back is pretty impressive!"
"You probably feel sick now. Don't worry, I did so too as first. It'll go away before you know it."
"T-that isn't... a g-good thing..."
"Welp, it'll save your ass, so you better shush!"
For a while the sound of chopping filled the air, until Phoney couldn't take it anymore. "W-why... why did you start w-with this? Why are you doing this?"
"Freddy Fazbender's isn't allowed to exist." There was an icy seriousness in those words, something that made Phone Guy shudder.
"Why... children? Why not me?"
All of a sudden, the repetitive sounds stopped. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."
"I'm s-sorry..."
"We're done here!" Suddenly back in a cheery mood, Dave leaned down to him, smiling. "Now, tomorrow you'll have to make an offer for pizza with any kind of meat, so many people eat it! We wouldn't want the police, once the parents are taken seriously with their fears find anything about this!"
"O-oh... oh lord..."
"You in?"
"... yes..."
"Great! Also, we gotta take care of the robots!"
"Just in case the puppet finds a way to get the souls in them anyway."
"The... puppet? We don't even have a puppet here!"
"The puppet is ALWAYS here. That fucking cancer follows me around like a love-struck puppy."
"You'll need a crowbar, I assume you know at least a little about the machines?"
"NEATO! See ya tomorrow!"
Phone Guy watched him leave and swallowed hard.
Tomorrow was another day.
Sweating he hoped that no one was questioning why he had called all the animatronics into the saferoom.
Dave on the other side seemed stoked. "This is fucking great! We won't have to search for those bastards all day! I knew you would be of use to me!"
Uncomfortable Phoney shifted around. He didn't want to be useful, but on the same time, it was something. At least Dave wasn't considering exchanging him for one of the million other versions of himself...
Oh holy f--frick, did he actually just think that?
Dave smiled at him. "Nervous? I'll show ya the ropes, I promise it's gonna be easy!"
The Purple Guy on the other hand never felt so fucking happy in his life. When he saw Phone Guy standing there, blood smeared all over his shirt, he suddenly understood how the people in the Wild West must have felt once they struck on gold.
This never happened before and it probably would never happen again.
How useful that could be!
He could infiltrate EVERY place!
Get access to ALL the files!
Nothing was beyond his reach now!
Also, this version was far less obnoxious than the usual package, it was a dream come true.
Ah... he couldn't help but laugh at his constant, helpless frowning. Who would have thought that they'd EVER end up on the same side?
Now he was the boss! Haha!
But he was a generous and lenient boss.
He wouldn't press any last use out of him and throw him away.
Maybe he'd even let him return to his real family!
Man, he was such a good person!
The animatronics entered the room, following Phoney's signal. Brimming with pride, Dave walked forward, nonchalantly holding the crowbar at his side.
"Come closer, my Phone-headed friend and I'll show you the wonders of Animatronic manipulation!"
Even though he explained it patiently, the Phone asked twenty more questions, before working on his own.
For a while they kept silent, but Phone Guy's thought kept returning to an article he read up yesterday, while he searched up "psychopath" on the web.
"Dave... can I ask you a question?"
"Yes and there you go!"
"... why..." Phoney wished he could roll his eyes. "Do you have a family?"
"... No."
"Oh." On the website it had said that most psychopaths, especially Serial Killer had usually wife and children, to better blend in. "Pets...?"
"A-am I annoying you...?"
For a minute Purple Guy stayed silent. "No."
"U-uh... it kinda appears like it... e-especially with your short answeres...."
"You're not giving me much to talk about, ya know? What am I supposed to answer?"
"O...kay... when's your birthday?"
"I dunno... usually I celebrate Halloween as my birthday!"
"Wait, hold on, you don't know when your birthday is?!"
"Nobody ever told me!"
"N-nothing..." Phone Guy glanced at him, feeling almost a hint of pity. Maybe it wasn't all his fault being so insane...
But Dave killed children.
And he helped hiding the body, he was literally in no position to judge.
"W-what... what do you want in return for helping me?"
"Oh, just a few favors. Believe me, I'll be better to you than the factory ever COULD be!"
Sounded fair.
"How—I-I mean, do you have... a... friend?"
"I once had one. Henry. Swell guy, he could do thinks I could only dream of! But he's dead."
That name sounded somewhat familiar, but he couldn't recall.
"This conversation i-is pretty hard to k-keep up... do you have things you do for fun?" Desperately he tried to cling onto something to humanize the man next to him, so he maybe wouldn't feel this horrible about working with him.
"Pranking people, messing with robots and drowning my sorrow in alcohol!"
Well, the last one he knew too well. Half-joking he muttered to himself. "Maybe we could get wasted together s-sometime..."
"Huh? Are you inviting me out, Phoney?" Grinning Dave leaned over to him, his neck allowing him to come WAY too close for comfort.
"U-Uh..." Between embarrassed and freaked out, Phone Guy leaned back as well. "I-I-I m-mean... so... uuh... i-if you w-w-want..."
This goddamn flicker again.
"Then it's settled! Once we're done, we're gonna have ourselves a drinking night!"
Between sighing and somehow smiling Phone Guy returned to work on the machine. When was the last time he went out with someone?
Gosh, he couldn't even remember...
W-what if it would get really awkward?!
Oh nononono, this was a HORRIBLE IDEA!
A-also, the person he went out with was a confirmed Serial Killer. T-that was d-dangerous!
Secretly, Dave was just as excited.
This was the first time anyone EVER asked him to go out! They would be able to do so many fun things together!
All those things he couldn't do before!
Like things were one needed to lift the other up so they could break into places!!
Welp, he hadn't expected PHONEY of all people to be his first friend, but beggars can't be choosers after all.
Suddenly, Phoney began babbling again. "You know, I sympathize with Chica here. Every type of attention e-ends up being the... wrong kind..."
"I'd photoshop a Foxy-head on you and beat my meat to it!"
Snickering he watched the skin around PG's neck redden and him almost losing his crowbar in the machine he was working on. "WHAT'S W-WRONG WITH Y-YOU!?!"
"You're so easy to freak out~"
"What? If you get to babble, I'll get to babble as well!"
"Aww... come, we can take our relationship onto the next level and talk about weird shit now!"
"NO! NO! NO! DAVE! NO!" The poor manager clutched his crowbar close, his Phone head almost steaming out of heat.
"S-STOP HARRASSING THE P-PHONE!" Helpless Phoney stomped onto the ground.
"Then the Phone should stop being so much fun to harass!"
"I h-hate you..."
"No you don't!"
"M-maybe I should get myself send to prison... a-ah... never mind."
Purple Guy looked at him, something frozen about it. "You'd get executed."
"I know..."
"Stick with me, Phoney! Imma reward you... nicely...!"
"T-that sounds like it h-has a double meaning!"
Now fully laughing again, Dave shook his head. "That one's on you, Phoney! You filthy, filthy man!"
"A-ah... dear god..." Hiding in himself, the poor Phone tried to handle the shame.
Merciful, Purple Guy decided to free him from this situation. "We're done here! Go home, hit the showers and rest up, kay? Talk to you tomorrow!"
Purple Guy smiled as he left. This was going swimmingly!
Hopefully it would keep on like this...
Tomorrow was another day.
Once Phone Guy left the office, his breath was already going crazy. The police was on their way... and Dave was nowhere to be found.
What was he supposed to do?!
What if they overlooked something?!
D-did something happen to Dave?!
What was going ON?!
Suddenly his Phone head began ringing and he immediately accepted, hoping for some sort of distraction.
"H-hello, hello?"
"Heya, Phoney!"
"Whatcha mean, "where are you"? I'm at home of course! Police is gonna be EVERYWHERE today and they know my face. Can't risk showing up, partner!"
"Y-you're just gonna leave me here?!
"We'll meet each other in the saferoom at six, stop freaking out and relax!"
"P-please... don't leave me on my own. I-I'm scared, I'm a horrible liar, I-I just d-don't know w-what to do, PLEASE!"
Dave stood perfectly still as these words reached his brain. Somehow this struck a deep nerve that he didn't even knew existed before.
He needed to get Phoney out of there, at all costs.
"Fine, fine, you're really a mess on your own..."
"S-sorry, b-but the p-police-"
"Shut up, honey, I'll be there in ten minutes. Hide in the saferoom or office or something."
Obedient Phone Guy waited, minute after minute passed, until finally the door to the saferoom opened.
In there stood a completely grey guy, with a cap hiding most of his face. The man looked around, before spotting him and smiling. The smile finally made him realize that it was Dave.
"W-w-what did you do?!"
"A bucket of gray paint I quickly stole, nothing major!"
"You... how... what..."
"Gotta protect myself from prison somehow, right?"
"... Thank you a lot for coming." Ashamed Phoney let his head hang low, it was quite the asshole move to get him to come today.
"No probs! I brought something else too!" All of a sudden he took out quite the amount of alcohol. "Our nights out can start right here!"
"T-that's unsafe!"
"Ah, stop bitching, darling, you know we'll have fun~"
"All your bitching and moaning is useless! You know you want it~"
Actually, there was nothing that could get even worse at this point. Alcohol would be a fine release.
"Ah... y-you're right... hand it over, we have like four hours to k-kill..."
And killing them they did!
"Aaand I'llll swaaar to gooood... ouuur band, wasssslike... superkewl..." At this point Phone Guy had been talking about his teenage years and Dave wasn't entirely sure if it were the memories of the Phone or of his body, but it was adorable nonetheless.
Phoney became quite... cuddly when drunk. Not that Dave minded...
Absentmindedly he petted his partner in crime, who was giggling like a schoolgirl. "Ya know... I 'lways wanted to have... a frrrriend... Henry, never... got wwwasted with meh... "
"Baaad friend..."
"Nah... just... 'n asshole..." He began laughing, it was pretty ridiculous that he talked like this about Henry. Obviously he was a bit drunker than he expected. "Aalways wanded a drunko-friendo..."
"Pfff..." Phone Guy was snickering. "Ya know... it's kinda funny... always wan... wanted... to strannnngle sum bitches..."
"Ohohoho! Da Phone man isss getting badasss...!" Bemused the Purple- currently grey guard punched after him. "Bud I prefer ya staying aaall cute 'n shit..."
"'m not cute..." Phoney grumbled.
"Yare the cutes n00dle in da house!"
"Ain't making sense 'nymore..." Phone Guy reached for the bottle, almost completely convinced that it was a bad idea, but not caring anyway. Thankfully the bottle took over the decision for him, by being completely empty. Groaning he threw it away. "What'cha going to do when we'rrrreout?"
"Vegas, Baby! Gotta marry you somehow, ay?"
Laughing out loudly, Phone Guy fell back onto his partner, enjoying resting his head on the almost familiar body.
For a while they enjoyed each other's warmth, before Dave noticed a weird sting in his chest. This would have to end eventually... but... he didn't want it to end...
"Ya my best... friend..."
"You'rrre mine tooo!"
Another while passed and finally Dave felt in control over his own body again, but still... changed... he took a long look at the happy Phone.
"How 'bout we get out here now? Back to my place, or something...?"
"Oho~ Davey getting handsy...?"
There was a jolt of energy going through him. "Actually... good idea!"
Phoney giggled embarrassed but stood up anyway. "Let's-e go!"
Softly Dave took his hand to ensure the fragile Phone wouldn't fall over... ignoring that he got paint all over his partner.
The place was almost empty, just one last police man stood there, pissed off. When he spotted them, he rushed up to them, ready to punch them both.
"You two!" He barked. "Who of you is the manager?"
"Dat me!" Phone snickered and posed weirdly, activating all sorts of alarm bells inside of Dave's head.
"Where the fuck were you!? Because of YOU I had to WASTE MY TIME waiting here!"
Phone didn't give one shit. "Uhh... in that case~ Officer erect me-" He hiccupped. "- I mean, a-arrest me, haha!"
And now Dave could see anything but purple.
Lots and lots of purple.
Before he knew it, he was sitting on top of the other male biting into his throat until he felt warm blood filling his mouth, laughing madly from that sensation. No one got to THINK ABOUT TOUCHING his partner, no one got to LOOK at his friend and LIVE-
"D-dave! STOP!"
Hazily he looked up, confused about the reaction. What... wanted Phoney to get molested? Wanted he to get bothered by those filthy son of a bitch?! Didn't he understand?!
No, Phoney couldn't understand. Naturally he didn't. They haven't spent enough time together yet.
Fixable, totally fixable.
"What wrong, Phoney?"
"I-I..." The man stepped back, worsening the pain in Dave's chest.
"What is it, Phoney? You're my friend..."
"D-dave... you're... o-overreacting."
"Sh... Phoney... it's fine... I'll fix it..." He stepped a few steps closer, praying that his friend wouldn't run away. If he ran away, he would have to end the friendship. And his life.
It was a miracle, but the Phone-head stayed and allowed him to touch his face, even if his body was shivering. He still remembered who he was owing his life to in the first place.
"Y-you scare me..."
"You're scared of everything." With a single hit to the side, he made his partner pass out. "But that can be helped as well."
Lovingly he picked him up and carried him to safety.
When Phone Guy reopened his eyes, he was at a place he couldn't recall ever seeing before. His head hurt violently, but that was probably because of all the drinking. Geez, he shouldn't have taken alcohol in the first place... man...
Helpless he tried to sit up, but almost fell over again. Where the hell was he?
It looked like a prison, but without... bars... just concrete...
No, there was a door.
Scared he tried again to stand up, this time succeeding more or less. He stumbled towards the door and began knocking against it.
"H-hello?! Hello, i-is someone out there?"
No one answered and he got more and more terrified. Hesitantly he began dialing in the number of the police, but suddenly he noticed that he had no connection to anything. He couldn't... call people anymore... What was going on?!
Slowly he went back to the bed and fell down onto it.
That was what happened: The mother or father of one of the children heard that there was no solid prove that their children got missing at his place and now decided to deliver justice the old fashioned way. He and Dave, completely drunk, couldn't fight back and now Dave was tortured and he was next!
Oh god, what were they doing to Dave?!
N-not the he-
Again he stood up, more determined this time.
He wouldn't give up knocking until someone answered him!
Tirelessly he punched against the cold metal, until his fist were bleeding.
Finally, he heard something coming from behind the door. He stepped back in anticipation, waiting for the grand reveal off-
"Heya... how's it going?" Dave stood there, a soft smile on his face.
Immediately reality crashed down at him. So he was at Dave's place? Gosh darn it! "D-do all your bedrooms look like death-cells? Also, why was I locked in?!"
Probably because while he was drunk he attempted something stupid...
"Not all, but this one is the safest!" Cheerful Dave stepped in, revealing his bloodied clothing. It made Phone Guy shiver, even if he was ready to imagine a scenario in which that was warranted.
"What... happened?"
"Oh? Hm... you're looking so concerned~"
"Y-you're all... dirty... of course I'm concerned!"
"Aw... Saul, you've always been a sweetheart!"
The name almost made his heart stop.
"W-who gave you that name?"
"The factory! I have a few favors still open with them and one of them was your name... and your old home! You had quite the charming family... emphasis on HAD."
His whole body froze. "Why... why d-did you do this..."
"You know, spending yesterday with you was the best day ever! I couldn't remember anything that ever made me feel quite like this! I didn't want to lose that feeling. I didn't want to lose you. There are just SO MANY ways that could happen! I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE BEFORE! But now... there's nothing threatening us anymore!"
"I would have stayed w-with you without you k-killing my family!"
"Ah, shut your mouth, Saul, you don't even remember them! You have me now!"
Again, the name send an electrical shiver down his neck. "I m-may not remember them, but t-that just m-means you killed W-WITHOUT ANY REASON!"
"So, killing kids is fine as long as I have "a reason"? Here, how 'bout this: You were my reason to kill them. They threatened your happiness! OUR happiness! And I can't allow that!"
Saul looked down at his hands, wondering where it all went wrong. The only reason he asked for help was-
"Phoney... or rather Saul? They're dead now anyway. No need to cry about spilled milk, eh?"
They're dead now anyway. Feeling weirdly detached from reality he looked up into Dave's face. His smile was honest.
He looked at him with a sort of affection he never imagined anyone ever looking at him with.
Numb he tried to find his senses again. "W-what about the f-factory...?"
"My third favor~ But I was planning that one from the beginning."
"A-ah..." Dave's stare made him almost dizzy. He wasn't even sure if he was scared or something else. There... there should be an argument against this...
For a while both of them stayed silent.
Finally Saul found the strength to say something again. "I'll n-need a better b-bedroom, I can't s-sleep in here."
"Naturally, everything for you! Care for sharing beds~?"
"Uh... I... I'm not sure if our r-relationship i-is intimate e-enough f-for that..." It was ridiculous to get flustered in a situation like this, but who cares.
Disappointed Dave pouted. "Alright, I'll respect that."
Suddenly he closed in and kissed PG where his mouth was supposed to be, leaving him to have a short-circuit. "I- Y-you- D-did- J-just--- w-wh-what- I-I- h-how-"
Satisfied Dave sighed. "Adorable..."
And all mine~
A/N: (The gray part is inspired byBadPinkUpLine's AU:
- - - She drew stuff for me and her AU is so damn sweet, I'll just put it here. Check it out if you want to meet a cast of huggable characters and interestingconcepts!)
Next up is some good ol' fashioned Dave/Old Sport... so I guess look out forthat! Even if it probably will be fairly short x3
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