FNAF WORLD - F*cking h*ll ( Dave/Old Sport )

A/N: Did you ever get tired of the self-aware videogame trope? Because I fucking love it to bits and feel weirdly lonely with the lack of fics in this fandom that use this... I mean, far too often it's abused to insert one's shitty self-insert-Mary-Sue into a game, but I still think it's a lot of fun with great crack-potential!
Well, it's not even the right trope for this one-shot, what am I even doing? Sorry for babbling so much ;3
This is a feel-good story, without anything especially exciting happening, just good, happy feels over here! Though, aren't that most of my fics? Happy feels and obsessive eggplants?
... uh....
Never mind, better not think about it. ENJOY! x3


It hunted him down for days.
It followed him through dreams and through the day, no matter where he ran, he knew wouldn't escape in the end.
So, this was the actual end, huh?
His deeds were catching up to him... but not in the way he had expected it. Instead of the mangled ghosts, broken and insane, who he expected, it was a fucking doggo.
At this point he was tired of this hunt, he was tired of not being able to do something, anything and he was especially tired of not being able to see Old Sport. Who would have thought that being away from him drained his soul to this amount? When Henry died, he wanted nothing but revenge, but... in the end, what was the point?
When he met Old Sport he thought he found the point, put now he remembered that he was nothing but a fucking insane co-worker to the guy that haunted his nightmare called a life.
Fucking great, now it tried to speak, despite being objectively unable to in its current form. Quickly he glanced at his clock. Twelve AM, by now Old Sport was probably at the restaurant, having fun...
Enough is enough.
He turned around and opened his arms. "Come here and take me, you ridiculous furry copy of me!"
Shortly the beast cowered in front of him, trying to say something.
Before he could ask what the fuck he meant with that, the monster jumped, its glowing teeth filling his vision, before everything turned black.

When Old Sport came back home, the first thing he did was standing, staring at the TV. He was bloody sick of the commercials that apparently were everything on TV these days. He was sick of life in general.
Where was the point in existing, when there were no souls needing to be saved?
Could he put himself into a standby mode and get summoned in times of need like every other good guy?
Seriously, there had to be a way to speed up this whole saving process! Get him frozen or something, he didn't care!
Deciding that he'd like to be traumatized, Old Sport sat down in front of his shitty computer pushed the power button. Obedient the computer began glowing and about ten hours later it finally brought him to the desktop.
Error: H E L P M E !
Freaking spam. Casual Old Sport clicked the x, just to get H A C K E D. Now every file available was a thing called FNAF_WORLD.exe
Okay, when he said he wanted the process to be sped up, he didn't mean to be thrown into a shitty creepypasta for the next few months... On the other hand, there was literally nothing else to do and he somewhat wanted to feel the sweet embrace of death anyway. So, with newfound motivation he double clicked the icon and watched the title screen pop up.
It was an incredibly generic title screen, with... honestly pretty cute versions of the mascots on them. Okay, there was some effort put into this, he was ready to give this generic creepypasta the benefit of the doubt! He clicked play and assumed that he barely missed a flash of all the corpses that were stuffed into the suits being in place of the animatronics. Neat how the most cheesy creepypasta version was actually accurate to the real events!
He ended up in a bubbly cute world BUT IT WAS HIM INSTEAD OF FRUBBY! Or just some generic Orange sprite, at this point there wasn't really a difference. Or... was it a few pixels glitching? Spotting a weirdly placed Fredbear, he walked up, hoping to talk with him.
Another screen popped up with both of them on opposite sides. It turned out, his character actually was nothing but a few constantly glitching pixels. How disappointing.
"Hello and welcome to Animatronica! I'm sure you feel like getting up and going for a stroll, but..." The Fredbear stopped its constant movement and looked distressed. "Hey, Buddy... are you alright? You're kinda... unrecognizable...You aren't one of the Animatronics, are you?"
Well, that was... a bad set-up for a creepypasta...? Maybe it was a self-contained one? You know, where the horror starts inside of the fiction and seeps into reality afterwards? Turns you suicidal or haunts your dreams forever?
"You clearly aren't. Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but we have more pressing issues right now. Someone else came into the world and he most certainly doesn't belong here. He's wreaking havoc EVERYWHERE! We manage to overpower him, but... it's really unpleasant. This is a safe heaven, a sanctuary. We have things to do, things too important to be stopped by some violet creature. With his arrival he created a rift..."
Did he just say violet?
"If you're not an Animatronic, but also simply appeared out of nowhere, then you could be...? Please, press WASD."
Phone Guy used the keyboard and his glitch acted accordingly.
"What a relief! A puppeteer in these times of need! Please, please help us! Take control of the newcomer and help him calm down, while we work on repairing the glichting objects!"
A yes/no option appeared and Old Sport would rather live one week in Europe while the black plague was around than press no. Fredbear smiled again and began his frantic movement once more.
"Great! Follow me, I lead you where we keep him! Not that we are mean to him, but he REALLY needed to be isolated..."
They left towards one of the many, somewhat displaced buildings and when they arrived at the windmill, Fredbear vanished inside, Orange Guy quickly following, his heart racing.
Violet is quite a fancy word for purple.
It wasn't even reasonable to be this excited, but he hasn't seen him for three days and had felt deader with each passing day. Without his chaotic co-worker, Freddy's became an incredible dragging, constantly repeating place of nothingness. When he was around, at least you always knew that you wouldn't be able to make it through the day without laughing at least once for one or another reason...
Inside of the building was a plain room and a few Animatronics stood around--- DAVE! When he began talking, his voice sounded out of the speaker.
Helplessly the man in front of the computer began laughing, it sounded like the perfect end for the weirdest serial killer in existence.
"Old... Old Sport?! Is that you? Do you hear me?! HELP! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!"
"You heard me? Dave?"
"Old Sport! You're back! I'm so f*cking glad! Get me out of here, please! I wanted to go to hell and burn, not to be daily subjected to f*cking sugar cancer!"
"Maybe this is your hell torture?"
Suddenly, Fredbear's speech bubble popped up. "You know each other?"
Again a Yes/No choice popped up, but before he could click any of them, Dave responded.
"He's my co-worker... and my friend." A short awkward pause ensued, after which he continued. "Thanks for getting him here, I guess. Now, where is the way out?"
Fredbear shook his head. "*Sigh* There IS no way out. I explained it a hundred times already, we are a sanctuary and we aren't supposed to just let anything enter or leave."
"Do I look like a f*cking anything?!"
Orange Guy weighed in. "Okay, what was the plan again?"
"What plan?" Apparently only Dave could hear him...
"Ah right, the plan!" Fredbear turned to the pixels. "Use WASD to move onto him."
"W-what?! What's that about?! Old Sport, what are you doing?"
There was no way for Dave to flee and with a slightly vengeful smile the man in control moved onto him, his pixels vanishing. Dave was panicking though.
"What was that?! What did you do?! Are you hacking me? Stop it!"
"Currently I'm doing nothing, so chill!" Curious, since nothing really had changed, he pressed S and Dave suddenly moved downwards.
"Oooooooh! I get to play Davey~" Ecstatic the man in front of the screen leaned forward and moved him in a circle. For some reason Dave didn't complain...
Fredbear popped back up and now Dave stood at the opposite side of him, instead of the pixels. The golden bear was applauding. "Great job! Now we don't have to worry that much about him anymore!"
"******* ****** with a ******* Imma ******** your *******"
"At least not as much. Though, could you... stay away with him from the town? Most machines can't stand his potty mouth..."
"And I can't stand the lack of dragon d*ldos out here!"
"Hm... how about you get him to do some of the dirty work? The rift he created gave way for terrible creatures entering the world and even some of us have gone insane! Those hands can be probably used to unscrew some machines. Go and do that if you want to help!"
"Old Sport, if you do that, I'll somehow get into your laptop and send all your porn to Phone Guy!"
Out of a deep and sudden desire to tease the little nuisance, Old Sport leaned closer, whispering into the attached microphone, the place he assumed Dave could listen to him. As softly as possible he murmured his words. "Hey... what's the big deal~? We could spend some quality time together~ Away from those pesky, nosy Animatronics~"
Again, no answer, but this time he could have sworn that the pixel around Dave's cheeks were slightly redder than before.
He led Dave out of the main town into a slightly wilder place. Finally, the embarrassed Purple Guy began talking again. "So... what is the plan? Are we playing along to kill them all after they stop suspecting us?"
"For that we would have to play along in the first place and I actually have no idea what we're supposed to do."
"I think we should break some things? I mean, that was what he said, right?"
"OLD SPORT! There... there are things coming at me. What should I do?"
"U-uh, I dunno, what is it?"
The screen began flashing and cheery battle music began playing, as a few... things... jumped onto the scene, each of them as bouncy as the other. Dave was quite lively as well, though that probably was panic. "What should I do?!"
A few options popped up, but he didn't knew what to click of those and what it would end up in. While he was trying to sort out his options, his small puppet was getting beating up.
Dave's health bar began to deplete rather alarmingly and in a short-circuit reaction, Orange Guy pressed the escape key, closing the game. Shocked he stared blankly at the blue desktop, before restarting the game, praying that nothing bad had happened.
Thankfully, he was presented with Dave's sprite standing in middle of the town and immediately began ranting. "What the f*ck did you do?! NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! I felt like being dipped into a lava pool!"
"I don't f*cking now, never was dipped into lava before. It hurt like a motherf*cker though!"
"Sorry, I panicked, it won't happen again!"
"You're a pretty sh*tty puppeteer... wait, did they sensor the word sh*tty now?! F*CK!"
"How much Phone Guy would give to see you like this..."
"If you show him, I'll ***** you with my ******* until you ********"
"Aww, you're cute when you can't threaten anyone!"
Ow, this time, the censor itself slightly hurt. It wasn't worth teasing the man any further, especially since he already was suffering. "Forgive me, for I have teased you! Let's go around the city and find something that'll help us fight those monsters!"
"You think they have an axe around?"
"I could hack one into the game!"
"F*cking hell, Old Sport."
"Heh, sorry, it's just so much fun to see you getting worked up~"
They explored the town and talked to every Animatronic they came across, most of them avoiding talking with him by giving some bullshit excuses or even saying straight up that he should stay away and that they kept an eye on him.
"They're pretty damn judgmental. All I did was trying to dismember them and burn down a house, no biggie!"
"Maybe you shouldn't act this way when you're out in a strange place, all on your own?"
"W H A T? NO! That could be BAD?! I had NO IDEA!"
The battle of sarcasm had commence, yet before they really could get into it, a Foxy-lookalike approached them.
"It's you! And the puppeteer I assume?"
"Who the f*ck are you?"
"Oh, I'm Lolbit! I'm basically the every-world-merch-girl! I have metal allies that can help you in a tough fight... but first and foremost, you'll need a weapon! Hands might be good for unscrewing, but if you want to beat someone down, then you'll need something heavier!"
"We don't have any money."
"Don't worry! The first weapon is free... as a thank you for helping us!" She smiled sweetly. "All of them are top quality and will be in this condition forever! But choose wisely, if you want another one, you gotta pay up!"
A menu appeared with a wide range of weapons. Knifes, Crowbars, guns, a flamethrower and an axe! Wow, who would have thought that this kid friendly place would have those things! For a while they stayed silent in awe, before Old Sport got back onto the mic.
"What do you want? The gun?"
"Nah, the gun needs ammunition, also if you don't hit the right spot, the machines doesn't care at all."
"The flamethrower."
"NO. Those f*cking robots NEVER disappear, no matter how big the fire is! I've made a good amount of experience with fire and animatronics and I say NO."
"The axe it is."
"Always a solid option... also, if something is in our way we could destroy it with ease!"
"If you do this, I won't only HATE you, but I also will call you Edge Sport!"
"That sounds stupid!"
"That's right! Click the axe and I won't have to disown you."
"Okay, DAD..."
"The next time you call me that, I'll f*ck the living daylight out of you."
"... Christ..." Thoroughly intimidated, Orange Guy choose the axe. Lolbit nodded approvingly.
"Good choice! Now, go get 'em, Eggplant-creature!"
"F*ck you, Foxy-b*tch."
She didn't seem to mind and skipped away, while Dave was weighing the axe in his hands and took a few testing swings, before smiling brightly. "She didn't lie, this is top notch! Let's go back out and get those F*ckers!"
"Actually... while we're walking, since when did you swear this much?"
"Usually I don't, but not being able to just pisses me off! NO ONE GET'S TO F*CKING DECIDE WHAT THE F*CK I SAY! B*TCH, A*S, C*NT, **************"
"W E W. I mean, fair point, but could you at least try to calm down? That censor hurts my ears..."
"It does? I'm sorry, in that case... I SHOULD DO IT MORE OFTEN! ************* ******** *******"
Finally at the place he first go ambushed, both calmed down and listened closely to the noises around them, ready for a fight.
"There they are, Sportsy! Let's get 'em!" Battle music played again and this time both were ready. Dave used the element of surprise to get the first strike down, damaging the weird plants for a good amount. This time it were only two, but they were still pretty threatening.
Since his partner was able to fend on his own for a second, Old Sport checked the options on top of the screen, which were labeled "help". Quickly he activated the "dodge" and got greeted with a few quick time events that he mastered just in time.
The distracted Dave suddenly felt a pull inside of his body that reacted on its own... well not... quite... he WANTED to do that movement from the bottom of his suddenly new located heart and before he even understood what was happening he followed this weird need.
"What are you doing, Sportsy- Ah! AWESOME!" Swiftly the guy danced around his opponent, the plants not even coming close to hitting him, while quickly striking down again and again, until finally those half-mechanic creatures stopped moving and gloriously exploded.
"Whatever you did, Old Sport, do it again next time it felt f-- freaking great!" His body was filled with endorphins, even was slightly shaking as he felt satisfied and whole after doing the dodging.
"Oho, censuring yourself now, huh?"
"If I want you to scratch my back, I'll have to scratch yours first, obviously."
"Ha, I wouldn't let you get beaten up, I'm not a meanie!"
"Then why did you beat up MY HEART?" Suddenly somewhat triggered, Dave blurted out what had bothered him so much the last few days of isolation.
"All I wanted was having fun and spend time with you and you shot me down, RIGHT THROUGH MY EMPTY VOID!"
"You wanted to STRANGLE KIDS!"
"But I wanted to strangle them with you!"
"See! You just want to hurt me!"
"This isn't some sort of joke-"
Once more the music changed, as a shadow fell upon the game world. The screen flashed darkly as a giant machine jumped up, with monstrous teeth and some dangerous looking tools as "arms". Dave didn't hesitate though and immediately began closing in on it. "We can discuss our deep heartfelt connection and desperate attraction to each other later, alright? Do your awesome thing again!"
"Dave you little shit..." Grudgingly he pressed the button again and followed the events as they popped up, all while watching the Purple Guy jump and bolt around his enemy. It was hard not to get distracted by the impressively elegant movements the man was doing, the way he fluidly moved from attack to defense, creating an attack pattern that looked so much more like a dance-
WOW, OLD SPORT, cut back on those creepy thoughts, would you? This is NOT something he should think about a serial killer. NO WAY could that be healthy.
Accidently, or rather because of his distraction he missed a few cues, getting Dave a violent punch into the stomach. He flew back quite a few meters, wincing out of pain. Shocked Old Sport was quickly back on focus. "S-sorry!"
"Don't sweat it, I've been through worse. It didn't even..." He tried to stand up and winced once more. "O-ouch... okay, it hurt a little. But I won't let an oversized garden tool bring me down!"
Right as the machine was towering over him, a new cue showed itself and this time Orange Guy was ready. Absolving the task perfectly, he was once more treated to a glorious sequence of movements-
Wait, what was there up in the corner? Again a box, but this time there was a "Stats buff" written on it. Curious he quickly clicked it, ending in somehow the WHOLE MUSIC CHANGING AND HAVING CURRENTLY A BEAT THAT MADE EVERYTHING ON HIS TABLE SHAKE! Dave himself began to glow, his grin stretching inhumanly wide. "Whatever the LIVING F*CK you're doing, DON'T STOP!"
Laughing loudly, his grin stretched even further, as all light shortly disappeared. It was only one second, but the boss had already deep scratches on its surface, worse than the ones before. One event later, the screen blacked again and this time its arms had been separated from its body. Thankfully on its mechanical face, there was no pain to be seen.
"LET'S FINISH THIS TOGETHER, SPORTSY! HA! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, THIS IS AMAZING!" Right as saying this, time got slightly slowed and a lot of buttons flashed up, leaving Old Sport barely any time to understand what Dave was planning.
Not that Dave himself understood what he was doing, all he could understand was this weird burning sensation running through his body, multiplying everything he could sense, to a point where it appeared as if there was nothing he couldn't... do...
His thoughts became slightly jumbled as another rush of adrenaline pumped through his body, finally filling all he thought he had lost in the last few years. Now, whatever he did would be devastating, whatever he chooses to destroy wouldn't be able to escape his grasp. NOTHING was able to stand up to him and his Old Sport this way! NOTHING WOULD EVER DARE TO STAND UP TO THEM AGAIN!
It probably wasn't Orange Guy's best idea to just mash the right buttons and hope for the best. Now completely black, nothing but the hysterical laughter and the sound from metal clashing against metal was left. For a few seconds it stayed this way, just to stop as jarringly as it started.
Now alone on the screen, Dave stood on slightly charred earth, shaking from laughter. He turned towards Old Sport and smiled almost sweetly. "This was the most amazing feeling ever~ Let's find more of those monsters! I f-feel it rushing through my veins, Old Sport! I FEEL LIKE A GOD!"
A few popups notified him that Dave has reached a new level. This equally horrified and intrigued the puppeteer.
Dave on the other side of the screen just closed his eyes and soaked in the emotion that piled up inside his head and chest. It was almost bursting out of him, but he managed to contain it with laughter, the waves of color, of feeling, not stopping for a moment. For a spilt second he could look into Old Sports eyes and KNOW, HAVE, FEEL-
Light and color returned, as well as a triumphant music. Fredbear appeared out of nowhere, applauding. "Great job you two! That was one of the worse machines... now that it is gone, we will be able to deal with its little followers in no time! Now that this is done... I'm sure the others will be grateful as well! Maybe they'll even gift you a few things! Though if you REALLY want to gain their trust, you might have to do a few other task for them... but I'm sure you'll manage that without any problems!"
Having finally calmed down, due to this unwelcome interruption, he growled more to himself than to the yellow animatronic. "F*cking h*ll, Fredbear, you tell me about an infestation of demons and then act as if there was nothing wrong with skipping around talking to people! Also, REALLY?! H*ll is now censored?! Bloody heck..."
"I'm not heartless, I know you can't just work all day. If you ever need a break, visit the town!"
"Just to talk to a few whiny b- people?! No thanks, I'd rather find more of these giant machines and f- kill them gruesomely!"
"Your enthusiasm is appreciated, but for that you would have to change the zone. Each place attracted only one type of boss monster, so you can't find any more here. The path to the next zone is currently to your left, follow it and when you see a button, get your puppeteer to press it. It will grant you two the ability to teleport back and forth between those zones."
"Great! Let's get going, Sportsy!"
Old Sport wasn't as much on board though. "What about those suffering animatronics?"
"Oh, go away with your empathy bullsh*t. Don't pretend to actually care! Don't you want to see what lies BEYOND this place? Oh, hey! Look, there's a chest in the distance!"
"To the left! I wonder what's inside..."
Effectively distracted they both ran where Dave pointed them to and really, they found the chest quickly enough. It was surrounded by trees though.
Shortly they both paused, before simultaneously grinning, as Dave raised his weapon and made a convenient shortcut towards their treasure. Equally as excited they opened the chest and found a chip inside, the name popping up on Old Sport's screen.
- NEW CHIP OBTAINED! FURY: ------ a0a9ep423lnbv5432w, ------
The screen glitched for a second and the message changed.
"Ow... my head hurt... what happened, Old Sport?"
"It... I guess it changed the game to fit to you. After all, where do you shove a chip as a human? Apparently it increases... experience?"
"... Neat!" Purple Guy put the thing around his neck and smiled prideful. "I already feel stronger!"
"You shouldn't, after all that thing couldn't have done anything yet..."
"Stop nagging, Sportsy! Let me be happy for just a minute, will ya?"
"Okay, okay! You wanted to see the new area, right? Let's go!"
Interrupted by a few fights Dave almost won without his friends help, they made their way towards a pretty jarring change of scenery. Right in front of them, there was a white and grey line, behind that there seemed to be a snowed in, dead forest.
The character slowed down and Old Sport didn't force him forward. "What is wrong?"
"Urgh... it looks cooooold...."
"I haaaaaaate the cold... do we have to go there...?"
"Do you want another boss battle or not?"
"Man... this sucks..." He stepped over the line and suddenly they were in a snowstorm. "NOPE, NOPE, THIS IS FAR TOO COLD!"
"C'mon, let's at least get to the button!"
AAAAAND they were ambushed. Icy variants of the monsters jumped at them and not even motivated in the slightest, Dave made a step back. But before he could complain any more, Old Sport used the help option and found a sort of shield spell. Hopefully it would work.
The groan of relief made it clear that it actually did. The monsters attacked, but Dave was only damaged a little and ready to hit back immediately. With an almost routinely precision he managed to kill them in a few quick strikes. Satisfied they were returned to the overworld, where instantly heard Dave's shuddering.
"Get to the button and then let's leave for now..."
"On it!" After touching it, a new number appeared on the side and after another click they were instantly transported back to town.
Yawning Orange Guy checked the clock and noticed how late it already was. Slightly guilty he closed in on the microphone. "Dave, I have to go to sleep now..."
"What?! You're kidding, right?"
"Please... I feel crushed. I'll be back tomorrow, alright?"
"... Alright. Sleep as fast as you can!"
"Uh... I try? See you tomorrow!"
He pressed the save button and was asked if he wanted to safely shut down the game. He clicked yes and everything shut down. Yawning once more, he almost considered just falling into bed, but decided to change a few things first. He relocated the computer into his bedroom, to keep an eye on it, in case Dave did anything stupid.
Afterwards he simply fell backwards and was sleeping before even touching the bed.
Darkness crept into the room, snuggling comfortable into the edges.
It was warm, silent and calm for a while.
Until the computer began buzzing.
Dave stood inside of blackness, staring out.
He was in Old Sport's house.
He was LEGALLY in Old Sports house...!
He could see him on his bed, t-the way his chest rose and fall again...
Ha...hahaha... what was going ON with him?! He always felt a void inside of his chest with other people, but once he first met this Orange Oddity, it felt as if his emptiness was slowly disappearing... until that fucking asshat decided to shot him down and the void began growing exponentially.
Now it was worse than ever. After the connection he felt today, being ripped away from him felt uneasily similar to shooting himself in the chest.
Slowly he reached towards the screen, but soon enough detracted his hand.
He NEEDED to get out of here.
"Having a bad night?" Fredbear walked up behind him, a sympathetic tone in his voice. "I get those sometimes too."
"Fredbear... he's gone..."
"Oh no, he isn't, don't fret! In less than a few hours he'll be right back here with you! Puppeteers never leave their puppets."
"Don't you mind feeling like a puppet?"
"Oh no! Why would I? It's a great honor to be chosen as puppet and it comes with the amazing knowledge that you'll never have to feel lonely ever again. Never needing to be afraid of the future, no matter what happens."
"Fredbear? What is a level in this world? I saw it on the menu screen..."
"A level? A special privilege for puppets! It signifies the connection between Puppeteer and puppet. When it goes up, not only your stats go up, but your abilities as well! The Puppeteer will be able to activate more of your powers and help you more efficient, while you begin to fight more and more viciously for your partner. Your attacks will become more violent, your body won't register as much pain and your speed will increase as well!"
"Oh yes... it's the best perk that being a puppet could have. The more fights you master as a team, the easier it becomes for you two to synchronize. You start to guess each other's moves before you even think about it! Your minds synching up will give both of you a better synergy and help you achieve your dreams. The game will recognize it and you will gain more freedom for yourself."
"That... that is..."
Slyly Fredbear smiled at Dave's amazed expression. "Rumors say... that some even managed to escape their coding and be with them in the real world once they reached an incredibly high level."
"So, this could be my chance to get out again!"
"Yeah! But for that you'll need a LOT of levels, so keep on helping us to deal with those creatures to gain more experience! Though... it's just a rumor, I don't want to give you false hopes..."
"But rumors always have a grain of salt, right?"
"Maybe. Though I've also hear rumors of puppets kidnapping their puppeteers and sucking them into their own world... and that is straight up nonsense."
"How... how can you be so sure?"
"Because..." Fredbear turned away. "Never mind, I shouldn't fill your head with fairytales. Please forgive my bad behavior. Anyway, it's great to have a chat with you! Good to see that your friend managed to calm you down a little."
Dave stared at him, then outside again. "... Yeah... He's really good at that... Fredbear, I have a question!"
"Can I go around and accept missions on my own?"
"Well... yes, but it would be more polite to wait for your-"
"SEE YOU LATER!" With that the psychopath bolted off.
"AND DON'T FORGET YOU CAN'T GAIN ANY LEVELS WHILE HE ISN'T HERE!" Helpless Fredbear screamed after him, wondering if he had been wrong in telling the newcomer about the rumors. Yet, without hope no one would be able to keep going for long and it appeared as if the violet creature hated to be here. A little bit of hope couldn't hurt, right?
A few hours passed and sunshine flooded the room.
Old Sport groaned and cursed himself for forgetting to close the curtains, right before remembering why he hadn't and why he had to stand up as quickly as possible. Sleepily he stumbled over to the computer, pushing the button and waiting for it to reactivate itself, which happened thankfully pretty quickly.
Once the game was up, he was greeted with Dave and about twenty notifications about accepting missions.
"Morning, Old Sport! Since I don't wanna go into the snow, as well as wanting to gain a few new levels, I accepted some missions! Let's get going!"
"Morning... I didn't even have breakfast yet..."
Dave's heart skipped a beat. Old Sport looked incredibly cute while being sleepy. "Fine, fine, but hurry up!"
He watched his partner clumsily walk off and sighed satisfied. It wouldn't take long for them to be reunite in one world... one way or another.


A/N: Hey, maybe I'll do a continuation, with Old Sport being pulled into the game as well, or Dave finally infiltrating other electronic devices to manipulate Old Sport!
Whatever you would like more! But if you don't think this is interesting enough, then just say neither and I won't do any more ^^
Most people see Fnaf world as the black sheep of FNAF, but I honestly think it's quite nice in its own way, even with all of its design flaws... I enjoy playing it every now and again ^^
Enjoy your days, mah dude-bros!

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