FNAF WORLD - F*cking h*ll (2) (Dave/Old Sport)

A/N – Continuation of part one! (Duh.) Since JadeDearden asked for it, this is the version where Davey plans on getting out, one way or another.
The lyrics from the song above felt pretty fitting, so I just put it up there. \(°-°)/


Groaning Old Sport cursed under his breath, as the bright light of his computer basically made him go blind. Maybe it had been a VERY bad idea to move the computer to his bedroom... also, Dave could activate the computer on his own?!
"I'm awake, I'm awake... for heaven's sake..."
"Sick rhymes, yo! Now MOVE!" Dave's voice was painfully happy. "We have to beat THREE bosses, save one family and get rid of at least fifty Quarrys! You know, the stone-things!"
"Fifty?! Are you sure...?" Yawning the Orange Guy sat down in front of the computer, slightly smiling as he saw Dave's excitement, it was pretty infecting.
"Yeah! Then we get to try out one of Lolbit's new inventions!"
Swiftly taking back control over his partner, he began leading them towards the mine. "About the bosses...?"
"The ones we missed in the snowy hills! If you'd like to, we could go there first."
"Don't you hate the cold?"
"It... it's gotten better. It's nothing more than a cold breeze by now... haha!"
It felt quite... weird... but Old Sport decided that there was no harm coming from it, so he left it there and went along. "We're already at the mines, so let's do that at first!"
"Nothing like good old fashioned grinding right? I LOVE grinding with you~" This was most certainly an innuendo.
"Christ, I'm so close to turn this thing off again."
"Ow, why you gotta do me like this? At least if you DO me, then DO me right!"
"Ah, you're cute when you're flustered~"
"I- I'm not flustered!"
Cutting through the stones as if it was butter, the Purple Guy piled up the minerals behind him in a matter of a few minutes. It was lovely how perfectly they already managed to harmonize, Old Sport using special spells to summon mass attacks and helping with the dodging, while Dave dashed out quick, hard attacks at the weakspots of their enemies.
"AND FIFTY! We're done! Now, let's bring them back to Lolbit. I'm pretty curious what she wants to build with it..."
They teleported into the heart of the city, where many Animatronics greeted them with a smile. Since Dave had suddenly become this eager to help out ANYONE around him, he became quite the loved figure that was gifted some useful items every now and again.
Lolbit ran up to them, screeching happily. "That was quick! Have you brought me DA STUFF$$$?"
"DA STUFF$$$ is right here! I want to beat some more creatures into a pile, so if you need anything else, say it now!"
"No, you've been a great help already! Also, I wouldn't trust you with my machines anyway, you sound like a kiddie-snatcher."
"WHAT? OLD SPORT, DID YOU HEAR THAT? KIDDIE SNATCHER?! I'm a dignified person who knows quite a lot of things and has many exceptional skills, which coincidently also includes being charismatic enough for people to follow me around... it's not my fault!"
"Noooo, totally not your fault, Dave..." A popup distracted Old Sport from his sarcasm.
A sting out of pure joy rushed not only through Purple Guy, but also through the puppeteer, to his confusion. It wasn't very expected, but somehow it made him feel good about himself to finally having reached this fairly high level.
"Hey, Dave... what's the highest possible level?"
"Far too high I think. 9999? We'll be fine, don't worry... this amulet is already apparently doing miracles. I've heard it's quite hard to get to higher levels after level 40..."
"Jesus! Didn't you say you need a high level to get back out?"
"Jup! That's why we should keep checking for bosses, they give LOADS of EXP! Get us moving, Sportsy, I can't stand staying still!"
"You can't stand standing?"
"F*cking h*ll, you're not funny."
"Hey!" Despite those words sounding dead serious, somehow Old Sport would bet his life that the man was simply trying to tease him. Okay, maybe life was a bad thing to bet, since after all he didn't really had any desire to keep it, but... ah, he got the point, it was his own goddamn point, why was he explaining himself to himself?!
"Sportsy? Something the matter?" Worried Dave peered out of the screen.
"Nonono, I- I got a bit distracted..."
"Hm..." It was obvious that Dave was angered, feeling as if his partner was keeping a secret from him, even though he really just feels odd...
Yeah, it was pretty creepy actually. He could feel his own heartbeat! When was the last time THAT happened? When he died?
His heart was really pounding, without any intention to ever stopping, apparently. In retrospect, he hasn't felt that much in years, not only physically, but... emotionally as well. Wow. Maybe he was getting sick?
Smugly Dave was staring at him, but how could he be smug, his face was literally just a few pixel, his expression could TECHNICALLY be anything, from uncomfortableness, to simple smiling, to... b-but it WAS smug, he KNEW it was smug, he could feel-
Warm and fuzzy, soft affection.
"Old Sport... I'm here for you. Tell me what's wrong, I'll help you out." Dave's voice sounded strangely kind.
"I'm... it's just... I feel off. The game is probably still haunted and trying to kill me, haha..."
"I'm sorry, Sportsy... I shouldn't wake you up this early. This is probably my fault..."
"N-no, it's okay... I guess... heh, it's not a bad thing, I feel just a little... confused. It'll go away soon enough, surely!" Back up to energy, Orange Guy pushed his puppet forward. "IT'S TIME FOR BOSSFIGHTS IN THE SNOW!"
They laughed at each other's horrible singing voice and began to find the daily bosses, greedily absorbing level after level. Really, it felt great to watch that counter go higher and higher and both of them were almost squealing when they got another level. Hour after hour passed, without anyone noticing, without anyone caring. 
Honestly, if he could stop time, he would do it now. Preserve this moment of pure, reasonless happiness.
No one demanding from him to press on forward.
No one was sad.
No one was watching him with hateful eyes, prying for weakness...
Suddenly the Orange Guy snapped back up. He had fallen asleep at the computer, Dave was sitting patiently in front of him, smiling affectionately.
"Why hello there, Old Sport! Back under the world of living?"
"Did I die?!"
"No, at least I don't think so... and I've gotten pretty good at differentiating between dead and living people, if I do say so myself!"
"Too bad." Orange Guy yawned, checking the clock. "G-goddammit! I have to go to sleep..."
"I have work tomorrow, remember? The Phone is going to get the dogs, if I'm not on time..."
"F*CK THAT PIECE OF SH*T!" The man exploded suddenly, but began breathing more steadily immediately after he noticed that he scared his friend. "Sorry, sorry, I really... I f-ing hate that useless piece of scrap metal! He's... very... let's say if he was on fire and I had a glass of water... I would drink it, spit it on him and proceed to kick him until he passes out, then I'd tie him to my car and wait until he wakes back up before I begin driving-"
"Wow... why do you hate him that much?"
"He's... I've gone through A LOT with that man and... you know, he's the worst person inside the whole restaurant, COUNTING MATT."
Almost Old Sport offered to stay up to talk with him about it, but... it was impossible. It was dangerous to be late to Freddy's and he had already taken a day off... "We'll talk about it tomorrow, alright Dave?"
"... yeah. Have fun with the Phone. Break his neck for me."
"We'll see. Goodnight!"
A bit softer Dave followed up. "Have sweet dreams of our wonderful future together~"
And while shutting the computer down, Orange Guy felt an incredibly warm sensation in his chest. Maybe a future...
AHAHAHAHAAH, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Okay, Orange Guy, my man, did you ACTUALLY just almost thought THAT A LIFE WITH A SERIAL KILLER! CHILDREN SERIAL KILLER! COULD BE ENJOYABLE?! Earth to Old Sport, he's the reason you're fucked, you remember that, right?!
Trying to slow down his breath, he couldn't focus on anything. Something was going on, something that he hadn't yet noticed.
What... what was this?
He shouldn't worry.
No worries.
Children always disappeared at Freddy's, really! C'mon, blaming Dave for the hauntings, was as if he was blaming Jellyfish for all people who die at the beach. Yeah, it was A LOT, but it wasn't fair to just blame-
A-ah... his head hurts... he needed to sleep.
And dream something sweet...
If he hadn't a future with Dave, then he actually had literally no future-
His head hurts so much... Sighing he snuggled into the bed and forced himself to think nothing.

Inside of the computer, Dave was burning. There was something bothering his Old Sport! He had to fix it! He had to get rid of the fucking Phone! He had to- do- SOMETHING!
Dashing of, he tried to find Fredbear. He wanted answers, RIGHT NOW. The animatronic was sitting at a fishing pond, humming a happy tune.
"FREDBEAR! I want answers, or I WILL burn everything around here down!"
"Please, Dave... what's wrong?"
"Tell me more about getting a person into this game!"
Fredbear shortly stopped, sighed sadly, then stood up and signed him to follow. "I will tell you a story."
"About an Animatronic who wanted to save his best friend, a human child."
Finally catching onto the situation, Purple Guy walked behind him, keeping his mouth shut.
"A previous puppeteer was a kind, young boy, with a black and grey shirt, brown hair and innocent blue eyes, eyes that were far too often reddened by his tears. He played with us a lot, especially with me. We were best friends. I tried to help him as much as I could... first by simply being there to cheer him up and making up adventures... but then he told me about his family. To sum up years and years of abuse... no one cared about him. His brother even scared him again and again, somehow getting a kick of seeing him lying crying on the floor. So, level after level followed and I began breaking out... I followed him everywhere, trying to give him at least one friendly face to look at. Sometimes I like to think that I actually managed to give him some sort of comfort..."
Fredbear sat down on a hill, far away from enemies and other animatronics.
"And one day I decided that enough was enough. I could save him, I could bring him here, into our paradise, where he would never have to be away from us and his family would never be able to hurt him ever again. All I wanted was to finally see him happy."
For a solid minute there was nothing but silence. Finally Fredbear continued, sounding old and tired.
"I send Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy to get him. Five nights we were hunting for him, trying to catch him. He fought back. He was afraid of us." A slight voice break gave his deep pain away. "They turned into monster, but we couldn't explain the situation to him. We had to hurry, his birthday was soon... it was supposed to be a surprise. A SURPRISE. I- I don't know what was wrong with my head! On day five, his birthday... I planned on talk to him at night, to explain why I did it... a-and, well, that day, on his birthday, his brother shoved his him into... the maw of an Animatronic. It crushed him. Time was running out, I had to get him into this place, before he would move on! So I tried to get him myself, I did EVERYTHING... but it failed. One last time I tried to talk to him. That I'm still his friend, that I would be there for him forever... that I would put him back together..."
Silently he hid his face, a slight hiccup obscuring his words.
"A-and so I did. Some other p-puppeteer found the game and... I m-managed to break the coding enough t-to send them on a secret mission. I got the clocks, the p-pieces to lead him t-towards our s-sanctuary and they f-found it... Yes, they found them a-all. But he never appeared. All I did was t-torturing him in the end. NO matter what I d-did, I just couldn't... I feel as if I killed him myself."
"Wait, black shirt, grey stripes, cries, gets bullied and shoved into robot maws by his brother..."
"I know... it's w-weird for someone to be this u-unlucky..."
Dave decided to stay silent. There was nothing good coming from this. "Alright, you say that there is no way to guarantee that the person gets here safely?"
"There is no safe place. There is no sanctuary." Suddenly his companion began glitching around, assuming different forms. "He couldn't find his way."
"Hm... but you said you got out?"
"Yes, it's actually not all that hard... depending on how you want to manifest yourself. Right now you can go out and sneak peeks at him, but no one else could see you... maybe not even him. For physical abilities, you'll have to work a LOT harder. Though I guess I could show you another place where you can quicker get EXP."
"That's... appreciated." But Dave couldn't help it. He wanted more than to just watch Old Sport on his daily routine.
Images flashed around in his face, about Phone Guy scolding him, staring at him, TOUCHING him... Sick to the core, he felt again the need to burn everything around him. Either that, or finding a way to protect him. There were so many bad things that could happen to him! He could DIE! PHONE GUY WOULD SPRINGLOCK HIM!
Oh dear hell, no, nonono! Phone Guy was a fucking psychopath, even if he actually managed to pretend otherwise somehow. How did he do that, really? Slightly Dave asked himself why he never managed to pull off the same stunt, but quickly dismissed that thought again, it wasn't helpful in any way.
If he wouldn't manage to escape in some way, tomorrow could be Old Sport's last day.
NO. NO. NO. He could save him, he could save that son of a bitch and if it meant to-
Violently he tear a hole into his surroundings. It wasn't real anyway.
Fredbear made a step back. "W-what are you doing?!"
"Just taking a stroll..." Dave knew what he had to do. It had been so easy, he missed it! "I'll be back later."
Without any hesitation, he entered the other files, searching around and quickly finding what he needed. Old Sport's E-mail account. There it was...
His password was pretty easy as well: "DAVEDON'TYOUDAREHACKINGMYACCOUNT69", something he could guess on the third try. Easy! (How sweet of Sportsy to think about him while making his e-mail~)
It wasn't too hard to find the function to write a new e-mail.
@PhoneGuy, about: Protection, completely empty, one additional file attached.
... The fact that it actually fucking worked was amazing. Shortly he was torn apart and flung around, as he became nothing but little parts in the endless stream of information... Now on the company computer, it didn't even took a second to change his e-mail around.
@PhoneGuy, about: New Update (mandatory), a short official message that this was an upgrade to fix a bug for all Phone Guys, one additional file attached.
Silently laughing to himself, he leaned back and filled his heart with good emotions, sending them towards Old Sport. Love, love, love. He should dream about him. He should feel good this morning. He should feel as if this day was worth living. Worth waking up to spend time with him.
I love you, I love you so much, it breaks my mind apart and I don't even care, it feels great, I'm so happy, aren't you?
Be happy. Be happy with me. We can be happy. Just allow it.
Old Sport's dream were pretty weird already- Correction, his nightmares were pretty weird already, but this night probably took the cake. First he dreamed that his boss was chasing him down, trying to kill him in the most gruesome way possible (it involved two paperclips and a buttplug), just because he sneezed into the wrong direction. Then, suddenly he dreamt he was a secret HACKERMAN, who was trying to hack the government controlled sex-robots who all had the face of Nicolas Cage and the body of a rabbit for some reason... it wasn't pleasant, but at least he could now say he saw the worst thing possible and wouldn't need to fear anything ever again.
When he finally managed to meme himself through the firewall, who imploded due to a missing trigger warning on a post about dark chocolate, the dream simply vanished and he and was lying around, laughing, enjoying the sun, holding Dave's hand, before leaning over and-
Sweaty Orange Guy woke up, utterly and deeply confused. He wanted his nightmares back please, this was NOT what he wanted to experience at night!
It was worse than having a nightmare... since a nightmare stopped hurting once you woke up.
Trying to get rid of the bitter taste inside of his mouth, he stood up and began to grab random things out of his fridge, stuffing it into his mouth as some form a breakfast. Afterwards he decided that it would be far healthier to check up on Dave, instead of letting it gnaw away on his sanity for the rest of the day.
The computer took YEARS to power up, but when it finally did, Dave was already on the screen, waving at him. "Oh, Old Sport! You took the time to check up on me before going to work! What an honor..." His last words had some good-natured sarcasm in it. "Did you sleep well?"
"Not really." Slightly flustered, the man rubbed his face. "Anyway, I'm just here to make sure you don't feel bad if I'm too long away."
"What if I told you I get automatically deleted if you don't check up on me every hour?"
"I would call you a filthy, filthy liar!"
"C'mon Sportsy, the only filthy thing about me are my thoughts about you~"
"DAVE! Is that how you repay me for taking the time to look after you?!"
"Yes~ By making clear how much I'd like to ******* your **** with a ******"
"... you didn't say anything, did you? You're freaking trolling me!"
"Caught me~ My smart Sportsy~"
Again, a rush of heat was making his cheeks blush. There was a weird... disconnect... he didn't want to feel so weird! "Be honest with me, did you do something?"
Serious his friend stopped with his teasing. "I didn't do anything, don't worry. Go ahead, I will be fine on my own... for a while."
A split second Old Sport stared at the screen, not wanting to turn it off. He wanted Dave to tell him to say fuck it and force him to stay. He wanted to be taken over in his decisions.
Well, really, was it that much of a surprise? When did he ever do anything out of his own volition?
Dave on the other hand was smiling an almost cruel smile. It was nice to see his Sportsy struggle without any hope to win~
He could feel Old Sport's heartbeat, he could taste the fear and needs the Orange Man was desperately trying to hide deep down in his mind...
Patience. Patience was key.
"Hey, Sportsy! I'm sure today will be a good day, so don't look so troubled!"
"You know I'm going to Freddy's and you have the NERVE to say it will be a good day?"
"You see... since I've been missing for a while, Phoney is probably a bit more lenient today..."
"You think he's going to let me kick Balloon Boy?!"
"For sure!"
"Your optimism is the reason you're trapped, you know?"
Dave rolled his eyes. "Damn, I guess I won't miss you after all..."
"Ha! Now you're the one breaking my heart-" Embarrassed Orange Guy tried to swallow the last word, as it was NOT a good idea to encourage the psycho.
Too late. Quickly he tried to save his last bit of dignity by pushing the off-button. "See you later!"
But Dave's pretentious expression wouldn't leave him alone until he finally entered his workplace, where other horrors were taking over the main part of his mind. For example, his boss was currently SCREWING WITH THE ROBOTS!
Dreadful he ran up to him, trying not to get this place shut down. Or the cyborg dying. Somehow he felt responsible for Phone Guys, even if they were actually pieces of shit. "Heyo, Phone-man! Whatcha doing?"
"Oh, hello there, Ol—Employee! Don't mind me, I'm just... updating..." He sounded somewhat out of tune. "Ya know, management stuff... you wouldn't understand, really, so don't worry your pretty little head!"
"Uh... are you... okay?"
"Haha, what are you saying, Ol—Employee? Never felt better! Now hush, I have work to do!"
"In that case..."
"WAIT! Wait—for today! You don't have to wear the springlock suit today! I- I mean, you can't."
"Well... they are getting... sanitized! Fuck, I mean- O-oh god, uh... Sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine!"
Slowly Orange Guy stepped backwards, before dashing off, the dream of this night far too lively in his mind. Great, now everyone was going insane! There was probably LSD in the water, at this point there was no way it was all coincidence. A Phone Guy just said FUCK. There was definitely something going on.
But hey, at least he didn't have to work in that deadly suit, so...
Nope, it was still far too freaky.
He wandered from room to room, unsure about what to do. There were many options that could kill him, aka things he had to avoid... maybe he should go and pick fleshlights out of the trashpile? That would give him quite a bit of tokens!
Toy Bonnie walked past him, staring at him from the corner of his eyes.
All of the animatronics were acting pretty strange... whatever the Phone Guy did, it made them even creepier than they were before. Once more he passed Toy Chica... hasn't she passed him about three times already?!
Were they following him?!
Fine, this wasn't some government founded experiment, animatronics wouldn't drink water. Wait, did Phoney go rouge and put him onto the criminal record to kill him off?
Quickly he equipped his Taser and decided to confront them. "TOY FREDDY! COME OVER HERE!"
Without hesitation the bear closed in and smiled at him. "What can I do for you?"
"Are you planning to kill me?"
"No?" Confused he tilted his head and furrowed his brow. "Why do you-?"
"THEN STOP STARING AT ME ALL THE DAMN TIME!" He was tired, he was nervous and everything around him was falling apart.
"Uh... okay, Sportsy-"
Freddy perked up, laughing awkwardly. "Y-yeah, your friend is always calling you that, I thought-"
"My... friend..." Enough was enough. "I'm leaving!"
No one was stopping him and that was the worst part. Was this still a nightmare? In front of the door he hesitated, not knowing what would happen to him if he left.
"Something wrong, employee?" Phone Guy was suddenly standing uncomfortable close behind him. This wasn't Phone Guy. Phone Guy kept a professional distance. "C'mon, let's go to the office, okay? You look like you need a break! We could sit down, have a nice chat, enjoy some tea or coffee, whatever you prefer..."
The man took his wrist and dragged him along, his grip almost painful. He knew who that was, despite it being literally impossible. "D-dave?"
Bingo, the Phone-head turned towards him. Trying to suppress a scream he ripped his arm free and tried to walk back, just to walk into Toy Bonnie, who was immediately grasping onto his shoulders with a kind smile. "What's wrong?"
"Yeah, what's wrong employee? Why are you so scared?" Phone Guy stepped closer again.
"Y-you... Dave, what did you DO?!"
"Ahahaha, Dave? He hasn't been here in almost a week..."
"Of course I reacted to the name! Suddenly you call out for your friend, who isn't even here, naturally I take a look at you! You look as if you could fall over any time!"
"Oh." The boss crossed his arms, anger in his voice. "Sorry."
All of the animatronics had circled them in, staring in complete silence. "T-this wasn't any kind of backstabbing! Just because Phone Guy didn't knew we are friends, t-that doesn't mean..."
"Why are you so scared?" Once more annoyed, Phone Guy turned around. "And I said, I'm the phone!"
"OF COURSE I'M SCARED! EVERYONE AROUND HAS TURNED WEIRD! Please... l-let's go to the office..."
Melting away at the begging tone, "Phone Guy" sounded friendly again. "There's nothing strange about this, employee. You're just overworked... do you want to leave early?"
Hiding his face out of sheer desperation, Orange Guy tried his best not to start screaming again. "Dave... please... if we really are friends, then stop with this charade..."
A few seconds, the Phone-head stayed focused on him, before he sighed. "There's nothing I can hide from you, can I?"
"Get out of them. Please, it's really terrifying."
"Why? We could spend the day here together! It's not as if I'm hurting them..."
"Are they... do they know what you're doing?"
"Uh... maybe? I don't care! They don't respect you enough anyway, so there's no harm if they get downgraded to the sidelines."
Orange Guy stared at the familiar face, imagining the soul inside screaming in terror, trying to break out of the iron grip that was squeezing the life out of it...
"Old Sport! Why are you feeling this way!? THEY AREN'T EVEN WORTH TO LICK THE DUST OFF YOUR SHOES!"
"Christ, Dave, calm down!"
"DAVE!" He wanted to cry for the first time in twenty years. Somehow he suddenly was flooded with guilt.
"S-sorry, Sportsy. I said he's fine, it... aha, well it's triggering to see how little you trust me..."
"The problem is that you have a very odd definition of fine, you know?"
Sighing and slowly deflating, Phone Guy's body sat down on the chair. "You're right. But how about you try it to see it from my perspective!"
"You want to protect me, fine. How about you give me the week off then, so I can focus solely on helping you to get out?"
"Deal! I'll just-"
"WAIT! Let me talk to the real Phone Guy for a moment, okay? I don't want him to get in trouble-"
A deep sense of hatred suddenly cut him off. Who cares what happens to this mass-produced piece of shit?! He wasn't any different from the others! If they wanted, they could take over the place and order five hundred of those! WHY? WHY CARING ABOUT THEM?! THEY NEVER---
This wasn't his head... t-this wasn't...
"Alright, Sportsy. Talk to him, if he's SO IMPORTANT to you!"
The man fell almost over, but then jumped back up. "W-w-what happened!? E-employee, what have you DONE!?"
"Long story short: Dave is a virus now. B-but I can fix it, don't worry!"
"DON'T WORRY?! H-he is in my head, employee! I CAN FEEL HIM!"
"Don't freak out!"
"W-what the heck? How couldn't I? He could kill me at any second!"
"But he won't, I promise! He just wants to get out again... and for that I need your help."
"MY help? What can I do, blow up together with everything that has his data?"
"Geez, it's not that drastic..."
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to sound terrified or anything, after all my body is just controlled by a literal psychopath! Really, I'm sorry for inconveniencing you!"
"Phoney! I said, I'd fix it! All I need is a week off!"
"Call it external... uh... betterment? Further education? Just write anything down that sounds as if I'm actually working from home and then there should be no problem, right?!"
"I... I don't r-really have a choice, have I?"
"Let's say you have a good, logical and right choice and a dumb one."
"Please... hurry. If they find out I allowed this, I will be terminated..."
"Don't worry Phoney, I might not really like you, but I know you're only doing your job!"
"You don't--- was to be expected, I guess... Thank you employee..."
"Come on, you don't even remember my name. I'm DEFINITELY allowed to think you're a buffoon!"
"Okay employee, you're walking a thin line. Blowing up is still an option for me!"
Old Sport couldn't tell if it was a joke or not and it made him uncomfortable. With Dave it was so much easier...
Okay, maybe Dave had infected his brain as well. "Please excuse me now, I have to fix some glitches. See you as soon as possible, I promise!"
Softly he shuddered after noticing what he just said. Promising things really was a bad idea...
Nodding he left, appreciating that Dave hadn't interrupted them. Only at the end Dave couldn't help himself. "See ya soon! Hurry, before I pit the animatronics in a death-match against each other!"
His pace went up by quite a bit.
Back in front of the computer Purple Guy was jumping around, smiling sweetly at him. "As promised no one was hurt! Right now, everyone is confused, but back in their own body."
His partner was considering to say thank you, but that would send the wrong message to Dave, so instead kept quiet. It drove Dave nuts immediately.
"Sportsy! C'mon, talk to me! I'm sorry for scaring you, I really am, but I just wanted to keep you save!"
Despite knowing better, Old Sport couldn't bring himself to stay mad at him. Why?
Sighing in defeat, he gave into the nagging need to tell Dave that he still lov--- that he wasn't mad anymore. "It's fine... I can't believe I say this, but it's fine. Now, first daily bosses, then the circus?"
"Fredbear actually told me that there was somewhere else we could level up! We should ask him once we manage to kill the bosses."
They circled around, killing the bosses without any major problems, both knowing what to expect from the creatures. At this point, Dave could do most of them on his own, yet even if he wanted to, Orange Guy couldn't stop interfering and casting spells. It was slightly addicting.
In no time at all, they managed to reach level 60 and both were slightly dizzy from the sudden rushes of endorphins flooding their body at every chance they had.
Fredbear waited for them, once the last boss had been destroyed, a bright smile on his face. "Good to see you both healthy and together! You did a very good job, we managed to close the rift in record time, due to both of your continuous work!"
"Quit the bullsh*t, Fredster, how do I get out?"
"Your level is quite high right now! At this point, you and your puppeteer should be able to synchronize to a point where you can feel each other's emotions!"
"And that means you will be able to enter a secret area... the thing your arrival created the rift inside off! It is easy to be torn apart and lose your mind there, your enemies won't feel real and your own body will feel as if it begins to vaporize. That's why keeping ahold of your puppeteer is absolutely necessary to stay alive up there. But also don't underestimate your opponents! They have quite the punch there... the entrance is by the mechanical bird who sits on a stump! Walk up against for a while and you'll be in there in a flash!"
The loading screen appeared and Dave felt the impending doom coming from Old Sport's side.
"Dave. Did you know about that?"
"Uh... no?"
"Dave. I will get you out of there. I will find you in the real world. I will rip of your balls and I will replace your eyeballs with them."
"H-hey... that's a bit..."
"I don't like being lied to."
"You're lying all the time, Old Sport! You can't play moral police with me!"
"Really, I didn't mentioned it, because I wasn't sure if it's just my imagination, alright?! You didn't say anything either, so... can you blame me?!"
Helpless Orange Guy clutched his head. He was scared. "What the fuck are you doing to me...?"
"I could ask you the same, Old Sport."
Shortly both of them paused, before Purple Guy tried to reach out for his best and only friend. "Fredbear said we have to rely on each other if we want to make through the area. The earlier you accept that, the quicker you can get rid of me."
A sting of pain flashed through the Orange One's chest, but he wasn't sure if it was him or Dave's. Anyway, he hated that feeling, he hated it SO MUCH, why was it so hard to get them to be together, it could be a way to save everyone after all-
Both of them tried to sort their feelings, but since they were both currently sharing a mind, they kept reawaken what the other one just managed to get out of their head.
I just want to be with you, why do you hate me so much?
The loneliness is eating me, please, please just don't push me any further...
If you could see the world through my eyes...
... we could be the greatest team in the world.
No one would be able to deny us what we want.
We would create a paradise...
It was as if he woken up from a dream. Orange Guy shook his head and tried desperately to find something, anything to hold onto.
How ironic that this was the only thing they couldn't get mixed up. "D-dave... we should go into the glitch. We will talk this out when we can look each other into the non-pixelated eyes."
Softly the Psycho snickered, his words meant as a slight jab. "Very romantic... I'm ready! I trust you Old Sport! It's not as if you would leave me there and let me go insane until I don't even know who I am anymore, right?"
"Dunno, I know at least two people who would consider doing that for fun..."
"Christ, I'm not a monster..."
"Haha, neither are... were they!" Dave didn't want to talk about it, so they simply kept silent and walked towards the stump. For a moment both hesitated.
Unsure Dave pressed his body against the remnant of a tree until a second later he stumbled forward, falling onto a cold, icy floor. It hit him without warning.
The world was wrong, WwWrRrOoNNnggG, the ground felt like ice and looked like trees, he was far higher than he was supposed to be, yet it felt as if he was drowning underwater, a melody came out of every corner, nothing normal, it went backwards, forwards, to the sides...
Terror digged into every fiber of his being, he shouldn't be here, they were biting into his brain, trying to drop the tar down his throat-
Old Sport.
Everything was fine.
No one was hurting them.
The reality was right there, right at his fingertips. He could feel it, breathe air that wasn't his but soon could be.
They would manage, they could do it. Just walk forward. He was being led, being held by his partner, there was no need to scream.
Their enemies were flashing abominations, constantly changing, growling and moaning monster, but he could trust Old Sport to make sure they couldn't touch him. Walls made out of magic, stars falling from the skies, gift boxes filled with pure energy...
After the first battle, they were pushed several levels at once. Finally, Dave could feel his body again.
I wonder if it's really healthy to level up here...
"Don't worry, Sportsy, I'm perfectly fine! You're here after all, I'm sure there is nothing I couldn't endure at the moment!" So cheerful, so happy. "We'll be at the right level in no time!"
"Did you..." Old Sport wasn't sure, but he could swear Dave had just answered something he hadn't said out loud.
"Don't be ridiculous, Sportsy! Keep going, we don't have all day!"
His smile was like the sun. He probably would go blind if he stared at it for too long.
Well, in the end they had all day. And night. And generally quite a long time.
On the next day, the only thing tipping Old Sport off was that he didn't opened his mouth anymore when they were talking.
On the third day they cut through the enemies like through silk.
On the fourth day Dave became a little greedy. Piece by piece he began break into the deeper regions of his partners mind, searching hungrily for memories, opinions, EVERYTHING. Old Sport couldn't find the determination to stop him.
When they returned that evening, Fredbear stood there, smiling almost sadly. "You did it! You should be able to return now..."
"Took f*cking long enough, m8! What do I need to do?"
"I guess... what you did before, just a bit further. You really need to desire to get out! We will miss you though... you really grew on me, I can't even explain why, hahahaha!"
"Probably because you project yourself onto me, like a f*cking psychopath?"
"Uh... excuse me?"
"Never mind. By the way, your child friend is actually still alive and still crying and still gets shoved into robot mouths by his brother. They bought him a new frontal lobe, he never died in the first place. Or maybe he's actually a robot himself, I dunno. Honestly, at this point nothing would surprise me anymore. Bye now!"
And with that he closed his eyes and left the dumbfounded creature behind him, as he embraced the only reality he ever wanted.
It happened when Old Sport blinked. Actually, he just wanted to stretch it body and suddenly another body flung himself onto him, conveniently onto the bed right behind them. He could smell him before he even could see the overwhelming amount of purple, an undefinable mixture of something similar to mint, smoke and a hint of blood, really an odd mix, but it managed to get his heart pound at about three million beats per second. It was just too familiar.
Their glowing eyes met for a split second, before he could feel the heat on his lips, the hunger lying behind it, thinly veiled by a chaotic storm of emotions. At this point he wasn't sure who had initiated this madness, but he couldn't muster up the desire to stop anytime soon, as the heat spread through every part of his body, feeling the wandering hands and the equally as violent beat of the other heart.
I missed you, I missed you so much.
Shortly he jerked away as the soft sting of a sudden bite interrupted his haze, wait had he been the one biting?
Didn't matter, didn't matter at all, they were together again, finally together and as the need to accept his love grew more and more exponentially, right as he wanted to fully open up heart and body, absorbing anything, everything to finally-
Breathing heavily they shortly separated from each other, even if they really HATED it. Finally together again, yet still too far apart...
"Old Sport~ I love you~"
He couldn't find anything to responed with, he wasn't even sure what he wanted to respond anyway.
"If anyone ever crosses you ever again... If anyone touches you, EVER..." Violent thoughts of blood and hate. Stop that, cut it out, this wasn't the right thing to think about right now...
"Haha, sorry~ I just hate how people used to force you to do whatever they wanted you to do before... They won't do that anymore." Laughing carefree, he leaned in once more and got what he wanted for so long.

When they entered the restaurant the next day, Old Sport couldn't help but feel worried. Maybe he should have stopped Dave yesterday, because now the man was more unstable than ever. His giddiness felt good, yet he felt that under said good mood, deep hatred and an almost maniacal sense of ownership was lurking.
It was as if Dave feared he could simply disappear if he wasn't keeping an almost painfully close connection. It was this painful only since Purple Guy's emotions were so raw and pure that it was overtaking his brain.
Whatever he thought, whatever he felt, he experienced it with every inch of his being. Both of them at this point.
Freddy's wouldn't be hell anymore, not like this. They could create a home here. They could create a happy place here... or at least a place where it wasn't all too bad.
Phone Guy approached, appropriately intimidated. "Employees...?"
"Heya, Phoney! Glad to see me again, aren't cha?" Dave snickered, to Old Sport it was crystal clear how much Dave threatened the pitiable manager under the guise of being happy.
"I guess...? Better out here than inside of my body. Employee, now that you are back, you should put on the Freddy-suit and-"
"Phoney! Phoney, Phoney, Phoney, my dear old phone... I say it to you only once: be careful how you talk to Old Sport from now on, okay? And also, no more Springlocks. I don't like when someone threatens my Sportsy... and being in a springlock-suit is pretty threatening if ya know what I mean? Ya catch my drift?"
Shortly Orange Guy considered saying something, but...
"Dave, for heck's sake! It's simply your job-"
"One more word and I'll rip off your head and use it to kill both of your children. Your choice."
Phone Guy stepped back, not used to his manic employee being this openly violent. Scared he turned to the Orange Guy, wanting to know what the FRICK happened to them. "Employee-"
"DON'T YOU DARE TO FUCKING TALK TO HIM, YOU SNAKE!" His eyes were almost completely black and filled with hate, his body tensing up, reading to tear open his victim's throat, yet before he could jump forward, arms were wrapping around him, stopping him in an instant.
"Dave. He didn't do anything wrong... calm down. I'm here."
Bit by bit the body of the Aubergine Guy relaxed into the hug. "But he-"
"It's alright, Dave... he's doing his job... he doesn't want to hurt us."
"Are you sure about that?" His words were more of a moody growl by now. "I'm pretty sure he wants to at least get rid of me one way or another."
"No, he doesn't. He's... uh... part of the family. You wouldn't hurt your..." A bit helpless Orange Guy looked at Phone Guy, an almost apologizing expression on his face. "Your going-to-be brother-in-law!"
Suddenly bursting with energy, Dave twirled Old Sport around, laughing ecstatically. "We're going to marry?! WHERE YOU WANNA GO TO FOR IT?! VEGAS? HELL YEAH, LET'S DO IT!"
"Ahahaha, give me at least a week to book a nice hotel for our honeymoon!"
"If you do that, then leave the rings to me! I'll find a beautiful pair that fits us perfectly!"
Aghast Phone Guy stood by, utterly distraught, as the first thought that came into his mind simply blurted out. "D-don't... don't even think about marrying him with onion cheese rings!"
Pouting Dave turned away. "As if I were thinking about that..."
He had been totally thinking about that. Old Sport wanted to get the situation to move on, but Dave had snapped out of it again.
"If you're his brother, you should help me choose a ring! Also, we need to get him a dress..."
"Please no-"
"Anyway, we have a lot to do! Phone Guy! I shall accept your previous short-comings! ButIfYouEverMakeOldSportSadYouWillRegretEverBeingMade." Smiling Dave suddenly took the face of his orange love and kissed him affectionately. "Wedding, wedding, wedding, my and Old Sport's wedding~"
With that he skipped off, dreaming up the perfect scenario.
Phone Guy turned around to his employee. "What have you done...?"
"I'm myself not entirely sure if I should regret this."
"If I were you, I'd be careful. Next thing you know, you're going to wake up chained inside of his basement."
"Yeah, can see that as my future. But honestly, at least in that vision of the future, someone wants me!" Laughing bitterly, the employee sighed.
From the distance came a scream. "DID YOU JUST MAKE HIM SAD YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT?!"
Once more Phone Guy shook his head. "We're... we're literally hecked. I will write my testimony."
"Ah, at least try to see it positively... brother! Once Dave accepts you as part of the family, he will do EVERYTHING to keep you safe."
"And that's supposed to be the bright side? That an insane maniac will overreact to everything I do?"
"At least there IS some sort of bright side! They won't be able to take you back to the factory anymore!"
"At this point I actually would prefer going back to the factory..."
"Christ, stop being so fucking negative, alright!?" Annoyed Old Sport turned away. "We all want to die, but at least we try our best to not make it worse by being a Negative Nancy all the time. There's the door, feel free to fuck off."
"Language, emplo—brother. And congratulation for your engagement. I still think he's a bad egg though!"
Smirking, Orange Guy softly patted his shoulders. "You never liked my own decisions anyway... but I'm glad you still accept it!"
"I have no choice, right?"
"Uh... then I guess I have to think about a good ring for you two... preferable something that can't kill a not-yet grown human."
"I'm counting on you!"
And so Phone Guy watched his employee skip away. What a motherhecking week.


A/N: I dunno if I should have gone into more detail, but I'm fairly satisfied with this one. I don't really want to linger onto something that I'm not entirely sure of... I mean, would you have been interested in that stuff I skimmed over? Though ~7800 words are a pretty good in my opinion. (*Cough* Or pretty damn bad *Cough*)
Argh, my insecurity is eating me again, I f0cking hate myself. I hope you got some enjoyment anyway and if not, I promise to rewrite it in the future.
NEXT UP WILL BE LEFTY/MARIONETTE! (And I promise it won't be this long, I'm sorry ;v;) I try to be as quick as possible x3

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