First Weekend ( Phone Guy/Old Sport)
A/N: For JadeDearden, I hope you enjoy! :D
The first Phone Guy/Old Sport story I ever did, I don't even know if there are other stories out about them, but they ARE pretty cute! SO WHY ISN'T THERE ANY ART OF THOSE TWO BEING NICE TOGETHER?! I COULDN'T FIND ANY -BLOODY-THING!
Small update: After... you know, figuring out a bit more about the story, I see that I got a lot of things wrong. Not only that, but that it actually kinda matters which Phone Guy it is.
While my stories usually go balls to the wall with the canon anyways and no Phone Guy is related to my version of Old Sport (who isn't even actually named Jack), I came back to rename this Phone Guy anyways, just so NO MISUNDERSTANDINGS CAN HAPPEN.
I'm sorry if anyone saw this and at first got confused and worried. Never was my intention.
It had been a week.
There was something supposed to happen, right?! Anything! Where were the missing kids? Where were the lawsuits? Anything?
Phone Guy felt his breath growing unsteady, as slowly but surely a panic attack began to settle in. This wasn't right, this was wrong in every possible way! Was there every a location that had stayed open for more than a week?
It felt as if he was in hell. Or was it the limbo?
Sweet god, would this week repeat now forever, until something finally happens that gets him send to the factory? He couldn't live like this, he couldn't live in constant fear, he didn't want to-
"Phoney? Are you... here?"
Almost letting out his held in scream, he turned around and was faced with his second most insane employee. Orange Guy...? What was his real name again?
Not that he disliked him, REALLY, but he was bad with names and he meant to ask on the second day, yet then he forgot again and on day three it would have been far too rude to simply ask again, it was expected of him to-
"Hello? Hello, hello?" There was a hint of a smile on Orange Guy's face, as the man mocked his usual greeting.
"U-uh... Employee... I-It's Saturday... tomorrow's Sunday..."
"Yeah? That's pretty normal for a week?"
"I, uh... tomorrow... we... we have a free day..."
"Great, isn't it?! I'm so going to lay in bed all day and wishing for the day I finally die!"
"That's... dark. Are you serious about that?"
"Well, either that or cocaine, I'm not sure yet!" Carefree the guy snickered and twirled around, apparently pretty happy for someone who just said he wanted to die. On the other hand... Freddy's was almost famous for this sort of mindset.
"As long as you don't do that in context with Freddy's, you're free to do whatever you chose."
For a while they stood in front of each other, not sure what to say. Both of them knew it wasn't supposed to be like this.
Deep down, the Phone-headed man wished he could cry. "Stay... safe..."
"Man, are you alright? You look like you got your throat fucked by an arcade controller."
"What?!" Shocked and deeply confused, his head snapped up.
Laughing Orange Guy stepped back. "Finally a reaction! So you ARE alive! Now, what's wrong?"
"What's... wrong...?" Almost disturbed he watched his smiling employee.
He cares.
He actually cares.
If so, then should he...? He should... just tell him. "I... I forgot your name."
"BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA AND THAT'S WHY YOU'RE THIS DEPRESSED? For god's sake, Phoney, you're a fragile little thing, aren't you? It's okay!" Continuing to giggle he stretched his arms left and right. "I don't even know my own name, if I'm completely honest!"
"R-really?! That's horrible!"
"No, it's fine. It's just some name, I probably had a very boring one, if even I can't remember it! Now I'm the all-knowing memster, Old Sport!"
"Old Sport?"
"Dave always calls me that and I kinda already accepted my fate. I shall now and always be known as Old Sport!"
"NO! No, no, no! That's NOT an acceptable name! It's NOT acceptable to be named by a psychopath!"
"Why not? It's not like I have any other option..."
Feeling slightly sympathetic, Phoney considered something. "I think... you look like a Jack!"
"Jack? What a silly name..."
"Don't you like it?"
"No, it's fine. You say I'm a Jack, I will be your Jack. I'm whatever you want me to be, babe!" With a wink he was back at laughing and grinning for him.
For him?
Why else would he smile and laugh? He's a freaking minimum wage employee at a shitty restaurant, he has no reason to smile when no one is watching. Despite the many problems his mechanical face meant, it at least meant that no one knew if he was smiling or not, he would never have to force it out.
"Yes?" Immediately the man reacted to his new name.
"What are you planning on doing tomorrow? Seriously now."
"Are you inviting me over, Phoney~?"
"Not really. I'm just curious..."
"I meant what I said. I'm doing drugs or I'll sleep. There isn't much more I actually want." Now the good nature has completely vanished out of his behavior. "There's no reason for me to do anything tomorrow."
For another ten seconds he stared into the abyss only he was able to see, but all of a sudden he was smiling cheerfully. "What are you doing?! Having a great night clubbing?"
"No, no... I guess I'll just... stay here?"
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! NO! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED! You can't spend a day here out of your own free will!"
"Why not? It isn't as if I had any reason to be somewhere else... next to the fact that people have the weird habit to throw... THINGS... at me. I don't even know what I did to them!"
"O...kay...? I guess I know that feel...? We gotta change something about that! LET'S WRECK HAVOC UPON THOSE FOOLS!"
"We can't just do that!"
Now full on holding his belly in laughter, Jack rolled on the ground. "YES, YES, YOU'RE NORMAL! Perfectly normal! Nothing wrong with you! You BLEND in!"
"You're being rude, employee!"
"You're being delusional, BOSS!"
Surprise took all the sulk out of his words. "I think you have never called me boss before..."
"Excuse me? I could bet I have called you that before... you just don't remember! You don't remember anything! Actually..." Now a sly grin stretched over his face. "Why do you think you haven't yet went out clubbing? Maybe you're actually the dancing king of the streets!"
"I'm still alive, that's why."
"Ooooh~ snarky Phone! You should really get more under people, you could use some training for that natural talent!" Orange Guy bumped his hip against the Phone's and was glowing like a spotlight. "C'mon, you, me and a kilo cocaine! We'll be off the rails for HOURS!"
"We would be instantly dead! The police would shoot us on sight!"
"Nah, if they come up, we'll offer them some of the good stuff as well!"
"You got yourself a date, Phoney! You and me! Wear your best suit, which would be in your case nothing at all and we meet here at nine AM!"
"Isn't nine AM too early to party?!"
"That's something someone who never went partying before would say! Pussy ass bitch, I'll teach you how to party all day, all night!"
"We can't party all night!"
"All day, quarter a night so we can responsibly go to bed at like eight PM!"
"No fires!"
"A little fires!"
"That's the reason you always look like a kicked doggo! You don't know how to let loose!"
"I DON'T REALLY WANT TO KNOW!" Slight panic was back.
"I'll teach you how to get your hips to WORK!"
"I need an adult."
"For goodness sake, I thought we were having a moment here!"
"I'm having a moment of absolute heresy with your lack of experience!"
"Make me~"
Old Sport smiled as he saw Phone Guy hiding his face. It was rare not to have him lecture and criticize something, quite a nice change! Lovely to see that he also could blush... or at least get hot and bothered! He decided to voice that last thought.
"Good to see you're still a human under that phone, my friend!"
"A-ah, excuse me?"
"You're reacting to my flirts like any other sexuality-denying, not-really-straight guy!"
"It's good that you can have fun. YOU UNDERSTAND?"
This was a little too much for Phone Guy all at once. First being called a friend, secondly being called gay and third being called out for... having fun?
He... somewhat had fun... it was weird and exhausting to talk to Jack, but at the same time, it felt like a fresh breeze.
Maybe he could understand Dave's interest in this man... at least to some degree. "You got me... I'm having fun... in a weird way."
"Pff, there's another way to have fun?"
"Yeah, like any other human with real humor and real common sense."
"Ow, was that an attack? Are you attacking me, Phone-boss?"
"That's for you to decide... either way, there's nothing you could do about it!" Now full on board with the teasing, he leaned closer towards Orange Guy, feeling the desire to come at least a little closer to his co-worker.
"Hm... I COULD make you eat your words... but you're cute when you're teasing! See ya tomorrow, Phone-babe!"
"EMPLOYEE! Y-you can't call me that!"
"Sorry, won't ever happen again, babe! Bye!"
His heart raced for the first time he could remember. Would he survive tomorrow?
Orange Guy had driven up at five AM, throwing him out of his bed by ripping his eardrums out. WHO USED THE BLOODY CAR HORN TO TELL SOMEONE TO COME OVER?!
Drowsy, Phone Guy hadn't even discussed that much as he sat down inside of the car. The real question came when the police began driving behind him.
"Do you have your license?"
"Jack? You have a license, right?"
"Ah... ahahaha... funny story..."
"We're just driving into another time zone, I don't need a license for that!"
"Well, maybe I shouldn't have stolen the car..."
All of a sudden Orange Guy pressed the gas pedal and they sped off, the police not falling behind in the slightest. As the speed went higher and higher, the pressure on Phone Guy got greater and greater, until he had to claw into the seat to not being flung out. The loud howling of the engine made it impossible to get heard without screaming. "JACK, I DON'T THINK WE WILL GET AWAY FROM THIS!"
"OVER MY DEAD BODY! I HAVE A PLAN!" Quickly he turned the wheel and drifted off, heading straight for the side of the city. Slightly terrified Phone Guy's eyes stayed glued to the road, as cars were loudly showing their anger, police always right behind them.
Then it showed itself.
A bridge.
An OPEN bridge.
While breaking the sound barrier, they flew through the air, SOMEHOW safely landing on the other side, speeding off and leaving the police cars helpless on the other side. They bolted into a calmer area, where no one could report them, just as quick as before.
"W-we did it... good god, please, let's stop. Let's walk, PLEASE, just let me out of here..."
"No problem!"
Nothing happened.
"A small problem!"
"Which one of those is the brake?"
"Okay, okay, I'll try all of them!"
"Ha, we don't die that easily!"
Suddenly both of them slammed into an airbag, finally stopping far too quickly.
"So there's a next time~?"
Falling back, Phone Guy prayed to fall unconscious. "I doubt it, I'll probably die this evening at a heart-attack."
"We haven't even done all the good stuff yet! Look, it's already evening, I can show you a nightclub!"
"I don't want to! And h-how's it even night?!"
"We probably lost consciousness for a while... never mind! You have to get in touch with people more often!"
"You're more than enough for me..."
"Aw... that's so sweet!"
"Awwwww... you're receiver is burning! So c00t!"
"YOU'RE- HORRIBLE!" Phone Guy hugged himself, distressed by his own feelings. He wasn't used to this kind of interaction.
"Hahahaha, let's go before I get more naughty thoughts~"
"N-n-naughty thoughts?! Jack, you fucking creep!" Both paused and Phone Guy slapped his hands in front of his face.
"Did you just say fuck!?"
"You totally just said your first swear... can this evening get even better?!"
"Goddammit, didn't you want to get to your club or something?! Just... move!"
Deciding not to push his Phone-headed friend over the edge, Jack strolled beside him, simply smiling knowingly. It took them not even twenty minutes to arrive at the "Frisky Fox", a name that made PG weary. "This isn't some sort of..."
"Of... you know...?"
"I know?"
He came closer and whispered under his breath. "Place with naked animatronics...?"
Snorting Old Sport couldn't help but stare at him. "No... don't worry, I wouldn't do that!"
"Thank god..."
"After all I want your eyes on me~"
"JACK!" Clutching his fist, Phone Guy turned away, entering the establishment without further hesitation. A wave of sound and smell almost made him malfunction, the music was so loud, he could feel the beat replace the one of his own heart. Jack was directly behind him, laughing akin to a drunk man.
"Look around Phoney! Here you can be alive! DANCE WITH ME, DARLING!" Before they could engage in another pointless discussion, the song changed to something even wilder and Orange Guy began to spin him around, pulling him close, pushing him away, back, forth, up and down, chaos outside and inside his head, heart, life! As quickly as it had started it stopped again.
Breathless he couldn't help but stare at Jack, who was grinning brightly, sweat running down his face and his hair standing up in all directions.
This was...
Dumbfounded he kept looking at this human being in front of him. This man... this man was the definition of life.
Slowly he raised his arms towards him, feeling the need to touch him, to ensure he was real, but someone else was quicker. A group of girls were walking by and one of them accidently crashed into the orange man, her giggles turning into a shriek.
She stepped back, scared of his friend.
It probably was because of his eyes. They freaked him out at first too... but Dave had prepared him for the sight. Also, screaming was quite rude! Pity filled his stomach. At least his Phone had usually just made people laugh or stare.
More and more people turned around to look what caused this much uproar, their expression quickly turning from harmless curiosity into dread and maybe even slight disgust.
Jack was standing in the middle of an ever growing circle, people stepping back further and further.
The loneliest person on the entire planet.
Deciding that it would be best for both of them to simply leave, he stepped into the circle, yet before he came any closer, Jack began talking.
Stunned Phone Guy tore his (metaphorical) eyes away from him to look at the crowd.
They were cheering! Cheering!
All fear had left their eyes, now they howled at the glorious moves that were presented, or laughed at that cringy lunatic, who had too many pills for his good. Still, it was entertaining nonetheless and so Old Sport quickly gathered a small fan group and a few challengers who began to dance just as insane. As he just as sudden stopped as he had started, everyone was glued to him.
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" All of them screamed together.
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Completely agreeing they raised their arms.
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Apparently they actually believed that
They might weren't listening anymore, but club security sure was. A man, twice as big as most around him began walking towards them and Phone Guy's sense for danger told him it was time to get out before he got them. Determined he grabbed Jack and dragged him out, through the confused, but excited crowd. Orange Guy wasn't even struggling, rather he squeezed his hand and followed him closely, activating the heat in his faceplates again.
Finally they escaped back into the darkness, running off into a park, where he finally decided they wouldn't be followed anymore. Fully exhausted both laid down onto the ground, watching the bright stars above them. A while they kept peaceful silence, before Phoney broke it softly.
"That what you did in the club... pretty cool. Never thought you could make people change their minds that quickly..."
"Welp, people just want to laugh. They're easily scared, but as soon as you act stupid, they know there's nothing to worry about!"
"I... wouldn't trust that to work a hundred percent of the time."
"There isn't anything they could do to me."
"You're pretty brave... or idiotic."
"Idiotic, most certainly!"
They kept watching the stars above, enjoying the calming sound of the wind in the trees. Slowly and shyly Phone Guy inched closer to him. "You should give yourself more credit."
"Hey, Phoney! If you can give me a name, how about I give you one too?"
"Oh no."
"I'm not that bad at names!"
"Sorry... okay, what name are you thinking of?"
"Sasha, or Ray! That would mean protector!"
"Bloody hell, do you think I thought about meanings?!"
"Uh... Jack was once John and that is fitting enough for me! I mean, I'm SUPPOSED to be someone that I'm no longer!"
"Did you memorize a freaking namebook?!"
"Don't judge me! God, if you want just any name then how about Steven?"
"Wasn't that a saint?"
"Yeah, it's from Saint Stephan the first matyrer to be exact. And seeing as you are the first Phone Guy to actually bother submitting himself to the torture of being around me outside of work..." The man laughed shortly and loudly.
For a while they paused again.
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
"Is that an interview?!"
"No, I'm just... curious..."
"If I'm lucky, ten feet underground with a nice gravestone on top, but... who would buy a gravestone for me?"
"Christ! Don't be so grim! You have a full life ahead of y- I mean, you can work at Freddy's with me."
"Hahaha, okay, how about a better vision! In ten years, I see myself on a fancy date with the hottest Phone around!"
"Hey, do you think we really are from here?"
"I mean... I can't remember like ninety percent of my past, cocaine is one hell of a drug, and so I don't even know where I'm coming from... how about you?"
"Well... I don't really either. I have memories, but... I think... some of them contradict each other..."
"Don't worry... who cares about the past anyway! But I know for CERTAIN that you are an alien lifeform!"
"Your ass is OUT OF THIS WORLD!"
Immediately Phone Guy sat up, screeching in embarrassment and began slapping in his general direction. "JACK, I TOLD YOU-"
He was up as well, laughing brightly and took his hand to keep it away from his face. With his other hand he softly touched Phone Guy head, roughly where his cheek might once had been. "You're the most adorable thing I've ever seen..."
Deeply red, Phoney didn't even knew how to respond, but before he was forced to do anything, Orange Guy's eyes widened in terror and he jerked back. "I-I'm sorry, I s-shouldn't have... I'm... so sorry... this w-went a bit too far, I didn't... mean... to..."
He slowly crawled backwards looking at his own hand as if had burned himself.
What... what was going through his head?
Breathing deeply, the incompetent manager moved next to him and hugged him tightly. "It's okay. I didn't mind."
The hug he received back was almost bone-crushing and he could feel his friend's heartbeat through his jacket. Slowly he rocked the almost fragile man back and forth. "I'm here for you... you aren't alone anymore. I promise."
Burying his face inside of the Freddy-official jacket, Orange Guy tried to stop shaking. "I wish I could cry sometimes."
"Maybe... when we're together... we won't have to think that so often."
"Will you stay the night at my place? Please?"
Shyly Phone Guy smiled. "I'd love to. Maybe we can discuss a fitting name for me!"
"If I don't have to let you go, then yes."
Both of them softly laughed and enjoyed the peace.
Maybe, just maybe, next week would really be worth living through.
A/N: Okay, I have a lot of homework to do, so I'm not reading this as often as I probably should... sorry if it isn't all that great, if you're disappointed I promise to rewrite whatever you feel is missing! Currently it's about 3.500 words, a pretty good word count for a one-shot in my opinion x3
Thanks for reading and keep on creating you guys!
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