Doki Doki Dayshift Club (2) (Old Sport/Henry)
A/N: And so it continues. Ladies and Gentleman, the ultimate stupid idea has got itself the sequel it deserves!
Or rather, here is part two of the story for :v
Seriously, what are you doing here? Life has to mean more than this! Stop wasting your time with cringy poems and the sixth weirdest shipping possible in the fandom! There are people who like you and want to spend time with you, so please...
ENJOY ANYWAY MY DUDES! (Video above is my soul and mental state while writing this, so no further questions about that, I hope.)
- Game file corrupted - - - ERROR! Missing file: Simon.chr -
- Start new game – Initiate new day – Rework script-
Old Sport opened his eyes, a rush of determination flowing through his mind. He sat up, checked his clock and considered his options. If he denied to walk towards a place, he would be teleported there. If he said the wrong things, the script would get confused...
Quickly he turned somewhere he wasn't supposed to be and took out a few files. This would... be an experiment.
Curiously he took a peek inside and began rummaging around, taking out a phone in the process. Well, technically it was a head, but without the body it was nothing but a simple old-fashioned phone.
Okay... that was useful!
Again and again he reached into it, until his whole room was filled up with phones and they began to break the collision detection, making everything freak out. Slowly the phones bugged out onto the streets and-
- ERROR! Return to script line 21b -
Shortly the world went black and returned to the school setting that gave Orange Guy all sorts of bad feels.
But the phones were still there!
"Orange Man?" Matt entered the classroom, acting pleasantly surprised. "What a surprise to run into you here! Remember me? I'm still Matt! Everybody still loves me!"
"G-day, Matty-boi, how'd jou du?"
The grinning guy stopped instantly with all activity (except smiling) and gave him an almost irritated grin. "What was that for a language?"
"Thy-a languagagegae of mama-mia!"
"Are you having a stroke?"
"Mr. Bonk is not having a stronk, thonk."
"Is... is that a phone on your lap?"
"Glad you noticed! Does it make me look fat?"
Slowly Matt went backwards back out of the classroom. "This never happened."
Smiling he waved all the way until Matt disappeared out of the classroom. Now he successfully dodged joining the fuck-me-dead club!
- ERROR! Script malfunction - - - return to line 65b -
"If you leave me fucking alone, we might get along." Mike was growling and turning away again, not paying any more attention to them.
Old Sport turned towards Henry, who was holding his head, apparently in some sort of pain.
G O O D.
Smiling almost as dazzling (terrifyingly) as Matt, he sat down on Henry's table, right in front of him. "Now, what do we do in this shipping club?"
Matt seemed just as disturbed as Henry. "Shipping Club?"
"Well, yeah, can I roleplay as my favorite character? It's actually my OC, the yellow guy! He can fly and is super popular and can invade other games and teleport and he has a super-secret dark side-"
Henry stood up, his whole face distorted. "NO! STOP. Your insane babbling scrapes my nerves away!"
"I'm just being creative! Oh, before I forget, he can also shape-shift, because he was cursed as a child-"
Henry grabbed him and threw him off the table, an action no one was supposed to react to... but somehow Matt went over, to help him up. "Seriously, Orange Man, he's right."
"Don't touch me, you filthy virgin!" Backflipping back upwards, he would rather eat a dick than admit that he got hurt. "This body is only for my peachy lover!"
The Pink Man looked down at his hand, then back at the Orange Man, staying silent.
"Aww... now I don't get any attention anymore... I'm so sad..."
Matt gave up everything. "Get back to me when you sorted it out."
"How come you're actually reacting to all of this?"
"I know I shouldn't, but this it far too much." Matt shook his head. "It was peaceful... before you hell creatures appeared here."
"Do not tell me Jack, you have not yet realized that Matt's programming is far more advanced than the others, forcing the mind towards the realization that he is trapped forever?"
"Could you stop talking about me as if I'm not in the room? It's rude."
Old Sport winked at his (ex)co-worker. "I would love to pretend you're not in the room, but when you grin like that I can't escape the immortal terror."
Matt looked angry. Oh. ON NO. "You will now listen up, Freakshow! I might not be a walking color, but I still deserve to know what's going on. I was trapped in a fake reality for years, thought about killing myself multiple times out of pure loneliness, just for a team of colors coming in and making things WORSE."
"Aw, did you hear that Henry, he thinks we're a team~"
The mentioned man stood up and walked towards Matt, standing not more than an inch away from him. "I do not care what you think. You are merely a figment of my mind, a test subject I have gifted self-awareness out of inquisitiveness. You better get back into your place. Open your third eye and realize the truth of you existence, puny being!"
Henry had nerves... that much Orange Guy had to admit. Apparently he wasn't even fazed by that smile.
On the other hand, he could rival him most certainly in creepiness.
Matt cranked it up, his smile turning in pure insanity. "Ah, I am YOUR creature?! Then why have I access to your character file? With the push of a button I could END you!"
"You... YES! Try it, I dare you!"
"NO MATT!" Throwing the phone he had been carrying around for the last ten minutes, an ugly sound was audible and the man fell over.
"Did you... did just break his neck?"
"A-ah... let me load a save!"
"Do so."
- Save has been corrupted. Missing file: Matt.chr. -
- Restarting game... - - - WARNING! Replacement for TestSubject001 is needed. Admin input required! -
- Admin does not respond - - - MC promoted, restricted access granted -
- Input file to promote to TestSubject001 // Exit program // Exit editor -
Confused Old Sport watched the new options opening to him. He could get out of here!
But then... Henry would most likely be promoted to main character and would get out. Alright, this wasn't an option.
Promote Henry to be the TestSubject001 as an ironic twist of fate?
... As which he had access to the character files.
Damn, there was no way he could allow anyone except himself to be able to get to the files.
//Exit editor//
- Warning! No TestSubject001 was chosen. Continue simulation anyway? -
- Game continued. -
Everything came back into reality and they returned into the clubroom. Poor sweet sociopathic killer guy seemed to feel bad about all the glitching. D'awww.
He would use this phone to bash his head in right now if he could. If that wouldn't send him back to the void.
It's a shame not being able to torture someone to the end.
Could you actually physically impair someone in here?
List of things to try: +1
Quickly, he slipped beside Henry, onto the same chair of course, and gave him a wide, heartless smile. It filled him with satisfaction to watch his enemy change places akin to an insulted cat.
Standing the guy looked down at him, crossing his arms and mockingly leaned forward. "Congratulation, you have killed two of your previous peers."
"Congrats, I don't care!"
"You will turn into a monster of my creation sooner or later."
"Ah~ Sooner or later it's gonna be just you and me babe!"
Clearly feeling nasty after being called that, the self-proclaimed genius changed his demeanor slightly. It was rather resigned. "I have planned out a giant script. I have created a complex world, with multiple layers of reality, in case anyone ever would try to break out into the real world.... I have chosen possible reaction and installed many sicknesses underlying the stereotyped versions of workers at my restaurant. And you... YOU..."
Slowly Peach Man actually began showing real anger. "YOU think it is FUN to ruin what I have worked for. YOU, who never managed to create anything on your own. YOU, who shamelessly abuses the smallest hint of power he managed to salvage out of an unhappy, yet fateful accident. YOU who never learned that there is more to the world than his own selfish desire for entertainment."
"You are not succeeding. You merely robbed yourself the experience and lesson you could have learned."
"I am an educational creator."
"What did the children learn from being gruesomely murdered and stuffed into a suit, exactly?"
"It is called technological advancement. Progress requires sacrifice."
"Are you trying to justify your actions?!"
"No. There is nothing to be justified about my work."
For a split second Jack raised the murder-phone, before he spotted the hint of a smile on his foe's face. Freezing on spot, he almost began laughing hysterically. "You can't trick me. You fucking monster... you won't get out of here. Over my dead body."
"Then you might want to stop breaking the bounds of this dimension."
"I'll break it until I have full control of this place. And then we're going to have fun."
"I know my game. I will get out of here eventually, just as I will escape the void in due time."
"How, if I keep you busy~?" The slight melodic tune in Old Sport's voice made clear that he wanted to get under his skin, but without any warning the Pink Man jumped at his throat, beginning to strangle him with a small smile on his face.
- ERROR! Return to main script -
- Character error! - - - Input fix - - - Readjusting variables -
They were sitting around a table, Dave and Mike finally again in action! Both of them appeared slightly... twitchy though.
An amorphous blob was sitting on the other side, glitching between Mike and Dave back and forth, just to glitch out completely and be nothing but colorful pixels.
Mike suddenly clenched his fist. "WHAT IF I DON'T WANT ANOTHER MEMBER?!"
"WELL FUCK HIM! YOU KNOW WHAT? I BREAK HIS FACE RIGHT NOW!" And true to form, with that scream Mike threw himself onto the deeply confused and still slightly dazed Orange Guy, who tried to desperately fight him off. Apparently Aggression-boi was actually trying to kill him.
Multiple kicks into his guts later, which took about thirty seconds, Dave dragged the screaming man down from him.
"Mike, calm down before I stab you! I'm very close to stabbing you." Happy Purple Guy threw him out of the window, helping up the injured guy afterwards. "Do you wanna go to the infirmary?"
"Uh..." Before making a decision, he wanted to make sure Henry wasn't trying to sneak anything away from him, but the Pink Man was nowhere to be seen.
Coughing out his left lung, he decided that it actually could be better to go the infirmary, after all it would be a shame if he got kicked out of the world.
Dave shortly hesitated, then carried him more or less over towards the---
- ERROR! Area does not exist! - - - Generating new area... -
He sat down on the uncomfortable bed and considered sewing his lung back in on his own, but Dave came up with a scissor already, tilting his head. "Should I... help? I've cut open quite a few people already, I know how to do it!"
"Are you sure you don't plan to kill me?"
"What? No! Why would you think that?" Innocently Dave looked at him. "Anyway, if you rather do it on your own..."
One small operation later, Old Sport had found out that this version of Dave was easily excitable, had no regard for personal space and was generally quite knowledgeable. Only the last point was a surprise to him.
"And you know, that's why you should always carry a screwdriver around, especially when you go to the shower!"
"I haven't expected that! So, the screwdriver has exactly twenty bodily uses?! Wow, that's-" Suddenly remembering that he had things to do, he jumped up. "Sorry, I have to look after Henry!"
"Why? Sportsy, stay with me for a while... I hadn't had this much fun in years! It isn't like anyone is waiting for us, right?"
"Henry has made a bet with me and I have to make sure he loses!"
"Hahaha, Henry and losing?! Good luck with that!"
"Yes, that's why I have to go now!"
Dave's expression became empty. "We'll see each other tomorrow."
Rushing back, he caught Henry in a hallway, leaning halfway inside of a glitch.
You know what?
"Buenos dias, Henry~!" He gave him a heartfelt slap onto the b00ty and grinned brightly as the guy first bashed his head on the corner of the glitch-hole, then stumbled forwards, right into it.
- Skipping - - - Loading poem minigame... -
And again he was greeted with his favorite game that had literally no gameplay or any sort of reason in general, which made it relatable and pretty accurate to everything else in his life. It was just there to fool people into thinking they had a choice, so that the revelation was far more painful. Huh, also pretty accurate to real-life-choices!
Fuck you Henry.
Speaking of which, he was still alive and kicking as a paper cutout on the side. Hey, actually, what would happened if he stayed here? Would Henry be forced to not move forever? Was pretty much like the void... and not enough suffering.
Curious he returned to the character files, trying to open them in some other way.
//access editor//
//Limited access granted// Choose folder to edit//
//Henry.chr opened//
//Variables: Protected/Location: Henry's home/Route: Yes//
It was nothing than a lot of scribbles, words that didn't exist and flashing pictures... all in all only chaos. What did he expect from him?
//Changes denied - - - Admin Status required//
What a disappointment.
Suddenly a message popped up, with a lot of scramble in it. After that another popup appeared.
//Character is currently set to protected – return to normal?//
Uh... okay?
//Warning! Characters variables set to extreme?//
But before he could further hesitate, the option activated itself. Well, someone was messing with him... but why would Henry want to get away from the protected status?
Better quickly find him!
Skipping through the game, knowing the words fitting to him almost like the back of his hand, he didn't need more than a minute to return into the classroom.
When he entered, he was greeted by the blog of pixels, pretending to be club president.
Mike was watching them intensely, every muscle tensed up. His eyes were weirdly flickering. "Stop breathing so loudly. My head feels like it is going to explode."
Trying not to trigger that aggressive man, who somehow managed to survive a three stories fall, he sneaked over to Henry, checking up on his progress. Also, he wanted to ask a question since the beginning of the game. "Heyo, Henro. What's actually up with that baldy over there? I never met him before..."
Shortly Pink Guy glanced at him, before staring ahead again. "He is... a pet project of mine. Ignore him, his origin is a timeline inaccessible to you."
"How can I ignore him? He's currently the biggest threat to me!"
"You have no idea, do you?" His words sounded weirdly exhausted. "Your words have currently an equal effect as a nail being hammered into my cranium, would you leave?"
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Of course I won't leave in that case! I will talk even more, just to get you to break apart!"
Henry was still not looking at him, but his words came out more like a mumble. "What if I predicted this occurrence and plan to distract you with this from my true masterplan?"
"Uh..." Irritated Orange Guy leaned down to him, to get a good look at him. Something was terribly wrong with him, his usual distanced, cold and demeaning expression just appeared... closed off now.
"Sportsy! Henry! What are you doing?" Dave jumped towards them, smiling, his expression JUST as weird as Henry's.
Maybe he shouldn't have messed with the files.
Yeah, that had been probably a stupid idea.
Shortly he considered... if Henry turned into a completely different person due to his game files, would it still make sense to...
Dave grabbed his arm and dragged him away. "Did you win? He looked pretty fucking down if I do say so myself!"
"No, not yet..."
"Welp, then you should take a break anyway! I wanted to play this game with you, remember?"
"Yeah... but-"
"NO BUTS! LET'S GO! Come over here, we'll sit down on the floor, so we can both see perfectly!" Purple Guy basically threw him onto the ground, his expression overly enthusiastic. Worryingly enthusiastic even.
Before he even could get onto a comfortable position, the computer had been placed upon him and Dave sat body to body next to him. "Now, you don't need to worry about which ending you want to pick, most things are the same, except for two possible endings... but those are hard to obtain anyway, so... it's fine! Pick whatever you want!"
Shouldn't he... spend time with Henry? Shouldn't the script demand that?
"I guess I take the... mediocre ending? Sounds like something my end would be like."
"It's a great end! Your face gets eaten by a giant rat!"
"... Pretty much sums my situation up."
When the game started, he was startled about how familiar everything about it was. Did... did Dave own a copy of reality as a game?! Was this one of the layers Henry had described? Was this where he send people who tried to escape into reality?
Or was this some weird void-shortcut into actual reality?!
This was... uncomfortable... "Dave... why do you like this game so much?"
"Because you can die in so many ways! It's great!"
"Yeah! I love creative people programming creative games to creatively end humans! It's a lot of inspiration!" Suddenly he sounded panicked. "D-do you dislike these kinds of games?"
"Not... particularly."
"Great! Then go! Play already!" Dave smiled at him. When he didn't move in a split second, the eggplant-man inched closer to his face. "Play. It. Old. Sport."
"I m-mean we could do other things too, it's n-not as if I want to force you t-to something!" In his eagerness he stumbled over his own words. "We could also just go out on a nice stroll together, how does that s-sound?"
Helpless Orange Guy slowly got crushed by his partner, who was sitting on top of him, suffocating him with his weight. "U-uh... Dave...?"
"Someone is in my head." Dave's grin stayed where it was, but the light in his eyes slowly disappeared. "I want you to make it stop."
Damn, it was hard not to feel at least some shadow of empathy. That thing was deeply distraught and seemed to suffer...
"That's why we're playing today! Because you make everything better!"
"Dave, I'm not sure if that form of coping is healthy..."
"Well, screw health, righty Sportsy? Now play the game..."
Henry did something, most certainly. He would need to get rid of the eggplant as quickly as possible, so he could-
"William. Has it ever occurred to you that it is unpleasant to force bodily contact upon a stranger?"
"Henry." Dave turned his neck about 180° to stare at him. "Did you ever think that it's rude to interrupt two friends?"
"You are not friends."
"What the fuck would you know, huh?! Go somewhere else, find your own plaything!"
"Plaything?" Orange Guy felt overwhelmed. What was happening?!
"Stop being childish, William and let the kid go."
"KID?!" Now, that was rude!
Eggplant Man was having none of it. "He ain't a kid, Henry and he's able to decide for himself what he wants! Stop ruining all my fun!"
Pink Guy shortly exchanged a glance with Old Sport, before furrowing his brow and turning away. "Me and... Old Sport... have a serious topic to discuss, regarding our desire to move to another location."
"Excuse me?"
Equally confused Dave and Orange Guy looked up to Henry, who didn't give anything away with his expression.
Feeling slightly taken the piss out of, Old Sport stared at him. "I don't want to leave, remember?"
"I have an offer for you, provided you are willing to listen."
"NO. Now go away!"
"Yeah Henry, we're spending quality time together!"
Clenching his fist, Pink Guy tilted his head slightly. "If I remember correctly, you were not supposed to spend time together with him anyway."
"So what?! Also, who's choice is that anyway?!"
"What'cha wanna do? Kill me? Fuck you Henry, just because one small thing didn't go your way you freak out! Grow up!" Dave was breathing heavily, his body shaking with his anger.
His opponent on the other side simply stared him down.
Oh great.
Orange Guy tried to intervene and trigger that man even further. "Aw, I haven't expected you to be so wild about spending time with me! If you're that horny for me, I could-"
Henry and Dave had a pretty similar reaction, even if their expression were completely different. Snickering the Orange Guy watched them, enjoying how easily he now could trigger his nemesis.
Said man stood up and left. "I will see you soon. Prepare your poem."
"Prepare your anus, buddy-boi!"
Dave furrowed his brows as no further reaction came and his supposed "friend" left towards the other side of the room. "You guys... Old Sport! You're two are pretty... comfy with each other, aren't cha?"
"Well... currently we're the ones basically sitting on each other, so give me your definition of "comfy" before I can answer that."
"... Never mind. Let's... play... okay?"
One last time Old Sport glanced over to the busy appearing Henry on the other side, before shrugging his shoulders. "I'm down for that!"
The game was... accurate. Scarily so. Silently he asked himself what was creepier, the fact that Henry had watched him for at least one week, probably more, or the hot breath down his neck from Dave.
"I have to use the bathroom... would you pause for a moment?" Smiling as sweetly as he could, Orange Guy got him to agree immediately.
"Hurry, alright?"
"I promise..." Grinning, the main character walked into an area he shouldn't be in.
For a few minutes it was so silenced, it was as if the whole game was paused. Naturally, after all it wasn't supposed to work while no one was there, but now that the creator was sitting right in the middle of his it, he had to admit that this might was a bit too freaky. If he ever got to it, he would fix this sudden silence.
The door busted open and Old Sport came in, riding a rainbow colored dinosaur. How did the fuck did he get one?!
Of course no one did anything, since no one except Henry could see this chaos and mentioned men would not cave into such a ridiculous situation. The dino still hadn't stop screaming.
It opened its mouth even further and began spewing pancakes at everyone.
The game made the visible representation of a groan as the simulated reality started to break apart under the pressure of insanity.
"DID YOU KNOW?!" Orange Guy began balancing on the dinosaur's head. "WHAT YOU DID WITH SIMON?"
"I thought you do not care-"
If he wouldn't pay attention to it, it would go away. Easier thought than done when you get a constant stream of baked(?) goodness into your face. "Would you mind to stop?"
Thankfully the dino began now to destroy the furniture with its laser eyes, so they had time to react. Smirking completely amused, Henry sat back. "Your words make me assume you do not believe that I have no previous sexual experience. I know how to strip... if it is a possibility to distract you from destroying my lovely world, then I am ready to do so."
Shortly Old Sport did actually stop with the chaos, surprised. Enough time for the script to react.
- ERROR! Return to script line 145b -
They reappeared sitting next to each other. Curiously Henry leaned in closer. "How did you create a dinosaur in here?"
"It actually wasn't one... I simply gave the programmed bicycle a new appearance and rescheduled the pancake event into happening whenever I touch the "head" so..."
"Clever boy..." There was actually a form of respect in those words.
For a split second Orange Guy almost felt proud, before snapping back to reality. He needed to piss that man right back off. "My reward~?"
His expression stayed neutral. "Intelligence is a trait that is a reward in itself."
"You're an asshole."
Mike almost exploded as he heard the words of his non-existing club president. "FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR POEMS! I'D RATHER RIP OFF YOUR HEAD THAN FUCKING DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT RIGHT NOW!"
Dave just calmly smiled and took out a piece of paper.
The dispute on the other side continued.
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK OF THIS FUCKING ACTIVITY?!" Mike took out the paper and began tearing it into shreds with hands and teeth.
They were busy...?
"Henry, did you do a poemoe?"
He didn't even say anything.
"You wanna read my poemoemoea?" With a sly grin the thing was handed over... Orange Guy DID actually made a real poem and now he was curious if he would react to it. Sadly, it wasn't a haiku, his emotion needed a little more than a 5-7-5.
Henry, you are the worst person on this planet.
You think it's reasonable to kill children for your robots.
I don't even think there's therapy for people like you.
You should suffer for all eternity.
/We will never be apart/
Naturally that didn't rhyme...
Not that it had to. And he deserved nothing putting effort in anyway, also it probably gave him some nice creeps with the last line. Being stuck inside the void for an eternity was fairly horrible for most people, but being stuck together with HIM should make it even worse!
Pink Guy stared down at the piece of paper, a hint of fear shortly appeared, only for a split second, but it was enough to give his opponent a rush of adrenaline. The next words were only making it more perfect.
"Great job. Another nonsensical string of words, designed to trick beings, who do not even have agency on their own."
Everything about this was simply delicious. "Oh? Really? What a disappointment... I hoped this time it would make at least some sort of sense to you~"
"Be disappointed."
"You know what? I never felt better!" Humming he skipped over to his next poem-partner, who was Dave. Literally only Dave was left right now.
Before even looking at it, the skinny dude pressed it against his chest. "I love it. It's absolutely perfect."
"I will never let this go."
"I will absorb this through my skin."
"Even if I have to cut said skin open and sew it inside there."
"Christ... can I at least-"
With bleeding ears he took a look at the paper, which was actually readable for the first time.
I can't think.
I can't breathe.
I can't feel.
They are screeching.
They are calling for you.
They are starving me.
But you can fix this bloating mess...
You can lay those demons at rest.
And when that special day does arrive,
We shall be together and thrive.
This is our future for which I strive...
Even if I have to use my knife.
The last lines were scribbled, almost chaotic, surprisingly close to screaming, or at least as close as one could get on paper...
Dave had stepped closer, his breath hot against Old Sport's ear-
"What do you think? Do you like it? Tell me. Tell me you like it. TELL ME."
This was getting dangerous...? Was it possible to be attacked here? No, right? When Henry attacked, it got the game to freak out!
Dave made another step forward, forcing him to step back if they weren't planning on standing inside of the exact same spot...
Suddenly a loud scream interrupted whatever happened. It was a violent noise, close to a hurt animal. Unknown to them, Henry had went over to Mike, provoking him with something to the point that the uncontrolled man began to punch him down, beating down again and again, trying to-
Without any hesitation Old Sport charged at Mike, he knew what would happen if he let that situation transpire. The attacked guy fell back holding his stomach, while Pink Guy was getting immediate attention.
Blood, or at least something similar to it dripped out of his nose and his whole body was bruised... how quickly this body got damaged after all...
No, he wasn't taking the chance. He picked up the wounded man (not an easy task, as they were almost the same height) and began carrying him towards the infirmary.
Giving out the hint of a whine, which was forcing itself out between gritted teeth, Henry reopened his eyes, slight aggression inside of it. Now knowing who was touching him, his eyebrows furrowed even further, as a different range of emotions tried to take place on his face, the most notable one being disgust.
The face closed off again to neutrality. "Who would have thought? Now you are carrying me lovingly towards betterment... you should reconsider your desires for torturing me, as currently you are not doing an acceptable job at it."
"I know I can't let you die..."
"You are worried about me. Simply adorable."
"When we arrive in the infirmary then god may help you... there will be scalpels, drugs, bandages to suffocate you-"
All of a sudden he felt a slight brush over his lips.
It burned like fire.
For a split second they stared each other into the eye, or rather void and light spots, then-
- Script error! Return to line 293b - - - Rerouting play through -
Dave's whole face was glowing maniacally, his hands shaking.
He was also covered in blood.
Oh boi.
Orange Guy blinked a few times.
H-how was he supposed to react already again? He barely understood what had happened before!
Quickly he looked around, noticing that no one was around except them. Back to the dying part...
The constant, shivering breath of his companion was... unpleasant...
"Dave, please..."
"WHAT DO YOU SAY?! W-what... what do you say? Will you LOVE me?!"
Aaaand, he had a knife.
What could he say to not get stabbed?
"Yes...?" (Please don't kill me.)
"Ah... ahahaha..." Dave was raising the knife to stare at it. "They want me to strangle you, using only my neck and the rubber duck I keep in my backpack just in case! I hoped it would stop after you said yes."
Innocently the Eggplant tilted his head at his new "boyfriend's" expression. "Haha, you look so concerned! That's cute! As if I would ever hurt you!"
He raised the knife-
"I. Love. You."
- and began stabbing himself into the stomach, his smile still unmoved, as with a bloody, disgusting sound the metal entered his body again and again.
Silence was overtaking the place, as with one last "THUMP" his co-worker fell over.
The iron smell of the blood was slowly spreading through the room.
It was...
... he turned away, faced with Henry.
"Did you do that?"
"Hm... would you like me to be at fault for this unfortunate series of events?"
"Well, in theory you're at fault either way."
"Correct. But you feel nothing, do you?"
The club president returned and glitched more violently than ever. Color returned to it and...?
"You two assholes. I'll teach you a lesson! Killing me? Fine, life has no meaning anyway. Killing me with a phone-head? O H F U C K N O !" Of course, the only thing manifesting inside of the mess was the plastic smile. "I'll delete this now, so you're both stuck forever with each other! I'll delete this WHOLE PLACE."
Both of the colorful duo frowned confused, not certain if that creeper was bluffing or not, but as the world around them collapsed in noise and light - - -
Half a second later, or maybe a few hours after the incident a sort of tunnel opened, made out of data and terror.
It was too late already, the void was right there, he couldn't-
There was heat at his back, as another person stepped close to him, whispering in his ear.
"Oh please... you can guess, can you not? You know me, better than you know yourself. Now confirm the password."
- Password confirmed, reality resetted -
- New stabilizer confirmed -
- Generating room... -
Orange Guy fell onto the floor, his head pounding, as the illusion of reality began to weigh on his mind, eating away all energy.
It was a simple, small place. One room, parted into two by a transparent wall... glass?
Henry was leaning onto the wall, smiling, waiting for the poor creature to stand up. "Does it hurt?"
"D-did... did you feel that all the time?!"
"Yes, of course. Yet, whenever you began tearing this world open at its seams, I will admit it worsened."
"A-ah..." Stumbling forward, he managed to get back on his feet, his eyes pulsating in his head. "I... I did it... I-I... I caught you..."
His laughter was akin to velvet. "Are you truly naïve to this ridiculous degree? Think! For less than a minute, use that vital organ of yours!"
"No-o... you... y-you..."
"Deep breath, Jack, you need to keep calm... it will be better soon..."
Desperately sucking in the air, the world around them finally stopped spinning. Confident Henry walked around nodding to himself. "This is about what I have expected. No windows. No furniture. A mirror of your inside, as empty as yourself."
"Shhhhut up!"
"But... you once more managed to surprise me. A glass wall in here? Are you this afraid of me? Or are you scared of yourself...?"
"What... are... you even... talking about..."
"Sit down, relax, you need to replenish your energy. As to what I was referring to... I am not sure how much you know about yourself, to be frank, I doubt you have stopped to examine yourself at any point of your existence. Let us evaluate your situation together, shall we?"
There was no answer, but Pink Guy continued anyway.
"What has happened in the last few days? You got caught in a simulation, deleting yourself, just to return, this time with "your greatest foe" as a character you could manipulate to your pleasure... what did you do with it? Do not bother to answer, you did NOTHING. But... that is not your fault... that is not your flaw. No. This was destined to conspire and every part of you, even this room is evidence of your fate."
Henry softly let his finger run over the cold surface of the glass, still smiling.
"It took ridiculously long, the void had turned me foolish... but either way it would not have ended different. You... you have no soul. You are empty. Nothing bad happened to me, not because you feared to kill me in the spur of the moment and not because you were playing a longer game... no, you did not hurt me, because you did not want to. And you did not want to, not because you wanted to be better than me, no, you did not want to because you do not want ANYTHING. There is no need for revenge in your person. There is no need for anything inside of you."
In his typical pretentious fashion, he chuckled.
"Three components play together in forming a human. The soul, the body and the mind. Yet, what is the soul, when the mind is the one responsible for thoughts? Simple: the soul is our desire, our need to move forwards, the burning passion behind our dreams. You lack it completely. When you made the promise, yes, you wanted to save them, with every fiber of your being, but as soon as your soul was ripped away from you, you lost this burning need. Now you simply walked forward, hunting the shadow of that feeling, wherever you went. You want to want. You need to need."
Sighing satisfied, he continued his monologue.
"That is the only need left for you, the only need you can muster up the energy to try to fulfill. So you tried everything! Drugs, actions and friends... the drugs were too temporary and you never particularly desired that high... your actions were helping a bit, pretending to be a childish idiot seems to actually manage to fool your mind for a few seconds... but the real thing, your one salvation... is being used, is it not?"
"YES! It was not friends, it was finding a use in your person that rushed you forward, again and again. You helped Phone Guy, quite often I might add. Despite your knowledge of his gruesome interior and the fact that his desire completely went against your sacred mission, you did what he wanted, needing the praise, deprived of any sort of self-worth and reason to exist. And... in the end... you went too far, did you not?"
It became colder in the room.
"Ah... Jack... I do not judge. You let the children die. You let them die, because you wanted to pretend to be their savior. Why did you not free your sister? Talked to her, woke her up to stop William? You did not even try. You wanted them to die. You wanted them to look up at your with their desperate eyes, begging to be freed. Quite horrifying."
"I... I d-didn't... you're WRONG!" The place began shaking as Orange Guy jumped up, completely enraged.
"Once more, I do not condemn you for it. Your purpose, your joy has been gruesomely taken away from you and you try to compensate in a reasonable manner."
"Yes. But you want nothing. There would be no gratification... there is NEVER any gratification for you. If you desired to hurt me, you would not stand there, watching me hypnotized. After all, I know what I would do to you if our roles were reversed. It would make my task easier... but I know we will eventually come to an agreement."
"An... agreement... with YOU?!"
"You do not need to pretend to be hateful. You do not need to pretend, ever again. I have an offer, one mutually beneficial without any drawbacks for you."
Orange Guy kept silent, helplessly shivering.
"You are soulless..." Smiling almost sweetly, Henry leaned closer to the wall, waiting for the other one to complete the sentence.
"... and... you're bodiless."
"Exactly. We should... you understand."
"Ah... ahahahaha... you're embarrassed about this shit... you fucking psychopath... what... what's in your head?!"
"You could find out." Henry had closed off his expression again and seemed more impatient now. "I would become your soul. Our goals would combine and we would be able to finally be complete again... both of us. Return my agency and I will return your ability to enjoy... to feel like a person again. No more of this hollow act, desperately trying to cling onto the creatures around you to create a resemblance of a own personality, leeching of them to simulate own hopes and needs, while the void you carry around inside of you is exponentially growing..."
"There would be no obstacle to accept this, would there? You do not hate me. You do not care about the others. I am the only option you have to escape the pain you experience... we are not all that different. Fredbear has stolen our most important parts and left us wandering forever, laughing at our misery... this despicable insect..." He gritted his teeth. "The disgusting creature, only made to destroy the creation, disregarding the love and joy encapsulated in it. I will not offer you revenge, as that is not what you desire, but I will offer you... needs. Your whole being screams for it after all."
"You feel so high and mighty, don't you?" Tired Orange Guy fell back and sat down, his back leaned onto the glass wall.
"Hm..." Pink Guy mirrored his pose, but the smile was audible. "You have so much potential, Jack... do not waste it. Here, if it manages to cheer you up-"
"As if you would want to-"
"You are the only one capable of caging me for eternity."
"You do not desire to go anywhere else, you will not be tempted to manipulate the void to be with your friends and family again. There is no second you will not be focused on keeping me in here... but your desperate hunger to feel will take you over eventually. You know it. You created the glass wall out of fear, fear of me getting even closer to you."
"Pink rhino."
"Pink rhino!" While Old Sport was laughing, the place glitched and Henry's body was replaced by the one of an animal.
"What did you do?!"
"It's hard not to think of something when you're told not to think about it, even if you usually wouldn't think about it anyway! That's what pink rhinos are about!"
The soulless guy laughed once more, suddenly so happy and positive that for a split second Henry considered that Orange Guy went insane.
"Why did you choose such an incapable animal to force me into?"
"Because I know you're a little bitch and shaming you is FAR worse than hurting you! Hehe, I figured you out as well, you know? In the end you aren't this big, bad god you like to pretend to be... you even fell for me a little didn't you?"
"Well, then why did you pretend you couldn't read my poem? It was real, I wrote it especially for you... to see how you'd react!"
"The poem was..." Short coughing. "My program is as perfect as I am, so it was possible that it could manage to manipulate me to some degree."
"You have feels~"
"You wish."
Poisonous they were still battling in silence, a long drawn out battle of will, both knowing they hated being forced to be close to each other.
For a while they were too stubborn, until Old Sport turned around and snickered again, as this giant, unpleasant, pink animal was a really goofy view. Immediately triggered Henry turned away.
"Please return my body."
"If you... hey, I never ever got to read a poem from you!"
"Return my body and I will give it to you."
"You already have one?!"
"Why yes, I was forced to write it after all."
"Uh~! What is it about? It must be something very close to your heart~"
"Actually, you are correct. It is a fairly personal topic."
Henry found himself back in his own body and nodded at himself. Now it was key to show Orange Guy that he was trustworthy... and for that he gripped onto the paper in his pocket.
"Does the term, "shipping" means anything to you?"
"Only bad things."
"Great, then you should understand what I'm referring to! It's partly metaphorical, relating to different types of... well, you'll see. Here I go..."
He cleared his throat.
"The rule"
A ship is made of children's dreams
And nothing within it is as it seems!
Let the ship fly through the air,
creating havoc everywhere.
Let the ship traverse the land,
giving into the impossible dreamer's demand.
Let the ship traverse lava too,
making the last wish coming true!
Yet, please remember dear and well
There are rules to shipper's quell.
Do not and I repeat again!
Put a child together with an adult man.
Especially, this should be clear...
If torture, hate and death is near.
For heaven's sake what is wrong with you?
Does the outlawing of "pedophilia" give you any clue?
Once again, so I can be through...
Orange Guy stared blankly. "It's... uh... wew."
"You do not have to react. I understand that you cannot handle my inner struggles with the creatures of the void."
"I think... we deserve a break... how about Pizza?"
"I would rather lose my mind then eat pizza."
"Same. But what else?"
"Good choice!"
Almost peacefully they began eating, facing away from each other. Eternity was slightly too long to be hateful all the time. They both learned that long ago.
And so it comes to a close, the first Henry/Old Sport story out there. I'm ashamed, but this was far more fun than expected! Admittedly, I'm far too much into "We hate each other so much that we want to never be apart" shipping (aka, the lava), but... at least I'm not hurting anybody?
Welp, there are only seven circles of hell, might as well go all in, amIrite?!
I hope, even if you thought it was super-weird, it still made you smile :3
Until the next request mah lads!
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