Confidential Case (Security Breach)
"It seems like you're trying to: STEAL CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS
L e t m e h e l p =)"
(Aka: Mike gets his hands on tapes he shouldn't...)
First up WARNING FOR THE VIDEO ABOVE. No visual horror, no jumpscares, but the topic matter is certainly horrific and the descriptions of "eggs" would cause Dave to skin himself so be warned about the body horror!
Anyhow- IT'S BEEN SO LOOOOOOOOOONG, SINCE I LAST- wrote fanfiction :c
A fucking YEAR in fact!
I have no excuses. I'm tired.
That aside, uh- this takes place in a little reboot of my story (unofficially). "The cycle begins anew", whatever. I just don't want to make new characters. DSAF and FNAF elements mixed together, but at this point the lore is so confusing, you could probably read it anyways. All you'd need to know for context is: two killer theory, both Henry AND William/Dave killed, as Pink Guy and Purple Guy respectively. Henry came back via VR from the void, William is still in hell, guarded by the OG souls. Only necessary to explain bear imagery instead of bunny, but functionally the same.
The guardsman quietly opened the door to the office overlooking the main stage zone.
From here he could see the stage to the side, the party rooms to the right of him. The stolen key was shaking in his hand, and he quickly turned to lock the door behind himself. Not that it would help much if someone caught him in here- this stupid place was so far up, there was no way to get out except the door.
"Fucking stupid design." He grumbled, but shook himself and instead moved behind the desk, sitting down onto the office chair. The computer booted up just fine, but demanded username.
Quickly he checked the password he had managed to steal, that apparently was from someone higher up.
No idea who. Nobody with that name worked here.
The screen flickered, and a WELCOME was depicted, opening up to a plain purple background and the usual options being displayed. Albeit, the database, the option to order supplies, the reports- those were new.
So were the employees' files.
Curiously he opened one of them up, spotting the name MIKE SCHMIDT on one of the folders.
Hovering over it, he almost gave into clicking, but then shook his head.
He wasn't here to look at what they had on him. Waste of time.
Instead, he went to the reports and began typing in some keywords.
'Five kids missing'
A lot of incident reports, but they all were talking about minor injuries, cases of bullying, birthdays-
Not what he wanted.
'Case number 2033-5'
No results found.
Well, fucking figures.
'Five kids inform authorities'
Nothing either.
'Five kids noise report 23-08-2033'
A few different things of the day popped up, but his eyes were drawn to the one that highlighted 'five kids... noise complaints from the STAFF only room... audio recording...' and he clicked on it. He really didn't have any particular intention to listen to it right now, even if he could-
From the stage sounds started playing.
A bright, yet melancholic melody.
(You were a child... crawling on your kneeeees toward it!)
(Making momma so proud... but your voice is too loud.")
Never mind even considering checking the audio then.
It was weird that they had a showtime test at this hour, but then again when else?
Glancing out of the window, he gazed upon the group of animatronics dancing and singing on the stage, their voices being projected from every corner of the showroom. These metallic monstrosities were utterly decadent if anyone were to ask Mike. On top of that, they were not cute with their soulless gazes and their recent malfunctions had made him incredibly uncomfortable.
Someone had tempered with them, so much was obvious to him... and he had an idea what purpose it was for.
Pulling out his USB, he proceeded to try and drag the file of the incident report, including the audio recordings and report notes into the local data save-
Just to receive an error message.
'Oh-oh! Looks like something went wrong! Please click HELP to determine the issue and repeat the process!'
"Piece of SHIT-"
He cussed the computer out, then, with a sigh, clicked on the help button.
Whatever, whatever, he'd just get it fixed up, maybe he could download the audio specifically and then take screenshots of the rest-
Having clicked on it, a jingle played and the message 'HELPY IS COMING!' was displayed, with the little bear mascot displaying a walking animation onto the screen.
Except this one was- yellow.
Well, not like Mike cared, he hated that tiny rat and given the chance he would punt one of those pink and white figurines into the absolute ground. He'd kick the annoying little fucker square over the stage.
A bit he chuckled to himself, only barely catching the pop up.
'It looks like you are trying to...'
The yellow bear displayed a thinking animation.
Than a lightbulb and a new textbox appeared over his head.
'S t e a l c l a s s i f i e d f i l e s'
Taken aback Mike grabbed the mouse- but then he chuckled at his own reaction.
This was probably a little joke the developers had allowed themselves for anyone trying to download data. It was suspicious after all, but it made more sense for it just scaring off anyone not in the know of this. Freddy's had always been good at capitalizing on its creepiness.
'L E T M E H E L P =)'
Pressing the yes button, Mike leaned back as the golden bear did his thing, the cursor turning golden as the bear pointed at it, and began moving along the screen on its own. Quickly it was back on the reports page, but it put in a specific file name this time into the opened window.
It opened a file that looked old, something speaking about a diner-
But that was all the guard managed to catch, before the mouse darted to the audio file, opening it up.
Outside the band still played, but the audio from the computer was loud enough to make it rather clearly audible, a far happier song playing. There were the voices of kids, which made Mike frown. From what he could decipher from the file name and the codes used that he remembered, the X stood for the saferoom, where no camera feed was permitted, but audio feed was mandatory.
The fact that kids seemed to be having a PARTY in there was irritating- albeit, then again perhaps it had been different back then?
A sick feeling was itching at the back of his throat, as he felt like he was REMEMBERING something... some background information about security upgrades and what made them so necessary...
The kid's voices were loud enough to draw his attention back.
["Fredbear is back soon! So, stop being such a crybaby!"
"Lucy is eating MY cake!"
"It looked tasty!"
The noise of the door, chattering and bustling from the outside, which was quickly cut out again by the door closing.
"A-am I late?"
"I-is it vanilla...?"
"No, why would I eat something boring like that?!"
"Then I don't want it...?"
"You're weird."
"... shush. You're being mean." ]
He thought he was counting five children's voices.
Five kids, in the saferoom, an audio recording, certainly an incident- did the system confuse what he had tried searching for?
Impatient he tapped on the desk. He would have to try and run it again after this help program shut up. Maybe he should shut it down-
A pop up on the commentary section of the audio, used for customer service training and other such things that required feedback caught his eye.
No matter how often I try to delete this audio, it keeps showing back up. I will make it unsearchable for now. I see no further risk. Not to mention, it is nice to have a memento, right W.? =) – H
Confused he frowned, leaning in closer.
Okay, forbidden recordings...?
It had his attention.
Outside, the animatronics were still at it. Maybe they had repeated the song by now? They played the same song around three times per rehearsal, as the specific song rarely mattered, what did was that they were moving correctly, that the light was going strong, that the mixing was still alright...
(The water is warm... but it's sending meeee shivers!)
(A baby is born... crying out for attention.)
Focusing back on the tape, he tried to disregard the outside and instead hear at least what was going on.
Someone threw a party for five kids in the unfriendly saferoom of all places.
A delighted cry sounded through the speakers of the computer, and it was easy to follow the reason.
God, that character was so old-
[The sound of the outside was once more cutoff by the sound of the door closing.
"Ah, I see all my friends are together!"
A deep chuckle.]
... okay, there was the employee- or whoever. Adult. Wearing the suit. His voice sounded smooth, it had a lot of warmth in it.
Yet somehow Mike felt even sicker.
Something about the sounds of the non-descript celebration music and the music outside mixing hit him in just the wrong way. The calm voice was just another piece of stimulation he couldn't stand focusing on.
["Mr. Fredbear! Finally!"
"Fredbear, Fredbear, where's our gift?!"
"Shush! God, Timmy, don't be so impatient!"
The offended shushing of the kid was just met with another laugh.
"No, no... no worries kids. I promised all of you gifts, did I not? Nothing wrong with making sure promises are being kept... but first! Did you enjoy your cake and pizza?"
"Yes, Fredbear!" Five children's voices sounded together.
"Good! That is of utmost importance, I want this to be forever remembered as your happiest day. Now, are you ready for the best part?"
Then, the cheers died down a little.
Confused the girl spoke up. "Fredbear, we don't want anymore cake!"
"Oh." A short pause. "Oh, excuse me, I did not mean to confuse you. You see, this is not a knife for cutting cake. It is better suited for meat!"]
Slowly the man in the seat sat back, his eyes wide in abject horror at what he was hearing.
The music was making it utterly bizarre, so unreal, as the happy voices of the kids turned into screams.
Piercing screams, the noise of running feet.
The laughter of the man, the thumping of fists against something dull, fur probably. Hysterical sobs, something incoherent being whimpered, too high-pitched and garbled to be understood.]
Completely frozen, Mike winced, his eyes glassy, as he listened to the sound of an odd splatter, the screams reaching a new crescendo, yet not loud enough to completely cover the sound of meat being punctured and liquid dripping down.
["You will make a fine Bonnie, would you not agree?"
The distressing sound of something wet being forced into somewhere, a loud CRACK sounding as it went on, before the noise finally stopped, the other four left were screaming, hammering against the wall, door-
Like dazed Mike stared at the little image of the golden bear on the screen, grinning at him with a black grimace.
There was ringing in the guard's ears, the only thing mercifully shielding his mind for a tiny bit, allowing him to space out, his mind screaming at him that he needed to bring this to someone's, anyone's attention, that people had to know about this-
Finally reality returned to the lack of screeching and crying, only the show stage music that he at this point could barely register anymore.
(The memories fade... like looking through a foooogged mirror~)
He wasn't even hearing it anymore, all he did was staring into the darkness of the bear's grimace, that felt bigger and bigger the longer he stared at it. Slowly he reached out to press the mouse, to close the audio that was close to ending-
A loud cracking noise sounded again from the speakers, Mike almost falling backwards due to the scare it caused him, and on the screen the bar cracked to show an added-on time.
Holding onto the table he leaned in, the weak noise on the other side taking a moment to decipher-
Did one of them survive?
[Something heavy moved.
Seemingly mechanical.]
The animatronic- someone was moving the animatronic?
[A knock on the door, heavy and violent this time.
Not like the kids...
Then again.
Then again.
Faster and faster, it was a barrage of hammering.
The hammering was joined by a faint gurgling that almost sounded like-
A voice.
A second sound, another machine. It hammered too.
"I- I- c-can'tbreaaathe-"
A third.
A fourth.
Something sounded like the sound of something metallic screeching-]
The feed cut off, leaving Mike with a far darker screen than before.
Only a small pop-up window, so mundane and quiet that it was almost obscene, was left.
'The download of the required data has finished! You can remove the external data drive safely.'
With shaking hands, the guard simply reached for the USB that was sticking out, and dragged it out of the computer, which immediately switched back to the normal background, the purple, and the pale imprint of a smiling bear.
Quickly he shut the computer down, the little jingle almost drowned out by the music still playing outside.
Second or third song cycle. Good. The animatronics were still performing and wouldn't spot him.
He wasn't sure who to go to now.
The press?
The police?
Should he just upload it to the internet?
Would anyone believe him?
(Control yourself... take only what you neeeeeed from it~)
Hell, he hadn't even grabbed the information he wanted- the five kids that disappeared here last week-
But could he really afford trying to drag out the other data?
Again he paused.
What... even had he received just now?
Would anyone even fucking believe him?!
(A family of trees wanted... to be haunted~!)
Did he have some more time to look for more?
The music was still playing, so maybe-
But someone would surely come in soon to punch in the report about the performance.
He quickly glanced outside to the animatronics on the stage-
Except there were none.
The music played, the lightshow went off, but there was not a single machine to be seen.
"Control yourself... take only what you need from it~"
Slowly Mike turned to the door.
"A family of treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees-"
That was that! Short'n'sweet, 2500 words roughly.
Alright, now, I have two fanfics in the making, neither of them are requests (I wanna warm up a little before I jump back into that).
I have two one-shots in the making, one is an animatronics+Mike focused one shot, the other is a close-to-canon Vanny taking in Gregory one shot, based on the bad end when you just run out of the pizzeria. I don't know which of these to prioritize, so I'd invite anyone who wants to to wager in.
Not promising that I'm back (bby!), but at least this fic has now been officially updated in a year.
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