Claustrophobia (Lefty/Puppet)

A/N: Happy (late ;D;) Birthday Spinnet_06! I decided to finally write the one-shot you requested as a small gift- as well as to get me back to write a bit in general, heh.
Hope you enjoy!
Also, this would be probably a mild continuation to the first one, ya might want to read that one first, even if it doesn't matter too much.
(Oh, also tagging you yingggoi as you requested a continuation as well. It isn't as sweet as you requested, because I sadly forgot about putting the focus on it, but... if you're disappointed, I might do make a very short drabble about them being cute. Again, sorry, I should have checked my comments more carefully.)


There were many things the Marionette had question during its existence. Certainly first and foremost, how he even came to be, but that was a given and something he would doubtfully ever get an answer to.
Secondly, he never managed to understand what could go through the madman's mind who had caged him in this body. Nothing he had heard and seen had added up to him. Insanity was such an unnerving and terrifying concept that it was hard for him to put himself into the mindset that a person could lack these things that were supposed to tell them right from wrong.
Thirdly... how did he work? His body?
No explanation Henry had tried to offer him had satisfied him.
Of course not, Henry wasn't trustworthy.
Not anymore.
Even if what he said would have been true, it wouldn't have explained how he felt warmth anyways.
Tucked in between wires and metal, he was captured within Lefty, feeling the constant humming from the machines around him, as well as the warmth they were releasing bit by bit.
Sometimes Lefty would activate the music box right under him and the partially sad and partially reassuring melody filled the rest of the tiny space, making everything else sound quieter.
Lefty usually did so when it was loud outside, cars driving by or a loud group of people coming closer. He knew how much the thought of being found scared the Marionette. It could mean them getting retracted into another place and destroyed.
The Puppet didn't want to try and escape a facility like that, especially since it would be hard for him to orientate and find whatever Freddy's location was nearest afterwards.
When you couldn't ask for direction, finding your way could be difficult, even as a monstrous, haunted being.
For now though, the music box was deactivated, rain pattered from the outside onto the bear and echoed in the inside in a weird muffled way.
"... we should get out of the rain." Marion half-heartedly proposed. By now he had taken to actually use his voice instead to reaching out to the soul inside of Lefty, because... well... it unnerved him. Something about that soul obviously wasn't quite right. "I do not like it."
He could feel the bear stop in his movements for a moment.
It was so odd being able to feel every reaction that accompanied an emotion instead of just seeing them from the outside.
"... you don't? But why?" The tone he had was still sickly sweet and awfully reassuring.
As if he was capable to understand and accept everything Marion felt and said.
It was uncomfortable, it suffocated him. Pressed him into a corner.
"It is always bad news. Traveling through it is hard, once it almost broke something inside of me and I would rather not have that happen again." His voice was as dismissive as possible, hoping that the bear eventually would get the hint. "If anything gets into here, I will be incapable to get awa-"
"Oh, dear, no worries!" Cheerful the bear laughed, the vibration shaking the Marionette around a bit. "I was made to protect you. Nothing can get to you in there, not as long as I am active."
That wasn't all that reassuring to the captured party.
"How can you be so sure? There could have been something that came loose or broke while you were-"
"If I am still working, I am still capable to protect you." The words had an incredible finality to them.
The bear wasn't able to conceive a world in which he was able to exist without that purpose and necessary features.
"... you say nothing can get to me in here, but what is if I will be taken out?" Quietly he responded. "When we find the guard, then I will ask to be taken out."
"The answer is simple, dear Marion. He will have to destroy me." It was said calmly and without any hint of doubt. "You will have to kill me."
"I can't do that!" Disturbed Marion began moving, trying to get somehow in a different position as though it would help him convince Lefty. "I- we are in the same position! I don't really want to do you any harm, why would I? We need to work together, to end Afton and move on!"
There was no response and it filled Marion's non-existent stomach with a weird form of dread.
"I would never hurt another soul like mine, someone who has been captured just as long as me."
Still, nothing
"... that is what happened to you, right? You are... trapped. You... you are a SOUL, right?"
A few more steps, then finally he stooped.
Bowed down as though to pick something up.
"Look! An umbrella! You will no longer have to worry about the rain, darling." Peaceful he straightened himself again and the sound of the rain against the outer shell subsided. Now it was only the normal pitter-patter on the ground around them.
Slumping back into position, Marion hugged himself, feeling mortified. "Lefty. What ARE you?"
"... I'm your friend." Gently he sighed, seemingly in satisfaction, with a pinch of pity. "... it feels so odd to not be empty anymore. I do love how I can tell exactly what it is you feel in the way you squirm around... but I do not mean to cause you pain..."
"Tell me. Please." Again he pleaded. Those words had merely made the issue more pressing to him.
Then he felt the sadness radiating from all around him. "... I'm not sure myself, dear. I'd tell you if I did, I promise. It's been a long time since I might could have known the answer to that. I'm just happy I finally found you and I'm- I'm devastated to cause you pain. Please, believe me when I say that I'm here for you and nothing else."
Marion slightly shifted, before realizing Lefty could feel that and trying to stop. It was like every of his movement was kept under intense watch, it was rather unnerving even if it probably wasn't that much of a deal in reality. "... you could be anyone. Anything. How can I trust you?"
"I'm sorry." It sounded heartbreakingly sincere.
For a short moment he hesitated, then slowly let out his imaginary breath. It wasn't Lefty's fault that he was like this, right? Who knew what happened to him. Who know what he had been through. "Lefty...?" His voice was unsure for a moment, but then he forced himself to snap out of it. This wasn't the first lost soul relying on him. "Have you ever actually TRIED anything?"
He didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, but the bear didn't take it badly. Seemingly he was just glad that his beloved puppet still talked to him. "Whatever do you mean, dear?"
"You know. Try out... things. Ever tried reading? Looking at pets? Did you ever try to climb onto anything?" Throwing out all kind of things that he came up with on the spot, he tried to sound at least somewhat encouraging. "Perhaps that is what you need to get back a bit of your memory? If you stumble over things that you used to like and forgot about...?"
'... perhaps it will also make you calm your- star in terms of this weird obsessiveness.'
Full of delight, the other one now had a new spring in his step. "No, I have not considered that! You are right, I should- try things! You're so clever, my love! Oh, it will be such fun! What should we try first?"
A bit taken aback the Puppet slightly shook his head. Was Lefty honestly acting as though this was the most genius idea he ever heard? As if he wouldn't have been able to come up with it himself?
Then again, WOULD he have been able to?
Maybe this was one of the first clear thoughts he had been allowed to think in a while.
"I think climbing would be the easiest thing? Seeing as we would need to find a pet or book somewhere to test that-" Suddenly the whole body shifted, throwing the puppet to the side. "What the HELL are you doing?!"
"Climbing on something! Oh, it is rather difficult with these hands... but I refuse to give up! Do you think I will make to the top of this building, darling?"
In deep shock the Puppet struggled to get up, peeking through his missing eye. "What- no! Out here?! While everything is wet and- people could come and SEE you!"
"What are they going to do?" Happily he was still attempting to get on top of a big, green garbage can, slowly breaking the plastic under his weight. "We can get away if they try to call someone and they on their own cannot do anything to us."
"LEFTY. PLEASE. STOP THAT." Lightly he clawed against the insides of the plastic shell, finally making him pause. "We have enough time for that later!"
"You are right, you probably want to rush to that place... but... will I have the time to try these things when we arrive? After all, you want to get out..." The enthusiasm vanished, and quiet worry replaced it.
"We worry about that when we are there. Hell, perhaps you're wrong and you DON'T need to be destroyed in order to get me out of here. Maybe, once you... become a bit more independent... you will actually help us try."
The machine kept quiet for a moment, as he got back into the normal pace they had walked before. "Maybe."
It was clear as day that deep down he did not really believe in that.
Yet, there was nothing to do about it for now.
Their travel continued, at some point Marion dozed off. He wasn't quite sure how Lefty exactly knew where Freddy's locations were opened and how he could make sure that the guard they were looking for was actually THERE- but Lefty told him not to worry about it.
The question if the guard was still working at Freddy's was not so pressing.
Nobody ever left Freddy's.
Unless they were in a coffin of course.
Which... he couldn't be too sure about. The guard very well could have died, though he hoped with every inch of his body that it was not the case.
An indeterminable amount of time passed until he was awake again. The rain had stopped, but it was still dark, or perhaps it was just dark AGAIN. There was no way for him to tell.
Or maybe they were hiding in a darker area.
All the unknowns made his beyond worried, which is why he hated this situation so much. How Lefty managed to convince himself that he didn't and if fact would be enjoying the so-called "safety" was beyond him.
Cautiously he called out. "Lefty... where exactly are we? Will it take long until we find a Freddy's?"
"Not too long! There should be one in this area. I just struggle a little with the names of the streets, but... nothing to worry about."
"Is there ANYTHING in your mind you need to worry about?" Sarcastically the Puppet snarked back.
"Not since we have been united, my dearest!" Keeping the same obnoxious cheerfulness as always up, Lefty just continued with whatever he was doing, causing the Puppet to consider if you could possibly strangle someone from the inside.
Probably not, but it sure as hell would be GREAT.
"Have you even thought that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you are simply not worrying enough? That your carefree attitude can and will cause harm in the longrun, to both you and me?"
"I know what there is to worry about." The bear's voice was kind, but firm. "And I know that currently none of these scenarios are at risk of happening. There is no way I would get careless while carrying around a treasure like you."
"You can always twist it into something to sweettalk me with, don't you? Can I ask you to stop?"
Surprised the bear hesitated. "... you mind that?"
A pause ensued from both sides.
It wasn't like he... minded.
But... "It weirds me out. It feels untrustworthy."
"Maybe I like hearing you being weirded out." Out of nowhere, a hint of mischief had sneaked into his voice. "Maybe I think it is quite cute and funny."
"Funny?!" Baffled the Marionette wormed around inside of him. "You are calling me being freaked out funny?! To think that I felt BAD for you! I-"
"Wait, wait, you felt bad for me? Oh lord, I'm sorry can we go back to that?" There was laughter in his voice, though he seemingly seriously hoped for that to happen. "I think I might enjoy your worry for me much more!"
"Your AUDACITY!" The more upset he sounded, the more Lefty shook with laughter, making him in term even madder. What a vicious cycle. "Stop laughing this instant! I will make you regret this!"
"I am already regretting! Whatever may I do to make it up to you?" The smile on his face was audible.
The Marionette only grumbled. "Never do it again for a start. Take this mess seriously, that would be an idea too."
"But... can I not take this serious and be happy at the same time?" Gently Lefty inquired. "A serious situation doesn't imply an unhappy one. And I miss you joking around with me anyways. So, either I will have to tease you until you lighten up, or you will relax on your own for a bit. There IS nothing to worry about, you are simply too used to being worried. Should I put the music box back on?"
"No! No, I DON'T want to sleep and I WON'T be teased by you."
"You voice sounds more like you ARE affected by the teasing though..." Sweetly Lefty replied, giggling again at the wild shaking inside of him.
"Take that back!"
Suddenly, Lefty stopped, more abruptly than he tended to do usually when he heard a car or people come by.
After a few seconds of silence, the mildly unnerved Marion wriggled his way up. "... what happened? Is everything okay? If you are just trying to-"
"Look, Marion!" Oddly enchanted the bear called out. "It's a pet!"
Irritated the Puppet wondered who in their right mind would call it a pet instead of calling out directly which one it was, but as he peeked out as best as he could, he saw indeed that there was a small black cat sitting on the sidewalk, staring at the robot with distrust.
Nobody moved for a bit, until the puppet coughed. "... does the cat remind you of something?"
"Uh. Not really. Not yet, anyways." Lefty was still frozen in place. "What should I do? It is looking at me weirdly. Am I doing something wrong, love?"
"Do what you always do with a cat! Crouch down and stretch out your hand." Rolling his eyes Marion watched the cat from inside the suit, who seemingly was not impressed with the robots efforts to appeal to it. "They always look at people like that and we... do not exactly look normal."
"It doesn't move- oh- now it's coming over!" A feverish excitement had taken ahold of his voice, as though this was the most exciting moment in his life.
Then again, it could very well be just that.
The cat sniffed his finger, then simply walked a few steps away to sit down once more, staring at him.
"It... didn't want me?" Disheartened Lefty asked.
"No, cats are like that... they... they need time. They like to see you make an effort." Marion sighed. "But, if you would have had a cat, you would know that. You... probably didn't. Let's stop wasting our time-"
"No. I want to touch it." Insistent the bear tried to move close to the animal, which alarmed it. It stood up abruptly, not yet running away but being ready to do so.
"Stop! You're scaring it!"
"Then- what am I supposed to do? How can I make it let me pet it?" Sounding almost desperate, he froze up, keeping the cat from fully running off. "Please, Marion. Help me."
Feeling a little pity, the Puppet sighed and adjusted himself again inside of the other. "Promise that we afterwards don't have any more divergences during our travel."
... dammit.
Part of him had hoped he would refuse, it would give him an excuse not to do it. Cats were incredibly moody creature and the fact that they were not particularly harmless wouldn't make it easier.
"Alright then. Well- first you need to make sure the cat is calm around you. Be... unthreatening. NO, NOT BY STANDING UP- just... don't move and maybe wiggle your finger a little?" With a pause he watched his companion execute the orders masterfully.
Not like he could do much wrong, but... hey, credit where credit was due.
The cat simply kept on staring, its tail twitching slightly from side to side. At least it sat back down.
"Come here...!" Lefty quietly mumbled. "Let me pet your pretty fur...!"
It didn't seem very effective as the cat merely yawned.
"The fact it isn't running away is already a miracle in itself." Marion dryly commented. "... I heard that cats can feel spirits or something. Maybe it is curious."
"... I'm just happy to see it. It does remind me of something! It reminds me of you!" Somewhat cheerful the bear looked at the feline, seizing his movements.
"... it... is so distrustful... but elegant. It looks capable, but at the same time, if I would get my hands on it..."
"You terrify me once more."
"What?" Shocked Lefty turned his head a bit, even if he couldn't see his conversation partner. "Why? I did not mean to. I only meant that if I pick this sweet thing up, it probably will have to stay there until I let it go..."
"Maybe it is good that it doesn't come over." His voice sounded more like a hiss, and as soon as he realized that, he was even more annoyed.
"Marion. I really, really want to pet it. Please. Help me." Switching back to a grave seriousness, he made it sound as though it was the most crucial thing in his life. "I would never hurt it, I just want to pet it."
"If it doesn't want to come over, it doesn't want to come over. There is nothing I can do about it." Disgruntled the Puppet just hoped to end this nonsense soon.
"You... you know SOMETHING to do. You always have a solution." The conviction in his voice made Marion shake his head.
Then he finally looked through Lefty's eyes into the eyes of the cat in some sort of pointless attempt to mentally communicate with the being. Of course, fruitless.
Then- as he started to make some chirping noises, trying to get its full attention, it actually began moving towards them, rubbing its head against Lefty's frozen hand.
That was not what the machine inside had expected, but it was fine by him.
"... now carefully pet it, so we can leave." Marion sighed relieved and kept watch as the robot, with shaky hands, petted over the being, making a small noise of surprise as the cat laid down and showed its belly.
"It's- it's wonderful! I love it! Can we keep it?!"
"No. Someone owns this cat and they'd be very sad if you would just take their beloved pet away." His voice wasn't all that harsh anymore.
Lefty sounded so happy.
"... probably." At peace he stroked over it a few more times, before finally, satisfied, standing up and watching the cat rush off somewhere. As he began moving again, he continued talking. "Thank you."
"It was nothing."
"... really. Thank you so much. It might hasn't been anything special to you, but... without you, this would never have happened to me, you understand? Without you telling me what to do- I would have scared it away or worse! I don't function on my own-"
That was a bad direction for this conversation. "You would have managed somehow Lefty, don't-"
"- but for you it was so easy! That's why I was looking for! Now... now I can DO these things! Now I can experience things I only was able to hear about! Without you I'm incapable, but as long as you are there for me and help me-"
"LEFTY. You... you have it all wrong. That is what you were meant to believe, but it is a lie. You can do all these things on your own! You only need a bit of time to learn..."
"It is so much easier with you though. Please Marion. Why are you so adamant about this not being the case?" His confusion sounded so intense that it almost hurt to hear.
"Because it's not good for you."
"... maybe not while you're gone, but now that you are here..."
Frustrated the Marionette shifted back down into the lower parts of him, curling up. "At this point I think you're being stubborn on purpose again."
"Rest assured that is not the case!" Lefty exclaimed a bit worried, but walking as normal.
It stayed silent for a little bit until the bear spoke up again.
"... when we arrive... and you chose against destroying me outright... do you think we can try to find another cat? This one was amazingly soft and I would love to touch one again sometimes. Maybe... even adopt one? With you?"
"Lord, you bear-eared idiot. I won't go off on you like that. I told you, I would try to prevent you from getting hurt." Even if being stuck in here was getting more and more restricting for him. "... maybe we will. Once you learned to let go of me a bit."
"So you mean no?" Neutrally it was shot back.
Marion rolled his eyes, but didn't feel like fighting anymore. "... it's a maybe. We will see when we arrive."
Lefty smiled. "Thank you."


The bear didn't understand.
He should be happy.
He stood on stage.
Children came up to him.
Marion told him what he needed to say to keep them smile.
It was great!
Something was wrong.
There was a FEELING.
A heated, bad feeling, right under the place Marion took up.
They indeed found the Guard Marion had been talking so much.
And he indeed agreed to help him again.
And at that point Lefty learned what hate felt like.
It wasn't clear where it came from. Marion liked the Guard, so he should like him too.
But it was still there eating away on him.
Until he left stage to find an entrance into the ventilation system.
"What are you doing? Where are we going?"
"... I want to check on your friend." His voice sounded dead. It wasn't quite a lie, but he knew he would be doing more. Lying to Marion was beyond abhorrent.
But he needed to.
Climbing through the confusing system of vents, he tried to go after the noise he could hear, hoping it would lead to the office.
Then, he finally saw him.
Sitting in front of the screen.
Marion shifted inside of him, trying to say something, but Lefty clenched down on him.
You can't.
But as he made that noise, blinding light was aimed at him, he couldn't see.
The noisy computer was the only thing filling these tense seconds.
And Lefty...
... waited.
The light would go out at some point.
He felt Marion squirm in him.
He would have to apologize for that one, for sure.
But he was doing what he was sure was best. And no matter what Marion thought, getting separated wasn't the best.
Anyone who supported those delusions would have to be...
... convinced otherwise.
He smiled.
So much new things he experienced with his darling by his side.
He couldn't wait what would come next.


Oof. You didn't give a lot of detail on what you wanted, friendo, so I just... wrote away.
I hope you enjoy this anyways! And so does anybody else who read it!
As always, comments and requests are welcome!
But boi, I need to finally continue with the PurplePhone request. Damn. Anyways, until next time! HOPEFULLY IT WON'T BE FUCKING MONTHS AGAIN, H A H !

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