Angel (Jeremy/Marionette)
For Anon_the_magical, I'm sorry...
I really wanted to write some fluff, but it simply... didn't work out. It started with children and I thought I could make it fluff from there, but fluff is harder to write than expected. But now, after putting in so much time, I decided to release it anyway.
Welcome to Freddy Fazebear's Pizza! A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun comes to life!
Jeremy LOVED the commercial. It all looked so magical! And the new animatronics were so cool! They looked fluffy!
And huggable!
They looked like out of the TV-show!
Silently the boy sneaked towards the TV, wrapped the blanket tighter around him and activated it, making it as silent as possible.
But still loud enough to hear the cute music! And naturally Jeremy quietly sang along.
"I'll be your friend, right to the end! Join the party!"
His chest felt warm and fuzzy now and despite being scared that his father would walk into the room, he still wouldn't miss this for the world!
Hypnotized he watched the cute little characters interact and play with each other and whispered encouragement whenever one of them seemed to feel sad.
No matter how often he begged his parents to take him to Freddy's, they always said no... especially his father was convinced that those talking, walking animals were made with some sort of dark-soul-absorbing-witchcraft. Whatever could gave him that impression was incomprehensible to the kid, but after a while he had dropped that topic. Even on his birthday he hadn't asked to be allowed to go there.
A bitter taste took it place in his mouth. Not that his birthday had been bad...
He better stop. It was ungrateful.
Softly he leaned his forehead against the screen, his hair standing up from the electrostatic. If he could just fall through the glass and never come back...
But... then his parent would be sad...
Helpless he pressed himself against the TV harder, just wanting to go home. To a home he could love. Immediately he jerked away again, guilt flooding his gut. He didn't hate his real home and he WAS thankful, but he couldn't help wishing... was that wrong? Was he a bad child?
Quickly he wiped away the tears that had formed in his non-visible eyes, just to begin crying for real as his thoughts jumped to his deformity. A creak in the house made him deactivate the TV in panic and run into his room, locking the door frantically.
Please don't let him come here, please don't let him come here, please don't let him-
A violent knock on the door made him shriek in fear.
The kid hid his face in the blankets, praying that the man would suddenly vanish, or not be angry anymore, ANYTHING-
No, NO, he couldn't face him, not today. Shaking with fear, he opened the back window and jumped outside. Thankfully he usually took on his clothes before sneaking to watch TV, so his parents wouldn't get the impression that he was lazy, or not ready to help if they caught him.
There was one place he knew he could run to, a place his father wouldn't come to and a place he felt happy and safe.
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Where time didn't pass.
As the place wasn't open yet, he hid in the back alley and sat down in a spot of morning light. The warmth quickly made him sleepy again and before he knew it he woke up again, unsure of what time it was.
Carefully he sneaked a glance through the window and to his delight the place was filled with children! So many people!
His stomach growled, but he chose to ignore it, he couldn't get anything to eat anyway.
Smiling he rushed into the restaurant, instantly being taken over by the sheer excitement. So many things to do, what first?
To the Animatronics of course!
Ignoring all the weird stares he got from the other children, he ran towards the new models! There they were!
Chica the Chicken, Bonnie the Bunny, Foxy the Fox and Freddy Fazebear himself! All on the stage making music!
It was fun seeing them look around and smile, or doing weird grimaces at each other in their breaks. Patiently he waited for them to get finish their performance, so he could have a chance to talk to them and once it was time, he was the first to ran up to them.
"Freddy, Freddy, you have a really great singing voice! You're just as good as your cousin!"
The giant bear shortly stopped in front of him, leaned forward... but suddenly simply turned away to walk around him.
Deeply disturbed Jeremy tried to stop Bonnie. "I- I know we don't know each other that well yet, but... it's v-very mean-"
But Bonnie didn't even gave him a second look as he passed him.
Having all his hopes and dreams shattered Jeremy simply let the last two machines walk past him and watched them interacting with a group of normal children. Every bit of energy was sucked out of him, as he slowly began to sink into himself.
The new people didn't like him.
No one really liked him.
His paining stomach make things only worse, it made it hard to keep the tears away. To force himself out of this mindset, he hugged himself tightly.
Suddenly a soft hand touched his shoulder, making him shriek loudly and jump around. Above him stood a guy with a golden Badge, showing that he was part of the staff and a Phone for a head.
"H-hello? Are you alright?" The man sounded slightly unsure of the situation, but worried anyway.
"Uh... u-uhm... sorry sir..."
The Phone was tilted slightly to the side. "The new Animatronics... they can't... uh... if they don't see your face, they don't think you're real, you know?"
"But I am!"
"Of course you are! They are just a little... easy to confuse. Here, how about you go to your parents and I'll bring you a pizza and soda to make it up to you?"
"I'm here... alone..."
Almost shocked the Phone Guy leaned back. "Alone?! That's unsafe—I mean, unfortunate! Okay... okay, here: How about you sit down in the prize corner and I bring it to you there, alright?"
"T-thank you, Mister...?"
"Cawthon. From all the time you spend here, I expected you to know it for some reason..."
"Haha... I never... dared to talk to you..."
"Am I that intimidating?" Jokingly the man shook his fist softly at him, before leading him to the prize corner.
It was a nice place! A bit lonely, as the there was no one giving out toys against Tokens at the moment, but at least the music box gave it quite a nice atmosphere. After receiving his food and devouring it in record time, he sat on his chair, staring towards all the other people who had fun with their friends.
Today he wouldn't try to make himself new friends.
It never worked anyway.
Taking a deep breath, he smiled to himself. No, it was a great day. He got to see the animatronics, who were all pretty cool, even if they couldn't see him and he got free pizza!
That was very lucky and he would appreciate this day!
Holding on tightly to the happiness he could concentrate on, he began to hum along to the music. At home he had a similar box, even if much smaller.
Suddenly a thought occurred to him. He never found out why the music box was this big! It just... popped up someday. Weird actually.
Well, it was a nice box, with nice music, but it still felt out of place.
Curiously he inched closer, tempted to take a peek inside... but that might would break it, wouldn't it?
No, he couldn't risk breaking something in here, especially not after he was shown this much kindness!
For a while he continued to watch the others chase each other around, always chattering and laughing and focusing on each other... it was so nice! Everyone was having fun and that was amazing! Sometimes he just wanted to stay at Freddy's forever, doing nothing but playing with others all day... but he couldn't.
No! Bad sadness! Go away!
He had a nice home and once he came back, dad was probably away and wouldn't be so angry, everything was perfect!
Shortly he folded his hands and thanked his god for his good life, like mom taught him to, before staring into the crowd again, smiling even more.
Maybe he should go out and try to find someone to play with!
Yeah, why did he even thought it was a bad idea in the first place? Surely, today had to be the day where he would meet a nice person!
Somewhat excited, Jeremy jumped down, focusing on the many great things he and his hypothetical new friend could do together!
But then he heard the sobbing.
Shocked the boy turned towards the box, out of which the sound apparently came.
Slightly insecure he knocked against the wall. "H-hello? Is there someone in there?"
The sobbing shortly stopped, before continuing, slightly quieter this time. It shot Jeremy right through the heart.
"H-hey, friend, no need to cry... do you want to talk about it?"
There wasn't any answer, but this time the hysterical hiccups were louder again. Jeremy took it as a sign that whoever was inside of it really wanted help.
"Don't be scared... I'm here for you! If I can... c-can I help you? I... I really want to help you! Even if you don't know me and I don't know you... hearing you cry... please, come out of the box!"
I can't.
Shocked at the weird voice, Jeremy shortly lost his trail of thought, before being able to answer again. "Why not?!"
I... can't... do... anything...
At least there weren't any more sobs there. "Don't think that! I bet you can do a lot! What's your name? I'm Jeremy and I'm happy to meet you!"
I'm... so... angry...
"Uh..." This didn't sound good. "Why?"
Some sort of low growl came out of the box, scaring the boy slightly.
"Are you... are you alright? You don't have to be angry!" No further answers came and enough was enough. "Okay, I'm gonna open the box! We'll be friends and I will help you!"
It took a lot of strength, but finally he managed to open the present for a slight gap, before he got violently pulled in by a long set of claws. Inside of the box it was hot, the air was stale and it was uncomfortable cramped.
But the worst thing were those glowing eyes in the dark, looming far too close to his face.
Who are you?!
"I-I already told you! Jeremy!"
"Would you PLEASE tell me who you are?"
I... am the Marionette.
"Marionette? You're... an animatronic?" Surprised the human softly changed his position to get at least somewhat more comfortable. "That's cool! The others don't talk to me... why did you cry?"
The eyes shifted around in the darkness and narrowed. For a second he could swear he saw teeth.
I wasn't.
"Oh, come on! I'm not stupid!"
Why did you talk to me?
"Because..." In retrospect, this had been pretty selfish of him. Sad he accepted that he had done something bad again. "... I wanted a friend."
The glowing suddenly became slightly brighter again, as the dots widened once more. Despite that, the thing didn't answer any further.
"Please... don't be angry at me.... I just... I know how it is to hide somewhere to cry... I hoped that I might could make it a little better... I'm sorry."
Leave my box. A young boy like you shouldn't be trapped in here.
"Are you trapped?" Shocked Jeremy looked at those glowing dots.
... Leave.
"H-how about we go out together?"
You wouldn't want to see me. Trust me, kid.
"No! I want to see you! Let's go out together!"
A deep sigh was audible.
Jeremy, you are either desperate or an idiot.
"I'm a bit of an idiot sometimes, but I'm ready to take that risk!"
Confidently Jeremy reopened the box and crawled out of it, holding it open until the claw showed itself again. Fascinated he watched a slim, black body freeing itself out of its cage, before the white mask turned towards him.
It was...
"SO CUTE!" Amazed Jeremy squealed. He never got to see this animatronic before, but he heard a bit from other fans of the franchise. It was pretty rare, only a few models were produced, if sources were to be believed! "I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD GET TO SEE SOMEONE LIKE YOU! THIS IS THE BEST DAY IN MY LIFE!"
The Marionette backed off, slightly disturbed.
Kid, this isn't... do... do you really mean this?!
"Yes! YES, YES! Those cheeks are adorable! And your eyes are so cool! You're perfect!"
Speechless the Puppet looked at the small creature in front of him.
You really are an idiot.
"What is your role? Can you sing? What are you doing at the prize corner?" Incredibly excited he leaned closer to his new friend, touching his soft cloth that covered its mechanical body.
Uh... personal space...
With a metaphorical glowing face (both the glowing and most of the face), the kid stepped back and looked up at him.
Well... I can sing... though I dislike doing that. Usually I'm supposed to...
Shortly considering something, Marionette reached inside of its home and made a few snipping noises, before handing a neatly wrapped present to him. In awe the child accepted it and pressed it against his chest. There was something soft inside of it.
You... may want to unwrap it again?
"B-but didn't you just wrap it for me?"
You're weird.
Happily Jeremy giggled, slightly embarrassed. "I love it! But... my parents wouldn't allow me to keep it probably..."
Why not?
"N-not that important... could you sing something for me?" Hopeful Jeremy fiddled with his hands.
What if I don't want to?
"That's fine... I don't want to push you! But would you play something with me?"
Marionette took a look at the cameras above, something bitter was in the way it turned his head down again.
No. Leave me alone.
Shocked at the sudden mood swing, Jeremy frowned. "I want to be your friend! Please play with me!"
Slightly hurt the brown-haired boy let his head hang. "I didn't mean to annoy you... I won't bother you again... it was still nice to meet you!"
Trying his best to keep a positive attitude, the human decided to leave and search for someone who would like to play with him. Surely, SOMEONE would want to go play hide and seek or...
Suddenly he noticed that there was a door open.
That door was usually never open!
How interesting!
Jeremy quickly peeked inside, seeing a lot of robotic parts... why where they here? Deeply uncertain he stepped inside to check them out.
Some of them looked like heads... oh my god... were THEY BUILDING A SECRET ARMY BACK HERE?!
Suddenly, the door shut behind him. Scared the kid shortly pressed himself against the wall, being unable to see anything in the darkness. A short while passed filled with no noise but his breathing until he stepped back towards the door again, with shaking knees.
"H-hello?! Is t-there anyone here...? I p-promise I won't tell anyone..."
There was only the sound of silence.
Finally gathering up all the courage he had, he walked through the blackness, until his reaching hands met the cold surface of the door. Hesitantly he began knocking.
"Hello? Is there someone outside?"
Again, nothing but silence was his answer. Now his knocks became a bit more frantic, as the reality of the situation seeped in.
This was too much, he didn't know what he had done to deserve this. Was it because he ran away? Because he watched his favorite cartoon?
Desperately the child kept on knocking, until his knuckles felt sore and hot. His hiccups grew worse, making it almost impossible to breathe for him and as the world began to spin around him, the shadows grew threatening again.
Was there something moving inside of here?
Was that breathing?!
"Somebody... help me please..." Curling up in a corner, Jeremy prayed that the monster couldn't see him as long as he didn't move. With shaking hands he ripped open the present he got, (judging by its shape it was a Plush Chica) and began hiding his face inside of the soft fabric.
Time passed and slowly the ground under him got warm from his body heat and slowly his fear started to give in to hopelessness and tiredness.
Surely someone would come in here... this room was part of the restaurant and as such had to be cleaned! Mom always said that every room needed to be cleaned, no matter how much it was used, so there would someone be coming in soon.
An eternity later he heard a soft clicking and cold air breezed over him, but the darkness stayed. No, it was not correct, there were two glowing eyes in the dark... they weren't the one of his friend, they were rounder...
More, this time rather mechanical clicking was audible, before whatever had stared at him in the dark turned away again.
Softly letting out his shuddering breath, the human stumbled out of the backroom, into the completely dark and desolated main hall. More clicking and the heavy footsteps of the animatronics were audible.
Scared the boy tried to find his way to the entrance, knowing that Freddy and his friends would be pretty angry at him for being here, so much was obvious.
Why wasn't it a little brighter? He couldn't even see what was in front-
As if it wasn't bad enough that he fell over a chair and hurt his face, now three pairs of glowing orbs were directed at him and they were walking towards him. Desperately he tried not to scream or cry again. As silent as possible he whispered. "I-I'm sorry..."
The Marionette felt stressed out beyond believe.
He worked tirelessly all day to reach out for the animatronics, to get ahold of their bodies. After all, he knew what those new robots meant.
New children.
They would stuff them with children again.
Not on his watch.
If he managed to get blood on the animatronics, he would be able to get them returned to the factory and there they... they wouldn't get possessed.
The day he realized that the only way to stop more children from dying was killing people himself, was... the day he lost a big part of himself.
But he had no choice. This place needed to be shut down. Henry wasn't allowed to get his hands on any more funding or victims and the only way to ensure that was to get this chain closed and the reputation of animatronics ruined.
And the only way for him to do so was killing.
Like Henry wanted him to.
But he wouldn't break apart.
He would stay true to himself.
Also, the Nightguards would be able to choose to simply work somewhere else, right? As long as no one came to work here, the place would close down as well.
It wasn't his fault that he killed them. They could always just stay away.
The machines were easy enough to take charge off, once he managed to get past the box barrier. Painful, but manageable.
If just the kid hadn't been there it would have been so much easier to...
It hurt him. It had made things worse.
Despite this child embodying all he tried to protect, he embodied all he could never have as well.
At least it gave him the last bit needed to force himself out of his own skin to finally get ahold of the new machines.
Now he had set them into "entertainer-mode" since it would make them search for humans on their own and he just had to watch through their eyes until one of them found the Nightguard. Of course, the guard was most likely in the office, but there WERE some times he got fooled too easily by being unobservant. The darkness that protected him, protected his enemy as well.
It wasn't easy to expand your own brain to four time the usual perception and he admitted it was painful... yet as long as the animatronics searched on their own he would be able to pull through with it.
The loud crash made him grin, against his will. At least it would be quick this night, he could stuff him into the suit properly this time.
Shuddering he remembered the last time...
The animatronics were drawn to the noise and circled the scrambling figure on the ground and quickly the Marionette decided that Freddy should do the honors. Once he took ahold of the mechanical body, he leaned forward and-
The kid?!
What was the kid doing here?!
The boy hid his face and cried to himself and hugged the present he was gifted tightly, terrified of the fate that awaited him.
Oh no.
What should he do?
Lure the security guard out, using the screaming child-
But he needed to get out of the box... he couldn't speak through the machines and Jeremy needed to hear a kind voice, before... he died of fear? Got traumatized?
Marionette actually wasn't sure how it could affect the child, yet if his parents were right then everything could break a child's mind.
A bad feeling crept into him. If he got the Nightguard to help... it would feel worse to kill him.
... He had to.
Jeremy had finally stopped crying, as Freddy had stopped moving at all. "F-Freddy... are you m-mad...?"
Alright then.
First he considered grabbing him, but feared that he could accidently crush his bones, he wasn't able to feel his own strength that well. Instead he straightened his "puppet's" back and signed the kid to follow him. The other animatronics had lost interest as they couldn't see a human in the child.
Hesitantly Jeremy followed the machine, deeply confused. "Where are we going?"
As expected, the door of the office was closed.
He turned towards the camera, patiently waiting for it to activate, so the guard would see the child. Actually, it was slightly intriguing to consider the different options here...
Who was the person inside?
Softly Marionette clutched his own fists and pushed against the lid of the present. There were times to think about things like that and it wasn't now.
He couldn't keep Freddy in place, its AI wanted to get him back to searching the place for humans. One last time he attempted to do something and knocked onto the door, close to giving up his grip and letting Freddy leave, praying that the child wouldn't wander off. What if the boy fell over again?
The creature trapped in the box couldn't believe it.
The door opened and a guy stood in front of them, almost expressionless. Though maybe it only appeared that way, as his cap hid away his eyes.
They stared at each other, Freddy content now that he found an audience.
Jeremy stared also, the fear of getting into a lot of trouble was preventing him from saying anything.
Without saying a word the adult stepped aside, an obvious invitation and after Marionette gave his boy a little pat on the back the kid went forward.
The man looked at Freddy for another second, but then hesitantly nodded, before apprehensively turning his back on the robot and crouching down in front of the child. His voice was incredibly quiet.
"Are you... okay?"
"Y-yes, sir!"
Despite that clear answer the Nightguard made a short checkup and even got out a Band-Aid for his nose. "What are you doing here? It's... dangerous."
"...Uh..." Jeremy seemingly wasn't sure what about it was dangerous, but still didn't want to talk back. "I... got locked into the backroom..."
The Marionette kept an eye on the situation, in case he would need to attack the guard, or in case the adult would use his friend as hostage or hurt him in any other way...
Thankfully that didn't happen.
What DID happen was that he finally woke up.
Finally the guard had been distracted enough.
Without any hesitation, without any epic build-up Puppet freed himself of the box and floated towards Jeremy, catching him close to crying again.
Jeremy! It's me!
"M-Marionette? MARIONETTE!"
And with that he was hugged tightly.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have send you away.
Smiling through his tears, the brown haired boy wiped his face dry again. "Haha, how would that have changed anything...? I shouldn't have wandered off...! Thank you for coming to look for me."
Sighing the animatronic petted the small creature in his arms, somehow... happy. It had been a long time since the last time he got hugged.
Silently he shot the guard a look, impressed that the man hadn't screamed.
Hello, Nightguard.
The shiver in his voice gave away how terrified the man was, even if he didn't stutter. "Hello."
You chose a terrible career.
Jeremy was looking between those two, confused about the tension in the air. "U-uhm... can we... call my mom...? She's probably very worried..."
"Tell me the number." With that the guard went outside with a phone, his quiet voice almost not audible anymore."
Puppet sighed, between relieved and stressed. He probably would need to tell that guy later they were still enemies, despite working together for a night.
A bitter taste.
"Marionette?" The child tugged on his arm. "What's wrong?"
What do you mean? I'm smiling, can't you see?
"You're... you look..." Not finding the words to explain what he felt, Jeremy decided to change the subject. "Were you the one making Freddy help me?"
Unsure how he came up with that, the machine shortly considered lying, but what difference would it make?
"So... Freddy was really angry at me...?"
Oh. The child believed they were people.
Nono, he's just... unobservant. A bit chaotic, you know?
"Thank you for making him help me... and thank you for the plushy! It made things better in the dark." Happy he smiled and snuggled into the Plush. "I will make sure I won't lose it!"
Puppet leaned closer to him, slightly curious.
Jeremy... are you still scared?
"No! You're here after all!" Incredible how quickly the small human got attached. "Also, there's no one here to actually hurt me... and no one is mad! Okay, maybe dad will be angry..."
Next time just don't wander into restricted areas, alright?
"N-next time? Am I allowed to visit you?!"
Shortly he asked himself how the heck he would be able to stop Jeremy from coming to Freddy's, but decided to play along.
Whenever you have time, I will be there.
It... could be nice to finally having someone visiting him. Most people avoided the prize corner. Not that he wanted or needed any companionship! But... talking to someone... once a week... wouldn't be that bad, right?
Maybe they could...
"M-Marionette? Can I call you my friend?"
They looked at each other for a heartbeat.
Yes. We are friends now, Jeremy.
Between laughing and groaning, the Puppet put a claw over his mouth.
You're going to annoy Bonnie like that.
"Oh no! You're right, he has sensitive ears... sorry..."
The magic of childhood... it turned machines into people and people into friends.
Soon enough they might really be people... on the inside.
The adult reentered the office, his voice almost sounding calm. "Your mother will pick you up in five minutes."
"Thank you very much, kind sir!"
A small smile was on the guy's face, but he simply readjusted his cap and sat back down in the chair. "It's my job."
"If you were here at day, we could play too! All together!"
"Uh... maybe."
Finally feeling at ease, the kid began jumping around and laughing, not having anything to fear anymore, while the... older... two enjoyed the unexpected positivity in this dark night. They may knew that this happiness would disappear faster than a sand castle in the flood, but that was just one more reason to take it all in.
The adult stood back up again and softly touched Jeremy's shoulder. "Let's wait for them outside, alright?"
Jeremy quickly hugged his new friend before following him outside.
Out on the dark streets, they both were silent for a while, until the kid began chattering again. "You're really lucky! You can spend all day and all night with them!"
"Lucky... isn't a good term..."
"When I'm older, I want to work at Freddy's too!"
"Kid... there are better things out there than working all night at a pizzeria..."
"Not if you're surrounded by friends all night!"
"You will see a lot of things in your future. Even if things will try to keep you back, don't let it. You can achieve something great one day. Don't... become like me, okay?"
Surprised by these unexpectedly sympathetic sounding words, Jeremy looked up and noticed that he hadn't seen the Nightguard's face the entire time, as well as him not looking weirdly at his face for the first few minutes. Was he like him?! Or horribly scarred? Did he know how it was to be all alone?
The child wanted to step closer and take a peek, but the honking of a car distracted him. His parents ran out, his mother hugged him tightly, crying, while his father stayed silent.
"Oh, Jeremy! Jeremy, Jeremy, didn't we tell you not to go here?! You could have gotten hurt!" His mother kept on crying out of relief.
His father nodded at the guard, his voice tense. "Good thing you've found him."
The family reunion was sweet, but as he was displaced, the guard returned into the restaurant again. To get back into his office, before the creature decided to hunt after him again.
Even if it didn't appear as if Marionette was planning on do so.
He was standing on a window, staring out in jealousy and pain. Not that he wasn't happy for his friend to have a family, but...
In a split second the father looked up, meeting his eyes, making him jump away instantly.
"THERE'S A DEMON INSIDE OF THERE!" Completely distraught the old man tried to process what he just saw, some sort of plastic monster, with a soulless smile and prying eyes, eyes fixated on HIS SON. "JEREMY, WHAT HAPPENED INSIDE OF THERE?"
"D-do you mean the Puppet? H-he isn't a demon, he's an angel! A-and my friend! He helped me!"
"NO! HE ISN'T A DEMON! HE EVEN GAVE ME THIS!" Jeremy hugged his Chica closely, but it was violently tore away from him.
His mother cried even harder, shaking her head. "Calm down! Stop screaming at each other! We just got our boy back..."
"He will be seduced by evil spirits!"
"Then let's just move away! Away from this wretched place, like we talked so often about!"
Jeremy was in a stupor, looking at the street where his plushy was now lying the gutter. His insides felt frozen and he didn't even fought back when he was dragged away.
He didn't say anything when he was prohibited to go outside for a week.
He didn't say anything when he was told that they would move away.
He didn't say anything when he went one last time through his house, knowing that he never would see his first friend again.
Only when he saw the plush-Chica on his windowsill he felt his body again.
Softly he picked it up and hid it under his shirt, before returning to the car.
When his mother asked, he said that his plushy felt cold.
Technically not a lie.
When he was eighteen, he would go and search for his friend.
He would leave this house and would get a job at Freddy's.
No matter that his parents thought it was haunted by a demon.
His parents couldn't even tell a demon from an angel.
Slowly nodding off, Jeremy smiled to himself.
They couldn't take him the memory, right?
And one day he would hug his best friend again.
I wrote myself into the wrong direction and ended up here. I apologize for that...but that's what happens when I don't get any directions. ;-;
But hey, origin story!
While growing up, Jeremy learned that they were actually just machines, even ifhe chose to ignore that fact sometimes.
After a year he began to doubt his own memories of that night (maybe the amountof therapist explaining to him that he was traumatized was also a part of it),so he forgot mostly about his friend. He never lost his favorite plushy thoughand still moved out at eighteen.
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