Angel (2) (Jeremy/Marionette)
For Anon_the_magical get ready for some fluff overload!
This might as well be a chapter of "A Guard's life" but... I think it's still better off here x3
Hope you enjoy!
How do you deal with a bunch of children who are all very keen on killing themselves and each other?
It was a job where you needed focus, energy and perseverance, all traits that Jeremy could pride himself in having!
Well, not pride, since pride was a sin, but he could be happy about that!
Happy to help!
And also, without his partner he wouldn't be able to do anything.
Laughing slightly bemused about Marion's surprisingly short temper today, Jeremy shook his head. It was their first day on the job as Dayshift Guards at Baby's Pizza World and it went swimmingly. Tons and tons of children flooded by them and they were dutifully keeping out all the eyes they had (after a short count they realized that they had 0 real eyes in total) to ensure no one was getting hurt.
Also, but that was their secret mission, they kept watch that no one was getting bullied.
Confidently Jeremy dashed up to the curious kids and shooed them away, laughing at how surprised they all appeared about his companion. Really, the only reason he probably was even taken serious by the kid was because of Marion.
But could he blame them? No!
If Marion decided on something it somehow became realer than it was before. No matter if it was about what to buy, what to do or what to decide, Jeremy had become quite comfortable with listening to his partner.
Mike might hated it, but Jeremy didn't give a damn. As much as he liked that ball of pure anger, he still felt secretly a bit more competent in his decision-making.
The Marionette watched the group of pre-teens run off, sighing deeply, despite not needing to breathe anyway.
Why are they so obsessed with dangerous things?!
"Maybe because they want to prove that they are stronger than the danger?"
Idiots! Every single one of them!
Really, Jeremy was proud calling himself Marion's and friend... even if Marion was a tad rude to people that couldn't hear him.
"They're still learning..." Smiling the boy noticed Old Sport and Dave jumping towards them. They seemed pretty excited.
"JEREMY! MY SON!" Old Sport jumped at him and nuzzled his face, almost getting chopped his head off by his nemesis. "Yeah, yeah, you're are also my son Marion!"
"We came, since Marion got a job here!"
Oh, right! That he hadn't understood in the first place... they called it a job for Marion, even if... well... maybe it was right to call him that, after all Marion WAS a person!
Old Sport snickered and suddenly put something onto the Puppet's head and before it could reach up to it, Dave plastered something on his chest.
It was a golden badge and a security guard hat.
"AND BYE!" With that the colorful Guards were gone, never to be seen again.
The Marionette unwrapped himself to take a look at his appearance, JUST FOR OLD SPORT TO TELEPORT BEHIND HIM AND THROW A JACKET ONTO HIM AS WELL.
Jeremy couldn't help but burst out into laughter. It was just positively silly how the slender creature helplessly raised its arms from which the cloth hanged down.
"You're a Guard now, Marion!"
Why do you humans want to dress up non-human creatures this much?
"What gave you the idea that we all want to do that? Also, you're pretty human!"
I feel silly.
"You're only adorable!"
If I'm supposed to be a Guard, then I can't be cu-
All of a sudden the animatronic paused.
Well, you're also a Guard after all.
Surprised by this flattery, Jeremy immediately had a shade of deep red on hisface. "D-did you just..."
Hey, everyone else gets to call you that, so why shouldn't I?
"I... u-uh... actually don't recall anyone calling me..."
The Marionette slowly began to feel a bit embarrassed about his words.
Doesn't matter! Take it or leave it! Also, being cute is not THAT much of a good thing, it comes with the connotation of being helpless.
"I'm not helpless!"
Yes you are!
"No, I'm not!"
When was the last time you did something on your own?
"When was the last time you let me do something on my own? Also, I can bake and cook! For that you need skills! You can't cook for example..."
I do not even need to cook!
"No excuse to not be able to!" Jeremy smiled, loving when the Marionette abandoned his all high and mighty "I'm not human, I don't care" attitude for a more reasonable reaction.
Yes it is! Can you fly? No! Point for me!
"Well, I give the most hugs!"
Marion tilted his head before smirking a little to himself.
And the best.
Once more Jeremy was speechless at the compliment and hid his face. "This is mean! Stop!"
It's not my fault you're getting this easily flustered...
"But you're using it against me!"
"Uh... excuse me?" A woman walked up to them, slightly uncertain.
She screamed and ran away.
"Ouch." Jeremy furrowed his brow, unsure why this happened. It had been a while since his face last freaked someone out... but well, maybe since Freddy's (Wait, was it now Baby's? That sounded... weird...) was now such a success, more normal people came to visit.
Marion on the other hand was pretty sure that it had been his fault.
This is why I shouldn't wear the clothes of the Guards.
"What are you talking about? That was clearly because if me! It actually used to be even worse when I was a kid. The others really didn't like that they couldn't see my eyes, haha..."
You were a lonely child, weren't you?
"Oh... well... I met a few nice people in class, after we worked with each other and..." Furrowing his brows, Jeremy shrugged. "I had my plushy and my imagination! You on the other hand... did you have a strong friendship with the other animatronics?"
They tended to dislike me. I wasn't very compassionate towards their suffering. There was work to be done...
A slight hint of regret was inside those words and Jeremy found himself feeling happy. "Well, you did what you thought was right... and they are free now!"
He was given a long look by his partner, before the condolence was silently appreciated.
Did you found out their names...?
Awkward the human laughed. "Uh... no... but I'm working on it! It can't take any longer... I have a few candidates, but some newspaper got the names and dates confused. Right now I try to find out who was right and who was wrong. It wouldbe incredibly rude to send away the wrong name."
Rude? That is one way to put it.
Suddenly Funtime Foxy ran up to them, scratching softly on the Guard's arm, signing them to follow. They exchanged a look and hurried after the animatronic, guessing that the fox screwed up like it usually did. Mentally they were prepared! No matter how bad the destruction, they would find a way through that... Marion even prepared some tape so they could ensure that no one else would walk into the danger zone.
Surprisingly enough, they weren't greeted with terror, but rather with a crying kid. Baby was on the scene, furrowing her brows. "Sorry to bother you, Jeremy, but... she just won't listen to me. I'm scaring her."
Her words had a slightly annoyed undertone, but the way she looked between the Guard and the kid, as well as her respectful distance made it obvious that she was worried.
When the kid spotted the other human, she was at him in a flash, trying to hide her whole body inside of the Guard. "THEY'RE GONNA EAT ME!"
Baby crossed her arms. She would most certainly have a word with Freddy after this.
Jeremy only smiled apologetic and got the small child away from the machines, except Marion, who he signaled to follow. When they arrived at a more isolated corner of the establishment, Jeremy crouched down to look at the girl's face.
"Now, why don't you tell me why you're so scared of animatronics?"
And why the HELL you're at this establishment, while having a fear of them?
Jeremy shortly sighed, but would bet his life that Marion hadn't said that outloud and was just giving snarky commentary for entertainment's sake.
Slightly calmer, the child accepted a tissue to clean her nose and face from snot and tears, before hugging the Guard once more. "F-freddy ... saw... I-I saw his belly o-open..."
Again she was a sobbing mess. Patiently the adult petted her hair soothingly, until the child finally seemed to have tired itself out. "What's you name?"
"Lisa, are you very afraid of the animatronics?"
"T-the new ones are... c-creepy..."
"How come?"
Embarrassed the kid fiddled with her fingers, shyly looking to the side."M-mommy always tells me that they aren't r-real and can't think... because I always was scared that they would t-try to hunt after me... but the new ones..."
She didn't say anything further and instead simply hid her face again.
How incredibly dense does one have to be? The animatronics were obviously intelligent before!
"She isn't insulting you personally... calm down."
"Huh?" Irritated she looked up to him.
"Oh, sorry, I... uh... I was talking to my friend."
She turned her head to peek at the other Guard that looked unhealthily thin, but her attention was quickly pulled towards the Guard smiling at her again.
"While speaking of friends, you should really give the animatronics a chance! My best friend is an animatronic!"
The little girl furrowed her brows in disbelieve. "That's sad..."
Before Marion could make another snarky comment, Jeremy jumped up. "What about it is supposed to be sad? He's a great person! Whenever I'm sad, he's there! Since he doesn't sleep, I can play with him all night and watch movies! He doesn't take up much space, so when I was in hospital, he was under my bed and took care of me when I felt lonely! Whenever I'm about to do something stupid, he tries to warn me, but even if I didn't listen to him, he still helps me afterwards! We do a lot of things together, he never fears to try something new, even if he's a bit clumsy... He's the best thing that ever happened to me!"
Surprised the spirit had listened to that charade. Yeah... well... they were friends, but... hearing that was really nice...
Also, the pure adoration in Jeremy's voice made his circuits overheat. Apparently that human was really good at forgetting bad parts.
Lisa didn't seem to buy it. "If he's your best friend, where is he now?"
"Oh, right behind me of course! Right Marion?"
Close to face-palming, the machine accepted his fate.
"No, that is a Guard!"
Child, how can you even be fooled bythis?
Awkward he removed his cap and while the girl appeared pretty scared, she didn't scream. Impressive!
My name is Marion. Nice to meet you,Lisa.
She slowly stood up and stepped back slowly. "U-uh... I have to find my mom..."
"We'll help you! Marion, do your thing!"
What does your mother look like?
After listening to the short description, he bolted upwards, scanning the area as thoroughly as possible in 1.5 seconds and returned down.
We have three women around that fit that description. Does she have some sort of earrings?
"Yes... I think...? She usually has a-"
Hurry, she is over there.
After dropping her in the sightline of her family, they return to their more central place, to watch over the most people possible, yet before they could even settle in again, Phone Guy rushed up to them.
"Employees! I need your help, from both of you! To Freddy's Funhouse!"
"What happened?"
"Someone went to the climbing frame and screwed with the screws AND PEOPLE MIGHT DIE. I need you to hold it up while I fix this mess."
"Sounds easy enough!" Motivated the young man stepped into the designated place and held the heavy parts in together, while Marion tried wrap himself around some other parts.
Phone Guy began with his work, leaving his two employees slightly bored on their own.
"Yes, Jeremy?"
"How come you accepted Marion as an employee?"
"We're here at Freddy's! Our standards aren't high. We are legally obliged to have a certain amount of Guards for this amount of space, but since we are too damn cheap to hire more humans, we just accepted some of the animatronics and classified them as Guards."
The thing was goddamn heavy... his arms started to hurt.
Are you alright, Jeremy?
Secretly he loved when Marion asked that. The way his voice soften in that situation was... it made him giddy. It felt good and so he enjoyed getting into uncomfortable situation every now and again.
"Don't worry, Marion! It surely won't take that long anymore, right sir?"
"Uh... yeah. Just hold on... if you let go it might happens that everything crashes down and kills you. I just thought you would might like to know."
"DON'T MOVE! I told you, as long as you don't let go, you'll be fine..." Without even looking at them, Phone Guy continued to use his screwdriver.
Now really nervous, the pain in his arms felt now twice as bad. But it wouldn't take long, would it?
He could almost feel how nervous Marion was as well, the thin body swaying around slightly. With a smile the human tried his best to calm down himself, as well as his partner and even shoved the plastic and metal structure higher-
For the split second it took to realize that this was most likely his end, times lowed down. Somehow he expected his end to be a bit different. Crushed by a climbing frame? A bit... bland. At least no one else got crushed by the frame, huh?
It felt quite empty.
He felt sad.
After that last thought, his body was flung away by a violent punch and felt his back crush against a wall. The whole thing seemed to be falling into itself, or at least the amount of noise in the back suggested that. Jeremy had closed his eyes in pain.
"OH GOSH HECKING DARNIT! EITHER OLD SPORT, DAVE OR SOME TODDLER HAS A LOT TO EXPLAIN!" Footsteps were audible and his boss stood above him when he reopened his eyes. The man hovered at the corner of his vision, hesitant. "Are you okay, Jeremy? Puppet, you might want to... stop crushing him with your arms?"
"I didn't expect him to push the bloody thing upwards! I would have warned him! Also, if he would have gotten tired, I would have interrupted Mike and asked him to take over! But... I guess you're right. Do feel okay, employee?"
"Yes, sir, I just- AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" While trying to stand up, Jeremy accidently used his left arm to push himself upwards, breaking down again. "M-my arm..."
"Stay calm Jeremy and don't move! We have bandages and I will most likely find something to stabilize your arm with-"
No. I will get it. YOU WON'T TOUCH HIM.
"I already said sorry! I didn't want to hurt him and I would like to make up for it, so..."
Then let us go. We are excused for today.
Jeremy perked up. "No, no, I can work, I don't want to be a bother!"
Jeremy. NO. Oh, also we still get paid for today, or we'll sue.
Phone Guy shook his head. "You... fine. Okay. I get it. Fix him up and leave, but be back here as soon as possible."
"Sir, I don't-"
His boss only shook the head. "No, he's right... if your arm gets worse, you might get send to the hospital. We need you here, you're our most reliable employee."
"Thank you, sir!"
You shouldn't thank him, he is doing the bare minimum.
Marion had returned with the bandages and carefully began to wrap Jeremy up, way too much to be reasonable. As soon as only his shoes and eyes looked out, he stopped.
Also, he is the reason you got into this mess in the first place!
"Wmwnmwnwmwnmwnwmwmwnwmwnwm?" Mumbled Jeremy, slightly disagreeing.
Don't try to excuse him!
Sighing the Puppet picked him up and placed him on his feet, carefully wrapping himself around his shoulders to take care of all the physicals tasks. After all, the human's arms were now fully bound to the rest of his body.
One weird walk home later, Jeremy finally entered his flat, praying that Marion would finally free him.
He didn't.
No, rather he began taking out all the medicine in his cabinet.
What can we use, what can we use... let's use them all!
Here, against all sort of pains!
You're right that won't do the trick... let me see your arm again.
Finally Jeremy was released out of his prison and took a deep breath. "Marion, stop! That won't make it better at all!"
Shhh... you have no idea! I'm older than you, so listen to me.
"You aren't!"
How would you know?
"How would YOU know?" In the same second these words left his mouth, he wanted to punch himself. "SORRY, SORRY! I didn't mean that, I-"
The machine stared at him, stepped closer and hugged him.
You small idiot. Didn't I tell you already that I am no human?
Murmuring Jeremy admitted something. "I still don't believe you..."
How unfair!
"You aren't the most honest person when it's about something serious... you always think you know better- ARGH!" While trying to cross his arms, the boy had hurt himself again.
Quickly the animatronic picked out ice out of the fridge and put it into some plastic bags before handing it over to his friend.
Go and sit down in your bed, you need to be as comfortable as possible.
"As long as you don't wrap me up again!" Smiling slightly pained Jeremy walked into his room, making a great effort to not accidently push his arm to hard and cringing as he failed. They settled into the soft sheets and while Marion wrapped him up again (for heaven's sake! Gosh... if it made him happy then so be it), Jeremy decided to play a little along. "If you weren't a human before, then what are you?"
Proudly the animatronic rose up by quite a bit, his voice oozing with confidence.
I was an angel! I protected children who...
Shortly he paused, trying to remember.
... who got lost?
"You sound unsure!" Curious the boy inched closer.
Henry has... messed around with my brain. But I know I guarded children in the dead of the night! I know I gave them presents and I know they were my priority.
"Henry, huh...? Why would he do that...?"
Because he is a monster.
Jeremy stayed silent, hoping that Marion would change the topic.
I was multiple times ripped apart and outof my body. I was infected with wrong memories and I was manipulated!
"What... what did he made you believe to remember?"
He... he wanted to make me believe I hurt my peers. I never touched a child. I never hurt one. And I am not stupid enough to let myself be fooled into believing this. Henry should have known better. I NEVER did that. I wouldn't, ever!
Softly his human friend leaned into his soft fabric. "You're stronger than he ever could be."
Marion softly petted over his hair. His human friend suddenly perked up again, trying to lighten the mood a little.
"My memory also gets pretty fuzzy from time to time! When I was a kid, I always was sure I had an angel watching over me... and one night I even got protected by it! Well, in reality it actually was a Nightguard... I don't remember very, I ran off from home towards Freddy's, which was always my favorite place and got shut into a backroom... then came my angel to save me!"
The Puppet was filled with an odd... sensation. An electrical tingling.
"The angel... even if it wasn't real, someone had to alert the Nightguard to my presence and I chose to believe that it was my angel! He brought me to the Nightguard, or the Nightguard to me and he called my parents. Also, he gave me this!"
Jeremy grabbed next to him and picked up a soft, washed-out Chica plush. "I've had it for around ten years and boy, did I have to fight my parents over it. But every time I fought for it, it was worth it. I love this plushy and I love my angel!"
Carefully the Marionette took the plushy and carefully inspected it.
Memories... of wrapping paper and black eyes fixated on his back.
Crying in a box, knock knock, is there someone in there?
I know how that feels.
Speechless the Marionette stared at his friend.
"Hm? Is it too weird that I still sleep next to it?"
No. I think it is sweet. Jeremy, what do you think are angels like?
"Why, like you of course! Even if you weren't an angel at first, you're most certainly one now! A chaotic angel who can create a bit of havoc, but what would the world be if something on the earth could ever be perfect?"
That way of thinking is dangerous... you shouldn't ignore... things... that happened...
"Marion, I can decide for myself what I want to think and who I want to forgive. You're still my guardian!" For a second he smiled, but it faded to amore serious expression, no, to an almost somber expression. "It isn't as if I don't know why you want them dead. They have horrible traits. They might have murdered children. You tried to protect those kids who were stuck alongside you and you did it at all costs. I just don't agree with it... and I will protect the lives of everyone as best as I can. That is my goal. I think it's wrong to kill people, no matter what and you won't ever convince me from the opposite."
It was rare to see him this way.
I won't try.
Finally the human smiled widely and gave a thumps up. "And that's why you're the best!"
Marionette shook his head. Was there someone in the right in this situation? Probably not.
"But I wished, I could talk to the person that gave me this plush. He saved my life."
You're welcome.
"Haha, WHAT?!" Suddenly the Question mark turned into a bolt exclamation mark. "Wait! WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Your... gift! You give gifts! You... you actually got me out! YES, YOU WERE THE ONE THEY CALLED THE DEMON! NOT THE GUARD- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!"
Again the poor boy had gotten too excited.
Please, Jeremy, calm down... I don't want to hurt you.
"BUT THIS IS SO AWESOME! I FINALLY FOUND YOU! MY FIRST FRIEND!" Happy Jeremy nuzzled against him due to the lack of arms and laughed brightly.
Yes. This was the boy. How could he have forgotten?
The same... glow.
There was something golden about him.
I'm... speechless. I haven't expected to meet you again... Hello Jeremy. Thank you for taking care of my gift.
"Thank you for gifting me strength."
They looked at each other softly. Then Marion wrapped himself tightly (but not too tightly, he didn't want to squeeze his arm) around him and closed his eyes.
I will make sure that you stay safe.
"As long as no one gets hurt for it!" The words were obviously meant as a joke, but Marion softly tugged Jeremy's hair.
Don't act as if I were a crazy person!
"You're a BIT of a crazy person to be fair..."
Tsk. You don't appreciate me!
Softly Jeremy looked at him again, then moved his head to kiss him on the cheek. "You think?"
The whole animatronic heated up and was wonderfully warm. He didn't even knew that Marion could do that! Awesome!
For a moment both of them considered to suggest to continue the new Anime they started to watch, but right now neither would want to change their position for the world.
They were happy.
Next up is a Dave/Henry story! Yep, wondered how long it would take for that to be requested... but here it is and I will give my best to keep them in character (at least in the characters I imagine onto them, after all... Canon is death), even if that is barely possible!
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