Addition to the family (Vanny&Gregory)
After Gregory made a break for it, it was back onto the street for him.
Thankfully, someone who has come to adore his resilience and many talents has come fix that for him.
(Continuation from the Bad End, Vanny adopts Gregory)
I felt like doing something... a little more canon to the general fnaf universe!
There are some light tweaks here and there- like how Vanny's possession works and Gregory being 100% a human (apparently, we have to doubt that in canon, we sure have come far), but not much!
Vanny's interactions with Gregory will be uncomfortable and weird, SHE IS NOT A GOOD CARETAKER, HARDLY A CARETAKER AT ALL. There's manipulation, potentially abuse and grooming- in the BROAD sense of the word, but that can be too much for some people, so I WARN HERE. TURN BACK IF THESE THINGS WOULD MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.
For the rest- enjoy the show!
This is like the twisted counterpart of a fix it and I had a lot of fun with it!
- - -
It was cold out here.
And it wasn't even quiet.
The wind. Barks of dogs. Grumble of cars.
Every noise was a terrifying sensation, causing the small child curled up to wince- everything was an overload, a blaring alarm bell in his head trying to tug for his attention, to violently jerk him up and react to the potential danger. He wanted to cry. He was far too tired to do anything.
At least it was easy to make himself small.
Malnutrition was a wonderful tool to ensure the body would stay small and... manageable.
Cold and hunger were in an almost merciful stalemate, both painful enough to dull each other. The stinking smell of some odd steam above was a distraction too. A little cardboard box gave some shelter from view and the wind, his only other cover being a discarded newspaper.
Printed over it was a message about local disappearances and how they continued...
... it was hard not to think that it was his fault.
How long has it been since he left the Pizzaplex?
He couldn't remember. It could have been weeks. It could have been months. It could have been longer.
Everything had become worse since then.
Was this his punishment? Had he failed?
Did he deserve this?
cold wind blew into the alley, causing him to shake.
He didn't want to think, he was too tired to do so.
He had managed to at least keep himself somewhat taken care of, managing to sneak food and finding places to wash himself a little, but it felt like it was becoming tougher now. The year was going towards its end, it was getting colder, darker, and it felt like people were getting unkinder.
The Christmas season that tended to ease that a little was still nowhere to be found.
He didn't know how to take care of himself if this continued for long.
How would he eat?
All this thinking was bad for him.
He had to sleep.
Sleep as much as possible.
Sleep the hunger away.
Sleep the cold away.
And maybe not wake up.
Sleep and dream of warm things.
Delirious in this state between a nightmarish reality and a comforting dream world, he didn't even notice the bunny-eared shadow moving up beside him.
He thought he was dreaming when something shifted beside him, kneeling down.
And when two soft paw-like hands grasped him, he didn't even think about putting up a fight.
How could he even?
The hands were so warm...
Utterly gently he was pulled against a torso, where he snuggled into with a weak whine, enjoying the warmth radiating from the... fur?
Slightly he tried to open his eyes, but he felt dizzy.
... had he gotten a fever?
A bunny above.
She smiled down at him.
He didn't want to smile back. There was a sensation of fear, but then he moved over, burying his face in the warm shoulder.
No thinking. Thinking would just make him hungrier.
And colder.
As he was carried away, he faded away again, falling asleep once more.
He was warm.
It smelled nice.
He had room.
Warm room.
He stirred.
It smelled like food.
... soup?
Stirring he woke up in the most pleasant way, blinking a little as someone softly sang his name.
Blinking again, he suddenly jolted awake and screamed out, spotting the creature that had haunted his nightmares for so long beside him. Scrambling backwards, he desperately tried to bring distance between himself and the pale bunny with the wicked grin and dead, red eyes.
It titled its head and laughed.
"Hey, hey... Gregoryyyy... don't be scared~" She reached out, laughing even more when the desperate kid swatted her hand away. "Aw, look at you. Like a terrified stray kitten... so feral... so scared... it's okay, Gregory. You're hungry, right? I have food..."
Feeling his throat completely closed up, the boy shook his head.
No way he would eat that.
He didn't want to die.
It was clear from the way she stiffed up, that she didn't like this change of matters.
Leaning in further, causing Gregory to whimper, she talked with the kindness of a drawn blade.
"... are you SURE Gregory...? You must be hungry... and you will not get anything else... do you want to starve to death, Gregory...?"
Finally, the kid managed to cough out a single world. "L-leave!"
The creature stopped moving for a little.
Then finally, she stood up, picking up the bowl of tomato soup.
Something about the chipperness in her voice made Gregory's stomach turn over- or maybe it was the hunger and emptiness, the acid inside dissolving his inner stomach walls.
"Alright then! You want to be a stubborn boy, hm~? Be rude to someone who's trying to be nothing but caring towards you? It's fiiiine. You must not be THAT hungry then. I'll come back to feed you tomorrow. Maybe then you'll be a little grateful~"
"Ah, youthful vigor. We'll speak tomorrow~"
With that the door opened and shut again, leaving the kid alone inside of the dim room, with nothing but some paper, pencils, a small bathroom to the side and a makeshift bed out of blankets and pillows stacked on each other.
Gregory TRIED, he really TRIED to find anything to help him get out.
There was nothing.
Stubbornly he eventually returned to the bed, letting himself fall onto it.
He gritted his teeth.
Well- at least- he wouldn't EVER eat anything she brought. He promised himself that much!
Never ever!
He lasted four days.
God, he was pathetic.
On day one he had refused to talk.
On day two he had asked for Freddy. If he was still around- yes. If he could come and bring him food- no.
On day three he quietly cried, mainly. Asking for the food, but the adult's eyes slitted as she smiled, explaining to him that he would have to let her feed her by hand.
Just barely he had managed to say no.
Now he was sitting there, his mind dulled by the hunger enough that he simply closed his eyes and opened and closed his mouth on command, eating the prepared food, utterly docile.
And he had to, he was a pathetic shaking wreck- and if he knew one thing then it was that he didn't want to die. The warm liquid was a god-send and the only thing preventing him from just drinking it in one go was Vanny's insistence on feeding him per hand.
Like some sort of animal.
Quietly he swallowed that bitter thought along with the far better tasting food. Distracting himself, he wondered if this food had been made by the staff-bots or by Vanny herself. Could Vanny cook?
It was a kinda funny to think about this bunny girl in an apron, dealing with multiple pots and pans.
Something would catch fire!
Yeah, he was sure she couldn't cook.
... was Freddy able to cook?
Before he knew it, the majority of the soup was gone and he sat back, full like he hadn't been in forever.
Vanny giggled, reaching out to touch him-
He slapped her hand away and retreated as far into the corner as he could. The shaking returned, but not out of hunger and exhaustion this time, but instead out of unbridled fear.
He shouldn't have done that.
Her red eyes bore themselves into his soul.
Her expression didn't change in the slightest and that was exactly what made it terrifying.
She tilted her head.
"... did you know, Gregory... the human body can survive up to three weeks without food. Accounting for your age and long-term malnourishment, we can assume it will be far less. I would be surprised if you could take ten days, really. However, we could put it to the test. The last stages of starvation are rather nasty... you will eat your own heart. But that is what happens to ungrateful children who do not know how to appreciate those that are here to aid them."
It was as though a second, far more distant voice spoke out of her. A far colder one.
Who'd have thought that he'd miss the mania or hers as soon as it was replaced by something else?
It stared at him.
The air smelled- purple.
Like falsely sweet grapes, at the brink of rotting.
At the brink of puking up what he had just taken in, he turned away, hiding his face in his arms, feeling hot tears dwelling up in his eyes, itching and painful, making him want to scratch them out. His voice was almost useless, broken and quiet.
"Come again~?"
"Wh-whaat do you- w-want...?"
"Oh, we just want you to learn some manners, Gregory~ You have to apologize for being rude and then be nice and thank us for taking care of you! We could stop at any time."
"Wh-why are you even- h-helping me...?"
"Not everyone survives six hours at Freddy's, you know?" Her tone had turned softer now and she leaned in once more, reaching out again. This time the boy didn't move, albeit the stiffening up of his joints was rather obvious. "I meant it when I said you deserved a reward..."
Suddenly the taste in Gregory's throat turned disgusting and he started coughing in a blind panic.
Faint memories about stories of witches fattening up kids crawled up in the back of his mind.
The hand on his head felt too heavy.
"... I think you should work for us, Gregory."
He snapped up, staring at her.
She smiled.
"You're a very smart kid... very capable. Dismembering all these animatronics like it's nothing? Manipulating Freddy... then lying to him about the grotesque ways you've disfigured them? Incredible. You have no soul, do you, Gregory?"
"They attacked me!" Hurt he screamed out.
"They were forced to. You know that. Something was wrong with them. They were sick... you could have tried and find a way to remove the glitch. To cut off the source and free them. But breaking them was easier, wasn't it, Gregory?"
Staring up into her manic red eyes, he shook, silent.
"I'm proud of you, I really am! You were efficient, Gregory! You were smart and straightforward, not thinking about what was the moral thing to do... you could have just hidden in Freddy's room all night, you know? But you didn't. You went out there. You saw you could upgrade him. You did it. Ah- you're so cunning and ambitious~"
"You used Freddy's for all his worth, didn't you. He could have been scrapped for it, but you kept pushing for his help. You did it so well too..."
Finally the kid quieted down.
And Vanny retracted her hand, smiling still. "Alright, cutie! You still owe us an apology for being rude."
"I- I'm sorry..." He wasn't sobbing... but his voice was stained with tears.
"Good boy." Letting out a pleased hum, she turned around. "I'll be back in two hours with some more food. You need to be careful about what and how much you eat while you're this weakened... but we will get there, with patience and determination~"
"... thank you."
The door closed and he was alone.
Vanny was the only company he had.
Well, sometimes it was Vanessa.
Vanessa was always tired. Distant. But she was easier to be around, she demanded less of him.
She was company and explained things to him. She even once brought him the little Music Man who had hunted him, allowing the boy to take it apart and see how it worked.
Vanny was... good to him.
She usually brought him food. It was always tasty and it was rarely pizza.
She picked him up and hugged him, prepared baths for him, quizzed him on random things and told odd jokes. She taught him how to juggle.
She paid attention to him.
It was very strange.
Maybe adults were supposed to do that. Listen and play with the kids. Take care of their needs. Talk to them and encourage them.
Gregory didn't know.
He only knew he somehow liked it.
He still wasn't allowed to meet Freddy and when Vanny talked about repercussions for Freddy for having helped him, he winced. It made him feel sick.
So sick of himself.
It was nice when Vanny distracted him.
She even got him an arcade machine to celebrate the length of his stay!
It maybe had been... a month?
He wasn't sure.
However, he at least didn't feel so utterly scared anymore. For once he was oddly at ease, actually!
He could predict what caused what noise and when it would happen.
The place was safe.
Vanny didn't hurt him.
Nothing hurt him anymore.
But, aside from playing games and drawing pictures there wasn't much to do for him. Which was slightly bothering him...
... which changed abruptly when one day Vanessa came in, carrying a device that had a large screen and a few clunky buttons at the bottom. It slightly reminded the boy of the Fazwatch he used to own but had left behind in fear of it giving him away.
His eyes were glued to the object.
Vanessa rose an eyebrow at him, slightly waving it around. "... hey there, shorty. I need a favor."
"Don't call me shorty!"
"If you don't want to be called short, stop being short."
"That's not fair!"
"Anyhow, whatever. I need your help, you in or not?"
"What do you need help with?" Stubbornly Gregory crossed his arms. "And what do I get out of it?"
"Psht. I see how it is. Well- here kid." Handing him the device, she shortly grinned, before her usual tired demeanor overtook her again. "That thing... you'll figure it out. You figured out the Fazwatch like a natural, didn't you? Same thing, but different- this thing has less features, to prevent you from hacking the pentagon or something- god knows what you can do with enough free time."
As the boy grinned, the woman tsked.
"... that is not a compliment, Gregory! Well, I suppose it is, but wipe that grin off your face."
"Suuuuuure." With that he booted up the device. "Okay- so- I can see all the cameras from here! That's cool... uh... so what was I supposed to do?"
"Watch the cameras for me."
"Just watch them?"
"Yeah... there has been a series of weird events. Plus, the animatronics have been acting a little bit more erratic recently. Keep an eye on them, specifically."
Gregory glared at her, suspicious. "... you mean more erratic than trying to kill a child?"
"I told you before, they were only trying to catch you to bring you to me."
"Roxy basically told me to kill myself!"
Vanessa inspected the kid. "... well, she went through one of the more major behavior shifts recently. Maybe you'll enjoy that."
"What kind of shift?" Distrustful Gregory looked between her and the camera, flicking until he managed to spot the wolf animatronic. "I don't want her to be even worse after I traumatized her..."
"Oh no, they all have become far more... lively."
"I don't like how you just said that."
"Boy, do you want to watch Freddy's show or not?"
Immediately all fighting ceased as he flipped to the main stage, that was still empty for now. However, still being rather aware of his time here before, he picked a level deeper and checked the walkway to the main stage- and there they were!
Leaning in closer, he listened to the crew bickering among each other, joking about the upcoming performance and making guesses as to which song would be picked for the encore.
A little he frowned when Monty shoved Freddy, but the bear seemed to take it well enough.
Vanessa had leaned back, quietly watching the engrossed kid.
A slight smile causing her lip to twitch.
"... so, shorty. You will watch over them for them, and make sure to keep a log about everything they're up to. Think you can do that?"
"Yeah, sure- it's easy enough."
"Indeed. Easy. Perfect job for you." Giving him a gentle slap on the back of his head, she ruffled his hair, ignoring his protesting squeak and turned to the door. "You can type your notes on the device, so you have it all in one solid place. I'll be back later to check your work, okay?"
"Wait-" As though just suddenly remembering this, he looked up, his voice turning distrustful. "I- what happened if I don't do a good job?"
"What do you THINK will happen?" The guard rose an eyebrow.
Gregory simply stared at her with big eyes, clutching the device.
She sighed. "... obviously, if you can't take on this responsibility, I'll just take the thing away again. You really need to relax more, kiddo."
"O-oh. Of course." Again Gregory stared at the display of the four animatronics laughing together. "Uhm- thank you for trusting me with this."
Vanessa laughed, and it felt like one of the rare, sincere laughs she had. "Thank you for taking this over! See you later."
It was easy, perhaps too easy and perhaps it was unfair-
But Vanny loved efficiency.
Three weeks was really all it took.
Not that she could blame the blissfully unaware kid for it, him simply watching the animatronics and stating what he saw. Reflecting on it. Internalizing it.
"I still don't get what parasocial relationship means. But I mean, it seems to be working, eh Mr. Miller?"
It wasn't the only thing though, of course.
Gregory's feedback was INCREDIBLY valuable- you can't develop a relationship of that sort with machines that go through the same routines every day, spouting the same generated lines over and over like they did when Gregory had first met them.
Hell, even Freddy had been somewhat blissfully ignorant, not by own volition protecting Gregory, instead fully relying on Gregory's demand, as irrational as they could seem at times. Things that had upset the kid more than often enough, as she remembered with bemusement.
Him screaming "FREDDY. FREDDY NO, I'M HERE- FREEEEEDDY-" still managed to make her chuckle.
Alas. Freddy was the one who hadn't changed much at all, unlike the others, who all had gotten their... upgrade.
'Not him.' Miller had stated. 'Something else entirely is going on with him. I will tolerate no interference with that... it is very... very... interesting.'
Alas, the bunny girl could only shrug.
Whatever he said, happened.
Either way, that wasn't what mattered.
She thought she did good work with the other three...
... and Gregory seemed to agree.
"They're totally different now, Vanny! I mean- you're kinda too. You used to be scary, but now you are-"
"Me? Scary?!" Shook she clasped her hands in front of her bow, tilting her head in a way that made her ears bounce. "How?! I'm just a silly bunny!"
"Yeah and also you gave me the biggest headache every time you showed up."
"I just had to motivate youuuuuuu! Don't be so mean to meeeeeeee!" She pouted and Gregory scoffed, turning away.
"Anyways! Not what I meant- I- yeah, the animatronics? They're really different! I like them much more than back then. I dunno- it used to feel like there wasn't anything going on with them? Like- behind their eyes was nothing. Constantly saying the same stuff, ignoring it doesn't work- they're really THERE now. Chica is trying to IMPROVE her singing instead of being just- you know!"
Stumbling over his words in excitement, the boy kept going.
"And Monty? Monty is like- really cool now?! I still think he's kinda scary with how flippant he breaks stuff, but yeah, he's just- so much more there with it? I don't know- he's doing it more on purpose now, I guess- and he's actually careful with some stuff. He threw Roxy up the ride in his area recently, that was so funny- and she was fine. He made fun of her for being scared that he'd miss- oh, Vanny, I don't know- I wanna be thrown up there! I wanna ride the alligators!"
These talks had become a usual thing, reflecting on what he had seen today and what he had noted about the animatronic's behaviors. Sitting next to each other with a hot drink and a little bit of candy, simply chatting and just relaxing.
Every evening Gregory told her about his day, and she told him about hers.
He told her everything. All these exciting things. All these things the animatronics did... his friends did.
As if he was there.
Oh, and maybe it was time.
"You know, Greggy... maybe you COULD go and ride the alligator."
"I- what?" Shocked Gregory looked up at her.
She grinned. "Yeah! Of course! I mean... I can trust you to not break our priced machines anymore. Right?"
"If they don't attack me!"
The bunny flicked her finger against his nose. "I am sure it won't be a problem anymore. After all, you're part of the family now, aren't you?"
"A-am I?" Unsure Gregory glanced at the bunny by his side, her unblinking, red eyes seemingly focused on him.
"Of course! You're my cutest little bunny!" Reaching over, she pulled on his cheeks and laughed at him struggling to shake her hands off. "My little helper! Keeping a watch on all of the animatronics! And if you keep going like this, maybe I'll make you the boss of them~ and if you're a boss, you're part of this place, for good!"
"Leeet goooooooo-"
"Aw. Stop whining!" Letting go, Vanny giggled. "Anyhow. We could go out, buuuuuut-"
"You need a mask, of course! A little bunny mask!"
"That's dumb... can't I have a different mask?"
"Oh- I mean- I guess..." Leaning back, she seemed to think. "... how about a bear mask? Freddy and Greggy. Two bears! And every bunny needs their bear anyways..."
"I- like that! Yeah, okay-" A little bit lost the kid looked at her. "... how do I get my mask?"
"We make it!" She cheered. "Are you ready?!"
"Yeah! I think."
"Good. We'll make you look good for when the crew meets you, hm?"
A bunny and a bear stepped outside a hidden room in the back.
The tiny bear held the hand of the tall bunny, who smiled at him.
Together they stepped out and away from the hidden door, out of the hallways, past the attractions and towards the elevator.
It was night.
In the distance, quiet music played.
Nervously Gregory swallowed, grabbing Vanny's hand tighter. The sudden amount of space was making him feel oddly nauseated and he closed his eyes to try and feel a little bit safer, knowing that Vanny was right there with him, watching out for him.
And soon, he would see Freddy.
They stopped by the stage, which was empty for now. It was easy to hear heavy in footsteps in the distance. They were nearby...
Gently Vanny petted through his hair, and he cuddled into her side for a moment.
"... Freddy is over in that room. You want to go see him?"
"Alright then- come back here when you're done, okay? Thirty minutes, then I'll come to check on you."
"Okay." Feeling a little bit more confident, he let go of his caretaker and moved towards the backrooms. "I'll- I'll be back soon."
"Have fun, Greggy~"
Step by step.
Freddy was standing with his back to the door when Gregory arrived. The kid stopped for a moment, looking at his back for a little, asking himself if he truly was ready for this-
"Hello there!"
The bear had turned around, seemingly surprised by the sudden appearance of a bear-masked stranger.
"Who are you? I haven't seen you here before!"
"Freddy..." This was it. "... don't you recognize me?"
"No... I can't say I recognize you. This could have to do with your obscured face!"
"F-Freddy- what about- my voice?"
"... I'm... sorry. I'm not good at recognizing voices, my friend." Freddy looked genuinely remorseful about the matter. It made Gregory feel bad. "Who are you then? We know each other?"
Taking a deep breath, the boy took off his mask for a moment-
And Freddy's eyes lit up.
"GREGORY!" Abruptly he was rushing towards him in the way that always made the poor kid jump. Before he knew it, he was hugged tightly. "Gregory!"
Then, abruptly he pulled him back, making the kid dizzy.
"Gregory! How- what are you DOING here?! Why are you back?!"
"V-vanny found me..."
"Oh no- Gregory- we need to get you out of here!" Standing up again, he opened his stomach hatch. "Quick- get inside. We know where to go now, I can help you again! Hurry up- Gregory...?"
Stepping back, Gregory shook his head.
Confused, the animatronic stared at him. "... Gregory, what is wrong?"
"Freddy, I-" A sudden sense of panic that he couldn't quite place jolted through him. "I don't want to leave this time."
"What? But, Gregory- wasn't getting out your goal back then? Our goal?"
"Yes, but-" He hugged himself, shaking is head. "I don't- after I made it out, I just-"
"Gregory..." Leaning down to him, his stomach hatch closed again and Freddy put his hand on the boy's shoulder. "... what happened to you?"
What had happened to him?
How was he supposed to explain this to Freddy?
The cold, the hunger, the fear?
Would a robot ever understand that?
"... I- I have nowhere else to go. I thought- I wanted to get out, because I got scared, but really- there's nothing out there! It's scarier out there than it is in here! Vanny- Vanny saved my life when she got me!"
Freddy was watching him, as he put his mask back on, trying to hide the tears dwelling up in his eyes.
"... I'm sorry Freddy. You helped me a lot back then. But-I just- I want to stay here now. I like it here. It was rough at first, with Vanny keeping me in a backroom- but I would have just caused trouble if I would have roamed around. I did well- now I'm part of the family!"
"I..." Unsure Freddy started, but being cut off once more.
"I AM part of the family, right? I now belong here. Right? You wouldn't- make me leave, right?"
"Of- of course I wouldn't make you leave, superstar!"
Seeming a little bit lost, the bear stared at him.
Then he tried to laugh cheerfully.
"You're... part of the family! I'm glad you decided to stay!"
And as Gregory laughed relieved, he knew he made the right decision.
Or at least-
He hoped.
"Good- then- I want to meet the others, proper this time. As your friends. As- maybe my future friends."
"No more breaking them?"
"No more breaking them. Promised that Vanny already!" Gregory jumped. "Actually- I should introduce you two! You couldn't see her when we first met her, right?"
"Yes, but- it is Vanessa, correct?"
"Yes, but- I guess! Still! Come, come- Vanny is by the stage!"
Unsure Freddy hesitated for just a little longer-
But then his programming kicked in.
A child wanted to play.
And he would deliver.
- - -
A/N: Well, that was that!
Any criticism and feedback is welcome and all that.
Hope you guys have an amazing day!
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