A soul awoke in the void.
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[Name: Eren Elric
Age: 0 (Newborn)
Sex: Male
Level: 1
HP: 70/70
MP: 100/100
Bio: The first-born child of Van Hohenheim and Trisha Elric. An unplanned child to the unwedded couple. A recently dead soul from World #42 that has been reincarnated into World #648 without the soul's permission. Their existence has the possibility to change fate.
Stats - Automatically chosen by System:
STR - 1
AGI - 1
VIT - 2
DEX - 1
INT - 56
CHA- 28
WIS - 39
LUC- 5
[Difficulty: Normal]
[System Announcement: Perks, skills, blessings, and curses are given after birth]
[Downloading World]
[Downloading 10% Complete...]
[Downloading 60% Complete...]
[Downloading 98% Compl---Bzzz--WARNING--Bzzz--System Interfer--bzzz]
Suddenly, the black void flashed to pure white. A large metal door appeared.
The large metal door opened grandly, a chill went through the soul when a large eye opened--It was familiar...So familiar-- staring at the soul with unexplainable power that forced the soul to still.
Black hands weaved by shadows grabbed her still form, dragging her to the entrance of the door.
The soul growled in silent anger at the hands but doing nothing to stop it. The soul knew it was powerless. Instead, the soul turned to stare at the new figure behind him, a white human body replicating his figure, with only a mouth that was grinning widely.
"You...!" The soul instantly recognized the figure, one she has only seen on screen. "You....!" The soul felt no fear--she refused to show fear to anyone--only extreme annoyance that covered her bewildered turmoil.
The figure spoke, its voice echoing through the room, "WhO aM i? OnE nAmE yOu MiGhT hAvE fOr Me Is THe WoRlD, oR yOu MiGhT cAlL mE tHe UNiVeRsE, oR pErHaPs gOd, oR PErHaPs tRuTh, Or PeRhApS aLl, oR pErHaPs OnE, aNd i aM aLsO yOu."
"IF yOu ArE gOiNg tO pLaY wItH tHiS wOrLd, iT's BeSt To Go AlL oUt, nO?" A transparent blue screen appeared next to the soul.
[Player's Profile CHANGE:
Difficulty Mode Options:
*Story Mode (Hard)
[Story Mode (Hard) Selected]
"WHaT wIlL yOu oFfEr? whAt wIlL yOu GiVe Up? I'm cUrIoUs, Eren Elric!" The black hands came alive once more, dragging the soul over the edge towards a cavern of eternal darkness
"What do you want?" The soul cried out as she felt herself tip over. The last thing the soul saw was the face of Truth.
Truth grinned wider and said simply...
"i WaNt A sToRy."
The soul slipped into darkness.
[You have obtained a new perk!]
[Perk: "Blessings of Truth" (+ 10 LUC, +10 WIS, + 1 Skill)
~ You have obtained the favour and interest of Truth! Wow...I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.]
[You have obtained a new skill!]
[Unique Skill: True Alchemy - Circle-less Alchemy]
~ Truth has given you the ability to perform alchemy without the use of transmutation circles. Only those who have reached the Gate (Truth) can use this ability.]
A baby's cry suddenly echoed.
"SEe yOu lAtEr, Eren Elric," Truth's voice faded.
On January 20, 1891, Eren Elric was born to Trisha Elric and Van Hohenheim.
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