1. Friendship

Star Pov
A few days go by and my head was all over the place. Thinking about the show. Thinking about my relationship with Tom? And thinking about Marco. Sometimes I wonder if I just should move on? Like Marco is happy with his beautiful girlfriend and I should be his supporting friend.

But no here I am acting jealous and a bit dumb for even liking Marco in the first place. I was sitting across Tom As we went over the next episode. But I tuned in and tuned out from time to time. After a moment I didn't hear Tom and I looked up and noticed he gave me an annoyed look. His eyebrow pinched and a scowl as I knew he caught me.

"Star were you even listening to anything I was saying?" I raised a brow and shook my head. Truthfully i wasnt and i feel a bit bad. Tom sighs as he puts down his script "Sorry I wasn't. Can you repeat it again?" He rolls his eyes as he clicks his tongue before he says it "You're thinking about Marco aren't you?" I gasp a bit  and turn red "Yeah and I'm sorry it's just-"

he held his hand for me to stop and I do as he stays silent before he continues "I get it. But at least listen to me. I'm also a person too. Also I want to make us work but we can't do that if you just think about him." Now I felt a bit guilty. Tom was right the whole reason of this was to get over Marco and move on but it's hard you know "Sorry I'll listen I promise." I stampered out as he nods and starts again but this time I listened.


As we got back to set we got into our costume and makeup for the episode 'Friendship' I was a bit nervous and a bit excited but its just how I am most of the time. As I step out of my dressing room I see Marco come in as he held a annoyed expression. He entered his room and slammed the door.

I look around and noticed Jackie look a bit hurt and walked off acting a bit different. I hesitantly knocked on his door but didn't hear a response. I knocked again "Marco? It's me Star. Can I come-" he opened the door and pulled me into a bone crushing hug as my face flushed and my heart started to race.

"I really needed your hug right now.." he whispers as I slowly wrap my arms around his waist. He'd always smelled nice and was so warm. This hug felt amazing and I didn't want it to end. "Stella and Marcus are needed on set" a crew member said as they ran by "That's out cue. Also lets talk later okay?" He wipes his eyes and nods

"Yeah. We'll talk see you put there." He entered his room and I walked towards the set and looked at the director. "Alright ready?" I nodded as he told me about how to feel and act and I see Tom on the other side of the door as the bad boy he plays. We had to wait for Marco and Alex to get ready so I decided to talk with Tom.

"So I saw Marco come in mad? What's the deal?" I shrug "I don't know? He told me he'll tell me later. I think it's about him and Jackie honestly." He shakes his head "I knew it. Bet they're having problems?" I shrug "Possibly? Who knows? Also they've been together for awhile though so..I can't have my hopes up." He nods "that's true. Me either.." I looked at him "What'd you say?" "I said that's true." He smiles as I nod "Alright. Oh here he comes."


"Stella why don't you text me anymore?" I walked around him as I sat on my bed "Cause I don't want to bother you and Nina. Duh?" I smirked as he held a confused look "Aren't we best friends? No matter what right?" I nod "That's all we'll ever be right?" He comes closer and sits beside me "Stella what do you mean?"

I looked at him as he held my hand. My face flushed as I moved my hand "What do you think it means? You rather be with someone else. After all the stunts you pulled between Bryan." "But you gotta understand Bryan is a jerk and bully. Why would you fall for some guy like him?" I pause and shake my head

"Did you do it to protect me or did you do it cause you like me more than friends?" He starts to think "What do you mean? Stella do you..like me more than friends?" Oh god that feeling is coming back and I hate it. "Yes Marcus. I do like you more than friends. I was just too late. I thought you would have asked me but I guess you didn't seem into me so I had to move on."

I moved from the bed and held my arms crossed as he stood up "Stella I-" *knocking* "Hold on a second." I went and opened the door and there stood Bryan holding a few things but the thing that stood out was the puppy. "Bryan? Aww look at this little guy" *crowd awws* "Yeah decided to give him a new home. Seeing you always talk about puppies and rainbows and whatnot"

the audiences chuckled or laughed a bit. "This is so sweet. I love this Bryan, I really do thanks." I moved closer and kissed his cheek as he smiles and the crowd oohs. "No problem Stella. Oh what's Marcus doing here?" "Oh he was just-" "Leaving." I raised a brow "Leaving? But why?" "You have company and I don't want to disturb you. Also I hate this prick."

*crowd gasp* "Watch it." Bryan hissed as Marcus left. "Please tell me he didn't come here to confess to you?" "No he came to just talk. We haven't been talking for awhile." "Odd? Isn't he like your 'Best Friend' or something like that?" I rolled my eyes "Bryan what is it that you want from me?"

"I want a chance to prove to you I want this to work. I want to be less of jerk and change for the better." I placed the dog down "You see that with me?" "Yeah. Just think it over okay?" I nodded as he left to. I sigh as I wandered around the room "Wonder what Marcus was gonna say?"


I sigh and grab the puppy. "Aren't you the cutest?" I held the puppy as the guys came back "Great work guys. Oh my goodness look how adorable he is." Tom nods as he pets his head "Yeah. So new character on the show?" Marco asked and I shrugged "I guess. Ready for next scene? It's with you and Alex and me."

He nods "Yeah. I'm just tired and want to sleep." He did look a bit out of it but he was nailing the scene and he didn't mess up like we always tend to do. "Stella and Marcus on set!" That was our cue "Here Tom" "Hey buddy. See you guys" he walks off as we head to the next one.

{Cuts to Marcus Place}

"Hey why are you heavily sighing?" Nina asked as she sits beside him. "Cause I'm confused and conflicted." Nina nods as she tilts her head "In what?" "About me and Stella." The crowd starts oohing "What happened between you two?" "We were talking and then she starts saying weird stuff and then she told me she likes me more than friends and I don't know what to say?"

Nina giggles as she lays on his shoulder "Do you like her? More than friends?" He shrugs "I don't know? Maybe but that's just messed up to say cause we started talking and I like you Nina. You're pretty cool to hang with." The crowd awws "Thanks Marcus." *doorbell* "I'll get it" Nina hops off the couch and opens the door "Stella?" Marcus gets up and looks annoyed

"Hey..Nina are you two on a date?" "What? No we're just hanging out. You need something?" "Yeah.." I walked into the house and look right up at his eyes "What happened? Bryan got upset?" "No. He didn't want to annoy me so he left. What's with you now? You're acting so cold?"

"Well my so called best friend won't even talk to me. And then throws a bomb saying they like me and then go and kiss another guy!" I gasp as i take a step back "I don't talk to you cause you are with Nina. I don't want to be third wheeling! That's embarrassing!"

We're up in our faces before Nina pulled us apart "Alright time out! What's going on here?" She looked at Marcus and then me "I didn't kiss Bryan. It was his cheek. Why are you acting so jealous?" "Jealous?! I'm not jealous! Stella I'll admit it, I do like you okay?! I liked you since we were 5 years old! I like you a lot but you never even noticed me. Not even once.."

I started to tear up as Marcus wiped away the tears "Is that true.." I asked barely auditable "Every word..Stella I think you should go. Please" he turned away as I held my head lowered "Is that what you really want? Tell me." He sniffles as Nina looked hurt and bit confused "No..but I need space" I sigh and took off.



After finishing the episode it was over and I met up in Marcos dressing room. He smiled and hugged me "You did great out there." "You too. So are you gonna tell what happened?" He nods as we started walking out and headed towards our favorite hang out spot.

"Me and Jackie are kinda having a rocky relationship. We don't have time to see each other. We're both busy well mostly her with her model stuff and whatnot. It's just hard right now. Sorry I'm like venting" "Nah its all good. You can keep going I don't mind."

He smirks "Thanks for being understanding star." "Yeah of course." As we stay quiet he starts to chuckle "What?" "What's up with you and Tom?" I shrug "I don't know yet? We're trying to be something more but it's a bit awkward I guess? We're just friends at the moment." He nods

"Tom likes you a lot though." "I know but I can't like him that quickly? It takes time stupid." He laughs and god he's so adorable "Sorry. Do you like anyone?" "Why do you ask?" "I don't know? It seemed you did and was hiding it from Ash when we were in the show?" I sigh "I'm not sure? Maybe? It's too soon. Besides I'm better off being single then be in a relationship." He nods

"Yeah. I think me and Jackie might breakup soon. I could see it in her eyes." "Don't say that Marco. You two been together for a few years. Don't throw it all away." He nods "We'll see" I scooted closer and hugged him and kissed his cheek "Be positive young one" he laughs and hugs back. "You are one silly and crazy girl" "Thank you. I try."

A/n Wow I didn't expect so many of you to like this book so quickly 😊 anyways thanks for the reads and votes or comments. Also see you in the next part whenever that is...

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