xxii. dear universe
All evidence of sleep was gone in Gyeoul's system as she and Taehyung screamed their lungs out to Just Dance. She held her empty water bottle in his direction, using it as a mic.
"I felt it, baby. This moment, you and me, baby. This all fits together like a math formula, baby. Even obscurities, baby. Even difficulties, baby. I'm comforted from all of that because of you, baby."
Gyeoul brought the 'mic' in her direction, doing it with more conviction. "I felt it, baby. This moment, you and me, baby. This all fits together like a math formula, baby. Even rough breathing, baby. Even shedding sweat, baby. It all has meaning because of you, baby."
Their voices grew louder.
"I like the feeling of being with you. I like the feeling of dancing with you. I just wanna, wanna, wanna, I really wanna, wanna, wanna just dance."
The dancer calmed down and slumped back in her seat, "My energy is already drained and it's only been an hour."
Her companion, however, looked like he was just getting started. Taehyung started to do the intro to Hip by Mamamoo with full energy and Gyeoul felt what Yoongi was feeling in that one Run BTS episode. Just thinking about it made her feel exhausted.
"Aigo, my dear pengweng, the morning is still young!" Taehyung laughed while his eyes were still on the road. He took the bottle from her hands and used it as a mic. "Ppi ppi ppi, people keep talking my fashion. I don't care, it's just an action. Keep on click me click me as if you're possessed zoom. Close up close up close up."
Taehyung pointed the water bottle in her direction, knowing that the verse was Gyeoul's favorite. "Attention, wherever you go. Reflection, you can shine. There's only one you in the world. Why spit on your own face?" She gathered all of her inner Hwasa energy and poured her heart and soul into the spitting sound.
If anyone were to see them, they'd probably wonder why their car hasn't crashed yet with their combined in-place dancing.
Gyeoul laughed as a ballad started to play, "Your road trip playlist is confusing my energy levels."
"Should I change it?" Taehyung chuckled.
She groaned, "Please don't. My old woman heart can't keep up." Looking out of the window, she saw that the sky favored the soft tunes of the songs. "The sunrise is on the way. It's beautiful."
Taehyung's eyes flickered over to her in a quick second, smiling at the dreamy look on her face as she stared out the window. "It really is." He drew in a shaky breath, snapping himself out of it. "It's been so long since I saw one."
You don't know, you're the only one who doesn't know. My heart that loves you.
'I couldn't be there first because my steps were slow. The painful love of having my seat taken.'
Gyeoul leaned her head back on the seat. "This song breaks my heart. Unrequited love would hurt so much."
"I don't know," Taehyung hummed. "I feel like once-requited love would hurt even more."
'I don't know your name, but I'm making this one request. Love her. Love her.'
"The girl that I love, the girl you have instead of me," he started to sing. Gyeoul smiled at the sound of his baritone singing voice and hugged her knees to her chest, staring at him as he sang. "Love her, the girl who doesn't know my heart because the one she loves is you. Love her more than I do."
It made her ponder. She was aware of how dangerous her feelings were. Unrequited love was sitting right there in the corner, waving at her with a pitiful smile.
Familiar guitar strums resonated throughout the car to signify the next song on Taehyung's road trip playlist. Gyeoul pulled at the roots of her hair as she heard it.
She groaned, burying her face into her hands as she heard one of the songs she had posted on SoundCloud start to play. "I hate you."
"I miss you even more at times like this," Taehyung sang, placing a hand over his heart and feeling the melancholic chords of the music. "The time when I'm all alone."
"You even learned the lyrics," Gyeoul cringed, pinching the bridge of her nose. It took her all her might not to vomit at the sound of her voice. "Do you mind rolling down the windows? I feel like I must unburden myself."
Taehyung, albeit a little confused, did as he was told and kept singing her song. "Why did you leave me that day? You said it was too hard."
Gyeoul leaned closer to the window and yelled, "Universe! Please grant me a second of your time! This asshole beside me, Kim Taehyung, is playing songs that I wrote after my ex-boyfriend! Please make sure that Kim Taehyung trips over a rock today! Did you hear that, universe? Make sure that the guy trips over a rock today!"
'Lonely night, so lonely night. You still remain in my memories.'
"Let me appreciate your singing voice in peace," Taehyung chuckled, reaching over to her for a quick second to brush the pad of his index finger under her chin. "Do you remember that we made a song together when my little sister was born so we could sing her to sleep?"
She sighed reminiscently, "We even wrote the lyrics and everything."
"My father told me that he was going through the basement yesterday and found a lot of pieces of our childhood. I'm sure there's a recording of us singing over her crib."
'Why did I let you go back then when I knew I wouldn't be able to endure?'
"Hey," Taehyung called softly as he closed the windows of his SUV, breaking Gyeoul from her desire to keep screaming at the universe to cast him bad luck. "Let's make a song again."
Gyeoul turned to him, her eyes soft and thoughtful. "Okay."
His eyes widened, "Who are you and what did you do to Gyeoul? I'm surprised you didn't put up a fight. I was ready to beg on my knees for the entire month to get you to agree. Scratch that, a month wouldn't be enough. I was ready to beg until the next year."
"I would say no, but if you want to do it then I'll do it."
"There you are with your words again," Taehyung breathed out, holding his right hand to his chest as if to calm the way his heart hammered against his chest. He brought that hand to the middle, sticking out his pinky. "Promise?"
She laughed, "You're taking this way too seriously." The dancer crossed her arms and looked ahead, but from her peripheral, he still hasn't retracted his pinky. She linked her pinky with his, "Promise."
They stopped in front of Taehyung's childhood home. It was the same but it wasn't. The whole house was renovated, but still had the essence of the original. The two of them got out of the car and simply looked as if the house was bathing in the golden sunlight of the early morning. Gyeoul was holding gifts that she fetched from the back seat while Taehyung was getting their overnight bags.
"Woah, this is a whole new level of nostalgia," Gyeoul breathed out. She gulped and entered the car again, eyes wide and her heartbeat increasing.
Taehyung chuckled and entered the car with her, tilting his head at her with a fond smile, not saying anything. It was clear that she needed a moment to collect herself and manage her nerves. He was more than willing to stay in the car with her for as long as she wanted. The roles were now switched. Just a few weeks ago, he was in the same predicament.
"What if your family hates me?"
He hummed, "That's impossible. I've told them about you, remember? They adore you today just as they did when we were kids."
Gyeoul sighed and tilted her head back beside the headrest, looking back at him, "I appreciate your words, but hearing about me and knowing me are two different things."
Taehyung eyed her hand as she was talking and swiftly interlaced their fingers together, gently running his thumb over hers before meeting her perplexed gaze. "Confidence recharge." Gyeoul let out a small laugh, making his grin grow wider.
"Thank you. I needed that."
"And we need to get out of the car. They're already walking out of the door."
She cleared her throat and pulled her hand back, tucking her hair behind her ears to make her look more presentable. Gyeoul relaxed her shoulders and turned to Taehyung. He raised his eyebrows as if to ask if she was ready and she responded with a determined nod. With that, they stepped out of the car at the same time.
"Gyeoul, my baby, it's really you!"
Before she could properly greet Taehyung's parents, his mother went straight for a bear hug, almost making her drop the wine bottle and candles she was holding. Taehyung smiled and took the gifts from her hands so she could properly hug the older woman back.
"Look at you! You're so much taller than me now!"
"Ryuwon, give the girl some space to breathe," Taehyung's father, Sangkyu, chuckled, gently prying his wife's arms away from the dancer. "It's nice to see you again, Gyeoul."
Gyeoul grinned, hoping that the woman wasn't able to feel the way her heart beat against her chest. She clenched her hand behind her back. Once she got a better look at the couple, she gaped at them. "Forgive me for being forward, but it seems that the two of you never aged!"
"And you're still a charmer," Ryuwon cooed, cupping both of Gyeoul's cheeks. "How was the trip here? You didn't fight, did you? You always did when you were kids."
"No, we grew out of that," Taehyung chuckled, walking up to stand beside Gyeoul and placing a hand over hers on the small of her back, an action that didn't go unnoticed by the parents. "And your beloved son is right here and I've yet to receive a warm welcome?"
Sangkyu chuckled, patting his son's shoulder, "It's the first time we've seen Gyeoul in fourteen years."
Taehyung pouted. Gyeoul smiled fondly at his reaction and took the gifts from his hands, handing them to his parents with a polite bow. "These are for you."
"This is sweet of you, Gyeoul. Thank you," Ryuwon said as she accepted the gifts, taking the dancer by surprise by hugging her again. "Do the two of you mind waiting for a little bit for breakfast? I just started since I thought you two weren't arriving for another hour."
"Of course not," Gyeoul said politely. "If you want, I can help prepare?"
Ryuwon's eyes brightened up, "Oh, will you? I'd appreciate that so much!"
The mother gestured to their little group to follow her inside.
"We're right behind you," Taehyung called, looking back at his friend and sensing a need for a quick breather.
The two 95-liners stopped at the door when Taehyung's parents went inside. The moment Taehyung closed the front door, Gyeoul sat down into a squat, one arm hugging her knees and the other hand above her heart. She could physically feel relief coming into her body after that nerve-wracking interaction with his parents.
"See what I mean? They love you so much that they couldn't even give their son a proper hug," Taehyung spoke, alleviating some of Gyeoul's worries. He crouched down, mimicking her actions. "I'm always by your side. Don't worry."
He stood up, holding his hand out. Gyeoul smiled at him and smacked her palm against his, standing up on her own.
"Thank you, xiaolongbao."
Taehyung opened the door for her, dramatically bowing his head as she passed. Gyeoul chuckled and waited for him to close the door before she took off her shoes. He did the same and wore his slippers, getting an extra pair inside the cabinet and placing them in front of Gyeoul.
"I've been meaning to ask," he started as he led her to the kitchen. "Do I still look like an ugly piece of xiaolongbao that nobody picks first?"
Gyeoul hummed, a teasing grin on her face. "You're not far off."
The parents shared an amused look.
"Eomma, did you hear that?" Taehyung asked, pointing at Gyeoul. "She's being mean to me."
"You're both old enough to settle those things on your own," his mother chuckled. "You can wash your hands on the sink, Gyeoul."
Gyeoul did as she was told and scanned the ingredients placed on the island, "Are we making doenjang jjigae?"
"You catch on fast, you must learn a lot from your father," Sangkyu complimented. "How are your parents? Your father is doing well I hope? We fell out of contact as well when you left."
"Do you know how these ingredients should be cut?" Ryuwon asked the younger woman. She nodded and carefully took the knife from her. "And you better answer Sangkyu about your father." The mother clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "I miss your mother, but him? Taehyung's father would probably run away with yours if given the opportunity."
Gyeoul chuckled as she skillfully knifed the ingredients.
"Yeobo, don't tell such rumors to our future daughter-in-law!"
The 'daughter-in-law' almost sliced her hand.
Taehyung lurched to her side and held the hand holding the knife to keep her from doing any damage to herself. Gyeoul pursed her lips to keep herself from smiling like an idiot, the tips of her ears burning. She bumped his hip to tell him that he can let go of her hand and continued doing her work.
"Appa, you can't just say that so casually!" Taehyung scolded with his bottom lip jutted out slightly. "I already told you that we're just friends."
Sangkyu scratched his head awkwardly, "Right, sorry about that." He pointed at the eggs on the counter. "I'm going to cook the egg rolls now."
Ryuwon turned to her son, "Can you go wake up your siblings? You should go and put your things in your room too."
"But breakfast isn't ready yet?"
"It'll take them thirty minutes to go down."
Taehyung nodded obediently, squeezing Gyeoul's elbow as if he was silently asking her if she'd be alright if he left her with his parents for a moment. She nodded, giving him an assuring smile. He reciprocated her grin and walked off, looking back a few times to make sure that he was comfortable with being left alone.
"Some things never change," Sangkyu smiled, getting the dancer's attention. Gyeoul looked at him with question marks in her eyes. "It was difficult to separate you when you were kids. Looks like that stuck."
"Are you almost finished with those?" Ryuwon asked, looking over Gyeoul's shoulder to inspect her performance. "Those look nice." She patted the younger woman's shoulder and went to another part of the kitchen. "I'm going to pre-heat the oil on the pot. You can sauté the meat, soybean paste, and chili flakes after."
Gyeoul did as she was told, making sure not to put too many chili flakes because Taehyung couldn't eat food with strong spices.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Taehyung asked as he got back from upstairs. "Gyeoul, are you thirsty?" But he was already fetching a cup and filling it with water.
"Is there, chef?" Ryuwon passed to Gyeoul.
She pursed her lips, "Stand there and give me inspiration."
The other three choked on air.
Almost half an hour later, Gyeoul's doenjang jjigae was finished. The other food was already set on the table. And Taehyung's parents already settled themselves there.
"Excuse me," she said to no one in particular as she carried the pot while it was still bubbling from the heat.
Taehyung, who was sent on the mission to wake up his siblings yet again, jogged down the stairs and made his way to Gyeoul. "My stomach is ready, chef."
He pulled a chair out for her, still looking at the food. But she didn't seem to come to him. He looked up and saw that she already sat down next to the chair she pulled out. She gave him a questioning look. The idol just shook his head and sat down on that chair.
"I'm hungry. Why are they taking so long? Did you tell them that we have someone over?" Ryuwon whined, watching the stairs impatiently.
Taehyung shook his head, "I wanted to surprise Taeri."
"They can catch up, let's just eat," Sangkyu proposed, already piling his bowl with rice.
"So, Gyeoul," the mother trailed off, turning to the woman with a certain look in her eyes.
Gyeoul's heart dropped to her stomach, thinking about all of the possible things that Taehyung's mother would say. She cleared her throat, "Yes, eomoni?"
"Did you know that we and your parents made a bet when you were younger?" she asked.
She nodded, "We were told that you made a bet, but we never actually found out what the bet was about."
"We bet that you'd be together by the time you're in your mid-thirties," she continued, making the two choke on their food. Ignoring the reaction, the mother kept going. "And your parents said that you'd get together before you hit the thirty mark. Is it safe to say that the bet is still on?"
Fortunately, Gyeoul didn't have to answer thanks to the loud footsteps coming from the staircase.
Taejun, if Gyeoul could remember correctly, trudged down the stairs, seemingly oblivious to the stares coming from the ones at the dining table. He rubbed his eyes and peeked at the dining room, almost missing a step as he saw the dancer. Immediately, he started to run back up the stairs.
"He must be around twenty to twenty-one now, right?" Gyeoul wondered, hoping that the conversation regarding the bet wouldn't be brought up again because she cannot deal with the embarrassment for a second longer.
Taehyung nodded at her question, adding more meat to her bowl. "He must have gone to wake Taeri up,"
Suddenly, a high-pitched scream echoed throughout the house, startling nobody but Gyeoul. She looked at them in question, wondering if that was Taeri and whether or not she was alright. But the three only continued as if it was normal.
Quick footsteps came from upstairs, as well as doors slamming one after the other. Soon after, Taehyung's siblings came bounding down the stairs with great speed, the youngest leading.
"Hello! I'm Taejun!" the middle sibling introduced himself, outstretching his fist for Gyeoul. She stood up and bowed her head at them, reciprocating Taejun's fist bump. "I apologize for the next thirty seconds when my sister finally introduces herself."
"Oh my god, hello," Taeri breathed out, eyes wide as she stared at Gyeoul. "I'm Taeri, and wow you're so much prettier in real life."
Gyeoul smiled at her, "Thank you."
"This is going to sound very bad, but can I please hug you? I'm a really big fan since I was younger and meeting you right now is a dream come true. If my big brother only told me that you were coming over, I would have helped prepare the breakfast and made myself more presentable. I'm sorry I'm kind of rambling but I'm really nervous right now and I love you so much and—" she cut herself off, taking a deep breath.
The dancer gaped at her in absolute shock. She could give rapper Jin a run for his money.
"You can hug me," Gyeoul assured, opening her arms slightly.
Taeri's face lit up like dynamite and wrapped her arms around Gyeoul's torso, unable to keep herself from jumping up and down.
Gyeoul grinned, rocking the two of them side to side and tightening her arms around the girl.
"Taeri, sit down and let our future sister-in-law eat her breakfast in peace."
Taehyung choked for the second time that dinner and Gyeoul froze. They shared a look.
Laughing awkwardly, Gyeoul shook her head, "No, no, Taehyung and I are just friends."
The youngest of the Kim sibling pulled away from her, a disbelieving look in her eyes. "Really? But appa said—"
"Appa was probably only joking," Taehyung countered, gesturing for the two females to sit down. "We're just friends."
Gyeoul nodded, backing up his statement. She held the younger girl's hand and led her to sit beside her at the table. If it was possible, Taeri's smile only grew larger.
"But why?" Taejun asked, pouting as he piled food in his bowl.
"'Why' what?" Taehyung asked.
"Why are you just friends?" Once again, they choked. This family might as well be the death of them. "Is there something you don't like about my brother?" Taejun paused, looking over to his older brother, scanning his red face and food-filled cheeks. "Don't answer that, I think I understand. I can't imagine wanting to see that face every day."
"I see him every day anyway," Gyeoul said, feigning a disgusted face. She turned to her side and saw Taehyung looking at her in betrayal, making her laugh. She picked up the pitcher and filled his cup, "I'm kidding."
When they finished breakfast, they immediately set off for their adventure. They couldn't use the bikes since all of them somehow had something wrong with it. That didn't stop them from enjoying their day. Taehyung had a camera slung on his neck while Gyeoul held a camera while wearing the fabric on her wrist.
The first thing they did that morning was something that they weren't allowed to do when they were kids: buy ice cream in the convenience store before 10 AM.
"I'd be feeling guilty if we were still kids," Gyeoul laughed, throwing away the stick in the trash can when she finished.
Taehyung did the same. "Good thing we're grown-ups now."
Side by side, they walked to their next stop.
Gyeoul's old dance studio.
She buried her hands inside her leather jacket's pockets, keeping her head down. Taehyung noticed this and mirrored her movements. "Why are we doing this?"
"You're still a celebrity, Kim Tae. People can easily recognize you, even with the mask. It's a Saturday and it's Halloween. There may be more people outside than usual."
He looked around the sidewalk. No one was looking at them at the moment. They haven't thought about that.
Suddenly, he tripped over a rock. He cursed, quickly recovering. "Oh my god," he gasped, turning to Gyeoul as if he discovered something glorious. "Quick. Beg the universe to grant us this one day with each other without worrying about other people."
"That's ridiculous."
"I tripped, didn't I?"
She chuckled, shaking her head. She stopped walking, clasping her hands in front of her chest and closing her eyes. "Dear universe, please give me and my childhood friend a day without being noticed. But if we do get noticed, please possess that person and manipulate their consciousness so they wouldn't reveal us. Just one day. Thank you." She opened an eye, "Do you think that's enough?"
Taehyung chuckled, linking their arms, and kept on walking. "I believe in your powers enough to know that it's enough."
They arrived in the almost empty studio, the only ones there being the old janitor and the owner. Mr. Seo was an old man, ghosting near his eighties. Still, he was thriving.
"There you two are!" the old janitor cheered, looking at the two with fond eyes. He's been working in that place even before they were born.
They smiled at him and bowed.
"It's so good to see you again, Mr. Seo." Gyeoul approached him and fist-bumped him. "All is well with you I hope?"
"Of course, I left my retirement home just to see you two when I heard of your situation from the owner!" He smiled, eyes crinkling at the sight of them together. "Look at you two! You used to be these two little beans running along the halls. Time flew by too fast. Now, you're both so successful! It's good that you found each other again."
Taehyung felt his nose tingle and his eyes blur at how much Mr. Seo aged. "I missed you, Mr. Seo. I'm sorry I never visited."
He waved him off, "You have nothing to apologize for, little xiaolongbao." He walked over to the chairs. "I'll be with the owner if you need me. All of the studios are open."
They bowed at him and kept a watchful eye as he walked away, making sure that he made it to the owner's office safely.
That was when Gyeoul's cool stature broke. She clenched her fist and entered the nearest dance studio. "Oh god," she breathed out, holding a hand to her heart. Many years ago, Mr. Seo was someone so full of spirit and life, someone who used to flaunt the discounts his seniority would get him. Now he was so old. His wrinkles became more prominent and the way he walked was so slow as compared to before. The spirit was still there except it was dim.
Taehyung noticed and closed the door. "I know." He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "I know."
Gyeoul's eyes burned with tears. "He's so old."
"I know," he repeated, gently patting her back.
"I left so much here," she croaked out, pulling away from him. Taehyung cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears while his tears fell freely on their own. "I'm so sorry." She wiped his tears away, gulping down the knot in her throat. "Sorry, I just got a little emotional there."
He rested his hands on her shoulders, tracing his fingers up and down her arm. "It's okay. I feel the same way." Looking to her side, observing her side from the mirror, he smiled sadly. "Let's cheer up." He pulled away and started dancing. "Cheer up, baby, cheer up, baby. Give it a little more. A girl shouldn't give her heart away so easily. That will only make you want me more."
Gyeoul chuckled, "Thank you."
Satisfied that he made her smile, he calmed down. He looked around the studio, but his eyes always seemed to travel back to her. "I still can't believe that you had your first class just to buy me shoes. I think about it and I don't know what to think of you teaching at that age. But I admire you."
"I did what I had to do," she responded, gesturing to him so that they would look around in other parts of the building. "I couldn't exactly ask my parents for money. We barely had any. But I wanted you to have a gift on your birthday at least."
"I'm thankful that you did. My other relatives didn't give me birthday gifts because they already gave me something for Christmas."
They entered her aunt's old usual studio. The image of Dajung's endless scolding and harsh teaching was ingrained in their minds.
"You know, when we picked up at that restaurant on your birthday, I went to talk to your aunt outside."
Gyeoul's eyes widened as she recalled the day, "Was she rude to you? Ruder than usual, that is. She usually is when she's tipsy."
"She had something familiar in her hand then and it made me wonder if it was your aunt." He laughed, pinching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment. "She thought that I was going to rob her and she almost beat me up with her purse. Then she realized that I meant no harm. I asked her if she knew 'Gureum' but she replied with a whole different name that I can't even remember. She was cold about it too. I see where you get it from."
"Well, she raised me, it's natural to adopt some of her mannerisms one way or another."
"How is she? I was hoping to see her when I met your parents."
"No, you didn't."
"Yes, I didn't," Taehyung admitted right away. "But how is she?"
"She's enjoying the Parisian life, I suppose. If things don't go well for me here anymore, then I'd probably be with her."
They went back to the waiting room for parents. Surprised that Mr. Seo was already there getting ready to leave.
"Mr. Seo!" Gyeoul called before the old man could walk out of the door. He turned at her slowly, looking at her curiously. She took quick strides towards him and wrapped her arms around him. Taehyung quickly followed, carefully wrapping his arms around the two of them.
He chuckled, "To what do I owe the pleasure of being embraced by two superstars?"
Gyeoul closed her eyes and chuckled, not responding. Dear universe, please let Mr. Seo live a longer life.
The ginkgo trees were beautiful at that time of the year. As a soft gush of wind blew, they rattled creating a sort of symphony that only accentuated the charm the falling yellow leaves gave. The world was quiet, allowing the two artists a moment of solitude in each other's presence.
Taehyung didn't even realize he stopped walking. The sight in front of him bewitched his heart more than any beauty the ginkgo trees, or anything, could offer. It was like the scene from a film — moving in slow motion. Everything he saw was clear, from the way her hair danced with the gentle breeze, to the way her eyes turned to small crescents as a carefree smile stretched across her face. Ahn Gyeoul was a scenery he can never get enough of.
Upon noticing his absence from beside her, she stopped walking and turned back, appearing to tear her childhood friend from his trance. She chuckled slightly and moved to walk up to him.
"Wait!" he cried, causing her to stop. Gyeoul seemed to get the idea as he set up his camera and pointed it at her.
Gyeoul posed properly about two times before making fun of Taehyung by moving around so he wouldn't get any good shots.
"Jeopardize it all you want, but I'm still a good photographer, GoGo."
She chuckled, nodding her head at the swings. Gyeoul sat down, leaning her head back to enjoy the quiet. It seems that the universe heard her prayer earlier. Only they were the people in the playground. The same playground where they first had their first squabble. Taehyung sat beside her, pushing his heels softly on the ground.
The world was quiet, allowing the two childhood friends a moment of true clarity with one another. The way the autumn leaves looked a little golden in contrast to the tangerine glow of the sunset, the way the wind blew gently from the east — it is a wonder how something that appears so simple and common becomes the cause of a starburst of nostalgia when you're at the right place at the right time.
And with the right person.
"We're a long way from being those two kids who ran around town, making the world their stage," Gyeoul commented, earning a hum from Taehyung. She turned to him, watching as small strands of his hair danced with the wind, a subconscious smile appearing on her face. "Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?"
Taehyung's eyes widened by a fraction, turning his head to meet her gaze, then immediately looking away as he couldn't handle her soulful gaze without combusting. "All of a sudden?" His shoulders shook slightly as a laugh bubbled out of his mouth.
"I never would have thought that you reached so far that you already reached the stars. I'm glad your dreams came true."
"I'm glad yours did too." He smiled, closing his eyes and enjoying the way the breeze kissed his cheeks. "But I have another dream now."
"What is it? Maybe if I do the 'dear universe' thing on it, it'd come true."
"You..." he trailed off, looking back at the bewitching woman beside him. "You just have to pray harder that I'd even reveal the dream to you."
"That's not fair."
He smiled at her, raising his hand and ruffling her hair.
disclaimer: the song that gyeoul wrote isn't my original. it's part of the hospital playlist ost.
song(s) mentioned in this chapter — just dance by bts | hip by mamamoo | please love her by ha dong kyun | lonely night by kwon jin ah | cheer up by twice
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