Aaron Burr [Part 2]

Aaron sat in the squad's living room, staring down at his tea and squirming uncomfortably. After his confession to Alexander, the man had insisted that he return with him to his apartment.

Foolishly, Aaron agreed and that led him here. Squirming awkwardly with four pairs of eyes staring at him intently.

"So." John said finally said, breaking the tension. "What's up? Haven't seen you for awhile."

Aaron flinched and looked down in shame. It hadn't been just awhile. It's been over a year since he had spoken last with anyone of them. Pink peonies began to bloom around him as he lowered his head in shame. His mouth felt dry, his tongue heavy. He felt ashamed, embarrassed to be caught in this situation, even though he knew this was his own fault.

"John," Alexander said, walking up and placing a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder when Aaron said nothing. "Give him a chance to explain everything."

John scowled and looked away, making Aaron want to sink deeper into the couch.

"Aaron," Hercules said. "We're all ears."

He bit his lip and fiddled with his sleeves.

"I..." His voice caught in his throat and he looked down at the ground. The four stared at him waiting. After a few minutes of silence, Alexander sighed and walked over to Aaron, taking a seat beside him.

"Aaron," He said softly. "They aren't mad, they just want to know why."

Aaron clenched his hands. "I was scared." He said quietly.

His reason was met with silence.

"Scared?" John practically spat. Aaron flinched.

"John." Hercules said sternly. "Let him explain."

John huffed and looked away, crossing his arms.

Aaron took a deep breath. The squad deserved to know his reasons, no matter how stupid or ridiculous it may seem to them.

"You all know about my uncle..." He started.

They all nodded.

He squeezed his eyes shut as painful memories began to surface.

"My town," He paused, searching for the rights words. "They were extremely religious. After my uncle discovered my powers he tried to hide it. He was a priest after all, nobody could know he had a devil's spawn for a nephew. But I was quite young when Sally left and my uncle discovered everything and well, I didn't have great control over my powers at that time. It didn't take long for everyone to know what I was. We were a relatively small town, word was passed quickly. After that, the only time someone was kind to me, they would just stab me in back."

Aaron sniffled, startled to realize that he was crying. "No one has ever been so kind before. I was so scared. I was so scared that it would be like all the others."

A small sob escaped his lips as memories of all his peers from school came back. Two aspen trees began to grow slowly on either side of him. He sobbed and Alexander wordlessly pulled him into hug, gently rubbing his back as he cried.

"Aaron, would you like to go back to your dorm?" Alexander asked quietly. Aaron sniffled, still clinging onto the other man.

"I don't know I just-"

"You can stay here Aaron." Lafayette said. Aaron's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at them.

"Yeah. We don't mind." Hercules said, standing and kneeling beside him. Aaron let out a sob when he began to gently message his hand. Guilt overtook him. They were treating him so kindly. He was so horrible to them, he didn't deserve this! Bach flower holly began to grow, cutting both him and Hercules.

"I don't, I don't deserve t-thi-"

"Hey," Hercules interrupted softly. "Don't say things like that Aaron. Everyone deserves love."

"B-But I-!" He hiccuped. "I was so-"

"Aaron." John said. Aaron was startled when hands suddenly cradled his face. He looked up, his vision blurred out by tears, but he could still make out John's crazy curly hair.

"Yeah, you made a couple of mistakes." John said, brushing some tears off of Aaron's cheeks. "And you were a bit of an asshole but I mean, who isn't?"

Aaron's vision began to clear and he could make out John's face now. He was looking at him like he was precious, like he was wanted. Aaron trembled, feeling tears well up again.

"We're not mad Aaron." John continued. "Well, we were in the beginning but did you really think we couldn't forgive you? We care about you Aaron. We aren't going to let you go that easily."

"He's right Aaron." Alexander said. He'd let go of Aaron when John had come over, but he was still pressed into his side. "We care about you. You're our friend and friends forgive easily."

Aaron could only sob as the squad held him tightly.

He woke the next day on a couch, cuddled close to Lafayette and John. Lafayette was holding him tightly while Aaron's and John's legs were tangled together.

Blood rushed to Aaron's face when he realized how close he was to his crushes. Quickly but gently, he removed Lafayette's arm that was curled tightly around his waist and carefully untangled his and John's legs.

"You're awake."

Aaron's face flushed all over again when he spotted Hercules smiling at him from a chair.

"I uh, I'm sorry." He stammered, managing to scramble out of the embrace he'd been in a second ago.

Hercules chuckled gently. "Not a problem. Anyways, Alex and I prepared breakfast."

Aaron blinked. "Alexander never struck me as a cooking person."

Hercules barked out a laugh. "He isn't. In fact, he's not allowed in the kitchen without one of us. The one time we left him alone in there, we had to call the fire department because our apartment was filled with so much smoke."

"Wow." Aaron said, mildly impressed that Alexander had somehow created enough smoke to fill their relatively spacious apartment.

"Yeah." Hercules said, standing up. "Don't worry about those two." He added when Aaron glanced down at the still sleeping John and Lafayette. "They are physically incapable of waking before ten o'clock."

Aaron smiled softly before following Hercules to the dining room where Alexander was waiting.

Breakfast went by, John appeared a half hour later, followed by Lafayette who joined them an hour later, giving everyone, including Aaron much to his embarrassment, a kiss on the cheek. They spent the day together, both catching up with each other.

Aaron didn't say much, just told them how he'd returned to his uncle's for the summer, they'd all been horrified to hear that. In fact, the minute the words escaped his mouth, all four of them hugged him. It was only later, that Aaron realized that crocus had been blooming around him.

Of course, things didn't return to normal just like that. The squad seemed reluctant to trust him like they did in the beginning. They also didn't communicate with Aaron all too much until he did. Aaron understood though. It would take time for to earn their trust and pure friendship back. There was one problem though.

Even though he was determined to change and never let something like that happen again, he didn't know how to express that to the squad.

"What do you guys think?" He asked his plants, sighing when all they did was curl around him. He pet some mezeron before walking to his desk to do his homework.

In the end, Aaron decided to just try and connect and hang out with the squad as much as possible.

He asked Alexander if he wanted to study together, offered to help John with his small garden at the apartment, gave himself to Hercules as a model, even wearing some dresses and just asked Lafayette if he wanted to hang out, simply so he could get to know the Frenchman better.

His efforts to connect with them all seemed to work. Slowly, Aaron repaired the damage he had left. Soon, they were able to go for coffee and none of the previous tension was present.

Sometimes, on the squads insistence, Aaron allowed his plants to grow freely. He was still a bit uncomfortable with it, and constantly worried that they would all suddenly turn on him. He hated himself for still being so paranoid, but he couldn't help it. After Sally and his uncle, it was near impossible for him to trust anyone completely.

"Hey Aaron," Alexander said. "You alright?"

They were at the library studying together, but memories of the past had bubbled up and Aaron found himself lost in them.

"Huh?" He said, snapping out of it.

"You zoned out."

Aaron smiled apologetically. "Sorry."

"It's fine. But is everything alright?" Alexander asked, looking worried.

Aaron bit his lip and looked away. "Yeah..." He winced at the blatant lie. "Just uh... Just remembering some stuff."

Alexander seemed to understand. "Do you want me to go?"

"No, no!" Aaron said quickly. "No it's fine."

Alexander didn't look convinced but he let it slide.

It wasn't until later that evening that Aaron realized why he had been remembering things from his past, more specifically Sally.

Today marked ten years since he had last seen or spoken with Sally. Ten years since she ran away. Ten years since his life went to shit. A small sob escaped him and he curled up tighter on his bed.

The next day, Aaron woke to citron flowers covering his room. He was so exhausted that he simply shot a text to Alexander asking if he could take notes for him, stating that he wasn't feeling well.

Without waiting for a response, he fell fast asleep.

He woke up four hours later to a knock on his door. Blinking blearily, he stumbled out of his bed and went over to his door. His eyes widened when he saw Alexander and John standing there, looking concerned.

"Hey Aaron," Alexander said. "Can we come in?"

Aaron blinked, and without thinking, opened the door.

"Holy shit..." John gasped.

"Wha...?" It was then that Aaron remembered all the plants that grew in his room. "U-Um! I-"

"This is amazing Aaron." Lafayette said, looking around with wide eyes.

"R-Really...?" He stammered, cheeks red.

"Yeah!" Alexander had a wide grin on his face and he raced into the room. "Whoa! There's so many plants!" He gasped. "Is that an adonis vernalis growing from a mug?"

Aaron flushed. "Y-Yes, it is."

"I had no idea you could make plants grow on any surface." Hercules said, softly stroking a coriander.

"Yes, I can. It can get a bit frustrating at times." He said sheepishly.

"Are you feeling better?" John asked, turning away from his mossy bed.

Aaron smiled softly. "Yes, is that why you all came?"

"Yup!" Alexander said with a grin. "I photocopied some notes for you."

"Thank you so much." Aaron said, taking his copy.

"No problem."

They all jumped when a phone rang loudly.

"Not mine." The squad said in unison.

Aaron rushed to where his was, frowning when he saw an unknown number was calling.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Aaron."

Aaron stiffened. "S-Sally?" He stammered, eyes wide.

"It's been awhile little brother."

Aaron swallowed, ignoring the squad's shocked and concerned looks.

"What do you want?" He asked stiffly.

"I wanted to see how my baby brother is doing."

"I'm doing fine."

"That, that's good to here."

Aaron sighed. "Why are you calling after ten years of zero contact?"

Behind him, the squad all gasped quietly.

"I... I have news."

He quirked a brow. "Like what?" He said, feeling sick to his stomach.

"I'm married."

Aaron nearly dropped his phone.

"I'm also pregnant."

This time, he did drop his phone, which then hung up on his sister.

"Aaron?" Alexander asked quietly, but he ignored him.

Pregnant. His sister, who he hadn't heard from for ten years is married and pregnant.

"Could you..." His voice cut off. "Could you guys leave please?" He asked weakly.

Lafayette frowned and held his trembling hand. "Aaron," He said quietly. "Tell us what happened. Then, if you still wish us to, we will leave."

"It's none of your guys' business!" Aaron suddenly yelled. Caraway bloomed around him, curling around his legs.

"Aaron," Hercules said softly, walking up to him, stopping just a few inches away. Tears were falling from Aaron's face, the betrayal and hurt that his sister had implanted in his heart overwhelming him. Hercules' eyes were soft and he raised his hands to gently cradle Aaron's face. Aaron let out a small sob when he began to wipe his tears away. "We care about you Aaron. Maybe even more than you know."

"She's married." He finally whispered, falling into Hercules' warm chest. He said nothing, gently stroking Aaron's back. "She didn't-" Aaron sobbed. "I wasn't even invited to her wedding."

He sobbed, sinking to his knees. Hercules followed him, holding him tightly.

"God Aaron." He whispered, kissing his head in an attempt to comfort him.

"She called to tell me-" Aaron sobbed, gasping for breath. "She called to tell me she was pregnant."

"Jesus Christ." John whispered.

"I don't even know. She hates me! Will I even ever get to see my nephew?"

"Of course you will." John said softly, walking over to him and Hercules, kneeling beside them. He placed a hand on Aaron's shoulder and squeezed. "I don't think she hates you Aaron. After all, why else would she even call to tell you about her pregnancy and wedding?"

"But she never even told me she was engaged. And she ran away from home, because of me!"

"Aaron," Alexander said, walking over to him and joining the strange pie of comfort that Hercules and John had going. "She'd be crazy to try and keep you from seeing your nephew. If she doesn't, then we'll step in and make sure you can at least me the little tyke. I promise!"

Aaron gave a watery laugh and smiled at the squad.

"Thank you." He whispered.

After that first phone call, Sally didn't attempt to contact him again. Anxiety course through him and with each passing day, he grew more and more anxious and down.

Why would she call, drop a bombshell and then ignore him? He knows John said that Sally doesn't hate him, but Aaron can't help but feel and think otherwise. Why else would she leave when they had been so young and then not contact him for ten years?

These types of thoughts plagued Aaron's mind and soon, he drove himself into an even deeper depression. His anxiety spiked, and he was starting to hate getting up in mornings, he was sometimes even tempted to not go to class.

However, he knew he would just cause the squad to worry needlessly about him and he didn't want that. That, combined with the thought of his uncle's reaction if he skipped class kept Aaron from staying in bed all day.

So he forced himself to get up in the mornings and attend class. He did his classwork, went to hangout with the squad, even though it felt fake, empty. The squad seemed to take notice of his shift in behavior, but they said nothing.

Some days, Aaron wished they would ask what was going on with him. He wished he could just spill everything to them, sob his sob story out and not feel any regret or guilt for dumping his problems on them.

But he couldn't. The squad had already helped him so much, how could he live with himself if he dumped all his problems on them? He knew he was already a bit of a burden, he didn't want to become more of one.

"Hey Aaron," Alexander said during one of their studying sessions. "Has Sally contacted you again yet? It's been a month."

Aaron's grip on his pen tightened. "No." He said quietly.

Alexander frowned, but said nothing more on the topic, something Aaron was grateful for.

The next couple of days past, with still no contact from Sally. Those days turned into weeks, which then turned into months.

Three months passed, no contact.

Aaron's mood slowly but surely went down. Every night, he lay awake in his bed wondering what he'd done wrong. What he'd done exactly to make his sister, who he had loved more than anything, to despise him.

Every night, he would cry himself to sleep.

Christmas rolled around and he stayed on campus after much convincing by the squad. They all split up though. Lafayette returned to France to be with his family and John went to South Carolina, with much reluctance. Hercules went to Washington DC. While he had offered for Aaron and Alexander to join him, Alexander's stories of Hercules' older brother turned him off of spending the holidays with the man.

That just left Alexander. Though, he was staying on campus with Aaron. He had explained that he didn't have any family to celebrate with.

Suffice to say, it was quite an awkward conversation to have.

Christmas passed. Alexander came to Aaron's door, and begged him to make a spruce tree grow so they could have a tree. They spent that evening decorating the spruce tree and fell asleep cuddled together on Aaron's surprisingly comfortable moss bed.

The others returned in January, all practically glowing with happiness.

They all sat in Aaron's room, apparently their new favorite place to hang out in, sharing stories about their time with their families.

"Honestly," Hercules said. "My brother is crazy. And stupid."

"What'd he do this time?"

Hercules sighed heavily. "On Christmas Eve, he took off his clothes and went screaming down the street."

Aaron grimaced and hid his smile.

"Oh Jesus." Alexander muttered. "I love your brother but man is he a dumbass."

John snorted. "Like you're one to talk Mr 'I go to sleep at three in the morning and don't eat for days'."

"Shut up John!"

"It's true."

Aaron giggled and everyone froze, staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You just giggled." Lafayette said bluntly.

Aaron blushed. "O-Oh."

"That was so cute." Alexander whispered.

Aaron's cheeks flared and he hid his face in his hands. He could've sworn steam was coming off him with how flushed his cheeks were.

"Don't hide your face!" Lafayette whined, trying to tear his hands away.

"Yeah!" John said and soon they were all dog piling him. Aaron let out a shout of laughter when Hercules' hand brushed his sides.

"Oh my god!" He cried gleefully. "You're ticklish!"

"N-No!" Aaron shrieked when they all began to tickle him. "No! S-Staph!"

They didn't and Aaron could barely breathe through his laughter.

They finally moved away, leaving Aaron laying their, panting and small giggles escaping his mouth.

He failed to notice the flushed, adoring looks on the squad's face as they waited for him to calm down.

He sat up, wiping away some tears. It had been a long time since he'd laughed that hard.

"You're really adorable." John said bluntly, causing Aaron's face to burn all over again.

"W-What?" He squeaked, looking around to make sure John's boyfriends weren't mad. He was shocked to see them all nodding in agreement with large grins on their faces.

"It's true." Alexander said, crawling over to him. "You're super cute." He grinned widely, while Aaron blushed and scooted away slightly.

"What are you talking about?" He stammered, feeling a bit nervous at the look on Alexander's face. He squeaked when a warm hand was suddenly on his cheek. He turned, eyes wide at how close Alexander was.

"Stop me if you want to okay?" He muttered.

Aaron didn't get a chance to reply, because suddenly Alexander's lips were on his. He made a muffled shocked noise because Alexander's boyfriends were watching and they were kissing and oh god he's kissing back now.

Alexander pulled away, a soft look on his face.

"A-Alex..." Aaron stammered, face flushed. He looked at the others, anxious about their reactions. To his absolute shock, they were all smiling at them.

"W-What...?" He stuttered. He turned at Alexander. "W-Why did you..." His voice trailed off as he remembered the wonderfully warm kiss he'd gotten.

"You know," Lafayette said. "For someone so smart, you certainly are dense."

Aaron stared. No. There was no why that these beautiful men liked him of all people.

"We like you Aaron." John said. "We'd love it if you'd join our little group."

"I..." Aaron mouth was dry and he could only move it up and down in shock.

"If you don't want to it's fine." Hercules added quickly. "But could we at least stay friends? We'd all really like that."

Still, Aaron could say nothing. His brain was too busy trying process what was happening.

"Is that a no?" Alexander asked softly, looking a bit disappointed. That snapped Aaron out of his daze and he shook his head.

"N-No!" He said. "It's not that. I-I would love to..." His voice trailed off and his cheeks flushed. "B-But I just..." He looked down at his lap. "Do you guys really want me in your relationship? I mean," He squirmed a bit. "I'm already such a burden to you guys I don't want to-"

"I'm going to stop you right there." John interrupted.

Aaron squeaked when someone held his chin and forced his head up. He swallowed when John's lovely hazel eyes.

"You're not a burden." John said firmly. "We really love spending time with and," He smiled a bit sheepishly. "I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to spending the rest of my life with you."

Aaron's eyes widened and his mouth dropped a bit in shocked.

"R-Really...?" He whispered.

John leaned closer, warm breath fanning Aaron's face. "Really." He whispered back, before capturing Aaron in a kiss.

Aaron's fluttered shut and he arched into John's warm body. His hands rose to the man's shoulders and he began to kiss back.

John's lips were incredibly soft, even better than what Aaron had imagined. The kiss itself was gentle, slow. Something he never would've expected from John. A small content sigh escaped his lips.

"Hey," Hercules said, gently tugging John back. "Let us have a turn."

Aaron turned to Hercules and accepted his kiss. Hercules tugged him close, wrapping an arm around his waist and practically pulling him into his lap.

Hercules' lips where a bit chapped, but still somehow incredibly soft. It was a bit faster then the previous kisses, but it was still somehow absolutely perfect. Having Hercules' strong arms circling his body made him feel incredibly safe and he snuggled closer.

"You are mean for making me wait." Lafayette said, picking Aaron up and placing him in his lap. Aaron face flushed when Lafayette placed a soft kiss on his neck. Arms hugged him close to Lafayette's chest and he gasped softly when Lafayette kissed him his neck, giving a tiny bit of suction as he went.

A surprised moan escaped Aaron's mouth when Lafayette sucked on an especially sensitive spot.

"L-Laf..." He stammered, face bright red.

"So cute..." Lafayette mumbled, before finally capturing him in a passionate kiss.

Aaron jolted when he felt Lafayette's tongue slid along his sealed lips. Shyly, he opened them, brushing gently against Lafayette's tongue, which had wasted no time in entering his now open mouth.

A small moan escaped his lips as Lafayette brought him closer, chest against chest.

"Geez that's hot." John mumbled.

Aaron could feel Lafayette smirk into the kiss, before the man pulled away. Aaron's face flushed when he saw the small string of saliva connecting them.

Lafayette wiped it away before giving him a peck.

"You'll join us?" Lafayette asked softly, stroking his cheek.

Aaron bit his lip, leaning into the touch before nodding.

Alexander grinned, before scooting over and kissing Aaron again. When he pulled away, he looked overjoyed.

"Welcome to the family!" He said warmly, kissing his hand softly.

Aaron blushed but smiled. Wood sorrel flowers, red roses, blue violets and althaea frutex flowers bloomed all around them.

Three months of pure bliss and love passed. Honestly, Aaron had never felt happier. He no longer hesitated with his flowers. Often, he would pluck them and gift them to his loved ones. Each and every time their faces would light up and they'd rush to put them in a vase.

Aaron was the happiest he'd ever been. So of course, something had to ruin it.

He had been lounging under a willow tree, with John's head in his lap. They were both waiting for their boyfriends to join them, but John somehow ended up with his head in Aaron's lap, while the other man played with his hair.

It was peaceful, until Aaron spotted a young woman standing next to a quite handsome looking man, cradling her heavily pregnant stomach.

"Aaron?" John asked, wincing slightly when he felt how tight Aaron was holding his hair. He craned his neck and gazed at his boyfriend with concern. He wasn't even acknowledged. John followed his gaze, eyes widening when he spotted the heavily pregnant woman.

"Is that...?" He whispered.

The woman's gaze suddenly locked on them, causing Aaron to stiffen and yank some of John's hair, who barely managed to muffle a small cry at the sudden pain. He gently placed a hand on Aaron's, squeezing it tightly. Aaron squeezed back, obviously panicking a bit as the woman, John assumed Sally, began to walk to them, looking determined.

"Excuse me," She said once she reached them. "Are you perhaps Aaron Burr?"

John sat up, tugging Aaron close and squeezing his hand again. "Yes he is." He said quietly, seeing as Aaron didn't seem able to answer. "I presume you are Sally?"

She nodded, hand resting on her stomach. "And you are?"

"John Laurens." He hugged Aaron close. "I'm Aaron's boyfriend."

Sally eyebrows rose, but she made no comment. "I would like to speak with my brother alone."

"'Fraid that's not possible." John said smoothly, grip tightening on his lover. Where were the others? "Anything you want to say, you can say in front of me."

Sally frowned, looking frustrated. "I doubt Aaron wants that." Her eyes went to Aaron's, razor sharp. "Right little brother?"

Aaron didn't respond, head downcast.

"Aaron?" John said softly, squeezing his hand.

"You're not my sister." Aaron said quietly.

Sally looked shocked. "W-What?"

"We haven't spoken for ten years." Aaron's voice was cold as ice.

"I-I'm your sister!"

Aaron took a breath, having a death grip on John's hand. "Not anymore."

"You-" Sally spluttered. "But I love you, you're my baby brother! I can't just leave you all alone!"

"You did for ten years." Aaron sneered. "Why should it be any different now?"

"That was for the best Aaron!" She said. "If I had contacted you, Uncle Timothy would've-"

"Oh, so you were scared of him huh?" Aaron face was twisted with anger and to John's shock, a bit of disgust. "How do you think I felt! I was stuck with him, I'm still stuck with him!" Tears were starting to form in Aaron's eyes now. "How do you think he reacted when he found out? No sister would leave their little brother in that type of situation!"

"Aaron!" Sally pleaded.

"No." Aaron said coldly. "I don't want to see you again Sally. Maybe now you'll understand how much it hurts when someone you loved leaves you."

Sally's mouth moved up and down, but no sound was coming out.

Aaron took a deep breath and John could tell he was close to breaking down. Gently, he helped Aaron up, pecking his forehead.

"Come on babe." He said softly. "Let's go."

He led Aaron around Sally and back to the apartment. Silent tears were streaming down his boyfriend's face. John felt sorrow squeeze his heart. He couldn't even begin to imagine how Aaron was feeling.

"That was a very brave thing you did back there." He murmured softly, shutting the front door quietly.

Aaron sniffled and wiped his eyes. "Doesn't feel that way."

"I know love." He whispered, kissing Aaron softly. "Wanna cuddle?"

Aaron sniffled again before nodding.

A few minutes later, John's phone dinged.

"Oops." He muttered.

Aaron, who was snuggled against his chest, looked up. "What is it?" He asked, sounding a bit drowsy.

"The others are just wondering where we are." John said, kissing his forehead. "One sec."

He shot a quick text that they were home, before turning his phone off and chucking it on the coffee table. He wrapped his arms back around Aaron, who sighed contently.

It didn't take long for the others to arrive. They all blinked in surprised at the sight of their boyfriends cuddled together on the couch.

"Is everything alright?" Lafayette asked, hanging his coat up.

John shushed them. "He's asleep." He sighed. "Sally showed up. She wanted to talk to Aaron without me there. We got into a bit of an argument. Aaron basically disowned her as a sister and honestly, I don't blame him." He shook his head. "She didn't seem very pleasant for the few seconds I spoke with her."

"Will Aaron be alright?" Hercules asked, gazing at their sleeping boyfriend.

"Probably." John said, stroking Aaron's back a bit. "But it'll take awhile to recover. He was really upset and emotional when he came home."

"If what happened to him happened to me, I would be too." Lafayette said softly.

"On a more serious note." John gnawed his lip. "I'm pretty sure Aaron's being abused by his uncle."

Alexander frowned. "You're sure? I mean, I know Aaron said he hadn't reacted well when he discovered his ability but I mean... He's still hurting him?"

"From what Aaron said to Sally, I'd assume yes." John tightened his grip on Aaron. "I'm worried. I don't want him going back to his uncle over the summer."

"If his uncle is hurting him, I agree." Hercules said. "But where will he go?"

"I could bring him with me to George's." Alexander said.

"Are you certain Alexandre?" Lafayette said. "Would Monsieur Washington be alright with that?"

"It might take him a little while to adjust to Aaron and fully warm up to him, but that's not a big deal. If we tell him it's not safe for Aaron to go home, he and Martha will take him in." A smile crept onto Alexander's face. "That's what they did for me."

John nodded. "That sounds good. But now comes the hard part." They all stared down at their dozing boyfriend. "Convincing Aaron."

Aaron woke up an hour later and, after much apologizing to John for making him stay on the couch that whole time, the others decided to bring up what they'd discussed while he'd been sleeping.

"Aaron," Hercules started softly. "I'm going to ask you a question and I'd like you to try nd answer honestly."

Aaron frowned, anxiety swirling in his stomach. "O-Okay."

Hercules bit his lip. "Your uncle. Is he abusing you?"

Aaron's eyes widened and he stiffened.

"Why to put it gently Herc." John mumbled with a frown.

"I don't- why would you- I..." Aaron looked down, trembling slightly.

"You won't get in trouble Aaron." Lafayette said softly. "But if he's hurting you in any way, we want to stop it. We care deeply about you."

"It's not..." Aaron bit his lip. "It's not that bad. He's been getting a bit better."

"Aaron..." Alexander said with growing horror. "Is he hitting you?"

Aaron shrugged, curling within himself.

"Aaron," John said softly, "We might have a way where you don't have to return to him."

Aaron's eyes raised. "What?"

"You could come to live with me and my adoptive parents." Alexander said with a small smile.

Aaron's eyes widened and he shook his head. "I-I wouldn't want to burden you..."

"Martha loves children." Alexander said. "Trust me, she'd adore you. You wouldn't be burdening anyone love."

Aaron bit his lip. "I can't." He whispered. "He'd get mad if I don't come home."

"Baby, he wouldn't be able to touch you." John said, squeezing him tightly. "We could get him arrested and you'd never have to see him again."


"Just think about it petit fleur." Lafayette said gently. He'd always been good at detecting how anxious Aaron got. "We have a couple more weeks before we go home. All we want if for you to consider it."

"O-Okay..." He said.

Hercules smiled and kissed his forehead. "That's all we're asking."

Aaron spent weeks thinking it over. He would love to go to Alexander's family, but the anxiety of what his uncle would do and Alexander's parents finding out his power made him hesitate. After all, there was no way of guaranteeing that Alexander's parents would react well. What if they were horrified by Aaron and refused to let him date their son?

Aaron's breath hitched at the thought.

On the other hand though, he'd finally be safe. No more bruises or harsh words. No more preying on his deepest insecurities, no more doubts. Maybe he'd finally gain a bit more confidence.

He was so conflicted, that york roses followed him around. His lovers acted no different, in fact, they seemed even more loving and perfect. They showered him with kisses and sneak attack hugs, were constantly picking him and telling him how much the loved and adored him. Each time, Aaron's heart sang with happiness.

He never wanted the joy he felt to end.

By the end of April, he decided. After a long conversation with Alexander, who assured him his parents wouldn't mind his, as he put, gift.

After one more night to sleep on it, Aaron chose to go with Alexander to his home in Washington DC. He was nervous as hell, but he knew that this was what he wanted. He wanted to finally be free of his uncle's abusive and horrible clutches. He knew his boyfriends and their families could help him.

And help him they did.

The second Martha met him, she instantly took a liking to him. It didn't take long for her to begin hugging him whenever appropriate. George was a bit colder. He shook his head, requested that he take good care of Alexander and the others. After that, they got right down to business.

A lawsuit was issued to Aaron's uncle, who responded with fury. Thankfully, his boyfriends helped him stay strong and away from the man who'd abused him for years.

With piles of evidence of year long abuse thrown against him, it didn't take long for Aaron's uncle to finally, finally, be arrested.

That night, Aaron had snuggled close to his lovers, sobbing with relief.

"I-It's finally over." He sobbed, clinging to Lafayette. They had all come to Washington DC when they'd heard of the lawsuit. Balm of Gilead grew on the bed they were curled up in.

"Yes, it is." Alexander murmured into his hair, softly kissing his neck.

Hercules and John were curled up nearby, each touching at least one part of Aaron. The love and comfort he felt from them made him feel incredibly happy. So happy, he thought his chest would burst.

"I love you all." He whispered, slowly falling asleep.

He didn't even notice the bridal roses sprouting behind the ears of all his lovers. Nor did he see the small, clearly in love, smile of his partners as they brushed their fingers against the soft petals.

Flower Meanings:

Pink Peony: Shame
Aspen Tree: Weeping
Bach Flower Holly: Unworthy of Love
Crocus: Abuse
Mezeron: Desire to Please
Citron Flower: Sadness
Adonis Vernalis: Bitter Memories
Coriander: Hidden Worth
Caraway: Betrayal
Wood Sorrel Flower: Joy
Red Rose: Love
Blue Violet: Love
Althaea Frutex: Consumed by Love
York Rose: Confliction
Balm of Gilead: Relief
Bridal Rose: Happy Love

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