(2.) The Game Station & Musical Memory
Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song if I put one in.
(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)
(The scene with Mommy Long Legs and Poppy was inspired by this oneshot (archiveofourown), here it is: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38899671 Give it a read if you like.)
(Hope you enjoy.)
They had been alone for so long.
No one to talk to be their outlet. Outcasted by their own kind, rejected to even the simplest touches of affection. Observing their counterparts from afar as they played and sometimes even enjoyed each other's company. So, they took it upon themselves to close off their heart and build mental walls so high any toys trying knock them down would only receive the bare minimum of their time and effort. If they didn't even reward them with the bare essential, then Cuddly had no reason to stay.
Better safe than sorry.
After all, why waste time on your friends if used you without your knowledge? Therefore, they became known as the rogue toy. Wondering alone. Hiding in different areas to evade the original giant mascots.
They were always alone. They would always be alone. To the point where the simplest of friendly gestures were conceived as planned attacks to either claim them or take their life to use them as spare parts.
"We're nearly at the game station."
And Cuddly struggled holding back their instincts clawing their defences. Persisting whispers demanding, screaming, insisting they kill the ex-employee as some sort of revenge plot for justice on their lives taken by the kind they represented.
"Don't worry, human. Mommy keeps her word when she makes a promise. Usually she does anyway."
The people in white. Humanity as a whole disrespected the toys. Mistreating them as if they were lowly servants. They were sentient. More powerful then their limited fleshy bodies would ever be if they so chose.
"She may kill you. She'll surely spare me. Toys don't aim for the throat. The flesh is so much better to feast on."
The paling of the human's face gave them the slightest satisfaction. Heh, it certainly seemed they had an evil side to them. The toy revelled in the screams of their victims as they took their last breaths. A sadistic tendency building over the years, they developed habits others described as unhealthy. Surely everyone coped by murdering whoever pissed them off.
Perhaps they did. Humans probably screamed as they were backed into corners. The workers certainly had when experiment 1006 decided to target them in his little games.
Who knows?
They weren't familiar with the concept of right and wrong within human society.
"You gonna find anything?"
The ex-employee assured them with a dismissive wave. Cuddly thought the gesture was a bit rude considering the circumstances. With a quick huff they were back at the ex-employee's side, hand on their arm with a possessive squeeze as they entered the game station. They recognised the questioning look the ex-employee sent their way, nevertheless they didn't try escaping from the hold. As long as they had the freedom to move, they were okay with the touches of their companion. All things considered they weren't acting inappropriate.
"Mommy wanted us to try three games, but she never mentioned which ones in order. I suppose she had that human illness called...what is it? Obsessive compulsive disorder? I always watched from afar how she attacked anyone willing to mess up her way of running things."
Cuddly observed the games. The three main entries just sitting there unused all these years still looked as polished as they were back in the day. Children running around, Mommy introducing herself (after frightening the hell out of them), even playing with the others toys. She saw them as her own family. Back then, Cuddly had given a thought over joining the little gang.
Now they weren't so sure.
"Just to be clear, I will have to stay behind."
The ex-employee swerved around so fast, panicked by the implications of abandonment. They had no right, they had no right, they would never have the right.
Nonetheless, Cuddly placed their hands on the ex-employee's shoulders. Bending down low to look them directly in the eyes, they began their somewhat thought out speech. It wasn't planned, but they would continue as they went on.
"Mommy's targeting us all. She desires a family. People who never leave. We left her. Poppy left her. And I left, even though she technically kidnapped and brainwashed me into becoming one of her children."
Cuddly shuddered as the times way back when passed before their eyes.
"I'm just saying this, Musical Memory requires concentration. I'll be right here if you need me. Just run out or call me. Abandonment is a word I am very familiar with. I wouldn't do that to anyone. You gotta trust me, please?"
This was the only time anyone would hear them beg. In their defence, everyone thought them to be the bad guy. The other toys stayed well far from the monster who killed their own kind.
They had been trying to kill me.
And the ex-employee nodded. Truly nodded, pure honesty in their eyes. No hints of resentment or hatred anywhere to be found. A feeling stirred within their chest. What did the humans call it? Butterflies in their stomach?
"Thank you, human. I can't say you won't regret it."
They roughly shoved the ex-employee forward into the area. Stumbling to catch themselves, they sent a playful glare before resuming their search for any resources that could lead them out of here.
"How did we not notice this before?"
Behind them sat a giant train. It...was amazing. It could lead them out of here!
"Thinking what I'm thinkin', human?"
Once they got Poppy, all three of them would head off into the sunset. Escaping the horrors of the factory never to see these monsters again. At least the ex-employee thought so. Cuddly had no plans of leaving the one place they had known their whole lifespan. They'd happily assist Poppy and the ex-employee. However, the trust levels were...tensioned to a point. They hadn't told the ex-employee anything about themselves. And they hadn't spoke a single word to them in return.
Though I have a feeling that's the main protagonist syndrome.
They watched the ex-employee curiosity searching the area. Scouting the outer layer and eventually walking to the middle bit containing a cutout of Kissy Missy with that same damn button. They flashed a look at Cuddly silently asking for permission. They gave them the go ahead.
The ex-employee ejected the blue hand. The red one had been missing since Mommy tore it off during their brief, yet somewhat psychotic introduction. The cutout of Kissy began speaking, Cuddly snapping to attention once they heard her voice coming through the speakers.
"Preparing for departure! Three, two, one! Choo! Choo!"
She sounded familiar to the ex-employee. In the beginning of the factory, they recalled playing a pinkish kind of type holding a recording of...Stella...Stella Grey?-
"Stella Greybur."
Cuddly spoke her name for them. They sat on the swings rocking the objects back and forth in a torturously slow fashion. At the minute there was nothing else for them to do.
"She was so desperate. They used her. Manipulated her. She saw us as monsters. Gave Poppy quite a scare. But she had an...affinity for Mommy. Quite creepy. Always up so close and personal."
They purred the last word. The implications left hanging in the air left a flush on the ex-employee's cheeks. Cuddly blew them a kiss, leaving a giggle in their wake.
"Even Kissy Missy hated that bitch. AND SHE VOICED HER."
They blew up with laughter, rocking the swing back and forth faster and more recklessly as their taller sized stature produced the swings' own rocking from the ground up. It was only made for the children. Wiping their eyes, Cuddly managed to calm the amusement filling their brain and genuinely making them giggle. They tilted their head, confused at the look on the ex-employee's face. Brows furrowed, arms folding, their eyes holding a disapproving expression.
"Don't give me that look, I heard the adults repeating it once or twice."
They rolled their eyes. Pouting like a child caught at the wrong time of their crime.
"Like I know what it actually means..."
The adults?...Just who was transferred into the body of this doll? The ex-employee pulled down the switch of the blinking lights, triggering Kissy Missy/Stella's Greybur's voice once more.
"Welcome to the game! We've got super duper fun games to play! These tests show us how crazy smart and strong you are! Follow Mommy Long Legs down the stairs and we'll start off playing Musical Memory! See you in a bit!"
Musical Memory lit up to show off the mascot representing its particular section. A yellow furred bunny with black eyes and symbols for hands or symbols strapped to his hands looking so happy. Too happy. Like they were show staged and was forced to act in order to appease the audience.
"You'll have to do this on your own."
The ex-employee sent a questioning glance. Rolling their eyes, the mini Huggy hung upside down of the bars on the swings as a child would when they got bored. Hands clinging to the bars so their weight wouldn't hold them at a disadvantage. They sighed, then smiled the not Huggy Wuggy smile (thank god, really), and simply told them the following.
"We had this conversation before. I promise not to leave. I'll stay here incase Mommy decides to sneak attack and follow you in."
Even so, could the ex-employee really trust them? They thought over how they should respond...
They simply shrugged.
"Good luck, human."
The ex-employee descended the stairs into the area known as musical memory.
Creating another green hand would take a bit of hard work. Listening to the tape of how to operate it, the ex-employee already began the process of whipping up the machines.
Even if it'll work, will it be worth it?
All those years of absence hadn't taken their skills of operating these machines. As they worked their functions, the ex-employee's thoughts dragged them back inside their own head.
What is wrong with all of these toys?
Mommy Long Legs was psychotic and had a slight mother complex, Huggy acting strange before he even met them-
Why did he even help me? He attacked me right after I entered the Cat Bee doll. What an asshole.
Poppy was just...Poppy. Playful, happy, but so smart. An intelligence picked up with years spent in the factory at the side of the workers and especially Elliot Ludwig. The boss was so possessive of who he let the little doll spend time that even his wife questioned his faith to their marriage.
With the tragedy and financial trouble and them getting divorced, I'm surprised he didn't snap sooner than he already did.
The machines beeped to let the ex-employee know the hand was finished. Picking up the little green limb, they attached it to the grabpack. A satisfying clink echoing in the room as it became part of their only weapon against these monsters.
Let's go meet Bunzo Bunny.
I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
Even when implanted in the body of this doll, childlike habits from their past life were inherited into the brain of the current host of Cuddly. Separate entities ruled differing parts in the mind of this toy.
They're going to leave.
The host. Whoever the people white transferred. The host of this soul remained alive and keeping the heart beating. Personality dormant, but allowed to be surface everyone once in a while to keep them satisfied.
Kill them. They'd make quite a meal.
Huggy Wuggy's instincts. As they were part of the huggables toyline, they were forcibly removed from having choice in the matter. Anytime the instincts sensed anything wrong, they overreacted and turned Cuddly into the monster they were destined to become, at least according to the people in white.
We need them.
And the humanity who currently controlled the mind and body. The other parts begged to be in control. At the present time it did its best to push them down further in the subconscious. They felt themselves fading as the days passed. Beyond the past of morality as nobody desired to be their ally.
"They won't leave. Not yet."
Are you really so sure?
Perhaps they're a bad influence.
Maybe we should abandon ship.
Cuddly hissed, physically manifesting the entities of whoever spoke to them. As they did, they regretted even bringing them into reality. Apparitions of their victims flashed in and out of their vision. In the corner of their eye, they saw tens if not hundreds of shadows crawling along the walls, laying on the floor, one even sitting next to them on the swing.
You took our lives.
Feeding yourself. So selfish~
You belong nowhere.
The whispers of their victims, a mix of female and male voices mixed into the incoherent distortion. Their reality blinded by these visions of the toys screaming and clawing for their lives. Killed by a monster they saw crawling in the darkness. Crawling into their personal space, pupils expanded and mouth widened with their sharp teeth leaking drool onto the ground.
Don't deny who you are.
They looked exactly like all of the other monsters.
"I'm not them anymore!"
Cuddly fidgeted in the swing seat. Hands scratching their fur, subconsciously soaking their claws in the red liquid. Blood dribbling down their fur from their unintentional self-harm. Their breaths were becoming hysterical, both of their arms leaking blood as they held their head to block out the pain.
Suppress all you want.
They will leave.
Discover the true monster.
We know you know where Poppy is.
But you don't want her around.
She DID leave you behind.
The shadows fizzled back into the deepest recesses of their mind. Collapsing off the swing, they curled into a protective ball thinking they were still there. Tricking themselves into the belief they'd actually escaped the darkness slowly consuming the hosts' soul. They still hadn't forgiven Cuddly to this day for whatever they had done to upset them way back when they were happy and playing with the children.
And they're right.
Cuddly barely kept their instincts at bay when they first met the ex-employee. If Poppy never accompanied them, then Cuddly would have followed their base instincts to kill them and move on. They had no sympathy for Poppy. In some way, she was also a monster despite her claims of innocence during the massacre.
How close were they to becoming a monster?
"You were going to leave me."
It was a statement. Not a question.
"When Mommy spotted Poppy with the employee, she thought, oh! She brought a new playmate! Maybe it can be like old times!"
Mommy Long Legs traveled on the ceiling of the halls. Walking never suited her style of toy. Her toy line was designed to stand out, impress the folks her creators intended her to be aged for appropriately. Holding Poppy in a vice grip, the little doll shook with fear as her kidnapped brought her to an unfamiliar area even she had never been. Extending her hand, Mommy opened the door to a room atop the train station, intending to tuck Poppy away in a place so forgotten she'd never be thought to be found there by the ex-employee and their little companion friend.
"But Nooooooooooo! Hehehehee, Poppy intended to leave Mommy! The case was assigned to you for a reason, little dolly! Tell me Poppy, why did you try to leave Mommy? Your siblings? Counterparts?"
Mommy stretched her head longer than the normal human. But they weren't human. They were monsters. Leaning in close, their faces were almost touching. Poppy turned her head to the side, avoiding Mommy's burning gaze in the back of her head.
"They helped me be free. I wanted to thank them."
She whispered so low even Mommy's enhanced hearing had trouble picking it up. She began cackling, throwing her head back as she looked at the little doll again, eyes expanding into those monstrous ones her other side was often rumoured to be featured.
"Please don't kill me! You never visited! I was so lonely! Desperation fuelled my actions! You promised!"
Mommy leaned in close as she began her response. Unlike her warm performance, this Mommy Long Legs contained a cold tone and a resentful persona.
"If Mommy wanted you free, Mommy would've gotten you herself. And Mommy visited as often as she could. Maybe Poppy's memories aren't as they used to be."
Webbing Poppy's mouth shut, the doll protested with muffled 'MMMPHS!' as Mommy practically chucked her into the darkness. Stretching her palm, the spider lady created a web to trap the little doll. Poppy stilled as her thoughts were frozen in the webbing's psychological effects.
Making Mommy's victims more compliant.
"Good girl, Poppy!"
Stretching her hand into the room, Mommy patted the head and ruffled Poppy's hair before gently closing the door of the train room. She couldn't sense if her little intruders were near or far enough from her location.
"Bunzo is so impatient these days."
As she reached the the general area of the game station, Mommy froze in her tracks as she spotted Bunzo's musical memory up and functioning. It seemed her little intruders were smarter than she thought.
"The children used to love Bunzo."
But that wasn't the topic Mommy's memories. The centric characters in her little tale was her family. Daddy Long Legs and the baby. Neither she cared for very much, but they were only other ones of her kind she grew to somewhat care for.
"They never left."
Mommy's gloveless hand clenched into a tight fist. So tight it went through the elasticated metal and drew the human blood she grew to resent for their ability to leave. Her rotting down here ultimately led to the endless hatred fuelling her decisions. If Mommy had any say, which she did now thanks to the massacre, nobody would ever leave. Dead or alive, they remained with her. Forever and ever for all eternity.
"They either stay or the train is their grave."
Mommy let loose a laugh which all the toys heard within miles of her location. Immediately going into hiding if she were to stumble onto their location. As she finished her little insanity session, she remembered Bunzo's request to play with whoever entered the game station first. And Mommy was still a mommy. Caring for her children when they had no one. Complying with Bunzo's request straight away as she received a favour in return. Swearing his loyalty to her as the head of this domain.
"Alright little intruders, it's time to play."
Musical Memory was for a lack of a better word, not very music-y. No instruments played in the background as they entered Bunzo's domain. Silence engulfed the area as the ex-employee's breaths were the only thing to be heard.
Eerily similar to when I made the Cat Bee.
They pressed the button and activated the power to allow the game to function. Suddenly a screen flashed before their eyes. A voice began giving instruction, rather boring them enough to tune him out. They knew how this worked.
"Welcome to musical memory! This is a test to see how your memory and coordination operates! Now, beware, Bunzo will lower if you lose, but the more you win, the more he will rise! And if you end up winning, a prize will be given to the lucky child! DoESn't ThAt soUNd fUn?~"
The corrupted narrator finished his speech. And the game soon begun as they observed Mommy making her grand entrance. Hidden by an observation glass used by the workers back in the day. Now it was for Mommy to use to cure her boredom or test new potential members for her twisted family.
"Oh, isn't it amazing? Mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years! Mommy can only imagine how excited Bunzo must be, it's been such a LONG time since he's been able to play! To cheer! To EAT!"
A wire in the ceiling slowly lowered the bunny mascot down closer to the ground. Only holding him inches above the ex-employee's face. The gleam in his eyes twinkled at the potential prey he'd get to play with. Cheer with. And to eat.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
"Whoops! That's the dinner bell! Good luck!"
The game official began. Bunzo Bunny was immediately hooked up to multiple wires balancing his weight and the symbols. Rising into the shadows, he ominously peeked down at his prey waiting for them to fail his little game. His instincts awakened to eat the little intruder had overridden his desire to play and entertain.
"Round one begins! Good luck, little one."
Patterns of colours began repeating on the screen. Flashing across the screen quickly enough that the ex-employee struggled even remembering the patterns coming before the present ones as they repeated over and over again. They'd have to guess, and be lucky.
Red, Violet, yellow, green, blue.
They repeatedly pressed the hands against the buttons. Round one completed, moving into the next after they successfully delegated their way around every course of colour introduced.
Purple, yellow, brown, pink.
Now they were onto round five.
White, blue, purple, green, yellow.
The colours were speeding. Around and around trying to make it harder. Due to their experience with Playtime CO's hard work initiative, the ex-employee expertly navigated the game without any issue.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Bunzo slowly lowered to the ground. They weren't perfect. Occasionally they made mistaking costing them chances of leaving with their life intact. And when Mommy intentionally made the gamer harder, they decided the game was on.
Each time they succeeded the round turned worse overtime. Finally, they stopped working altogether. Even Bunzo paused halfway lowering by the crude wires. They had won. Completed one of Mommy's deadly games. Hopefully she'd keep her word.
"Oh...you did it."
Mommy sounded strangely disappointed.
"Mommy is so...PROUD! And as part of the deal, Mommy is required to give you the train code! Wack-a-wuggy will be out next choice of game! The mini counterparts always loved to play!"
As she unnaturally stretched her limbs through a vent in the ceiling, Mommy lifted her hand out of their reach.
"Tell me, how is my little caretaker?"
Her caretaker? Looking back, they never remembered Mommy hiring a babysitter for the children.
"That other toy you found. They belong to me. Unfortunately they decided Mommy wasn't a good enough parent. Yes my discipline is harsh, but it's not like Daddy Long Legs and the baby stuck around!"
Mommy closed her eyes, a humanistic look of remorse and regret flashing before she covered it with a mask of psychotic and thrilled to see someone new. Playing her games and hopefully passing the little tests detecting if they were worthy of a place within the family.
"Mommy just doesn't want to be alone. Bring your little companion to Whack-A-Wuggy and Mommy will give you another part of the train code."
She clambered into the darkness. Limbs attaching to the wall, she began her descent to the next location, fighting off her demons trying to take control. Mommy only wanted to test this little employee, but these voices were encouraging to let them take the lead. To let go of her body. Give up her mind and soul.
I miss you, why did they have to make you leave?
The ex-employee began their own descent back to the game station. When something unexpectedly slammed onto their shoulder, drawing them back into the room. Slowly staring death in the eye, they knew their skin paled by the look on his face.
"Hello there, human!"
Bunzo Bunny in the flesh standing behind them. They were lifted bridal style into his arms as his cymbals slipped off onto the ground.
"What's a little thing like you doin' here? Mommy asked me to test ya on some kinda theory 'bout being perfect or whatever. Small thing, ain't ya? C'mon now, little human, I'll escort ya back to whoever your companion is!"
The rabbit jumped in the air higher than they intended. Landing on the side near their wires, they shuddered upon seeing the things used to lower them during their mini boss fight.
"I didn't wanna kill ya, human. But Mommy's orders are law 'round here. If she says you're dead, then you're dead. My instincts are programmed to only obey superiors. You understand, don't ya?"
Bunzo hopped higher with a skip to their step as the ex-employee simply nodded. Jumping around with the little human in their arms, they cradled them close like a child to a parent upon it becoming bedtime. He landed on a platform higher in the level than even Mommy anticipated.
"Woooo! You don't have to go through the damp bits! Or the underground, but where's the fun if you don't create a nickname?"
Immediately he pulled the human close. Looking them in the eyes, putting on the puppy dog eyes as he asked to him what seemed like an important request.
"Please don't tell her! She'll kill me! Mommy's word is law, Mommy's word is law! MOMMY'S WORD IS LAW!"
As they laughed hysterically, their pupils expanded, the same posture and look in their eyes as the predator within targeted them for a delicious feast. Bunzo saluted the ex-employee, literally hopping into his desecrated burrow of an area he was known to be in as Musical Memory.
"See ya later, human!"
Bunzo was soon hopping back to his domain. And the ex-employee simply entered the vent to a nearby new area. Based on past experience, they were in for what the children called 'the land of the misfits.'
These toys are good now? You know what, I don't care. Focus on survival.
They weren't even going to question how Bunzo had overridden his unusual instincts.
The land of the misfits fit the description accurately. Forgotten toys stored down in the bottom the factory's halls. Lost to time and popularity declining resulted in them discontinued or taken off the shelves entirely. They remained here to rot and be left sheltered in the dark.
These toys are some I played with.
The ex-employee flinched away from the brim statue. Too lifelike and covered in blood. Was he just standing there waiting for them to turn their back?
I'm an idiot.
...Oh, it was just a cutout. Their mistake. Almost automatically they sent the blue hand into the button. Triggering the inevitable creepy responses they'd soon grow to resent.
"Wanna hear a Dino joke?! That was a question! Click again for the punchline! What do you call a Dino with one eye?! A do-you-think-he saw-us!"
No more jokes for them.
Right, time to hook you up, Bronny Boy.
Leading the giant over to the Bron on the podium, the ex-employee connected it to his back. They activated the power hauling the green hand. Lifting Bron's statue and gently placing him on the ground just next to the others. He had friend in the same tight, complacent space.
Complete these puzzles and I leave. We can leave. Cuddly, Bunzo, Poppy, I'll take you all with me if I can.
Now they were due back at the game station.
As they ascended the stairs, the ex-employee noted the eerie silence hanging in the atmosphere. They expected some kind of chaos. Cuddly didn't seem like the toy to actually listen to orders-
Don't think like that. You aren't one of them anymore. Keeping an eye on 1006 was hard enough. Them threatening my life on the line kept my mouth shut.
The ex-employee stepped into the game station. Panic immediately taking its hold upon noticing Cuddly missing. They promised, gave the ex-employee their word and they broke it and soon they'd make them pay-
Stop thinking like that.
The ex-employee made their way to the little playground. Passed out on the ground below the swing was the toy they had chosen to accompany them. Blood leaking out their fresh wounds, staining the human clothing they wore, and appearing to have fought off another gigantic toy by the barely noticeable rising of their chest.
Are they alive?
Lightly poking their chest, Cuddly groaned as they awakened from their breakdown inducing nap. Gasping, the toy drew their knees close to their chest, eyes darting wildly with a breathy whimper escaping every few seconds.
"I'm sorry, I'll be good. I didn't mean to misbehave. I'm sorry, I'll be good. I didn't mean to misbehave. I'm sorry, I'll be good. I didn't mean to misbehave."
Those three sentences. The child within overpowered the base and even humanistic instincts. Regressing Cuddly's mental state into the helpless child they once were before they were reborn as a hideous creature. In their cell, they were taught these three sentences as discipline.
How do I help with a panic attack?
The ex-employee say cross-legged across the toy rocking back and forth mumbling incoherent phrases in a language too far gone for even them to understand. They slowly stretched out their hand, patting their leg and beginning breathing exercises-
Cuddly pinned them to the ground, trapping their wrists above their head. Mouth tasting the flesh between their head and shoulders, tongue flicking like a snake's. Their smile so familiar to Huggy's that the ex-employee barely suppressed their own urges to run or attack them in return.
"You're not eating me alive today."
Who did they think they were? They clearly weren't an experiment. However, the difference in their eyes at how they were wider and exposed showed exactly who was in control. They'd come to know the humanistic instincts. Perhaps they were meeting the predator examining its prey.
They lack physical touch. Once we give into darkness, then there is no hope for us.
They weren't surprised Poppy found a way of commutation. Establishing a connection to the doll proved useful in these types of situations. Even if Poppy didn't use it as often as she should have.
Never felt an affectionate hand.
Touch starvation. All these toys suffered from it no doubt. Any sort of touch was dealt at the hands of needles and beatings. Maybe even having to fight each other for survival.
Testing, testing the theory...
Cuddly calmed down to a level where they recognised the prey was indeed not a threat. Sniffing their throat, they squeezed the ex-employee's arms hard enough to leave bruises. They were pretty sure this was going to end okay. But on the positive side, they were now dealing with a jealous, possessive toy who didn't like the other scent on who they considered their own. On the other hand, they snapped out of whatever daze they had been in, laying on top of the ex-employee without any regard for their physical weight.
How cute.
"Did she give you the code?"
The ex-employee showed them the slip. Cuddly examined the code, memory supplying if Mommy was truly loyal. When it detected she hadn't been false, they were given a newfound sense of hope. Maybe the ex-employee would be free from this hellhole of a factory. They had no intentions of leaving themselves.
"Bunzo was friendly?"
Another nod. Cuddly blinked once.
"Huh...he usually obeys Mommy. He ain't as loyal as she thought. Haha, spider witch! Wonder what my siblings will think!"
At the horrified look, Cuddly chuckled.
"Chill, I'm joking, they were the ones to cast me out. Took Huggy's side. Left me in the dust. So I worked my function. Cuddled those in need of a quick death. Hugged their bodies close. Cherished their last moments so they weren't taken for granted."
Cheered up from those facts, Cuddly's persona turned a one eighty. Depressed and on the hunt to hyper and ready to move, they effortlessly tossed the ex-employee over their shoulder. They simply hung there like a rag doll. As long as they got to where they needed, their spineless self wouldn't protest unless it was important. Though, they did protest when Cuddly began making puns as they opened the gate to the second game.
"Time to Whack-A-Wuggy~"
The ex-employee only smacked them with the blue hand in response to that horrible, horrible joke.
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