Flash 8
Everyone on this planet, at some point in their lives, has had a major case of the feels... Those days when your heart is just too small to hold the big things you're feeling. Today's one of those days. We think of our emotions like they're these unique, personal phenomena, that no one has ever felt what we have felt. There is a basis in science for every emotion we feel... Anger, love. As a scientist, I know there's nothing magical about what makes us feel something for someone else... But then I think of her smile. Man, that cannot be science.
"Anger, hate, aggression."
"A Jedi craves not these things." Cisco grinned, using his Yoda impression. Barry walked away from him. "No one is feeling that quote? Come one, Robin would have laughed" He muttered and went back to his computer. It had been nearly two weeks and there was still no sign Robin was waking up. Caitlin had explained that her body was fixing itself from the inside, which could take a while. They had just decided to go on with their life for as far they could.
"Everyone in the bank went total savage for, like, five minutes. And then they were fine again."
"Anger can be a powerful emotion. If this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he can do a lot of damage."
"Detective West helped get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank." Caitlin walked into the room, holding up an usb. She plugged it into the computer and smiled. "Well, look at this, the emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed. Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive thing that pops into their head."
"How do you think the meta does it to them?"
"That's the 1/2 million dollar question." Barry's phone vibrated so he took it out.
"Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay?" Caitlin raised her brow.
"Is The Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" Barry shook his head.
"No." He noticed the looks he was getting and sighed. "Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me... I mean, you know, him... about meta-human stuff for her blog." He walked away. Caitlin stopped him.
"Do you want some advice?" Barry ran a hand trough his hair and turned to her.
"No matter what I say, I'm getting the advice, right?"
"Don't get involved. As The Flash or yourself. You don't want to be the one to blame for their breakup."
"Okay. I hear you." Barry nodded and walked out of the room, towards the room Robin was in. He sighed as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. It had been his daily routine. Just sitting next to Robin and talking his heart out. He had figured out something. He had been so blinded by his crush on Iris he had failed to notice how amazing Robin was. She was nice and funny and geeky. Everything he was and adored. He even liked her obsession with coffee. Now he just had to wake up and tell her how he felt.
"Hey" He smiled and walked to the seat next to the bed. On the background the song 'whistle' was playing very softly. Caitlin had told him they had done the same to him, that coma patients often did hear what was going on around them. So Cisco had searched trough Robin's laptop and had found her song list. 'I want you back', 'glad you came', 'uptown girl', all the classic's were on there. Some newer songs were on there as well like 'Sing' and 'Girls talk boys'. "It appears there's a new meta human in the city. One that can make people go crazy" Barry let out a chuckle. "I will get him, don't worry. Caitlin tried to make me some strange thee, said it would calm me down" He ran a hand through his hair. "Iris has also posted new items, she wants to talk to me... well the Flash." He turned his head, looking at her and sighed. "I think that's it. There's nothing new." His eyes fell onto the coffee cup at the bedside. He took it and stood up. "I'm going to get you a fresh one" He walked out of the room and sighed. Why was this so hard...
Once outside the room he threw away the coffee and dashed out, ready to meet up with Iris.
"Flash." She frowned. "No shadow this time?" Barry remained silent. "Did something happen?" Barry sped over to the other side of the room. "It'll be great to call you by your real name."
"You mean like Ralph?"
"Is your name Ralph?"
"What did you want to see me about?"
"My boyfriend, he's..." Barry stopped running.
"Did you guys break up?" Iris shook her head.
"No. He's a cop and he thinks that you're dangerous. And he's trying to convince his boss that you're a menace that needs to be stopped. I thought I should warn you. Anyways, you should probably go." Barry stared at her and nodded, speeding away. He knew he should have stayed and just watch her for a while but he didn't. Iris had Eddie.
He stopped at the end of the street as Cisco's voice reached him. "Barry, are you there?"
"What's happening ?"
"The police got a ping from the tracer hidden in the stolen cash. SWAT team's closing in on the 1600 block of Pass."
"Now stop ruining Iris' love life and go." Barry rolled his eyes and sped off. He wasn't ruining her love life.
Caitlin and Cisco walked back into the main room, both of them having just checked on Robin. She was improving fast and her whole body was emitting some sort of energy which could only be explained as her powers manifesting herself.
"Maybe if we ad-" Barry sped into the room, cutting Caitlin off. Felicity gasped and stepped away from him.
"My shirt's on fire!" She tried to pat it out but eventually just pulled it off, leaving her in her bra.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Barry tried. Felicity tried to cover herself with her bag.
"I'm glad I decided not to go braless." Barry noticed Caitlin and Cisco standing there, looking very awkward.
"You guys remember Felicity?" Cisco grinned.
"I'll always remember this."
"Hi, Felicity, it's so good to see you." Caitlin tried, grabbing an old shirt that laid on the chair behind her and handed it to Felicity. "What brings you back to Central City? Not Barry?" Felicity pulled it on.
"No, not Barry. This? Not happening. We looked down that road and we said no, thank you." Barry nodded in agreement. He had actually found out that Felicity and Kaldur, Anna's cousin, had something going on. Caitlin and Cisco fell silent and stared at the shirt instead. It having been one of Robin's. Her old batman shirt she had worn when she had first met Cisco. Felicity didn't notice the stares and pulled out the boomerang she had in her bag." Actually, I'm here... because of this." Cisco gasped and took it.
"Awesome! What are the wings made of?"
"Not sure... I'm thinking some sort of composite or high-density plastic..."
"Reinforced with carbon fiber." Cisco added, feeling the boomerang. "Oh, that's weird. It almost feels like it's... Vibrating." Felicity nodded, just as excited.
"Oh, I wanna run some tests, and I wanna run 'em right now!" They walked off to the lab. Barry turned to Caitlin.
"Wasn't that Robin's shirt?" Caitlin looked up and nodded.
"Yeah, she usually had some clothes laying around" Barry nodded and decided to change the subject.
"Did you guys come up with anything new on our meta?"
"The officer who was affected tonight says he saw a flash of red before he lost control. I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve." She held up her finger. "Oh, Dr. Wells wants to see you."Barry sighed and walked towards Well's office. Caitlin watched him and turned back to her data.
"What happened?" Felicity asked after a while. Cisco looked at her. "Oh come on. I don't need to be a meta human to notice something happened" Cisco sighed.
"Robin. She got hurt, pretty badly fighting the last meta. She's in a coma" Felicity's hand shot to her neck.
"Oh my god." She breathed before she closed her eyes. "And I am wearing her shirt, ain't I?" Cisco nodded. "I'm so sorry" Cisco waved it off.
"It's fine, she wouldn't mind" He turned back to the boomerang.
"Did...she and Barry..." Cisco snorted.
"No. They should, but they didn't." Felicity nodded and exhaled. That did explain why Barry was acting different around her. Much less like a love struck puppy and more like himself again. Which was good.
"So, umm Felicity's back" Caitlin confessed, sitting next to Robin. "I let her borrow one of your shirts. Hers got burned so I guessed it was fine. The Arrow is helping us with the meta human. I really have no idea who he is but I guess that's fine. I should get back"
"You're late. Barry, how can you have super-speed and still not be on time?" Oliver commented, seeing Barry walk into view.
"Sorry, I guess the super-tardiness kinda neutralizes it. So how do we catch Bivolo here?"
"Oh, no, we don't here. We're here to train."
"What? Like Rocky?"
"I read your friend Iris' blog post on The Flash, and I visited all the crime scenes you fought at."
"Don't you sleep?"
"Last month you took on a man named Lenard Snart."
"We call him Captain Cold."
"We can talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later."
"You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and The Huntress?" Oliver blinked, realizing Barry had a point.
"The point is that you engaged Snart on a commuter train, which he derailed."
"Okay, there may have been some damage, but I got the job done, I was the hero."
"Barry, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch of it? You could. You have the time. But you don't. You just run in blind. There's a difference, Barry, between having powers and having precision."
"When I came to you thinking about going out and helping people, you said I could be an inspiration."
"Living this life... Well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline and you've got to train that" Barry stopped.
"I tried that" Oliver turned to him, surprised to hear that.
"My teacher's in a coma" To Barry's surprise Oliver shrugged and grabbed his bow.
"Nothing you can do about that now and since you are probably as stubborn as I am..."
"What is that for?"
"You're going to run over there, you're going to come back at me, and you're going to get hit with an arrow." Barry laughed.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"Okay, fine, I will humor you." Barry sped away. "Ready?" Oliver nodded and drew his bow.
"Ready." Barry sped towards him and Oliver released the arrow. It soared straight at Barry and he caught it.
"Nice try." Oliver pressed a button on a hidden remote, firing two hidden crossbows. Two arrows hit Barry straight in the back.
"Gah! Ah! What, you shot me?" Oliver walked around him.
"I heard you heal fast." He pulled them out and Barry screamed.
"Have you heard of color psychology?" Felicity nodded, following Caitlin.
"The theory that changes in the color spectrum can affect emotion." She reached inside her bag and took out Robin's shirt. Caitlin smiled and took it. "Don't worry, I washed it"
"Thank you" She placed it on her desk. "It is so nice to have another woman to talk to. " Felicity smiled. "I know."
"I was thinking that if Bivolo uses color to induce the temporary psychosis, maybe we can use light and color to reverse it." Wells appeared in the doorway.
"Miss Smoak, a word, if you please." She nodded and followed him.
Barry sped into S.T.A.R. labs not much later. He was angry to say at least. First Oliver shot him and then Eddie tried to send a force after the Flash. He needed to get it off his chest first. Felicity jogged up to him, delaying him once more.
"Hey. How'd it go with Oliver?"Barry walked on.
"You know, to be honest, not exactly the partnership I thought it would be."
"Oh, did he really do the thing with the arrows?" Barry stopped.
"You knew he was going to shoot me?" Felicity held up her hands.
"Whoa, it is practically impossible to tell when Oliver's making a joke." Barry resumed his walk and walked inside Robin's room only to stop short when a man, sat in the chair next to her.
"Who are you?" He nearly barked. The man looked up, his brown eyes meeting Barry's. Caitlin appeared from the other doorway.
"Barry, meet Jason. Jason meet Barry" Jason just grumbled something and returned to Robin. Caitlin walked to Barry.
"Who's he? Her boyfriend?" Caitlin nearly smiled, seeing how jealous Barry looked.
"No, he's her brother" Barry's anger stopped short and looked up, kind of embarrassed.
"Oh" Cisco poked his head inside the room.
"Hey, we just got a ping from the facial recognition software on Bivolo, aka, Prism." Caitlin and Barry walked with him towards the main room again.
"Since when do we have facial recognition software?" Felicity smiled from beside Cisco.
"Happy Chanukah."
"Where can I find him?"
"Traffic cameras just caught him entering a residence at 168 Jarvis." Felicity grabbed Barry's arm.
"We should let The Arrow know." Barry pulled out of her hold and walked on.
"I can handle this solo. I've done it before."
"Barry, I really think you need to wait..." Caitlin tried this time, seeing his emotions et the best of him.
"Caitlin, I don't need his help." The only help I need is Robin's.
"Something's wrong with Barry" Cisco breathed. Jason had left for a moment, Caitlin having taken him to jitters. "He snapped at Caitlin. He involved Ronnie" He hadn't exactly gone much to see Robin. It just didn't feel right. Like she was already dead. "We're going to stop him, but I am going to make sure he won't get hurt too badly. Like you always do"
Barry was on a rampage, he had nearly attacked Jo and was now going after Eddie. He pulled him out of the car and advanced on him.
"I heard you've been looking for me." Eddie tried to scramble away. "All this time, you've been trying to catch me, and I caught you first. Guess you haven't read your girlfriend's blog." Eddie pulled his gin and aimed it at the Flash.
"Eddie, no!" He shot but the Flash dodged them and dashed to him. He never reached him though because he was kicked out of the way. The Flash grunted as he rolled over the ground.
"Ooh, see I knew The Arrow was Oliver Queen. I mean, I had it narrowed down to, like, a list of 150 people, but he was definitely on that list." Cisco grinned but stopped when Diggle gave him a look.
"Do you have a way to stop Barry's rage-fest?" Wells nodded.
"I have an idea about how to do that. Joe, we're gonna need your help."
"We need to find him first before he hurts somebody."
"I have him. Facial recognition picked him up on a traffic camera downtown." They turned to the screen to see Barry panting angrily, facing an unknown person. Diggle frowned.
"Who's that?"
"Who the hell are you, huh? You think you can just come along and get to have whatever you want?" The Flash charged at the unknown man but he fought back, roundhouse kicking him. The Flash skidded back, his eyes flashing red. "What gives you the right?" The man reached beside him and pulled out two guns. Iris finally had a clear view of him. It was definitely a man. He wore a red helmet that covered his whole face and some black body armor underneath it with a red bat on in.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Eddie exclaimed, not daring to get up.
"What are you doing? What has happened to you?" Iris tried.
"I feel fine."
"You are not fine."
"How would you know? Because you write about me? You don't know me!" His eyes flashed red again and the masked man raised his guns, as if daring him to come closer. "You don't know who I am. You never did."
"I know that you have risked your life to help people, to save them! Someone who does that does not suddenly turn around and want to hurt people." The Flash stopped as if coming to his senses before he charged at Eddie. The masked man held his ground, ready to fight Barry but he was hit by an special arrow, entangling him in wire.
They all looked up to see the Arrow standing there, his bow containing the rope that held the Flash "Run!" The man holstered his guns and helped Eddie up.
"Eddie, run!" He supported him around the Flash and to Iris. He then released him and turned back to the Flash. He ran off with the Arrow dangling behind him. Iris swore she heard him swear before he ran off towards the ally the Arrow came from. There was the sound of engines before the man rode past them, on the arrow's motorcycle.
"I just hope they can turn Barry back before he kills Oliver."
"Me, I'd be more worried about what Oliver or that new guy, might do to Barry." Cisco snorted.
"Barry has superpowers. Oliver has a bow and arrow."
"Do you have any idea how many people Oliver has killed with that bow and arrow?"
"Recurve bow arrows can travel up to 300 feet per second, so, like, 200 miles an hour. Barry can run three times that fast." Diggle turned away from him.
"Whatever. Oliver's been doing this a lot longer. My money's on experience."
"My money's on speed." Felicity shook her head.
"Please tell me you're not actually having this conversation right now."
The masked man rode towards the Arrow and Flash, just in time to see the Flash running around the Arrow. The Arrow tried to get out but the tornado like electricity had closed around him. He did look up though when he heard a grunt. The masked man had driven the motorcycle trough the tornado and grabbed him. The Arrow moved behind the person and drew his bow.
The Flash got up and glared at the motor cycle. The masked man turned around in a drift and stopped. The Arrow seemed to realise what he was doing and stood up. The masked man flared the motor and shot off. The Arrow drew his bow and shot at The Flash. He caught it and threw the Arrow of the motor cycle. The masked man jumped off as well and disappeared into the shadows.
The Arrow and Flash fought until the Arrow had the Flash in a headlock. A van rode inside the ally and drifted to stop. The doors opened and lamps flashed at them. Barry blinked, the red haze disappearing. Barry groaned and held his head.
"Barry, you okay?" Barry looked up and smiled.
"Oh, this is going to be a special kind of hangover." Oliver chuckled.
"So... It was a tie."
"Oliver... I'm so sorry." Barry tried as he limped beside's Oliver.
"It's not your fault. But we do still have your meta-human to take care of. Anything left in the tank?"
"Well, if not, there's two of us, right?" Oliver grinned.
Oliver stopped suddenly, seeing something in the corner of his eye. Barry noticed it as well and they turned. The masked man from before stepped out of the shadows.
"Do you guys need some help with that?" The man spoke for the first time, his voice muffled. Barry blinked, the memories from before slowly coming back. This man had stopped him from killing Eddie.
"Who are you?" The man lifted his hands to his helmed and with a hiss it came off. He pulled it off and looked at them. Barry frowned.
Prism was locked up in his cell and Oliver had gone back to Starling with Felicity. Jason had gone straight back to Robin's room after they came back. Cisco even had a theory for it.
"-it is only logical that Jason is the second Robin" Caitlin nodded, not really listening to his theories. "Caitlin? Are you listening" Caitlin look up and smiled.
"I'm sorry Cisco but come on, don't you think it is a bit farfetched. I mean, there is no way Bruce Wayne is Robin's adopted father." Wells rolled inside the room, a man walking beside him.
"I can promise you, Robin's health is in the best hands" The man, a very tall fellow who wore a expensive looking suit, nodded.
"And I expect nothing less of S.T.A.R. labs." Wells smiled, noticing Cisco and Caitlin.
"Cisco, Caitlin, I want you to meet our most challenging business rival Bru-" Cisco shot up.
"Bruce Wayne, it is an honor to meet you sir. The latest WayneTech computer is pure gold" He nearly drooled. Bruce smiled.
"Good to hear that, mister Ramon" Cisco blinked.
"You know my name?"
"Of course, Robin speaks very high of you. Of you as well Miss Snow" Caitlin nodded, a bit star struck. "Speaking of Robin, I would like to see her" Wells nodded.
"Of course, follow me" Cisco and Caitlin stared at them as they retreated into Robin's room.
"Was that?" Caitlin finally managed to utter.
"I think so" Cisco grinned. Both his hand shot into the air. "I was right!!"
"This explains so much" Caitlin breathed, rubbing her head.
"I don't want him anywhere near my daughter, can you do that for me Harrison"
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