Flash 6

"To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that? Good, because all of us, we have forgotten what miracles look like. Maybe because they haven't made much of an appearance lately. Our lives have become ordinary, but there are people out there who  are truly extraordinary. I don't know where they came from. I don't know their names, but I have seen you do the impossible to protect the city I love. So for those of us who believe in you and what you're doing, I just want to say thank you." Iris wrote quietly with a smile. She pressed enter and closer her laptop. She took a deep breath... and was flashed away by the Flash.

When the blur disappeared from her eyes she stood on the roof of Jitters. She turned around, and there stood the Streak, his Shadow right behind him.

"You're welcome." She gasped.

"How did you... I literally just hit send."

"Speed reading." In reality Robin had hacked into Iris's computer so they had been able to read whatever she wrote.

"It's crazy what you can do to your voice." Barry dashed to the other side of the roof.

"You need to stop writing your blog." Iris shook her head.

"People need to know that you exist." Her phone rang and she took it out. She stared at it before she placed it back. "What else can you do?" Barry dashed around her before returning to his spot.

"This is not an interview." Iris smiled.

"Come on. You got to give me something. Hobbies, pet peeves, favorite color?" She blinked. "Wait, scratch that last one. Red, duh, obviously."

"You're not hearing me."

"My hearing is fine. It's just selective. What should I call you?" Barry dashed past her and shook his head.

"Anything but The Streak" Iris nodded, not really liking the name.

"Fine. Suggestions" Robin grinned.

"I have a couple ideas."

"You said you were writing about me to bring hope to someone you care about."Barry cut in "How would he feel if doing that put you in harm's way?"

"He and I aren't exactly on the same page these days. Besides, you're giving hope to a lot of people, so I'm doing this for them." Barry smiled and turned his head when a siren past them.

"Gotta run." He dashed to Robin, taking her hand, speeding them away.

"Hey! You can't just leave me up..." Iris called. Barry brought her back to Jitters before he and Robin resumed their way. "-Here. Whoa."

Apparently there was a car chase going on. Barry chased the car when Robin noticed a boy crossing the streets in front of the car. She let go of Barry and charged at the boy. She grabbed him and rolled them both off the road. The boy gasped, seeing what had happened.

"Thank you" Robin nodded in acknowledgment and ran back to find Barry. She was just in time to see Jo pushing Eddie out of the way when the car slammed into theirs. She crouched down next to them.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice deformed. Jo nodded, not recognizing this hero. Robin stood back up and resumed her way. She finally spotted Barry and stopped next to him. He gave her a nod and turned to the car that had finally stopped.

"Step out of the vehicle!" The man shrugged.

"If you say so." He got out of the car. This man was huge, Robin needed to look up to meet his eyes. The man reached behind him and took off the door of the car. Barry's eyes widen. The man threw the door at them. Barry moved away while Robin dove out of the away. Robin rolled back to her feet and turned around. Just in time to see Barry break his hand while trying to hit the man in his jaw. The man didn't even flinch as Barry screamed and cradled his hand.

Robin took out her sticks and charged at the man.  They hit their target but broke on impact.  Robin took  a step back, looking down at her broken sticks.  The man grinned and tossed her away, like she weight nothing. Barry flew after her. The man walked towards them with a smirk.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating." He held up his arm, now completely covered in metal and brought it down. Barry was quick and took Robin's hand, speeding them away.


"Check the math. Your dispersal models don't correlate."

"Uh, they do if you factor in the seasonal reproduction cycles." Wells looked at them.

"What exactly are we debating?" Caitlin looked at him, a busted look on her face.

"The amount of days it will take before Barry asks Robin out" Wells smiled and moved faster.

"I look forward to seeing you accept your nobel." They entered the lab only to stop at the sight of Barry laying on one of the bed's with Robin trying to patch him up.

"Barry? Barry? Are you okay?" They ran towards them. Caitlin gasped at how bruised Barry was.

"What happened?" Robin looked up from Barry, seeing Caitlin was running around, patching him up.

"There was this new meta human. We underestimated him." Cisco looked her over.

"Are you alright?" Robin nodded.

"Yeah, he only broke my sticks." She reached up and pulled out the remaining of her sticks. Cisco gently took them from her.

"I'll get you new ones" Robin nodded and turned back to Barry.

"Is he going to be alright?" Caitlin stopped and nodded.

"Yeah, just give him a few hours" Robin sighed. "Go cleanup, I'll watch over him" Robin stare at her and she left the room, knowing there was nothing more she could do. She pulled on her old sweats, hissing as her hand brushed over her back.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" Robin turned her head to see Caitlin giving her an disapproving look.

"Barry was worse" Caitlin sighed and walked over to her friend.

"You are very stubborn, you know that" Robin grinned and was taken back to the main room by Caitlin. "Sit" She ordered. Robin did as told and sat down. Caitlin lifted Robin's shirt and looked over her wounds. "You're lucky you didn't break anything, you don't heal that fast remember" Robin hissed as Caitlin bound the bruise before she stepped in front of Robin and lifted her shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Wells wants me to place the sensors again" Robin looked past Caitlin to Wells.


"Because I have looked over the results and noticed that your cells are indeed changing." Robins eyes widen.

"Really?" Wells nodded and moved towards them.

"It seems you are a meta-human after all" Caitlin smiled up at her friend and dropped the shirt.

"All done" She walked away from Robin and towards Barry who seemed to be waking up.

"13 fractures. That's a new record" Caitlin explained to him, screwing another screw in place on his brace. "-and that's just in your hand. You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal." Barry nodded and pushed himself up a bit.

"Where's Robin?" Robin pulled her shirt down and walked over.

"I'm here." Barry sighed in relief. "Believe me, you are worse than me" Barry chuckled and groaned as it hurt his ribs. "He only broke my sticks"

"What exactly did you hit?"

"A man. A big, bad man." Barry sighed. "His skin changed when I hit him." Robin nodded.

"It turned to metal." Wells crossed his arms and smirked.

"Interesting. A man of steel." Cisco walked over, Robin's new sticks in hand.

"So you went after a meta-human alone? Dude, why didn't you call us?

"You weren't picking up your phone" Robin pointed out. She had tried calling them when she had brought Barry in but no one answered.

"You're lucky he didn't knock out your teeth." Cisco smiled and handed Robin the sticks. "Those puppies don't grow back." Robin traced the stick with her finger. Metal.  She smiled and moved towards to case holding her suit.

"The strange thing is I feel like I knew him."

"What do you mean?"

"He said something that was familiar, but he's gonna hurt someone if we don't stop him. So how do I fight a guy that's made of steel?" Wells nodded.

"We will find a way. Tonight, you heal." Barry sighed but laid back.



The next morning Barry was fit enough to leave so he went back to work. When he came back he had figured out who the man was, his old bully.

"Your childhood nemesis is now an unstoppable meta-human. That is seriously messed up." Cisco grinned. Robin smiled from behind her coffee mug. She had already spend nearly half of the money on her Jitters gift card, don't judge.

"I had a childhood nemesis. Lexi La Roche. She used to put gum in my hair." Caitlin made a face, remembering it.

"The Jake Puckett. If I didn't let him copy my homework he'd give me a swirly." Cisco looked down in disgust.

"Jason Todd. He swapped my shampoo with green hair dye. My hair was green for a week." Barry grinned, imagining Robin with green hair.

"Now that we've established that we're all uber-nerds, what are we gonna do about Tony?" Cisco smiled.

"Glad you asked." He walked past Barry into the training room. "We're gonna train you, man. Karate Kid style." He moved away a blue kind of screen. There stood a metal looking robot. "Behold! I call him Girder." Barry walked towards it.

"For the record" Caitlin held up her hand "-not our idea." She motioned to her and Robin. Cisco rolled his eyes.

"Fighting is physics. It's not about strength. It's not about size. It's about energy and power. Channel your speed the right way and you can totally take this bad boy down. Now obviously your Girder is a moving target. So..." Cisco picked up the controller and moved Girder from side to side. Robin took a step back, not trusting it.

"I have ice and bandages standing by." Caitlin tried. Barry send them a pleading look.

"I can teach you the basics if you want. Then you start from level 1 and work your way up to level... Girder"  Cisco nodded.

"I think that might be better" Robin nodded.

"You might want to change into something more breathable" Barry looked down at his sweater and nodded. Robin herself was already wearing her training gear so she walked to the side and took out some gloves. Barry had pulled off his top layer of clothing, leaving him in a t-shirt. Robin looked him over and shrugged. "It'll have to do" she handed him his gloves and pulled on her own.

"The basic of a good punch is your foundation" She placed her feet down onto the ground, keeping some space in between them. "If your foundation is good, your punches will be much stronger" Barry nodded and did as told. "Now, if you punch, twist your body into is. Like this" She slowed down and showed him the punch. "See, now you try" She held up her fist. Barry did as told and sighed.

"I already know this" Robin raised her eyebrow.

"Are you sure?" Barry nodded. "Alright, level two." She took off her gloves and swapped them for a wooden pole.

"Try to hit me" Barry shook his head and took a step back.

"No way"

"Come on. Believe me, there will be female Meta-Human's out there" Barry rubbed his neck and moved back into the stance. "Now, try to hit me. Use your speed if you like" Barry nodded  and held up his gloves.

"Don't say I didn't warn you.


"10 bucks, Robin kicks his ass"



Barry shot forwards, going straight for her face when Robin side stepped. Barry fell face first onto the mat. "One second and you've already lost. Come on" Robin smirked and helped Barry up. He huffed and lunged at her again. This time Robin blocked his fist with her staff and hit him in the stomach with the other side of the staff.

Barry doubled over, gasping for air. Robin  send him a look.

"Ready for another round?" Barry nodded and stood up again. They started to circle around each other. Robin smirked. "I'm gonna give you a hint. Look for any weak spots your enemy might have." Barry scanned her over but saw nothing. He decided to try something and took a step forwards. Robin took a step back and winched as the bruise on her back burned. A nearly unnoticeable winch, but Barry did notice it. He sped towards her but she side stepped again and tried to make him fall. Barry took this as an opportunity to hit her on the back. Robin groaned and fell down.

Barry quickly caught her before she fell. She smiled up at him. "I guess you're ready for level Girder" Barry's eyes widen and placed Robin back on her feet.

She suddenly shot out, grabbing Barry's arm and swinging him over her shoulder. Barry yelped and landed with a tud.


"Told you so"


"I'm pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder" Robin bit her lip.

"I'm sorry" She gently helped him up by his good arm and helped him out of the room, Caitlin immediately took him to one of the bed's. Cisco patted Robin on the back.

"Good one" Robin shook her head, a fond smile on her lips and walked to Barry, an ice pack in her hand.

"Okay, not gonna lie. This is gonna be quick but extremely painful." A phone rang.  Barry sighed and took out his phone.

"Oh, speaking of pain." He unlocked the phone and held it to his ear. Robin gently pressed the ice bag to his shoulder."Eddie, hey."

"Allen, we found the stolen Humvee in the alley at Fremont and Lawrence. Need you down here to do your thing." Barry squeezed his eyes in pain.

"Great. I'll see you in a sec. Okay." He hang up and handed the phone to Robin. Caitlin got ready to put his shoulder back. "Okay. Let's do this."

"So Barry, when you said you were off-duty last night, you weren't visiting Iris again. You know, in disguise? 'Cause that would be reckless and a little creepy. Even if you dragged Robin with you" Barry shook his head.

"No." Caitlin smiled.

"Good." She pulled and with a pop, Barry's shoulder shot back.  Barry screamed in pain.


Barry left and Robin decided to get some chocolate milk from Jitters for Barry. As a sorry for dislocating his shoulder. She entered the cafe and smiled at Iris.

"Hey, have you seen Barry?" Robin shook her head.

"Not since he left S.T.A.R. labs, about an hour ago." Iris nodded and walked to the counter.

"So can I get you anything?"

"Two hot chocolates, please" Iris smiled and turned to get it for her.

"You know, you two would make a cute couple" Robin sighed.

"Why are you trying to get us together?" Iris smirked, placing the two cups in front of her.

"Because, you two are exactly the same." Robin placed down a couple of bills and decided to ignore Iris. She took the money and nodded. "Just think about it."

"Iris?" Both of them looked up to see Tony walk inside. "Long time no see. I got to say, Iris, you look amazing."

"Thanks, Tony. Um, you too." She spoke, not really knowing why he was here. Robin placed the two cups back on the counter.

"Oh, yeah. I keep in shape. I got a gym at my place. Been living out in Keystone on the West Side, and you should, uh... You should stop by sometime." Iris motioned towards the register.

"So, uh, can I get you a drink?" Tony walked up to her.  "No, I came to see you." Iris frowned, walking away from the counter.

"How did you know I was here?" Robin watched them, ready to step in if anything happened.

"I've been reading up on The Streak. Found your little blog. Why are you writing about these guys?"

"People say that their heroes." Tony smirked.

"I say their cowards, and I happen to know that they took a beating last night and ran off like little girls. You should write about that." He took a step closer to Iris. "Do you have any idea who they are?" Iris shook her head.

"No clue." She walked towards the counter. "So, um, if you don't want a drink I should probably get back to work." Tony smiled.

"Actually I'd prefer to buy you a drink. What time you off?"Iris turned back to him and shook her head.

"Thanks, Tony, but I don't think my boyfriend would approve. He's a cop, like my dad."

"I never really did like cops too much." Iris looked away from him, her eyes landing on the Tv screen that showed a picture of Tony with the text, wanted. "Well he's picking me up for the policeman's ball. Wall to wall cops. Can't swing a cat. I should probably call him to see where he is..." Tony took another step forwards.

"Give me the phone, Iris. Now!" Robin took a step forwards stepping in between them.

"Leave her alone" She threatened. Tony merely smirked and pushed her aside, giving her arms a firm squeeze. He then turned to Iris and crushed her phone.

"I'm sorry. Uh, for the damage." He placed a couple of bills and placed them in the tip jar. "We'll pick this up some other time." He commented and left. Iris waited till he left before she ran towards Robin, looking at the bruise that was already forming on her arm.

"I'm so sorry, if I had just send him away-" Robin brushed her off.

"It's fine. I'm made of stronger stuff." She looked down at her watch. "I need to get back to work. Do you wanna talk later?" Iris smiled.

"Yeah, that would be great" She breathed, needing to get a lot of her chest. Robin nodded and walked away, two cups of chocolate in her hands.

Robin walked back into S.T.A.R. labs not much later. Having picked up a vest from her apartment on the way to hide her new bruise.

She walked into the main room and noticed Cisco and Caitlin sitting at the main console.

"Where is Barry?" Cisco looked up.

"He went to find Iris, about a minute ago" Robin nodded and walked to her desk. She dropped her bag and placed the two cups down.

"I still need to look at that bruise." Robin groaned.

"Do you have to? I can take it you know" Caitlin send her a look. Robin exhaled and walked to the bed. She sat down and lifted her shirt.

"How's your scar coming along?" Robin winched as she felt Caitlin trace the scar. "Sorry" Robin shook her head.

"It's fine, just sensitive" Caitlin nodded and rewrapped the bruise.


"I guess you got my message."

"Are you okay?"

"Cop's daughter. I can handle myself, but he hurt Robin... a friend of mine" Barry's eyes flared with anger for a second. He quickly shook himself out of it.

"Not with this guy."

"I knew him when we were kids. He didn't want to hurt me. He wanted to impress me, but he is fixated on you, and not in a good way."

"Do you know where he went?"

"He said he had a place out in west Keystone. Bragged about how big it was, but I have no idea where."

"I do."

"Wait, there's something else. His hand. It transformed like an iron fist. He's like you, isn't he?"

"Yes, and writing about me is what brought him to you."

"I know, but maybe I could talk..."

"No! He's too dangerous." There was a knock on the glass.

"Damn, that's my ride. Eddie insisted on a detail. I have to..." She turned around but he was already gone "-Go."


So apparently Barry had run off to find Tony. He hadn't come back yet so Cisco tracked his tracer and led them straight to him. Robin, Caitlin and Cisco entered the large building, Robin in front, in full superhero costume. Caitlin had tried to talk her out of it but Robin had explained that they didn't know if Tony was still there.

"Barry? Barry, where are you?" Robin quickly scoped out the room.

"Tony's gone" Cisco suddenly ran off.

"Over here!" They hurried to the bookcase, where Robin spotted a small piece of red.

"Barry? Please, say something!" Robin crouched down and helped Cisco pull Barry out.

"Say something so we know you're okay." Barry's face appeared and groaned.


"Get him out of there!" Cisco and Robin hauled Barry out and carried him to the car.


"What were you thinking?" Wells barked as they made it back. Barry sat in a chair while Caitlin tended to his wounds. "I told you that we would figure out a way to deal with him."

"I'll heal."

"You can't heal when you're dead. He could have killed you." Barry stood up and stalked over to him.

"I know, all right? I know! In the past 36 hours I've had my ass handed to me twice by the guy that tortured me as a kid." Robin stared at him, she now back in her sweats. "I couldn't stop him then, and I can't stop him now! Even with my powers I'm still powerless against him."

"Not necessarily. Robin?" Robin nodded and walked over to her computer.

"Any material, if struck at a high enough velocity can be compromised." She recited and pulled up a cinematic.  "We ran an analysis on the metal in Tony's footprint. Based on its density and atomic structure, if you impact it at just the right angle, at just the right speed, you could do some serious damage."

"How fast would I have to go?" Cisco joined Robin at the computer.

"Factoring in the metal's tensile strength, estimated dermal thickness, atmospheric pressure, air temp, you'd have to hit him at approximately... Mach 1.1." Caitlin blinked.

"You want Barry to hit something at 800 miles an hour?" Robin shook her head.

"837, actually." Caitlin send her a look while Cisco smirked.

"That's faster than the speed of sound."

"I know. He would create a sonic boom, which, as I've said before, would be awesome." Cisco grinned and looked down at the data.

"I've never gone that fast."


"I can't believe we're actually entertaining this idea. I mean, he'd need a straight shot from Miles away" Cisco nodded and looked up.

"Yeah, 5.3 Miles, theoretically"

"Do it right, you'll take him down."

"Do it wrong, you'll shatter every bone in your body." Robin warned. "Please don't do that"

"He hurt you" Barry stated calmly. Robin blinked and shook her head.

"No, he didn't" Barry stepped towards her.

"Yes he did, Iris told me" Robin stared at him, dropping the act.

"So, it's just a bruise, nothing I can't handle." She stepped past him towards her own desk when Barry grabbed her arm. Exactly on the bruise Tony had made. Robin winched and Barry let go.

"Why don't you want us to help you?" Robin turned to her.

"Because I don't want to be threatened like I will break any minute, I thought I made that pretty clear last time" Both Caitlin and Cisco winched at this. Robin send Barry a look. "I'm going home" she muttered and left. Barry watched her before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.


Iris sat behind her laptop, typing a new story when there was a knock on the door. She cautiously stood up and walked towards it. She looked thought the peephole and sighed.

"Robin," She opened the door and let her in. "What are you doing here?" Robin smiled and handed Iris one of the cups she was holding.

"I thought you could use some company" Iris raised her eyebrow and took a sip. Hmm caramel coffee.

"Did Barry put you up to this?" Robin shook her head.

"No, of course not. He-" She noticed the look Iris was giving her and smiled. "Yeah, he wanted me to keep an eye on you, with Tony on the loose" Iris sighed and sat down on the couch.

"He's such a dork." Robin walked towards Iris's laptop and read the title.

"The streak and his shadow save the day again?" Iris grinned.

"Yeah, I mean. I still haven't really thought of  names yet" Robin puffed her cheeks and smiled.

"I can help" Iris grinned and together they brainstormed. That was until there was a crash. Iris yelped and jumped up. Robin stood up as well and pushed Iris behind her. They walked to the window and noticed the cop car that had previously stood in front of the house, was flipped upside down. Iris took a step back and turned around. She squeezed Robin's hand in fear as Tony stood there. He smiled.

"Hey, Iris." He roughly grabbed their arms and dragged them off. Robin tried to fight back but he squeezed her arm, making her stop in fear he would break it.


"Thawne, Allen. The unit watching Joe's daughter, they've been attacked. Iris and her friend are missing."


"Guys, you there?" Cisco and Caitlin looked up to see Barry run into the room.

"Yeah, man, what's up?"

"Tony took Robin. I need you to do whatever you can to help me find her." Cisco nodded and sped to the side."Satellites, security cameras. Hack 'em all." Caitlin even joined Cisco at the computers, not about to lose her friend again.

"We're on it."


Back with Iris and Robin, Tony had taken them to a school. His old school to be exact.

"Remember this place, Iris?" Iris walked away from him. He still held Robin in a tight grip, having seen the girl struggle.

"So what's the plan here, Tony? You finally gonna go for that G.E.D?" Tony grinned.

"You want a plan? How's this? You used to write about The Streak, right? Now you're gonna write about me." Iris snorted.

"You just abducted me, Tony. Why would I do that?"

"Because The Streak is dead." Iris stepped back.


"Squashed like a little bug by me." Robin shook her head, staring to struggle again.

"Don't listen to him Iris" Tony glared at her and squeezed her hand, making them hear a sickening crunch.

"Quiet you." Robin glared at him, tears brimming in her eyes but not showing a sign of pain. "So, Iris. if you don't want the same thing to happen to your friend here, you're gonna tell the whole world that there's a new big man on campus! And I'm just getting started." He grinned at her. Iris smirked and stepped closer.

"You could have anybody write about you, Tony. Why me?" Tony smiled, liking the attention.

"'Cause I like you, Iris. Always have." Iris stepped even closer. Tony released Robin, his hands resting on Iris's body.

"You should have said something." Robin shot away and pressed the fire alarm. Tony growled and grabbed her again, crushing her hand.

"Try anything like that again and I'm gonna leave more than a some broken bones!" Robin let out a whimper, seeing blood drip down her fingers.

"Tony, turn yourself in before things get worse. It's not too late" Iris tried, seeing her usually, fearless friend, trembling with anger and pain. Tony nodded.

"Yeah, it is. Cops are already looking for me, so get ready to cover the showdown of a lifetime 'cause I'm not going out without a fight." There was a gust of wind, making Robin close her eyes in relief.

"Good, 'cause you just found one." Tony smirked and grabbed Iris's arm as well.

"You just won't stay dead. Come to save your little fan girls?"

"This is between us. Let them go."

"Oh, I could, but I'd rather make them watch while I break every bone in your body." Robin used this moment of distraction to pull out her foot and kick Tony in his lower region. He, unable to have made it metal in time, doubled over and released both her and Iris. Robin grabbed Iris's hand and pulled her with her to the other end of the hallway. Barry stared at them before he charged at Tony.  He dodged the punch and smirked.

"Too slow, tin man." He dodged another punch. "I've known guys like you. Peaked in high school. Never got over it. All these powers, and look at you! Bully then, bully now." Barry sped over and took a pole from the side. He tried to hit Tony but he grabbed it and started to swing Barry from side of side, squishing him against the wall. After a couple of swings Barry fell down. Robin held Iris, keeping her from running to him.

Come on Barry, you're smarter than him. Use it in your advantage

Barry started up at Tony and sped away. Toby watched him run and grinned.

"There goes your hero." Robin kept her eyes on the exit before they widen. She turned to Iris.

"Cover your ears" Iris frowned but did as told. Tony grinned and walked closer to them. Within seconds Barry came running back. More like flying back.  He hit Tony in his jaw and he fell down. Barry groaned and held his hand. To everyone's amazement Tony got up and turned to Barry. That was until Robin shot up and punched him in the jaw again. Tony fell down , for good this time.

"Nice cross." Barry commented, his voice changed. Robin smirked.

"Yeah, I think I broke my hand." Barry chuckled.

"Oh, me too."


Back at S.T.A.R. labs, Barry had brought Tony to a cell while Caitlin scolded Robin again.

"You didn't listen did you?!  And look at you now!  You broke three bones in your right hand and bruised your left" Robin smiled.

"Thank you Caitlin" Caitlin sighed and nodded.

"Don't expect me to do it again" Robin stood up and walked with Caitlin down to the ring. They arrived just in time to see Barry do a happy dance.

"Dude, that had to feel great." Barry grinned.

"You have no idea."

"Almost as good as proving me wrong about the supersonic punch?"

"Actually, that part hurt. Like, a lot. Are you alright?" Barry asked, his gaze turning to Robin. She smiled and held up her hands. One was covered in a couple of layers of gauze while the other was reinforced with plastic bits.

"It hurts, like hell" She admitted. "But, I think I'll survive" Barry smiled. Cisco eyed the two and smirked.

"All I want to know is which childhood bully are we gonna take down next? Mine, Robin's or Caitlin's?"Robin and Caitlin chuckled and walked with Barry out of the room. "I vote mine. What? Guys, this is not a joke." They reached the main room again and Robin turned to Barry.

"Could you give this to Iris?" She held up a card. "She's gonna need it harder than me" Barry nodded and took it. He smiled at her and watched her leave with Caitlin and Cisco. He then frowned and looked down at the Jitters gift card. Where did she get this?



"Oh, I thought that you were someone else."

"So Joe told me what happened. How's the arm?"

"Only bruised. Robin was in much worse shape but I guess you already knew that" Iris smirked. "I should have believed..."

"I'm sorry I said..."

"I've missed you."

"Yeah, I've missed you too."

"When I heard Tony took you, I... I just... I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you."

"Well, I had Robin looking out for me."

"Do you want to hang out and catch up?"

"Yeah. I would like that, yeah. I promise not to talk about The Streak or his shadow tonight."

"No, I want you to."

"No, I mean, I want... You can... I want you to talk about whatever you'd want to talk about."

"I knows important to you."

"Good because it's not just The Streak or The Shadow. There are others out there that are like him. I've gotten scattered posts about this guy that's on fire, except that he doesn't burn up."

"Okay, so wait. Wait. You're trying to find The Burning Man now too?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"I mean, a lot can happen in a week, especially with The Streak. Heh. I've been trying to get answers from him. Where does he come from? How does he do what he does? But he dodges everything. Literally, with this super-speed power. When he moves, Barry, you don't even see him. He comes and goes in the blink of an eye, in a..."Barry smirked.


"In a Flash, yeah." Iris breathed, liking the name. It was the same name Robin had suggested.


Today, I was saved by the impossible. A mystery man. The fastest man alive. Then a friend gave me an idea for a new name, and something tells me it's gonna catch on.

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