Flash 5
How often do you think about why your friends came into your life? Was it random, by design, or maybe a little of both? Regardless of the reason, some friends you just know are gonna be by your side for a while. Others, you're not so sure. And then there's that one friend who, well, you hope, someday becomes something more. But "friend" will have to do for now. And that's okay. I guess.
Iris grinned and walked up to Barry. He looked away from Robin, Caitlin and Cisco.
"I'm glad you invited Caitlin, Robin and Cisco."
"They're cool, right?"
"They saved your life, Barry. That makes them the coolest people I've ever met."
"It's nice that you guys became friends. " Iris held up her shot glass.
"To friends, old and new." Barry did the same and they drowned them in one go.
"Ooh. I'm up. Wish me luck."Iris stepped towards Eddie and poked him in the chest. "I'm going to destroy you"
"Don't get cocky, West" Robin stopped her previous dart throwing as Barry walked towards them, a tray full of shots in his hands.
"Guys? I have a problem." Caitlin gazed at Eddie.
"We all do when guys like him exist. Yeah, he's so hot."She stopped and turned to them. "Uh, I mean, genetically speaking. Because I'm a geneticist, of course. Oh, my God, do I sound like Felicity?"
"Yeah, I get that a lot" Robin muttered, drowning her shot. Barry gazed at her, knowing something had changed between them and not in a good way.
"I'm not talking about Eddie. I'm talking about this." He quickly drowned all the shots on the tray. "I can't feel anything."
"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much."
"No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I mean I literally feel nothing." Caitlin gasped.
"It's your hyper-metabolism. I need a sample." She took her purse and started digging through it.
"I'll get more shots." Cisco walked away. Robin took the darts.
"And I am going back to beating these guys" She stepped away from the table to make a new bet.
"I swear, I had a Vacutainer here." Barry looked away from Robin and frowned.
"Wait, you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?"
"You have your hobbies."
Cisco grinned as he showed Robin another sketch.
"How about this one?" Robin pursed her lips.
"I liked my old suit, can't we do something with that?" Cisco thought for a moment before he snapped his fingers and walked to his desk. Barry walked in seconds later.
"A va file number is all the info you have on the bomber?" Caitlin asked him, having kept taps on the case.
"C.C.P.D's been ordered off the case."
"Well, who has the power to do that?"
"The army. Some General. His name was Eiling, I think." Wells moved towards them.
"General Wade Eiling." Barry frowned.
"You know him?"
"Yeah, I know him. About ten years ago, General Wade Eiling contracted S.T.A.R. Labs to develop enhanced gene therapies for soldiers. I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind reading capabilities for interrogation purposes. I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close, but our split was less than amicable."
"He took all the evidence I collected on the bombing. Everything but the folder." He muttered and handed the folder to Wells. Robin nodded and turned to them.
"Lucky for us, the va finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records." They frowned. "What, I hacked them. Anyway, there's a lot of redacted info. But our girl's name is Bette Sans Souci, an EOD specialist for the army." Caitlin frowned.
"Bombs." Cisco explained.
"Is there an address?" Robin nodded and scrolled down.
"Here, we go. One person in case of emergency. Cameron Scott. Inglewood" Barry nodded and dashed away.
"You hacked them?" Robin nodded.
"Yeah, I can do that. It's easy" Caitlin nodded but didn't really drop the subject.
"Barry?" Robin tried. No answer. "Can you hear me? Barry?" Cisco walked over.
"There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he's not answering." There was a swoosh before Barry stood in the room, in only his underwear.
"Barry?" Caitlin asked. She turned her head to Robin to see her looking down at her computer, her cheeks holding a hint of red.
"Uh... Don't ask."
"I'm gonna ask. Where's my suit?" Barry pulled on a shirt.
"It's... Gone." Cisco stepped closer to Barry.
"What do you mean, it's gone? What did you do with my suit?" Cisco stated very calmly.
"It blew up, dude. I managed to get out of it before it went, 'kaboom.'"
"My suit went 'kaboom'?" Robin finally dared to look up and placed her hand on Cisco's arm, trying to calm him down.
"Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci. She's not carrying bombs. She touched the emblem on the suit and turned it into a bomb. She's a meta-human."
"With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact." Wells added, entering the room.
"She blew up my suit." Cisco repeated.
"You have, like, three more. And you are making one for Robin"
"Yes, I have two. But I loved that one." Robin patted his arm and turned back to her computer.
"All right, what else do we know about her?"
"Oh, I don't know. She's pure evil. We're gonna find this girl and send her butt into the pipeline. No one blows my tech to smithereens and gets away with it..." Cisco typed something in his computer, bringing up a picture of Bette. "Unless she looks like that." Robin rolled her eyes and turned away from him. Men.
"I don't think she meant to hurt me."
"Well, her being a meta-human explains General Eiling's interest in her."
"And why he stole the case from us." Jo added, walking in. Robin send him a smile. "He didn't want anyone to know what she could do." Wells smiled at Jo.
"Doctor. So... Human bomb. Must be Tuesday in Central City." Wells sighed.
"Yes, and General Eiling's not one to give up a potential asset without a fight. We have to find her before he does." Jo nodded, turning to Barry.
"Barry? Can I see you for a second?" Barry nodded and followed him to the side.
"What do you think of Nightwing?" Robin groaned and rested her head on her laptop. Caitlin smiled.
"You know what, that's not even that bad." Robin looked up and met Cisco's excited look.
"Fine" He sheered. "But you still need to finish that sketch." Cisco nodded.
"I think I have something" He moved aside to show Robin a sketch, one that looked like the suit she had worn before, which had been the suit she normally wore underneath her suit, only this one had metal pieces on the arms and legs and a blue bird emblem on the chest. Robin moved closer to it.
"I like that" Cisco cheered again.
"Two for two, now I also have an idea for your sticks bec-" Robin turned her head to look at him.
"You stay away from my Escrima's" Cisco held up his hands and moved back to his spot. Wells shook his head at them and moved back towards his office. Cisco took the sketch with him and moved to the side, ready to build it. Robin typed away on her computer before she took her phone and called Barry.
"Barry, we've piggybacked onto General Eiling's own surveillance. According to what they're saying, Ms. Sans Souci was just spotted in Inglewood." Caitlin walked up to her.
"The same neighborhood as Dr. Harold Hadley's office, the military surgeon who performed several procedures on her. That's why she was looking for the folder."Barry ended the call. Robin sighed.
"He could have just said goodbye" Caitlin chuckled and sat down next to Robin.
Barry soon returned with Bette. Doctor Wells decided to explain the situation to her using his 3D projector.
"As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City. A number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy." Wells stopped the projector and smiled."One of those people... Was you." Caitlin walked over to her and handed her a pair of gloves. "You were in Central City ten months ago."
"I had just returned from Afghanistan. I was there defusing roadside bombs and... Shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back state side. Spent months at the base recuperating and next thing I know, I became the thing that almost killed me. And Eiling's favorite, new lab rat."
"The dark matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body." Caitlin explained, a display of Bette's cells behind her.
"I thought Eiling did this to me."
"Eiling is not smart enough to create someone like you. Clever enough to see your value." Bette turned back to Wells.
"Do you know of any others who were changed?" Robin nodded, thinking of Mist and Multiplex. Damn Cisco and his nicknames.
"There've been a few."
Cisco grinned. "But no one that looks like you." They turned to him "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. Please don't leave" Caitlin turned to him.
"I know how to perform a lobotomy." She turned back to Bette. "We do need to perform a couple of tests" Bette nodded and followed them towards the lab. She sat down on the bed and Caitlin helped her. Wells, Cisco and Robin sat behind the computers while Barry stood behind them.
"Her cellular structure's unlike anything I've ever seen."
"Her nitrogen levels are off the charts." Barry rubbed face.
"Do you think we can help her?"
"To answer that question, we have to understand how she works, and to understand that, first we have to study her in action." Cisco gasped in excitement.
"You want her to blow stuff up. Yes, now we're talking."
"Not in here. She's too unstable."
"I know. I know you know." Robin stood up.
"I'll better go get the van" Wells nodded and she left.
"So this is your life now, huh? Testing people like me?"
"Stopping people like you. It's not what I thought I'd be doing. Actually, aside from Barry... and Robin, you're the first meta-human that we've tested."
"It's just a term." Caitlin gasped, seeing the blood oozing from Bette's shoulder.
"Oh, my God, what happened? Why didn't you say that you were shot?" Bette shrugged.
"It just graze."
"There's something in there." Caitlin grabbed a pair of tweezers and pulled it out.
"A tracker."Robin ran back into the room.
"Eiling is here" Wells turned to Cisco.
"Lock down the pipeline. Get Bette out of here." Robin and Cisco nodded running away. "I'll take care of Eiling."
So the four of them had taken Bette to the van and brought her to an abandoned building site. Bette touched one of the frisbee they had taken with them and Robin threw it into the air, seeing she had the most upper body strength. It exploded a couple of seconds later.
"Her Trauzl rating is around 45. That's the same as any plastique." Cisco gasped. "Plastique. Ha... first try!" Caitlin held up one of the other items they wanted Bette to explode, a boomerang.
"Didn't really think this one through, did you?" Cisco shrugged and went back to his computer. Robin watched Barry and Bette walk a little bit further away.
"Oh Robin, I think I'm done" Cisco grinned and walked back to the van. He came back with a box ad handed it to her. "I hope it fits" She opened it and held up the suit, the emblem to her chest. "I also made a ear piece for you, so we can you know, keep in contact" Robin nodded and turned to him. He opened his arms, seeing her action. They hugged.
"Thank you" Robin whispered and released him. Barry dashed back to them.
"Iris wants to see the Flash." Robin nodded before she looked down at her suit.
"Can your new partner join you?" Barry noticed the suit as well and grinned.
They arrived at Jitters seconds later, both of them wearing their suit and to be honest Robin really liked hers. It was a bit tight around her middle but she like it nevertheless. Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail with her domino mask on her face. Iris was busy cleaning the tables when she heard the door open.
"Sorry, we're closed." She looked up and gasped, seeing the two standing there. "Oh, my God, it's you."
"Iris West, I hear you've been writing about me." Barry spoke, his voice distorted.
"You are real. I should, um... let me just clean up... " Barry sped past her and cleaned everything off. Robin rolled her eyes behind her mask, such a show off. He sped back towards her.
"Meet us on the roof. I'll give you a head start." He winked. Not a second later he sped the two of them to the roof. Iris ran after them. Barry stayed at the center of the roof while Robin noticed an even higher point. She used the wall as leverage and jumped on.
"-you to stop writing about me." Iris gasped and turned to him. She then turned around to see Robin sitting there, in a crouched position, looking down on her.
"There are a lot of people who need someone like you right now. To know that you're out there." Barry sped towards Robin, sitting down next to her. "I have so many questions. Where are you from?" Barry sped away again, to the other side of the roof this time.
"I can't say."
"Who are you?"
"I can't tell you that, either." He sped to the top roof again.
"Who's she?" Iris asked, gazing at Robin.
"She's my..."
"Partner" Robin spoke for the first time and to Barry's surprise her voice was changed in the same way the Arrow did it, but in a more female like.
"How can you do what you do?" Barry sped away again and remained silent. "You're a terrible interview."
"There's more to this than you can understand. Just trust me, please. I need you to stop." Iris shook her head.
"Can you stop? Running into buildings and rescuing people without them even knowing that you're there?"
"I don't do this for the glory."
"So why do you?" Barry sped behind Iris. "Look, I have this friend, and he had something terrible happen to him when he was a kid. His whole life, he's been telling stories about this impossible thing. And people laughed at him. And shrinks analyzed him. And he's been searching for an explanation ever since. But now, suddenly, it's like he's lost his faith. But you... you are proof that he wasn't crazy. Help me save my friend." Barry looked up at Iris, his face vibrating. Robin decided she had watched long enough and jumped down, getting both of their attention. She smiled.
"He's a lucky guy." Barry turned to her, his face no longer vibrating and smiled. He then sped towards her and took her with him.
Robin walked into S.T.A.R. labs, back in her usual garb. Barry walked beside her, a grin on his face. It disappeared when the noticed the grim mood.
"Hey, what's wrong? Did Eiling find out you're here?" Bette looked at them.
"No. Caitlin was about to give me the not-so-good news." Caitlin took a breath and looked at the scan.
"The shrapnel in your body has merged with you on a cellular level."
"And the technology required to unsplice your DNA... it hasn't been invented yet." Wells added. Bette looked down, some tears rolling down her cheeks.
"It's okay. Roger that. I just need a minute." She stood up and stalked away. "Don't worry. Pretty sure I can cry without blowing stuff up."
"What now?" Barry looked at him.
"She joins us. Becomes a part of the team." Caitlin sighed.
"Barry... You have an amazing ability to help people. She makes things explode." Barry eyed them.
"She's the first meta-human not hell-bent on destroying this city."
"It's too dangerous." Barry shook his head.
"Well, she's not going in the pipeline."
"I'm not suggesting she go in the pipeline, but were she to remain at S.T.A.R. Labs, it would put all of us at risk."
"From who? Eiling?"
"Eiling is a dangerous man, Barry. We do not want him as an enemy." Barry turned to Robin and stared at her before he turned back to Wells.
"After the lightning bolt, what if you hadn't found me? It could've been me. Hunted, on the run, cut off from everyone I know and care about. You guys saved me."
"And I want to save her just as bad as you do, Barry. We all do." Barry stared at them before he left with a sigh. Cisco watched him before he turned to Robin.
"So how did it go with Iris?" Robin shrugged.
"Fine I guess, the suit fits and hasn't exploded yet" Cisco stared at her.
"And it better not!!"
"You already made a spare one"
"But I like this one" Bette appeared in the doorway and walked towards them.
"I am leaving" Caitlin shook her head.
"You can't. Eiling is still out there an-" Bette ignored her and walked out. Cisco watched her leave before he slumped down in his chair. Robin sighed and walked to the training room.
"Where are you going?"
"Change, I think Barry wants to go after her" She was right because three minutes later Barry walked into the room.
"Where's Bette?"
"She left."
"What do you mean? Where did she go?"
"She didn't say."
"Well, where the hell could she be?" Robin emerged from the training room, fully dressed in her suit. She looked at Barry.
"Let's find her than" Barry changed as well and together they left to find Bette. They ran into the scene to see Bette walking to Eiling, her hand stretched out. She stopped when she noticed them.
"What are you doing here?"
"Being a soldier doesn't mean you're a murderer. Don't become one now." Bette stared at him and lowered her hand. Before they could so anything a shot was heard and Bette fell down. Barry caught her before she fell and laid her down. Robin turned to Eiling and stalked over to him. She kicked the gun out of his hands and slammed her stick against his head, knocking him out. She then turned back to Barry and Bette. Bette was slowly loosing color.
"- glad you stopped me."
"I'm gonna get you back to S.T.A.R. Labs." Bette groaned.
"Barry, Dr. Wells. He... he..." She breathed before her eyes fluttered closed and her heart stopped. Barry stared at her, not really knowing what to do. That was until Robin placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Barry" He shook himself out of it and finally noticed the purple glow starting to form on Bette.
"Guys, we have a problem."
"Is Bette okay?" Barry swallowed but Robin beat him to it, pressing her own earpiece.
"No. Eiling killed her, I'm sorry Cisco."
"She's glowing." Barry added, staring at Robin.
"She's gonna detonate."
"Oh, my God, a mass that size, the explosion, it would be..."
"Barry, you have to get her away from the city." Barry took Bette in his arms.
"But there's no time." He stood up.
"Can he run on water?" Barry turned to her to see her eying the water in front of them. There was a silence before Cisco replied.
"Accounting for fluid drag. Approximately 650 miles an hour." Barry nodded and got ready.
"You have to outrun the blast or you'll die too."Barry swallowed before he took off. Robin watched him as he ran over the water, further and further away until he was a mere dot at the horizon. Then there was an explosion. Robin scanned the horizon for the crimson dot but found none. Robin started to fret, what if he had died. There was a swoosh and Robin groaned, her back hitting the ground. She opened her eyes to see a drenched Barry Allen laying on top of her. She let out an airy chuckle and hugged him.
"Don't ever do that again" Barry chuckled and hugged back, not really making that promise.
"Nothing out of the ordinary occurred. The military was simply conducting an underwater weapons test. There is no need for panic or alarm. Central City is safe. I guarantee you." They stared at the TV screen. Eiling had held a short interview, explaining the explosion to the citizens of central city.
"He murdered Bette right in front of me. And there's nothing we can do to him." Barry glared at Eiling.
"Powerful men have a way of avoiding consequences." Robin shrugged.
"I hit him with my stick" Barry send her a small smile.
"You gonna be okay?" Caitlin asked from his side. Barry sighed.
"You can walk on water. Puts you in pretty interesting company." Barry smiled and nodded. He gazed at them before he left, needing to talk to Iris about her blog. Apparently she had changed the title. The streak and his shadow.
Barry sat in a bar later that evening.
"Can I get another club soda, please?" He ordered and sighed. Caitlin, Cisco and Robin walked towards him, having been there was well.
"Hey" Barry turned to look at them.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here?"
"We thought we should have a toast." Barry sighed, though glad they were there.
"Doesn't work on me, remember?"
"Barry Allen, you of all people should know that nothing is impossible." Caitlin smirked and took out a small bottle of clear liquid. "I distilled a highly fermented, potent suspension. It's basically 500 proof." Barry smelled it and coughed. "I figured if anybody could use a drink tonight, it was you. So here's to Bette." Barry nodded, holding up the bottle.
"Bette." They clanged each other's glasses before drowning them. Barry coughed as the alcohol burned his throat. "Whoa, oh. That hit too quick." Robin smiled.
"Are you buzzed?" Barry nodded, looking a bit drunk.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm buzzed for sure. Whoa. Whoa, that is good stuff." He laughed for a couple of seconds before he stopped. " And it's gone." Caitlin shrugged.
"Work in progress."
Robin smirked and held up another bottle. "Good thing I brought more" Barry laughed and took it from her.
For a guy who has experienced his fair share of mysteries, one mystery I still can't figure out is why some people come into our lives. Why some people go, and others become a part of you. Some friendships feel like they'll last forever.
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