Flash 17

For the first time in days Barry felt lost. Never had he been so confused, happy and sad at the same time. One second he was running across the coast, trying to stop a disaster from happening and the next he found himself transported hours back, on his way to the morgue.

His first instinct was to run back to S.T.A.R. labs, kiss Robin before making sure Mardon could never harm anyone ever again.

He quickly dismissed that thought and ran to the morgue. If his sci-fi movies had thought him anything was that he should just go with the flow, even if he didn't want to.

Everything at the morgue went exactly the same as before. Person killed by hail, a recording of the murder itself and him going back to S.T.A.R. labs. His hands were itching by the time he arrived.

"So Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Barry nodded, his eyes on Robin again, seeing her with her head on the desk again. The icy beverage catching up to her. "And both brothers survived the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion affects them both in virtually the same way."

"- virtually the same way." Barry finished alongside Wells. He cast him a confused look.

"That's right"

"Only Mark's not like Clyde at all. He can do things that you couldn't even imagine"

"You mean he's sort of like a weather wizard?"

"- weather wizard?" They finished together. Cisco frowned and Robin lifted her head. She winched however and Caitlin smirked.

"Trigeminal headache?"

" - Trigeminal headache?" Caitlin and Barry asked. Robin frowned, eying the two. "Robin, do you w-"

Wells cut him off by turning around. "Mr. Allen. A word please." Barry sighed.

"Yeah." The scientists watched the two walk off. Caitlin smiled at Cisco and rubbed his back as another wave of ice hit his brain. Robin blinked as her phone buzzed. She looked down at it.

Bear – Wanna grab some coffee later?
Robin – Sure

She looked up from her phone, thinking for a second before she stood up, her phone in her hands. "I need to make a call" She excused herself and left the room. She quickly dialled the number. "Professor Stein? Hi, yeah. Umm, I hope I'm not interrupting your training. I've got a question and I hope you might have the answer."

Three hours later Robin reappeared, cups of coffee in her hands and her mind filled with new insights. She had seen too much science fiction movies to not get what was going on with Barry. "Robin, we need you in the pipeline" Robin frowned but turned around, walking off.


"I'm gonna break out of here! I'm gonna create a tidal wave that destroys your entire city!" Barry smirked and turned to them. Caitlin crossed her arms, watching as Mardon's cell closed off.

"So, I still don't understand. How did you find him?"

"I just had a hunch." Robin shrugged, plastering a smile on her face.

"That's gotta be some kind of record." Barry let out a laugh, watching them with a proud look.

"Yeah. Well, there goes my excuse for bailing on my brother's birthday." Cisco huffed, walking off. Robin and Caitlin shared a look before they followed after him. Barry was about to go after them when Wells stopped him.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?"

"Yeah, I do. I just saved a lot of lives."

"I warned you not to mess with the timeline."

"Dr. Wells, if you would just let me tell you what was gonna happen, you'd understand why I did this."

"Whatever tragedy you think you've just averted, time will find a way to replace it and trust me, Barry, the next one could be much worse."


"I'm going to cancel"

"No, you're not" Robin muttered, snatching Cisco's phone away. He yelped and tried to reach for it but Caitlin stepped between them.

"How about we go with you?" She asked, casting Robin a glance.

"It's gonna be hell" He reached over and snatched his phone back. Robin let him, being distracted by her own phone. Barry had been texting her the last couple of hours, and it was starting to get out of hand. Only this time it wasn't Barry. "But if you want to"

"I can't" Robin sighed, putting her phone back. "My source just told me Snart is back in town. Someone needs to stop him" Cisco sighed but nodded.

"Okay" He pointed at Caitlin. "But you're not bailing."

Caitlin held up her hands. "I wouldn't dream of it."


The day went by quickly. Robin kept checking her phone for updates or their facial recognition app but no luck so far, so she kept herself busy with more cardio training. Barry had called a rain check on the coffee, saying he needed to talk to Linda. Robin understood of course, she was his girlfriend.

Suddenly her phone started ringing so she stopped swinging around and hang still, her hair nearly touching the floor.

"Hey Tim" She greeted, her voice slightly strained by her position.

"Wrong" A female voice corrected. "Try again" Robin's eyes lit up, her face slowly turning red.

"Barbara! Long time no spoke" The woman, or Barbara, let out a laugh. "How are things going over there?"

"Good I guess. Tim asked me to help you locate Leonard Snart. You up for some hard core investigating?"


"Great. Now, I won't bother you too much, say hi to Barry from me" Robin froze, pushing herself up the pole.

"How do y-" The line cut off before she could finish. Robin let out a breath and jumped to the ground, ready to take a shower.


"Hey!" Barry grinned, as he watched Robin enter Jitters. A smile broke out onto her face as she noticed him.

"Hey." Barry's eyes scanned her over as she sat down. Grey coat with blue sweater, black pants and no sunglasses. It was a good day today.

"One very sweet sugar glanced donut and one chocolate milk with a hidden shot." Barry explained, pointing at the delicious goodness the table held. Robin's eyes widen. "Just the way you like it."

"Just the way I like it." Barry's grin widened, if that was even possible, fiddling with his hands. "Yeah, I know. I know you, Robin." He cleared his throat, looking down at his hands. Robin narrowed her eyes for a moment before she shook herself out of it and started taking off her coat.

"So...what is going on with you? You're acting like Christmas came early." She joked, taking hold of her cup. She took a whiff of the aroma, her smile returning. Barry chuckled.

"Uh... Yeah, no, I guess it did, kind of." Barry watched as she placed the cup back down and decided to just go for it. His face turned more serious as he took hold of her hand. Robin glanced down at his large hand with a small frown. "Look, Robin, um... I still think about you all the time and I know you've been thinking about me too, so let's just stop thinking and start doing. I know. I know that we both have gone through some awful stuff, but we were meant to be." Robin frowned, taking her hand out of his, ignoring the way her heart ached as she noticed his smile disappearing.

"Barry, are you alright? What are you talking about?"

"You and me. We like each other." Barry tried, a small smile reappearing on his lips.

"Barry, we've been over this."

"I know, but I feel like your feelings did change" Robin's eyes narrowed making Barry gulp, not a good sign.

"How do you know that?"

"I just... I just know some stuff somehow."

"Barry. You have a girlfriend." Robin tried with a sigh. Barry shook his head.

"I broke it off." Robin rested her elbows on the table, rubbing her face. "I couldn't stop thinking about you"

"Barry..." She tried to sound strong but it came out in a whisper. Barry knew he had to push through now. She was not gonna slip away again.

"I like you Robin and I will keep liking you till you give me a chance to prove myself to you." Robin didn't lift her face, making Barry's determined face falter. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she lifted her head with a groan.

"You are gonna be the death of me, Allen" She placed her head on top of her hand, watching as a huge smile appeared on Barry's face.

"Is that a yes?"

"No pushing and no surprises." She warned, pointing her finger at Barry. He nodded hastily, not believing his eyes. "Then yes Barry. Show me I was wrong"

Barry, nearly jumping from happiness, reached over and placed his hand over hers.

"I will, I promise"


"What? No whoosh-in?" Caitlin asked, her eyes slightly narrowed as she watched the two vigilantes enter the room. What surprised her most was their mood, both had bright smiles plastered to their face. The second thing was that they were eating ice cream.

"We went for a walk"

"We got ice cream" Robin added, taking another bite out of her three way chocolate ice-cream.

"What happened?" Caitlin asked carefully, a smile appearing on her face. Something had happened and she wanted to know.

"Nothing" Barry shrugged, his smile not lessening. He and Robin had talked about telling the team but they had decided to keep it silent for a while, needing some time themselves to figure everything out. Maybe entering the core with ice cream wasn't their best idea.

"Okay." Caitlin smirked. "Have you talked to Cisco? I've been trying him on his cell, but he's not answering. Kind of... worried about him." Robin frowned, taking out her phone. "He had a rough night."

"Trust me, it got better." Robin raised her phone to her ear.

"Barb, what's up?" Silence fell back into the core as Robin spoke. "Where is he?" Barry and Caitlin shared a confused look. "Don't worry, I'll get Snart. Call you soon, bye" She lowered the phone and looked up to meet their faces.

"Wait, Cold is back?" She nodded.

"Yeah, he was spotted at the Santini crime family casino." Wells rubbed his face.

"If he's hitting the Santinis, we could be looking at the beginning of a mob war."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Barry asked, a small frown decorating his features. Robin sighed.

"You were busy with Lynda and Mardon" She ignored the small flinch Barry gave at the name. "And besides, I can take Snart"

"But you don't have to" Barry told her gently. They shared a look before Robin nodded and walked away to change into her suit.


Barry flashed them into the casino, narrowly dodging a beam from Snart's cold gun. "Get the people out" Robin shouted over the gunfire. Barry gave a sharp nod and flashed out. Robin turned to Snart.

"How many times are we gonna go through this, Snart?" Snart's head appeared from behind the pool table and smirked.

"Until the best man wins!" He shot another beam at her but she easily rolled out of the way. Barry flashed back in and took hold of a woman, one that had been helping Snart. Robin's eyes widened behind her domino mask. Lisa Snart.

"Drop the gun!" Barry ordered. Snart held up his hands but didn't seem fazed by the thread.

"We both know you're not going to do anything to her." Snart stopped meter's away from her, his eyes lazily scanning them over. "Oh, by the way, meet my baby sister. Lisa, Flash. Flash, Lisa. You already knew Robin"

"We have met" Lisa snapped, remembering the girl who threw her in jail a year back. Robin nodded her head in acknowledgment.

"Cisco has been very, very busy." Both hero's froze at the name. One mystery solved I guess. "Unless you want me to mail small, frozen pieces of him back to his family, I'd take your hands off her." Barry thought for a second before he pushed her towards Snart. She smirked and winked at him, something that made Robin's hand clench.

"Let him go, Snart." Robin muttered. His smirk fell.

"I'll think about it."

Snart turned around and stalked out without another word. Lisa smirked and blew the Flash a kiss before following after her brother. Once out of sight, Robin exhaled, picking Lisa's golden gun off the floor.

"At least we know were Cisco is now"


"So there's Cisco getting into a car with Snart's sister. And the license plate is iced over."

"All right, Dr. Wells, you were right. I... I... I screwed with time and now time is screwing with me. Cold is back, he kidnapped Cisco and he-"

"Stop right there before you cause another disruption to the timeline."

"Please, Dr. Wells. Please, I have to talk to someone." Barry pleaded, not knowing what to do anymore.

"Go ahead." Both men turned their heads to see Robin standing in the doorway.

"What?" Barry asked, hoping that she hadn't heard them talking.

"I know you time jumped, about a day I guess, and I know something horrible must have happened to make you run that fast." She uncrossed her arms and walked further into the room. "So, tell me" Barry stared at her before glancing at Wells. He sighed but nodded, agreeing.

"In the previous version of today" Barry began with a sigh. "Captain Singh is seriously injured, Joe and Robin were in danger, and you said you had feelings for me." He averted his eyes from Robin to the floor, knowing he screwed up by telling her. "And now Cisco's life is on the line." He groaned, his head in his hands. "I don't understand. I thought that I was helping people by stopping Mardon." Wells rolled a bit closer, taking off his glasses.

"Yes, but this new ability of yours, Barry, is dangerous. You only traveled back in time one day. What if you traveled back decades? Centuries? Imagine the havoc you could wreak."

"But I will have the opportunity to travel back in time in the near future and save my mom. Or...you're saying I shouldn't?" Wells placed his glasses back on his nose, his face a void of emotion.

"I'm saying how many more people could die if your mother lives?"

"I think" Robin started as air returned to her lungs. "that if you have the chance to save her, that you should." Barry met her eyes, frowning as he noticed how pale she looked. Just as he was about to say something, Caitlin entered the core.

"Did you guys find Cisco?"

"We did" Robin confirmed, turning her head. "I'm going to make a call" She excused herself and left the room without responding to their worried looks.


"There's nothing the satellite thermography." Caitlin muttered after half an hour. Barry and Wells sad slumped in their chairs. Robin entered the room, looking less pale than before.

"My course told me Dante was checked into the hospital ten minutes ago." Everyone's eyes snapped up, new hope in their eyes.

"And Cisco?" Caitlin asked. Robin shook her head, stepping over to her desk and sat down.

"You were right." Barry groaned. "This is all my fault."

"How is this your fault?" Caitlin asked, not getting it. She was sad, really. Not two hours ago, he and Robin had looked so happy and now they both looked so down casted.

"Brave heart, Barry. We'll get Cisco back." Wells tried.

"I'm back." They turned to see Cisco standing there. Within a second Robin was in front of him, engulfing him in her arms.

"Oh, my God. Are you okay?" Caitlin hugged him next as Robin took a step back, a small smile on her face as she noticed Cisco's sad state. "We were so worried. What happened?"

"How did you escape?" Barry asked, crossing his arms. Caitlin released Cisco and took a step back, stepping next to Robin.

"I didn't."

"Snart just let you go?" Cisco remained silent. "Why?"

"He, um... he tortured my brother. And he said he was gonna kill him if I didn't... if I didn't tell him..." Robin narrowed her eyes, seeing were this was going.

"Tell him what?"

"Who The Flash really is." He managed to get out. Tears started to build up in his eyes and his breathing started to become ragged. "I, honestly, man, they... they could've killed me. But they were gonna kill my brother." The first tear slipped down his face. Robin embraced him again, soothing his sobs.

"You did the right thing" She shushed him, running a hand through his hair. Cisco clung to her, burying his face in her neck. They stayed like this for a couple of seconds before Cisco stepped out of her hold, wiping his face with his sleeve. He stepped back more, his puffy red eyes on the floor.

"Where are you going?" Barry asked, a small frown on his face. Cisco met their eyes.

"I don't deserve to be here. I won't be the one to put you in jeopardy. Not again." He shook his head, taking another step towards the exit. "Never again." With heavy steps, Cisco left the core. Barry turned, locking eyes with Wells. He nodded and rolled out of the room. Robin exhaled heavily, running a hand over her face.

"Robin?" Robin looked up from the desk she had been working on and smiled.

"What a surprise." She breathed, embracing the black haired girl. Iris smiled, rubbing her back.

"As big a surprise as Eddie punching Barry at a crime scene this evening." Robin released Iris, her eyes wide.

"Oh, my God. What happened?" Iris sighed, though happy as she noticed the concern Robin had for Barry.

"Things got complicated." She started, leaning against the desk. "Eddie found out that Barry had feeling for me." Now it was time for Robin to sigh. "I'm sorry." Iris tried, seeing the defeated look Robin wore.

The girl in question shook her head. "It's fine. I knew. Besides, Barry and I, kind of made up" She admitted, drawing her lips into a thin line. Iris gasped.

"How did I not know that?" She let out a squeal, hugging the girl again. "I'm so happy for you" Robin nodded, not looking very happy. Iris seemed to notice her mood and pulled back. "What's wrong? Please tell me you are not breaking up again. You owe me a double date" Robin's eyes widen, shaking her head.

"No, not breaking up, I just." She sighed, rubbing her face, something she seemed to do a lot lately. "Everything just messed up. First Cisco gets kidnapped then an old enemy shows up, again" She muttered, leaning against the desk. "Not to mention the strange dreams I have lately" Iris' eyes widen, shocked by the news, but very happy and surprised she was opening up to her.

"Strange dreams?" Robin nodded, rubbing her arms.

"More like flashes." She blinked, the dream creeping back into her mind. She wasn't stupid, she knew these dreams weren't just dreams and she did have a guess where they came from.

"Seems like you need some time away from work" Iris smiled. "I asked my dad and you are hereby invited to the West Pizza night"

"Yesss" She whispered to herself, closing her eyes, internally pumping her fist into the air. Iris let out chuckle, seeing the girl so happy. "Did I ever tell you how wise and amazing you are?" Robin smirked, opening her eyes.

Iris winked, turning around. "Not enough. See you later." She called, exiting the room. Robin let out a chuckle, shaking her head at the girl. She was pulled back to reality though when her phone bleeped.


"The casino wasn't the target." Robin called as she reentered the core. Barry looked up from the computer, a small frown on his face.

"Then why did he do it?" Robin smiled, snapping her finger, making Barry blink. What had made her so happy again? Not that he was complaining.

"Casinos keep tons of cash on hand to cover their markers, not to mention the money that they make."

"But if they're under attack, the protocol is to relocate the money outside the casino." The voice of Cisco continued, making Robin's smile widen. Cisco smiled as well, receiving more smiles as he entered the core.

"So, that was Snart's plan all along. To trigger the move." Barry finished, a smile on his face. He locked eyes with Robin, making a small blush appear on her cheeks.

"Okay, where is it now?" Caitlin asked, having watched the conversation like a tennis match. Robin smirked and held up her phone, showing them the small red dot on the screen. She and Barry exchanged a look before walking off to separate sides, ready to pull on their suits.


"Barry" Robin called as she caught up to him just outside the core. Barry smiled at her, still liking the way her suit, suit her. It really brought out the baby blues of her eyes. "Snart is clever. He has the upper hand but he has morals, more than any other villain I have met. Make him a deal he can't refuse and he'll listen" Barry nodded, seeing the logic in that. Carefully he reached over, taking her gloved hand in his.

"Are we good?" A smile appeared on her face as she laced her fingers with hers.

"We're good"


Barry had let Snart go, with the promise he wouldn't kill anyone and keep Barry's identity a secret. Surprise, surprise but Snart knew Robin was Nightwing as well but she didn't seem bothered, having made a deal with him a long time ago.
The lightning fast vigilante had been on his way to Robin's place, wanting to surprise her when she had called, inviting him to Jitters.

"I..." Barry braced himself as Eddie approached him. He blinked however as Eddie embraced him.

"I am so sorry, pal. It's not like me to hit anyone. I don't know what came over me." Eddie rambled, releasing Barry. He smiled sheepishly. His eyes shot passed Eddie to see Robin and Caitlin sitting at a table with Iris, five steaming mugs waiting for him.

"Uh... thanks, Eddie. It's... it's okay." Eddie guided Barry to the table, a huge grin on his face. Robin looked up from her mug and smiled at him, making his insides flip.

"I had no idea. Luckily Caitlin told us about your Lightning Psychosis." Barry frowned, taking the mug from Iris.

"My what now?"

"Your Lightning Psychosis. How your odd behavior is a side effect of being struck by lightning." Caitlin explained slowly. Robin smirked but hid it by taking another sip from her coco. She swallowed and nodded.

"Mood swings, sudden outbursts of affection, and other lapses in judgment. He has had all of those things."

"Yeah, it's a very uncommon neurological phenomenon. We're really only just now starting to research in kerauno-medicine. That's why Barry's been spending so much time at S.T.A.R. Labs."

"And because of Robin of course." Iris added with a smirk. Eddie and Caitlin frowned but gasped at the realized what that meant.

"I'm so happy for you!" Caitlin reached over, rubbing Robin's shoulder. Eddie smiled as well and slapped Barry on the shoulder, nearly making him choke on his beverage.

"So, we're good?" Barry asked, needing conformation. Iris and Eddie smiled.

"Yeah, we're good." With a released sigh, Barry sat down next to Robin. Eddie and Iris walked to the bar, getting new coffee.

"Thank you." Barry smiled at his friend and girlfriend. Caitlin nodded her head.

"You are welcome."

"We have your back" Robin teased, bumping his shoulder with hers. Barry let out a chuckle, his eyes on her, feeling like he could take on the world again.

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