Flash 14
"Barry, what happened out there"
Barry slowly opened his eyes, finding himself curled onto the snowy ground. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't dead, and the second thing he noticed was the warmth that was pressed against his chest. He slowly uncurled himself. The warmth stirred and rolled over, back against his chest. Barry's eyes finally focused themselves and he smiled, seeing Robin pressed against him. She opened her eyes as well and exhaled.
"Are you oke?" She asked, slowly getting up. Barry nodded, his smile disappearing, realizing the situation.
"Are you guys okay?" Robin rolled her shoulders and stood up. Barry followed suit and gave Robin a quick once over.
"Are you okay?" Robin remained stoic, worrying Barry
"I asked you first" Barry released his breath.
"I think so."
"Oh, God. The nuclear explosion. There's no telling how much radiation you were exposed to." Caitlin began to ramble. Robin finally looked away from the site and turned to Barry.
"I'm fine" Barry slowly nodded, a weight lifted from his shoulders.
"Wait... wait, wait, wait, wait, this can't be. The Geiger counter in the suits... it's reading less than one millirad."
Barry frowned, stepping next to Robin, looking out onto the site as well. "But that's normal."
"There's no radiation."
"Let's go."Robin grabbed Barry's hand and he sped them back to the explosion. When he stopped Robin staggered away, towards the body that lay into the crater.
"Did it work? Did you separate them?"Barry watched Robin as she crouched down next to the body, feeling dread wash over him.
"I don't know."
"Ronnie?" Robin asked carefully, her voice breaking. Ronnie stirred and Robin exhaled. "Can you tell me your name?" Ronnie opened his eyes and smiled.
"Ronnie Raymond. Ro. It's me." Robin laughed and reached out to hug him. Ronnie returned it immediately.
"Uh, pardon me." Barry looked away from the two, a smile on his face, to see Martin Stein, looking very tattered and dirty. "Obviously, I need a change of clothes."
"Nice to see you in the flesh again, Professor Stein. We're coming home. All of us."
All four of them walked into S.T.A.R. labs minutes later.
Caitlin charged in first, jumping into Ronnie. He laughed and spun her around. He then placed her back down and they kissed.
"I love you, Cait."
"Yep... just when I forgot how awkward it was to walk in on you two." Cisco commented. Ronnie and Caitlin broke apart and she smirked.
"Well, you can get used to it again." Cisco walked past Caitlin and hugged Ronnie.
"Man. Ohh. I missed you so much, man." Cisco released Ronnie, but held onto his shoulders. "I shouldn't have locked you in there." His eyes flickered to Robin. "Both of you"
"Hey... don't." Ronnie waved it off. Wells rolled to them.
"Welcome back, Mr. Raymond."
"Dr. Wells. Robin told me what happened to you. I'm so sorry." Wells just smiled.
"I'm responsible for putting myself in this chair. You are responsible for my still being alive... thank you." Caitlin wound her arm around Ronnie's arm, looking happier than Barry had ever seen her.
"You said you'd bring him back, and you did. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Excuse me?" Stein stepped up, his glasses still matted with grime. "Are we all planning to sing Kumbaya next?" Well's smile faltered.
"Professor Stein, I presume." Stein nodded.
"Harrison Wells." He gave him a curt nod, before he turned around, meeting eyes with Robin. "Do you have somewhere I can freshen up and get a change of clothes?" She nodded, releasing Caitlin.
"Of course. Right this way, Professor." Barry's eyes never left her as she guided Stein out of the room.
"-So I did a full medical workup on the Professor." Robin, Wells and Stein walked into the lab, joining Caitlin, Ronnie and Cisco. Barry had gone to Jitters, getting them all something to drink "It turns out that now that he and Ronnie are separated, they no longer possess the ability to harness nuclear energy."
"Professor Stein, you seem to be running a little hot as well." Caitlin frowned. "And surprisingly, so is Robin. 100.6." Stein waved it off.
"Hardly a sweat, Dr. Snow. And hopefully now the only thing Ronald and I have in common is-"
"It's Ronnie." Ronnie shot back. Stein send him a look.
"Mm." Cisco smiled, breaking their stare.
"Hey? You gonna miss being able to fly?" Ronnie chuckled.
"Yeah, maybe if I was the one holding the controller." Stein frowned.
"Meaning, you weren't the most conscientious body-mate."
"So you do not consider keeping you alive to be conscientious?"
"Alive? We were living under a bridge, eating garbage." Robin watched them go back in forth, like a ping pong match.
"I did not determine that it would be my mind that would dominate our existence, but thank God it was. I could feel your fear and panic, emotions that likely would have gotten us killed in that state." Ronnie shot up.
"You kept me buried down. You kept me from her." Stein blinked, not looking impressed.
"Which is likely why she's still alive. Now I believe you and I have spent quite enough time together." Ronnie nodded. Both of the man glared at each other.
"I would like to go home to see my wife." Wells nodded.
"Ms. Grayson and Mr Allen will take you." Robin nodded.
"I'll call Barry"
"Thank you."
Slowly the three of them walked up to the house, Martin Stein had brought them too. "I can't believe it." They stopped in front of the door and Stein turned to Barry. "Oh... wait. Uh... what should I say?" He smiled.
"I don't think you're gonna have to say anything." The door opened and Clarissa charged out. She froze as she noticed them.
"Oh, Clarissa. I'm so sorry I put you through this." Clarissa embraced him and they kissed. Barry glanced at Robin, but she was smiling at the couple. Clarissa released Martin and smiled at them.
"Thank you." She whispered. She was about to walk back into the house when Martin stopped her.
"Miss Gra... uh Robin" Robin nodded.
"Yes, Professor?"
"Robin, I... I know I can be difficult, but thank you for bringing me home." Robin smiled.
"Everyone deserves a happy ending. I'll see you soon, Professor." Professor Stein stared at her in silence, nearly proud of the girl, and watched as she and Barry walked away before entering his home.
"Let's get some pizza" Robin suggested once they were out of earshot. Barry chuckled and nodded.
"Let's do that"
Robin laughed, balancing the pizza boxes on her hand. Four pizza's. Two pepperoni, one spinach and one cheese. Three for Barry and one for her.
"How big is your stomach?" She joked. Barry laughed, carrying the other boxed into his lab. He was so glad they had a moment for themselves again. Things had been awkward with Ronnie and Caitlin being so sappy, not that that was bad. They had decided that they would eat it in the lab, seeing if they went to S.T.A.R. labs Cisco and Ronnie would eat half of them before one of them got a chance.
"You have no idea" Unluckily for them, Jo was inside the Lab and raised his eyebrow.
"Hey. I left you three messages." Barry's eyes widen. He sped to the table, placing all the boxes on it before returning, his phone out.
"I'm sorry, I was..." He cast Robin a look but she just shrugged. "busy..." Jo sighed.
"Are you sorry about the lack of communication, or that new hole out in the badlands?" Robin looked past him to the computer screen where the headlines of the news were shown.
"Uh, we're all fine, thanks." Jo shook his head.
"I wasn't calling about the explosion. I have to show you something." He grabbed his coat and passed Barry. He stopped and looked at them, mostly Robin. "You should come as well" She nodded and Jo walked out. Barry and Robin shared a look before they followed him.
Jo brought them to a house. One Robin didn't recognize but Barry sure did. His eyes scanned the room as soon as he stepped inside. Jo eyed him.
"It's smaller than I remember." Robin eyed the two, feeling the tension coming of Barry.
"Yeah. It's because you're bigger." Jo walked past Barry, to the second room. "Have you been in here? I mean, recently." Robin followed him, glancing at Barry as she passed him.
"No. I haven't been in this house since that night." Robin frowned, seeing the large device planted in the middle of the room.
"A didgigrader? Jo what-?" She stopped as she noticed the look Jo was giving her. Barry joined them and Jo looked up from the device.
"Bar? This mirror... you remember it?"
"Yeah. It belonged to my grandma. How is it still here?"
"Just be glad it is. Look... I don't fully know how Cisco did it, but..." Robin blinked, resting her elbow on the machine. She rubbed her forehead, releasing what was going on.
"Silver nitrate. Cisco..." Jo frowned.
"How do you know"
"Cisco mumbles while working. Jo, please don't do this" Barry blinked.
"Silver nitrate? What are we doing here?" Jo exhaled and turned the machine on. The three lights in the front of the machine flared to life, creating a hologram. A hologram of Barry's mom. Robin closed her eyes.
"You can definitely see two very fast people fighting around your mother."
"Two speedsters."
"You see that? The blood? Cisco and I had the DNA tested. It's yours." Robin opened her eyes to see Barry shake his head.
"No, it's not. That's impossible. I wasn't even downstairs yet."
"No, Barry. Not that you. This you. Cisco had the samples analyzed and the proteins in the blood were that of an adult, not a child."
"But that means..."
"That the second speedster, the one trying to stop the Reversed... Is the Flash." Robin finished, staring at the hologram.
"That's me."
"Time travel." Wells breathed. Barry and Robin had gone back to S.T.A.R. labs with Jo. Robin had confronted Cisco immediately after arrival. She had then stalked out of the core, before anyone could ask her what was going on. Cisco seemed to know but he looked to shaken to speak.
"If the last five months have proven anything, it's that anything can exist, but to actually travel through time?"
"Well, the greatest minds in human history put their collective genius towards solving that puzzle."
"So. Is it possible?"
"Yes, it's possible. But problemat-."A buzzing noise cut him off. Barry frowned and took out his phone, expecting it to be Linda, but blinking as he noticed it was from Robin.
RG- I'm going to check on Professor Stein, need to blow of some steam. I'll tell you later.
Barry squinted his eyes but looked up and quickly put his phone away.
"As I was saying..."
The door opened and Robin smiled.
"Mrs. Stein, I'm sorry to bother you here, but is Professor Stein here right now?" She smiled back.
"Well, after a year apart, I'm not letting him out of my sight. S.T.A.R. Labs did quite a few tests on Martin, didn't they... and they said he was fine?" Robin nodded, a frown forming on her face.
"Yeah. Why, is something wrong?" Clarissa shook her head.
"He just seems a little different, is all."
"Different how?"
"He's been asking for pizza. Martin despises pizza." Robin nodded.
"I'm sure it's just temporary side effect of the splicing. I know for a fact Ronnie loves pizza" Clarissa exhaled, relieved.
"Is that the delivery man?" Stein appeared behind Clarissa. He smiled upon noticing Robin. "Oh, Ms. Grayson. I suppose it's too much to hope you moonlight as a pizza boy. I am famished." Robin smiled.
"Well, luckily..." She trailed of, reaching beside her, taking a pizza box of her motor. "I passed him on the way here. He asked me to give this to you" He grinned and took it.
"Oh, bravo! Please, come in. Ms. Grayson." Clarissa smiled and let her inside, while Martin opened the box and took out a slice.
"I'll go make some thee" Robin send her a smile as she disappeared into the hallway.
"Oh, mmm. What can I do for you?"
"I would like to ask you about a paper that you wrote 25 years ago for the Oxford University Press."Martin nodded, biting into the slice.
"I've written many papers for that publication. Could you be more specific about the subject matter?" Robin took a large breath.
"Time travel." Martin froze before he smiled and led her to his study. He placed the pizza box down and walked her over to his drawing board, which was covered in formulas.
"These are just a few of the random thoughts I've had on the subject."
"A few?" Robin breathed. Martin chuckled. He guided her to a chair and placed her down into it.
"See, I believe that space-time is a free-flowing highway that intersects the physical world." Clarissa walked back in and placed two cups on the desk. She retreated back into the kitchen after that, not really understanding all the science stuff they were talking about. Robin kindly took the cup, warming her cold hands.
"We live in... in the moments between the on and off ramps. Theoretically, to travel through time, one merely needs to find a way onto the highway."
"Okay, so... so you're saying that this is actually possible to... to travel into the future?" Martin's eyes focused back onto Robin, a sparkle of excitement in his eyes and nodded.
"What about the past?"
"Yes." He walked behind his desk, also taking a mug. "My own personal choice would be the Chicago World's Fair, 1893. I... I think Nicola Tesla and I would have some wonderful arguments. What about you? Would you be interested in taking a trip into history?" Robin nodded.
"I would. South east Boston, 1990." Martin blinked, finding that oddly specific. "But I'm not here for me. I think Barry travelled trough time, or will travel in time. We've recently discovered some evidence that... He was there the night his mother was murdered, fifteen years ago. And not just as a kid, but as an adult." Martin fell silent, leaning against the desk.
"That must be a side effect of his incredible speed. In some... future date, you actually move so fast that the resulting kinetic energy buildup smashes a hole in the space-time continuum!" Stein beamed. Robin nodded, not looking as happy as Stein was at the moment. He frowned. "You seem disappointed by the prospect." Robin placed her now cold cup on the desk and looked up.
"I am. But if he does somehow make it back there to that night, then it means that he didn't save her. And he never will" Stein fell silent too, realizing the same thing. "But thank you for explaining this to me" Robin spoke after a while. Stein snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.
"Anytime" She stood up and grabbed her mug of the desk, ready to clean it up when Stein dropped his.
"Professor?" She sped over to him, keeping him up as he seemed to collapse. "What's wrong?" he blinked, clutching his chest.
"I don't know, I... I feel terrified. My... my heart is racing." He met Robin's eyes. "I think... I think Ronald is in trouble."
"How could you know that?"
"Jitters. He needs help!" Clarissa ran inside the room, shocked to see Marin this way but supported him to couch. Robin, now free, grabbed her phone and texted Barry.
B-Bear- Jitters now. Code red
"Help is on its way"
"I'm so stupid." Caitlin spoke, trough gritted teeth. "Jason Rush, the grad student who was helping Professor Stein with his Firestorm research, he said that the army took all of Professor Stein's material when he disappeared. I should have known it was General Eiling." Cisco shook his head, his eyes on Barry, feeling the pain radiating off him. How could he not be in pain, he looked like a human porcupine!!!
"Not your fault. He still thinks you hold the keys to the ultimate human weapon... both of you."
"Okay, let's just finish this. I gotta get to Stein's house. Eiling's gonna be after him too." Barry tried to get up but Caitlin pushed him back down. Ronnie looked up.
"Stein's fine."
"How do you know?"
"He's right there." They all looked up to see Robin and Stein in the opening of the door.
"I don't think Mr. Raymond and I are as distinctive as we had hoped." Robin's eyes widen as she noticed Barry.
"Barry!" She sped over to him, looking very scared. Barry tried to reach out to calm her down but winched. Robin gently placed her hand on his arm.
"Don't worry, I'm fine" Robin send him a look before her eyes widen. She turned to Cisco.
"Is it iron?" Cisco frowned but nodded.
"Yeah, stainless steel, why?" Robin quickly rolled up her sleeves and took a metal plate from Caitlin's table.
"Because, I've been practicing something while I was away." She focused and held the plate above Barry. "This is going to sting" She muttered before the first spike shot up, out of Barry and into the plate. Barry winched but remained still as more spikes shot up. Thirty seconds past and the whole team stared in awe as Barry was spikeless and all the spikes were
smashed into the plate.
"All right, here we are." Barry smiled, leading the couple into Jo's house. Robin walked in last, closing the door. It had been her idea. After she had de-spiked Barry they had tried to come up with a temporary living place for Ronnie. He couldn't stay with Caitlin because everyone in her flat knew him and Robin's home only had one bedroom and there was no way she was going to let those two share a bed.
"Uh, all right. You guys can stay down in mine and Iris' old room. It's kind of small, but... two beds" Robin nodded at him. She had invited Barry to stay with her in the meantime, just friends sleeping with friends.
"Hey. We have guests." Jo noted, walking into the room, a beer in hand.
"Yeah, we do. I hope that's okay." Jo smiled.
"Mi casa."
"This is Ronnie." Jo shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you. Ronnie, the..."
"Dead fiance." Jo just shrugged and handed him his beer.
"Right. Beer?" Ronnie took it.
"Thanks." Ronnie, Robin and Caitlin walked further into the house. Jo finally turned to Barry.
"So, and where are you going to stay in the meantime. I'm not letting you sleep at S.T.A.R. Labs." Barry rubbed his neck.
"Actually, Robin invited me to stay at hers." Jo's eyes widen.
"Really?" Barry nodded. "Well, that's great Bar. I'm happy for you" Barry shook his head.
"Not like that. We still haven't talked about it, so for now were just friends." Just than did Iris walk in.
"Dad? Barry?" they nodded.
"Iris, hi. Hi. What are you doing here?" Iris held up her bag.
"Uh, it's Tuesday. I was gonna make us dinner, remember?" Jo exhaled but smiled.
"Yep. Yeah." Barry quickly took her bag.
"Here, I'll help. Got it." Barry walked into the kitchen, placing the bag down.
"I knew you'd forget." Iris joked. She finally noticed the others and smiled. "Well, there's plenty for everyone. Caitlin, Robin, what brings you by?"
"There's a gas leak in my apartment, so Barry said that we could stay here."
"I'm just helping"
"Oh, that's sweet. And, uh, who's this?" She asked, noticing Ronnie. Barry joined them, trying to come up with something.
"This is, uh... " Robin placed her hand on Ronnie's shoulder.
"My brother, Tim. He wanted to keep an eye on me for a while." Iris smiled at them.
"That's so sweet." Ronnie hugged Robin sideways.
"I only have one sister, right?"
Robin rubbed her eyes, stepping out of her bed. Yesterday had been... awkward. Iris kept asking Ronnie questions about her youth, which he didn't know that well. Luckily Barry and Caitlin kept injecting with new conversations.
"Good morning" Robin blinked, seeing Barry sitting at her dining table, a bowl of cereal in front of him. She had completely forgotten he was going to stay with her for a while.
"Mornin'" He smiled, seeing her look so... free. She walked past him, into the kitchen.
"Thank you for letting me stay here" Robin turned to him and smiled.
"Of course. You're always welcome here" She grabbed her own bowl and sat down in front of him. They ate their cereal in silence. That was until Robin notice Barry's stare.
"Those are my parents" Barry looked up, caught red-handed. Robin smiled softly. "Its oke you know. I made peace with it" Barry nodded, his eyes falling back onto the picture. He finally stood up and walked towards the picture, gently picking it up.
It showed two smiling people with a girl in between them. The woman on the right had icy blue eyes while the man had raven black hair and the most kind smile Barry had ever seen.
"Jo shouldn't have showed you that hologram" Robin suddenly stated. Barry looked up.
"I know how much it hurts, to have to revisit your parents death. No one should experience that." Barry placed the picture down, taking a deep breath.
"I had to know." Robin shook her head, walking over to him.
"And I know that, but I know how much it hurts, to relive that moment again. Believe me I know, but please, don't let the anger change you." Barry smiled, trying to get rid of the sad feelings.
"I won't" He reached out and hugged her. "Thank you" Robin tensed for a second before she hugged back.
"For what?"
"Being here" Robin closed her eyes, listening to Barry's fast heartbeat.
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