Flash 12
"Dude. That was insane." Cisco grinned turning to Barry, a dirty rag in his hands. "I mean, even I'm having a hard time getting mad at you for dirtying up my suit." Barry shook his head with a smile.
"Okay, when are we going to start considering it my suit?" Cisco pursed his lips.
"I'd be comfortable calling it 'Our suit.'" Caitlin and Robin walked inside the room, Robin still in half of her suit. Caitlin had wanted to check up on her, seeing she had been very close to the blast but it seemed her suit had taken the most damage.
"Good thing this is my suit" Robin smirked. Barry shook his head at her but was nearly shining with happiness from the inside. They had been dating for at least one week now and Barry had never felt happier. Robin was awesome, even better than he had thought. The two of them hadn't really told the others about it though. Which they were going to do soon.
"Tonight was the fastest you've ever run." Caitlin smiled while Cisco grumbled.
"Yes, your training is paying off. That couple is alive tonight because of you." Barry stood up and walked towards him.
"I can still get faster. I know I can." Wells nodded.
"And you will one day, I'm sure. But for today, I'd say you've fulfilled your save quota. Proper rest is what you need, as do we all." Cisco clapped, getting an idea.
"Better yet, what we all need is a proper drink. Who's up for a round?" Barry and Robin inched towards the exit.
"Oh, dude, it's..." Barry tried but Robin stopped him.
"It's actually date night" She send them a sheepish smile. Cisco and Caitlin gasped.
"Wait, are you two..." Cisco beamed. Barry scratched his neck and nodded.
"Yeah we are." Cisco held up his hand.
"High five bro" Barry chuckled and high fived him. Cisco than turned to Caitlin. "You owe me 10 bucks." Robin frowned.
"Seriously, are you two betting again? I thought that had stopped after the whole, Flash and Arrow thing" They stared at her. "What? I was in a coma, not dead" Caitlin smiled and hugged her.
"I'm so happy for you" They released and Caitlin send Barry a look. "And you better take care of her" Barry nodded.
"Yes ma'm."
"But we'll see you guys tomorrow, all right?" Wells, Cisco and Caitlin nodded.
"Bye." Barry and Robin turned towards the exit and left. Once out of eyesight Robin carefully slipped her hand in Barry's big one. He looked down at their intertwined fingers and smiled.
"Are you sure Joe's not coming back?" Robin asked, sitting down on the couch. Tonight had been Robin's time to pick the date and she picked, sitting on the couch and watching a movie. Barry had no complaints seeing yesterday Robin cancelled their date. He wanted to take her to a fancy restaurant but she cancelled it at the last moment saying she didn't feel good. So Barry had taken it onto himself to take care of her.
Robin had even been as nice to let Barry pick the movie. And he had picked, the Avengers, one of Robin's favourites. Barry had taken her to the West residence, seeing it was the nicest and there was no one home.
Barry nodded, a huge grin on his face. "Yeah, I'm very sure" He turned on the TV and sunk down into the couch. Robin wiggled closer to Barry and he swung his arm around her. As the movie progressed they snuggled closer and before the movie ended both of them were asleep. The door opened and Joe stepped inside, looking very weary. His hand hovered over the light switch when he laid eyes on them. A ghost smile appeared on his lips and he carefully walked closer to take in the sight.
After a couple of seconds, just watching with admiration he took the remote and turned the TV off.
"Goodnight" He whispered before he walked upstairs, leaving the two alone.
The next day, pretty early Joe woke them both, saying he had been called in. Apparently someone broke out of iron heights. Barry was already half out of the door when Robin sighed and stood up.
"I'm coming with." Both Joe and Barry stared at her. "Look, I have experience with breaking out of prison. I might see something that you won't." Barry and Joe shared a look and Joe sighed.
"Go ahead" Robin grinned and grabbed her coat. Joe walked out, getting the car. Barry grabbed Robin's hand, grinning from ear to ear.
"What are you smiling about?" Robin asked as they walked out as well.
"You're going to meet my dad"
At first Barry had wanted Robin to talk to his dad, like he had done. With the telephone in between them but when they stood in the now empty prison cell, trying to figure out how the prisoner got out, his father came to them.
"Dad." Barry breathed. His father chuckled and nodded. The two walked closer and grabbed each other's hands, the most contact they could have right now.
"So... Word around here is, Parker pulled a Shawshank?" Joe nodded, a smile on his face.
"Yep, and none of the other prisoners heard or saw anything." Robin smiled at Barry and his father. Even after all this time apart, it was clear they still loved each other.
"Well, they wouldn't talk to you about it." Barry shrugged, his eyes remaining on his father.
"Leaves us with not a lot to go on." Henry nodded.
"Well, if there's anyone who can figure out how Parker got out of here, it's you, Son." Barry nodded before he remembered Robin.
"Oh dad, I want you to meet someone." He quickly reached over and grabbed Robin's hand, pulling her towards him. "This is Robin" Robin smiled and reached out to shake Henry's hand.
"It's an honor to meet you." Henry's eyes flashed with recognition and he beamed.
"Robin Grayson. The pleasure is mine. Barry speaks very highly of you" Robin raised her eyebrow and turned to look at Barry.
"Did he now?" Henry laughed.
"She's a keeper."
"Allen, let's go." Henry's smile lessened and he nodded.
"Duty calls." The guard helped him out of the cell. "It was a pleasure to meet you." Robin nodded.
"Likewise" Henry disappeared from view and Barry turned to Joe.
"So, my dad just happened to come by?"
"The guard owed me a favor."
"Thank you." Robin grinned at the two and walked to the wall to grab her coat.
"I need to get these samples to Caitlin." She held up a small bag. "Want to grab lunch later?" Barry nodded, still a bit in daze from seeing his father.
"Sure" Robin nodded and walked past them out of the room.
Barry smiled, taking the cup from the barista. No lunch with Robin but coffee with Iris. Robin had called, saying she and Caitlin were working on the sample and that she couldn't leave. Barry understood of course.
"What's that smile about?" Barry looked up from his cup, he walked after Iris to one of the tables.
"I saw my dad today. No glass, no phones. Just me and him, face-to-face. Joe arranged it." Iris smiled.
"That must have been amazing, Barry."
"Yeah. And Robin was there too, it- I really needed it." Iris's smile widen. Of course she knew the two of them were dating. She was the first to find out. How could she not, she saw them walking out of S.T.A.R. labs, hands intertwined. Now all she needed to do was getting them to go on a double date with her and Eddie.
"I'm sure he needed it, too. Were you there investigating the breakout?" Barry nodded.
"That is a big story. Which I am not a part of." Barry frowned. "My editor wants me writing about The Flash and his Shadow, and only The Flash and his Shadow." He shrugged.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I don't know. I would just like to be thought of as more than The superhero PR flack. I mean, if I don't write something soon, I think I might lose my job." Barry shook his head.
"Hey, no. We will find you a great story to write about. Okay?" Iris nodded.
"I can always count on you, can't I?" Barry nodded and took a sip of his coffee.
"Think you can help me with these?" Caitlin called. Robin didn't look up from her laptop. "Robin!"
"Hmmm" Caitlin sighed, stepping away from her microscope.
"What's going on?" Robin quickly turned off her computer and looked up.
"Nothing, I just-" Caitlin send her a look. "I can't go out with Barry" Caitlin shook her head.
"No. I just found out you two are dating and now you are thinking of breaking it up?! Why!" Robin winched.
"He hasn't seen my scars." She whispered, tears appearing in her eyes.
"Oh Robin" Caitlin cooed, pulling Robin towards her. They hugged and Robin pulled away.
"I know it is stupid and I should never think he would see me differently after but what if he does?"
"Your scar's are beautiful" Robin shook her head.
"No they aren't." She huffed. "And now I have two"
"Robin, those scars are the proof you are amazing and special. You cheated death twice"
"But death isn't going to save me from a dress" Caitlin sighed and walked back to her desk, knowing that she couldn't change Robin's view on this. Robin opened her laptop again and Barry zoomed in. He grinned at them.
"How is the analyzing going?" Caitlin nodded.
"I was analyzing the particulates that Clay Parker and Shawna Baez left behind, and I found something very interesting." Barry nodded but kept his eyes on Robin, seeing her chew on her thumb. "When Clay's cells come into contact with Shawna's, they adopt her properties."
"Something bothering you?" Barry asked. Robin looked up.
"NO!... Why would you ask that?"
"You're doing that biting your thumb thing that you do when something's bothering you." Robin shook her head and turned back to her computer.
"I'm fine."
"Cisco says I don't have a life." Caitlin injected. Barry turned to her with a frown. Something was going on. For now he shook it off and smiled.
"You don't, do you?"
"I do! I cook and I eat and.... I read and.... I help you."
"So, what you're saying is, you do everything that has nothing to do with having a life." She smirked.
"You don't have to be rude about it." They chuckle.
"Hey, I'm not doing any better than you. My social life consists of running at superhuman speed, going on some dates and Netflix." Caitlin and Robin fell silent and Barry frowned. "What's going on?"
The computer bleeped and Robin shot out of her chair.
"There's an armed robbery in progress." She read. Caitlin nodded.
"Two suspects, male and female in their 20s." Barry sped away and came back full suit.
"Sounds like our meta-human Bonnie and Clyde are at it again." He smirked. "Time to ruin their social life." He commented and sped off. Robin watched him go before she sighed.
"Don't say it" She grumbled and walked out of the room.
Movie night at Joe's was cancelled so Barry decided to call Caitlin, seeing if she wanted come with him to check out a bar. He had decided to take some distance from Robin, give her some space to sort things out.
"Hey. What bars did Shawna and Clay frequent?" Caitlin frowned.
"Uh, mostly south side dive bars. Why?"
"I was just gonna check 'em out. See if they fall into any old habits." Caitlin smiled, her eyes falling on an sleeping Robin.
"That's a good idea. I'll join you." Barry smiled. "And take Robin with me. See you there" She added and hang up.
"Caitlin no!"
"Caitlin yes!"
Caitlin dragged Robin inside the bar, both of them tripping on the heels they were wearing. Barry's eyes moved from the terrible karaoke singer to the door and they widen. Robin in a dress, and a jacked. Caitlin noticed his stare and smirked.
"Hey." Barry blinked.
"What?" She pulled Robin to the chair in front of Barry and placed her down. She then moved to the other seat. Barry stared at Robin while she was desperately trying to avoid his gaze. "Uh, well, you look... really nice. Both of you do" Caitlin smiled.
"I don't always dress like a high school principal." Robin remained silent but winched when the next karaoke singer started to sing, very badly. She coughed
"So, this is where Shawna Baez and Clay Parker used to hang out?" Barry nodded.
"It is, according to the files. I thought we could kill two birds with one stone. Look for them and get ourselves back out there." Robin stared at them before she stood up.
"I- am going to get us something to drink" She nodded to herself and walked off. Barry watched her go before he sighed.
"I keep making the same mistake. Every time I race to pick Robin up, trying to cheer her up, she seems to slip out of my grasp. I was hoping that now that we were dating things were going to change, but it... I just don't know anymore." Caitlin smiled sadly at him.
"At least you're not pining for someone who bursts into flames and wants nothing to do with you." Barry stared at her before he laughed.
"What is wrong with us? I mean, we're in our 20s. We should be having fun. We should meet people, go on lots of dates." Robin walked back over and placed the drinks down. Caitlin grabbed hers and held it up.
"Well, here's to liquid courage."She grinned and drank it, in one go. Robin sat back down and stared at her, wide eyed.
"That is... Very fast."
"You just drank all of it." Robin managed to utter out. Caitlin placed the glass back down and motioned to the barista.
"Excuse me? I would like to start a tab." Barry nodded in encouragement while Robin looked scared. She took her drink and slowly took a sip.
Three glasses of vodka later Caitlin was stumbling over her own feet but managed to drag Robin onto the stage with her. She tried to get away but in fear of hurting her she let her.
"Caitlin let go" She whined but Caitlin grabbed the microphone.
"Mr. Barry Allen!" She shouted. All eyes turned to them and Robin shrunk away. "Come on down! Or up. Come up here and sing with Robin~." She dragged out. Robin started to tug harder. "Oh, come show 'em what you got. Come on. Barry! Barry!" Soon the whole bar was chanting and Barry did as told. "Ooh, look at him go. He's so fast! Ooh, shh!" Caitlin finally released Robin and pushed the microphone in her hands.
"You know I'm not much of a singer."Barry tried, looking at Caitlin "And you're not much of a drinker."She just grinned.
"You are gonna bring this place down." She shouted and stumbled off the stage to the seat in front of it.
"Okay, just... Good girl." Robin tried, helping her down. The song started and Robin felt like she was about to throw up.
"Summer lovin' Had me a blast " Robin nearly whispered, clutching the microphone. "Summer lovin' happened so fast" Barry nodded, she wasn't even that bad.
"I met a girl. Crazy for me" Robin's eyes widen. Barry could sing!! She turned to look at him.
"I met a boy cute as can be" She sang a little bit louder.
"Summer days driftin' away to uh-oh those summer nights"
"Uh well-a well-a well-a uh" The crowd finished.
"You're fast and you can sing?" Caitlin slurred as Robin and Barry walked off the stage. Barry grinned. Robin could sing! "What can't you do?" Caitlin grinned and took a glass from the bar taking a sip.
"Stop you from drinking, apparently." Robin reached over and took the glass.
"I'm not even sure that was mine."
"No, because its mine" She took a large gulp and Barry frowned. She had drunk more than Caitlin. How could she not be drunk?
"I have to go to the bathroom." Barry nodded.
"Okay." She walked off and Robin stood up as well.
"And I am going with her to hold her hair" She sighed and walked after Caitlin. Apparently Caitlin had locked the stall so Robin decided to wait outside, getting full view of a girl flirting with Barry. Robin stared at them but al to soon Caitlin came stumbling back.
"Come on" Robin grabbed her arm and helped her towards Barry.
"Barry?" Barry looked up, the girl walking away.
"I don't feel good." Barry nodded and took a hold of them.
"Okay. Come on." He sped them out. Once outside Caitlin lurched forwards, vomiting all over the floor. Barry took a hold of her hair and rubbed her back. "Okay?" '
When Caitlin finally stopped puking Barry flashed her and Robin towards Caitlin's apartment, with some directions from Robin. Barry helped Caitlin inside while Robin released Barry and hurried towards the bathroom. Barry frowned but shook it off, she might be sick as well.
"Are we still running?"
"No, we are here."
"Vodka and super-speed... not a good combination." They laugh and Barry helped her take off her jacked and purse. "So, are you gonna call her?" Caitlin asked, hopping on one foot, trying to take off her heels.
"That girl. The one who gave you her number." Barry shook his head, his eyes falling onto the bathroom door.
"Good, because you and Robin are the new dream couple." Caitlin smiled. "But she doesn't see that yet. She'll let you slip right through her fingers because she thinks she doesn't deserve happiness. But what she doesn't realize is, she needs a little saving, too." Barry blinked and stared at the door. Caitlin held up her arms, realizing that taking off her own dress would be impossible. "Little help, please."
Barry nodded. "W... Yeah." He sped around her, changing her into her PJ's. Caitlin looked down at herself and smiled.
"There you go again. Saving me from that evil dress."
"Get in bed." Caitlin stumbled into bed and Barry pulled up the covers.
"Did you sneak a peek? At my goods?" Barry smiled.
"I wouldn't be much of a hero if I did." Caitlin closed her eyes.
"Yeah, but it's okay if you peeked a little. You deserve a peek for all the good stuff you do."
"Drink lots of water."
"Thank you for tonight." She smiled. "You sang." Barry smiled and stood up.
"Any time."
"Hey, Barry?" Barry turned back around "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" Barry's eyes shot towards the door but nodded, seeing and hearing no movement.
"Sure, yeah."He sat down on her bed and rubbed her leg. Within seconds Caitlin was out like a light. Barry smiled before he sighed and stood up. He carefully moved towards the bathroom door.
"Robin?" He whispered. No reply. Barry thought for a second before he placed his hand against the door. "Robin?" He asked a little bit louder.
"I'm fine" She replied in less than a whisper. "Can you... can you hand me a jacked or something? I think Caitlin puked on me" Barry nodded and quickly scanned the room for something but spotted nothing.
"I don't see anything" He turned back to the door. "Are you oke?"
"Yeah, just... don't look" Barry frowned.
"Robin wha-"
"Just promise me" He exhaled but nodded.
"I won't look, I promise" He turned around and closed his eyes. Seconds passed but then the door opened. Footsteps that could only be Robin's passed him and a small speck of blue caught his eyes. The footsteps stopped at the other side of the room and Barry decided to have a peak. What he saw made him inhale sharply.
Robin had abandoned her jacked revealing her backless dress and arms. Scars of various sizes decorated them like a failed painting. But what shocked Barry the most were the two lighting bold scars that ran from her neck back into the bottom of the dress.
"Robin" he whispered. Robin turned around and stared at him with wide eyes.
"You promised not to look" She choked. Barry sped towards her and grabbed her arm, tracing one lone J with his thumb.
"Who did this to you?" Robin looked up and met his eyes.
"I'm a vigilante Barry, it's not a safe job"
"No but-"
"No Barry. This is why I didn't want you to see them. I am not some normal girl like Iris or Felicity or Linda. I have luggage and the scars to show for it." Barry grabbed her other hand.
"And I know and I still think we can do this"
"I'm sorry but we can't." Robin sighed and stepped out of Barry's hold. "I'm sorry Barry but" She took a deep breath. "I need time to sort things out. I'm not the same girl that helped build the accelerator. I've changed and I haven't taken the time to figure everything out yet." Barry blinked.
"I'm sorry" Robin smiled sadly.
"Don't be. I- You... God, Barry you were the best thing that happened to me in a long time and when I'm around you I feel this things and I need to figure out what those feelings are."
"I'll wait"
"Why don't you call Linda and maybe even go out with her." Barry frowned. "She likes you Barry and maybe she can help fill that hole in your heart. When I'm ready I'll let you know but please don't wait for me" She stared at him before she looked down and walked out, her dirty jacked in her hands. Barry blinked, realizing what had just happened.
The next day Barry walked inside S.T.A.R. Labs, in a grim mood. The elevator opened and Caitlin walked inside, looking very hangover but even that didn't cheer up his mood. He had arrived early, hoping Robin would be there so they could talk about last night but Cisco had told him she had taken a sick day.
"Have you seen Robin?" He carefully asked Caitlin. She looked up trough her sunglasses and frowned.
"No but she texted me she wanted to visit her brother in Gotham. Tommy I think" She lowered her sunglasses. "Give her some time"
"Wait, you heard?
Caitlin shook her head. "I was asleep not dead" Barry groaned.
"What do you think I should do?"
"As I said, give her some time. Robin might seem hard on the outside, she's pretty fragile on the inside. After the accident she build a huge wall around her and I think you might have left a crack on that wall." She took Barry's hand. "Don't give up" Barry nodded and together they walked inside the core.
Apparently Barry's dad got beaten up by one of Marcus's guys and was now in the hospital.
Julius, the man in question was sitting on his cod when he was suddenly thrown off it. A woman, clad in black with a blue bat on her chest held one of her sticks against his throat, it vibrating with electricity.
"Evening, Julius." Julius groaned.
"Who are you" The woman smirked and held up a gun.
"Oh I'm no one, I just came to give you a present." She threw the gun behind her onto the bed. Julius' eyes widen.
"They catch me with a gun, they're gonna add ten years to my sentence." The woman shrugged.
"Twenty, actually. Unless you tell me where Marcus Stockheimer's next job is gonna be." An alarm started blaring and the woman made a fake frown face. "Oh! Guards will be here any second. I'd start blabbing."
"Okay! Okay. It's a TDK and money transfer truck coming from the federal reserve bank in St. Louis. Supposed to be millions. Delivery is around 8:00. That's all I know. I swear." The woman nodded and stood up.
"Thank you very much" She smirked. The lights flickered and when they turned on again she was gone.
"Hey! Hey, what about me?"
Barry frowned as his phone vibrated.
RG- TDK and money transfer truck coming from the federal reserve bank in St. Louis at 8:00. Be careful
Barry's eyes widen and he sped off.
Iris walked past one of the ally's in central city but frowned and stopped. She turned around to see the Flash inside it and walked in.
"That's for you. I thought maybe you could help me out, if you're willing." Iris took the file from the dumpster and gasped.
"This is about the breakout at Iron Heights." The Flash nodded.
"Clay Parker. He's still on the loose, and we need to catch him." Iris frowned.
"Why are you giving this to me?"
"'Cause you're a good reporter. And the only one I know."
"What about your shadow?"
"Its Nightwing actually and she's won't be here for a while" Iris frowned but nodded. The Flash sped off and Iris smirked holding up her phone, a very blurry photo of the Flash on it.
"You're not the only one who's fast."
"So broke it off. I'm sorry." Henry frowned, feeling sad for his son. He seemed so happy with that girl. "It wasn't because your dad's in the slammer?" Barry shook his head.
"No, she just said she needed some time." Henry nodded.
"Good, that means she still likes you" He laughed while Barry shook his head. Finally Henry held up a newspaper, with the Flash on the cover. "Hey. You see this?" Barry stared at it, surprised to see himself on it.
"No. I haven't."
"The Flash." Henry turned the paper over and smiled. "I saw him once. Watched him save Joe's life." Barry nodded.
"Joe told me about that. I guess he was lucky."
"Hm. Lucky Joe. The strangest thing. Flash's 'sidekick', Nightwing. She was here too." Barry frowned but moved closer. "I get roughed up by Julius, end up in here. Next thing I know, Julius is caught trying to sneak a gun inside, claims The Nightwing gave it to him. Won't be seeing Julius for a long time now." Barry smiled. "Guess I'm lucky too, huh?"
"Dad. If I was The Flash, don't you think that you'd be the first to know about it?"
"Yeah. Well, if The Flash were my son, I'd tell him a few things. First off, I'd tell him it's a dangerous world, so be careful. Then I'd tell him he's a hero. And he's saving a lot of lives. But the most important thing for him to know, I feel, is that his father's proud of him."
B-Bear- Thank you for helping my dad
RG- No problem. Don't worry, I'll be back soon
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