Flash 11

Everyone has a hero, someone they look up to or admire, someone they just wish they could be. It's easy to believe in heroes. What's hard is when our heroes stop believing in us.

"Oh, Barry, there's an intersection coming up. Hurry!"

"This should slow 'em down."

"Guys, which way?"



"Straight ahead."

"You know you are telling me three different things, right?" Cisco, Caitlin and Robin shared a look when Wells rolled up.

"Barry, listen up. Listen carefully. Here is what you're going to do. Now, the Queen is trying to make it to the bridge, but I have a shortcut wait for it, and left... left... Right..."

"I see her!"

"Make her go west before Fremont."

"Okay, how?" Robin shrugged.


"Now, the King is headed for the entrance to the interstate."

"What entrance?" Barry joked.

"Atta boy." The lab team watched as the three motor cycles rode towards each other and stopped. "Check..."

"Got the keys."

"Mate." Robin smirked.

"I do like their helmets." They heard Barry laugh trough the comm. Within seconds he sped back inside the room, one of the cyclers helm in his hands.

"Give me some!" Cisco and Barry high fived and Barry handed Robin the helmet.

"Got you a souvenir" Robin laughed and took it.

"That's awesome" She grinned and walked towards her desk.

"Efficiently done, Mr. Allen." Cisco walked back towards them with a camera.

"We need a picture."

"Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without a mask on." Barry noted. Cisco groaned.

"Oh, come on, please! This is just for us. This is to document all this."Wells shrugged.

"Who knows? Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened."

"All right, well, if you want the future to have the whole story, then, we all need to be in it."Caitlin looked up, troubled.

"First, let me put on some makeup?" Robin groaned, walking back towards them, the helmed now sitting on her desk.

"The future does not care about your makeup." This made Caitlin smile too. They walked towards the centre of the room, Barry remaining at the console with the camera.

"Mm-mmm. Okay. Big smiles. Three... two... one." Barry sped towards them and Robin yelped. Barry returned to the camera and grinned.


"Does that count as a selfie?" Robin snatched the phone from Barry and searched through it, wanting to see the photo.


"Sick." Robin smiled, finding the picture. Cisco joined her and smiled.

"Came out good." In the photo, Wells sat in the centre with Caitlin on his left and Cisco on his right. Robin and Barry stood behind Wells, Robin on Barry's back. So that was what she had felt.

"Thanks for talking me through things out there."

"My pleasure. Well done. I have to say it was a bit of a rush feeling like a..."

"A hero. Yeah. You're pretty good at it." Barry smiled at Wells and walked away, ready to take his suit off. He passed Cisco and Robin who were trying on the helmed. He shook his head at them and walked off.

"Robin, I noticed you weren't here last night. You didn't leave did you?" Robin turned away from Cisco, the helmet now on his head.

"In my defense, Barry brought me to my apartment." Wells sighed.

"Well, at least you weren't at the battlefield" Robin nodded. Caitlin smiled and held up her tabled.

"I might have found something in your lest test" Robin moved over to her and eyed her tablet.

"It appears your cells are rubbing against each other, creating friction."

"Like static?"

"It seems so" Robin blinked before she smirked and walked over to Cisco. He had just taken off the helmet as Robin stepped over to him and held out her finger towards him. A small but powerful shock traveled through her body to his, and he yelped.

"Auw! Why did you do that?" Robin grinned and looked down at her hands. "That is cool though" Cisco breathed, realizing what had happened.


"The police should not have been called." Wells explained, leading Barry and Jo into his house. "I got a prank call before all this happened."

"This feels like more than just a prank, Doctor."

"Well, there are those who feel I did not suffer enough for the particle accelerator explosion of last year, and some of them act on it." The door opened again and Cisco, Caitlin and Robin walked inside.

"Dr. Wells. Dr. Wells, are you okay?" Caitlin asked, sounding extremely concerned.

"Dr. Snow, I'm... I'm fine. A little chilly. Otherwise, I'm fine." Robin grinned and reached inside her bag, taking out a very fluffy looking blanked. She opened in a bit more and placed it around Wells's shoulders. He smiled at her. "Thank you, Robin. Make yourselves at home as best you can. I'm gonna make a hotel reservation." He laughed and rolled away. Robin swung her bag back around her shoulder and gaped at the room. Barry eyed her, noticing she wore biker clothing.

"Oh... This place is so sick." Cisco breathed.

"Yeah... hey, what took you guys so long?"Barry asked. Caitlin smiled apologetically.

"We got lost. We've never been here before."

"Really? Never?" Cisco shook his head.

"He tends to keep his private life private."

Robin walked further inside the room, running her hand over the counter and towards the room where the glass broke. Barry joined her.

"What's up with the outfit?" Robin turned to him.

"Safety, my bike's outside" Barry watched her and whistled.

"I didn't know you could ride a bike" Robin smirked.

"There are still a lot of things you don't know about me Barry Allen" Barry shook his head with a smile and walked towards the glass pieces.

"Tell me one thing" Robin crouched down opposite of him and pursed her lips.

"Ummm... oh I know" She smiled. "I wasn't born as Robin" Barry frowned.

"Really?" Robin shook her head.

"No, I was born as a Richard, named after my grandfather" She chuckled "My parents expected a boy" Barry stared at her before he laughed. "You know what's the worst part is? My old nickname as Dick" Barry snorted.

"You can't be serious"

"I am. I kind of grew up as a boy" Barry smiled before he noticed something on the floor and started to speed puzzle the pieces of glass back together. Soon the window was back together and Robin frowned.

"There's no point of impact." Barry nodded, seeing it as well.

"No rock or bat or... any solid object went through these windows. It's as if they just shattered themselves." Robin looked up, noticing Wells roll towards them.

"This wasn't some teenage prank" It wasn't a question. Wells smirked and shook his head.

"No, it wasn't." Barry turned around, facing him.

"But you don't want our help. Why?"

"Because I already know who did this. Hartley Rathaway." Robin sighed and rubbed her forhead.

"God no" She groaned. Barry frowned, seeing her reaction.

"Who is Hartley Rathaway?"


"Hartley Rathaway possesses one of the finest scientific minds I've ever encountered." Wells explained. Jo looked up.

"Any ties to Rathaway Industries?" Wells nodded.

"His grandfather founded the company, his father expanded it, and Hartley here was set to inherit the throne."

"What happened?" Barry asked with a frown.

"He wanted to use newer technology." Robin explained, a cold expression on her face.

"Old money, old values." Caitlin added.

"They were estranged when we met, but, brilliant. I couldn't have built the particle accelerator without him." Barry frowned.

"You guys have never even mentioned his name."

Caitlin rubbed her neck. "That's because Hartley had a challenging personality." Cisco huffed.

"What she means is he was mostly a jerk." Barry smiled.

"But, every once in a while, he could be a dick." Robin finished. She and Cisco high-fived. Wells shook his head.

"Let's just say that Hartley, like many outliers, had trouble relating to his peers."

"Yes, but he was always your favorite."

"The chosen one." Cisco muttered. "He referred to himself like that"

"So if you two were so close, why would he target you?" Wells sighed.

"Hartley left S.T.A.R. Labs about a year ago after we had a... a disagreement."

"About what?" Wells remained silent so Barry nodded.

"Look, don't worry. We'll stop him. I won't let him hurt you, any of you." He looked at Jo. "Let's get back to my lab, all right?" Jo nodded and together they left.

"I could've gone my whole life without seeing that jerk again." Cisco muttered, glaring at the picture of Hartley. Robin nodded.

"No need to tell me"


"Yo. This place is so dope." Cisco breathed, walking through the halls of S.T.A.R. Labs for the first time.

"What a coincidence. We were thinking of making "Yo. This place is so dope" our new slogan." Harley muttered back. Cisco clenched his jaw.

"If you're so convinced Dr. Wells made a mistake in hiring me, why don't you try proving it to him?" Hartley turned to him, a cocky smile on his face.

"Magnetic flux is measured by what?"

"Hall effect pick up."

"The dual of a parallel R-C circuit?"

"Series R-L circuit. I can go all day, pal." They stopped their starring match as someone clapped.

"Hartley, it looks like you have met your match." A woman smiled, walking closer. Another woman stepped closer as well and grinned at Cisco.

"And I seem to have met mine, I like your shirt" Cisco's eyes hot down to see her wearing a batman shirt. "I'm Robin Grayson" They shook hands before Cisco shook the other woman's hand.

"I am Dr. Caitlin Snow. It's very nice to meet you."

"Cisco Ramon. Nice to meet you." Robin smirked, shooting Hartley a look.

"And just ignore Hartley. We all do." Hartley huffed and turned to Caitlin instead. To be honest Robin scared him a lot.

"Tell your boyfriend I need his specs on the synchotron by end of day."

"Actually, it is the end of Ronnie's day. We are leaving early. My boyfriend is taking me out of town for our one-year anniversary." Cisco smiled.

"Aw. That's sweet."

"Thanks. I'll see you guys on Monday." Caitlin waved and left. Cisco smiled.

"See ya. She seems nice." Hartley send him a glare.

"You don't. I give you a week. Max." He spat and walked away. Robin exhaled deeply.

"Don't mind Hartley, he's an ass" Cisco chuckled. "Come on, I'll show you the tech lab"

It didn't take long before Hartley popped up again. Destroying the Rathaway building this time. Barry caught him with ease. He pushed Hartley inside the building, his hands bound in front of him. Hartley smirked.

"Being scooped up by a guy clad in head-to-toe leather is a long-time fantasy of mine, so thanks." Barry pushed him again, cutting him off. Hartley's smirk widen, noticing Cisco, Robin and Caitlin. "Well, well, well, the gang's all here. You've lasted a lot longer than I would've thought, Cisco." Cisco rolled his eyes.

"And you didn't last ten seconds against The Flash."

"Robin, looking as nice as always."

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same about you" Barry frowned, noticing the tension between them.

"I was thinking of calling myself Pied Piper." Hartley commented, ignoring Robin.

"Hey! I assign the nicknames around here." Cisco huffed. "Although that one's not bad."

"I actually thought about Fury." Robin added before she smirked. "Or Rat" Hartley shot her a glare, his eyes drifting towards Caitlin.

"Caitlin... Never did get that wedding invite." This was the last drop for Barry, he pushed Harley further.

"Shut the hell up!" Hartley huffed but did as told. Cisco took this as the moment to step in front of Hartley, guiding him inside the hallway.

"Stay in front of me."He ordered. Barry watched them disappear inside the hallway before he exhaled and tugged off his mask.

"What happened between you two?" He finally asked, turning to Robin. She tore her eyes away from the hallway and shrugged.

"Nothing. We have always been rivals and I guess Hartley saw that as some kind of fattish." She explained. "I better go help Cisco" She nodded to herself and left, feeling quite uncomfortable. Barry frowned before he turned to Caitlin. She sighed.

"Hartley liked Robin in an... unhealthy way. He kept asking her out and Robin kept denying." She smiled to herself. "Doctor Wells used to joke that they would make the smartest couple." She finally met Barry's gaze. "I think she fits better with you" She send him a smile and walked after Robin.


"The scanner is detecting foreign metallic objects in your ears. Take 'em out." Cisco ordered.

"I can't. I suffered head trauma when S.T.A.R. Labs exploded. My hearing was severely damaged." Harley tried, pointing towards his ears. "Without these, I'm in pain you can't imagine." He stopped and eyed them. "We all lost something that night." Caitlin exhaled deeply while Robin kept her eyes fixed on Hartley. "Ha. Very clever re-purposing the anti-proton cavities into confinement cells. Wells' idea, I'm sure." Robin smirked.

"It was Cisco's, actually." Cisco grinned.

"Cisco poco, todavía pidiendo su atención maestros" Hartley spoke, using Cisco's mother language.

"Si eres tan inteligente, ¿por qué estás en una jaula" Cisco repied back. Caitlin, not understanding what they were saying took a step forwards.

"Hartley, don't make this more difficult than it has to be."

"olvidé, que no le gusta las emociones. Son desordenado" Robin clenched her jaw, fully aware what he was saying.

"lo suficientemente, Hartley" Robin spoke, uncounciously slipping into spanish.They all turned their heads, hearing Wells roll into the room.

"Give us a minute." Caitlin nodded and pulled Cisco and Robin with her out of the room, fully aware that if she would leave Robin and Cisco right now, they would kill Hartley.

"See you soon, Cisco." Cisco grumbled something but was muffled by Robin speeding up, pulling them towards the cortex. Barry looked up, seeing them enter but Robin quickly shushed him and ran towards the computer. Once there she pressed some buttons. The TV screen lid up, showing them Doctor Wells with Hartley. They were in the midst of a conversation in Spanish.

"God, I wish I'd taken a language in high school." Barry grumbled.

"How did you know we were working with The Flash?"

"I wrote a hexagonal algorithm tracking all of his sightings, extrapolating a theoretical exit trajectory." Barry frowned, turning to Robin.

"Every time you ran from a scene of a crime, you ran in this direction."

"You are brilliant. And... any anguish you have been through because of me was never my intent."

" Not bad... as far as heartfelt apologies go. Except that wasn't for my benefit." Hartley looked up, directly into the camera. "That was for you, Flash. Feels good to have the great Harrison Wells behind you, doesn't it? But one day, this man will turn on you... In a flash... And even you won't see it coming. I only hope that he leaves you in better shape than he left me. If you're lucky, you'll only be dead". Hartley turned back to Wells' "Because every day I have to live with the agonizing, piercing screaming in my ears." Wells, having heard enough, rolled away. "I almost forgot... I told your pet I know your deep, dark secret, Harrison. Have fun letting him in on that one." Robin closed her eyes for a second, regaining herself before she walked back over to the computer and shut off the TV screen. Doctor Wells rolled inside the cortex seconds later.

"I assume you were all listening." They all turned to him, hurt and confusion in their eyes. "Well, Hartley was telling the truth. I have not been honest with you. With any of you." He exhaled deeply. "The accelerator... Hartley warned me that there was indeed a chance that the accelerator could explode. His data did not show 100% certainty, just that there was a risk, but it was a real risk." Robin clenched her jaw. "And yet I made the decision that the reward... that... everything we could learn and everything we could achieve, that all of that... simply outweighed that risk. I'm sorry." There was a silence, everyone taking everything in. Caitlin was the first to speak, standing up.

"Then the next time you choose to put our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, at risk, I'll expect a heads up." She whispered before she walked away. Robin locked her lips before opening them, trying to come up with the right words to say but closed her mouth again, walking after Caitlin.

"Caitlin" She called, reaching one of the lower levels. Caitlin stopped and turned around, her eyes red from unshed tears. "Wanna watch a movie my place?" Caitlin closed her eyes for a second but shook her head.

"No, we better go back to the training room. We still need to finish the tests." Robin nodded, watching her friend. She finally closed the space and hugged her.

"Having a group hug without me?" The girls pulled away to see an equally beaten Cisco standing there. Robin gave an airy laugh before beckoning him towards them. Cisco quickly joined their hug and they laughed. Caitlin pulled away.

"Do you wanna help run some more tests on Robin?"Cisco smirked.

"And get some payback for her shocking me? Yes please" The two of them smirked and resumed their way to the training hall. Robin huffed.

"Guys I don't want to... Oh what the heck" She grumbled and followed them.


After phase two of the tests, Cisco had gone back to the cortex to fiddle some more with Hartley's gloves. Robin sighed as she sat on the soft mats of the gym, a light bulb in her hand.

"Once more" Caitlin spoke trough the com. Robin focused on the bulb and with a slight flicker it turned on. Caitlin scribbled it down on her tabled and nodded. "And we're done" Robin stood up.


"Don't get cocky" The girls smiled and walked towards the cortex, the bulb still in Robin's hand.

"Where's Dr. Wells?" Caitlin asked, spotting Cisco. Robin took out her cell phone, feeling it vibrating. Five missed calls from Barry. She quickly unlocked her phone and checked her texts.

B-Bear- Are you alright?

B-Bear- I'm at Jitters, do you need some coffee?

B-Bear- Robin?

B-Bear- I'm getting you a coffee.

Robin shook her head with a fond smile. Oh Barry...

"I'm not sure. Robin looked back up, slipping her phone in her pocked. "Barry was right. Hartley was using sonic resonance. The intensity regulator's measuring decibels. But you know what's weird? He had it set to the lowest setting." Robin frowned and stepped towards Cisco, eying his data.

"He could've completely destroyed his father's building if he wanted to in one blast."

"So, why not just do it and leave? I mean, why stick around and run the risk of getting caught?" Cisco's eyes widen.

"Unless he wanted to be caught." He shot up from his chair and ran towards the computer. He swapped to Hartley's camera and pressed a button. The alarm's started blaring, coating the room in a red light. "Dr. Wells! There's been a pipeline breach" Cisco spoke into the mic. before he turned to Caitlin and Robin. "Stay here." Robin shook her head.

"Not a chance" She ran after Cisco towards the pipelines. They quickly reached it. Robin's eyes widen, hearing a noise she recognized far too well. "Get down!" She pulled Cisco towards her and covered him, just in time because the bulk door exploded, sending them flying. They hit the floor with a tud, causing them both to loose consciousness.


Barry sped inside the cortex, having just got a call from Doctor Wells that Hartley had escaped. He stopped running at the sight that lay in front of him. Caitlin lay on the floor just regaining consciousness, the alarms still blaring on the background. Barry quickly pulled her up.

"Hey! Are you okay?" She nodded.

"Yeah, uh, Cisco, Robin and Dr. Wells." Barry made sure Caitlin was alright before he sped off again, his heart hammering in his chest. Not again, Robin could not be in danger again. He stopped running, spotting Wells.

"He's gone." Barry ran off, not caring that Hartley was gone, he would get him back. When he finally reached the cortex his heart stopped. Cisco and Robin lay on the floor, covered in debris. He fell to his knees next to Robin, checking for a pulse. He exhaled deeply, feeling one. His eyes shot to Cisco but seeing his chest rise made Barry look back towards Robin. He holstered her in his arms and sped towards the cortex. He placed her on a cod before speeding back towards Cisco and doing the same.


"Oh god" Robin groaned, opening her eyes. She exhaled deeply and forced herself to sit up. As on instinct she tugged the needle out of her hand. Immediately an alarm sounded. Robin groaned and flopped back onto the cod. The door swung open and Caitlin appeared, looking very startled. Once she laid eyes of Robin she sighed.

"Never do that again" She walked over to Robin and took her hand, checking for damage.

"What? Get hit by an explosion or pull out a needle?"

"You know what I mean" Robin chuckled and sat up. Caitlin tried to push her back just as a gush of wind made her hair fly around. Barry stared at Robin with relief and quickly ran over to her. Robin frowned.

"Ba-" He hugged her as tightly as he dared. Robin groaned and moved her arms up to hug him back.

"Never scare me like that again" Robin chuckled.

"Can't promise that" Barry released her and took a step back. "How's Cisco" Caitlin rolled her eyes.

"Better than you. Robin, you broke two ribs and got a fracture in you skull" Robin shook her head, rubbing it.

"That does explain the dizziness." She carefully moved her torso. "But I don't feel broken." Caitlin nodded.

"It seems like Barry isn't the only one with rapid regeneration" Robin blinked before she closed her eyes.

"Yesssssss" Barry chuckled. Caitlin smiled.

"I'm going to check on Cisco." The door closed and Robin opened her eyes, looking at Barry.

"How long was I out" She groaned and sat up. Barry sped over to her and helped her. Robin send him a smile.

"A couple of hours, Cisco's still out." Robin nodded.

"Bar, can you get me some-" Barry sped away and back, handing her a glass of water. "Water" Robin took the glass and took a sip. "Thank you" Barry took it and placed it on the nightstand. He stared at her for a second before he grinned.

"Your still wearing my necklace" Robin grabbed it and nodded.

"Yeah. Good luck charm right" She smiled. Barry nodded before he took Robin's hand. Now or never.

"I wanted to ask you before. Do you... wanna grab some coffee later?" Robin closed her eyes and smirked.

"As payback for the one you got me? No way, not after the forgotten lunch, coffee and coco I got you."

"No, i.. I mean like us getting something to drink... like a date?" Robin opened her eyes and stared at Barry.

"How much antistatic did Caitlin give me?" She whispered, squinting eyes.


"Did you just say you wanted to go on a date. With me?" Barry blinked and stood up.

"Yeah... But if you don't want to than, I'll just..." He send Robin a sad smile and took a step back when Robin grabbed his hand again, nearly out of the bed.

"No, that is not what I meant-" She stopped and groaned. Barry's eyes widen and quickly helped her back in. "Thanks" Robin sighed when the room finally stopped spinning. "I meant that, why do you want to date me? You like Felicity, Iris even, not me." Barry Stared at her before he snorted.

"Did you really think?...Yes I liked Felicity and Iris" Robin looked down. "But I want to date you because I like you Robin" Robin blinked.

"Then I think a date would be nice." Barry beamed. "But I can't promise anything." Barry nodded and squeezed her hand. Robin grinned too but was stopped when Caitlin stepped back inside the room, grinning like an idiot.

"Cisco's waking up" Barry blinked, snapping out of his pink cloud and nodded. He stood back up but was again stopped when Robin grabbed his hand.

"Help me up, will you" Caitlin shook her head but Robin was already halfway up. Barry quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, supporting her towards the door. Caitlin send them a look but took the lead towards Cisco. When they reached the bed Caitlin walked over to Cisco and smiled.

"Welcome back, Mr. Ramon." Cisco moved to get up but groaned.

"Ooh. Oh, man." He laid back down but froze. "Robin?" Caitlin nodded, pushing him back down.

"She's fine. You need to rest. You have a concussion."

"You're lucky." Robin commented from the side. Cisco shot up. "I've got two broken ribs and something with my head, I'm fine though" She explained. Cisco smiled and laid back down. His smile disappeared.

"Please tell me you got him." Wells rolled up to them.

"I guess the attack on his family's company was a fake out so we'd catch him."

"And give him direct access to S.T.A.R. Labs." Barry added, gently placing Robin down in a chair.

"Why?" Cisco groaned.

"I should've known he was up to something. This is my fault." Barry walked over to him.

"Hey, man. This is on me, too. I shouldn't have left before..." Wells shook his head.

"This is no one's fault but mine. I earned the blame... I'm not interested in sharing it. Hartley doesn't think I've paid for my crimes. And he's right. He won't stop until I do." He nodded and rolled away/

"Where are you going?"

"To earn back your trust."


It appeared that the mysterious, 'to earn back your trust' meant coming clean to the world in a press conference. After that doctor Wells returned to S.T.A.R. labs and taken Cisco to talk. All the while Caitlin had held Robin in the Med Bay, needing to run more tests on her and checking her health. Barry had returned to S.T.A.R. labs half an hour ago, with 2 cups of coffee and the excuse he felt like he needed to make it up to Robin for the last one. The speaker's popped, making them all look up.

"What's that?" Cisco asked, walking into the Cortex.

"Nice gambit, Harrison. But this isn't over." Wells glared at the speakers.

"What do you want, Hartley? I already gave my mea culpa today." Hartley snickered.

"The city already hated you. You don't think I noticed that press conference was a pathetic bishop sacrifice? No, no, no. I've played with you too many times to let you get away with that. This is between you, me, and The Flash." Barry glanced behind him to Robin, secretly very glad Hartley ignored her.

"You don't want to play for those kind of stakes with me, Hartley."

"Actually, I really do. What do you say? One last game of chess?"

"You and I both know that the winner of the game is the one who makes the next-to-last mistake, and you clearly have a move in mind."

"You're right. And I'm already at the board. So why don't you move your precious scarlet knight... While I take out a few pawns." There was the sound of cars screeching before the speakers died.

"All right, Cisco, where do he go?" Wells asked, rolling towards the computers. Cisco shook his head.

"I can't trace the signal. He could be sending his messages from anywhere."

"Cisco, scan for seismic activity. If Hartley's using sonic blast, the vibrations could cause tremors." Robin suggested. Cisco nodded.

"Look. Over here. Quake activity but no fault line." Barry sped back inside the room, dressed in his suit. "The Keystone Cleveland Dam." Barry nodded and made a move to run away when Wells stopped him.

"Barry! Don't underestimate him. He's brilliant." He smirked.

"Well, good thing I'll have you in here." Robin stood up.

"I'm coming with you" Barry shook his head. "Caitlin says I'm good to go"

"No. I need you here" he sped away not giving her time to reply. Robin frowned.

"Go after him, he will need your help" Robin turned to look at him and nodded. She ran towards the locker room to grab her suit. "and I have a feeling I'm going to need my black queen."


"That feeling? That's your organs shearing apart." Hartley spat, looking down at the Flash that withered at his feet. "And you activated the frequency when you disarmed me. In chess, we call that a discovered attack. You don't see it until it's too late. Right, Harrison?" Barry groaned, spitting out more blood.

"Barry's vitals are bottoming out. We need to do something."

"What are you doing?"

"Robin, are you there yet?"

Robin grunted as she hang from the bridge. She reached up and touched her com.

"Yeah, I'm here"

"Good, I need you to activate the radio's in the cars. It should be enough of an distraction for you to take out Hartley." Robin huffed.

"And how do you expect me to do that? It's not like I am in a position to go inside any of those cars."

"Who says you need to go in."

"Doctor Wells in right. If our tests are correct, you should be able to activate them from there" Robin blinked before she pulled herself upwards. Her head poked up just enough to see the top of the bridge. It seemed that Hartley was still busy with Barry, taunting him.

"You don't seem so special anymore. Given how easy it was to bring you down, I wonder if Harrison will even miss you."

Robin grunted and moved her hand out, pointing it at the cars. For a moment there was nothing before they sprang to life, the lights flickering and the radio's blasting. Hartley turned around, startled. Robin took this as her moment and propelled herself upwards. She landed onto the bridge and ran towards Hartley. He turned to her and blinked. He opened his mouth but Robin kicked him in the chest. He grunted and stumbled back only to fall over Barry and onto the ground, knocking him out. Robin shrugged.

"Not the way I would have liked but oke" She ran towards the gloves and stepped on them, destroying them. Robin turned around and walked towards Barry.

"You oke?"


Barry nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Robin grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Barry winched and quickly took out his com.



When the two made it back to S.T.A.R. labs, Caitlin walked towards them with a smile.

"How do you feel?" Barry grinned.

"Fine! I mean there is a little ringing in my ears, but other than that I'm good, so!" Robin placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You're speaking very loudly." She smiled. Barry winched.

"Sorry." He spoke in a normal volume. Robin shook her head and walked away to take of her suit.

"It's okay, it'll pass."They chuckled. Cisco walked over to them.

"Nice moves."

"Thank you."

"Anytime. I think I'm gonna take my doctor's advice and go lie down." Caitlin fake gasped.

"What a great idea!" Cisco laughed.

"Man, I feel like I'm hung over times ten." Caitlin pushed him out.

"I'm not surprised." Barry watched them go and was about to go find Robin when Wells rolled up to him.

"It's difficult for me... to admit when I'm wrong. Certainly, in front of an entire city but also... Also to my closest friends. So I hope one day to restore your trust and faith in me." Barry smiled.

"That day was today."

"Not every hero wears a mask. Some heroes save the day in the simplest of ways. By just being there for us... or letting us know we're believed in. If I'm any sort of hero today, it's not because of my speed. It's because I learned how from the people in my life... all of them."

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