Flash 10
"Captain cold is back?"
"For a non-metahuman, Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the Nemesis."
"You don't have to tell me"
With the events of Christmas and Robin's awakening the team had decided to just lay back for a while. Robin was still under tight surveillance of Caitlin and Wells and Barry was trying to get faster, to catch the Reversed Flash.
Robin was happily drinking her coffee from her spot on the examination bed. Caitlin was still running tests on her. She and Wells had now officially declared that she was a meta human. Her cells had settled so now it was just a matter of testing to find out what she could do. Cisco secretly hoped for flesh eating death gaze.
"He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us, the one I built."
"Well, what does he want this time?" Barry sighed.
"The Flash."
"Something he's not getting" Robin pointed out, making Barry smile. They still hadn't really talked after Christmas, at least not alone, and Barry was determined to do so.
"If Snart wants a fight with the Flash, then I'll give him one."
"Well... You don't think I should? I didn't say that. But, Barry, as fast as you are, you cannot be everywhere at once. And it becomes then a question of priorities." Wells explained. "Now, in the last month, you have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes, and it's working. You're finally getting faster." Barry frowned.
"Okay, but what am I supposed to do, just ignore Snart?"
"The last time you had a fight with Snart, a train derailed. If Robin hadn't been there..." Wells trailed off. "You were lucky to get all those people to safety. And if you don't give him that fight..."
"He may just back off, and there'll be no casualties." Wells nodded and rolled away from them.
"Look, Barry, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch cold." Cisco grinned. "Yes, I said it, Cisco. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it."
"Yeah, we can definitely come up with ways to neutralize Snart." Robin nodded, eying the blueprint Cisco held up. Barry stared at them but turned to Wells when he spoke.
"Listen, Barry. Whether or not you go after Snart, that's your choice. We here, we will do whatever we can to support you. But after this past Christmas, after the events with the reverse-Flash... I just think he poses a greater threat to all of us."
Barry walked back into S.T.A.R. Labs, having just come from the precinct. He hoped, now that Cisco and Wells were there and out the lab, maybe he could finally catch Robin alone. He stepped into the core but didn't see Robin.
"Hey Caitlin have you seen-" He stopped, seeing Caitlin jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Caitlin shook her head.
"No, it's okay. I was just kind of focused." Barry smiled and eyed her screen.
"Gotcha. What's firestorm?" Caitlin sighed.
"It's one of the last things Ronnie said to me before he... Flew away. My dead fiance can fly. I haven't broke that to my parents yet." They chuckled. Caitlin turned serious.
"You doing okay?"
"Yeah, yeah."He noticed her look and stopped. "No, I just... I told Iris what I felt about her." Caitlin hissed.
"Bold choice."
"She told me to let it go and I am." He ran a hand trough his hair. "I knew where we stood before. We were best friends. And...I don't know." Caitlin placed her hand on his leg.
"Now I just don't know what's normal for us anymore. Before I met Ronnie, I knew exactly what was going to happen every day of my life. It was predictable. I like predictable. But when Ronnie and I started dating, everything started to change. He made me try Indian food and scuba diving. At first it was scary. But then it was better. Things weren't really normal with you pining after Iris and her being totally unaware. Whatever happens next, it will be better." Barry smiled and nodded. He suddenly frowned.
"Wait, Caitlin. Scuba."
"What about it?"
"Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, it's an acronym. What if firestorm isn't a word?" Caitlin's eyes widen and quickly turned back to her computer. She started typing. She stopped, a document catching her eye.
"Fusion ignition research experiment and science of transmutation originating rna and molecular structures." She sighed. "It's 800 pages." Barry rolled his eyes, seeing her pouting look.
"Fine" He turned to the computer, ready to speed read when a voice stopped him.
"There's a lot of stuff in there, but it mostly focuses on transmutation" Robin noted, walking into the core, wearing sweats and a t shirt, holding a tablet in her hands. "-which is the process of altering the structure of an element by unzipping the atoms" Barry and Caitlin turned to her as she walked closer. "-and rebuilding it to create an entirely new element. " Caitlin smiled and snapped her fingers.
"Well, the article was co-written by Jason rush, who's a grad student here at Hudson university. So if anybody knows what happened to Ronnie... Maybe he does."Caitlin smiled and looked a Barry.
"Thanks." Barry nodded. She looked between the two and grinned. "I'll give you two some space." Robin frowned, watching her leave before she turned to Barry.
"What was that about?" Barry sighed and stood up.
"Well, I wanted to talk to you" Robin stared at him and nodded.
"Sure, I've got time" She sat down on the bed and smiled at Barry, one that made his heart skip a beat when he saw it.
"H-how are the tests going?" Barry started, mustering up his courage.
"Great. We think my powers may have something to do with electricity, seeing I kind of absorbed the bolt Farooq shot at me" Barry nodded. "But that was not what you were going to ask" Robin smirked. Barry stared at her. "What? Oh come on, I now that look. It's the same look you have on your face you had when you spoke with Felicity..." She trailed off.
"I confessed to Iris" Barry breathed. Robin's smile faltered for a second before she nodded.
"She... told me to let her go, that she loved Eddie" Robin reached over and took Barry's hand, something that send sparks trough both of their body's.
"I'm sorry Barry. I know how much Iris means to you" Barry looked down at her hand before he looked up and met her gaze.
"Yeah. She did... but I think it's oke."
"You will find the right one for you Barry, I know it. Maybe its Felicity" She smiled. Barry stared at her for a moment before he smiled tightly and nodded.
"I think you're right" Robin huffed and released his hand.
"Of course I am." Barry took a step back.
"I think I'm going to go see how Cisco's doing" Robin nodded and watched as Barry walked out of the cortex. Barry stopped when he was out of sight and cursed himself. Why was he such a coward?! He was going to tell her next time, definitely next time.
Cisco returned to S.T.A.R. Labs not much later, telling Robin everything that had happened at the precinct. Robin had just finished another one of Wells's test and was absently nodding off. Barry and Wells entered the core as well and stood beside's Cisco as he explained the function of the heat gun to them.
"Guys, you have to come look at this. When the heat gun was fired, it increased the surrounding temperature of the air dramatically, sort of like an extreme heat wave." He smirked. "Heat wave." Wells send him a look.
"Stop doing that." Cisco sighed in defeat.
"I measured the temperature output of both the cold and heat guns, right? And while the cold gun achieves absolute zero, the heat gun successfully reaches absolute hot, or the hottest temperature an object can reach."
"Planck temperature."
"So potentially, these two guns could cancel each other out."
"Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams." Robin chuckled.
"You mean like Ghostbusters?" Cisco beamed.
"That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate. And really quite funny."Barry laughed. His phone rang and he took it.
"Hey, Joe. What's up?" His eyes widen and he sped out.
Apparently Snart had captured Caitlin. Robin had nearly pulled on her suit when she had heard it but Wells had stopped her. She wasn't fully recovered yet and without knowing her powers she could possibly harm innocent people. So she had retreated to her laptop and was nodding off again.
Barry sped inside, towards his suit but stopped when he noticed Robin. A ghost smile appeared on his lips.
"Robin?" Robin's eyes opened again and she looked up.
"Hm?" Barry chuckled.
"You need to get some sleep" Robin shook her head.
"I can't." She yawned. "Well's isn't letting me leave and I am not sleeping in that bed, ever" Barry nodded, understanding that she didn't want to go sleeping in the bed she was in when she was in a coma.
"Come here" He stepped over to her and lifter her in his arms, reversed piggy bag style. Robin lazily linked her arms around his neck and pressed her face into his neck.
"You smell like toothpaste" She muttered. Barry's cheeks flushed. He wrapped his arms around her.
"Hold on tight" Robin nodded and Barry sped off. He didn't go as fast as normal, wanting to keep Robin safe and stopped at a door, one he hadn't seen before. Caitlin had once told him Robin's address, in case something happened. "We're here" Robin unclasped her hands and turned around, still in Barry's arms. She opened the door and Barry stepped inside. Her apartment was dark, especially with no lights on. Barry stumbled, his feet meeting the huge pile of post on the doormat.
Robin yawned and released Barry. With her eyes half lidded she walked through the room, leaving Barry no choice but to follow her. Robin disappeared trough one of the doors at the end of the hallway. Barry cautiously stopped outside, not knowing what Robin was doing. He poked his head inside and smiled, seeing it was her bedroom.
The walls were a dark blue and there was dark wood on the floor. Pieces of clothing were thrown everywhere. Barry noticed the dress he had seen her wear when he met her at the celebration of the accelerator. Robin was flopped down on her bed, still fully clothed.
Barry carefully stepped inside, being careful not to fall over the clothing. Robin kicked off her shoes, not moving an inch. Barry grinned.
"Will you be fine?" Robin was silent before she rolled around, her face now facing upwards. She nodded. Barry nodded as well and turned around, ready to leave.
"Barry?" Barry stopped and turned around. "Get Caitlin back"
"Of course"
"And kick Snart's ass for me" Barry chuckled.
"Will do" A smile appeared on Robin's face.
"Thank you Barry" Barry only nodded, a smile on his face and sped away, closing the door behind him. Robin rolled back around and exhaled deeply, finally sleeping in her bed again after 5 months.
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