Mother has me change into my new lavender colored dress, and tells me to leave my hair down. Honestly, I don't care what the Einhardts think of me, but it's my opinion that how I normally am is better than the fluffed-up girl I see in the mirror. However, Mother disagrees, so I obey, even though I feel ridiculous.

My little sister however, looks positively adorable, wearing a simple, light green skirt and white blouse, with her hair in a braid down her back. Worried that I will look overdressed, I take off the locket my mother put out with my outfit.

Soon, I am busy helping Mother in the kitchen. While I fry potato wedges, she seasons a chicken from Caroline's family and puts it in the oven to roast. Heidi goes outside to pick some salad greens, and Father adds his fresh radishes to the mix. I set the table, our well-used silverware old, but shining with a dull gleam, and Heidi carefully fills the glasses with water. All too quickly, there is nothing to do but wait and dread. I distract myself by playing blocks with Ansell in front of the fire place, building towns that he knocks down happily, and walking wooden people up his chubby legs. After a few minutes, the clock strikes 5:30.

Exactly at that moment, Mother calls out, "Kyland, they're here! Evelyn, would you answer the door please?" I stand slowly up and walk to the front door, absentmindedly fluffing my hair. Catching a hint of a smile on Mother's lips, I turn the brass knob.

"Please, come in," I say courteously.

Mr. Einhardt is the first person I see. His green eyes meet mine and twinkle merrily. Already, I have decided I like him, even though I see a hint of something else under his bright smile. Behind him, in a plain red dress, Hazen grins at me shyly and dips her head, her strawberry blonde hair brushing her shoulders because of the gesture. At the very back of the little line, Christoffer stands, his hair neatly combed. He flashes a white grin at me while he holds the door open for his sister. With matching brown suits that are obviously well used, he and his father look almost identical, except that Christoffer's eyes are deep blue, like mine, and his father's hair is almost completely grey now.

Suddenly, I realize that I am still standing at the open door, and quickly shut it. Father shakes hands with Mr. Einhardt, and Mother gives Hazen a hug before walking her over to see Ansell, who is still playing with blocks. Grasping Christoffer's hand, my sister is proudly showing him around the tidy little house. I decide I should be a good hostess and join them.

As I sit on the floor next to Hazen, Mother goes to check the chicken, leaving us alone. "How old is he?" Hazen asks me quietly.

I smile. "Almost one. He's crawling all over the place now and causing lots of mischief." I tell her about the time he opened the pantry door and covered the floor in flour, and himself in the process. We laugh together, and Ansell smiles a toothless smile as if he remembers.

"Time to eat everyone!" My mother sets the steaming chicken on the table, and Father pulls her chair out for her. I pick my brother up and walk to his place. Taking a seat at the foot of the table, Mr. Einhardt nods for Hazen to sit next to him. By the time I get Ansell situated, there is only one seat left, between Hazen and Heidi. I sit down, and when I lift my head, I find Christoffer's eyes looking back into mine. Mother must have planned this.

Throughout the meal, I chat with Hazen about the exercises that day, while Father and Mr. Einhardt talk about Hitler's alliance with Mussolini. Every time I glance up from my plate, Christoffer is looking at me. Looking into me. In an attempt to be polite, I smile at him and try to ignore his stare, but it's hard. I can feel it even when my head is turned.

When everyone is finished, my father puts some logs in the fireplace. Mr. Einhardt pats his stomach and says, "Rosa, that was the most amazing meal I have had in a long while!"

"It certainly was better than deli meat and rolls twice a day," Christoffer puts in.

Mother laughs, and Mr. Einhardt blushes. "I'll admit I'm not much of a cook."

The adults go to sit in front of the fire, but Heidi insists on showing Hazen our room, so the rest of us follow her down the hallway.

"I sleep there," she says, pointing to the little cot in the corner. "That's Ansell's crib over here, Father made it. And this is Evelyn's bed, because she likes to sleep beneath the window. Oh! I didn't show you the garden, Hazen! Come on." My sister grabs Hazen's hand and pulls her out the door, leaving me alone with Christoffer, who starts to rub his tricep with his left hand.

An awkward silence follows until he says, "I saw you walking home today." So he was in front of me. "I thought you might want some company going home, but when I turned around again you were gone."

I pick at my nails. "I went home another way."

He looks at me quizzically. "So you didn't see me?"

"Well-" I say, and clear my throat.

Thankfully, just then, Heidi rescues me by calling for us to come play tic-tac-toe. I exit quickly, and head to the living room. When Christoffer comes in, I am playing with Hazen, so he offers Heidi a pencil and they start a game. After about ten minutes of this, I suggest we play dolls instead, and hand the twins each a cornhusk person.

Christoffer receives the one I made for Ansell to play with when he gets old enough, because right now he'll chew the straw out. He walks it around the floral rug and makes it talk to Heidi.

"Could you point me to the Drechsler's house please?"

My sister giggles and replies in her squeaky doll voice. "Just this way, sir. Won't you follow me?"

Soon, Mother calls us to the kitchen and places a Kuchen, a type of crumbly pastry, in each of our open hands. I inhale the cinnamon and sigh happily. Kuchen is my favorite dessert. Mother suggests we eat them outside, so we walk into the meadow and sit in the long grass. Dusk has arrived, deepening the blue of the sky and bringing with it the stillness of night. I hear the far off chirp of crickets.

The treats are gone in an instant, and before I know it, Christoffer is playing tag with Heidi.

Maybe he's not so bad after all.

This chapter is dedicated to Wimbug , a super great author who I've been connected with since I downloaded this app. She gives excellent constructive criticism! Go check out her books. :)

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