Chapter 28🍃
(NOTE PLEASE:all photos do not belong to me,DM for removal if found offensive please).
The wedding (II)
Wedding Fatiha/wedding partyyyyy
Believing today is going to be the beginning of another phase of my life wasn't quite easy that I was going to be getting married again.I was having mixed kind of emotions although I know I am super happy and excited and looking forward to the new journey as well,but then I couldn't help to think of what kind of challenges I was going to face in my new marriage.They say and I quote "every marriage has its own challenges" and this always brings triggers me whenever I thought of it.
My past experience about marriage I know was so much traumatizing to me although compared to others horrible stories mine was just a small experience.I couldn't help but to think to myself what if my past repeats itself,would I be able to bare it.I know I have zero to no problem of concern when it comes to Jalal I know I can trust him but Jalal has his own family whom are looking up to him,they have their own expectations also.Hajja in particular am sure would love to see Jalal's offspring what if am not able to give them that.
"What are you thinking you,I've been shouting your name but you're so lost that you couldn't hear."I heard mama's voice said just above me.
"Mama do you think my marriage would be a successful one?."I said mama hoping for some words of encouragement cause right I feel like I needed a break.
"My dear there are many challenges faced in my but trust me there are successful marriages that pass through these challenges.By Allah your marriage would be amidst the successful ones.Do not worry yourself so much,I have no doubt that Jalal would take care of you and as for his family,Hajja is such a well respected old lady that stands her grounds on her family and that makes me so sure that she wouldn't let any injustice to be done towards you.The only thing you need to do is to love your husband and his family wholeheartedly,take care of them make them your new family.Everything is going to be alright."mama said encouraged as she sat nex to me.
"Mama what if am still not able to give birth do you
Think Hajja will still support me?"I said worried.
"My dear nothing has been confirmed yet,no any doctor has confirmed that you're not able to give birth and just because your previous co-wife was able to conceive and you weren't doing mean that you're barren do not loose hope my dear,you are going to conceive by the grace of Allah."she said taping my back.
"Amin Mama,thank you."I said hugging her tightly.
"Now hurry up and get ready,only few minutes are left till the wedding fatiha ."she said leaving the room.
"Okay mama."I said before starting to actually get ready.
I had already took my bath earlier on and the makeup artist have arrived also so I went straight to where she was and we started the makeup,I specifically asked the makeup artist to make it as simple as possible and I went for nude lipstick and eyeshadows.Munira wasn't here with me for the makeup session cause she was busy with other arrangements for the wedding party later in the evening.And I was kind of glad cause if she has been here the makeup artist wouldn't have obeyed my instructions.
An hour later and the makeup was completely done just like I had wanted my hair was also done cause I was going to attach my veil to it.The makeup artist helped me into my all white ball gown.To say the dress was massive was an understatement cause it was huge and yet beautiful.It came along with a large white veil also to be paired with which I absolutely love.
After I was completely done getting ready the makeup artist took some pictures and videos also for her Instagram as well.By now Munira has arrived and was literally at the verge of crying seeing how stunning I was looking.
"Drama queen."I said laughing at Munira.
"May no one cast an evil eye on you."Munira said hugging me tightly.
Few minutes were left for the wedding Fatiha and we exhausted it taking pictures,the photographers weren't letting me rest especially knowing if they got even a single shot they were going to buy market for themselves since the only wedding that is trending at the moment is our wedding.It was all over social media and what not.
"Congratulations Mrs Jalal Marshal,thank you for completing half of my deen." I read loud the message Jalal has just sent me which assured me the knot has been tied.
"Alhamdulillah."I said smiling shyly as the people in the room started congratulating while the rest like Munira were busy teasing me.
I felt tears of joy run down my face,this was really happening.I am officially married again and this time around with lots and tons of dreams as well as hopes.
I could hear the sound of people dancing to kidan Kwarya (traditional music ) outside while some were either busy chatting with each other or eating.And minutes later I had the crowd cheering while the older women were whistling ayyiriririyiriyiiiiiiiriiiii with their nose.
"Ango kasha kamshi."I heard one of my aunts teasing which confirmed to me that Jalal and his crew have arrived and they were been escorted to the room where I was sitting.
I slowly stood up and adjusted the veil on my head,not knowing how to react or act knowing,
I've never felt so shy,nervous,anxious and at the same time excited of meeting Jalal like today.I wasn't sure of how to face him now that am officially his Mrs.
"Congratulations Mrs Jalal Marshal."Jalal said to me as he held me in his arms,my head was placed on his shoulders as I felt tears rolling down my eyes and am sure this are the type of tears people call "tears of joy."
"Thank you,thank you for making me yours."I managed to say as I stopped myself from crying cause I know I would be dead If Munira finds out I had ruined my makeup with my tears.
"Thank you for being mine beautiful."he said patting my back.
After we've all settled down,his friends and my friends joined in and we took pictures after we were done taking our portraits alone,family members also joined the photo session.Even Munira's husband was among his friends cause lately both him and Jalal have started to get along pretty well.
"Take care."Jalal that was about to leave said to me holing my hands.
"I will,take care also."I said smiling
"Make sure you eat and make sure to cover up properly for the later event."he said again this time in a bit more serious and commanding tone.
"Yes Sir."I said while we both laughed.
After Jalal had left,mama sent someone to call me that I had a visitor.I adjusted my veil to seat properly on my head before I went to where mama was welcoming her guests that came for the wedding.I was greeting every single friend of mama that I had meet before I finally entered a small parlor where I found mama seated with her sisters and close friends.I greeted all of them before I sat next to mama on the floor.
"Go to my room,you have some visitors."mama said to me.
I nodded slowly before I stood to go up to her room wondering who the visitors might be cause am sure if they aren't one of mama's friends cause if they were they would have been here with mama and the rest but they were not.
"Assalamu Alaikum."(peace be upon you)I said as I entered the room.
"WaAlaikumussalam."(peace be upon you too)I heard a familiar voice answered back.
To say I was surprised was beyond an understatement when I saw the two women that I know for almost close to approximately ten years of my life.I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Mahfouz's mother that was sitting uncomfortably on the couch as my eyes met hers and next to her was Anty karime with a girl next to her that which I guessed to be Amrah.
"How are you my dear."Anty karime said to me after I had sat down on the floor just below their legs.
"Am fine Alhamdulillah,mama Ina wuni."I answered anty karime and then turned to greet Mahfouz's mother as I avoided eye contact with her.
"Lafiya lau Halima,I am fine thank you."Mahfouz's mother answered and the place was awkwardly silent again except that some of my cousins were bringing in food and drinks to them which am sure mama was the one that sent them.
The room kept being silent,I was just seated playing with my stoned bridal veil that I didn't get to remove before mama called me and I went straight to her.I couldn't help the flashbacks of memories that I kept having of my past life,I remembered how Anty Karime loved and cared for me,she supported me as if I was her own while on the other hand Mahfouz's mother was the complete opposite.Till date I always wanted to know why she has treated me that way right from the beginning up till the very end.
"Halima I came here for two reasons,the first is to congratulate you on your wedding and give you my best wishes while the second is to apologize to you for all that happened in the past,I've regretted all that I did to you unfortunately when I realized it was too late cause you have already moved on and I had no idea on how to confront you.Please forgive Mahfouz and I only then maybe we might be restored peace in our lives."I heard Mahfouz's mother said breaking the silence.
"Mama I've never held any grudges on either you or Mahfouz,I've forgiven you long time ago."I said smiling to mama and still not believing that mama was the one speaking so softly to me.
After all the apologies and forgiveness seeking,all the bad energy was cleared between Mahfouz's family and mine cause later my mom joined in and they had heart to heart conversations with Mahfouz's mom which according to my mom said she also hold no grudges against them infact she said she was to thank them cause if they hadn't done what they did years back I wouldn't have found the happiness that I am in right now and everyone agreed.They left afterwards after they had given me a few gifts which I didn't even get to check because of time.
I immediately went to where my makeup artist was waiting for me cause it was already starting to get late and we started immediately since I didn't have to pray cause I was on my period,to be honest I felt really relieved when I saw my period earlier today cause I didn't have to worry about going to pray or not praying on time,I felt as if a heavy load has been lifted of my shoulder so a bride plus not praying,perfect match.
After an hour and half the makeup artist was completely done with the makeup and she was helping me got into my wedding gown.The dress was super amazing,among all of my dresses,this was my favorite.
It was an off white fitted gown that had a pretty long cape,it had sparking glassses all over it which made it beautiful and luxurious.
As usual,pictures and videos were taken,Marshall along with his few friends arrived and we went straight to the venue where the event was to be held.Throughout our way to the hall,Marshal never let a single minute went by without telling me how magnificent I was looking although not with words sometimes his eyes tells me all.our hands were entangled in each others and once in a while he will bring my hand up to his lips and give them a soft and warm kiss which made me even more glad each time he does it.I felt safe whenever am around him,I forget there are some other people that even exists around us.All I could think about was us.
We arrived shortly after to the event center,the hall was expensively decorated with real life flowers and some luxurious lights,the theme of the party was "Rich English wedding" thus the luxurious decorations.All the wedding guest also went with the theme,the ladies were all dressed in beautiful evening gowns while the men were mostly dressed in some tuxedos which perfectly matched the decor.The guest were mostly my friends and Marshal's friends also and of course his business partners that he respects a lot.It wasn't a normal traditional dinner party that was commonly done by most couples during their weddings.This was a complete replica of an expensive English wedding,waiters where everywhere with some champagne and non-alcoholic drinks while the others were serving snacks and light foods with some soft music in the background as everyone dined.
"Ladies and gentlemen,it is with great honor that I welcome you all these evening as we gather here to celebrate the amazing Mr and Mrs Jalal Marshal,let's raise a glass and toast for their amazing union."the MC said and everyone including both Marshal and I raised a glass and drank.
Soon after,the dance floor was cleared which indicated it was time for our first dance.Marshal helped me to the dance floor as he held my hands in his and instantly the song started playing.Marshal placed his hands on my waist which my tiny waist was perfectly wrapped into his broad hands,it was as if his hands were measured for my waist to fit this perfect.To make myself even more comfortable,I slowly brought both my hands and placed it right above his chest.I could feel how hard yet soft his chest were which made my hands very comfortable on it that I would think twice before removing them any time soon from his chest,with his hands wrapped around my waist and my hands on his chest,we were so close that we could feel each other's breath.
The fire works started also which made a magnificent view to the audience and also the media personnel and our personal photographer/videographers that were making sure they didn't let single moment slip without making it count by capturing a moment.After the fire works were done,we slowly started to dance to the music that was playing in the background.The next music that played was "for the rest of my life by Maher Zain".
Marshal drew me even more closer to him this time without leaving a single space between us,he positioned his head on my neck just below my ear and sang into my ears,this action of his made me so emotional that I didn't know when tears started falling down my eyes.
I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I'm here with you
Now let me let you know
You've opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And there's a couple of words I want to say
For the Rest of My Life
I'll be with you
I'll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I'll be loving you. loving you
For the Rest of My Life
Through days and nights
I'll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I, I'll be there for you
I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You're my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we're together in Jana
Now I find myself I feel so strong
Everything has changed when you came along
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