Tick tock goes the clock
Today wasn't exactly what you would call a normal day in Central City, but it's quickly becoming normal. It's been a week since the entire Venom incident, Joe obviously had to explain to captain Singh what happened and Joe had to call Peter as Spider-Man to explain most of what happened and was given a leave for a few days, but Joe didn't take it.
Barry was called in on a new case and finds a body completely destroyed. Joe and Eddie approached him and Barry sees them. "I hope you both skipped your breakfast." Barry says and they look and see the body and are shocked.
"What the hell could do that?" Eddie asks Barry.
"2,4000 degrees, give or take." Barry tells him and Joe sees everything is explosive around them. "This area's filled with combustibles. How come nothing else burned and blew?" Joe asks Barry as he climbs a latter.
"You see the spot on the ground where the cement is burnt?" Barry asks and looks down to them. "That's evidence of arc blasts. Happens when high-amperage currents travel or arc through the air." Barry says, but in English it just means he was electrocuted.
"There's no utiliti poles. So how was he electrocuted?" Eddie asks and Joe looks down at the body. "First thing to do is I.D. him."
"His face is melted off. How's anything gonna help I.D. him?" Eddie asks and Barry takes a picture. "I've got mad skills." Barry replies.
Joe starts staring out, thinking about Venom and the visit from the man in yellow and Barry sees him. "You okay?" Barry asks his stepfather.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Joe asks Barry, snapping out of the trance.
"I don't know you just seem a little off." Barry explains to him and Joe gets instant flashbacks to both events again. "No, I'm fine." Joe states.
"Okay." Barry says and leaves to get help.
Peter was doing his normal patrol when he gets alert the Petersburg electrical system is getting a power drain and decides to check into it.
Once he arrives, Barry speeds in next to him.
"Hey, Flashy." Peter quips to the finally named hero.
"Spider-Man. Good to see you." Barry says and they see someone absorbing the electricity.
"Oh man, I hate these guys." Peter says, remembering Max Dillon, Electro. "I'm pretty sure this is a restricted area." Barry informs the metahuman. He then looked over at them and tries hitting them with electricity.
"Easy there, Zappy." Barry says to him.
"I have to feed." He tells them and keeps aiming for Barry and gets him. Peter watches and sees him doing something to Barry and shoots him with a taser web and he drains everything from his suits systems.
Peter quickly lets the web go and his suit short circuited on him.
"More of that!" He says and moves to Barry and uses his powers again to drain the lightning from Barry. Peter tries stopping him, but his suit is attacking his nerves system.
"Too much." He starts mumbling and walking off. Peter watches Barry try to run and fails. "I can't run...my speed. It's gone." Barry says in shock.
Later on Peter drops Barry off at S.T.A.R. Labs to get to the bottom to what happened to his speed and offered Barry offered him his lab at the CCPD so he can fix his suit.
Barry is running at normal speed on the treadmill and they look at everything that's happening to him. "He runs slow even for a normal person." Cisco says as Barry stops and gets off.
"You can't just lose you're powers, okay?" Caitlin states to Barry as he leaves the room. "Your DNA was transformed by the particle accelerator blast. There's no way to un-transform DNA."
"Yeah, tell that to the spider who complained I was heavy while I swung on his back to get here." Barry states, remembering the awkward looks they were given when Peter needed a break with a secondary person with him over a longer period of time than he's used to.
"Guess we were wrong, this metahuman doesn't electrocute people, he siphons electricity, thereby removing your power." Wells says Barry.
"Is this just temporary, or..?" He asks them.
"We have to run some tests." Wells tells him and he understands.
Peter is using Barry's labs to diagnose his suits damages while Barry and Joe are sitting in silence until Joe grabs Barry's cup and throws it.
Peter quickly webs it with his secondary web shooters he keep on his wrists for protection and catches the cup.
"You didn't catch it." Joe tells Barry.
"What part of a metahuman stole my speed didn't you understand?" Barry asks Joe. "Barry, there's no part of anything you or even him for that matter," Joe says while looking towards Peter, "that I will ever understand." He states.
"Well, What did dr. Wells say about it?" Peter asks, knowing he wouldn't just leave it at this.
"He said he's working on it." Barry says.
"Barry, you need your speed back. Without your speed, how are we gonna keep everyone in the city safe?" Joe asks when Peter looks up confused.
"So the past 10 years I've been keeping it safe meant nothing? Good to know." Peter says and goes back to work.
"Not what I meant." Joe apologizes to the web-head. "Joe, the meta who stole my speed, he burned up the body we saw in the alley today. You need to tell the police not to confront him." Barry says and Iris enters the labs, Peter quickly covers up his suit so she doesn't see it.
"Hey, you get an assistant, Barry?" Iris asks noticing Peter. "No, Iris, sorry. Iris, this is Peter Parker, he works for Mercury labs, he was here...checking on Joe about the whole creature incident last week." Barry quickly lies for Peter.
"Yeah, and I'm happy to say he appears to be perfectly fine." Peter says and shakes Iris' hand. "Well, I thank you for helping after whatever happened." Iris said, since nobody wants to explain about what happened.
"Barry, don't you need to be somewhere?" Joe asks Barry and he bids and leaves to head back to S.T.A.R. Labs.
As he enters the elevator he checks his watch as the Clock King, who Oliver and Peter actually stoped while he was visiting Starlight City. "That's a quality time piece, young man." He tells Barry.
"Oh, thanks." Barry says as he gets in the elevator.
"They took mine, all of them."
"Shouldn't have done whatever you did." Barry says as the doors close.
S.T.A.R. Labs, Harrison goes into the Time Vault and activates his artificial intelligence. "Gideon, show he the future." Wells tells her and instead of a newspaper saying "Flash vanishes in crisis" but it now says "Spider-Man still missing after crisis" and now Wells is worried.
"Run a complete search. Show any references to the Flash." Wells tells Gideon.
"Zero references to the Flash." Gideon tells him. "Look again." He tells her and it's the same result.
"Show any references to Barry Allen." Wells tells her.
"Zero references to Barry Allen." Gideon tells him.
"Look again!" Wells now shouts at her.
"I've searched 3,452 times, dr. Wells. There's nothing." Gideon tells him and he's now worried.
Outside the vault, Cisco just got the name of the new metahuman Varook Javan when the alarms go off and they see he's there.
"You're kidding me, this is not happening." Cisco states seeing him and reaches for the Spider-Phone. "Dr. Harrison Wells, I need to see you!" He shouts into the cameras. "Come on, I know you're inside."
"I just want to talk, Wells." He says and none of them believe him.
Peter is still running a diagnostic while Joe is downstairs when Singh goes over to him. "Joe, I need you to cover for me until shift change. There's only one thing. Prison transfer, William Tockman." He says and looks over to him in the corner surrounded by two officers.
Peter's senses go off and he doesn't understand why...yet.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Varook uses his powers to break into their power supply and starts absorbing the energy from the facility.
Inside, they watch all the lights flicker.
At CCPD, the lights start flickering and Peter watches as his suit stops charging when all power to the city goes off. Clock King uses this as an opportunity once he gets his handcuffs off to steal the officers gun and shoot him. Everyone reacts and he aims at The officers.
"Guns on the floor!" He comands them.
Upstairs, Peter hears what's happening and can't do anything with his damaged suit.
"It should take you less than three seconds to discard any thought of rebellion and comply." He tells them and punches another officer and Peter recognized that anywhere. The Clock King. "I take it I don't need to found out loud." He says as one of the officers try shooting him and gets shot by Clock King faster than he could react.
Iris hides behind Joe and Clock keeps King sees them. "Striking resemblance." He comments.
Peter tries looking for anything he can use as a makeshift suit to stop him or wait for his suit to stop glitching.
At S.T.A.R. Labs, Varook absorbs all of the energy and blasts the doors.
"He's inside." Barry comments.
Outside the CCPD, they have SWAT teams surrounding the place. "Captain, Tockman has at least ten hostages." One of them tell Singh. "We have two officers down."
"Copy that. Where are we about the power?" Singh asks the men. "We're on gennies for now." They tell Singh when his phone rings.
"Captain Singh, I've been trying to get in touch with Joe or anyone at the precinct." Barry says.
"There's a hostage situation, Barry, Joe's inside so is his daughter." Singh tells him.
S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry is freaking out until he realizes that Peter's inside. "I'll call you when I know more."
"Joe and Iris are in trouble, possibly Peter." Barry says, remembering his suit has been damaged. "I need my powers back, fast."
"I have a theory." Wells tells Barry. "It's untested. You've lost your speed, yes, but nothing has changed inside you on a subatomic level. In other words, your cells are still primed. We just need to give you a jumpstart." He explains to Barry.
"Okay, how do we do it? How do we jumpstart me?" Barry asks them. "We need to replicate the initial jolt to your system." Wells says.
"But that would mean a peak current of at least 20,000 kilo-amps." Cisco tells them.
"Are you insane? That's more electricity than they give people in the electric chair." Caitlin tells them.
"With Varook in the building, we're all looking at a death sentence here." Wells states.
"Why don't we contact Spider-Man? He might be able to help." Cisco states and holds the Spider-Phone in his hand.
"Spider-Man was at the prescient, Cisco. And the whole place is in a hostage situation, he's more helpful there than here." Barry says.
"Okay, that's one idea dead. The spare generators are offline, we could get a charge that big if we reboot it." Cisco says.
"We need something that can transmit the load from the generator to Barry's body." Wells explains.
"The treadmill. It can take the charge." Cisco says.
"What If Barry can't?" Caitlin asks them.
"It's up to Barry." Wells says and Barry starts walking away. "Where you going?" Caitlin asks him.
"I'm gonna talk to him. You didn't see him back there, he needed to feed. I got super speed out of the particle accelerator blast, but his friends died. He woke up with a disease." Barry justifies.
"You worked at a crime scene where this metahuman electrocuted an innocent man. He's a murderer! And you ar powerless to defend yourself against him." Wells tells him.
"He may just need help like I did." Barry says and goes to try to help.
Singh gets another call and answers it. "Hello?" He asks.
"This is Spider-Man." Peter tells Singh.
"Yeah, right. I'm gonna need some proof." Singh tells him.
"Look, I can't prove it, but I'm inside the prescient right now. I'm gonna try to stop Clock King, I just need you to buy me some time while I come up with a plan to stop him." Peter begs him.
Singh thinks about it and knows he has no other choice. "Okay, how much time are you hoping for?" Singh asks him.
"As much as you can. I hope it doesn't take long to come up with a plan." Peter explains and hangs up.
Singh does what he can and goes to a radio and tries talking to Tockman.
Inside the prescient, Tockman picks up the radio. "I have control of eight of Central City's finest, three underpaid assistants, and one very brave civilian girl." Talkman tells him.
"If you've got demands, I wanna hear them. But let the civilians go." Singh tells him. "Would you prefer I sent them out alive or dead?" Talkman asks him. "Please be more specific next time. One helicopter, one vegetarian takeout meal, one laptop with eight gigabytes of ram will be delivered on this roof in exactly 53 minutes and 27 seconds from now. Or I shoot a hostage." Talkman warns him and Eddie is the only cop he hasn't accounted for and was gonna use it to his advantage.
"There's a citywide blackout. I'm gonna need more time." Singh explains to him. "Captain, you may delay, time will not." Talkman tells him.
In the labs, Peter sees there's no way to get the suit back online and knows what he has to do. He starts looking around to find anything he can to create a makeshift generator to get his suit online.
Barry finds him roaming through the halls. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Barry explains and he puts his hands up and summons lightning.
"You can't hurt me. Where is Harrison Wells?" Varook asks him.
"Look, I know what happened to you. That night, it changed you. It changed me too." Barry tells him and he calms down.
"You were the one in the red suit. Spider-Man's been around longer than the accelerator, so I fed from your energy." Varook says, putting pieces together. "I have to keep feeding."
"All right, I know this has to be terrifying. That's why I want to help you, okay?" Barry tries reasoning with him.
"The night of the explosion, when the light hit me, it stopped my heart. Jake and Darya, I woke up, and they were beside me, dead. They tried to give me CPR. They touched me and I electrocuted them."
"This is not your fault."
"You're right. Wells did this to me."
"Varook, you need to listen to me." Barry says, but he doesn't listen and blasts him down the hall where everyone else is. Caitlin helps him up and Cisco closes the doors, blocking him.
"Caitlin, get him to the treadmill." Wells tells her. "Cisco, get the generator online. Make sure Barry gets the charge." Wells says as he has an idea to how to buy them time.
"What? I'm not leaving you." Cisco tells him as Caitlin takes Barry out of the room.
"Listen, out of everything I've done in my life, of everything I have invented, the most important creation is the Flash. Barry Allen must have a future. Now go!" Wells tells Cisco and he does as he says.
Talkman watches outside and Joe looks up the stairs and sees light coming from the labs and knows Peter is doing something.
"End this now, and I'll talk to the D.A." Joe tells Talkman, trying to keep his attention away from the labs.
"It was your district attorney that denied me furlough so I could visit my dying sister one last time...say goodbye in person. That's time I'm never getting back!" Talkman yells and Joe sees he's agitated, but at least he's distracted. Eddie also takes it as an opportunity to sneak up on him with a gun.
"So however long I have in this life, I promise not one second more will be spent in a prison cell." Talkman says, calming down when Eddie shoots him in the back and Talkman turns to shoot him. He gets two shots trough his vest and they scream.
Talkman then picks up a radio. "An officer was just shot 9.2 seconds ago." Talkman warns them, not knowing Spider-Man was crawling across the ceiling. "I'd pick up the pace in meeting my demands, Captain." He warns them.
"Or maybe not." A voice says and he turns to see Spider-Man, but before he could react, Peter webs his hands to the ground and punches him in the face, knocking him out cold. "Punched your clock in two different cities with two different time zones, ironically." Peter quips and grabs the radio. "Captain Singh, thanks for the time. Your people are safe, but detective Thawne is gonna need the hospital." Peter tells Singh.
Outside, Singh hears it and calls everyone. "All clear! Move in!" He tells the SWAT teams and they move in.
Once they make it inside, they see all the hostages are free and Eddie is ready to be transported. Singh looks around and sees a note.
"See you around-Spider-Man. ;)" Singh finds the notes annoying, but still charming that he cares.
Outside the precinct, Peter is happy to have done something good and looks at his phone to see a reply from Caitlin when he said he would visit later. Don't come. Metahuman invaded the labs-Cait. It reads and Peter then rushes towards S.T.A.R. Labs to protect his friends.
At said location, Wells opens the pipeline to see Barry's childhood bully, Tony Woodward, who can turn his body into steel. "Come to check on your pet? Why don't you just kill me, huh?" He asks Wells.
"Quid pro quo." Wells says, Speaking Latin. "That's Latin, mr. Woodward. It means something for something, this case being your freedom. I will grant it to you." He explains to Tony.
"How do you know I won't kill you?" Tony asks him.
"Let's call that a calculated risk." Wells says, knowing he couldn't hurt him if he wanted to.
"Why would you do that?" Tony asks Wells.
"Because there is another metahuman in the faculty. I want you to kill him." Wells explains to him and he smiles at the idea.
Peter makes it into the labs, scans the environment and sees Barry and Caitlin are in the treadmill room, Cisco is working on the generators and he couldn't find Wells.
He moves into the cortex and sees Varook.
"You know, you're not entirely original." Peter quips and Varook looks to him. "Because I fought a guy with the same power. Almost the same, his were lightning based, you're more living electricity." He states and Varook shoots lightning at him.
"Did you know the human body generates electricity? The average person gives off 342 watts, and I could easily smell it from you, even you're radioactivness." Varook tells Peter.
"Hate to break it to you, but radioactivness isn't a word." Peter informs him.
The lights to the facility come back online.
"Let there be light." Peter quips and Varrook and him start fighting trough the halls.
"Turn on the treadmill." Barry tells Caitlin, wanting to help Peter fight him off.
Peter gets shocked again, but his suit finally absorbs it instead of it damaging it now. Suddenly, Varook gets hit by a steel fist and Peter looks to see the metahuman Barry was dealing with during the whole Venom scenario.
"Hi there, Spider-Man. I've just been dying to punch somebody." Tony says and Vorook tries blasting him, but Tony turns to steel stopping it from harming him.
"Caitlin!" Barry tells, waiting for the electricity. "We don't have anymore time!"
"If I turn this on, it could kill you." Caitlin says.
"If you don't us, including Spider-Man will die." Barry tells her.
"I already lost one person I cared about, I can't loose someone else." Caitlin explains. In the past few weeks, Barry has been just a close as a friend as Cisco. Peter being higher up since she knew him even longer than both of them.
"Someone told me I was struck by that lightning for a reason, that it chose me. I'm not sure if I believe that, it doesn't matter right now. What do you think?" Barry asks her as she hesitates and finally pulls the lever and Barry gets blasted by electricity.
"Are you okay? Did you feel anything?" Caitlin asks him and sees his hand vibrating then stops.
"It didn't work." Barry says as they hear the fighting.
Peter is blasted down the halls and Tony is blasted down the other way and runs into Barry and Caitlin.
"Tony." Barry says and runs to him.
"Oh, come on. You know me, Allen. I never run from a fight." Tony says as he's taken as much as he could.
"Come on, stay with me. You're good." Barry says and sees he's taken too much.
"Run." He says as he flatlines on the spot and Barry is in shock when Peter comes in being blasted.
"If I never see another super villain with lightning power, it'll be too soon." Peter says and Caitlin sees Varook coming in and they grab Peter and run before he could blast them.
Cisco is still working in the generators when Barry and Caitlin come running in with Spider-Man on their shoulders.
"Oh my god, what happened to him?" Cisco asks, seeing Spider-Man.
"He was attacked by Varook." Caitlin explains and puts him down. "You gonna be okay?" She asks the hero.
"I'm gonna be okay, what about Flash?" Peter asks them.
"I need to take your blood and figure out what happened." Caitlin tells Barry and gets to work.
"I can't believe he's dead."
"Dr Wells?" Peter asks him.
"No, Tony Woodward. He somehow escaped from the pipeline."
"Not possible. The pipeline was made to withstand a power outage." Peter says, remembering he and Ronnie went over the schematics for it. "It must've been opened for him." Peter states.
"I did it." Wells says and they turn to see him. "I released him."
"Why?" Barry asks him, confused to why he would do such a thing. "To divert our intruder's attention while we worked to restore your speed. I wasn't expecting mr. Spider-Man to show up." Wells explains and looks to Peter.
"Sorry for racing to the rescue." Peter mockingly says and tries standing. "You used him as a distraction?" Barry asks Wells.
"An unnecessary one, as it seems the plan failed." Wells states and they agree. Barry then looks to his hands to see Tony's blood.
"I have his blood on me. How could you do that?"
"You're showing a lot of sentiment for a man who tormented you as a child." Wells replies, ignoring the question. "Tony might've been a bully then and even now, but he didn't deserve to die." Barry defends.
"Does Caitlin or Cisco or me, you or even Spider-Man?" Wells asks and looks towards each of them. "I had a choice to make, him or us. I chose us without a second thought."
"Well, all your talk about miracles cures and scientific breakthroughs, but you don't care about people at all."
"Maybe you care too much, Barry. I know being a hero is important to you, and I respect your ideals. I just don't have that luxury of being able to share them. Even mr. Spider-Man knows when he has to choose more or many." Wells says and looks towards Spider-Man.
"Don't you drag me into this, I choose people safety over my own and it's gotten me in trouble with others." Peter interjected and ran another diagnostic on his suit, again.
"I forgot, your game's chess. We're all just pawns to you, right? So what's your move, Doctor? Which one of us gets sacrificed next?" Barry asks him.
"We have to get out of the facility." Wells says, putting a plan together.
"He was just on D level. We won't be able to make it out from this place." Peter tells them. "What about the van in the garage?" Cisco asks them.
"It's my move, mr. Allen, I say we make a run." Wells says when Caitlin gets information on why the plan didn't work. "Barry, your cells, they're rapidly regenerating." Caitlin says and Barry's hand starts vibrating again.
"I still don't have my speed." Barry replies. "Must be mental, not physical." Wells says.
"That could possibly be it." Peter replies and they look to him. "A while back, my powers were going through a phase of working and not working. It took a realize that it was because of how scared I was. You just have to control your fears, Barry." Peter explains.
"What fear?" Barry asks confused. "Look, you asked if I believed you were struck for a reason. I believe. You should too." Caitlin tells him and Peter and Cisco agrees.
The room then starts to shake and they know Varook is close. "Okay, you guys go, I'll try to hold him off." Peter says and leaves to fight off another criminal who uses electricity to try to kill him.
Varook keeps looking when a web hits him in the back and tries electrocuting him, but he obviously just absorbed it. He then turns to see Spider-Man waiting.
"Oh well, it was worth a shot." Peter quips and starts webbing Varook, but he uses his lightning to stop the shots and then sends a giant blast at Peter, sending him flying through the wall.
The others just got into the van and get it running when it stops running and Wells chair stops working. Varook was close, and they knew it.
Peter just comes crashing though the wall and Varook comes through the hole in the wall and sees them. He sends a blast to the van and Barry gets out just in time.
Peter charges and throws a web grenade to stop him, but he didn't think about how he could absorb the power supply of the grenade and it doesn't go off.
Peter then gives up on fighting him and runs to protect his friends from Varook. He gets ready to hit them with a electric shock, when a voice stops him.
"Hey!" It yells and he turns to see Wells stuck in his wheelchair. "You're here for me."
"Finally show your face." Varook says.
"Well, I wasn't exactly eager to be killed." Wells tells him. "Neither were my friends."
"I hurt a lot of people that night." Wells defends, knowing it won't help.
"People? You don't even know their names."
"Jake Davenport. Darya Kim. Ralph Dibny, Al Rothstein, Grant Emerson, Ronnie Raymond." Wells replies, naming everyone who was hurt because of the explosion. "I know the names of everyone who died that night. I know they all mattered, and the fact that the world is now deprived of their potential is something I have to live with every day, but these people...they have done nothing wrong. You wanna punish me? Fine, let's do that, but let these people live."
"You died that night too." Varook says and shoots a blast at Wells, sending him flying across the room and the four of them scream "no!"
Barry then feels his powers returning and before Varook could send a blast to kill Wells, he speeds across the room and saves him.
Peter is now ready to fight, seeing he has backup. Barry goes back to grab his suit and they're both ready. Varook tried hitting them with blasts and they both use their powers to avoid every hit, until Barry missed and got hit by one, but instead of absorbing his speed, it seemed to be too much for Varook to absorb and he drops to the floor, dead.
"Wait, what about the prescient?" Barry asks as he gets up and looks to Peter.
"Taken care of. They're all safe, Eddie took a hit, though. I was told he'll be fine." Peter tells Barry and he is happy that he was there to help.
"Thank you."
"Just doing my job." Peter replies.
They put his body in a body bag and inside the pipeline. "We could've called him Blackout." Cisco says, naming the metahuman.
"It's better than what I was gonna called him. Electro ll." Peter states.
"Why didn't he just siphon all my powers like before?" Barry ask them.
"Because you finally stopped thinking about your powers and just connected to them." Caitlin says and grabs a laptop. "This is a sample of your blood after you were struck by the lightning. Now your cells are generating more energy than before." Caitlin explains to him.
"So you had more energy than his body could even handle." Peter states.
"Mr. Spider-Man, as happy as I am you were here, I have to ask, how did you know to come here?" Wells asks and Peter now doesn't know what kind of lie he could come up with they would be happy with.
Peter looks to Barry and all his face reads is saying, only if you want to. Peter now knows he's done with the lies. He's ready for them to know. "I knew to come here, because a good friend of mine alerted me, there was a meta here." Peter says and they look confused.
"Who would warn you that?" Cisco asks and he looks to Caitlin and they all face her. "Hey, I did not text Spider-Man, I text..." She states when realization hits her like a truck.
"Peter?" Caitlin then asks and Peter just pulls off his face mask revealing his secret to them. "Hey guys." He says and Wells looks amazed, Cisco's mouth is basically on the floor and Caitlin is shocked.
"Mr. Parker. How did I not see that?" Wells says impressed to how well Peter kept a secret from him.(even though he already knew because of the future). But the moment is cut short when Caitlin passes out in shock, but Peter was quick to catch her.
"Guess today's been a little tough on her." Peter says and moves her to the med lab.
Once Caitlin came to, she looked over and saw Peter in normal clothes, but before she could think it was a dream, she sees the Spider-Man mask in his hands. "So it really happened." Caitlin says and Peter smiles. "What can I say, I played a bunch of scenarios in my head to how you'd react. I didn't expect that reaction." Peter quips and she laughs at that and then thinks to how she missed it.
"How could I've not noticed this? It explains so much about you! The constant times you were late to classes, the constant times you had to ditch me and Ronnie." Caitlin then states listing thousands of times she should've realized and a thought comes to mind. "Did Ronnie know?" She asks and sees his reaction to the question.
"Yeah, he did. He actually stopped me from going inside the accelerator that night, Cait." Peter admits to her. "I wanted to do it, in case what happened would happen, but he said the city needed me more than him. I'm sorry, Caitlin." Peter apologizes, finally able to let this out that he's been holding in.
"He was right, though. Central City needs Spider-Man. And I need my friend, Peter Parker." Caitlin says and reaches for his hand and Peter holds it.
"You're a hero with or without the mask. You always have been, Peter. When me and Ronnie were going through problems, you knew how to help us."
"Yeah, I've always been a third wheel when you guys dragged me along." Peter jokes and she chuckles at that.
"If you weren't for us, you wouldn't have a life outside the labs." Caitlin tells him. "So, are you gonna join us here?" Caitlin wonder and sees he's thinking about it.
"You think I should? Seems you guys got everything covered." Peter asks her.
"We're always ready to receive help from a friend." She says and smiles at him and he gives in and agrees to help.
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