Savitar's wrath

Peter and Miles were doing their morning routine of crime fighting while Barry, JQ and KF are training for Savitar when he finally shows up to kill Iris.

"I thought the whole point of this was to make sure we don't need to fight this God of Speed." Miles says when Peter explained what they're doing.

"Yeah, but if I'm right, we're not going to be able to change events as big as his Wraith as Savitar once put it." Peter informs him when he gets a text. "Hey, I've gotta call it a morning. Gotta get to the labs."

"Yes, sir." Miles says while solutions before running off the edge of the skyscraper while doing a backflip before swinging off.

"Showoff!" Peter shouts as he heads for the labs.


Peter just gets off the elevator with a cup of coffee in hand and is greeted by Caitlin.

"Peter, how was your morning?" Caitlin asks him while pulling him into a kiss.

"Pretty standard. Taught Miles a few things, beat up some criminals." Peter tells her. "Hey, did you hear from Fox about him going out of town?" He asks her.

"Yeah, said that he needed to do something, and would be back when he can." Caitlin says as they join the others in the cortex.

"Hey, does anybody know what's going on?" Jesse asks as they've all been wondering why Barry called them in.

"I was hoping to ask you guys that." Peter says when Barry and Iris come in and start whispering to each other with smiles on their faces.

"What's going on with you two?" Joe asks them.

"Do you want to?" Iris asks Barry.

"This is all you." Barry promises Iris.

They just look to the group with smiles and Iris raises her hand and reveals an engagement ring.

Everyone then upon seeing the ring looks in shock and cheers as Joe and Peter are confused for two different reasons.

Joe walks over to them and is happy for them and he pulls Barry out of the room to talk privately.

"You broken there, Pete?" Caitlin asks him.

"What?" Peter asks, now finding the wording as he's really confused to what just occurred.

Barry and Iris were dating even shorter than Peter and Caitlin have. Half the time, Peter would forget they were even together.

And now they're engaged?

But his questions get interrupted by an alert going off.

"We've got a fire." Caitlin tells him and he rushes to get his mind off of what just occurred.


Peter took the cycle and while the speedsters were on their way, Wally was seeing Savitar and was getting thrown around.

Luckily, Miles was the first out of all of them to get there and was able to get everyone to safety as Peter used his foam webs to put out the fire while Barry attains to Wally.

"Where'd he go?" Wally asks looking around.

"Who?" Barry wonders, not knowing what he's talking about.

"Savitar." Wally says and now Barry is concerned.


They later return to Star labs to learn what it is Wally's seeing.

"So now Savitar's mind-punting you?" Cisco asks Wally. "Oh, boy. This never stops never stopping."

"How long has this been going on, Wally?" Barry asks him.

"Like a week." Wally answers honestly.

"Why didn't you say anything before now?" Peter wonders.

"Because I didn't know what this was. I thought it was just maybe in my head. I wasn't looking at it like I was keeping it to myself." Wally tells them.

"Except, that's exactly what you did, Wally. You did keep it to yourself, and with Savitar, that's not something we can do." Barry informs the kid. "This is Iris' life we're talking about."

"And Caitlin's." Peter adds on.

"I know that." Wally tells them.

"Do you, Wally?" Barry asks him.

"Okay, hold up. Until now. You only saw him, right?" Jesse asks.

"This was the first time it was physical." Wally explains.

"He wasn't there. Okay? You weren't fighting him. He was messing with your head. It was all in your mind." Barry says while getting in Wally's face.

"Okay, why don't I run a brain scan on Wally, see if he was similarly affected to when Julian was possessed?" Caitlin suggests.

"Yeah, that's fine. Why don't we do that?" Barry agrees. "He shouldn't be in here anyway."

"What?" Wally asks.

"Dude, we know he messed up with secret keeping, but give him a break" Peter tells him.

"That's not what this is about, Okay? Look, it's...if Savitar's using Wally the same way he was Julian, how do we know he's not spying in us right now? We don't know how this works. How do we know he can't see and hear everything we're doing?" Barry asks them and he does raise some valid points. Julian wasn't aware when Savitar was taking over.

Wally leaves in a huff of anger and Jesse follows him.

"So what now?" May asks.

"Well, we know from the future that Savitar gets out of wherever he is, but for now, he's still trapped, so...we need to talk to him again." Barry tells them.

"We can't do that. We don't have the stone." Caitlin tells them.

"Actually, we can." Cisco interrupts her. "We still have Savitar's spatial frequency from when we plugged in Linda Blare, so we could work without the stone."

"Well, for this to work, we're gonna have to get Julian to agree to do this." Peter states.


Actually, it didn't take a lot to get him to agree to this and they have him hooked back into the machine and are ready to talk to Savitar once again.

Julian goes unconscious and he gasps oncemore as Savitar comes to.

"Bow before my greatness." The voice of Savitar tells them through Julian. "Be in awe, as you are in the presence of the almighty."

"Can we move pass your religious crackpot stuff?" Peter asks, trying to hold himself back from making a Bruce Almighty reference.

"You were just a man. Like me." Barry reminds him.

"I'm nothing like you, Barry. You're cruel, you're selfish. From my point of view, you're the big bad." Savitar states to him.

"Well then, you are lost." Peter says while quoting Revenge of the Sith. Come on! It was right there, he had to take it. "Sorry, I had to."

"Look at who's making quips. You know, the sad thing is you're not like this in the future. You loose everything." Savitar informs Peter. "And it's all because of your friends. The people you say make you stronger betray you in the end, and you have nothing."

"Where are you?" Barry asks, wanting to get on track. "You said I trapped you in the future, where?"

"The only place you could think of. The only place that could hold me."

"How long have you been imprisoned?" Barry asks.

"Long enough to loose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity."

"We have very different definitions of sanity, I'm guessing." Cisco tells Savitar.

"Well, that's because you're small, Cisco. You've always been small. Reverb told you that you could be a god. But instead, you'd rather work support."

"You want to tell me why were enemies?" Barry asks him.

"Because we had to be. Only one of us could live. You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes,'s me. It's always been me, Barry."

"Man, What did we ever do to you?" Joe wonders.

"YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!! I never asked for any of this, Joe. I am only this way because of you. All of you!"

"When are we supposed to become battle buddies?" Peter asks him.

"Not long now. Your friend was there when I become who I am."

"You're saying I caused you to get our speed?" Barry clarifies. "I created you?"

"No. I created myself, Barry. Only I can bring out my greatness."

"Your greatness? Well, yours still trapped, wherever you are, and I don't know how you're gonna escape. We got rid of the Philosopher's Stone." Barry informs him.

"Did we?" Savitar asks as he stands up. "I am closer to my freedom than I have ever been. Every step, every move that you make, it only brings me nearer to it. I only need one more thing."

"What's this last thing you need?" Miles asks him.

Savitar just looks down on him and sees the sweat on his head.

"Miles Morales, trying to show that you're not afraid? But I know you are. I know more about you almost more than Spider-Man himself. And despite your feeble efforts to change the future, you can't, Parker was right. I am the future, Flash."

Peter just goes over and is ready to shut this guy down after threatening Miles.

"Peter, you've had suffered worse than anyone. You've endured pain your whole life. Your father, your mother, your uncle...Caitlin. Trust me, they will betray you." Savitar promises and Peter shuts it down, not wanting to hear anymore and Julian comes back.

"Well? Good chat, was it?" He asks.

They all head back to the cortex and process what they were just told and Peter sent Miles home for the night.

"Wow. I-I don't know if I can take another one of those chats. Is anyone else with me?" HR asks them. "I almost filled my drawers."

"Okay, so other thank Savitar taking scaring the bejeezus out of us to a whole new level, did we actually learn anything?" Cisco asks.

"Please say yes." Julian begs.

"Maybe we did." Peter says and they look to him. "My senses can't tell me anything about Savitar himself but I can tell when somebody is hiding the truth. He knows something we don't. He asked if we did get rid of the stone like we still have it."

"We did. We threw it into the Speedforce." Caitlin reminds him. "Like throwing it into outer space."

"Yeah, and didn't Jay mention how the Speedforce goes on for eternity?" Peter asks.

"Savitar said he was trapped in eternity." Cisco says as he realizes where Peter's going. "He's trapped in the Speedforce."

"And if he created Wally, he knew he needed a speedster to get it to him. What if the stone was a fracture and he's waiting for the whole thing?" Peter asks.

"Like a skeleton key?" May asks him.

"Exactly." Peter stays.

"Maybe the Acolytes have the rest of it?" Joe guesses.

"What about that one guy, Craig? The Acolyte that Killer Frost drooped in on and everything?" Cisco asks and pulls up his informs.

"His car GPS has him located somewhere near..Mount Buccelato." Cisco tells them.

"That's miles away. What would he be doing out there?" Miles wonders.

"There's one way to find out." Barry says and looks to Peter.


Barry speeds him and Peter there and see a bunch of worshipers surrounding a Savitar statue.

"This is giving me Temple of Doom flashbacks." Peter informs Barry.

"I was thinking the same thing." Barry agrees when they see one of the followers raise a box similar to the one that held the philosopher Stone.

"God of Speed, soon your enemies will fall and you will rise once more on Earth." The follower says holding the box.

"Looks like you were right, Spidey." Barry congratulates him.

"Okay, what do we do now?" Peter asks.

"Let's see what's inside it." Barry guesses and speeds off and punches them all and Peter just walks down the hill.

They were like 10ft away, no need for Barry's theatrics.

"What exactly were you guys doing up here?" Barry wonders.

"Worshiping His Greatness." The follower says.

Peter just grabs the box and flips it in his hands.

"Let's see how far he gets without this." Peter says when he opens it and sees its empty.

"He's ten steps ahead of the two of you. There's no stopping Savitar. If I were you...I'd move up the wedding." He tells Barry which shocks the both of them how he and Savitar knows what's happening.


They brought the box to the labs and as the last time, there's no box according to the equipment.

"We sure this isn't the same box?" Iris asks them.

"It can't be. I threw the other one into the Speedforce." Barry says.

"Didn't the explosion from doing that send you to the future?" May asks. "What if it's like Back to the Future 2, when doc got hit by the lightning bolt and it sent him and the time machine into the past?"

"You mean that when Barry was sent to the future, the box was sent back in time?" Cisco asks, deciphering exactly what she's saying.

"In all of my studies and searches, I've never come across a second box or stone; I think they might be right." Julian admits.

"If that's true, than Savitar must already have the stone." Joe says.

"I'm gonna check for any radioactive isotopes or gravimetric force residue, 'cause if it is the same as last time..." Cisco was saying and Barry finishes.

"We're in big trouble." Barry says and Cisco leaves with the box.

Peter also looks over to Caitlin and notices that she looks scared of something but needs to go help Cisco.


While they were working, Wally and HR come to them asking to have them vibe Wally into the future to see what he needs to do.

Peter also decides to go with them, if he was there, he knows how to leave subtle clues in order to change things. Let's hope he did the same for himself.

They vibe the future and Cisco along with Wally watch Iris die as Peter runs over to see his older self.

"Come on, Peter. Speak to me." Peter begs himself as he sees himself bleeding, beaten and his entire arm is cut straight down the middle. It was horrifying to look at his own face to see it beaten to a pulp and to see nothing but complete fear in his eyes.

Even his breathing was rapid as if he had ran around the world.

"" Peter's future self was struggling to say and Peter prays that he gets the wording out fast before he passes out from blood loss. " save...Caitlin..." he says and Peter is confused to what he means by that.

"Choose Caitlin? Wh-What does that mean?" Peter asks him.

"Forget...everything selfish...for once." His future self whispers as if he can hear Peter talking to him. "Please, Peter."

Now Peter knows he was talking about him and is shocked he knew he would be here while Wally was looking at the now dead Iris and she doesn't have a engagement ring on her finger. With that, they exit the vibe and are back at the labs.

Wally speeds off to confront Barry about why he really proposed to Iris.

Peter just stayed at the Ned lab to think about what his future self said when Caitlin approaches him.

"Cisco told me you went to the Future?" Caitlin asks him.

"Well, I saw the future. And it's just as confusing as the present." Peter admits to her.

"What did you see?" Caitlin asks him.

"Myself, beaten to the point of death. Barry didn't seem to care and was too focused on Iris. Then he said to choose you." Peter says looking to Caitlin. "Savitar said one would fall, one would betray us. One would abandon the rest. What if I'm the guy who betrays everyone? What if that's what he was warning us about?"

"Peter, you can't be the one to betray us." Caitlin tells him.

"How can you be so sure?" Peter asks her.

Caitlin just gets up and reaches into the back of the labs storage and pulls out a piece of the stone.

"Because...I'm the one who betrayed everyone." Caitlin says and Peter is shocked to see that, but maybe she didn't betray, but saved them.

They filled the rest of the team in on what happened and Barry looks over the piece.

"How long have you had this?" Barry asks her.

"Ever since you threw the box into the Speedforce. It was such a small piece. I didn't think it would really matter." Caitlin explains as Barry puts the piece inside the box.

"Why would you even do that?" Peter wonders.

"Because...I thought I could use it to get rid of my powers." Caitlin explains.

"And...can you?" Cisco wonders.

"I don't know, I haven't been able to figure out how to use it." Caitlin admits.

"Okay, I think we can all agree that this is a simple case of the other side, Killer Frost side, clouding her judgement." HR tried defending her.

"No, HR, this wasn't her. It was all me. I'm really sorry." Caitlin tells them.

"I don't think there's a reason for you to apologize." Peter says and they all look at him as he's holding the piece. "I think that the only reason that Savitar hasn't been able to escape is because that he doesn't have the whole stone. He doesn't have the whole skeleton key." He explains and May understood that.

"So as long as this piece of the stone never reaches Savitar, he doesn't escape?" Cisco clarifies what he's saying.

"Exactly." Peter agrees with him.


As they were talking, Wally had another episode and had a vision where Savitar is gonna escape and he knows he needs to get rid of the stone as nobody filled him in that's how he's going to escape.

With Peter and Caitlin, they returned home for the night to talk about recent events that occurred.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you." Caitlin starts off.

"You did it for good reasons, I'm a bit hurt you didn't tell me so I could help. I mean, me and Fox are working around the clock to find out what's happening to you." Peter reminds her, happy she at least stoped Savitar.

"I know, but it's just like've been so focused on the future, on Miles, on the company...I feel like I'm pushed to the side." Caitlin says and Peter is angry at himself for making her feel like that. "You're terrified of loosing me, and I'm terrified that I'll loose myself in this battle."

"You're saying we need to take a break?" Peter says, understanding where she's coming from, but it hurts to see she's right.

Suddenly, their talk gets interrupted by their phones going off and they look to see Jesse texted them saying they need to get suck to the labs.


They make it to the labs and see Wally has stolen the piece of the stone.

"We've gotta stop him before he releases Savitar." Barry states as they try tracking him.

"I can't find him, he turned off the suit's telemetry." Cisco tells them.


Miles was doing his night shift wanting to stretch his legs when he hears screaming and runs over to see Kid Flash yelling at someone he can't see.

"And me speed...that was your biggest mistake." Wally says and starts running in circles when a portal appears.

"Hey, Spidey, The Flash's sidekick seems to be loosing it." Miles says into the com link.


Peter grabs his mask and places it on, hearing Miles has eyes on Wally.

"Miles, where are you?" Peter asks his protege.

"Near the water, by the shore. This old, abandoned warehouse near us." Miles describes and Cisco pulls up Miles' tracker and they have a location.

"They're at the old Kob factory." Cisco says and Barry grabs Peter and they hurry to stop Wally.


Miles watches as Wally throws something into the portal and he starts getting sucked into the portal.

Miles leaps in and tries shooting Wally with a web but the portal flings the webs in opposite directions like magnets.

Barry and Peter come in and see what's happening.

"Wally?" Barry asks as Wally cries out in fear as his suit starts to flake apart and he follows and the portal closes.

"What the hell just happened?" Peter asks.

"Ditto." Miles says as he is just as confused as Barry walks forward and picks up what's left of Wally's suit.

Suddenly, Peter and Miles' senses go off and they look to see the portal reopens and they are given their first look at this Savitar, as one word comes to mind.


Savitar crawls out of the portal and stands up on his knees.

"I am free!!!" Savitar cheers and now the heroes see they need to fight off the God of Speed now. "Ground. Air...I can feel again. I can breathe again. I've beaten you, finally."

"Where's Wally?" Barry asks as Peter is trying to find a weak spot within this thing that looks like some sorta armor and Miles is paralyzed in fear.

"Like the Greek myth of Atlas, who could not put down the sky until someone took his place, Wally has taken my place in the Speedforce." Savitar explains to them. "You know me. I love a good myth."

"He's inside the Speedforce?" Peter asks him.

"When you created Flashpoint, Barry, you unwittingly provided me with the means for my return. You gave me the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash, to make him fast enough to replace me in your prison. His youth and ego were my allies. So taken with his fame and speed, he never saw he was running right into my trap."

"How do I get him out?" Barry asks.

"Wally's gone. Suffering in an endless void for all eternity. Another victim Barry Allen failed to save." Savitar says, provoking the Speedster as they run at each other and start running around.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Barry promised.

"If you had the strength to end my life, you would have done it in the future. But Barry Allen doesn't kill. He's the good guy. The boy Joe raised. The am Iris loves. The hero Peter trained. You have everything. And deserve none of it." Savitar says and speeds at Barry when Peter interrupts and pulls Barry to safety and comes face to face with him.

"Pick someone your own size." Peter dares the god.

"I'm going to destroy this city, like I did the the future, so you can see the truth, Peter. And then, you'll treat me like a god." Savitar promises.

"You're not a god!" Miles shouts and Savitar turns only to be hit in the face.

But it doesn't even seem to harm him and Peter activates a taser web and shoots Savitar. Only do when it was activated, it did nothing but make him sizzle out and Barry grabs onto his back.

"Show your face!" Barry comands him and Peter crawls up the wall to leap and hit Savitar when the god pulled out a blade and stabs Peter, deep in the shoulder.

"I won't kill you yet, Peter. Because I need you to live a little while longer. So that you can see the truth about your friends." Savitar explains while Miles comes leaping in and uses his super strength to pull the sphere out of Savitar's suit and he leaves them.

Barry picks up Peter and speeds him and Miles to Star labs.


"The blade didn't hit his organs, but it did shagger his clavicle." May tells Caitlin.

"Hang in there, dude." Cisco tells Peter.

"We have to take it out. But any medicine I give you, your metabolism will burn." Caitlin tells Peter, hating seeing him like this.

"Just do it." Peter begs through the pain.

"Hold him down." May asks the two of the men.

"You're gonna be okay, man." Barry assures him while holding his chest down.

"I'm so sorry." Caitlin apologized for the pain he's about to endure and rips the blade out.


Later, Peter is okay and stable and is resting.

"How long will he be out for?" Barry asks Caitlin.

"Not long, but he will be in tremendous pain when he wakes up." Caitlin tells him. "His healing should be able to help him though."

"Did something happen between the two of you?" Barry wonders.

"It's nothing we need to be concerned about now." Caitlin says, not needing to get into their relationship right now.

But a part of her is now wondering if she and Peter are meant to be together.

Her fear is the reason that Savitar wasn't able to escape, but it's also the reason Peter is hurt right now.

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