As they keep outrunning the explosion, Barry finds a safe distance and crashes. "You okay, man?" Barry asks Peter. "Yeah, I'm good." Peter responds and sees the explosion.
At the labs Caitlin is reading their suits for radiation since there's no telling how much they were exposed to. "Wait this is weird. The Geiger counter in your's reading less than one millirad in Barry's suit and at least ten in Peter's." Caitlin says and Wells looks over the new information just as confused.
"But that's normal for my standard." Peter informs them and Barry is normal for a human. "If there's no radiation..." Barry starts off and they run back into the explosion and see a body in the center of the crater and look closer to see Ronnie and his clothes are destroyed.
"Ronnie?" Peter asks and tears off his mask and runs to his friend. Ronnie is a little disoriented and turns to see his friend.
"Name?" Peter asks making sure it's him not Stein. "Ronnie Raymond." Ronnie replies and smiles seeing his friend.
"Sorry, I was looking for Captain Moron. I think you've still got some more people in your head." Peter jokes and Ronnie laughs as Peter helps his friend on his feet.
"Missed you too, Professor quack." Ronnie jokes back at Peter and he seriously missed their jokes and pulls him into a hug while laughing.
"Pardon me." A new voice says and they turn to see Stein back to his normal self. "Obviously, I'm gonna need a change of clothes." He tells them and they see his clothes are in the same condition as Ronnie's.
"Nice to see you in the flesh again, Professor Stein." Barry says and Peter just keeps smiling happy to have Ronnie back after everything.
They all return to S.T.A.R. Labs where they're met by Caitlin and Cisco. "Ronnie Raymond." Cisco says and hugs Ronnie happy to have him back. As soon as he saw Caitlin, everyone was happy to see them reunite after everything that's occurred.
"Welcome back, mr. Raymond." Wells says rolling up behind the two of them.
"Dr. Wells. Peter told me what happened to you. I'm so sorry." Ronnie says greeting his old boss. "I'm responsible for putting myself in this chair. You are responsible for everyone still being alive for what you did that night." He tells Ronnie.
"You said you'd bring him back, and you did." Caitlin says happy he's back. "Excuse me." Stein interrupts the reunion. "Are we all planning to sing Kumbaya next?" He asks the team rhetorically.
"Depends, you offering to start us off?" Peter asks jokingly getting a chuckle from everyone. "Professor Stein, I presume." Wells says to him.
"Harrison Wells. Do you have somewhere to freshen up and a change of clothes?" Stein asks them and they lead him to the bathrooms.
"I'm guessing this means they now know about Spider-Man?" Ronnie asks Peter regarding the fact he's not wearing his mask around them. "They found out a few months back." Peter tells him and they go to check on their condition.
"Your vitals appear to be normal, except you have a slight fever of 100.6." Caitlin tells Ronnie after finishing her checkup. "Cait, I'm telling you I'm fine." Ronnie tells her. "I know I'm just-" she gets cut off when he pulls her into a kiss to silence her and that's when Peter and Cisco walked in.
"Great. Just when I got the last memory of the awkward situations you two continuously put us in." Peter states and Cisco agrees with him and they look away from the lovebirds.
"Well, you better start getting used to it again." Caitlin mocks her friends shyness. "Never did get used to it." Peter states.
"Hey, Pete, I forgot to ask, what's with the new suit?" Ronnie asks Peter and he didn't realize the last time Ronnie saw Spider-Man he was in the old red and blue suit. "I just thought after the explosion it was time for a change." Peter expains as Wells joins them.
"So I did a full medical workup on the Professor. It turns now that he and Ronnie are seperged, they no longer possess the ability to harness nuclear energy." Wells explains to them.
"Aw man. It would've been cool to have you out there fighting alongside Barry and Peter." Cisco states.
"Professor Stein, you seem to be running a little hot as well, same as Ronnie." Caitlin informs the professor.
"Hardly a sweat, dr. Snow. And hopefully the only thing Ronald and I have in common-" "It's Ronnie." Ronnie corrects Stein.
"So how did it feel being able to beat me at flying?" Peter asks his friend curious to how it feels.
"It would've been cool if I was the one holding the controller." Ronnie states angerily. "Meaning?" Stein asks Ronnie about what he means by that.
"Meaning you weren't the most conscientious body-mate." Ronnie explains and gets off of the bed.
"So you do not consider keeping you alive to b conscientious?" Stein asks him. "Alive? We were living under a bridge, eating garbage." Ronnie recaps to their situation.
"I did not determine that it would be my mind that would dominate our existence, but thank god it was." Stein replies and Peter now regrets speaking. "I could feel your fear and panic, emotions that likely would have gotten us killed in that state."
"You kept me burried down." Ronnie states. "And I told you that I had told you countless times I had a friend who was nuclear resistant and a scientist, but you wouldn't listen." Ronnie remembers since he knew if he could tell Peter about the situation they were in he could've helped somehow, either as Peter Parker scientist or Spider-Man.
"Which is likely why he's still alive." Stein defends. "And now I believe you and I have spent quite enough time together. I'd like to go home and see my wife." He tells them.
"Mr. Allen will take you." Wells offers and Barry takes him home.
"I need some pizza." Ronnie tells them and Caitlin takes him out.
Later Barry comes back with news that the Flash was at his home the night his mother was killed. "Time travel." Wells breaths out in amazement.
"You know what? I'm not even surprised at this point." Peter states since the past few months he's seen crazier things (not counting himself).
"Well, the greatest minds in human history put their collective genius towards solving that puzzle." Wells states regarding the possibility.
"So is it possible?" Joe asks Wells. "Yes, it's possible." Wells replies and they're surprised. "But problematic. Assuming you could create conditions necessary to take the journey, that journey would then be met with thousands of pitfalls. The Novikov principle of self-consistency, for example." Wells explains and Joe doesn't understand.
"If you travel back in time to change something, then you could end up being the casual factor of that event." Barry tries explaining and it doesn't help.
"Think Terminator." Peter explains easily and he understands.
"Or is time plastic? Is it mutable whereby any changes to the continuum could create an alternate timeline." Wells explains and once again Joe is confused.
"Back to the Future." Both Peter and Cisco reply and Joe gets it. "Oh, saw that one too." Joe replies.
"Tremendous picture." Wells comments on the movie. "So what's the answer?" Joe asks.
"I might be a clever guy, Joe, but if you're asking for a working theory on how to travel trough time, I'm afraid I just can't do that." Wells explains but Peter remembers a talk he had with Stein when they first met.
"But I know someone who you can talk to." Peter tells Barry and he goes to talk to Stein.
At Jitters, Caitlin and Ronnie are catching up on everything that's happened the past year. "And the boomerang hoes flying through the cortex, smashing everything and Cisco's all, "my bad. This ones on me"." She tells him and Ronnie laughs at what he's missed.
"Sounds lik you had some crazy times." Ronnie comments on the stories he's being told. "Yeah, we have." Caitlin replies.
"Are you ready for life to get back to normal?" He asks her and she's confused. "I was thinking we could leave town." He explains and Caitlin isn't sure about that.
"Our lives are here. My job is here." She explains to him. "Yeah, hunting metahuman." Ronnie replies seeing it's dangerous.
"There's more to it than that." Caitlin states and remembers something. "And didn't you and Peter have the exact same thing going on before everything?" She asks him remembering that it was Ronnie that helped Peter stop Electro, Dr. Octopus, Lizard and others. "Yeah, and it was dangerous." Ronnie states.
"It can be. Look, I stayed at S.T.A.R. Labs because I believe in dr. Wells. But ever since Barry became the Flash and Peter told us about him being Spider-Man, we've been working to keep the city safe, I found a new way to help people." She explains to Ronnie and he understands the feeling when he used to help Peter build new gadgets to stop enemies and everything.
"Look, Cait, I'm not mad at anyone. Okay, I know the accelerator explosion was an accident and I told Peter to lock me in there. Buy that building tool a year of our lives. I don't want it to take anymore." Ronnie explains and Caitlin notices a red dot on Ronnie and sees army is outside and they get on the floor and start making their way out. Ronnie quickly grabs his phone and sets off the spider-alert Peter placed on his phone years ago.
It's basically a secret distress signal connected by their wave channels on their phones for in case an enemy learned Peter's identity or when they're put into danger like now.
On a rooftop, Peter is just hanging out when the alert comes on his screen and he almost forgot about it since it was exclusively for Ronnie. He gets a ping on his location and runs to help.
At Jitters, Ronnie runs out the back and runs into the military. "Ronald Raymond. Burning Man himself." General Eiling states to him. "Half of him anyway."
Ronnie knows Peter's on his way and just needs to keep these guys distracted, best way to do that, get them talking about themselves. "Who the hell are you?" Ronnie asks him.
"General Wade Eiling, United States Army." He introduces himself and stops and Ronnie sees Peter appearing on the rooftop nearby. "What do you want?" Ronnie asks hoping Peter has a plan.
"Firestorm." Eiling explains and Peter leaps down and shoots a web trip-mine and attaches it to one of his men's back and it webs him to the wall and then uses a taser web on the others leaving Eiling. But as he runs to knock him out, Eiling throws a device into the air and it releases a thousand needles and they seem to be magnetically pulled to Peter as he tries avoiding them all and it does nothing as they reach him. Peter drops to the ground in pain of the thousand of needles penetrating his suit and skin.
"Stings, doesn't it?" Eiling asks him. "Had those developed especially for you and Flash. Thought after all these years nobody considered taking you down?" He asks Peter and he considered nobody would try to deal with him seeing was a good guy.
"Micro fragments attracted to kinetic energy. And your swinging, acrobatics moves, just about anything you do makes you filled with it." Eiling explains to Peter as he tries moving and it causes needles to run into each other creating more pain. "Getting Firestorm was tonight's main objective. But getting someone as strong, flexible and powerful as you...that's just gravy." Eiling states happy, that is until Barry comes speeding in and grabs Ronnie and Peter and makes a run for it.
"Gentlemen, we are at war." Eilinh confirms.
Barry brings Peter back to S.T.A.R. Labs where Caitlin is pulling the needles off of him. "You need to hurry, he's starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin." Wells states and they have Barry remove them with his speed quickly, but for Peter, it was like having duck tape on you being ripped off and his screams fill the labs.
"That was like the time I stepped on a sea urchin." Cisco states and Peter just looks angry for the first time in a long time. "Only much worse." He corrects himself.
"Nobody's peeing on me, though." Peter tries lighting the mood and is just remaining still until his body heals. "You know that's a myth, right?" Cisco asks him.
"Let's hope Doc Ock never learns about this." Says Ronnie. "Why isn't your suit bulletproof or anything?" He questions why his friend wouldn't think of this as a possibility.
"It is. I wasn't expecting super-needles to be used against me." Peter states to his friend since he's been doing this for years and have seen everything from spheres to metallic limbs used to kill him and never considered needles.
"I'm so stupid." Caitlin tells them and they're confused at that. "Jason Rush, the grad student who was helping Professor Stein with the Firestorm research said the army took all of Stein's material when he disappeared." She explains and Peter remembers that's when she was kidnapped by Leonard Snart. "I should've known it was Eiling."
"Not your fault." Wells tells her. "He still thinks you hold the keys to the ultimate human weapon, both of you." He tells Ronnie considering Firestorm.
"Okay, I'll run to Stein's house, Peter you...don't even move. It looks painful." Barry replies.
"You think?" Peter sarcastically asks his friend when they turn and see Stein enter the labs.
"I don't think mr. Raymond and I are as distinctive as we had hoped." Stein tells them and Caitlin runs some tests and comes up with some interesting results.
"I'm still inside Ronald." Stein states seeing the brain activity.
"There has to be a better way of phrasing that, man. That sounds so wrong." Peter comments while watching from his bed, still healing.
"Beta, alpha, theta, delta, all your brain waves are perfectly in sync." Caitlin explains to Stein and Ronnie. "The chances of that happening are next to impossible."
"Impossible's just another Tuesday for us, right?" Barry asks them. "Yeah, but this is like some Twilight Zone level stuff." Cisco tells Barry. "You say that knowing you have a guy in your basement who can turn into poisonous gas?" Peter asks Cisco and that gets Ronnie's attention.
"You serious?" He asks Peter. "Man, that was, like, week three of everything." Peter explains to him.
"Look, if this Eiling is as dangerous as you say, then I need to warn Clarissa." Stein states getting ready to leave when Peter thinks of something. "What if we make him not dangerous?" Peter asks them and that gets their attention. "Look, our main concern is Eiling, we get him out of the picture, we get them in the clear." Peter explains. "Find his location, I'll take it from there." Peter says and they all leave to find it and Ronnie disconnects himself from the device.
"You doing okay, man?" Peter asks his friend.
"Yeah, it's just not the S.T.A.R. Labs I knew." Ronnie states looking at his friend.
"Ronnie, this isn't the world you once knew. Everything changed that night." Peter tells him.
"You mean like you?" Ronnie asks looking at his Peter. "I mean, last I saw you, you were a friendly neighbor Spider-Man, What do you plan on doing to Eiling?" He questions not seeing the reason of him doing this.
"I'm gonna do the one thing Spider-Man never does." Peter states and looks towards his ripped suit because of the needles. "I'm gonna send a threat." He states and Ronnie has never seen his friend like this before.
In the meantime before they can get the location, they need to put Ronnie and Stein somewhere safe and Peter brings them to his place. "Okay, make yourselves at home." Peter tells Caitlin and Ronnie.
"You guys know your way around. And to help, I called in some help should be here soon." Peter informs them when a knock comes from his door and he opens it to let in Joe. "Peter, you said you needed me to keep an eye on someone?" Joe asks Peter and sees Caitlin and Ronnie.
"Oh, Joe, you know Caitlin, this is Ronnie." Peter introduces Ronnie to Joe. "Ronnie as in...?" Joe asks remembering the story of his dead friend.
"Dead best friend, yes." Peter states easing him from thinking about it too much and his phone goes off that they got a location on Eiling.
"Try not to destroy anything like last time, Ronnie." Peter says as he goes to his room and grabs a case under his bed to interrogate him. The Negative Spider-Man suit. One of his first suits for stealth missions at night.
It's a complete dark design that glowed when he wanted it to and it brought fear into anyone, over time it started to strike fear into everyone, including innocent people and decided to drop the suit and stick with the red and blue. But he kept it just in case he ever needed it again.
Eiling was in his office with a dozen men guarding him while he's searching for Firestorm when the lights start flickering and downright explode causing everyone inside to freak out as Barry speeds in Peter and he starts fighting off the soldiers left and right while using his webs to hide his location as he fights off the last man and looks towards Eiling. And he has his gun out trying to find Peter and he lights his suit up and Eiling begins shooting but Peter dodges them all and rips the gun from his hands and breaks it.
"General Eiling, we need to talk." Peter says with his threatening voice, courtesy of the Arrow. "About Firestorm?" Eiling asks trying to hide his fear he's actually getting from Spider-Man. "I thought you were incapable of harming people, Spider-Man." Eiling states knowing he won't hurt him.
But that immediately gets forgotten as Peter grabs him by the neck and slams him into the wall. "That was the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. You're dealing with the Negative Spider-Man." Peter informs him and a sphere comes out of his web compartment. "Here's the deal, if I ever see you in Central City, even hear rumors about the army being in the city, I will find you...and I WILL kill you." Peter promises and Eiling looks into his "eyes" and sees he's telling him the truth.
"So I'd start calling off your men." Peter tells him and drops him to the floor. "You've got 24 hours. If they're not gone, you'll never be seen again." Peter explains and Barry speeds back in and grabs him.
He speeds them back to S.T.A.R. Labs where Wells, Cisco are waiting with Caitlin, Ronnie and Joe and they see Peter in the Negative suit. "It's done. He's got 24 hours, if you see even one soldier, tell me." Peter tells him.
"There still is the problem that Eiling has shown he has the weaponry to easily take down Spider-Man with ease so we need to make sure to stop that entirely, if he could stop one, he could possibly use the same technique to take down the Flash, or worse." Wells states and they agree.
After some consideration, Ronnie and Stein agree they should leave the city until they have complete control over their powers since they learn when they join they can speedster this time.
"Where will you go?" Caitlin asks him.
"Pittsburgh, maybe. Stein has a colleague he thinks can help us learn more about our abilities." Ronnie explains. "I mean, Eiling has proven he's not afraid to go to extreme measures to get us, so we need to stay one step ahead of him and Peter's threat will only last for so long before a war starts to create us into a weapon." Ronnie explains. "It's better for all of us."
"Godspeed, mr. Allen." Stein farewell to Barry. "As to our earlier conversation, I believe in second chances." Stein explains about their talk about time travel.
"Mr. Parker, thank you for what you did." Stein tells Peter while shaking his hand. "You know, when I first met you all those years ago, I knew there was something special about you."
"Yeah, you did." Peter remembers.
"And I'm not talking about your brain, I'm talking about how much you care for others." Stein explains to Peter and he knows it's his greatest strength. "Keep your heart in the right place and keep the threats to a minimum. I like Spider-Man because of how he never threatens." He states and Peter agrees with him on that. Spider-Man gives hope, not fear.
"Ready, Ronald?" Stein asks Ronnie. "Please stop calling me that." Ronnie says and gives Peter one last hug. "I'm gonna miss you, hothead." Peter tells his friend and he laughs.
"See you around, mr. Spectacular." He jokes back and follows Stein outside and they join back together and looks towards their friends. "See you all soon." RonnieStein says and they fly off.
Peter decides to take Caitlin to Jitters to do something calm after everything. "I had Ronnie, then I lost him. Then I found him again, but he wasn't actually Ronnie. Then I got him back but just for a day until I lost him again." Caitlin recaps the past year with her relationship.
"Still better than my dating life." Peter tells her and she laughs at his quip. "You guys are like Romeo and Juliet's story but PG'd." Peter tells her while taking a drink of his decaf.
"But, I'm not heartbroken this time." Caitlin clarifies. "I love Ronnie, I always will, but there's not this devastating hole inside me." She states to him.
"Sometimes all we need is to just have a chance to say goodbye. You remember who you loose and keep them a part of you but continue with your life." Peter tells her about how he goes on after everyone he's lost.
"You're right. I have a life, and it's a good one. And at least I still have your shoulder if I need it to cry on." She joes at him and he laughs at her now.
"Oh, I'm just your personal crying shoulder now?" Peter asks her when Iris sees them.
"Iris, hi." Caitlin greets her. "Hi, Caitlin. Where's your cousin?" Iris wonders. Peter learned Iris paid a visit to his place to talk with her dad and they had to say Ronnie was her cousin.
"Oh, he went home." Caitlin replies trying to keep up the lie and Peter sees she knows somethings up. "Where was that again?" Iris asks her.
"Midway?" She replies not remembering. "I thought you said Coast City." Iris states.
"Midway via Coast City. He moves around a lot." Caitlin tells her.
"All right, Well, enjoy." Iris says and leaves them be.
"I think she knows somethings up." Peter tells Caitlin.
Back at the army base, Eiling has ordered everyone out of the city as promised when the lights started flickering and he gets kidnapped by a flash of lightning and is brought to the Central City sewers.
"It's good to see you again, General." Reverse Flash tells Eiling. "Who are you? I already called my men out of the city." Eiling states to him thinking it's Spider-Man who's doing this.
"Who am I?" Reverse Flash asks and removes his mask. "Harrison. You're one of them." Eiling realizes.
"Yes, I am. And I protect my own." Wells says when Eiling hears a growl in the sewers. "And an old friend of ours." Wells states and Eiling looks to see gorilla Grodd and gets dragged away.
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