Return of the flash

Peter swung after...a samurai and is met by Cisco and Wally all suited up ready to go as well.

The samurai lands and does a Deadpool stance.

"It's a Samuri." Joe comments.

"Fox, do a quick scan on this guy." Peter whispers into his mask.

"Anybody speak Japanese?" Cisco asks and Wally does and he asks what the Samuri wants.

"The Flash." The Samuri responds.

"Yeah, you're looking at him, pal." Wally states.

"You're not the Flash. You're not the best. Bring me the Flash." Samuri tells them.

"I'm sensing an or else coming." Cisco adds.

"That's my thing." Peter jokes.

"Or else your city falls." The Samuri informs them.

"The Flash ain't coming." Peter informs him as his suit runs several scans on him.

"Furthermore, Mifune, we're gonna need you to sheath that sword before somebody gets hurt, somebody like you, because you're up against three bad hombres, and what do you think you're gonna do against us with a sword?" Cisco asks him.

Peter's senses go off as the samurai slams his sword into the round and sends everyone and everything flying.

Peter quickly catches himself onto a building wall but his entire system needs to reboot now because that was a EMP blast.

"You have one day, if the Flash does not face me, Central City dies." Samuri swears and pulls out a Falcon like jetpack and takes off.


"The Flash hasn't been seen in almost six months, leading us to speculate what can save us from this newest threat." The news says as Caitlin and Peter return to the Spider Cave to see what Fox learned about the Samuri.

"Why do you think he only wants to fight Barry?" Caitlin wonders.

"Well, Barry is faster than Wally. He's been trained like me so he wants to fight the best maybe." Peter supposed.

"Except the Flash is stuck in the Speedforce." Fox reminds them.

"Then I'll wait for him to show back up and take him on myself." Peter supposes and looks to Fox. "What can you tell us?"

"First thing being...he's not a human. The suit is a robot." Fox tells them.

"Who would create something like that?" Caitlin wonders and walks up to the monitors to look over everything that Peter's suit was able to pick up.

"I don't know. But I'll head to Parker Industries and see if anyone of our rival companies have anything that can create this." Fox says as he gets up and leaves.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to learn the Way of the Samuri." Peter jokes.

"You have a suit that can do that?" Caitlin jokes and looks over the dozen of suits he has in display cases. "You think there's a way of getting Barry back?" She wonders.

"Maybe. But we're gonna have to leave that to the team at Star labs." Peter admits.

"So what do we do now?" Caitlin asks.

"Wanna train?" Peter offers.


Fox was doing the research on the Samurai robot at Parker Industries as Peter had to get Frankie to school before going to train himself for a fight with the robo-Samurai when he gets a knock and looks to see Cisco.

"Lucius, my man. It's been too long." Cisco says to him.

"What can I do for you, Cisco?" Fox asks, happy to see him.

"I'm guessing you saw the Samuri on the news?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, wants to fight the Flash." Fox replies.

"I have a way of getting Barry free, but I need you and Peter's help." Cisco tells him.

"Leave me a list of what you need, I'll make sure he gets everything." Fox promises.

"Thank you." Cisco says and puts his hands into a prayer stance and leaves him a list before going.

Fox pulls out his phone and quickly calls Peter and tells him what they need.


The next day, Cisco brings Wally and Joe to the airstrip where they first tested Barry's speed and find a bunch of people working on the equipment surrounding the Star labs van.

"What are we doing here, Cisco, and who are all these people?" Wally asks Cisco as they walk though the small crowd.

"We are going to bring Barry back." Cisco explains to them

"Cisco, Iris said..." Joe was saying when Peter and Caitlin approach them.

"It's a good thing Iris isn't in charge." Peter interrupts him. "This is a Parker Industries operation. And if it was a Star labs operation, Cisco would have the final say anyway." He informs Joe. "All of these people have signed a agreement so they can talk about what's going on here. All they know is that the city is in danger and we are bringing the Flash home."

"Peter. Caitlin." Wally greets the two of them.

"You sure this will work?" Joe asks Peter.

"These people are the brightest men and women in Parker Industries...that I could get in short notice." Peter tells him.

"Joe, I know I can't make up for what I did to you and Cecile. I hope one day you can forgive me." Caitlin asks of him.

"Get over here, you two." Joe says and hugs the two of them. "Let's bring everybody home today, okay?"

"So how are we gonna being him back without ripping a hole in the world?" Wally asks.

"Well, my baby speedster friend, we have the thing that will save him. And both of them are the reason he's in this predicament to begin with." Peter says as they walk up to a few scientists who are working on the Speedforce bazooka.

"We re-tasked the Speedforce bazooka by tuning the quark sphere so it's filled with the Flash's genetic marker and is made to track his DNA by searching through the Speedforce for him." One of the scientists explain to them.

"Once he's located, we can pull him out and this sphere will make it seem as if he's still in there." Fox explains and hands the sphere to one of the scientists and they bring it to the center pylon that's far out from the gear.

"We're all ready, set to go, boss." One of them tell Peter.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I know you were all forced to spend all night to do the impossible in less than 24 hours, but in my defense, it was the Samuri who chose the timeline. But we have a city to save, so let's bring back the Flash." Peter tells the scientists and they start the procedure. "Cisco, you man the cannon." He tells his friend who happily does.

"Quark matter scanning electrical current." Someone says as it activates and it starts searching through the Speedforce for Barry Allen.

"Triangulating quark matter on his location." Caitlin tells them as the screens bleep. "We've got a lock on something."

"It's him.." Cisco says, having a feeling. "It's him!" He shouts to the rest of them as they're all waiting for it to work.

"Now, Cisco!" Fox shouts as it's getting hard to hear anything from the wind forming from the portal.

Cisco activates the bazooka and the portal closes and absorbed the sphere.

The computers go offline and everyone looks to see it didn't work.

Peter looks in anger at himself as he thought it'd work when his senses go off.

"Wait...something's happening." Peter says and wonders what's wrong.


Somewhere in the city, a gigantic portal opens as a bus almost runs into it and a streak of red lightning leaves the portal and speeds all the way to Ivy City.

The speedster stops and reveals Barry Allen with a beard and mustache after the months of being trapped.

And he's naked.


"I can't believe you did this behind my back." Iris says as the seven of them returns to Star labs.

"You would have tried to stop us." Wally informs her.

"Because it was a waste of time." Iris states.

"I don't understand. This should've worked." Cisco says as Peter starts to use the computers to search for inner dimensional activity.

"It might've worked, but the portal opened somewhere else." Peter tells him, knowing the device was made to find a weak point in their reality to bring him back. Maybe the location they used wasn't that weak of a point.

"Or you could have killed us all." Iris reminds him.

"I think we were pretty close, Iris. The machines worked, did their jobs." Caitlin defends.

"I'm sorry, we?" Iris asks Caitlin. "Where have the two of you been these last few months?" She asks them.

"I'm sorry, we were just trying to figure out how to geté...we were trying to get Barry back from a inner dimensional prison. Sorry we didn't ask for your permission. Who left you in charge again?" Peter states and wonders, since Cisco was the one Barry left in charge.

Joe then gets a call from Cecile with news about Barry.


"State police picked him up on the 112 outside of Ivy City." Cecile tells them as they make it to the CCPD.

"That's 300 miles away." Joe says.

"Yeah, one of the cops is a Keystone vet. Recognized him." Cecile tells him.

"I knew it would work." Cisco says as they make it to the door where he's being held.

"You should prepare yourselves." Cecile warns them as she leads them inside and they see Barry and he's been writing some strange writing on the walls.

"Barry?" Iris calls out and Barry looks over everyone and smiles before looking to Iris.

"Nora shouldn't be here." Barry says which confused everyone.

"Barry, you're mom's not here, man." Peter tells him.

"Your honor, I'm innocent. I didn't do this. I didn't kill anyone." Barry promises. "Can you hear the stars singing? Rhyming, chiming, timing, every hour, every minute." He keeps mumbling and now they're seriously confused.

"You're the Devil of Hell's Kitchen?" Barry asks and Peter freezes as to hearing that. "Stars melting, like ice cream, dream, gleam. Nothing seems...Nora shouldn't be here." He keeps mumbling.

"I'm guessing this isn't just shock." Joe guesses to Caitlin.

"Shock results from a drop in blood pressure. This is neurological." Caitlin explains to him.

"I am...a work in progress. By the way, I'm loving the new suit." Barry says and Peter remembers that what he said when they first met before he screams and drops to the floor. "Stars so loud. Loud, cloud, proud. Dad and I are both okay. We're gonna be fine. I'm just not sure I'm like you, Oliver."

"We need to get him back to Star labs now." Caitlin says and injected him with a tranq that Peter has created for in case another evil speedster appeared or oe of theirs just went crazy and he grabs Barry before he drops to the ground.


Barry was still unconscious after Caitlin finished her checkup. She came into the side Cortex room, and Peter met her with a worried look. "What's the diagnosis?" he asked. "Does he have brain damage or something?"

"He's actually scary healthy," Caitlin reported, in full doctor mode. "His neural transmitters are functioning at five times the normal speed."

"Then what's wrong?" Iris asked, frowning.

"I have two theories," Caitlin said, turning around to face her apt audience. "One is that he's suffering from a form of schizophrenia. That's where you assign the wrong definitions to words."

"So, from his perspective, all that nonsense he's saying makes sense." Peter translated to them.

"It's too bad we don't have a translator." Wally said.

"No," Cisco said, squinting thoughtfully. "But we can make one."

He led the team out of the room, already putting up pictures of all the symbols Barry had been drawing up onto the monitors. "If his brain's schizophrenic, all these symbols represent words, and he could be sending us a message. We just need the right algorithm to decrypt it."

Iris turned back to Caitlin. "You said you had two theories. What's the other one?"

Caitlin sighed. This was on the one she's not gonna like. "We know that the Speed Force exists beyond space and time," she said. "To us, Barry was only there for six months. But to could have been ten thousand years. All that time in could have caused dementia. That may be all of him that's left."

Iris looked down sadly and Caitlin bit her lip. This was one of the hardest things that she had ever been through.

"How do we find out which one it is?" Joe asked, breaking the silence.

Caitlin shrugged. "I could...decrease the sedative and wake him up?"

Cisco slowly turned around from his work and started to smile. "I think I've got the perfect song for that."

"Are you sure this is appropriate?" Peter asked skeptically as Poker Face by Lady Gaga began to blast through the STAR Labs speakers.

Caitlin and Cisco were hovered over Barry, and Caitlin was shining a light in his eyes to run a few more pupil checks before he fully woke up and wouldn't look at her.

"Yeah," Cisco said. "It's a good luck charm. It worked last time, remember, Caitlin?"

"He was in a coma. Not another dimension." Caitlin reminds him.

"Well, waking up to Gaga shouldn't seem too freaky, then." Cisco said with a grin.

"Hey, Barry..." Cisco said, grinning and waving his twizzler in front of Barry's face. "It's me. Cisco. AKA Vibe, AKA your BFF."

Barry sat up a little and slowly looked around the room.

"Welcome back, man" Peter greeted as Barry continues to look around the room.

"While you were gone, I made you a new suit," Cisco continued, still trying to act as normal as possible and make Barry feel comfortable and like himself. "You wanna take it out for a spin?"

"Stars are raining..." Barry whispered, and that isn't good.

Barry fell back against the pillows, rocking back and forth and clutching at his head. "Pain..." he mumbled. "Too soon... I think-they're here-no thank you-I'm not hungry."

Suddenly he turned to Joe. "He didn't do those things," he said in a heartbreaking voice. "He didn't hurt my mom-I was there that night. There was a man-plan-no plan-"

He clutched at his head again and fell forward, grabbing at the edge of the whiteboard. Then the pain seemed to fade and he let out a hysterical laugh. "We're gonna need more diapers."

Caitlin and Cisco exchanged looks, and the latter let out a strained laugh. "Diapers. Right."

Barry spun towards the white board and picked up at a white felt marker. His face turned serious, concentrated, and he began to neatly draw the symbols that had been all over the room in the CCPD.

"You keep drawing," Peter said supportively as he pats Barry on the back. "You keep drawing, buddy. We're gonna figure this out."

Barry rubbed the back of his wrists over his eyes, muttering under his breath.

Joe sent Caitlin a worried glance. "Caitlin?"

"I don't know." Caitlin admits since they have no idea what to do.

"Guys, can I get the room for a second?" Iris asks and they leave the two of them to talk.

The team then leave to the cortex and wait for a minute.

About a minute or two later, Barry came in and started to whiz around the Cortex, knocking both Peter and Wally to the ground.

"Barry, stop!" Joe shouts as he also gets knocked down.

"Breach him to the pipeline!" Iris called to Cisco, who had just run into the room.

"He's too fast!" Cisco protested, trying to get a good shot.

Caitlin had reached the entrance of her lab and allowed Crystal to help. She squinted, aimed, and shot a quick blast of ice onto Barry.

Barry crashed to the ground in on a pile ice shards, and Cisco and Iris both glanced up, alarmed.

Caitlin smirked, holding the ice-web shooters on her wrists. "Expecting someone else?"

Peter got to his feet, pointing at Barry. "We need to get him into a containment cell before he does that again."

Caitlin nodded in agreement, and she, Cisco and Peter all worked together to lift Barry off of the ground and bring him towards the pipeline.

Once they returned, the alerts went off indicating the Samuri is back.

"Samuri jackass is back." Cisco confirms. "Nope, that's a rough draft."

"It hasn't even been a full day yet, he said he'd level the city if we didn't bring in the Flash." Iris reminds them.

"Then let's give him what he asked for." Wally states and nobody is gonna like his idea.


His idea was in fact terrible.

Wally dressed in the Flash suit and vibrated his face and voice, but it was still easy to tell that he wasn't the real Flash.

The plan didn't work and Wally ended up back at STAR Labs with his leg injured and seeming very frustrated. Caitlin sighed and got to work fixing him back up. She honestly wasn't sure how Team Flash survived while she was gone.

"He sliced right through your fibula." Caitlin sighed, kneeling by Wally's chair and inspecting her wrapping work on his calf. "If you weren't a speedster, I'd be amputating your leg right now."

Wally swallowed audibly. "How long?"

"I'd give it...five hours until you're fully healed?"

Joe and Iris exchanged very obvious glances and Wally's face set. "You know what? I'm fine," he said, standing up before crying out in pain and collapsing back into the chair.

"Son, son," Joe cried, hurrying over. "You've done everything you can do. Just...relax."

Caitlin let out another sigh and got up, leaving the Wests and going to find Peter and Cisco. Cisco was sitting in his swivel chair in front of his computer, which was running scans on all of the symbols Barry had been drawing. Peter was looking over his tablet standing behind Cisco.

"Any luck?" Caitlin asked hopefully.

"Well, not yet." Peter answered her. "The computer keeps telling us it's random gibberish."

The corners of Caitlin's mouth slid down. "Maybe it is," she murmured, refusing to ignore any possibilities, no matter how much she wanted to.

"No, it's not." Cisco told her firmly. "Barry's trying to send us a message. I know it. I mean, he spent all this time in the Speed Force. Maybe now he knows the answers to life...the universe...and everything."

"So you think all this crazy writing is Barry's way of tellings us 42?" Caitlin questions.

"God, I love you more each passing day." Peter informs Caitlin who just smiles a that.

Cisco chuckled at the couple. "Yes, exactly." He paused for a moment, glancing up on her. "Have I mentioned how much I miss having you two around?"

Caitlin bit her lip and looked away. There was a semi-awkward silence before Cisco looked down, too. "I'm gonna keep working on this," he mumbled, gesturing to his computer. "You have any ideas?"

"Nope," Caitlins shrugged. "It's all Greek to me."

Cisco looked up, eyes going wide. "Great Caesar's Ghost..." he breathed. "This analysis is based on mono-alphabetic substitutions. But what if it's poly-alphabetic? Like Greek. Like, the symbols are a unique alphabet!"

Intrigued by this new possibility, Caitlin came around the side of Cisco's desk and watched as he changed the algorithm on his computer.

"Excelsior!" Cisco cried, adding another exclamation in Greek in the same voice and grinning madly.

"What does it say?" Peter asks him.

"Hold on hold on hold on..." Cisco muttered, snapping his fingers at his computer. "It's loading... come on..."

This could be the answer. This could be the solution to all of their problems.

Four words spread across the screen and Cisco sucked in a breath. "And it says..."

This house is bitchin'

"This'..." Peter sees it translated to.

His voice trailed off and Caitlin frowned. If this hadn't been so disappointing, it would have been funny. "That does not sound like Barry."

"No, no it doesn't," Cisco said, disappointed. "That's 'cause it's not."

He shut down the algorithm and abruptly left the room.

"I'm gonna go get ready to fight this guy." Peter says to Caitlin and kisses her before he leaves.


The Samurai is surrounded by cops and is waiting for the Flash.

"I don't see the Flash." Samuri says when Peter comes in with his Mark 3 armor Spider-Man suit that should protect him from the Samurai according to Fox.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to make do with me." Peter states to him as he gets his swords out.

"Let's see how long you can hold out." Samurai tells Peter.

Peter webs his swords to try and yank them from him only to learn he has a strong grip and the Samuri yanks Peter towards him and stabs through his armor.

Peter sucks in a gasp of air since Fox said this armor was the strongest suit he had and he cut through it like he was expecting it to happen.

"I expected more from the first vigilante." Samuri admits and pulls the sword from Peter's side and Peter quickly punches him in the face only for his hand to almost completely break on impact.

There are only a few metals that Peter is aware of that he can't break or is able to hurt him, whoever built this thing knew what he was doing.


"Guys, Peter isn't going to survive this." Wally states as they watch the fight has barley begun and Peter is already looking.

"What can we do?" Caitlin asks, not wanting to loose the man she just got back as Joe runs to the pipeline.

But Joe's eyes had fallen on the video monitor of Barry's cell in the Pipeline. His brow furrowed a moment before he held up his finger and rushed back out of the Cortex. He didn't pause to even catch the elevator, just sprinting down two flights of steps and raced to the Pipeline.

Barry's cell was already in front, ready for visitors.

"Barry!" Joe yelled. "Peter's in trouble and needs your help!"

Barry was ranting madly to himself, hands clutching his hair and gripping his now clean-shaven cheeks. There was writing all over the cell, and the white felt-tipped marker was still held in his grasp.

"Please, son," Joe murmured, hoping against all hope that this would work. "Please! I wanna help you. And after all of this I will. But now Peter needs our help, or he's gonna die!"

His voice caught and he gripped the edge of the cell, praying to everything holy that he could get Barry to listen to him.

Barry was still scribbling on the walls, and Joe slammed his fist against the glass. "Barry, did you hear what I said?! Peter is gonna die!"

Before Joe knew what was happening, the Pipeline cell had exploded as a flash of lightning went straight through the glass. Joe ran from the Pipeline up to Cisco's lab.

"Barry's gone." Joe reported.

Wally, Iris, Caitlin and Cisco were all staring at the empty body of the mannequin, the sheet that had just been draped over it crumpled on the floor.

"You know what else is gone?" Cisco asked, excitement rising in his voice. "The new suit."

They all hurried up to the Cortex while Iris supporting her brother. "What's happening?"

Cisco was positively beaming as he watched Barry's tracker blip across the screen.

"The Flash is back!" He cheers


Peter was dodging and was webbing the Samuri to hold him back but he predicted every attack and stopped every web. It seemed all hope was lost for the scarlet spider when a flash of lightning comes in and phases into the Samuri and shatters him apart into pieces.

What Peter wasn't expecting was to see Barry Allen, the Flash back and in a new outfit matching the one he saw himself wearin in the future.

"Flash...welcome home." The Samuri's head says.

"Oh, thank god it's you, Red." Peter says and Barry walks over to Peter and helps him stand up.

"How many outfits do you have?" Barry wonders.

"When I count them, I'll let you know." Peter promises as he drops and Barry helps him stand.

"Let's get you back to the labs to get checked out." Barry says and speeds the two off.


Once they returned, Caitlin patched up Peter enough so that his powers would help him.

"Your pupils are normally dilated, and your vitals are amazing. You're in perfect health, even for you. I'd like a urine sample, just to confirm, but everything looks great." Caitlin tells Barry.

Cisco snorted softly. "Man, you love urine."

Caitlin glanced up from her tablet and looked over her shoulder, giving him a weird look.

"I mean, you love the testing of the urine-the know what I meant." Cisco elaborated quickly, looking chagrined.

Peter sighed and shook his head in mock-disapproval. "Why do you have to ruin science for me?"

Barry looked up at her, smiling softly. "It's good to have you guys back, and I'm happy to see you're back together." He murmured to Peter and Caitlin.

They smiled back at him, lightly cupping his cheek with her hand for a moment. "Right back at ya."

"It's good to have you back," Joe agreed, walking over to Barry and pulling him into a one-armed hug. "How do you feel?"

"I feel great," Barry said. "Yeah, I feel incredible. I don't know... it's like... I've been reborn."

"Well okay, Speedy-Jesus." Peter snarked, and Barry grinned.

"But seriously," Wally put in, holding up a hand. "I mean, it hurts me to admit it, but you may be the fastest speedster ever."

"I mean, you were in the Speedforce for six months, maybe you were soaking up it's energy?" Caitlin suggested, shrugging.

"Maybe?" Barry mirrored her shrug and changed the subject. "How was everything while I was gone?"

"Oh, yeah, it was really cool." Wally said tactlessly. "I mean, Team Kid Flash had everything under control, so..."

Barry raised his eyebrows, and the rest of the team that had been around all muttered different versions of "That's not our name."

"Still, we have some mysteries left to solve," Cisco said, changing the subject again. "Like our flying Samurai robot. Android Samurai. Samuroid. Oh-ho-ho!" He snapped his fingers triumphantly at the success of his name. "We back, baby!"

Joe chuckled, but Iris squinted at the metal head that was resting on the table. "Yeah, someone created this, and it must be for a reason."

"Does the phrase This House is Bitchin' mean anything to you?" Peter asked Barry thoughtfully.

Barry's face scrunched adorably. "No..." he said, looking around at the rest of the Team with a still somehow happy looking confused-face. "Should it?"

Cisco huffed a laugh. "No. Just know that while you were in your Beautiful Mind phase you were talking straight up nonsense."

"I don't remember any of that." Barry said honestly. "Last thing I remember was going into the Speed Force with my mom and then saving Peter."

"So how'd you know Peter was in trouble?" Joe asked.

"I don't know," Barry responded with a shrug. "Well, thanks for bringing me home." He says to his friends who all quickly hugged him.

Cisco grinned and they hugged again. "You are very welcome."

Cisco then approached Caitlin as she was putting on her coat with Peter waiting for her in the corner. "I know we left some questions unanswered, but I have to know," he said seriously to her. "Are we gonna see you guys tomorrow?"

Caitlin straightened her leather jacket and tucked her hair behind her ears, sending him a smile before looking to Peter who nodded. "Yeah, you will."

Cisco nodded, looking pleased, and watched as Peter tucked her under his arm and they walked out together.

"We back, baby." Caitlin says as finally everything was just as it should be and Peter goes to get Frankie from May's place.

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