Parker luck

The blue tinted fog surrounded Cisco vision.

"Barry! Where are you?!" Cisco asks in fear.

"I don't know!" Barry rounded the corner, gripping his gun. "I lost Peter. There's too many of them, man."

"No!" Cisco cried. "You can take them, just listen to me. You just need to do one thing. Run, Barry. Run!"

Resolve strengthening, Barry shot to his feet and charged out of his hiding spot.

About three guns started rapid-firing, and his battle cry turned into a groan as his laser-tag chest-plate powered down. "C'mon," Barry huffed, glaring at Fox, Frankie and Caitlin who had shot him down. "They got me," he called over his shoulder to Cisco, who shook his head.

"You have failed this city!" Cisco groaned, before running out into the open himself. Before he could even fire his gun, his own chest-plate powered down.

Barry sighed, and pointed above where they see May was hiding out.

"For real, May?" Cisco asked, shaking his head. May smirked and blew invisible smoke from the barrel of his gun. "In the back?"

"Snooze, you loose." May sassed.

Barry and Cisco both gave extremely affronted expressions. Peter jogged up behind them, still holding her gun. "Wait, did you guys die already?" He asked, sounding unimpressed.

"May-" Cisco started.

Barry pouted. "She just told us that-ugh, never mind. Come on. Come on."

"I don't know what's wrong with kids these days." May says smiling at herself. "Childish."

Shaking her head in disappointment at Peter, though she didn't even know what he had said, Caitlin raised her gun and fired a few shots at her boyfriend before walking off after her best friends.


They returned their laser-guns and chest-plates at the front desk before joining Iris outside at a picnic table. As they sat waiting for Cecil and Joe to arrive with food.

"I can't believe you're that good at that, May." Cisco admits to her.

"Who do you think taught him how to play?" May asks looking to Peter.

"When you only have one friend and one family member, she basically does everything with you." Peter tells him as Frankie is between to him and Caitlin.

"That is both sad and sweet." Cisco replies to that news.

"That sums up my life in just two words." Peter admits.

Joe took the opportunity to arrive. "Pretzel for Caitlin," he said, placing the food down in front of her. "Corndog for Iris. Double cheeseburger for May. Two fries for Cisco. A double cheeseburger for Frankie. And three burgers, five churros, and six funnel cakes for Barry. Two hotdogs, a chimichanga, and a burger for Peter."

"Thank you, Wade." Peter says as it was him who got him into chimichangas.

Caitlin laughed outright as Peter's stomach growled and he rubbed his hands together, grinning like a small child, even more childish than his actual kid.

"Look at all of this junk!" Cecile said, shaking her head. "Guys, I'm really sorry. If the pipes in the house weren't making this weird, annoying sound, I would have had you all over for dinner."

"Squeaky pipes at the West house, what a surprise," Barry deadpanned, exchanging knowing looks with Iris, who nodded her agreement.

"Really?" Cecile seemed intrigued. "You're familiar with this sound?"

"Oh, yeah," Iris nodded. "You mean the..." She started squeaking horribly, making Barry and Joe laugh.

"It's been doin' that for..." Barry's eyebrows scrunched, thinking hard. "18 years?"

"Hey," Joe cut in before Iris could start imitating more parts of the house. "Every house has a personality. Ours just likes to be heard."

Iris' phone suddenly buzzed on the table next to her food as she glanced down at it, then grabbed it, eyes going wide. "Oh my gosh, they broke up! The Westler-Walkerlegs broke up! Yes!" She high-fived Barry before looking a little more subdued.

Peter let out a strained laugh. "Who are the Westler-walker-whatevers and why are we happy that their love is dead?" He wonders.

"They were the couple that was getting married at the Peezio the weekend of the second," Iris explained to the blank faces. "Which means now the venue is open!"

"That's amazing!" Caitlin commented, nodding. "What good luck!"

"Yeah," Barry grinned.

"So now we just need to put a deposit down." Iris said, grabbing for Barry's phone.

"I'll run it over," he offered.

"Nope!" she turned the phone screen to him. "Already got it covered, babe."

Suddenly, everyone's phones, save for Cecile, buzzed. "Oh, breach alert guys," Caitlin reported, getting to her phone first. "We gotta go."

Cisco grabbed on of his two orders of fries, and Barry stuffed another funnel cake in his mouth before grabbing a churro for the road. Then the whole Team ran off to Star Labs as May stayed with Frankie to finish eating.


Once they got there, they see Wally was there waiting for Jesse only for them to see Harry coming in instead.

"Hey, harry, is Jesse not coming?" Wally asks.

Harry looks sad and walks up to him and pulls out a box. "Okay...Just.." he hands Wally the box and turns it on.

"Hey, Wally, it's me." Jessy greets him.

"Good to see you all." Harry greets the team.

"So, I've...I've been doing some thinking. And-you know, we've b-Th been so and earth- - - - — -" the hologram glitched and Harry takes it back.

"Stupid hologram. You know, it's that darn atlantean plastic. It's really shoddy workmanship." Harry says as he tries getting the hologram back up.

"What is this thing?" Wally asks Harry.

"Break...break up cube." Harry explains to him, nervously. "You don't have these on your earth? Oh, that's not good. Okay. A breakup cube is...kind of what it sounds like. You know, you record a message for the person you want to...the person, and you pick a music setting, and then there's a tissue that pops out if you need that. You know, a breakup cube." He does his best to explain.

"Jesse's breaking up with me with a cube?" Wally asks.

"Seems like a really convenient way to break somebody's heart." Caitlin states and Harry agrees.

"What did she say in the message?" Wally asks as his voice starts cracking up.

"You know, you heard. You're a great guy...I don't remember." Harry says, trying to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

"Don't you have total recall?" Wally asks.

"Yeah, no, no. Don't...I did." Harry says. "I did, but I don't. Don't make me. She-you heard. She said you're a great, great guy and she was busy on our Earth, and you're busy here filling in for Allen on this Earth. She just felt you guys were a little out of sync. You know, and that she needs some time, you know, to work on her stuff. It's not you, it's me. Her, me. Her, not me. And she said, you know. I'll never forget you, because you're amazing and you were her...first."

At hearing that, the whole team got as nervous as Harry at that uncomfortable news.

"And a bunch of other stuff. Not import. So, he's touch, you don't need that. You're a tough guy, right, West?" Harry says.

"Yeah, um..." Wally just starts strolling out of the room sad.

"He doesn't want the cube. I don't blame him." Harry says as the alerts go off.

"Oh, thank god." Miles says and they all look at their phones.

"211s at First National And O'Sullivan Bank." Peter tells them.

"Could be a spree." Caitlin guesses.

"Central City's bank's on that avenue, too. We'll check it out." Barry says and grabs Peter before speeding off and Caitlin turns to Harry.

"We're not done." She warns him.

"What?" Harry asks, not seeing what he did wrong here.


Peter and Barry make their way to the bank and see some blonde carrying sacks of cash.

"I've got eyes on her." Peter says and gets ready to shoot a web at the Prius she was getting away in when suddenly a flock of birds come in and knock him off the pole he was on, causing him to fall.

"Last I checked, the Flash was faster than a Prius." Barry says as he speeds in only for someone to drop a barrel filled with marbles and Barry goes flying as Peter joins him as he also crashes.

Barry and Peter get up and look what just happened to them.

"What the hell?" Barry asks as he sees he tripped on marbles.


They went back to Star labs and went over the security footage and see that the camera was getting repaired so it was swinging around at the time of the robbery.

"That's the least secure security footage I've ever seen." Cisco comments.

"Yeah, that's not even the strangest thing she made happen. A flock of birds came in and knocked me off balance." Peter informs them. "My web shooters malfunctioned and didn't fire and my mask glitched while my senses didn't alert me about the not dangerous flock."

"And I slipped on a barrel of marbles. Like in a cartoon." Barry adds on.

"That's some seriously bad luck." Caitlin comments.

"There's no such thing as luck." Harry tells them.

"Yeah? Tell that to my cousin Hector. He got jinxed by an ex. Hasn't been able to find a mall parking spot for three years." Cisco states.

"Eh, I'm used to good/bad luck." Peter states. "Or as me and May call it; Parker luck."

That gets everyone confused and they look to him. "What's Parker luck?" Barry asks.

"It's basically what my whole life has been, a good and bad thing happen simultaneously. Parker luck." Peter explains.

"Give me a scenario to prove that." Cisco dares him.

"I lost my parents and go to live with my uncle which caused me to get bit by a spider giving me powers. I get these powers, only to loose my uncle because of them. I lost my uncle only to be moved out to my aunt where I become Spider-Man." Peter gives him several scenarios. "I get a good, and a bad. Or a bad, and a good." He sums up Parker luck as Joe comes in.

"So we ran the sketches you guys made up for us through the database, and we have a match." Joe tells them and pulls up the file.

"Names Becky Sharpe. 24 years old, no priors." Peter reads.

"No priors? Then why is she in the database?" Barry asks.

"Because the last three years she's lived in Central City, she's been rear ended four times, identity stolen twice, even a cat burglar literally burgled her cat." Joe lists out.

"I know someone like that." Peter says, thinking of the Black Cat. Glad to have gotten rid of her.

"Okay, you see, Harry? That is bad juju." Cisco informs him.

"Ramon, what you call juju, I call quantum entanglement. Discrete quantum particles are connected, and when triggered, they simulate a synchronicity that, to the untrained eye, to the common eye, would seem like luck." Harry tells him.

"So, if Becky can affect the particles around her in a positive way, then their connected particles start spinning negatively." Barry puts together.

"So when good things happen to her, bad things happen all around her." Caitlin adds.

"Great. So she has a good luck field." Cisco states.

"Meaning she's a meta." Peter finishes.

"Except, she can't be." Cisco bursts their bubble. "She's only been in Central City for three years."

"So there was no way she was affected by the particle accelerator explosion." Caitlin agrees.

"But neither was Killgore." Peter reminds them.

"Not to sound like a broken record, but where are all these new ones coming from?" May asks after she and Frankie returned.

"Well, they're not mutants. Those guys have a different genetic mutation." Peter mutters to Caitlin since they're the only ones who know about mutants after the whole Amunett Black incident. Unless you talk about Juggernaut, Electro, or Lizard since they are mutants and everyone knows they exist. Then again, there is Morbius, but he's classified as a vampire.

"Maybe there's something in the suit that picked something up." Cisco says.

"You said you took out all the tech." Barry reminds him.

"Well, I left something in." Cisco states. "Sue me."

"Cecile needs me at the house. Let me know what you find out; all right?" Joe asks of them as he leaves.

"There." Harry says seeing something before Cisco.

"Yeah, I see it, okay?" Cisco states to him. "Yeah, the suit definitely registered traces amount of dark matter on Becky." He tells them.

"So if there was another dark matter incident..." May starts, hoping someone finishes.

"We need to figure out how and where it happened, ASAP." Barry finishes for her.

"I'll recalibrate your satellite to scan for the same dark matter found in the suit." Harry says and leaves.

"No, you won't." Cisco tells him.

"Yes, I will." Harry says.

"Don't touch the satellite!" Cisco tells him and runs off.

"I'll be touching it." Harry promises as he keeps walks.

"Don't!" Cisco tells him and everyone just smiles at their stupidity.

"Oh! Something just arrived for me at the loft. I gotta go." Iris says as she rushes off.

"What?" Barry asks and he leaves and Caitlin's phone goes off.

"And the bad news keeps going." Caitlin states looking at her phone.

"What's up?" Peter asks, looking to her.

"It's nothing. I'm just falling behind on some payments for my place." Caitlin tells him and puts her phone away.

"Oh, I remember those days. Working for the newspapers as a photographer for Spider-Man." Peter replies, remembering his old job and how in ten years he went from that to an owner of a company. "You need a loan? I have a lot I can spare."

"No, I'll be okay. I'll just...find out more about Becky that I can and worry about it later." Caitlin says and walks off.

May and even Frankie saw straight through the fine printing of that statement and looks to Peter. "You're in trouble."

"What'd I do?" Peter asks, missing his fault in this.

"Your girlfriend wants to move in with you." May tells him.

"What?" Peter asks, surprised by the news.

"Come on, Peter. She just happened to bring up that she's falling behind on payments when she gets paid enough to keep her place, especially with you. She is going to try and do it I'll figure it out myself is usually code for you have a suggestion. One of those being I want to move in with my boyfriend." May explains to him.

"Why wouldn't she just tell me?" Peter asks her.

"Because you know her history. You know she doesn't want to just ask." May reminds him and Peter can't argue with that when the others return as he thinks about it and the others have news on the metas.


"We did it? We brought dark matter into Central City?" Joe asks them.

"When you guys pulled me out of the Speedforce, yeah." Barry confirms.

"All the people on that bus, we turned them onto metas." Caitlin adds.

"Every time we do something right, we get something bad in return." Wally states.

"Parker luck." Peter tells him.

"You gotta stop with the Parker luck thing." Cisco begs of him.

"Maybe we should burn some sage." Iris suggests.

"Guys, were not cursed." Barry assures them.

"You're not cursed. You should be cursed at." Harry states.

"Okay, why should we be cursed at?" Cisco asks.

"You should be cursed at because you opened the Speedforce without consulting me." Harry explains.

"I did consult you, and your ethe one who gave me and Peter the calculations in the first place." Cisco reminds him.

"Don't drag me into this." Peter begs of him, not wanting to be yelled at by Harry. Besides, it was all Cisco's idea.

"I told you not to use them without consulting me. I said, Ramon, don't use the calculations without consulting me." Harry says and they start going back and forth on each other.

"If you don't need me here, I'll go back to my earth." Harry says and leaves.

"You're going back to your earth? I'll breach you there right now." Cisco promises.

"I'll breach you there right now." Harry says in a high pitch voice as he leaves the room.

"That's not what I sound like." Cisco states as he leaves.

"That was really high." Caitlin comments. "Listen, Cisco, I know Harry can stand to work on his bedside manner, but..."

"You know what, we don't need him. What we need is to focus on catching this meta." Cisco tells her.

"Yeah, you're right. But Becky's not like our standard villains. If we can track her down, maybe we can talk to her." Peter says when Joe gets a call and looks to Barry.

"I need you to run me to the house." Joe asks of Barry.

"You said you never wanted-"

"I need you to run me to the house." Joe repeats and Barry does that.

"I'm gonna go find Becky, Frankie, stay with Caitlin please." Peter says and gets into his suit to patrol until they find her as Peter needs to clear his head in thinking about him and Caitlin moving in. I mean, it makes sense since they've been dating for over a year, unless you discount the six months they were technically not seeing each other and he was moving Frankie in.


He found Becky at Jitters, sitting and scratching away at one of the cards with the numbers underneath. Apparently she won, because she grinned excitedly and tapped her card against the table.

"Becky?" Peter asked softly, tilting his head. "Mind if I sit here?"

Becky looked up at him, her face scrunching. "Today's my lucky day, but you're really not my type," she said with a shrug.

"Can I sit?" Peter repeated, not waiting for a response and taking the seat across from her. "Um, Becky. Well, you're probably wondering how I know your name."

Becky shrugged. "It's written on my cup."

Peter, consequently diverted from his perfect entrance into his point, fumbled for a second. "Right, but, um, no. That's not how I know your name. You see, I investigate very...special people."

Becky looked excited. "Celebrities?"

"No, not celebrities," Peter said awkwardly. "Metahumans. Which is what I think you are."

Becky looked confused. She let out a nervous laugh and reached for her coffee.

"See, I think you were exposed to Dark Matter on a city bus three weeks ago." Peter continued.

"I think I would know if I was exposed to Dark Matter." Becky deflected. "That's weird."

Peter was undaunted. "Becky, I know you've been having a lot of luck lately, and that you took some money from the Central City Bank that didn't belong to you."

Becky looked a little alarmed. "How do you know all that?"

"I just do. Look, getting's overwhelming. I'm sure you don't know how they work, or what you should do with them..."

"I have some idea." She states.

Peter reached forward, but Becky gave him a look. "Ah ah ah. Do you really wanna...test your luck? Bad things happen to people who get in my way."

Peter's senses called out and he looked slowly around Jitters. The pressure on a coffee machine was rising to dangerous levels. A waitress on the second floor lost her hold on the trey of coffees and they almost went spilling over the banister. Someone working on the Jitters sign turned his staple gun towards his face as it stopped working.

"Listen, Buddy," Becky continued, turning Peter's attention back to her. "My entire life has been one piece of crummy luck after the next."

"Well, we all have ups and downs in life-"

"No, not Becky Sharp," Becky sighed. "I have only ever been dealt bad hands. But I knew one day the universe would see it made a mistake! And then I'd have the run of the table. I got on that bus, and Lady Luck smiled on me."

Peter shook his head. "Becky, this isn't some higher power fixing a universal miscalculation. You have powers, and they're affecting everyone around you, making them feel as awful as you once felt."

Becky glanced at her hands, letting out a small sigh. "I'm sorry about that," she admitted. "But maybe it's just their turn. Maybe for once everyone else can feel for a second how bad I've felt my entire life. Anyway. There is nothing you can do to stop me."

She got out of her chair and started to walk backwards.

Peter was about to go after her when he saw a drop of the coffee from the struggling waitresses mugs drip down toward the floor. It headed towards the dangerously-pressured coffee machine, which was about to explode, steam pouring from it. A mother and her baby walked through the doors as the worker pointed his staple gun at them and then his face again, still trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Tootles," Becky said, heading for the back exit.

Unable to follow her, Peter was forced to watch her leave through the back.


"So what are we going to do?" Miles asks as Peter returns with what happened.

"I don't know. I mean, I'm not sure yet." Barry tells him. "None of us can get close to her without getting hit by back luck."

"Seriously, this girl's a hazard." Cisco tells them and realizes he has her name. "Hazard. That's the one. Maybe that means the jinx is gone."

"I would've gone with Lady Luck." Frankie comments and Peter agrees with her.

"Her powers only work in her immediate vicinity. She didn't jinx us." Barry assures him.

"And the house is still falling to pieces." Joe tells him.

"It's been falling apart for years, just...really slowly." Barry tells him.

"Plus, Jesse dumped me." Wally adds.

"I know, dude. And that sucks." Barry says.

"And I might be having communication problems with Caitlin." Peter adds since Caitlin's not in the room.

"You guys will work it out. You always do." Barry assures him.

"And we're up against a meta we can't touch. And we're the ones who made her in the first place." Cisco adds on.

"Guys, do you have any idea how ridiculous you all sound?" Barry asks. "We have not been jinxed, or cursed, all right? We make our own luck, right? So what do you saw we focus and we figure this out?"

Just then Barry's phone rings and it's Iris and he has to leave.


Cisco and Harry had a talk about what's happening back on his earth when the alarms start blaring and everyone returns to the cortex.

"Guys, there are low probably events happening all over the city." Caitlin warns them.

"Becky's quantum field is expanding." Peter explains as they see what's happening from the monitors.

"Okay, that's not possible." Harry states seeing the same results.

"Yeah, we poses are localized." Barry states.

"Not anymore apparently." Harry replies as they watch the field expanding.

"It's getting bigger and worse." Caitlin says when they get a alert signal from an airplane that got hit by a bird.

"Why is she suddenly this powerful?" May asks them.

"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction," Harry explains to her.

"Which means the more good luck Becky is receiving, the more bad luck others are getting." Peter explains.

"She must be experiencing a extreme amount of luck for her quantum field to be expanding like this." Caitlin says.

"Where is she now?" Barry asks.

"She seems to have gone back to work." Cisco tells them and that's bad. She's at a casino.

"If Becky keeps winning, the bad luck will keep spreading." Barry states starting to panic. "This could destroy the city."

"Okay, keep calm. Nothings going wrong here." Cisco assures him when Peter's senses go off.

"You jinxed it." Peter says as the alarms start blaring and Peter looks to see the particle accelerator's turning on. "Why didn't we unplug that?" He wonders as Harry and Cisco run off to turn it off.

"We've got four minutes until the particle accelerator activates." Caitlin warns them as the heroes have made their way to stop Hazard.

"The generators turned themselves on. We've got to shut them down." Cisco tells her and they get to work.


The heroes arrive at the casino and see Becky is at the 10 million jackpot.

"That much good luck, it's the end of the city." Peter says and Barry takes a step only to slip on coins and accidentally handcuffed himself.

"Okay, hows that even possible?" Barry asks. "And how come nothings happen to you?"

"I don't know." Peter admits as he now can't do anything with Barry had the only pair of handcuffs.

"Guys, what's happening?" Caitlin asks.

"Well, Hazard is at the ten million dollars slots and Flash handcuffed himself." Peter informs them on the events that transpired in the last half minute.

"We need to get these cuffs off." Barry says.

"We can't...time for some Parker luck." Peter says as he comes up with a bad plan.

"What do you mean?" Barry asks as Peter shoots a taser web to the nearest lights on the ceiling and starts short circuiting the entire casino and setting the alarm off, getting everyone to evacuate.

Except the only slot machine still working was Becky's and to top it all off, a sign fell and hit Peter on the head.

"You've got to be kidding me." Barry complains as now they're in serious trouble.

Harry and Cisco allowed the accelerator to turn on and a wave of energy consumes the city and Becky losses the slot.

"What just happened?" Caitlin asks.

"The hydrogen electron collision released a charge that temporarily negated Hazard's quantum field." Cisco explains to her which means she doesn't have powers for a minute.

Peter takes this time to wake up and lift the sign off of them and was able to deactivate the cuffs with ease and Barry cuffs Becky.

"Okay. Hi." Becky greets Barry as Peter rubs his head in pain. "Is there, like, any chance that you're not gonna arrest me?" Becky asks.

"Sorry, not your lucky day." Peter quips as he approaches them.

"Yeah, I understand." Becky says as Barry leads her out for the cops.


Caitlin did a quick check-up on Peter's head, and the two of them sat and waited while the rest of the Team filled into the room.

"Becky is locked up in the meta wing at Iron Heights." Joe tells them.

"Something tells me our bad luck streak has come to an end." Barry assures the team.

"Good. We can't afford to blow this place up a third time." Cisco says.

"So, look at these heat scans taken from the satellite. This is three weeks ago." Harry says and pulls up the bus.

"Isn't that the Central City bus?" Frankie asks.

"Each of these heat scans indicate a human body." Caitlin explains to her.

"Twelve markers, twelves metas." Cisco says as he was halfway through putting Becky's picture on the whiteboard, which held spaces for all the possible bus-metas. "Now we know how many there are, we won't have to wait for them to come to us. We can go to them."

It was about then that Wally West joined them, as Wally took a quiet seat in the corner and simply watched.

"Two down," Peter said, nodding.

"We got this." Cisco agreed, grinning.

"Yeah," Wally said, speaking up finally. "You do."

The rest of them frowned at each other, unsure of what to make of this comment. "Wally...what's wrong?" Joe asked, confused.

Wally stood up, his shoulders slumped. "You guys tell me. The city was about to blow one realized I wasn't here."

How had they have not noticed that one of the members of their team was just...gone? Miles, yes, he left for the night and was having his own form of bad luck at home with his folks.

"Where did you go, Wal?" Iris asked, eyebrows scrunching.

"I went to Earth-2 to see Jesse," Wally said, glancing around the room. "I needed to hear it from her," Wally continued. "She told me she needs to focus on herself, and I get it. And I think I have to do the same."

Joe and Iris both frowned, confused, but Barry nodded. He understood how it felt when you needed time to figure yourself out.

"So..." Wally let out a sigh. "I'm leaving Central City."

"W-where are you going?" Joe asked, his voice soft.

Wally's spine straightened. "I'm going to go stay with a friend in Blue Valley."

"Every hero has their own journey," Barry spoke up, nodding at him. "Yours is taking you on a new path. You owe it to yourself to go."

Wally nodded back, looking relieved that at least one person supported his decision. He strode forward and wrapped Barry in a hug, which Barry returned with a small half smile.

Caitlin took her cue as he pulled back and hugged Wally herself. "Good luck," she whispered to him, and he nodded into her shoulder. She stepped back, standing next to Barry and taking his hand.

Wally said goodbye to the rest of the team, but soon he was walking out the door, shoulders straight and looking more at peace then he had in a long time.

"West leaves..." Harry muttered thoughtfully. "Allen returns, West leaves, move and counter move."

Peter frowned at the oddly chess statement. "What's your point?"

"Simply that..mysterious stranger comes down, seeks out the Flash..."

"Causes us to open the Speed Force," Caitlin added, tilting her head in consideration.

Cisco nodded, catching on. "Which caused the creation of a dozen new metas."

"Wait," Joe spoke up. "You think...the guy being the Samurai Robot-"

"Samuroid," Cisco corrected.

"You think he wanted us to create a busload of metas?" Joe asks.

Harry shrugged. "I think it's all connected."

"Why would anyone want to create metas?" May questions, not seeing the point.

"I don't know." Barry shook his head. "But whoever they are, they've got a seriously warped way of thinking."

Little did they know that someone was watching them, even in that moment, peering through the empty plastic eyes of the Samurai head Cisco had put on display.

Someone who had been watching them the whole time.


The team called it a night and Caitlin just gets into Peter's apartment and sees him thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" Caitlin asks him.

"Nothing." Peter says and gets up and walks over to her with something in his hand. "Just...May and I had a talk earlier today about after your whole apartment situation and she helped me decipher what it was you were saying, and..." he holds out a spare key to his home and places it in her hand. "I realized that I never actually had a spare to the place, considering all the times I sneak in through the window constantly. So, if you want to, me and Frankie can move some things around and make room for you to be added."

Caitlin doesn't say anything and just wraps her arms around his neck and starts kissing him and he returns the kiss, happy that he understood what she was trying to tell him.

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