MISTaken identidy

Peter and Cisco got back into contact and grabbed coffee to catch up on lost time. "So, Peter, where were you when you left Central City?" Cisco asks him and Peter doesn't know how to answer that since he can't talk about Oliver or the Arrow.

"I went to Starlight City. I know someone who was willing to help me cope with Ronnie's death. Guess it was harder on me than I expected." Peter says and they look at him sad. "I'm sorry to hear that, Pete." Cisco says and puts a hand on his friends shoulder. "So, what have you guys been up to? How's your patient, the guy that was struck by lightning." Peter asks them, even though he already knows.

"Well, Barry already woke up." Caitlin tells him, trying not to give anything to do with his abilities. "He comes to talk every now and then." She explains to him and Peter sees her biting her lower lip and immediately knows she's hiding or not telling him something.

"You know, maybe we should make a get together. Have you and him meet?" Cisco offers the,. "Sure, call me with a time and place." Peter replies and takes a drink of his coffee and has to get to work fast.

Back at the CCPD, Barry and Joe are looking into the evidence from the night Nora Allen was killed. "I had it brought up from storage." Joe tells Barry.

"I've been through this box 1,000 times." Barry tells him. "Before, you story about what really happened that night. The lightning storm, the man in the middle of it, I thought that was a kid trying to protect his father from prison." Joe explains and looks back at Barry's case.

"Now I see it's true, we're gonna go through everything that could help until we find something." Joe tells him when Eddie comes in.

"Barry, Joe, we got multiple homicide." Eddie tells them. "Do you kno the Darbinyan crime family?" He asks them.

At the crime scene, there are bodies everywhere around the room and Barry can't find anything. "Signs of histotoxide hypoxia. The cells in their bodies were unable to utilize oxygen." Barry tells Joe what he found. "Basically, it's poison gas."

"What kind of poison?" Joe asks him. "I'm gonna need to take a lung sample, see if I can narrow it down." Barry explains to him and Eddie comes back to say what he found.

"The only other exit was bolted from the inside. They were trapped. I was thinking someone pumped gas in from the outside, but witnesses say the street was empty." Eddie tells them. "So it was from the inside." Joe asks confused as he looks around. "That would mean there should be a canister or container somewhere."

"Unless it had a mind of its own." Barry says and Joe sends Eddie off and looks back to Barry. "The boss collapsed by the table. This guy made it 10 feet away. That guy had a chance to move off and fire three shots into the window trying to break the glass. But they all started in the same spot, which means they should've all been affected by the gas at the same time, but instead, it's as if...they were attacked off one by one." Barry explains to Joe.

"My gut feeling, if we're gonna solve this one, you and me are gonna need...backup. And I don't mean S.T.A.R. Labs." Joe tells him. "Wait, you mean...you wanna get Spider-Man?" Barry asks, trying to control his excitement.

"Doesn't he have like some signal we can shine to summon him?" Joe asks Barry. "No, but we have the next best thing." Barry says and shows his phone and it has information on Peter Parker up already. Where he lives, where he works, everything.

"Fascinating, a metahuman that can manipulate poison gas." Wells says while using the computers. "Is it just poisonous gas, or can he control all arrayed substances?" Cisco asks them. "And How is he able to formulate the connection? Is it physiological or psychological?" Caitlin asks.

"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances." Wells replies.

"You mean connect with gases on a molecular level?" Cisco asks him. "That is ridiculously cool." He states.

"Yeah, and Joe thought we might need a hand with this, so he's going to look for help from a certain hero." Barry tells them and they all look up at him shocked to hearing this for the first time.

"Wait...You don't mean Spider-Man, do you?" Cisco asks as a giant smile spears on his face and it immediately goes into shock. "You didn't say to bring him here, did you?" He asks Barry worried to how Spider-Man will think their place is not even comparable to Spider-Man's hideout. But what he doesn't know is his hideout is really just a average apartment in the city.

"How did you even know where to find him?" Wells asks Barry. "We found a sample of his blood, ran it though the system. Do you guys know who he is?" Barry asks them wondering if they know it's Peter. "Why would we know?" Cisco asks and Barry realizes they don't know their friend is Spider-Man.

Peter is just getting off for his break and is on his way to Jitters for coffee when he sees a dark man has been following him for the past few blocks and he decides to use his senses to see what he's saying. "If you're wrong about who he is, you're gonna explain all of this to him, not me, Barry." The man says and Peter decides to pick up his pace and sees Joe is also speeding up to stay with him.

Peter speed walks into an alley and leaps on to the wall and climbs up. Joe runs into the alley and sees he's gone. "Either he's Spider-Man or a magician." Joe states when he looks up to see Peter dropping down and grabs him from behind to stop him from reaching his gun. Move curtesy of the Arrow. "Why are you looking for me?" Peter asks Joe.

"We...need your help." Joe struggle to say through his hold. "And we don't have any way of contacting you, Spider-Man." Joe says and Peter releases his grip. "So, you know." Peter states to him.

"Yeah, we found your blood and accidentally found your identity." Joe explains to him and Peter decides to believe him. "You're with Streak, aren't you?" Peter asks him.

"Yeah, he asked me to find you." Joe explains to him. "Okay, where does he want to meet up?" Peter asks when his senses go off and he looks at the Central City mall and sees someone inside who's driving his senses crazy.

"Change of plans." Peter turns back to Joe and tosses him a phone. "Call me with the location." Peter tells him as he runs down the alley and quickly changes into his outfit and swings into the mall.

Inside the mall, a man wearing a tall trench coat enters an elevator with a woman. "Jorge Howard." The man says to her as she looks shocked. "You died." She tells him.

"You say that like it was an accident." He says to her. "Remember what the last thing you said in the courtroom?" He asks her.

"May god have mercy on your soul." He says and starts turning into gas and enters her lungs.

Outside th elevator, Peter sees it happening and picks up the pace and smashes into the glass walls. He looks to see he was too late as the gas is gone and she's dead.

A security guard comes up to the elevator and sees the body. "I need everyone to back up." The man tells the people surrounding them as time comes to a standstill when Barry runs in and sees Spider-Man over the body and looks around and sees the gas flowing down a hall and chases after it.

"Why did you kill that woman?!" Barry asks him as the gas turns into a man. "She deserves to die." He answers Barry's question. "Now go run off. I still have one more name on my list." He tells Barry when a web comes in and goes straight through him.

The man then turns around to see Spider-Man. "Look at that, Spider-Man. In the flesh." He says to Peter. While he's distracted, Barry speeds in and tries punching him and he turns into gas. He them punches Barry and Peter and he turns into complete gas and tries entering Peter's mask, but he made it airtight, so he enters Barry. Barry then falls to the floor gasping for air. Peter tries helping him when he suddenly rushes off, rendering his help useless.

Peter quickly makes his way back to Joe and sees he hasn't moved. "What was the point of handing me your phone if you were coming back?" Joe asks him, confused as he takes off his mask. "Spur of the moment thing, I guess." Peter explains and takes a breather.

"So, I now know what you need help with. Barry went to S.T.A.R. Labs, I couldn't see if he was okay or not." Peter explains to Joe and he looks confused. "Wait, you know who he is?" Joe asks him.

"You guys should really check where you talk and for cameras." Peter explains to him.

"Don't the people in S.T.A.R. Labs know about you?" Joe asks Peter. "You really think anyone knows about this?" Peter asks him as he gestures to himself. "I'm living a secret life from them. If they found out, they would freak out. Then I'd freak out, I can't do that to them. Especially ever since..." Peter doesn't really talk about his friend's death. "Caitlin's fiancé?" Joe asks and he looks to him.

"Yeah, I was told about him. You knew him?" Joe asks Peter.

"He was my best friend for most of my life." Peter explains to him. "I can't tell them. At least not yet. Because everyone who learns about it, they always die." Peter says sadly, hating to keep his life a secret from his friends.

"We just need your help stopping these guys, even a better way of communicating you." Joe explains to Peter and he stands up.

"Then let's get to S.T.A.R. Labs." Peter says and starts swinging towards S.T.A.R. Labs and Joe has somewhere to be.

"This is a 3-D molecular model of the gas we retrieved from your lungs." Cisco says as he shows the gas on the computers. "We have also identified the toxin. Hydrogen cyanide." Wells tells Barry. "What's really interesting is what's mixed in with the cyanide. A sedative."

"Of course. The night of the explosion, find out f anyone was executed. That sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go to the gas chamber and breath in hydrogen cyanide." Barry explains when a new voice fills the air. "You mean gas chambers are still a thing?" The voice asks all turn to the entrance to see Spider-Man in the doorway.

"Because in all honesty, that seems worse than just like drowning me or something. Which has happened before." Peter states and they all just stare at him and Cisco drops his drink.

"You're...Spider-Man." Cisco states the obvious and Peter just waves at his friends. "Yeah, a detective Joe West told me you were looking for me to get help." Peter explains to them trying to keep his identity.

"Welcome to S.T.A.R. Labs, Spider-Man." Wells says as he moves closer to the man. "I gotta say, you've gotten a more advanced suit than the previous one." Wells states looking at the new red and black suit. "It's slimming." He comments.

"Yeah, thought it was time for a change." Peter explains to him. "Either way, I'm here to help anyway I can." He tells them and Caitlin gets something. "There was someone executed that night. Kyle Nimbus." She tells them while trying to take her eyes off of Spider-Man, and pulls up his file for them to see.

"That's the guy I was sensing." Peter says and moves closer inward to look at his picture. "He was a hitman for the Darbinyan crime family." Caitlin tells them.

"Oh, trust me. Me and them go back a while." Peter states to them. "The family turned on him and testified to throw him in prison." Peter says to them. "The woman from the elevator was the judge for his trial, sentenced him to death." Peter explains and wonders why he didn't see it before.

"He must've been affected by the explosion while he was being gassed." Wells finished Peter's train of thought. "Records show that the execution was completed. That's why there was no match in the system, the DNA database only has records of the living." Barry replies.

"Didn't he say there was someone else on his list?" Peter asks Barry and he looks to Caitlin. "Check the arrest record. Who caught him?" Barry asks her and Peter looks and sees who to was.

"The lead detective...it was Joe." She tells him and they know they have to find him fast. Barry gets on the phone to figure out where he went and talks to Eddie, his partner and gets a location.

"I reverse-engineered an antidote to the toxin." Caitlin says and hands a syringe to Peter. "I'm hoping you won't need it." She tells him.

"I'll keep Speedy Gonzales safe, dr. Snow." Peter tells her and she laughs at that.

"Nice to see you're okay after the whole showing up at my window thing." Caitlin tells him.

"You and me both. Where is Detective West?" Peter asks barry. "He went to Iron Heights." Barry tells him.

"Okay, then let's get there, fast. I'd go by web, but there's minimum to none buildings to swing from near the prison." Peter tells him and Barry suits up and speeds off with Peter in his hands.

Barry is going as fast has he can with Peter attached to him to save Joe. "Barry, I pulled up the specs on Iron Heights prison. It's maximum security but I think I can talk you through breaking in there." Cisco says into the comms as they make it to outside the prison.

"Whoo! I'm going by web next time." Peter tells Barry. "Don't bother, I've been figuring out how to break into that place since I was 11." Barry tells the team, ignoring Peter.

"Really?" Peter asks him and realizes why. "Oh." He leaves it alone after that and they make their way inside.

Inside Iron Heights, Joe is talking to Barry's father when gas attacks the guard watching them and reforms back onto a person. "Nimbus." Joe realizes. "You're supposed to be dead." Joe tells him, seems like everyone wants to make sure he knows that.

"Same to you." Nimbus says and enters Joe and starts killing him and escaping. Henry starts calling out for help when Spider-Man comes crashing in through the door and a blur of lightning comes in and Barry looks up to see his dad. Peter takes the antidote Caitlin gave him and uses it on Joe to save him.

"I hope this works." Peter says and Joe starts gasping for air and looks to them. "Go get him, you two." Joe tells them and they go to find him.

Outside, they find him walking around and Barry and Peter stop in front of him. "So you've come to finish what the gas chamber couldn't?" Nimbus asks them, believing that he can win this fight. "You're going somewhere you can't hurt anyone ever again." Barry tells him as they're ready to fight and he just turns into gas again and grows into a giant cloud.

"Okay, we can't breath him in, we can't touch him." Peter recaps then decides to use his scientific mind to help him stop living gas. "Gas is the most unstable of the elements, isn't it?" Peter asks Barry and he nods in agreement. "So that means he can't stay in mist form for long." Peter states to Barry.

"That means his particles will need to reform." Barry finishes his thoughts. "We just gotta out run him." Peter says and they use Barry's speed to keep him distracted and as they keep running, Nimbus turns back into his human form and charges at Barry again. Barry speeds away as he changes back into human form again.

Peter then takes that his moment to shoot him in the back with a taser web and he drops to the floor.

"Looks like you're the one who made the Mist-ake here." Peter quips to the unconscious man.

"We won." Barry tells the team at S.T.A.R. Labs. It actually took him a second to get Peter's joke then he suddenly burst out laughing understanding it.

Later, Peter brought Mist into the prison in the particle accelerator and he's not happy and tries to escape. "It's gonna hold, right?" Peter asks them.

"The barrier is powered by an 8.3 Tesla superconducting electromagnet, which is about 100,000 Times the strength of earths magnetic field."Cisco reassures the masked man.

"In other words, yes." Wells says. "Yeah, I understood what he meant, but I like hearing it straight up." Peter explains to them and see him trying to escape. "Well, Good night." Wells says as he closes the doors into the accelerator blocking them from seeing Nimbus.

"So were just supposed to get used to working above a makeshift prison housing evil people with powers?" Caitlin asks them. "My question exactly." Peter states, agreeing with Caitlin.

"You'd be surprised what you can get used to, Caitlin." Wells says and turns to Spider-Man. "So to point out the elephant in the room, why do you insist on wearing the mask with us?" Wells asks the masked man.

Peter thinks of a good excuse that doesn't out him out. "I'll let you guys know who I am eventually. But I can't today. I've got people I need to protect, people who need to stay away from my secret." Peter explains to them and they decide to leave it at that.

"I've got to get going, but this is for you." Peter says and passes Cisco a phone with a Spider-Man casing on it. "I call it the Spider-Phone. Need me, my number is on speed dial." Peter says and starts walking off. "Just don't expect me to keep doing this every time. This is so not my pay grade." He jokes and leaves with Wells beside him.

"Well, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to ask some quick questions about your powers." Wells asks Peter hoping to get some ideas to how his powers work. "Sure, as long as it's nothing personal." Peter agrees to the questioning as they leave.

"After today, I really need a ice cream or a drink. Let's see what we hit first." Caitlin tells Cisco and they start leaving. "Should we invite Peter? He wanted to keep hanging out like old times." Cisco asks her as they leave the labs. "Of course we're inviting Peter." Caitlin replies as they leave thinking how it's like old times.

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