The streets of Central City have become a war zone. All of Zoom's metahumans are attacking all the police as Spider-Man and Frost are trying to help hold them back.
Barry also speeds around the city and puts out all of the fires around the city they put out.
The three return to Star labs after getting all of the metas out of the streets.
"We're used to taking these guys down one at a time, not 100 at a time." Barry states to Peter as they get out of the elevator.
"And yet, you don't seem to be breaking a sweat." Frost says to him.
"I know we can do it." Barry says as Cisco runs up to them.
"Guys, you have to come see this." Cisco tells them and they follow him into the cortex to see none other than Caitlin;
"Caitlin?" Both Barry and Peter ask seeing she escaped.
May and Henry were just making sure she's okay.
"She's in shock. A little dehydrated and malnourished. But she'll be fine." May assures them and Peter just gives her a hug, happy to see she escaped.
"I'm okay." Caitlin assures him while hugging him back.
"What happened? How did you get away?" Barry asks her as Peter starts separating from her.
"He...let me go. I didn't think he would, I thought it was a trap." Caitlin tells them and looks to Peter. "I thought you were dead."
"He tried to get rid of me. But like any spider, you keep trying to get rid of me, I keep coming back." Peter jokes.
"Snow. Jay's not here. You're safe." Harry assures her.
Caitlin just starts tearing up. "He's gonna overrun the city, you can't stop him." Caitlin tells the heroes.
"Yes, we can." Barry assures her. "Listen to me, he's not going to succeed. We've got this. This is our earth."
"There's three of us, there's only one Zoom." Peter assures her.
"And I know from being in the Speedforce that the universe is with us, not Zoom. And if the universe is with us, how could we possibly loose?" Barry asks and everyone is concerned how he's so happy after everything.
Peter then helps Caitlin stand up and starts walking her to the med bay.
"Come on, you've been through a lot you should get some rest." Peter tells her.
"Wait, he was in the Speedforce?" Caitlin asks him.
"That's a long story, and even I don't know the full story about it." Peter says and tries explaining it as best as he can.
At Mercury labs, Tina McGee is looking over the latest breakthrough her scientist have had.
"Dr. McGee, have you seen dr. Parker?" One of the colleagues ask her.
"I think he said he's being held up in traffic or something with all of these metahumans running around." Tina tells them, even though she never talked to Peter recently.
Outside, a dark figure walks up to the building and lets out a sonic cry and the building starts to shake.
At Star labs, Peter is watching Caitlin as she sleeps, not wanting to leave her side and to make sure she's safe.
Then he hears the metahuman alert go off, but he doesn't know if he should go with Caitlin needing him.
"Guys, it's Mercury labs." Barry says, and that's all Peter needs to know.
The two heroes make it to see the whole building coming apart.
"Can you stabilize the building like that ferry?" Barry asks Peter, referring to an incident years ago.
"This place is coming apart, there's no stopping it." Peter says and they both split up to look for people who are still trapped inside.
Barry speeds everyone he can find out as the floors start collapsing.
Peter keeps looking and find Tina McGee holding onto a falling platform and quickly falls down, while avoiding all the rubble and grabs her by the waist and swing them away from the destruction.
As he lands, they watch as the place he's been employed at for years gets destroyed.
"Thank you, mr. Parker." Tina thanks the hero and they both look shocked she knows who he is. "I'm not stupid." She states seeing Barry's face and Peter's eyes going up on shock.
They bring Tina to Star labs to see what she knows and how she knows.
"So how did you know?" Barry asks.
"Peter's identity?" Tina asks as they all wait for an answer. "Come on, Peter, I'm a scientist. You know we're paid to be perceptive. And every time Spider-Man appears, you just so happen to disappear. Not only that, but you did happen to leave some of your designs for certain gadgets for Spider-Man around your workstation. But what really gave it away was when that monstrous creature attacked the labs looking for Spider-Man." She states and May looks at Peter with her I told you so look.
"Yeah. I know, I'm bad at keeping my secret from smart people." Peter admits to her.
"Okay, now that the cats out of the bag, did you happen to see who it was that caused your building to collapse?" Barry asks her.
"I didn't see anything. It happened so fast." Tina tells him.
"Maybe the security cameras picked up something." Caitlin offers and Tina explains how there's a black box for the building that Barry just need to find to get the footage.
"This wasn't some random attack, every time Mercury labs is attacked, there's always a reason." Barry guesses since this isn't the first time it was attacked.
Barry retrieved the black box when they get an alert from the CCPD and see the Flash symbol burning the building side and Barry starts walking to take care of him. Peter quickly chases after him.
"Hey, Barry, where you going?" Peter asks his friend.
"Look, Peter, I know you can handle Zoom, but it's gotta be me. You need to be here for Caitlin, she needs you more than the city needs you right now." Barry tells Peter and he understands and Barry speeds off to deal with Zoom.
They're working on a seismic frequency to stop all of Zoom's men at once, when Cisco suddenly throws his marker across the room.
"I thought throwing things was Harry's way of dealing with stress." Caitlin states.
"That's how frustrated I am. I'm just running out of ideas as to how to make this work." Cisco replies to her. "Where's Barry? I need some of that walking on sunshine thing he's got going on." He states while looking around the room. "Speaking of sunshine, where's Frost?"
"She decided to hit the streets to help the police stop the metas." Peter explains. "And speaking of Barry, should we be worried about how happy he's been since his trip to Pleasantville?" He wonders.
Caitlin just smiles at her friends when she turns around and sees Zoom. "!" She shouts seeing Zoom.
Cisco and Peter see she's frightened but there's nobody there.
Peter just quickly runs over to her to help her calm down.
"Cait, look at me." Peter says and she starts calming down. "Breathe. You're gonna be okay, all right? Zoom's not here. You're safe." He promises her.
Caitlin's breathing becomes steady and she pulls Peter into a hug. Peter quickly returns it and holds his friend tight happy to have help her out. Their moment gets ruined by the metahuman alert going off.
"Metahuman alert." Cisco tells Peter.
Peter is now conflicted. He knows he has to go, but he doesn't want to leave Caitlin like this.
At this moment, Caitlin chooses for him. "Go, I'll be fine." She promises. "Barry's gonna need your help if this meta can take down a building."
Peter wants to protest, but he knows she's right.
He quickly stands up and walks over to grab his mask and looks back over to Caitlin.
"Be safe, okay?" Peter asks of her.
Barry had just arrived at the scene to see the figure as Peter also swings on in.
"Why is it always so difficult to choose?" The female meta asks and they recognize her, Laurel Lance.
"Why does the multiverse have a sens of irony?" Peter asks seeing her.
"I heard my poor doppelgänger died on this earth. Poor Black Canary." Laurel-2 mocks to them.
"Is this the part where you tell us your villain name?" Peter guesses.
"You can call me Black Siren." She informs them.
"Okay, that's a pretty good name." Peter admits and gets a arm slap from Barry. "What, I can't compliment her for actually having a good name?" He asks his friend as a new figure approaches the group.
"My god, was I seriously this annoying?" He asks and the heroes turn to face the Symbiote King/Earth-2 Spider-Man.
"That is some serious self reflection, am I right?" Peter asks Barry.
"So Spidey's doppelgänger and Laurel's. Our work is cut out for us." Barry states as Peter-2 approaches Siren.
Laurel-2 pits her arms on the evil Spider-Man's shoulders, while he puts his arms around her waist.
"Hey they're, sexy." Black Siren greets him.
"Hey, babe." Peter-2 greets and removes his mask and draws her into a kiss.
That action leaves both of the heroes in complete shock.
At Star labs, they're watching the action on the monitors and are just as shocked as the heroes.
"I could've gone my whole life without seeing that." Cisco comments and they agree to that.
The two villains finally separate and face the heroes.
"So my doppelgänger is alive. He just bonded with the Symbiote, like a fool." Peter mocks the evil web slinger.
"You're the only fool here, Spider-Man. In fact, I actually had to ask Zoom to keep you alive, just so I could get first dibs at you." Symbiote King explains to him.
Peter starts walking closer to the evil twin.
"Well, Caitlin already warned me about you so I'm not entirely surprised. And I've been wanting to see what happened, to see how far I've fallen to have to rely on that alien ooze for strength." Peter says mocking the enemy, as he always does.
"I'm gonna make you suffer, then I'm gonna kill you." Peter-2 promises his twin.
"You're gonna hae to catch me." Peter says and starts running. "Flash, you take Siren!" He yells out to his friend as the evil him starts chasing after him.
At Star labs, they see that Peter has his doppelgänger chasing him.
"Okay, you have a plan?" Cisco asks hoping he's not winging it this time.
"Yeah, I was kinda hoping you guys would have one." Peter admits to them when he comes with an idea. "Wait, Cisco, pull up all of the buildings in Central City with any type of bells. Preferably big ones." Peter asks and they see he has a plan.
They do as their friend asks and sees he's swinging staring towards one.
"Okay, there's one bell tower three blocks from you." Caitlin tells him. "Now take him down, Spider-Man." She tells him.
"Yes, ma'am." Peter says and keeps to the bell tower and recognizes it as the one he used to get rid of Venom the first time around years ago. "Wow, once again, irony."
He starts running on the side of the buildings to get there faster so he can give himself and edge by slamming into that bell.
Peter quickly comes to a stop when he notices his doppelgänger is missing.
"Where'd you go?" Peter asks as he know his senses can't register the Symbiote so he's in the dark.
Suddenly a dark web attaches itself to his back and sends him backwards into the darkness where his counterpart was hiding and he gets backhanded across the roof and through a billboard onto a random building.
"Ow. I'm gonna feel that in the morning." Peter promises while standing back up to see his body double lurching over the edge of the building.
"Peter, think you can make it to the tower?" Cisco asks his friend.
Peter turns to see the bell tower is just too far away, and there's no way he can keep his doppelgänger far enough to get there first.
"No, I don't think I will." Peter admits and sees there's no other way. He has to fight off the criminal head on.
The dark Spider-Man just keeps approaching the hero. "There's nowhere for you to run now." He states.
"You're right. I'm tired of running. It's time to prove who's the better Spider-Man." Peter states and charges at the monster and the monster does the same.
Caitlin is watching the fight of Spider-Man against Spider-Man and Peter isn't exactly wining.
This doppelgänger is faster, stronger, Caitlin sees that Peter's fighting as hard as he can but he needs a hand in order to survive the fight.
Then she remembers last year when Peter and Cisco created a machine to stop him in the workshop. She quickly gets up and runs into the workshop with Cisco following her into his workshop.
"Caitlin!" Cisco calls out for her as she holds up the Symbiote Killer as Peter and Cisco call it but that gets Cisco worried.
"Caitlin, what are you doing?" Cisco asks her.
"This is the gun you and Peter perfected last year in case Venom ever came back, right?" Caitlin asks as she tries to learn how it works, fast.
Cisco is now starting to get more worried before answering. "Yes, but you're not considering going out there, are you?"
"Peter's outmatched, underpowered, And it's only a matter of time before he kills Peter." Caitlin states while trying to find out how to power up the gun.
"And if you go out, then you're finished." Cisco reminds her.
"I don't care!" Caitlin shouts at her friend. "I'm not standing on the sidelines and watching someone I love die. Zoom took everything from me, I'm not letting him take Peter." She tells him and raise the gun to him as she gets it powered up. "I'm going out there, and you can't stop me."
Cisco is surprised at her actions, but knows she's serious. "Then, at least let me drive you?" Cisco asks her and she agrees to that and lowers the gun.
"Also, can you teach me how to operate this thing?" She asks her friend.
"I'll show you on the way." He promises and Caitlin starts making her way to the van when Cisco realizes what she said. "Did she just admit she loves Peter?" He thinks to himself and a grin spreads on his face.
"Definitely going with SnowParker." He decides on a shipping name and follows her.
Peter is thrown off the building and slams, face first into the pavement of the street. The Symbiote Spider-Man leaps down and places his foot on his back.
"You're weak without the Symbiote." Peter-2 states seeing he's won.
"You know what your problem is?" Peter asks and quickly flips around and webs his doppelgänger in the face and activates a taser web. That causes the dark Spider-Man to scream out in pain.
"I never relied on my powers. I used my brain." Peter informs the monster, but he didn't see him create a weapon with his hand and swings it, slapping Spider-Man into a bus stop.
The Spider-Man double starts regaining his strength back and starts walking towards his hero self. "You're nothing but a forgotten hero. And nobody is gonna remember you." He informs Peter and gets ready to kill him when a sonic blast sends him into the nearest wall.
Peter turns to see Caitlin holding the Symbiote Killer and the Star labs van with Cisco in the driver seat.
"And nobody will remember a monster like you." Caitlin quips back to the unconscious man. "That suit made Spider-Man stronger, but after some time, it also makes him weaker." She continues on and Peter limps toward her.
"You're aware he can't hear you, right?" Peter asks her. "And didn't I ask you to stay in the labs?"
Caitlin just smirks and looks back at him. "Be glad I got here when I did. You can't exactly save the city when you're dead." She states to him and he can't argue with the results.
"Well, let's get my dark shadow back to the labs." Peter says and they walk over to the unconscious Symbiote man and start dragging him to the van.
As they're dragging him, Caitlin laughs at how Peter's doppelgänger starts snoring loudly. Peter just smiles seeing her laughing like her old self again.
Later on, Barry couldn't stop Black Siren, so she's someone who still needs to be stopped while Peter looks at his evil doppelgänger who's now locked up in the pipeline.
Peter also injected him with the anti-venom he made last year so now he doesn't have the Symbiote anymore...and sadly he wasn't wearing anything underneath the suit.
So now he's in the pipeline and starts waking up to see he's only in boxers.
"You're welcome, by the way." Peter states to his double who's looking around confused to where he is.
"I had Barry run to my apartment to grab you one of my boxers for you to wear so you weren't in there, naked." Peter explains to him.
"Where am I?" Peter-2 asks them.
"Somewhere where you will never hurt anyone ever again." Cisco tells him. "Once were done rounding up your girlfriend and the rest of the metas, you're going back to your earth and to a nice cozy cell."
Evil Peter starts trying to call upon the Symbiote, but of course it doesn't work. "What did you do?!" He asks them angrily.
"We destroyed it, for good. You won't be harming anyone ever again." Peter replies to the man and start walking away from him.
"I will destroy you! You hear me?!" Peter-2 keeps shouting threats to them as the doors close.
"Yeah, threaten us with something we haven't heard before." Cisco dares him as they leave.
"Met your friends tonight." Siren tells Zoom at the prescient. "They got my boyfriend." She informs him.
"They're good, I didn't expect them to be that good." Hunter admits to her. "Besides, I kept my promise. He got a crack to fight his doppelgänger and he lost." He explains to her, since that was their deal and he lost the fight.
"And now I'm the only one of your men who's still standing." She reminds him.
"Then why don't you go knock down a few more buildings? Like I ordered." He asks her so that while they're distracted by her, he can put together his machine he's been creating to destroy every other earth except this one.
At Star labs, they're working on a frequency to make sure it works well enough.
"This is how we're going to defeat Zoom's army." Cisco explains.
"This is where the scientists dum it down to the people without PhD's can understand." May reminds him.
"Fair enough. So all matter vibrates at its own frequency. You disrupt that frequency, you disrupt the matter. So we found out that All Earth-2 people vibrate at their own, more erratic frequency." Cisco explains easily to them.
"Higher frequency." Harry corrects him.
"Different frequency." Cisco corrects him.
"Higher." Harry corrects again.
"So I ran this all past Hartley, right? And he postulated that we could create a sort of dimensional tuning fork. So if Barry runs around the city, fast enough to create a refracting field, the device can send out a pulse that'll bounce off it it, split apart, and collide with itself over and over." Cisco keeps explaining when Peter takes over.
"Amplifying it to an Higher frequency on the Earth-2 spectrum, and when it hits anyone from Earth-2 it'll disrupt their nervous system." Peter finishes.
"Wait, Frost, Jesse and Harry are from Earth-2. How do we plan to keep the pulse from hurting them?" Joe asks hoping they planned it through.
"Look at that, the detective cares." Frost comments.
Harry comes in with a few pair of headphones. "We designed these headphones to protect us from the pulse." Harry tells them when the metahuman alert goes off.
"It's Black Siren, she's in the high rise development, west side of the city." Peter warns them.
"Hundreds of people live there." May warns them.
"Ramon, we're up. Set that pulse up right now. Allen, you need to start generating the retraction field." Harry tells them.
"Black Siren can destroy that building at any moment." Barry states when Peter and Frost get the same idea together.
No, she won't." Peter asays to Barry and they all look to him. "Me and Frost got this covered." He explains and Cisco gets the worst idea idea ever.
Black Siren is getting ready to take down the buildings when she notices Reverb and Killer Frost.
"I thought Zoom killed the two of you." She states to them.
"Zoom thinks that, doesn't he?" Frost says, since he must've told his henchmen that he killed her for betraying him.
"And we'd like to keep it that way. For now." Cisco says, with the voice of his doppelgänger.
"You two think that you can pull one over Zoom?" Siren asks them, unaware of the masked spider hero above, waiting for Frost to attack Siren so he can use an impact web on her.
"I told you." Cisco says to Frost, keeping up the charade.
"Give her a chance." Frost asks Cisco.
"What chance?" Siren asks.
"She's not ready." Cisco mumbles.
"Excuse me. Do you know what I'm capable of?" Siren asks him.
"Try it, and I'll shatter your entire nervous system wrought breaking a sweat." Cisco warns, remembering his doppelgänger threat on Earth-2.
"You really think you can take on Zoom." Siren says seeing their plan.
"We can. You don't even know how powerful you are. With a single call, you can are down a building. I'd call that impressive. But why stop there? Why serve a master when you can be one?" Cisco asks her and she's starting to see through their ruse.
"If I we're interested in an alliance with you two, what's your plan?" Siren asks.
"We ambush Zoom at CCPD. With our three powers combined, he'll be no match." Cisco makes up a plan fast enough.
"I like the sound of that." Siren says and walks over to a pipe. "Just one more thing. Catch." Siren calls to Cisco and he catches it.
"You know, all doppelgängers...there mirror images of themselves. But you didn't know that, did you?" She asks Cisco.
"Reverb was left handed." Frost explains and Cisco sees he messed up.
"Run!" Cisco says when Siren gets ready to call and Frost gets ready to freeze Siren when Cisco beats her by shooting a vibe blast at Siren sending her flying, strong enough so that Peter could web her to the ground.
"Well That was interesting." Frost comments when her head starts to hurt.
Peter realizes that they activated the device and he quickly grabs the headphones from his belt and places them on her head and she begins to feel better.
"Thanks, Spidey." She tells him.
"No problem, Frosty." Peter tells her.
Thankfully the device worked and all of Zoom's henchmen were taken down so Barry and Peter were on meta cleanup. By that night, they all gather to the West household to celebrate not only for the defeat of Zoom's army, but to celebrate Henry's return.
Everyone starts getting into conversation, and Tina asks to speak with Peter regarding Mercury labs.
"So it's gonna be awhile before we can get the building back up, but what about the other labs?" Peter asks her.
"That's not entirely why I asked to speak to you." Tina confesses to Peter and now he's getting confused. "I have been entertaining the thought about retiring recently."
Peter is shocked to hear this news and wonders what that means for everyone.
"And I thought if I was going to leave my laboratories to anyone, how about the man that knows that science is meant to help people and not destroy them?" Tina explains and Peter thinks he's following.
"I would like you to be the new owner, CEO and above for Mercury labs." Tina tells him and Peter nearly lost all control over his body hearing those words.
"Everything that is related to Mercury labs will be yours. I also cut connections with Oscorp so they can't hold you to anything anymore after the Lizard incident. So the facilities are yours to do what you want with. Rename it if you wish, sell it if you want, it's yours." Tina says and pulls out the paperwork she actually had on her since she knew Peter would be here.
She also pulls out a paper with an address written on it. "This was started a few days after I learned you were Spider-Man. Call it a Spider-Cave if you will. It's off of all of Mercury labs books. A secret facility, with only one person who knows what's going on. You'll meet him when you visit." Tina tells him and hands him the papers.
Peter looks down at the papers in his hands and remembers what Gideon told him last year about him owning Mercury labs and it becoming Parker Industries.
He gets interrupted from his thoughts when he turns and sees Cisco is having a vibe.
"Cisco, what'd you see?" Peter asks his friend.
"What do you mean see?" Wally asks, and Peter completely forgot he doesn't know about any of them.
"Jungle hair gets visions." Frost explains.
"I don't understand." Cisco says, and now they're getting worried. "I saw Earth-2 splitting in half. Straight down to the poles. Tell me I didn't just see the end of the world!" He begs when a flash to lightning comes in.
It smashes Peter and Frost through the wall and Zoom stops and grabs Henry by the neck.
"Our story continues, Flash." Zoom says before speeding off with Henry and Barry is close behind him.
Peter and Frost get up as they vanish.
"I think we're not done yet, Spidey." Frost comments while helping the down spider.
"I was thinking the same thing." Peter replies while taking her hand to stand and hope Barry can save his father.
But what they didn't know was Zoom took Barry to his childhood home to make him exactly like Zoom by watching his parent die...and Barry couldn't stop him.
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