I hate magic

Cisco was checking the future and it's still the same, Peter bleeding, Barry trying to save Iris and failing.

"Everything's stillthe same. The future has not changed." Cisco tells them.

"All right. Well, we have two months to make sure that it does." Barry says.

"Okay, well, we should approach this the same way we approach any other problem. Start with what we know." Caitlin tells them. "Problem can't be solved if it's not understood."

"Therein lies the rub. I feel like we can't understand any of this until it actually happens. It's like Savitar's prophecies." Cisco says.

"And just like the newspaper headlines, they've all already happened or have been changed...all except one." Peter says looking at the last one.

Killer Frost still at large

Peter swore that he would change Caitlin's fate, no matter what. And there is nothing that's going to stop him from saving her.

Barry and Joe get called in to a crime scene and leaves the couple and Cisco.

"Oh, Cait, before I forget, I got us tickets to the Central City opera." Peter tells Caitlin.

"The opera?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, Cait and I talked about it once and she mentioned she never gone before, and it seemed since I've finally got more money than I really need, I can afford them." Peter explains and pulls Caitlin into a quick kiss before leaving.

"It's nice to see the two of you patched things up." Cisco tells Caitlin.

"Yeah, it's great to have things back to normal." Caitlin says when their phones go off and they're a robbery in progress. "Looks like it's time for Spider-Man to get back into action."


Peter swings over to Korg Industries where Barry meets up with him.

"Hey, I beat you by the way." Peter tells Barry.

Barry just laughs when they look up and see some old man walking down the stairway.

"I don't think that's yours, buddy." Peter tells him.

"The Flash and Spider-Man?" He asks them.

"You thought we didn't want to be the welcoming party to the newest resident of Iron Heights?" Barry asks.

"No, I assumed you two would show. I just didn't expect the two of you to be so...young and working together. Barry Allen and Peter Parker." He says and shocks the heroes.

"How do you know our names?" Peter asks and sees he's holding a device in his hands.

"I'm from the future." He explains and pulls out a hanky. "You don't believe me? Let's see, 2017. How are things going with the two of your loved ones, Iris west and Caitlin Snow? Or as I know her, Killer Frost. Or your greatest foe, Savitar?" He asks and makes the device in his hand disappear.

"You know Savitar." Barry sees.

"I know everything about him, and the two of you." He states and Barry speeds at him but when he grabs his hand, it comes off to reveal a fake hand.

"What the hell?" Barry asks when he flashes a light in front of Barry and a breach opens and Gypsy steps out before blasting their crook.

"Still seeking revenge, I see, Gypsy." He tells her.

"I'm gonna get it this time." Gypsy promises.

"We'll see." He says and pulls out a stack of cards.

Peter shoots out a web at him as Barry races to him through the cards but the web hits the doors and Barry misses as he vanishes.

"This is a new one." Peter says.


"He call's himself Abra Kadabra." Gypsy tells them as they return to Star labs.

"As in hocus pocus?" Caitlin asks.

"He's certainly got a lot of tricks up his sleve." Barry comments.

"He would put Mysterio to shame, that's for sure." Peter says.

"Yeah, we think he has some sort of nanotechnology built into his body, allowing him to do some extraordinary feats. Teleportation, Telekinesis, you name it, and believe me, I have seen it all." Gypsy continues to explain.

"So that card trick he did, the water tank, that's futuristic technology?" May asks.

"Well, it's Arthur C. Clarke's third law." Caitlin tells her. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is..."

"Indistinguishable from magic." Peter finishes the quote.

"You two think like one mind, and it's creepy." Cisco tells the two.

"Before you appeared, he said he was from the future." Barry says.

"He is, 64th century." Gypsy confirms.

"Great. Can't the future's problems stay in the future?" Peter wonders.

"What are you after him for?" Joe wonders.

"He's at the top of the Collectors' most wanted list. Showed up on my Earth a few years back, did a string of robberies that ended with a lot of people loosing their lives. Our heroes were able to stop him only by getting rid of him. But he showed up once again a few weeks ago, looted some tech companies, came here." Gypsy tells them.

"And he seems to be doing the same here. So he must need the technology for something." Caitlin puts together.

"Well, whatever it is, we can definitely help you figure it out. 'Cause I don't know about you guys, but ever since last time you were here, I've been looking forward to some Gypsy-Vibe action." Cisco tells her.

"That's way too much." Joe says.

"Embarrassing." Iris agrees.

"Yeah, I just want to catch him so I can bring his ass back to Earth-19 and put him down." Gypsy states.

"Don't worry. We can help you do that." Cisco assures her.

"We should see if Julian's gotten anything." Joe tells Barry and he leaves.

"In the meantime, I think I know how to find where this guy disappeared to." Cisco says and he takes Gypsy with him.

Peter smiles at maybe his friend getting someone and looks to Barry and sees he's thinking.

"Wanna fill me in on what's going on with you, speedy?" Peter asks him.

"This guy knows what's happening between us and the people we love. If he knows something about Savitar, he might be the key to saving them." Barry explains to him.

"Maybe. But, we still need to find him." Peter says.


They get an alert that now Abra has made his way to one of the Parker Industries locations and they all make their way their.

Abra was walking down the halls and comes face to face with Peter.

"Man, you can't help yourself, can you?" Peter asks him. "But you should have known this place would have a Spider-Guard on standby."

Barry and Wally come speeding in behind Abra as Cisco and Gypsy appear on his left.

"You brought the whole team this time? That wasn't very smart, was it?" Abra asks.

"Oh, this guy sucks." Cisco states. "I can see why you want to bring him down so badly." He tells Gypsy.

"Do yourself a favor, and give yourself up." Wally tells him. "There's nowhere for you to go."

"You can't out-trick all of us." Gypsy informs him and the two vibe masters shoots at him and the blasts go through him.

"I think I just did." Abra says before the hologram shuts down.

"I hate magic." Peter states.


At Star labs, Miles came in after hearing of the attacks to offer his assistance.

"Upon further expecting, there was some strange residue that was found at Stagg Industries." Caitlin says showing what's she found.

"That's the nanotechnology that Gypsy was talking about." Joe tells her.

"What's it made of?" Miles wonders, interested to how that works.

"It's definitely organic, but it has some metallic hydrogen properties. It's-" Caitlin was saying when Abra appeared in the labs.

"Beyond your understanding." Abra says as Joe and Miles getting ready to attack.

"You make a move, you'll regret it." Joe tells him.

"Do you know how many times I've heard that, detective?" Abra asks and Joe's gun squirts water.

Miles tries to take him with his webs but the start shooting green smoke instead of webbing.

"Told you." Abra says and causes an explosion.

"Go, go, go!" Joe tells them and they all run into the labs. "Guys, move to the side." He tells Miles and Caitlin as Abra walks in.

Joe grabs Harry's gun and blasts Abra but he vanishes at the last second. But Miles was able to sense where he was long to appear and quickly punches him in the face, sending him flying across the room.

Barry and the others return as Abra gets handcuffed by Barry.

"Everyone okay?" Barry asks them.

"Magic or tech, doesn't matter. Those are designed to keep people like you stuck." Peter informs Abra.

"Maybe not. But if you let me him I will tell you Savitar's greatest secret." Abra bargains with the heroes. "The key to defeating him...the key to stopping him. I know who he is. I know his name." He tells them as Gypsy comes back.

"Hand him over." She tells the heroes and Barry quickly knocks him out.


They bring Abra into the pipeline and made a deal so that they can get the information they need, and then he goes with Gypsy.

"What do you know about Savitar?" Peter asks him.

"I know everything about the God of Speed, hallowed be his name." Abra confirms.

"Like what?" Barry asks.

"That he's unstoppable, he was the first speedster, and that you two defeat him, but not until he takes what matters most to the two of you. The loves of your lives." Abra tells them.

"Tell us who he is, now!" Iris commands him as if a criminal like him is gonna break because he was told to.

"I don't think so. It's frustrating, isn't it, knowing that you're gonna die and this team of yours is going to fall apart unless I give you what you want. All that power, all that knowledge, and yet neither of you are good enough."

"This isn't a game or a trick. This is about my daughter's life." Joe says.

"And it's my life if you hand me over to that Collector." Abra informs him. "It's simple. Let me out, and I'll tell you who Savitar is. Give me to Gypsy, Iris dies, and your dear Caitlin becomes Killer Frost."

Peter just quickly closes the doors before walking off, not knowing what to do. He would do anything in order to save Caitlin...but letting him out would go up against everything Spider-Man stands for.

Caitlin was in the med labs, patching up Miles from the blast.

"Hey, how's the Spiderling doing?" Peter asks her.

"A few bumps and bruises that will go away in under a hour or so." Caitlin assures him.

"I told you, I'm fine." Miles says.

"Come on, skedaddle, Miles, I'll find you later if you wanna train, but rest up for now. I gotta talk to Caitlin." Peter tells Miles and he takes off.

Peter explains what went on in the pipeline and her answer is exactly what Peter expected.

"You're not considering letting out a criminal so you can find a way to save me, are you?" Caitlin asks him.

"No, of course not. But...I have a feeling Barry isn't going to take that chance." Peter admits. "I just want to do everything I can if it means to stop the future from happening." He tells her and Caitlin pulls him into a hug.

"We're gonna stop this, Peter. I know you would do anything to keep me safe." Caitlin says but wasn't sure herself.

On one hand, it seemed like Abra had hurt a lot of people. He deserved to be locked up just as much as any other metahuman. But the information he could give them...wouldn't stopping Savitar save even more lives that stopping the technological magician?

Their thoughts however are interrupted when their alerts go off.

"Abra is loose in the building." Peter says and they run off to find him.

Abra was currently in the time vault and stole a device from Thawne's case.

"He's headed for the elevator!" Cisco's voice tells them and they all race to stop him.

Abra makes a small bomb appear in his hands.

"Move!" Joe says and he throws the bomb and it throws everything and everyone backwards.

Peter quickly gets up and fights off the pain his senses are in and sees Caitlin is trapped underneath the container.

"Caitlin! You okay?" Peter asks her as he lifts it off of her.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Caitlin assures him when Peter gets her free and sees she has a pole buried inside of her side.

She starts groaning, almost unintelligible in her pain, and Peter feels that nausea rising in his throat. "It's okay," he whispered over and over, grabbing her hand so she had something to squeeze. "It's okay."

"Grab the-the x-ray machine, grab it!" May tells Cisco, stumbling over her words in her haste to get them out.

Cisco dove across the room and yanked the x-ray over Caitlin. Peter took it from him and held it over Caitlin's middle section.

The pole that had impaled her had broken off, but as May now saw, there were pieces of shrapnel now imbedded in Caitlin's skin.

"It's-this is bad." May breathed. "There's-there's quite a bit of shrapnel in there and some deep enough to pierce your kidney if not removed immediately."

May removed the x-ray and Cisco hurriedly passed Barry a cloth to press to the wound. Peter pushed down, trying to block out Caitlin whimpers of pain.

"Guys, we have to get her to a hospital," Iris said gravely.

"We can't, they're gonna ID her as a meta." Cisco informs her.

"Yeah, and not just any meta," Wally added, shaking his head. "One they have a file on for attacking CCPD."

"Then what are we going to do? I'm not qualified as a surgical professional." May tells them.

"We do have another option," Cisco said softly. "When Caitlin goes meta, her metabolic rate offsets cold tissue destruction. She could regenerate."

"No!" Caitlin croaked, squeezing Peter's hand and forcing him to look at her as she looked at him and May. "We're not going to take of my necklace! I don't need a hospital. All I need is a mirror and set of steady hands." She tore her gaze away from May and stared hard at Peter. "Your hands are steady, right?"

Peter shook his head desperately, sweat trickling down his temple. "What? No, I-I've never operated on anyone before. I didn't go to med school for a reason."

Caitlin shook her head. Her face was almost as pale as it got when she turned into Killer Frost, dark circles underneath her eyes the only color left besides her lips.

"That's okay, I'll walk you through it." Caitlin promises him.

"Caitlin," Cisco interjected. "You're talking about staying awake during your own surgery."

"I'm putting my life in your hands," Caitlin said to Peter desperately. "I trust you."

Peter sees that just like he did with her, she trusts him with her life. He'll do anything for her...even at the cost of fainting.

Which at this point seems most likely scenario for this to end.


It didn't take them too long to prepare Caitlin for surgery. Cisco hooked Caitlin up to as many pain meds a possible without knocking her out.

Caitlin helped him keep pressure on the injury to try and staunch the blood flow until Peter could start operating on her. May gathered a couple of swabs to keep the blood away from the wound once the surgery started, and Peter prepared the tools (and himself) for what he was about to do.

Once Peter was back in the room, Caitlin took a deep breath. "You ready?"

If possible, Peter seemed more nervous then her. "Ready as I'll ever be," Peter breathed, readying his tools. "If I faint, remember, I chose not to become a doctor for this reason." He warns her, trying to make light of the situation.

"Let's start with the shrapnel near the surface." Caitlin instructed.

"Just...let me know if I do anything wrong, okay?" Peter begs as he pressed his tweezers to the top of the gash and Caitlin let out a small "ah" of pain.

"That's the first bit, well done." May tells him reported, and the tiny piece of metal plinked off of his tweezers and into the bowl he had beside him.

May pressed the cotton swabs to Caitlin's wound as more blood seeped out, soaking it up so it wouldn't get in Peter's way.

"Okay..." Peter breathed, and pulled out another piece.

Caitlin gritted her teeth, hissing in pain, as a giant glob of blood spurted out with the piece. "Whoa, whoa whoa whoa," Iris called out. "Is there supposed to be this much blood?"

"It's normal for...the shrapnel to...cavitate the displaced tissue," Caitlin managed. "But if I loose to much blood I'll start hemorrhaging."

"Okay," Peter said again, and hurriedly pulled out the third piece of shrapnel. He found his entire body was trembling and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. It was going to be fine. It was going to be perfectly fine. God, he was gonna pass out.

"Alright, nearly done, hang in there," Peter said supportively as he reached for another piece.

Caitlin chomped down on her lip and let out a small cry as the audible sound of moving flesh filled the air. Julian quickly placed the shrapnel into the bole. "Okay, well done. That's all the pieces near the surface."

"Okay, great, now it's time for the hard one," Caitlin said, somehow still managing to sound calm and in control. "You're doing great. You've got this, Peter. It's wedged between my kidney and my inferior vena cava and it's surrounded by some major blood vessels. If you hit them, there's a good chance I'll go into shock."

Peter swallowed audibly, shooting her a glance. "Shock."

"It's okay," Caitlin said again. "You've got this."

Peter nodded and carefully reached for the shrapnel.

"Ahhh..." Caitlin groaned, her face going almost grey.

"Heart rates increasing," May murmured. She was rigid, eyes on the monitor.

"Okay, I've got it."Peter reported.

"Great, pull it out!" Caitlin croaked.

"I can't, Caitlin, it's stuck." Peter gritted out, his hands trembling violently.

"Turn it." Caitlin tells him.

"Guys, it's getting up there," Cisco said, the volume of his voice rising dangerously.

"There might be a tendon in the way." Caitlin said.

Barry hated to lose any sort of optimism that he team might have felt, but someone had to ask. "And what if it's not?"

"Then I will rip this necklace off," Cisco said, his jaw working.

"NO," Caitlin said firmly, glaring at him. "I would rather die."

The room was silent for a moment, filled only by the rapid beeps of the heart monitor and the rustle of the medical gown as she pressed more gauze to the wound.

Peter locked eyes with the woman on the bed. "Caitlin," he said softly. "This is going to hurt. I'm so sorry."

He twisted his wrist and pulled and Caitlin let out a scream. Blood gushed from the wound and May hurriedly pressed a disposable towel to Caitlin's skin to try and stop the flow.

Caitlin's head flopped back to the pillows and she let out a very long breath through her teeth. She made eye contact with Peter again, her eyelids fluttering. "Can you please stitch me up because I think I need to pass out."

"Yes, yes, of course. I can do that." May mumbled as she reached for the needle and began his work.

Right before her eyes slipped shut, Caitlin exchanged a glance with Peter. "I love you," he managed, and she smiled faintly before dropping into unconsciousness.

Peter, Iris, Barry and Cisco all filed into the small branching room from the Cortex, where Joe and Wally were waiting.

May stripped off his latex gloves and let out a long breath. "She's going to be okay."

"Oh thank God," Joe murmured, rubbing his forehead.

"That was amazing you guys." Barry tells the Parker's.

"Seriously. Peter Parker and May Parker, MD." Cisco congrats the two.

"Hey, I think I know why Abra's been stealing all that tech, to build a time machine." Gypsy tells them when they suddenly heard a thump and turn to see Peter passed out on the floor.

"Gonna be honest, he held out longer than I thought he would." May admits.


After the speedsters (with the addition of Gypsy) had caught Abra Kadabra, and Peter had resisted the urge to beat the living heck out of him when he woke up and Kadabra was brought in for what he had done to Caitlin.

For now, the spider found himself back at Caitlin's side. She was still out, pain meds, exhaustion and her body's recovery keeping her down longer then any of them had expected.

As he watched her sleep, her eyelids began to flicker, and slowly Caitlin turned towards him.

Peter leaned forward, squeezing her hand lightly. "Hey."

Caitlin licked her lips a little and swallowed. "I'm still here."

"Yeah," Peter breathed. "I wasn't going to let you get away that easy."

"Kadabra?" She asked.

"Gone," Peter assured her. "He's gone for good."

Caitlin smiled softly at him, and Peter reached out to touch her face. "How do you feel?"

"Mm...I've been better," Caitlin admitted. "I've also been worse. Like earlier today."

"That's fair," Peter murmured, huffing out a laugh at her attempts of humor. "I can't believe what you did, Caitlin," he said softly. "I mean...staying awake during your own surgery, that's one thing, but managing to stay calm and collected...even more so then the rest of us. You just...you blew me away. I mean, I knew you were brave, and I knew you were strong but...this is at a new level."

Caitlin smiled gently at him, and Peter stood up, leaning over her and brushing their lips together. His hand slipped unconsciously to her side, and Caitlin gasped a little.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry," Peter stuttered, hurriedly pulling away. "That's was...I'm so sorry."

Caitlin shook her head, amused. "That's some bedside manner you've got there."

Peter snickered. "Well, you're the one who gets all the practice taking care of me, not the other way around." He smiled down at her and took hold of her hand again, kissing the fingertips. "Anything I can get you?"

"Some jello would be nice." Caitlin says and Peter brings her some lime flavored jello.

"Sorry, were out of strawberry flavor." Peter apologizes, knowing it's her favorite.

"What do you mean we're out? I bought a bunch last week." Caitlin reminds him.

"Yeah, and we have a overgrown man child who eats them all." Peter tells her. "If you need me to, I'll go get you more." He offers.

"It's fine." Caitlin assures him when HR suddenly comes in.

"They're you guys are. I've been looking all over for you." HR says when he notices Caitlin. "What are you doing in bed?"

"It's a long story, HR." Caitlin tells him.

"I have a long story." HR tells them.

"Where the heck were you all day?" Peter wonders, since he didn't see him in the labs all day.

"Her name is Rhonda, and she's into new positions-" HR was explaining when Peter places a hand over his mouth.

"That was too much information in one sentence." Peter informs him causing Caitlin to chuckle.

"Guys, don't make me laugh, or I'll burst my stitches." Caitlin warns them.

"Yeah, and I'll faint again." Peter promises.

"Is that lime jello?" HR asks.

"All yours, HR." Caitlin says and hands it to her.

"I love...the lime. I love the lime!" HR says as he leaves.

"I think he loves the lime." Peter says and Caitlin lightly chuckles to not cause any more pain when she suddenly goes silent. "Cait?" He calls out when the life support starts rapidly beeping.

"Somebody, help!" Peter calls and HR comes in with Cisco.

"What happened?!" Cisco asks as he runs in.

"I don't know, she just started seizing," Peter explained quickly. "Hold her down!"

"HR, get her legs!" Cisco ordered at the man who had just hurried back into the room. "Hold her down!"

Suddenly, Caitlin went completely still.

The whole room went completely still.

The heart monitor went silent.

Cisco tentatively held his hand over Caitlin's mouth. When he dropped it, his face was so pale Peter reached out an arm in case he fainted right then and there.

"She's not breathing," Cisco muttered, and Peter felt he had just been shot by mr. Freeze's gun he's that frozen.

"I'm getting an ambulance in here right now," HR said, scrambling for his phone.

"HR, grab the crash cart," Cisco instructed, taking charge again. "Pete, grab the oxygen. Wheel it over here!"

Peter hurriedly pressed an oxygen mask to Caitlin's face, making sure it was secure and fighting the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

"Okay," Cisco said, starting compressions on Caitlin's chest. "Slow and steady, that's it."

"What is happening?" Peter breathed.

"She may have burst a blood clot-I-I don't know." Cisco admits. "Now I wish May stayed."

"Cisco!" HR called over, searching for something to do.

"Charge the paddles!" Cisco said. "No-no actually, give me the paddles!"

Cisco rubbed them together, spun, and pressed them to Caitlin's chest. Her entire body jolted on the bed as electricity rushed from the metal and to her heart.

Peter hurriedly put back on the oxygen mask, and they waited.


"All the way, turn it up to the top!" Cisco commanded. "All the way!"

"Okay, you ready?" HR asks.

"Clear!" Cisco calls.

The paddles zapped again. Peter rubbed his hand through his hair. There were tears on Cisco's cheeks.

They tried twice more before the paddles clattered out of Cisco's hands.

Peter's hand shook on the oxygen mask as Cisco started compressions again. "She's coming back," Peter mumbled. "Cisco please-"

His voice broke and he fell to his knees, pressing Caitlin's hand against his lips. Her fingers were icy cold.

"She's gone," HR breathed.

Before Peter knew what he was doing, he was reaching for Caitlin's necklace. It came off easily, even as Cisco grabbed his arm. "Stop!" he cried, face wet. "That's not what she wanted!"

"I don't care!" Peter yelled. "I can't...I can't lose her too, okay?" He leaned back over the bed and cupped her face. "Okay? C'mon, Caitlin...I know you're stronger than this."

The flat-line buzzing nose continued for a second longer, before finally coming to a stop. HR turned around as a slow, steady beeping filled the air again. Peter felt a warm, tingly wave of relief crash over him, and he hurriedly reached down for Caitlin's lower stomach area, where the stitches were.

As he pulled back the bandage, a shiver of frost floated over Caitlin's skin. The scar, the stitches, the remaining red marks from the wound, all of it disappeared in seconds.

Peter glanced towards Caitlin's face, searching for some sort of sign that she was okay. Her skin underneath his fingertips felt no less warm, and when she breathed out a small puff of frost flitted away from her lips.

Suddenly, Caitlin's eyes flew open. They were ice blue. Peter's eyes widened in shock before he, Cisco and HR were suddenly thrown backward by an explosion of frost.

When he opened his eyes again, Caitlin was gone, but there was someone else standing the med lab.

Killer Frost.

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