Flash vs Spider-Man
Peter was swinging towards a bank robbery in progress with Barry making his way as they speak. Peter swings in to see everyone tearing themselves apart and one of them has a gun raised and shoots at a pedestrian.
Luckily, Barry sped in and stoped the bullet. Peter decides to send a small tase through the floor, shocking everyone and they all calm down quickly. "That's strange, everyone okay?" Peter asks them and they all nod at him and he hears the sirens and takes his leave.
Later on Barry shows up at the bank again this time as it's a crime scene. "Busy morning for you and Peter." Joe states. "Witnesses reported seeing a red streak and Spider-Man?"
"Joe, you should've seen it. It was like everyone here was out to kill themselves. If we didn't show up when we did, it could've been a completely different scenario." Barry tells him.
"Well, it must've been a diversion, there's a half of a million bucks missing from the vault, but we have a tracer in the bills. We're trying to get the signal. Meantime, any idea what could've caused this?" Joe asks him and he was thinking the same.
"A neurotoxin, maybe? I'll swab some surfaces, see what I can find, but my opinion is they got whammied." Barry promises as they make it to the entrance.
"Did you just say whammied?" Joe questions.
"I got so angry. I can't believe I did that. I would never hurt anyone." One of the people who was involved tells Eddie as he interview her.
"Something is happening in this city and everyone wants to pretend like it isn't, but it is, and I think something should be done about it." Eddie tells Captain Singh at the prescient in his office.
"My boyfriend had decided we need to eat healthy at home, so work is the only place I can eat what I like." Singh says, ignoring Eddie while holding a Sloppy Joe. "Sorry, were you saying something, detective?" Singh asks Eddie, finally listening.
"The Blur, the Flash, man in the red suit, whatever he's called, he was spotted at the bank this morning." Eddie explains his suspicions. "You mean the bank that was robbed of half a million dollars, where a dozen people tried to murder each other, where Spider-Man showed up to calm them down. And you think our attention should be focusing on chasing Santa Claus." Singh clarifies what he's asking.
"I can't explain how he gets to and from crime scenes so fast. We need to figure out who this guy is and what he wants." Eddie states to Singh.
"Why doesn't Spider-Man get the same treatment then? I mean, some cops here don't like him. Maybe we should learn who he is and what he wants. I mean, he saved everyone in the precinct, helped you after you were shot, saved joe from some living slime. Maybe that's why he gets a pass, besides, why don't you ask your girlfriend? She writes about him all the time." Singh states why he doesn't go after vigilantes doing what's right in their eyes. "Joe, help me out here." Eddie turns to his partner who hasn't spoken once.
"Sorry, partner. Spider-Man saved my life, and Iris', so he gets a pass in my book. And I stopped believing in Santa when I was around eight." Joe explains to Eddie, not wanting to get either Peter or Barry into trouble.
Outside the office, Barry is listening to every word as Iris approaches him. "Hey, what's going on in there?" She wonders.
"I think Eddie's trying to convince the captain that the Flash and possibly Spider-Man are public menaces." Barry replies to her and sees her rage emerge. "Excuse me?" She asks and looks to Eddie leaving the office.
"So after weeks of trying to convince you that the Flash is real, now you do believe in him, you're trying to have him arrested?" Iris asks Eddie
"Thanks, Barry." Eddie tells Barry, knowing he didn't want to tell her. "Sorry." Barry apologizes.
"No worries." Eddie tells him and looks to Iris. "The captain shot me down. Look, I'm not feeling like lunch. I'll see you later." Eddie says and leaves the three of them.
"He's just jealous." Iris states. "Of the Flash? Should he be?" Barry asks her. "No, I'll see you later." Iris says and leaves.
"Barry, you should get to S.T.A.R. Labs. Fill them in." Joe states to him.
At S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry and Peter were filling them in on what happened. "Anger, hate, aggression." Wells says as he rolls around the room. "A Jedi craves not these things." Cisco says in Yoda's voice and gets a mixed reaction from everyone except Peter who was thinking the same thing. "Come on, are we the only two feeling that quote?" Cisco asks them.
"Everyone in that bank went savage for about five minutes. And once Peter shot a electric web onto the floor and send a quick electrical zap at them, they went back to normal." Barry states to them. "Anger can be a powerful emotion." Wells explains to Barry. "If this metahuman can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he could do a lot of damage."
"Detective west helped get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank." Caitlin says as she brings in a flash drive and puts into the computers. "Look at this, it seems the emotional centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." Peter states looking at the scans.
"Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that's stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive things pops into their heads." Caitlin also explains.
"Ha. Hasn't stopped me before." Peter jokes to her and she chuckles at that."How do you think the meta does it to them?" Barry asks.
"That's the half of a million dollar question." Caitlin says and its his turn to laugh as an alert comes from Barry's phone.
"If you guys figure it out, give me a call, okay?" Barry says and starts leaving but Caitlin stops him. "Is the Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" She asks him.
"No. Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me--Flash about metahuman stuff for her blog." Barry says and starts moving towards his suit.
"Want some friendly neighborly advice?" Peter asks him and he looks towards him. "No matter what I say, I'm gonna get it." Barry states.
"Don't get her involved in this. As Flash or Barry Allen. You don't want to be the one to blame for their breakup. I've gotten a few people separated trying to see things differently." Peter advices him, remembering even his own relationships were ruined because of his two lives. "Okay, thanks for the advice." Barry says and speeds off.
"You think he'll take my advice?" Peter asks Caitlin. "Like I said, million dollar question." Caitlin says when Peter's suit gets a radio contact and listens in. "CCPD got a lead on the cash, they're heading in. Call Barry, I'll meet him there." Peter tells them and leaves to stop him.
Peter swings into the area and sees it's a storage unit. "He always paid in cash. Never seemed like trouble." The owner of the unit explains and joe sees Peter. "Spider-Man." Joe greets the hero. "Detective. Thought I could offer my assistance." Peter explains to the officers.
"Much appreciated. He's on the third floor, we're moving in now." Joe explains and they do so. Once they reach the floor, they see the man with the bills in a bag and doesn't see them. "Freeze! Hold it right there!" Joe tells him.
"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" The metahuman asks them and does as they say. "Certo, cuff him." Joe tells one of the officers. "Try not to touch him." Peter warns, not knowing how his powers work.
"Turn around." Joe tells him and he takes off his sunglasses while doing so and the cop freezes in his tracks. Peter's senses start warning him of something but doesn't know what as usual. "Certo, What are you waiting for? Cuff him." Joe says and Certo turns around in anger and raise the gun.
"You don't tell me what to do!" Certo tells him and gets ready to shoot. "Get down!" Joe yells, all the cops do exactly that and Peter tries to stop him by shooting a web at him, but it doesn't help as he's already shot at them. At that moment, Barry comes in and stops the metahuman and grabsJoe before he could get hit. Certo gets ready to shoot again when a arrow comes flying in and tales him down.
Peter quickly looks to where the arrow came from and sees the Arrow. "Nice masks." Oliver tells them and runs onto the roof and escapes the police.
"Yeah, that just happened." Peter states to himself.
While Barry raced with Oliver, Peter just decided to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs with a huge grin on his face. "What's with the grin on you?" Cisco asks him.
"Nothing really big, just the Arrow showed up at the site." Peter explains to them. "The vigilante from Starlight City?" Caitlin asks him, but before he could reply, Barry speed back with Felicity and her shirt is on fire. While they try removing it, they exit the labs and see them.
"You guys remember Felicity, right?" Barry asks and Peter quickly grabs his shirt and hands it to her.
"I'll always remember this." Cisco says, strangely. "Thanks, Peter. It would seem you told them?" Felicity asks seeing he has his suit on but his mask is off. "Yea, they know." Peter assures her.
"Hi, Felicity, it's good to see you. What brings you back to Central City?" Caitlin asks her as she puts on the shirt. "I'm here..because of this." Felicity says as she pulls out a package with an boomerang. "Awesome!" Peter and Cisco say at the same time.
"What are the wings made of?" Cisco asks her. "Not sure. I'm thinking some sort of composite or high density plastic." Felicity theorized. "Reinforced with carbon fiber." Cisco finishes her thought and hands it to Peter.
"Oh, that's weird. It feels like it's...vibrating." Peter states feeling it ans finds subtle vibrations. "Oh, I wanna run some tests, and I wanna do it now!" Cisco says as he and Felicity run into the labs.
"You guys come up with anything new on our meta?" Barry asks Caitlin. "The Officer Who was affected tonight says he saw a flash of red before loosing control." Caitlin tells him. "Is that my new look does to people? Maybe I should change to black and blue." Peter jokes about his suit, causing them to chuckle, and he sees it as he's killing it!
"I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve." Caitlin finishes and remembers something. "Oh, Dr. Wells wants to see you, Barry." Caitlin reminded him and he leave to find them.
"Well, looks like I'm either swinging home, or am going to have to steal a sweater from here now." Peter says and Caitlin doesn't have anything today to that. "I was hoping for a small chuckle at least, but it wasn't my best work." Peter jokes.
"What is with the quips anyways? I've been wondering this for years, why joke in the middle of fights?" Caitlin asks him. "I sometimes say it's because it distracts the criminals I'm fighting, sometimes it's because I'm scared and need a way of distracting myself. It's for a number of reasons, sometimes I just crack them to see you laugh." Peter tells Caitlin and she slightly blushes at him.
"To be fair, some of the quips are funny." Caitlin says when Peter's senses go off. "Get down!" He shouts to Caitlin and grabs her and get on the floor as the boomerang comes flying into the room and flies into some stuff and slams into the wall. Felicity and Cisco come out of the labs, looking at the boomerang. "That's my bad. That's on me." Cisco states to them all.
"Nobody's arguing!" Peter says and sees he's still on Caitlin and quickly helps her up, hoping she doesn't see him blushing. "Hey, you good?" He asks her.
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the save, Peter." Caitlin says in relief he was there, but is also blushing to what occurred.
"I want that Arrow out of my city. Tonight." Joe tells Barry and Peter knows they're talking about Oliver.
Back at the storage unit, Diggle is in the van while Oliver finds out what he can for the guys. "I mean, do you think he can do everything really fast?" Diggle questions about Barry's speed. "I mean, like, how fast do you think he goes to the bathroom after he's eaten something?" He clarifies to Oliver who's sneaking into the units.
"This is you watching my back?" Oliver asks his friend as he keeps heading inside.
"Well, I mean, Peter and his radioactive spider bite story is one thing, but this...it's crazy." Diggle says, a little confused about Barry.
"Whatever he can do now, he's still the same Barry we met last year." Oliver states to Diggle.
"Well, if you're so adamant of teaming up with them, what are we doing here?" Diggle questions him.
"Because Barry's a good kid. Besides, I have no problems with Peter, he came to me for advice and refuses to take a life. And it's just a name, Diggle." Oliver states as he kicks open the door where the owner works. "The man who rents this storage unit...I want...his...name." Oliver states to him and raises his arrow to his face.
Next day at Jitters, Barry goes in and sees them waiting for him while Felicity is catching up with Peter. "The bad guy you're after, the one who robbed the bank, his name is Roy G. Bivolo." Oliver tells Barry and he goes nervous. "How did you find that out?" Barry asks and Oliver looks away quickly.
"He's still alive, right?" Barry asks him. "Come on, Barry. Oliver doesn't kill unless it's the last resort." Peter defends Oliver and gets a stern look from him. "I'll stop talking now." He states.
"I thought you didn't wanna help." Barry questions Oliver. "I'm not helping. It's just a name." Oliver tells Barry when Iris comes over with their coffee.
"One non-fat latte, extra sugar for Felicity, one creamed coffee for Peter, and one coffee, black, for Oliver." She says while handing them their coffee. "I brewed you a fresh pot." Iris tells Oliver and they can all see the love in her eyes for him.
"Thank you." Oliver tells her. "Barry, can I talk to you for a second?" Iris asks and pulls him away form them.
"If that isn't a clear sign a girl likes someone, I don't know what is." Peter tells them and notices Felicity is staring. "Earth to Felicity?" Peter asks.
"Yeah, Felicity, you're staring." Oliver agrees with Peter. "We need to help them with this case." Felicity tells him. "Why don't you want to help?" She wonders.
"Because army doesn't really want my help. He only thinks he does." Oliver explains. "Wells and Barry's cop foster dad said you were dangerous and a bad influence. Barry defended you." Felicity tells him.
"I would've helped, but Cisco threw your boomerang, so I was ducking for cover." Peter defends, hoping Oliver didn't put him on his bad side. "You're going to hock me about this until I say yes, aren't you?" Oliver asks Felicity. "I'm a hocker." Felicity states. "I wouldn't brag about that, it sounds bad from a distance." Peter informs her.
"Yeah, I heard myself." Felicity agrees with him and Oliver goes to tell Barry he's agreeing to help.
While Barry went to meet up with Oliver to train, full Rocky, as Peter called it and Oliver asked him to never say that again. He just hoped he doesn't try shooting Barry with arrows like he tried with him. So he decided to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs and sees dr. Wells. "Peter. May I have a word?" Wells asks him.
"Sure." Peter replies and follows him to a private area.
"You did state that Spider-Man spent some time with the Arrow during the Mirukuru outbreak, didn't you?" Wells asks Peter. "Yeah, he needed help, I was happy to assist. When everything calmed down, he taught me a few useful skills I could use here." Peter says, not understanding where he's going with this.
"You see, it's just...Spider-Man brings hope to thousands of people for years. Why would you turn to someone like that?" Wells questions.
"Arrow is just misunderstood. He kills when there's no choice, always leaves it as a last resort. I understand why some don't trust him, but you gotta remember, I know how it feels not to be trusted. So I don't tell anyone his identity even though I know it, so please don't ask if I know." Peter pleads with Wells and he decides against it.
"Thank you, dr. Wells." Peter says and goes to join the others. "Nice save the other day, by the way." Wells states and Peter turns back to him. "Regarding What?" Peter questions.
"Dr. Snow. You and her are pretty close, aren't you?" Wells states to him. "Yeah, I mean, she's one of my only friends I have. Sadly the only other one being Cisco." Peter jokes and leaves, not knowing Wells sees through his feelings. Ever since Ronnie died, Peter and Caitlin have of course gotten close, but Peter sees it as betraying Ronnie if he were to take his girl so keeps his feelings locked up. Besides, he knows Caitlin will always see him as a friend and he'll be happy to stay that for her.
At the precinct, Barry comes back after being shot in the back by Oliver like Peter predicted to see Eddie and Singh arguing again. "Hey, what's going on in there?" Barry asks Joe, not knowing why he's in there again.
"Eddie's making his case for the TASK force again." Joe explains to Barry. "I thought the captain shot him down." Barry replies, remembering the earlier argument.
"Apparently, he has a new argument." Joe states and gets a bit more serious. "The Arrow made another appearance last night. And you forgot to tell me you hit Bivilo's name from shooting that storage guy in the leg."
"Well, I wasn't the one who shot him." Barry defends, since he really didn't. "Well, what word would you use to describe how you got the information? Because mine would be torture." Joe states.
"I didn't...the Arrow gets results." Barry tries defending him. "He's a crazyman." Joe retaliates.
"Look, I don't actually disagree with you at the moment," Barry says, regarding the fact he shot him (he's not letting that go anytime soon), "but we wouldn't even have Bivilo's name if it weren't for the Arrow. So maybe instead of judging him, you could thank him." Barry states.
"Two things I won't be doing in this life. Playing professional baseball, and thanking that lunatic." Joe tells him and leaves.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco is working on the boomerang with Peter standing at the ready. "You know, it was an accident." Cisco states to him. "The disaster of Courrières was also just an accident." Peter informs his friend.
"Okay, you win." Cisco tells Peter, seeing he's just being the protective hero he is. "You. Stay." Cisco tells the boomerang, seeming kinda crazy.
"Have you heard of color psychology?" Caitlin asks Felicity outside the labs. "The theory that change in the color spectrum can affect emotion." Felicity says, understanding. "It is seriously nice to have another woman to talk to." Caitlin states and gets focused.
"I was thinking that if Bivilo uses color to induce the temporary psychosis, maybe light and color could reverse it." Caitlin explains when Wells asks Felicity to go have a private discussion about the Arrow. As they did that, Barry came back and the computers sound off.
"The facial recognition software on Bivolo, AKA, Prism." Cisco states, trying out the new name for him. "Wait, you guys have facial recognition?" Peter asks them.
"I didn't even know we did." Caitlin states to him. "Since when did we have facial recognition?" Caitlin asks him. "Happy Hanukkah." Felicity replies as she comes back in.
"Okay, where can I find him?" Barry asks them. "Traffic cameras just caught him entering a residence at 168 Jarvis." Cisco states as Peter takes off his shirt, revealing his suit. "You always wear that under your everyday clothes?" Felicity asks, curiously. "I mean, what if it gets hot?"
"It has a cooling feature." Peter tells her. "Hey, Barry, we should let Arrow know. Just in case." He then tell Barry.
"Come on, we can handle this solo. We've done it before." Barry says and speeds them out, before anyone could say anything.
They make it to the address and Barry uses his hand to vibrate the lock off and they enter the room. They see a mess everywhere surrounded by stolen goods. "This guys never heard of spring cleaning." Peter jokes when his senses ring and he knows they're not alone.
"I knew you'd be coming for me. I could see it in your eyes at the bank. When I turned those poeple against each other, it made you angry." Prism says as he exits the dark corridor.
Barry speeds at him, knocking his glasses off of his face, unleashing his power. "Have some real anger." He tells Barry and before he could do more, Peter webs his eyes closed.
"You look better with the shades on." Peter tells him, while Barry seems to be dizzy. "You're not looking so good, man." He states to the man in red.
Peter brought the metahuman in and locked him in the cell while Barry is getting checked on. Sadly, the webbing dissolved and let's just say that Bivolo is p!3d. "You think this will stop me?! I will make you tear each other to pieces! You will all die screaming with rage!" He informs them as they just walk away.
"Blah, blah, blah. No prison can hold me." Cisco says, mocking him. "I will have my revenge." Peter says, mocking him with Cisco.
"We've heard it all before, pal." Peter states to Bivilo as the doors to the accelerator closes. "Addios, Prism." Cisco tells him.
"Eh, I liked Caitlin's name. "Rainbow Raider"." Peter states to him. "Okay, only I get to pick the names." Cisco informs Peter as they go upstairs to check on Barry.
Caitlin is checking up on Barry to make sure Bivilo didn't do anything. "No signs of macular damage. Your retina and cornea seem unaffected." Caitlin tells Barry as he stops shining the light in his eyes.
"I told you, I'm fine." Barry states and starts getting up. "You said Bivolo whammied you. No desire to go MMA on any of us?" Felicity asks him.
"No. I mean, something weird happened with his eyes, for a second everything went red." Barry explains to them and Caitlin realizes she was right on how his powers work. "Then the next thing that happens, Peter webs his eyes shut. Thinking it was doing something. Obviously, his powers didn't work on he, so.." Barry states as he leaves her lab.
"It was a good thing Peter was there then to help you." Caitlin states as said Peter and Cisco enter the cortex. "As fast as you are, Barry, you take too many risks and someday it's going to catch up to you."
"Caitlin, I'm not Ronnie. You gotta stop treating me like I am." Barry states to her and Peter and Cisco's eyes open in shock as Caitlin looks angry.
"You're right. You're not." She states and leaves the room.
"So, you wanna talk to her, or let her blow some steam?" Cisco asks Peter, regarding Caitlin. "Let's try the steam first. I'll do the talking later." Peter tells him.
Barry gets a text from someone. "It's the Arrow. Wants another session." He explains to them. "I'm sure he's not planning on shooting you again." Felicity tells Barry but that's interrupted by Peter whispering, "you might wanna wear body armor, my friend." He warns and Barry speeds off.
"I'm gonna go find Cait." Peter states to them and leaves to find his friend. Happy to see that it didn't upset her that much, but it obviously still upsets her to think about Ronnie, and that's why he's always been there for her.
Later on, Felicity gets a call and turns to the others.
"Okay, I'll call you later." She says and hangs up. "That was the Arrow. He said Barry acted strangely."
"Strange, How?" They ask her as Joe comes in. "He's been whammied. He was acting angry, it was scary. And his eyes...they glowed." Joe informs them.
"It's possible that his body is fighting off the effect, so it's hitting him slower." Caitlin explains to them. "And if Venom taught me anything when he was attached to me, that's not a good thing. The longer you suppress your emotions... the bigger they're going to blow in the long run." Peter finishes her thought, hating that Venom was actually useful for something.
"Considering What he can do, how do we stop him?" Joe asks, seeing it's a matter of time, before Barry blows a bigger fuse. "A cold-gun would come in real handy right about now." Cisco states, remembering he did state this could be a possibility and they all look towards him. "I'm just sayin'." He states.
"I could stop him." Peter offers and they look at him. "My six sense allows me to see things before they have a chance to happen. But...I would feel better if I did have backup. Just because I can predict his moves, doesn't necessarily mean I can dodge them all." Peter explains as he starts changing into his suit.
"Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can help." Wells states and looks towards Felicity. "I think you better call back Oliver Queen." He states, figuring out who Arrow was by himself. "We're gonna need Arrow's help."
On the road in Iris' car, Eddie is constantly changing the radio. "Is this your way of telling me you want satellite radio for Christmas?" Iris asks him as he turns off the radio and goes silent. "Look, I'm not mad at you." She states.
"Good, 'cause there's no reason you should be." Eddie states to her. "Eddie, you, Flash and Spider-Man care about protecting the city. You all would give your lives for it. I mean, Spider-Man saved your life once if I recall. You and him are alike, he's not the bad guy." Iris states, trying to make him see her point of view.
"How do you know so much about the Flash, Iris?" Eddie asks her. She goes silent for a quick minute and decides to tell him about their meet ups. "He got in touch with me after I started the blog, and I've seen him a couple of times." She explains and he freaks out.
"A couple of times? Why didn't you tell me about this?" He asks her. "Well, given the fact I think he's a hero, and you wanna put him in jail, do you really need to ask that question?" Iris asks him.
"How could you ever think I would be okay with this?" Eddie asks her, acting like her dad when something comes up, breaks their window and pulls Eddie out. Iris then slams on the brakes and sees Eddie tumbling to a stop with the Flash standing over him.
"I heard you've been looking for me." Barry states, while vibrating his voice. "All this time, you've been trying to catch me, and I caught you first." He mocks when Eddie pulls out his gun and tries shooting Barry, but of course he dodges all of them.
At S.T.A.R. Labs, they're just meeting Arrow/Oliver Queen and John Diggle for the first time. All except for Peter of course. "Ooh, see, I knew the Arrow was Oliver Queen." Cisco states, giddily excited. "I mean, I had it narrowed down to, like, a list of 150 people, but he was definitely on that list." Cisco tells Diggle.
"Do you have a way to stop Barry's rage fest?" Diggle asks them. "I have an idea about how to do that. Joe, we're gonna need your help." Wells explains to them.
"We need to find him before he hurts somebody." Joe states when Felicity finds him. "I think we're a little late for that." She states showing them.
Back on the street, Eddie tries fighting Barry but is easily stoped. "Who the hell are you, huh?" Barry asks Eddie as he falls after an attempt to grab Barry. "You think you can just come along and get to have whatever you want? What gives you the right?" Barry asks, making this a bit too personal.
"What the hell you talking about?" Eddie asks, as he crawls back towards his gun.
"What are you doing?" What has happened to you?" Iris asks Flash. "I feel fine." Barry tells her.
"You are not fine." Iris states, seeing his anger. "How would you know? Because you write about me?" Barry asks. "You don't know me! You don't know who I am! You never did."
"I know you risked your life to help people, to save them! Someone who does that does not suddenly turn around and want to hurt people. Please." She begs of him and the anger keeps taking over him, and he runs at Eddie.
Before he has the chance to touch him, something grabs his arms and he looks to see webs attached to him. Iris, Eddie and Barry turn to see Spider-Man with his hands out and webs coming from his wrists that are holding Barry back, but not for long.
"Run!" Peter commands Iris and Eddie and they do as he says. Barry just looks to Peter in anger. "Flash, you need to get your anger under control." Peter pleads to his friend, not wanting to hurt him. "And you need to hold on." Barry warns Peter, before running down the street and dragging Peter along with him.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, they're working on the problem. "I hope they can get Barry back before he kills one of them." Caitlin states, hoping it doesn't come to losing a friend.
"Me, I'd be more worried about what Oliver and Peter might have to do to Barry." Diggle states, knowing Peter was right about his senses.
"Barry has superpowers, Peter can still to the side of buildings and move buildings, and Oliver has a bow and arrow." Caitlin states, knowing Peter can do damage, but not Oliver.
"Do you have any idea how many people Oliver has killed with that bow and arrow?" Diggle asks them. "Despite that, Peter has 15 years on both of them, plus training from Oliver."
"Recurve bow arrows can travel up to 300 feet per second, so, like, 200 miles an hour. Peter's webs go up to the range of 60 feet per second. Barry can run three times that fast." Cisco calculates.
"Whatever. Peter's been doing this a lot longer. Of Oliver can't stop him, Peter can with ease. My moneys on experience." Diggle states.
"My moneys on speed." Cisco states and Caitlin's not picking sides. "Please tell me you're not actually having this conversation right now." Felicity tells them.
Back in the alley, Oliver shoots an arrow at Barry and he dodges it. "You missed." Barry tells him, Peter juts grabs Oliver and waits for the blast.
"No, he didn't." Peter states and they take a quick step back. "Made you look." Peter whips when a explosion comes from the arrow, sending Barry flying. As Barry tries getting up, he sees they're both gone. As soon as he's about to move, an arrow gets wedged into his back.
"2000 milligrams of horse tranquilizer should be hitting you any time now." Oliver states to him as Barry states collapsing. "Sorry, Barry." Peter says as Barry stands and starts literally shaking the tranquilizer off as green smog leaves him and he's ready to fight again.
Barry quickly speeds at Oliver and Peter shoots a web at the ceiling of the building and grabs Oliver and they head upwards. "Where you going?!" Barry asks as he speeds up the side of the building and grabs the webbing attached to the building. "We're not done!" Barry states and removed the webbing and sends them falling.
Peter shoots a second web, lower down where Barry can't reach and shoots his second hand at Oliver, stopping him from hitting the ground. "I've heard of hanging in there, but this is ridiculous." Peter jokes and olive rolls his eyes at the pun.
Barry speeds back to the ground and looks to Oliver in anger. "Is that all you got?" Barry asks him and speeds at Oliver, before he could though, a taser web hits him in the back, hitting his nerves system.
Barry quickly shakes the web and looks to Peter. "You know what? He can wait. You're the one getting me mad." Barry states to Peter. "Why does everyone always say that about me?" Peter asks, since everybody he fights gets angry at him fast.
Barry speeds at Peter and tries hitting him, but Peter dodges the punch. Barry goes in to backhand him, but Peter just grabs his hand and throws him over his head. Barry tries punching Peter over and over, but it was Peter who was able to get a hit in. Peter realizes that was a mistake seeing that Barry is even more aggressive. "Hey, big guy. Suns getting real low." Peter jokes, but Barry just runs in and starts beating him faster than Peter can predict.
Oliver takes that as his opening, and pushes a button to shoot two arrows at Barry. Barry quickly speeds around and grabs the arrows. "Fool me once." Barry states, as Oliver takes out an arrow of his own and shoots his leg, leaving him in pain. Peter takes it as an opening to web up his legs and hangs him over a street light, preventing him from running.
"I still believe in you, Barry." Oliver tells him as the S.T.A.R. Labs van approaches with Joe and Wells inside.
"Is this even gonna work?" Joe asks Wells, not sure about the plan. "He just needs to see the right colors." Wells explains as they pull to a stop and the doors open to reveal several spotlights. Once activated, they all send different colors into Barry's mind, breaking him of the anger-trance.
"Barry, you okay?" Oliver asks him. "Oh, how do you do this all day, Peter? This is a special kinda hangover." Barry jokes and they see he's back to normal and they let him down.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, they watch everything and are surprised. "So...it was a three way tie." Cisco states.
Later on, they bring Barry back and Oliver Is saying his goodbyes. "My identity is a closely guarded secret known only to a few, and if it were to get out, it will endanger my family , friends, and it would embolden my enemies to retaliate at me through them." He tells them.
"Why's Oliver is trying to say is he had a nice time working with you and getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon." Felicity corrects him and Oliver just agrees to it.
"You know, it doesn't sound like that's what he was saying." Cisco states and Caitlin agrees with him and they head out.
Peter and Caitlin were talking about all the quips he used on Barry. "I guess you were right about how your quips actually distract your enemies." Caitlin admits seeing his quips work to distract Barry during the fight. "It makes me wonder what you could say about me." She states.
"You, Cait? I'd have to find something to mock first." Peter tells her and Caitlin wonders if he was just giving her a compliment or if he was trying to flirt worth her but she knows Peter better than that.
At Jitters, Iris is working when Eddie comes in patches up after the beating Barry gave him. "Captain Singh approved the TASK force." He informs her. "For the Flash at least. We agreed Spider-Man is in his own category for now. You wanted me to believe the Flash was real. Now I do. I believe he's dangerous, and I'm gonna take him in." He says while walking towards her. "How do you feel about that?" He asks her.
"All I know...is how I feel about you." Iris tells him and kisses him as Oliver and Felicity come in and see Barry watching them.
"Hey. You guys heading home?" Iris asks them.
"Yeah, were just getting some Java's for the road." Felicity tells her. "I will hook you up." Iris tells her and they leave.
At S.T.A.R. Labs that night, Peter and Cisco started working on something he thought of during the fight. When Oliver was using his dozens of arrows, Peter remembered one of them sends out a sonic wave of sound. So he and Cisco are working on a gun version of it for when Venom might ever come back.
"I thought you said you destroyed Venom?" Cisco wonders as es looking at the blueprints. "That doesn't mean he's gone. Trust me, that alien has a way of bouncing back after a beating. He's like a bad sequel." Peter explains to his friend hoping he did see the last of Venom, but it's better to be prepared for a fight than not.
At Jitters, Barry sent a message for Iris to meet him on the roof. "I got your message." She tells him as he walks closer.
"I wanted you to know, last night...that wasn't me." Barry says, while vibrating his voice again.
"Sure looked like you." Iris replies to him. "Yeah. I was affected by one of the metahumans. He messed with me. But I'm better now, I promise."
"I defended you. Everyone told me that you would bring me nothing but danger. My father, Barry, Eddie. I didn't listen to them, I never listen to them." Iris states and Barry sees it's partly his fault. "But now its time I did. Don't contact me anymore." Iris tells him.
"I'm sorry." Barry apologizes and she just leaves him standing on the rooftop alone.
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