Do over

Barry is completely confused seeing that it's almost like he did get a reset of the past few days. He just looks around seeing the exact same things are happening as just a few days ago and is trying to figure out what happened.

"Hey, what's going on?" Cisco's voice asks Barry and snaps him out of his thoughts. "What happened? Why'd you stop? Peter's waiting for you." Cisco informs him.

"I just got a little disoriented." Barry informs him and realizes what he just said. "Well, you better hurry, Peter said he saw something you need to see." Cisco tells him and Barry's confused. "Peter? What do you mean?" Barry asks trying to understand since Peter's dead.

"Yeah, man you better check this out, I'm at the morgue." Peters voice fills his coms and Barry is shocked he's alive.

"The morgue? I was there yesterday." Barry tells him. "What are you talking about? Dude, just get there." Cisco tells him and he does.


Later, Barry is back with the police and is getting a serious case of dejavu déjà vu today. Barry walks in and sees the coroner dead again.

"Hey, Barr, what's with all the water?" Joe asks him again and looks to the sprinklers. "Did the sprinklers go off?" He asks.

"No...I checked the sprinklers. They're all intact. And the ice in the floor and the bruises on the coroner aren't just on his face." Barry says and removes his shirt to see the bruises.

"How'd you know about that?" Joe asks him and Barry doesn't know how to answer that himself. "He was killed by hail." Barry tells him not answering his question. "We have to listen to the recording." Barry tells Joe and he's confused.

"Recording?" Joe asks when Eddie approaches with said recording. "The coroner's office just installed an automated dictation system." He plays the same message and Barry is getting completely freaked out by what's happening.

"It's Mark Mardon." Barry tells Joe. "He wants revenge of what happened to his brother." He explains to Joe.


At S.T.A.R. Labs, Peter and Cisco were just arriving. "And I seriously don't wanna go, man." Cisco states since they were having a conversation about his family get together.

"Come on, man. He's your brother, right?" Peter states, "I mean, I was born with no brothers or sisters, I would kill to have a sibling." Peter replies to Cisco.

"Trust me, everyone says that because they don't have siblings." Cisco tells him. "How bad can one birthday party be, bud?" Peter questions.

"My folks think Dante's stink don't stink. Doesn't matter if he screws up, or how many times he gets into trouble. In there eyes, he can do no wrong. Basically how you and May see each other. But in my family, they never fail to remind me that I can do no right." Cisco explains to Peter and he sees he's right about he and May.

"What if me and Caitlin went with you?" Peter offers to him.

"Oh, now turn my dilemma into a chance to ask Caitlin out?" Cisco asks, causing Peter to spit out his drink.

"What?!" Peter asks completely confused.

"Forget it, I'm messing with you. You seriously up to it?" Cisco admits to him.

"Sure, how bad could could it be?" Peter asks and decides to get payback for that earlier comment. "Besides, It gives me a chance to see little Cisco before hair." Peter mocks his friend and he doesn't like it.

"I'm rescinding your invite. But I will still take Caitlin." Cisco tells him and Peter knows he's kidding.

They make it to the cortex and get filled in on what's happening. "So while I was in Starlight City, the city was almost destroyed by a man who could control the weather?" Peter asks them only now being told about this. "It's nice to know this, now!"

"So Clyde Mardon had a brother?" Caitlin asks Barry.

"And both brothers survived the plane crash, and then the dark matter released when the particle accelerator exploded affected them" Wells says and Barry joins in "both the same way." Wells and Barry say at once. "That's right." Wells tells Barry.

"Only Mark's powers seem to be a lot more precise." Barry says. "He can do things you couldn't imagine." He tells them

"You mean he's some sorta..." Cisco was saying when Barry interjects again. "Weather Wizard." Barry says and Cisco agrees and takes a drink from his slushee and gets a brain freeze.

"Trigeminal headache?" Caitlin and Barry ask him.

"What?" Peter asks not understanding them. "You are starting to creep me out today." Peter tells Barry and Wells thinks of something.

"Mr. Allen, a word please." Wells asks Barry and they leave the room.

"You ruptured the time continuum, didn't you?" Wells asks Barry. "You're experiencing temporal reversion. How long?" He asks him.

"A day, and some change. It's like I'm living it all over again." Barry tells him. "That's good, that means there's not too much you could've messed up yet. How did it happen?" Wells asks him.

"I don't know, I mean, I was running faster than I've ever ran, and the first time I lived this day so,s horrible things are going to happen." Barry tries warning remembering Peter's going to die, Joe getting kidnapped, everything he can stop now.

"No. Don't tell me." Wells warns Barry.

"I do not want to know anything about the future you experienced, nothing. Time is an extremely fragile construct. Any deviation no matter how small, could result in a cataclysm. Now here's what you're going to do." Wells tells him coming up with a plan not wanting Time Wraiths to be coming after either of them. "Everything you did before. Every word you uttered, every step you took, you're going to do again. And you're not going to tell anyone this happed." Wells warns him to prevent changes in the timeline. Barry doesn't know if he can keep that promise knowing what's yet to come.


Wells goes into the time vault and talks to Gideon. "Gidion, show me the future." Wells tells her and he sees that the future hasn't changed at all.

"If anything changes, alert me immediately." He tells her hoping nothing changes.


Barry makes it to the prescient and sees no hole in the wall, no Spider-Man memorial, no sad faces, even the city seems to be light up again with Spider-Man not dead and Barry plans on doing something to preventing it from happening. No matter what Wells said, he knows it can't be worse.

"Hey." Joe greets seeing Barry. "What's going on with you? How'd you figure that stuff out at the morgue?" Joe asks Barry not understanding how he knew everything and Barry can't tell him he time traveled.

"Lucky guesses, I guess." Barry answers going with the most logical answer.

"Look, I promise you, I'm gonna get Mardon if it kills me." Joe states and Barry knows he's telling the truth and Barry wishes he could warn him, but gets a better idea.

"I gotta run an errand." He tells Joe and walks off leaving Joe confused.

Barry runs, in his suit, to the building where Joe was taken from and searched every room until he finds Mardon. "I didn't know there was anyone else like me." Mardon states seeing Flash.

Barry gets angry seeing the man who is responsible for Peter's death, Joe's kidnapping, and many more deaths. He quickly grabs Mardon and speeds him all the way to the pipeline.


"I'm gonna break out of here!" Mardon promises the team. "I'm gonna create a tidal wave that destroys your entire city!" Mardon keeps promises as Peter closes the pipeline.

"I'm still confused, how did you know where to find him, man?" Peter asks Barry not seeing how he knew where to find Mardon.

"I just had a hunch." Barry tells him happy to know Peter's future is now safe with Mardon out of the picture.

"Okay, but why didn't you call for backup just in case?" Peter wonders and Barry can't tell him about Mardon killing him.

"I just thought I could handle him myself." Barry states, hoping he buys it.

"That's gotta be some kind of record." Caitlin states to him.

"Well, there goes my excuse for bailing in my brother's birthday." Cisco states to them. "We're still going with you, man." Peter promises and Caitlin agrees and they leave Barry and Wells.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Wells asks Barry hoping this doesn't change anything drastically.

"Yeah, I do." Barry replies and walks up closer to Wells. "I just saved a lot of lives." He states remembering Wells doesn't wanna know what happens.

"I warned you not to mess with the timeline." Wells sates to him.

"Dr. Wells, if you would let me tell you what was going to happen, you'd understand why I did what I did." Barry states knowing he couldn't live with himself if he actually allowed Peter to die this time around if he could've prevent it.

"Whatever tragedy you think you've just averted, time will find a way to replace it. Trust me, Barry, the next one could be much worse." Wells warns Barry and he doesn't see how it could've possibly gotten worse than everything.


Peter, Cisco and Caitlin make it to Cisco's brothers party and see his parents went all out, especially with the cake. "That cake could feed me for about a whole twenty four hours." Peter comments, them knowing about his fast metabolism.

"Well, it's Dante's birthday. The most important day of the year." Cisco comments and Peter looks around the house this being the first time he's seen Cisco's childhood home.

"Mi hijo was invited to play Carnegie Hall when he was just 13 years old." A woman says.

"They invited the entire band, mama." A male voice replies and Peter realizes that's Cisco's Mom and brother.

"That doesn't make it any less worthwhile." She replies to him and they see them.

"Hey, what's up, man?" Dante asks Cisco walking towards them. "Glad you could make it. Hi, I'm Dante." He greets Peter and Caitlin.

"These are my friends, Peter Parker and Caitlin Snow." Cisco introduces them and they shake his hand.

"Happy birthday, Dante." Caitlin congratulates and Cisco hands him a present and he leaves them.

"That was most awkward position I've been in." Peter comments.

While they're here, Barry was at S.T.A.R. Labs trying to go as fast as he was that day but isn't able to.

Dante offered playing the piano to the party and even Peter admits, it was impressive.

"Well, here is one who was touched by god." Cisco's mother comments on her son.

"Okay, I see your point." Peter says remembering what Cisco said that morning.

"I was a little rusty, I haven't played piano In a while." Dante tells the group of friends.

"If that was rusty, I'd like to speak to Mozart." Peter quips.

"I wonder how you sound when you actually practice." Caitlin replies.

"For you, I'd practice morning, noon and night." Dante comments getting creeped looks from Peter not liking that and Cisco laughs.

"That means you'd actually have to get up in the morning." Cisco comments on his brothers statement.

"So mom says you stil work at S.T.A.R. Labs, huh?" Dante asks Cisco. "Guess it must've been hard to find another job, huh?" He questions him while Peter and Caitlin feel like a 3rd and 4th wheel in a argument.

"Oh, I wasn't looking. I actually like working at S.T.A.R. Labs." Cisco informs his brother.

"And we couldn't do what we do without Cisco." Caitlin tells Dante.

"Clarifying, I actually work at Mercury labs, not S.T.A.R." Peter tells Dante.

"Oh, he's loyal." Dante states. "Just like a dog." That comment was getting angry looks from Cisco.

"Come on, why so serious, mi hija?" Dante asks him not seeing an insult in that and cisco storms off.

"Very uncomfortable." Peter says and they chase after Cisco leaving Dante.


Peter decides Cisco needs to get a drink and knows Caitlin can't go another repeat of what happened last time and Peter promises to keep her from taking too much. Peter was sitting on the left with Cisco in the middle and Caitlin at the right side of them.

"Thanks for being here even you can't get drunk." Cisco thanks Peter happy to have a friend like him.

"Come on, man. You know how I'm always there for you. Oh, you hear Barry broke up with Linda?" Peter asks them and they're surprised to hear that.

"Really? I thought things were going well with them." Caitlin comments about being the first time hearing that.

"What can I say? The guys crazy. If I got a girlfriend, I'd suspect that the apocalypse was approaching." Peter states again thinking of how he can't even get girls to look at him except for people he's friends with already.

"Hi." A fourth voice says and they turn to see a beautiful blonde woman looking at the guys. "I don't normally do this, but I was watching you, and...can I buy you a drink?" She asks them and Peter points at Cisco and Cisco points at Peter since neither of them know what to do since this is the first time they were approached by a girl.

"The long haired one." She explains and Peter and Caitlin look to Cisco. "Uh, I'm..I'm sorry, you're saying you were talking to me?" Cisco clarifies, again being the first time this happened.

"Yeah, I just told my friends over there I thought you were cute and they dared me to come over here and talk to you, so.." she explains to him, "please talk to me." She begs him and Peter moves to the other side of the counter to let her and Cisco sit next to each other.

"Yeah. Yeah, I suppose I can talk to you for a little bit." Cisco agrees and Peter leans in close to his friend.

"Take as long as you need, me and Cait will make like a tree and leave. Make the nerds proud." Peter whispers to him and grabs Caitlin. "Let's get you away from the drinks." Peter tells her and Caitlin gets the hint and they leave.

"I'm Lisa by the way." She introduces herself. Cisco introduces himself to he to get it out of the way.

"I'm just in town for this symposium at Mercury labs." Lisa expains to Cisco and he's surprised. "Really? What do you do?" Cisco wonders.

"I'm a structural engineer." She explains to Cisco and he's surprised.

"Why do you look so surprised? Can't a girl be an engineer?" She wonders and Cisco apologies. "You just don't look like an engineer." He explains to her.

"I can't help how I look." Lisa states. "I mean, it's good. It's a great look." Cisco tells her. "You don't look so bad yourself." She says to him.

"Am I being pranked right now?" Cisco wonders since things are going to well for him with her and she just leans in and kisses him.

"What do you think?" She asks him and Cisco just looks in shock at his luck and quickly looks to see Peter and Caitlin just talking to each other on the other side of the bar.


Cisco and Lisa leave the bar laughing. "I can't believe this." Cisco states having a great time. "The day started out pretty terrible, but now it's turning out pretty damn good." He states happier than he has been in a long time.

He looks to see two motorcycles and realizes something isn't shaping up and turns to see Lisa was wearing a wig and reveals her brown hair and lights turn on behind him.

Cisco now regrets leaving Peter and Caitlin as he sees Leonard Snart. "Hello, Cisco." Snart says menacingly. "What exactly are your intentions with my sister?" Snart wonders.

Inside, Peter and Caitlin were having a great time when Peter's senses start going off sensing something's wrong and looks up to see a familiar figure.

"Cait, I need you to run." Peter tells her and tries fighting the man without showing his powers and the fight was short lived due to Peter not having that much strength on his own.

"On, come on." Cisco states about the sister deal. "I should've known better, I'm not that lucky, Peter has a better shot than me." Cisco admits and starts getting scared.

"Please don't kill me for kissing your sister." Cisco begs Snart. "You kissed him?" Snart asks Lisa.

"You're not dad, Lenny." Lisa tells her brother. "I know, dad's in jail. Sterling role model." Snart replies to her agreeing he's not their psychotic father.

"What do you want, Snart?" Cisco questions not understanding why they lured him away from his friends.

"Guns." Snart explains to the engineer. "Heat and cold, to be precise." He states and Cisco realizes he wants his weapons back.

"There's no way I am making weapons for you." Cisco warns Snart hoping Peter knows what's happening.

"Mick." Snart calls and Cisco turns to see Mick dragging a rope bonded Peter.

"I know I would do everything in my power to protect a friend." Snart tells Cisco as he starts fearing for his friend. "The question is, will you?" He asks Cisco and his choices is either to let them do what they want to his friend, or build weapons to harm people.


At their hideout, Cisco is working on making the weapons while Peter is handcuffed to the chair. He could break out easil, but he doesn't want Snart to learn about Spider-Man.

"I hope Caitlin finds Barry quickly and I can't believe I didn't see him coming." Peter states to Cisco trying his best to find a easily explanation way of escaping the ropes that Snart won't question how he escaped.

"Yeah, Well, all we can do right now is keep them happy and us alive." Cisco comments as Mick and Snart return.

"Ah, there she is." Mick states seeing his gun in working order. "I missed this baby." He says and holds the gun up aiming at Peter's face while he moves just to be on the safe side of Mick wanting to fire at him.

"All finished. You gonna let us go now?" Cisco asks Snart as he grabs his cold gun.

"You know, I took the first gun you made me apart dozens of times." Snart informs the two of them. "Learned how it ticked. What went where." He states and saw through Cisco's trap and takes off the tamper.

"Thought you could tamper with the firing pin without me noticing. Nice try, kid." Snart states and powers up the gun.

"Bad memories resurfacing." Peter says hearing the gun whirring to power.

"Lenny?" Snart's sister calls. "Where's my gun?" She questions and they don't like the sound of that. "Girl's gotta defend herself. Besides, why should you two have all the fun?"

"My sister needs a weapon." Snart tells Cisco agreeing with her. "Something that suits her personality."

"Make me something pretty and toxic, like me. How about something with gold?" Lisa questions and they completely don't like the sound of that.

"Next time a pretty girl walks up to us in a bar, Cisco. Ask for their full name." Peter advises his friend hating being the victim this time around.


Caitlin makes it to S.T.A.R. Labs and finds Wells in the cortex. "Where's Barry?" She asks the man.

"He just left, we heard Snart was back, what's going on?" Wells questions seeing her freaking out. "That's why I'm here. Snart kidnapped Peter and Cisco." Caitlin informs Wells and they see a big problem and Wells suspects Barry's messing with the timeline has something to do with it.


Barry makes it to the crime family casino and sees Snart and Mick and Lisa with her new gun and a man made entirely out of gold in the center of it all.

He quickly gets everyone out and leaves the three of them and comes back to them. "How many times are we gonna go through this, Snart?" Barry questions this being their third encounter.

"Until the best man wins!" Snart answers and tries shooting Barry and he grabs Lisa and holds her gun to her head. "Drop the gun!" Barry tells him and Snart lets the gun down and raises his hands.

"We both know you're not going to do anything to her." Snart states and Barry knows he's right. "Oh, by the way, meet my baby sister. Lisa, Flash. Flash, Lisa." Snart introduces them to each other.

"Cisco has been very, very busy." Snart informs Barry and he's surprised to hear he's captured. "And Peter, is it? His hands are a little tied at the moment. And unless you want me to mail small, frozen pieces of them back to their families, I'd take your hands off her." Snart warns Barry and he does so to keep his friends safe.

"Let them go, Snart." Barry commands him knowing he's a man of his word and when Snart said something he won't go back on it.

"I'll think about it." Snart replies and leave with Lisa and Mick.

Later Barry tells Joe that Snart kidnapped the two of them, followed by a punch from Eddie and a warning to stay away from Iris. Earlier that day, Barry confronted Iris about if she had feelings for him and she must've told Eddie about it for him to have learned about it.


At S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry has an ice pack over the place where Eddie hit him while Wells reviews the footage of Peter and Cisco getting kidnapped. "There's Cisco getting into a car with Snart's sister, Peter being dragged by Mick." Wells comments and sees the license plate is iced over so they can't track the car itself. Barry just slams his fist against the table in anger of how things are just as bad as it was in the original timeline.

"All right, Wells, you were right. I screwed with time and now time is screwing with me." Barry says seriously hating himself today. "Cold is back, he kidnapped Cisco and Peter, and Iris is..." he goes on but gets interrupted by Wells warning.

"Stop right there before you cause another disruption to the timeline." Wells warns him.

"Please, dr. Wells." Barry starts begging needing to talk to someone about this and he decides to listen. "In the previous version of today, Peter gets killed protecting Joe from Mardon, the city comes to a standstill after his death, Joe is in danger, and before his death, Peter and Caitlin admitted they had feelings towards each other, and Iris said she had feelings for me." Barry lists a small number of things that happened from the past day.

"And now Cisco and Peter's lives are on the line, and Iris has no idea she confessed those feelings." Wells states to Barry.

"But she still has them, right?" Barry questions hoping she does.

"The unconscious mind, Barry, it's a powerful thing." Wells informs him. "It sounds like it took this apparent disaster to jar those feelings loose from both you and Iris, Parker and Snow. So without that disaster, those feelings remain deeper down. Unaccessed." Wells informs Barry and he's confused.

"I thought I was helping people by stopping Mardon." Barry states now regretting that this is happening. He brought his friend back to life only for him to be in unspeakable danger right now.

"Yes, But this new ability of yours, it's dangerous. You only traveled back a day. What if you accidentally traveled back decades?" Wells asks questioning if he sees that time travel has consequences.

"But I will have the opportunity to travel back in time in the near future and save my Mom.'re saying I shouldn't?" Barry asks seeing what he means.

"I'm saying, how many more people can die if your mother lives?" Wells asks and Barry never took it into consideration. Going back before even Peter was bitten by the spider, he could erase Peter's powers, he could erase Spider-Man, Caitlin, Cisco, and even more.

Caitlin comes running in hoping for some good news. "Did you guys find Peter and Cisco?" She asks them and Barry wonders how he missed how Peter and her have feelings towards each other since it seems so obvious by how much she cares for his safety.


"Most people think the hottest part of the flame is the white part." Mick says to Peter and Cisco while looking at three flaming drinks. "They're wrong." Mick tells them.

"How long has he been staring at those?" Cisco wonders since he lost track of time.

"About half an hour." Peter replies to him still trying to get free and not get Snart's attention while Mick drinks the three cups.

"Remember that talk we had about me liking to have siblings?" Peter asks Cisco.

"Yeah, why?" Cisco wonders why he would bring that up again.

"I'm glad to be a single child again." Peter states seeing what siblings did to Lisa, Cisco, Mardon while Snart walks back in.

"Oh, I don't know, they have their quirks but they'd still be family." Snart says replying about his comment of being a single child.

"I like you, kids. You're both smart, pulled yourself up from humble beginnings. You both would fool me being brothers." Snart tells the two of them and they can't tell if he was threatening them or complimenting them. "Cisco, you answer one question for me, I'll let you and your fake brother here walk." Snart promises and Peter has a bad feeling about that one question.

"The Flash, Spider-Man. Who are they?" Snart asks Cisco and Peter was right about not liking the question.

"I swear...they always wear a mask." Cisco tried lying and Snart turns the cold gun on Peter and uses it on his hands. Peter screams in agony of the cold pain while Cisco begs him to stop.

"That is first degree frost bite. He can recover with proper treatment. If not, all his tendons, blood vessels, and nerves will freeze. His fingers will need to be amputated." Snart tells them and wonders something from the casino.

"And I have a feeling Spider-Man is going to need those fingers to climb walls, super strength and more." He states and see their surprised faces and see he was right. "I saw no Spider-Man helping the Flash when I was at the casino. So I had to figure he was either out of commission until I remember Mick said you gave him a fight in the bar. So I'm guessing one of you know Flash's identity, now one of you are going to tell me who is he?" Snart explains and asks agian.

Peter isn't talking through the immersion pain he's receiving from the frostbite and Cisco doesn't know if he should say or not.


At S.T.A.R. Labs they're searching for their friends and aren't getting anything. "There is nothing appearing on the satellites." Caitlin states I gotta worried for her friends.

"You were right. This is seriously my fault." Barry states to Wells and Caitlin gets confused on what he means.

"We'll get Cisco and Peter back safely, Barry." Wells promises when they look and see Cisco and Peter back and Peter has his hands are covered while holding a hot cup.

"My god, Peter, what happened?" Caitlin asks seeing his hands covered and runs to check on her friends.

"Snart. He froze his hands." Cisco tells her and Caitlin quickly drags him to the medical room to treat it and prevent further damage.

"How did the two of you escape?" Wells wonders knowing Peter wouldn't risk Snart knowing his identity.

"He let us go." Cisco informs them and is mad at himself for what he did. "He...first froze Peter's hands, learned he was Spider-Man, he threatened to let Peter die unless..." Cisco stops and is seriously scared of how his friends will react to what he did, "if I didn't tell him who the Flash really is." He explains and they're shocked now Snart knows both of their identities.

"They could've killed me, Peter was in immense pain, I couldn't let them do it." Cisco tries explaining and Barry understands why he did what he did.

"I put you in that position, both of you." Barry tells them and forgives the two of them. "I'm the one who should be sorry." He explains to them.

"How bad is he, Caitlin?" Barry asks regarding Peter hoping the frostbite isn't terrible. "It would seem that his speed healing is taking care of most of the problems, but if you keep your hands warm long enough, you will be okay." Caitlin promises Peter.

"Good. I don't want to explain to May why I have frostbite in summer." Peter jokes happy that his hands will be okay.

Barry watches the two of them smile at each other and wonders if there is a chance he could get them to admit their feelings again seeing they'd be perfect for each other.


Later array interrupts Snart from doing another heist and runs him away from the others without his mask. "Good to see you...Barry." Snart says and Barry just looks angry at the man who almost killed his friends. "We have to talk." Barry states to him. "I know Cisco told you who I am to protect Peter." Barry states to Snart.

Snart just removes his cold glasses. "Can't really blame the kin for giving you up. You or his brother-like friend? Come on, I put him in a tight spot. Same kind I've got you in right now." Snart claims and Barry is confused. "You can't exactly stop me now I know who you both are. How's Spidey's hands?" Snart mocks and that agitates Barry.

"I could speed you to my own private prison where you'll never see the light of day again." Barry promises him seeing no way he could tell someone his identity that way.

"You could, But then I won't be around to stop my own uplink that'll broadcast your identities to the world." Snart explains the tough spot he put Barry in now. Barry knows his identity is one thing, but Peter's is a completely different one. "So the million dollar question, what to do with me now, Allen?" Snart asks him.

"I won't let you keep stealing whatever you want, whenever you feel like it." Barry tells him. "It needs to end." He informs Snart.

"I can't do that." He informs Barry and he asks why. "It's the same reason you people run after guys like me, the adrenaline. The thrill of the chase." Snart explains to Barry and he explains how he just loves the game.

"Then go play this game of yours somewhere else and never step foot in Central City." Barry tells him seeing there's gotta be some way of keeping him from the people he cares about.

"Can't do that either, I love it here." Snart tells him and Barry starts walking towards him.

"You've seen what I can do, what Peter can do. You know the two of us can stop you. You want to keep pushing your luck, go for it. But from here on out, no one else dies. If you're as good as you say you are you don't need to kill to get what you want." Barry claims finding a middle ground. "And if you, or anybody in your rogues gallery goes near any of my friends or family, or Peter's family again, I don't care who you tell my identity to. I will put you away." Barry promises and Snart agrees to those terms...for now at least.


Later wells paid Iris' coworker a visit regarding the evidence about him hiding something and destroys the evidence, including killing Mason himself. Barry just comes back to S.T.A.R Labs after talking to Snart and sees everyone's gone except for Wells. "Where's Peter and Caitlin?" Barry wonders since Cisco left before he went to deal with Snart.

"Caitlin took Peter to her place to make sure his frostbite didn't get worse." Wells explains to him and Barry wonders if it was the right decision what he did.

"Do you think I made a mistake letting Snart go?" Barry questions Wells, wondering if it was the right decision. "I think you did what you felt was right in the moment. And really, Barry, that's the best any of us can hope for. Now, let's be thankful the timeline remains intact." Wells states happy nothing drastic has changed yet.

"Oh, I keep forgetting. I've been meaning to ask you. It's about Simon..." Barry stops when he looks and sees a report of how Mason Bridge is is missing and Barry is starting think Wells is hiding something. "Nothing, Sorry." He tells Wells and leaves to find Joe, not believing that in the first timeline, Caitlin might've been telling him about that before he traveled.


Barry makes it to the prescient to talk to Joe, still not believing the man he worshipped for years might the man who murdered his mother. "Barr, what's up? Why did you want to meet up here so late?" Joe questions not understanding why he asked to meet here. "I think that maybe you were right about dr. Wells." Barry explains to Joe. "Which part?" Joe asks.

"All of it." Barry tells him.

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