
The team finds Jesse and Wally in the halls and make sure they're all right while Peter is still unconscious.

Cisco touched what was left of Barry's suit and got a vibe and sees that he's alive somewhere.

"Cisco says Barry's still alive." Henry says as he enters the cortex where Harry is with Jesse after May gave her a checkup.

"I vibed him in a center of a storm." Cisco explains what he saw. "It was like a vortex or something."

Realization strikes Harry. "He's in...He's in the Speedforce." He explains to them.

"Can-can you get him out?" May asks him.

"I don't know if I can." Harry tells them and starts thinking about a way to save him.

"It's a good thing you're here, May. Caitlin's usually the one doing this, but..." Joe says as she finishes up with Wally and Iris takes him home.

"Well, her heart rate is normal. She should be waking up, she just isn't." May explains to him.

"This is just like when Barry was in a coma that no one could explain." Cisco says.

"What did you do with him?" Henry asks.

"Wells, he brought him here. Me and Caitlin took care of Barry while Wells treated him." Cisco explains.

"Are there records of the treatment?" Henry asks.

"They'd be downstairs in the storage room, in the morgue." Peter says and they all look to see him awake already.

"At least we have one hero up and ready to go." Cisco says seeing his friend up and alive.

"How do you feel?" May asks him.

"I feel great. Come on, let's get those records." Peter says and Cisco follows.


While in the halls, Peter's senses start going off for some reason.

"Hey, you guys keep going, I'm gonna check something out." Peter tells them.

Peter walks into the breach room in time to see a breach open up. He watches and waits for someone to come through, but who he never expected coming through was Killer Frost and she seems to have been beaten.

"Frost?" Peter asks, shocked she's not only alive, but came here.

"Hey, Spidey." Frost greets him while tripping on herself from the pain.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asks while helping her stand. "Not that I'm not happy you're alive. Shouldn't you be with Zoom?"

"Nope. Zoom wants me dead. Sent dozens of metas to kill me. I tried helping your girl out, but Zoom caught her." Frost apologize to him.

"Hey, don't worry about that right now. You did what you could." Peter says and helps her into the cortex where everyone sees her.

"Killer Frost?" Harry asks, confused.

"Hey, it's okay. She's on our side." Peter assures them.

"Did I miss something?" Joe and May ask, since neither of them never heard of her.

"Guys, this is Caitlin's doppelgänger, Killer Frost. Frost, you know mostly everyone here." Peter introduces them and she notices May.

The questions were interrupted by Cisco and Iris running back in.

"We've got a new problem." Cisco says and notices Frost. "Okay, explanation later. Look, our particle accelerator experiment seems to have reanimated one of the dead metas in our morgue."

"Reanimated?" May asks.

"You mean like brought back to life?" Joe asks him.

"You ever seen The Walking Dead? It's The Walking Dead, but without higher brain function and with major rage issues." Cisco explains. "Still unsure if our brains are on the menu, though."

"The living dead?" Frost asks and looks to Peter. "Your earth is more exciting than mine." She admits.

"Who was brought back?" Peter asks, ignoring Frost.

"Tony Woodward." Iris tells them.

"The bully from school who turned into the metal man that kidnapped you during my time as Venom?" Joe asks remembering hearing about him from Eddie and Iris after he was separated from the creature.

"History repeats itself first as tragedy and then as farce." Harry says and they know that they need to get to work solving their problems.

Harry and Cisco are going to work on the machine to find out what exactly happened to Barry.

Henry and May will be watching Jesse for improvement while Peter and Joe take on Tony.

"You wanna give me a hand?" Peter asks Frost knowing she's probably itching for some action.

"Either stay here and get awkward stares from everyone, or go and fight the living dead?" Frost sarcastically asks him and he gets her answer. "Let's do it."

The three of them start working on finding Tony and is getting dozens of sightings of him everywhere.

"It looks like Tony just attacked Jitters." Peter says looking at the footage.

"He knocked over a hydrant on 4th and Stevenson, doesn't go in the building. Then he smashes a humvee in front of the Big Belly Burger, But doesn't go in the building. Gets to CC Jitters, he actually goes in." Joe recaps while viewing all the locations on the map.

"Your earth has Jitters as well, another thing our universes have in common." Frost comments to Peter and gets back on the subject. "So, why would he trash some coffee shop?" She asks them.

"When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trial, I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out. At a Pre-trial hearing, he stole a deputy's gun and escaped in a police cruiser." Henry tells them and promises to get to the point soon. "Now, the poor, dumb bastard could have gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. 'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her."

"So you think that's what Tony's doing, even in the state he's in right now?" Joe asks Henry.

"I think people are creatures of habit, sometimes at a level stronger than conscious thought." Henry explains to Joe.

"No, I don't think Tony had a girlfriend." Iris says. "I mean, not the way that he was hitting on me when he...came to Jitters." She says, realizing that he's after her again.

The next place he visited was the West house and that means they can set a trap to wait for him.


At the prescient, Caitlin is trying to find a way to escape when Zoom returns and removes his mask.

"You miss me?" Hunter asks her.

"Not in the slightest." Caitlin tells him, wishing to be free.

"How many times do I have to explain I'm not gonna hurt you?" Hunter asks her.

Caitlin just glares at him. "But you're not hesitant to hurt my friends." She states.

"They're getting in the way of my plans." Hunter explains to her.

"If the police can't stop you or Barry, Spider-Man's still out there and he will not stop until you're gone." Caitlin promises, knowing he'll stop at nothing until he's gone.

"Yeah, I'll admit, Peter's got some guts, I'll give him that much. And sure, he fought off multiple enemies at once, but he's not fighting the Sinister Six, he's gonna be fighting an army." Hunter tells her.

"Did somebody say my name?" A familiar voice calls.

Caitlin gets a spark of hope hearing Peter's voice, but it dies out as soon as she sees who walks into the room. It was definitely Spider-Man, but it wasn't her Spider-Man.

This Spider-Man is wearing a suit that is completely black, apart from a giant white spider emblem that takes across from his shoulders entire torso. She realizes that this Spider-Man is still attached to the Symbiote, so it must be his Earth-2 counterpart.

The fact that this Peter is still attached to it means he never got rid of it.

Hunter looks to the doppelgänger. "You're late." He informs Peter-2.

Peter-2 just shrugged at the maniac. "I needed to take care of something. You asked me to hunt down Frost, but not on our Earth anymore." He says and looks over to Caitlin. "Woah, who's the brunette?" He asks Zoom.

"She's with me." Zoom says with a scowl.

The evil wall crawler raises his hands to the evil speedster. "Whoa, back off, big boy. I don't see why you can't share." He tells Hunter.

"Aren't you already seeing someone?" Hunter reminds him, and Caitlin wonders who this Peter is dating on Earth-2.

"Yeah, but you should see her in the sheets. She's quite a screamer, and the suit doesn't like that very much. Speaking of which, she heard of your plan and wants in." Peter-2 tells Hunter.

"Good. I'm gonna go rally up the troops." Hunter tells him and points to Caitlin. "Keep an eye on her from time to time. But don't you dare touch her." He warns Peter-2.

"Got it. Don't touch the chick." Peter-2 recaps and the evil speedster leaves the two of them.

As soon as he left, Caitlin finally spoke. "P...Peter?" Caitlin asks the doppelgänger.

Earth-2 Spider-Man removes his mask in a liquid like way and Caitlin sees he looks exactly like her Peter.

"So you know who I am, huh?" Peter-2 asks her.

Caitlin let's a small smile form while thinking of him. "Peter Parker on this earth is a close friend of mine. He actually wore a suit similar to what you're wearing right now, but he defeated it." She tells him.

Peter-2 just scoffs at that statement. "That's probably the stupidest decision ever made. Did he tell you what it does to me?" He asks her.

"You mean besides turning him into an emo freak, and massive prick?" She asks him.

"It gave me true power. My uncle used to always say with great power comes great responsibility." Peter-2 tells her and Caitlin remembers Peter constantly saying that. "I never knew what power was until this suit. Before, I was strong. But with it, I am invincible."

"That's the suit talking. The Peter Parker I know knows that suit isn't what made him stronger, it was his friends and family that care about him." Caitlin states.

"You mean the same people who constantly use me, no matter how many times I save them?" Peter-2 asks her. "Yeah. I've been abandoned by my friends. And my family. Everyone."

"My Peter feels the same way sometimes. But he knows that I would never use him. Not me, Barry, Cisco, May or Joe. Even when it feels like the whole world is against us, we always have each other." Caitlin tells him and just watches as he gets annoyed by his doppelgänger.

Peter-2 just kneels down in front of her, still not touching her like he promises lightning brains.

"You talk a lot of praise about my doppelgänger. You see, Zoom already told me about my goody two shoes twin, and how much he means to you, and he'd probably be the first one to come to save you. So me and fasty made a deal. If the other me shows up, I gets dibs. I wanna see just how powerful he is without the Symbiote. And then I'm gonna make him wish he never got rid of it."

Caitlin narrowed her eyes in anger at the evil arachnid. "You can try. But my Spider-Man has already fought that Symbiote. Twice, actually."

"Well then if I come across him, he better bring his A-game." Replies Peter-2. "Hope you're comfortable in those handcuffs. Because you're not going anywhere." With that, the evil wall crawler leaves her.


Outside of the West house, Peter and Frost are waiting outside for Tony to make his appearance.

"Is this how it is to be a hero? Just waiting for something to happen?" Frost asks, suddenly sounding curious.

"Some of them are like this. Other times, you're running for your life, dodging bullets, or blocking punches." Peter answers referring to his experiences. "Why, you interested in turning over a new leaf?" He asks her.

"It's just...ever since Zoom killed Ronnie, and you saved my life I've been reevaluating some things. Especially since I had a lot of time to myself in that cell." Frost tells him.

Peter laughs at her attempive humor.

"Well, all things considered, I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Maybe after Zoom is gone, you can go back to your Earth and make up for some of your mistakes." Peter offers and she likes it better than being hunted for the rest of her life.

They hear someone screaming and alarms going off and know it's go time. They look to see zombie Tony and Iris having him chase her.

"Remember the plan?" Peter asks Frost.

"Make sure the zombie chases the doppelgänger of the detective that wanted me dead. If he gets too close, either you swing in or I blast him. Just make sure he makes it to Star labs so we can learn how to kill him." Frost recaps the whole plan to him. "Except I could easily just freeze him." She reminds him.

"Yes, but we know that cold doesn't hurt him when he was alive, let alone in death." Peter says and they start making sure Tony makes it to Star labs.


They were able to bring him to Star labs without a hinge and they meet Cisco and Harry oh the breach room.

"You guys ordered a White Zombie, right?" Frost asks and Peter actually laughs at that quip.

"Great. You guys should be on this side of the room. Especially if you're wearing jewelry or you have any metal plates in your body." Cisco says and explains how he set up electromagnets to turn off his brain again.

They all move to the side of the room and Tony enters the room. "There he is. Hi." Cisco greets and activates the electromagnets just for it to fail on them.

"Frosty, you're up." Peter tells her.

Frost doesn't need to be told twice and shoots a blast at Tony and freezes him onto the wall, but it won't hold him for long.

"Run." They all say and run to the breach room.

"Plans A-G failed us." Cisco informs Henry, May and Harry.

"Is there anything in here that can stop him?" Joe asks them.

"Barry could stop him if we could bring him back." Henry tells them.

"Are we seriously that looked down on?" Peter asks them. "I mean, her I get." He says looking at Frost. "No offense."

"No, I'm with you." Frost states agreeing with him that she hasn't exactly made up for her past in any big way yet.

They hear Tony trying to break in.

"Peter, you got any more gadgets or anything on your suit?" Cisco asks his friend.

Peter then looks over his systems for what he has left. "Few web grenades and a taser web." Peter tells him. "I didn't really have the time to restock, and the electric gloves were a one time gadget. Nearly burnt my hand off with those things."

Frost goes to the door and starts freezing it shut.

"I won't be able to hold him back forever, so somebody think of something." Frost warns them as they start coming up with a plan.

"Is there any other way out of here?" Joe asks anyone.

"The breach room was designed to be sealed off." Peter explains.

"Okay, it's me that he wants, I'll just lead him away." Iris states.

"No you won't. You'll never even make it past that door." Joe informs her. "If he came back from the dead and still wants you, what makes you think he's gonna let you go now?"

Frost just starts getting annoyed by these people. "Are your guys all like this?" She asks Peter.

"Is it sad to say mostly?" Peter asks when a flash of light enters the room and they turn to see Barry has returned.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're here." Cisco says honestly. "Because were all about to die." He says and they fill him in on how Tony is now Frankenstein and how the magnets aren't working.

Frost can't hold her powers anymore and passes out, and Peter catches her as Tony enters the room. Barry then grabs Iris and uses her to lure Tony to the workshop the long way so that they can start working on the machine and they can't generate enough energy to power it.

Barry starts using his speed to power the magnets with his own lightning and they work enough to shut off his brain again.


Back at the prescient, Caitlin is being interrogated by Hunter if she's with Zoom or against him.

"I'm gonna go out there, spend a moment speaking to my friends, and when I come back, you'll give me your answer." Hunter explains to her. "If you're still here, I'll know you've chosen to stay with me. If you're not here, I'll know you've chosen your friends instead. And I'll show you as much mercy as I will show Spider-Man." He warns her and leaves to talk to his troops.

Caitlin knows her decision, without a second thought, she just has to wait for the moment to leave.

Zoom enters the main room at the top of the stairs with the Symbiote King next to him.

"My brothers and friends...I've brought us to this New world which lay before us, defenseless, ours for the taking. The humans think this planet belongs to them. Who's world is this?!" He asks the dozens of metahumans.

"Our world!" They all start chanting to him and Caitlin takes this as her chance to actually escape.

Back to Star labs. Back to her friends.

Back to Peter.

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