2 weeks later.

Gowon's POV


Gowon finally met Chief Bakare. The old man actually called, said he wanted an update on their activities.

He had to wait almost 2 hours in the lobby of the Bakare mansion that day because there were so many people there to see him, in fact he would have waited longer if it were not for Sofi.

She saw him in the waiting area when she arrived. They were moving some office stuff to the house for Mr. Bakare. She looked exhausted.

"Gowon!" She recognized him.

"Hi Sofi"

"Are you here to see Chief?" She asked.

"Yes, he asked me to come here today" He said.

"So you have an appointment with him?"

"I guess" He nodded.

"Please come with me," She said while the other visitors grumbled. lol.

"Next time you come here, tell them you have an appointment. It is chaotic here, it's not like the office where everything is organized," She said to him as they walked towards the elevator. Then she lowered her voice and added "Most of the guys out there are not here for Business and he cannot see everyone today" She said in frustration.

They talked small and she cracked some jokes about George before she called one of the Domestic Staff to take him upstairs.

"Thank you so much," He said to her before leaving.

She is so sweet he thought to himself as he followed the domestic Staff in the opposite direction.

George used to ginger him to shoot his shot at her, he'd be like "That babe set die!"

But he always thought she was out of league. Not like she is too big for him he is doing great himself just that she struck him as a perfectionist, kinda prissy plus she is Wale's ex. He is not that close to Wale but still!... He wonders what happened to them though, Wale used to carry her on his head, wear her name like a badge of honour on his chest.

Anyway, It's like he will soon shoot that shot, fuck Wale he is married now, he shouldn't care. He didn't know she was this sweet and funny plus he really needs to get into a relationship to fill that void that Yinka Bakare is trying to fill. Because 'he is not understanding' why he keeps thinking about the coconut head repeatedly these days.

The meeting went well; Chief was very cool, except for the part where he low-key threatened him to ensure nothing happens to his Princess. He made it clear that no one should access the building without proper security checks, not even relatives.

"The only relative she has in the country right now is her brother Bankole and you people know him already. He then informed him that her elder brother (his first Son) is coming in next month as well.

"I'm going to give him your number so he can let you people know the kind of security arrangement he wants," He said and Gowon nodded. "He is going to be in charge for a couple of months while I am away so you will work with him and give him updates on everyone else"

Lol why didn't he give Yinka the liberty to choose the kind of security plan she wanted?

Obviously because she has coconut Head.

Banky too wasn't given the liberty to choose, but his security is not heavy like Yinka's own he is not even aware he is being followed.

Initially, he assumed the man was very strict with her own because of her activism but now it feels as though it is just because she is female. Most of her activism is keyboard activism.

Banky moves around Lagos more and hangs out in some random places with random guys of questionable character although it appears most of his buddies don't even know who his father is. And this is one thing he likes about them, they are not all over the place this is why it is so easy to handle their security.

He himself does not even know much about the family, he is surprised there is another (elder) brother, he thought Yinka was the first child. He should certainly look deeper into the Bakares, they are quite complex and interesting. The wife he met there with him (who was forcing him to eat like a baby) is definitely not Yinka's mother, she might be Banky's mother though he is not sure.


The following day, by close of work, when he finally had the time he started looking into them. It didn't take him up 30 minutes to construct a mental picture of their family tree in his head. However, he was still seated at his desk even 2 hours after that because he was still looking into YINKA.

He 'accidentally' stumbled upon some of her underwater films on YouTube. She wasn't even in the video it was just her voiceover. That was sha how he watched about two hours' worth of videos about coral bleaching because he couldn't stop listening to her 'annoying' voice. At least he gained small knowledge (that he will never use).

He sighed as he shut down his laptop. Clearly, this girl affects him and she probably knows it because what was that in the pool the other day? It was intentional she wanted to stress him.

Worst part is, it was super subtle she wasn't even doing too much. She was just giving him that sexy mocking look (because she knew she had him) while embodying the attitude of those ancient evil but sexy Egyptian queens that probably bathe in 'dragon milk' or 'human tears' for fun.

Where did she even learn that? She is supposed to be a nerd ONLY; he didn't know she had a sprinkle of femme fatale in her.

At this rate, he is the one that will need protection from her.


During his next supervision visit they had an argument over the biometric access that Oke fixed by the gate but he did not back down on it because her father was adamant about it. Plus, Gowon agrees with the old man because these days she has different people coming into the building because she is running the NGO from her apartment.

His mood was somewhere between anxious and excited as he drove in on this particular day because his mild crush had grown into full-blown attraction. He didn't even care about her craziness anymore, the craziness made her more sexy to him lol.

He needs help.

She was with a guy she introduced to him as her intern (lol intern?), said his name is Jude. Oke did a background check on him and he is clean. The 26 year old studied environmental management in a private nigerian university.

He was wearing Gucci belt and looked too dressed up for work (from home). Is he trying to impress her or he has a very profitable side hustle? Because the salary he is making from his 'Internship' cannot afford that.

Yeah, they have all his bank statements too.

He eyed the guy again when he started speaking in American accent to keep up with hers.

So annoying.

The Jude guy didn't even want to give them space to talk, he was all over her forming bestie she had to ask him to wait in the kitchen.

He was glad he saw her again, (despite the argument they had) but he doesn't want to see this annoying Jude guy's face again on his next visit.


He went from her place straight to his other Boss, Bode. Bode and George started the Company some 17 years ago. Both of them are retired Navy personnel.

George served in the Nigerian Navy while Bode served in US Navy, he was a Navy SEAL. Bode is actually their biggest selling point, when their clients just hear that there's a retired Navy SEAL among the leadership they'd be like 'Take all my money'

And he is not just hype. He brings a lot value to the table. He is the one that trained most of them. Prior to joining the Company Gowon worked with DSS and he didn't really have any naval experience so he learned a lot from Bode.

Bode should be the one running things for George but the thing is, you can never catch Bode in an office. He hates paper work and white-collar stuff.

Gowon met him in his Gym working out. He is always working out, he says he needs to stay in shape so his 'girlfriends' will not dump him. Lol, as if lekki girls care about six packs.

He is just used to being fit, and he actually looks good for his age (48)

"G1! My man" Bode shook his hand firmly "How is it going at HQ?"

"Terrible" Gowon frowned "Why didn't you step in for him?"

"I didn't go to school Gowon and you know I hate paperwork," He smiled mischievously.

They bantered for a bit before they started talking Business. Gowon gave him updates on PH and the Private Security Business operations.

"Seriously why are we even branching into private security? WTF is wrong with George?" Bode said angrily.

Gowon was glad he was not the only one against it. He complained too then told him about how he was planning to turn things around. Gowon has figured out that George only started it because of Chief Bakare and honestly, he wants it to stop there.

Instead of taking on new clients, he wants them to partner with foreign governments to protect their officials when they come to Nigeria for official business.

"That's a good Idea, I should have thought about that" Bode smiled "See why you are better at this!" Bode has strong ties with the US consulate so they can start from there.

"I hope she takes him to the cleaners," Bode laughed when they started talking about George's divorce. "That MF gives me a lot shit for being a divorcé.... fucking asshole"

Gowon laughed too because you see ehn whatever George's wife is doing to him, he deserves it, but Gowon is actually hoping they work things out because George is an amazing guy just that he can fuck up.

So for context, Bode is divorced, he has been divorced for ages, in fact that is why he moved back to Nigeria because his ex-wife moved on, she remarried and he couldn't stand it.

He even went as far renouncing the US citizenship that he worked so hard for and acquired a Caribbean citizenship. He claims he did it to avoid paying Taxes in the US but George said it was because of the breakfast his ex-wife served him. He needed to get away permanently.

Anyway, these days Bode is 'sugar zaddy' to a couple of lekki big girls and claims he is living his best life.

And he is right, George is always using that against him, telling him to act his age or be responsible but Bode doesn't care he owns his womanizing with his full chest. They are like brothers but they are always going at each other's throats.

When they finished discussing Business Bode was like "Yeah that reminds me, I have a job for you"

Gowon knows what that means; investigation. This is what Gowon brings to the table in the Company.

Criminal Intelligence and Investigation is his own expertise.

"I need you to look up this guy for me" He forwarded a phone number to Gowon. That is all Gowon needs to find anyone and their ancestors in this country.

"Who is he?" Gowon asked.

Bode sighed first. "Remember my Daughter came in last year for her NYSC?"

Gowon nodded. Bode has two girls and a boy, Tope who is the first girl is currently serving in Abuja.

"That is her Boyfriend in Abuja"

"Okay?" Gowon was waiting for the problem here. "What is the issue? She is not allowed to date?" She is about 21 or so.

"Of course she is allowed to date!"

"So why are you doing this?"

"Because he is old enough to be her father" Bode said angrily "I want to break up the relationship"

Gowon laughed first "And how do you intend to do that? She is an Adult"

"I don't care, she is my Child! No one is gonna play my daughter like that. She should be with boys her age, she doesn't need a sugar daddy, I give her everything she wants, this is unlike her," He said furiously.

Honestly, Gowon was surprised. Bode's sugar babies are much more matured but why is he mad?

"We created this game Gowon, I can't sit back and watch my daughter get played. I know I am an asshole and I have probably damaged a lot of women emotionally....including her mother, but I never took advantage of a child ffs!"

"She is 21," Gowon reminded him again and he almost lost his mind.

"She is still a child!, this guy is a fucking predator! Tell me Gowon, what did you know when you were 21?" He raged.

"urrrrm a lot"

Gowon was just trying to make him see how getting involved in his daughter's relationship is just going to be a waste of time. Let her make her mistakes and learn from them plus Gowon does not like investigating people who not actual criminals or suspects, this is very unnecessary.

"Whatever" He sighed, "Anyway, I want you dig up everything about this punk"

"She thinks he is her soul mate," Bode said with disgust as he passed his phone to Gowon to show him the guy's face (He was even her Display picture). Gowon started laughing again but he stopped laughing when he enlarged the picture.

"Okay you're right, he looks a little bit.... middle age-y" The guy looked older than Bode.

"I don't want basic stuff Gowon, I want dirt, stinky dirt, all the dirtiest shit you can lay your hands on. I want to destroy him," Bode said slowly.

He has never seen Bode this protective over his Daughter, Bode is one of those cool Dads that goes to bars with his daughter.

Are all Dads like this? Is this why Mr. Bakare is super protective of Yinka?

"I am curious Bode, what if she was.....maybe around 25-30 would the person she is dating bother you?" He asked. There is just some 8 months gap between him and Yinka.

"I don't care if she is 50 or 100 she will always be my CHILD okay," Bode screamed in frustration.

Interesting.....Gowon smiled.

A/N: I am going to keep the chapters short (compared to Sophia the first) so I can update frequently.

Next Update on Saturday! Again u guys should start harassing me by friday evening (Naija time), I don't prioritize wattpad enough.

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