Yinka did not call her Dad even after that Gowon guy left. She needs him to recover first so they can fight properly. Banky said he is still a little bit frail and he was surprised that their Father even had the energy to orchestrate this whole private security business with her Grandfather.
She dissected the security protocol handbook carefully and objected to almost 80% of the plan Gowon put together for her.
Seven Cameras in her house? Is it big brother?
What kind of creepy shit is this? She thought to herself as she highlighted the texts in the PDF document and added her opposing comments line by line. When she finished with the so-called 'handbook', she sent it to him in a long email where she rejected the plan and even condemned the company for being 'unethical'.
He probably thinks she is an idiot and thought she was not going to read it.
There is an app that she was supposed to download to her phone, it is their personal security app for 'communicating' with her security detail (The bodyguards), but she didn't download it because it was giving 'spyware' vibes. In addition, the app will share her location with them 24/7. WTF!
Honestly, she does not trust this Gowon guy. She looked up the Company immediately he left that morning and she saw that 90% of their clients are Oil Majors (IOC). Obviously, this guy is pro fossil fuel what if they are actually here to spy on her or stall her crusade? Because why is no one following Banky around in the name of 'Protection'?
"I am a big man, I don't need protection I can take care of myself," Banky said to her as he stuffed his face with the waffles she had to make for his parasitic ass the following morning.
"Please hurry up and leave my house, I have a meeting with my team today" She eyed him.
"Wait, you have a Team?" Banky laughed.
"You are an idiot" She said to him as she checked her phone to see if GOWON had responded to her email.
Is that even his real name? Most of them don't use their real names, she is 100% sure MaryJane and AJ are code names. She opened the virtual business card again:
Gowon A.S.
She should have asked him for his full name, he knows everything about her yet she knows nothing about him. She couldn't find anything about him on the internet which is why she is even more suspicious of him (and her Father).
He responded to the email later in the day, a good 24 hours after she sent it and all he had to say to her epistle is:
'Discuss with Oke'
Oke tried to convince her to use the app, he said it is important for them to know her location at all times and to communicate 'securely'. But his explanations didn't help, it actually put her off more because it means they can probably listen in on her conversations! Lol there is no way she is putting that on her phone.
He tried to make a case for the cameras too but it was futile. He claimed she would be the only one with access to the footage, blah blah blah.
"Okay I just need one of the cameras, maybe at the entrance? because I need a face ID of every single person that enters and leaves your place," He said but she shook her head calmly.
She was impressed with the advanced level of tech they were working with but she doesn't trust them and her Dad especially. That man does not understand or respect boundaries.
"When is he coming back?" She asked about Gowon. She wanted to speak with him directly.
"Who?" Oke asked.
"Gowon? I mean when is he going to make another plan? because obviously we can't work with this one" She said.
"You can review the plan with me, that is why I am here. Gowon is a little bit....busy at the moment" Oke said.
His response pissed her off. "isn't he the Security manager?"
So he just goes about dishing out orders, bears the Manager title and earns the big bucks while this Oke guy is probably the one doing all the ground work.
"You know what, maybe you should call him" Oke folded his arms across his chest and plopped down in his chair.
"I can't reach him on the number he gave me," She said angrily, she tried calling him when she got his dismissive email but the number was not available. Like, what if there is an emergency.
"And by the way, your handbook says I am not allowed to discuss security strategy over the phone" She rolled her eyes.
"See why you need the app, it is a secure channel" He went on and on again about how evrrything encrypted, and how it is hosted on their own server blah blah blah she was lost in all the tech jargon he was spewing.
He sha wanted to pressure her into using that app but she he stood her ground.
During the week, she had lunch with Nike and her Fiancé in a Café on Turnbull road. The Café was just a 5-minute drive away from her apartment but they followed her there. She noticed them driving in right after the valet drove her car to the parking lot. They waited in their car they did not follow her into the restaurant. It was AJ and the other guy; Isa.
She knew there was nothing she could do about them so she just ignored. Honestly, they were quite stealth with it. If she did not know the car, she might not have noticed they were there. The only thing that bothers her about it is the unnecessary carbon emission from their car.
He came back exactly one week later. He arrived in the afternoon while she was in the pool, it was a very hot day. He came in a different car this time, a very aggressive looking G wagon. Their cars looked antagonistic in the parking lot next to her soft white Model X.
For some reason, her heart started pounding fast against her chest as he approached the pool, walking magnificently like he owned the place.
"Good afternoon, Miss Bakare"
"Yinka is fine" She corrected him.
"Okay,....Yinka" He said.
"So do you have a new plan? I am assuming you received and actually read my mail?" She said as she propped her elbow by the edge of the pool Just about 2 meters from where he was standing.
"I did! You are very detailed I must say" He smiled and she almost lost her focus for a second.
The Man is fine!
But she gathered her thoughts quickly because he used this charm on her the last time. He cannot succeed today. She frowned and looked him in the eyes then said.
"So..... YOU want cameras installed in MY APARTMENT?" The way she put it made him uncomfortable and her accusatory tone suggested he was a pervert.
He opened his mouth to say something then paused "No I... don't want....i mean....this is pretty much standard practice Yinka" She could see that he was struggling to keep his eyes on her face at this point and not lower them to her bust.
lol Men!
She decided to double down on her attack so she glided towards the ladder with her eyes still on him. When she started exiting the pool his eyes darted towards the bench where she left her towel.
He wanted to help her with it but he was unsure, she could sense his subtle panic as he took a deep breath when she emerged completely from the pool. She was wearing a very revealing one piece.
"You're the only one with.....access to the footage, we only control the ones outside" He continued.
"How am I sure no one else has access to the footage, they are stored on a cloud that is hosted on your company's server" She said.
"Even if we can access the data we can't read it because it is literally encrypted before it gets to the server, seriously you're the only one that can see it. I thought Oke explained that to you?" He said.
She smiled then grabbed her towel from the bench and threw it over her head then wrapped the edges around herself.
"I am not comfortable with cameras in my apartment" she said matter of factly. She has heard that these things can be hacked, what if some creep starts watching her. "I hang out naked when I'm indoors...alot"
He nodded then smiled. The look on his face was screaming 'No shit'
"I am an adult Gowon...and i have friends.....MALE friends. I don't want to worry about who is watching us when we...." She raised her eyebrows but he got the message.
"Okay fine, we won't install the Cameras," He said quickly. lol.
"I have a doorbell Camera already and I think you people can work with that" She added as she dried her hair.
He switched the topic quickly to the app and the gps stuff "It will make our job easier, please consider it"
"I'll think about it" She said. She wants her tech friend to check it out for her to be sure it is not a spyware.
"Do you have any other concerns?"
"Urrm I need to know the fuel consumption of the cars that follow me around"
"Why? The fuel's been paid for already," He said.
"I want to offset their carbon emission"
"Oh, okay I'll have Oke run a monthly consumption report for you?"
"Thanks" She nodded. "I guess we are good..... for now" She clutched the towel over her face tighter.
He nodded and took his leave.
A/N: Next update wednesday, if i don't update before 7pm harass my DM.
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