Chap. XII: Returning Back With Slight Issues
{3rd POV: Tanjiro's Home, (6:30 PM)}
The shouts of people could be heard from the inside of Tanjiro's Home. We then cut to the inside of the House as the rest of the Girls and (Y/n)'s parents could all be seen gathered at the entrance, while they all shared the same shocked expressions. Their worries fully focused on (Y/n)'s injured left arm that wasn't healing, and clothes that got slightly torn because of the recent fight with Adam.
"What happened?" Leon said, directing his gaze at (Y/n), before then turning to look at his friends.
Croix and Mia, who were at the time standing behind (Y/n). They turned to look at each other while Mia held Luna in her arms.
Croix sighs to himself before then scratching the back of his head. "It's a long story."
While Croix started explaining everything that had happened. Sophi, while on the verge of tears, still worried for her son, started approaching him in the hopes of helping him. However, just as she was about to even touch him, Yoru, who at the time had hid herself inside (Y/n)'s shirt quickly came out and hissed at her, which startled her and everyone that noticed the snake.
Seeing this (Y/n) placed a hand in front of her face, which did attract her attention. It was like he was telling her not to hurt her or anyone here. Yoru quite the understanding snake then lowered her head, almost feeling shameful of her outbursts. However, after calming down (Y/n) lightly petted her head, which did make her happy as she lightly coiled herself around his neck.
"(Y/n), is that you?" A female voice spoke.
Turning to look at the person (Y/n) noticed that it was Asuka and Ikaruga, while behind them stood the rest of their teammates.
"It's been a while (Y/n)." Asuka stepped forward while holding a close hand to her chest. "Do you know us?" She questioned him with a hopeful look in her eyes.
(Y/n) didn't know how to respond to her question, but still nodded back. "Your Asuka and Ikaruga, from team Hanzo."
"I don't think that's what she meant (Y/n)." This time, Ikaruga stepped forward. "Do you not recognize us?" She said while placing a hand on her chest.
Asuka nods back while still keeping her hand close to her chest. "That's right. We used to be childhood friends. Don't you remember?"
While still gazing at the two of them, (Y/n) raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you talking about? We've never met before."
Asuka steps forward while responding back at him. "But you know about us?"
(Y/n) sigh to himself while then responding back to her question. "Everyone knows about your team." He said, mostly hinting at the reputation from back in school as team Hanzo.
While they went back and forth, Asuka and Ikaruga tried to jog his memory of when they were children, of the times they played, while also getting confirmation from both Leon and Sophi, but it wound up ending in failure.
"What about this?" Asuka said, removing her white ribbon and showing it to him while her hair laid down. "You were the one that gave this to me."
(Y/n) stared at her white ribbon, only for him to then look back at her and shook his head. "Did I? I really can't remember anything. Of you." He said, trying his best not to sound rude while then turning to look at Ikaruga. "Or you."
"(Y/n)..." Both girls left in disbelief simply stared back at him.
While the conversation continued, both Victor and Tanjiro could be seen washing the group. Much like Leon and Sophi, Victor was also worried about (Y/n) and the injury he had but kept it to himself in the hopes of not worrying anyone. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt slightly back for both Asuka and Ikaruga as they looked slightly defeated by (Y/n)'s words.
"You okay?" Tanjiro spoke while looking at the ground, with both arms crossed.
"I'm fine... But I can't help but worry for the young lad." Victor said. He held his cane with both arms while gazing back at the group.
"Same... Do you think that the loss of his memories could be because of his power?" He said, thinking back to the girls that used to be his childhood friends.
"Could be. But I can't be too sure."
"I see."
It was then that as the two kept on talking about him, Nezuko walked over to the two of them and looked back at (Y/n).
"Is that him?" Nezuko said, which only garnered a nod from Tanjiro. "I see...To think that he would be dragged into something that was his ancestors' fault... Poor child."
"Yeah..." Tanjiro said, taking a deep breath before then responding again. "But all we can do is prepare him. In the hopes that he doesn't end up like his ancestors."
"True..." Said Victor while also taking a deep sigh.
Meanwhile as everyone kept on going back-and-forth on what to do next. (Y/n) looks at his left arm while then touching it with his right arm. Despite his body being unable to feel pain, he couldn't help but notice that the flames still raged on. It was then that a ringing noise had started to sounding which blocked the voices of everyone, while it slowly raised in intensity.
"Hehe, look at you." A voice spoke. Unlike other tones, this voice spoke in a tone that was both male and female in perfect unison with one another. "You can barely hang on to anything."
"What do you hope to gain from all of this? You are nothing more than a child. You will never be able to accomplish anything. Let alone be anything." It spoke with a tone that mocked him while he tried to ignore it, but all that did was make the ringing noise even louder. "Why can barely accomplish anything. So come on, let go of everything."
Out of frustration (Y/n), then bit the right side of his lip while then placing his right hand on his head in the hopes that the sound would stop. It was then that a large humanoid figure made completely out of black flames appeared standing behind him, which (Y/n) hadn't noticed at all. The figure slowly leaned close to his ear while then placing both its arms on his shoulders.
"You are the trigger of this world's end. So why don't you just give in? Why not bring it all to its end? After all, that is what you want, right?" It slowly placed one of its figures on (Y/n)'s cheek and forced him to look at his parents, who time had frozen in place. "They don't care for you. You can't even keep up with your older brother."
It then forced him to then look at the girls. "They are simply using you. Once you have outlived your usefulness. Hehe, you will be cast away. Discarded. Like the tool you are. Just like your so-called friends..."
"S...up..." (Y/n) whispered to himself as the sound got worse.
"Everything will be taken from you. You will have nothing. You will be left alone. Hehe, isn't that right, (Y/n) Sword Dancer...?" The figure cackled as it released its hold on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "You will lose. EVERYTHING-"
It was then that as (Y/n) shouted to the figure that it had already vanished, and all fell silent. For a short moment, as he shouted, his eyes had changed to a crimson color only for them to just as quickly turn back to normal. He tried to calm his breathing while holding his head in pain. It was only then that he had noticed that everyone was staring back at him all having the same worried expressions on their faces. He stared at team Asuka and Ikaruga, who at the time were the ones standing in front of him, before then turning to look at the girls, while then lastly looking back at his parents and team.
Unable to look at them, he turned his gaze to the floor. "... Sorry, but I need to be alone for a while..." He said while walking past everyone, including Victor and Tanjiro.
Asuka, worried for her friend, turns to look at Yang, who had walked close to her. "Did I do something to anger him?"
Despite showing a look of worry, Yang quickly shakes her head in no and smiles at her. "Don't worry, you aren't to blame for that." She said, reassuring her.
Tanjiro, after witnessing (Y/n)'s shouting, looked back at Victor. "So what do you think?"
"Looks like she's trying to take over sooner than later. Will have to hurry this up." Victor said while taking a deep sigh and scratching the back of his head.
"Yeah." He turns to look at Nezuko and whispers something in her ear, which she then nods back and walks away. It then fades to black.
{Later That Night, 10:30 PM}
On the back of Tanjiro's home, (Y/n) was seen sitting down on the wooden floor and gazing up at the moon that floated in the night sky. It's pale moonlight eliminating mostly everything that lay across the backyard. Frog's croaked, while crickets sang their lovely loud melody. Yoru lay coiled around his neck and looked as if she was sleeping. While silence befell him. It was then that the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps being heard making their way towards him. Turning to look at the sound, he quickly noticed that it was only Weiss. In her hands, she held a tray with two cups and a teapot.
"Mind if I sit with you?" She said, smiling back at him while lightly gesturing at the tray in her arms.
"Um... sure..." He said, still unable to look at her in the face after his outburst.
After taking her spot next to him, she poured both herself and him a cup of tea. While shooting him a glance, she couldn't help but notice that despite him not telling her something was wrong. Or it was safe to say that something was bothering him that he didn't want to tell her.
"Here you go." She said, handing over his cup of tea, while Yoru then opened up her eyes and slid down to his lap and rested her head.
While seeing the small snake, Weiss couldn't help but smile. "It looks like you found another friend, right?" She said before then taking a zip of her tea.
"Hmm..." He simply nods back at her while looking at his reflection in the tea. "More like she found me."
A deep silence befell the two for them as they gazed up at the moon. It was after a moment of silence that (Y/n) spoke up while trying not to look at her.
"I'm sorry..." Despite his tone being low, he spoke. "I...I didn't mean to..." He turned his gaze away from her, unable to even look at her light blue colored eyes.
He sighed while taking a zip of his tea and then turning to look at Yoru, who had woken up and stared up at him. He petted her head, which Yoru took a liking to more than normally. In front of the two of them, two small frogs are then seen standing close to each other, which got Weiss's attention.
"(Y/n)... You know that everyone is only worried about you, right?" Weiss questions him while seeing the two small frogs jumping around.
"I...I know..." (Y/n) said, still unable to even lock eyes with her.
Wanting for him to look back at her, Weiss then took the lead and gently placed the cup on the floor next to her. She then placed a hand on his cheek.
"(Y/n), please look at me."
While hesitant at first, he slowly turns to look at her, and the moment he did, all he could see was her smile. A smile that felt warm and loving.
"Tell me, what's wrong? Tell me what pains your heart? Don't just hold everything in."
Unable to hold himself back, Weiss brought him close to her embrace while gently holding the back of his head. She brought his head close to her shoulder while still holding him in her arms.
"Weiss.... Why does it have to be me...? I know that I don't show it, but I'm scared. I'm scared of getting close to people, only for my semblance to hurt them. I'm scared of losing everyone closest to me. I'm scared of losing both the girls and you." He said, while tears then started to run down his face, tears that even he couldn't stop but weren't affected by his semblance.
"Do you want to stop and just forget everything?" Weiss said as she held him close while rubbing the back of his head.
"Do I have a choice? I can't stop anymore. As long as He is still alive, he won't stop... I won't stop." He said, hinting at his grandfather.
"(Y/n)." While his tears kept running down his face, it was then that footsteps are heard walking towards them as it was revealed to be the Girls, Croix, Mia, and Luna. He then saw as Weiss started to tear up with a warm smile present on her face. "If I could, I would do everything in my power to try and free you from your pain. You helped me back in Beacon. You saved our lives after the White Fang attack. So what if you lost control? You're here known trying to control that same power and become someone better than him. So, stop thinking that this is only something you alone have to bear."
While standing behind Weiss, everyone smiled back at him while never breaking eye contact with them. (Y/n) saw that despite everyone tearing up, their smiles were genuine, while Weiss kept talking.
"If you are scared, then let us hold you. If you are feeling alone, then let us stand by your side. I know how painful this must be for you, trust me, I know. But you're not alone anymore. Don't endure this by yourself."
Weiss said while still holding him in her loving embrace. While gazing back at everyone (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness, that despite him not showing it, he did feel happy for once in a long time.
"Weiss. Everyone. Thank you." (Y/n) said while gazing back at them with a somewhat calm but faint smile.
After calming down, he stood up and turned to face everyone. It was then that while staring back at everyone that he tried to say his next words.
"I... I'm sorry for my previous outburst, everyone."
While the rest of team Hanzo was speechless for his words. Everyone else wasn't worried about it, or it was safe to say that they knew that he didn't mean anything by it. Everyone smiled while Croix then walked over to him and placed his arm around his shoulder while smiling.
"Oh, come on, man. Water under the bridge." He said while tapping his chest with his fist. "Besides. Where did that cold friend of ours go?"
"Brother." Mia said while letting out a disappointed sigh.
"If that's the case, then. I take it back, apology revoked." (Y/n) said, crossing his arms and looking away with a calm look on his face.
"WHAT!" Shocked by his words, Croix was quick to start crying in a chibi form while trying to take back his words. "No, please, I didn't mean anything by it!"
"Hm." (Y/n) didn't even bother responding and simply stared back at Yoru that was coiled in his left arm.
"Si-SIS!" He then got close to his sister while trying to win her over. "Will you please help your big brother here?"
"Hm." Much like (Y/n), Mia then simply turned his face away from him and over to Luna. "You brought this upon yourself.
"WHAT!" Left speechless, he then turns to the girls. "Um..."
"Forget it." Said Weiss while crossing her arms.
Blake and Koneko simply placed their arms behind their heads and whistled while looking away. Yang shook her head while shrugging her shoulders, while Momo then rolled her eyes. Unable to win, he then hangs his head in defeat while looking to the floor. Seeing this (Y/n) could only faintly smile back while trying to make sure that no one saw him.
After turning his gaze to Asuka and Ikaruga, he walked over to them. For a moment, while everyone started to talk with Mia, (Y/n) took a deep sigh and spoke to them.
"Sorry..." He said, scratching the back of his head. "For shouting at the two of you."
Asuka was quick to wave her arms in front of her while nervously staring back at him.
"N-No don't worry about it." She then placed her arms close to her chest. "So you really don't remember us?"
He nods back at her question. Ikaruga then spoke up.
"Then... It's okay. I'm sure that there must be a good reason you can't remember us. So don't worry about it." She said, trying her best to smile back at him.
"That's right!" Said Asuka. "Like Ikaruga said, if you can't remember, then I'm sure that it's for a good reason. So we won't hold it against you."
"Um, okay." Said (Y/n) while then turning to walk away.
After being left alone, both Asuka and Ikaruga started talking while seeing him from the distance talking to everyone. While his expression had turned back to behind cold and uncaring, they could notice a faint smile while being close to everyone.
"Ikaruga?" said Asuka, starting the conversation between the two of them as they kept staring at him.
"What is it?"
"I just thought of an idea."
"And that would be?"
After everyone had calmed down, they all started to talk about anything. The girls talked and laughed with each other, while Croix talked with (Y/n) and the rest of team Hanzo, while Luna and Yoru started playing.
As all of that was going on, Victor and Tanjiro started approaching (Y/n). It was only after spotting them that he turned to face the two of them.
"Hello (Y/n)."Said Victor with that ever present smile.
"Hey, old man." Said (Y/n) returning back to his cold, but slightly less sharp tone.
"Care to play a game of Shogi?" Victor said, trying to quickly change the tone while never breaking eye contact with him.
(Y/n) stared back at him for a moment before then relenting and nodding back at him. The three then went back inside the house while leaving everyone else to talk, all say for Yoru, who was quick to follow after him and tangle herself around (Y/n)'s neck before he had even left.
Once inside, they played Shogi while never responding. It was only after a moment of silence that Victor chose to break it while moving one of his pieces.
"So what bothers you, my boy?"
(Y/n) gazed back at the two of them. The silence between them was felt even by Yoru, who simply stared up at him. Stopping his turn, he placed both of his arms on his knees before then taking a look at the two of them.
"During my trip to Kuo Kuana, I ran into him." He said, images of his grandfather flashed across his memories.
"Do you mean Hecto?" He said, only gesturing a nod from (Y/n).
"What did he do? What has you like this?" Tanjiro said, looking back at him and never breaking his gaze.
"He..." (Y/n) took a deep sigh, turning his gaze to the Shogi board, before responding to them while never meeting their gaze. "While I was being held there. Any slip-up or any wrong movement, and it would have meant that the people around me would have gotten hurt..."
Victor and Tanjiro, for a moment, locked eyes before then turning their gaze back to him.
"So what did that show you, my boy?" Victor said while then locking eyes with (Y/n) after he had raised his head. "Or better yet." He crossed his arms while speaking in a much more serious tone. "What have you learned from it?"
"I have learned... that despite it all, I am still weak."
"What else?" Tanjiro spoke, which made (Y/n) turn his gaze to him.
"I've been wrathful towards the people around me and my own family. I've been rejectful of both humans and demons alike..." He said, gripping his arms tighter while then taking notice as Yoru coiled herself around his arm in order to stop him. He meets her gaze before then calming down and petting her head while taking a deep sigh. "But that's not all. I've also been rejectful of myself and this cursed bloodline."
"What's worse is." He inhales and then exhales while then looking back at them. "No matter what I do, what I try. All this anger, this hatred that I have deep down, it won't go away. It won't leave me alone. During my fight with Adam, I had to tap into my own hatred, and my own kept emotions in order to finish him."
"Then tell us, what is it that you want to do?" Victor said, his tone series and his arms crossed.
"Will you turn around and run away?" Tanjiro spoke, his tone both series but kind at the same time.
"Or are you willing to face everything that is and will be your bloodline?" Victor spoke after him while in the same series tone.
(Y/n) stares at the two of them before then looking back at Yoru, who was also staring up at him. He thought of his next words and what he wanted to do. That's when he finally spoke up.
"While I was talking with Weiss. I came to the conclusion that. I want to continue. I want to have the strength to face both Gina and Him. I'll stop at nothing in order to face them. I want to become someone who will surpass both him and the Sword Dancer clan. So tell me, what must I do?" He said with both a series but determined look on his face.
While not outright saying it, Victor noticed an all too familiar gleam in his eyes that one used to belong to his grandfather. A look that spoke many words but fought for what was right. Victor and Tanjiro turned to look at each other while nodding and turning to look at him.
"Okay." Said Victor. "This will be your final trail. Are you sure that you are prepared to face it?" Getting a nod from him. "Good. Go get some rest. Me and Tanjiro will start making the preparations for tomorrow."
"Tomorrow will be a long day for you. So grab as much rest as you can." This time, Tanjiro spoke while never breaking eye contact with him.
"Okay." (Y/n) said while getting up from the floor and over to the door.
Before his hand had touched the door, Victor spoke up, while (Y/n) kept his back turn from them.
"All Sword Dancers have had to sacrifice something in the past for power. Make sure that you make your piece with what you will be forced to do. And no matter what, don't change." Victor said.
"Remember you have people with you. You aren't alone in this." Tanjiro after him.
(Y/n) looks over his shoulder before then nodding at them. "I know." It was all he said before then turning to leave.
Tanjiro takes a deep sigh before then turning to look at Victor.
"Tomorrow will be the big day then?" He said, which got a nod from Victor. Tanjiro turns to look as (Y/n) disappears from his line of sight. "Telll me." He said, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. "How many must die before that flame is satisfied?"
While not being seen before, in front of Victor stood a humanoid figure. Its body is completely engulfed in black flames with glowing white eyes and its gender unknown.
Both of them waited for a moment until Victor finally looked in front of himself and at the spot that the figure was standing on.
"Well, are you going to say something?" Said Victor.
When the humanoid spoke, it spoke in a tone that was both male and female while also sounding slightly demonic at the same time. "Hehehe, I have seen many deaths by his clan, but now I'm looking forward to his fate. And when the world is set in flames and all is ash. Only then will we finally rest."
"He will take responsibility, you know?" Said Victor to the unknown humanoid.
"Hmm, as will we all." It said one last time while its body quickly vanished into nothingness.
Both Victor and Tanjiro stared at each other while nodding. Victor then stood up from the floor and walked close to the door. Everything then faded to black and transitioned to the next day.
{Time Skip: Tanjiro's Home, Next Day, (8:36 PM)}
While the night moon glimmered across the night sky, all birds and animals laid asleep, while some birds hunted.
Suddenly, the sound of people shouting is heard startling several animals that had slept. Cutting inside of Tanjiro's Home stood Katsuragi, Yagyu, and Hibari having a small argument with both Asuka and Ikaruga, which everyone took notice of.
"Like I said." Asuka spoke while looking at the rest of her team. "We talked it over and will be staying to help (Y/n)."
Ikaruga nods her head. "That's right. We have to help him as much as we can."
Yangyu stepped up. "You sure about this?"
Ikaruga nods back at her. "Yes. Please don't try to stop us."
Out of the three of them, Katsuragi was quick to change her mood, seeing that they had already made up their minds.
"Okay then." She said, pleasing her arms behind her head, along with a warm smile. "Just make sure to come back."
Asuka nods back. "We will."
"GREAT! After you come back, I want to be the first one to greet the two of you." Katsuragi said, a smirk hinted at her face.
Asuka and Ikaruga, for a moment, stared at her before then covering their chest and responding at the same time. "You're not groping our chest!"
"OH COME ON!" Katsuragi said in a much disappointing tone.
As they went back-and-forth, it was then that they noticed as Victor had walked over to them. He held in his left arm a small letter that was folded and closed.
"Here you go. Hand this over to the headmistress after you get back." He said, handing over the letter to Katsuragi. "I've also prepared a Bullhead that will be waiting for you. So please make sure to make it in time."
"We will." Said Hibari before then turning to look at Asuka and Ikaruga. "Please be safe. If anything happens, please let us know."
"Yeah." Asuka said, warmly smiling back at her.
As the three girls turned to leave, they quickly showed their respect to Victor before then leaving. Meanwhile, not too far from them stood (Y/n), and in front of him stood his parents. Sophi, in a worried tone, was quick to speak.
"Are you sure about this?" Despite her tone sounding worried, (Y/n) nodded back at her. "I see. Then I won't try to stop you. Just please come back safe."
"R-Right." (Y/n) said, unable to even look her in the eyes. "With that said. Yoru."
After calling her name, she was quick to coil herself around an arm that he brought close to his face.
"I need you to stay here." After hearing this, she was quick to respond with a hiss and gripping herself tighter in his arm. It was noticeable that she didn't want to be separated. "I know. I don't want you to get hurt because of me. So please stay here, and wait till I come back," He said, faintly smiling at her. "Please."
While looking up (Y/n), her tone slowly calmed down while lowering her head. It was only after being petted that the two locked eyes. Seeing this, Sophi looked at Leon before then warmly smiling back at him.
"Anyway." Said (Y/n) extending the arm that held Yoru, over to Sophi. "Look after her while I'm gone."
"Are you sure that you want to trust us with her?" Leon said, looking at his son.
(Y/n) only sighs before speaking. "You're the only ones here. So I'm placing my trust in you two, for the moment. It doesn't mean that I trust you, but we can start from here."
"Okay." Sophi said, extending her right arm over to him. "You can trust us."
While hesitant, at first, Yoru looks over to Sophi before turning to (Y/n). He nods back at her before then nodding back. She slowly coiled herself around Sophi's arm.
"That a girl." (Y/n) said, smiling back at her. "Make sure that nothing happens to her, because if I come back and she is hurt. I'll make sure that you rue the day you gave birth to me."
While slightly hurt by his words, Sophi understandably nods back at him. "Yes, don't worry! I'll make sure that she is safe and sound." She said before then smiling at him.
"Same." Leon said, nodding back at his wife's words. "Will keep her safe. As a former Makai Knight, this much I promise"
While hesitant to trust them, deep down, he felt that their words were genuine. And so he took a deep sigh before then nodding back at them.
"Okay." He said, turning to take his leave while Yoru stared back as he walked outside.
Both parents, wanting to see their child off, followed after him. Once outside, everyone could be seen double checking their weapons, while Yang could be seen talking with (Y/n) and Blake, close to them stood Asuka and Ikaruga prepared to head out with them. They then notice as Victor and Tanjiro then walk over to the group. While they didn't ask, they had noticed that Tanjiro had brought his weapon with him.
"So everyone ready?" Tanjiro said, smiling back at the group.
For a moment, everyone stared at each other before then nodding back at him.
"Very well. Let's head out." Victor said, walking past everyone.
While the group walked away, Sophi, still worried, could only hope that (Y/n) would be okay. It was only after a hand was placed around her shoulder that she snapped out of her worries.
"He's going to be okay. After all, Master Victor is with them." Leon said in the hopes of calming his wife.
"R-Right. You're right." Sophi said.
{Small Time Skip: Deep Forest, (9:16 PM)}
After walking for what felt like an hour, the group had finally made it to the location. While looking around that nothing was out of the ordinary, it looked like a normal forest with lots of trees.
"I take it that he made his choice?" A female voice spoke, while it was then revealed that it came from Nezuko, who had walked out from one of the trees. Taking notice of her brother, he nods back at her before then nodding back at him. "Okay."
No one spoke or said a word as she then walked over to an opening. Reaching inside her pocket, she then takes out a small blue crystal and tosses it to the grass. For a moment, nothing happens. It is only after a short second that the crystal emits a faint bright blow that forces everyone to close their eyes. After the light had subsided, they noticed that a large metallic door had appeared in front of them, across it two chains held it locked in place.
Victor stepped forward while turning to look at the group. "This is called a Training Gate. After we walk inside, you will come to understand that time and space word differently in there." He said.
As they all turn to the door, they see that the door then emits a powerful pressure that almost forced everyone to the ground, it was then that the chains that held it broke and the doors flung open. Looking inside, they noticed a pitch black void.
"Let's go." Said Victor.
"I'll keep watch." Said Nezuko as she locked eyes with her brother, while Tanjiro simply nodded back at him.
As they all walked inside, the large doors slowly started to close, locking themselves from the outside. While outside, Nezuko stared at the door before then talking to herself.
"Master Victor, Brother, everyone, please come back safe and sound."
As she seats herself in front of the door, everything then fades to black.
{NOTE: Fun fact about this story. When I originally made it I had intended for the main M/c to join the villains. But after making the story and growing slightly attached to the characters, I started to change my mind. So yeah. Anyways I hope this chapter was worth the wait. The next chapter will be a two parter so you will have to wait. With that said, I hope you all have a great day.}
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