Chap. XI: The Infernal Confrontation
{A/N: OKAY! Here it is to everyone that have been expecting this next chapter. It took a while to finish this since it has more then 23,000 words. But here you have it.}
~{3rd POV: Kuo Kuana: City Square, (5:56 p.m)}~
We open up to the city slowly being attacked by Grimm, and flames raging on. Among the hordes of people could be seen trying to escape, while other Faunus, and bounty Hunters tried desperately to lead them to safety, while others tried to help them escape.
Meanwhile, from outside of the Belladonna Household, (Y/n) and his team could all be seen, with weapons drawn looking at the root that started the attack.
As the group stared at the monstrous form of Adam. Adam couldn't help but smile at the person he was searching for. He couldn't help but smile. A smile that emanated both pure hatred, and happiness. To him all he wanted was revenge, and know that opportunity was staring at him. This time he wasn't going to let it go to waste. No one was going to stop him.
And so he spread his arms apart, and with an invitational smile he gazed back at him. He gazed back (Y/n).
"Tch. Croix, Mia, Blake stay on guard!" (Y/n) spoke as everyone then prepared to face the mosnter that stood in front of them.
As they prepared to face him. Adam looks at the rest of (Y/n)'s friend's. He then snickered to himself.
"WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT! YOU MADE SOME FRIENDS! TO BAD THAT I'M NOT HERE FOR THEM!" He said never losing that same smile. He thought to himself as he gazed back at Blake and (Y/n)'s team. And so after a moment he had a great idea. "THAT'S IT! HEY, (Y/N)! LET ME SHOW YOU MY OWN FRIENDS!"
While everyone stayed on guard, Adam open up his mouth far beyond the jaw line and with his normal arm reached inside. While mostly everyone was disgusted at what he was doing, Adam without a care in the world took out a large crystal. He waved the crystal at the rest of the group, as the horde of Grimm's all simultaneously came to a stop, which everyone found suspicious. Adam then shattered the crystal , which did nothing at first.
Ghira and Kali on the other hand kept on trying to make sense Adam's new monstrous look. But before they could say anything two objects at great speed crash land besides Adam's side, which then covered the area in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke started to get carried away by the wind, everyone's eyes widen as they noticed what Adam had done.
"That doesn't look good." Croix said almost in a comical tone.
"You have got to be kidding me." Blake responds after him.
"Um that looks bad." This time said Mia as she stared in front of her with Luna at her side.
When the smoke cleared two things stood next to Adam.
The first to emerge from the smoke was a Humanoid Grimm, which looked (8'8") in height, and held a strange looking sword. And next to it stood another Humanoid Grimm.
A suet of armor that despite being slightly shorter then the other Grimm around (8'0") in height, in was encased in armor. And sported two weapons, a sword that was fused to its right arm, and a shield that was held by its left arm. After the two Grimm arrived Adam spread his arms apart.
"They look just like you... Hideous."
As Adam started to chuckle. (Y/n) noticed the people that stood behind him, and then turns back to Adam.
"Why don't you leave the people out of this?"
Adam tilts his head to the side. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"
"They have nothing to do with this. So why don't you let them go?"
"And what would that be?" Blake stepped forwards still with her weapons drawn.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Annoyed (Y/n) pointed the tip of his blade at him. "Aren't they your own kin?"
"HAHAHA! DON'T YOU GET IT!" Adam smirks at him. "IT'S JUST WHO I AM."
Adam's face twitched before then calming down and looking across the rest of the people that simply stared in fear. He then stares back at (Y/n).
Being feed up with Adam's words. (Y/n) unintentionally synchronized with Aisha's power, and let out some of his own anger, that didn't go unnoticed by Blake, Mia, and Croix. It also put a big smile on Adam's face and his body trembled with excitement.
Adam could only smile as he could see a dark flame behind (Y/n), a flame that no one else could see.
"Blake, Mia, Croix, Luna stay on guard!"
Said (Y/n) as he held his blade with both arms, and prepared himself. The rest of them all nod in agreement as they prepared to face Adam and his Grimm's.
Just then the ground under (Y/n)'s legs shock, and before he could do anything he was grabbed by his neck. (Y/n) having no time to react was quickly pulled close to Adam. Behind Adam was revealed that another arm, that was made by Adam was sent underground behind him.
Everyone shouted as they desperately tried to get close to him, but were then halted by the two Humanoid Grimm's.
Just then before anyone could do anything, Adam, quickly jumped away with (Y/n) in hand, separating him from the rest of his team.
Blake then tried to desperately pass the Humanoid Grimm, but was quickly pushed back by Mia, as they both then narrowly avoided and attack from the armored Grimm, that was slightly quick for a big thing.
"Blake you have to calm down." Mia said standing close to Blake and holding a firm grip on her weapon. "I know that you want to go after him. But we have to deal with the Grimm first."
She said in the hopes that she would calm down as she could notice a faint look of desperation in her eyes. Blake on the other hand new that she was right and calm down.
"Y-Your right." Blake holding a firm grip on her weapon's understandably nods back at Mia. "Okay. Let's finish this 'thing' and go after (Y/n)."
Mia nods back at her with a smile and Luna then stood next to her in her three tailed fox form, and growling at the Grimm.
Croix looking up at the (8'8") tall Grimm, noticed that it would only put more people in danger if it linger to long.
"Mia." He said calling out to his sister, which she then looks back at him. "I'll handle the big buy. Can you three handle the armored Grimm?"
"Yeah, leave it to us."
"Okay. Hey big guy over here!"
Just then as he started to run to the forest he fired several shoots at the large Grimm's mask, multiple times, which didn't face it, but did annoy it. Running deep within the forest the Grimm chased after him, without caring for the rest of the people. Meanwhile Blake, Mia and Luna then prepared to face the armored Grimm.
"Is he going to be okay?" Blake said while still looking at the armored Grimm.
"Don't worry about him." Mia on the other hand smiled to herself. "I know my brother well, he can handle himself. Let's just focus on dealing with this Grimm."
Luna howls back at the two and stared back at the Grimm preparing herself to face it.
"See even Luna says he can handle himself."
"Okay then!"
Not to far from them both Ghira and Kali, could be seen trying to evacuate the people that couldn't fight, while simultaneously working together with Sun, and his team that tired to fight off the remaining Grimm that dared attack the people. Sure Ghira and Kali were worried about Blake and (Y/n), but they had to deal with the Grimm first. And so as they continued to fight the Grimm, with Sun's team, from across the bushes of the city, a familiar black-and-gold snake could be seen staring on in the direction that (Y/n) was taken. It lingered for a moment before then slithering after him.
Meanwhile far from the chaos of the city, Adam crash lands deeper in to the city, with several forest across them. And with a grinning face pulls (Y/n) face close to his.
"I HOPE YOUR READY LITTLE BROTHER! BECAUSE THIS TIME! I'M GOING TO REPAY YOU BACK FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME TENFOLD!" Adam then pushes him not to far from him, and draws his sword with his still human arm. "LET'S GO!"
After balancing himself (Y/n) held a firm grip on his sword and prepared to face him, but he still had no idea that he was using Aisha's power. Adam while looking at (Y/n)'s series eyes could only smile with excitement.
"This time i'm going to end this!!"
Said (Y/n) while getting more furies, which didn't go unnoticed by Adam.
(Y/n) then started to run at him, which then Adam fallowed his same move.
As (Y/n) and Adam's attack connected, we see two unknown individuals, with black coats standing on top of a tree and overlooking the fight between (Y/n) and Adam.
"Do you think that he know's his user it?" One of them that sounded male spoke.
"Can't say." The one next to him spoke in a much more feminine voice. She then crossed her arms and leaned to the side of the tree. "But all we can do is wait and see."
The male nods his head at the woman's words, before then looking back at the fight. "Let's see if you are wordy. Oh, Cursed Child of the Sword Dancer's."
~{Nero's POV: Beacon Academy: Nero's Room, (6:00 P.M)}~
As I laid back on my bed, I stared at my ceiling simply lost in thought. Deep down I couldn't stop thinking of that girl. I couldn't stop thinking of Emiko and what she told me.
"Let me make something clear. You think of yourself as a 'Hero' that will save lives and be praised by all. But when your on the battlefield, your nothing but a tool that was gifted a power that is far above him, Unlike Onii-chan you never had to hone your craft and improve on your own abilities. All was gifted to you on a silver platter."
Her words despite being sharp, her words were true. Since I was a child I never needed to hone my abilities, or improve my craft with anything. I then remembered what she told me, when I slashed her head off and she instantly healed it like nothing.
"Sorry for disappointing you. But your blade can't really do much against me. If you can't find away to finish the rest of my body. Then you can't possibly hope to kill me. And so, as long as my soul remains I will always regenerate."
What did she mean by that? So long as her soul remains, she will always regenerate. So this wasn't the first time she was killed? I shock my head trying to make sense of her words. I then started remembering what she told me about the Garo armor.
"You only think that your using it at its fullest potential. But all your doing is keeping it warm, for when the true user shows up it will be passed on to them. It is impressive for someone of your caliber to use it, all while having half of its power sealed away."
Deep down I didn't want to admit it but I new. I new that this armor's power was sealed to a certain extent, but how did she know? I never mention this to anyone. I wonder.
As I seat down on my bed I looked at Zaruba. "What is it partner? Something on your mind?"
"Actually." I respond back to him. "I was wondering something. Did you know that the armor's power was sealed to some extent?"
" you said. To some extent, yes. I knew full well"
"I see...."
"Sorry, I always thought that you knew."
He was only half right I then spoke to him. "Deep down I knew, but at the time I was dealing with other stuff, like trying to help my Brother. Or trying to defend him from bullies... But that only drove a wedge between us. I sometimes wish I could switch sides with him, but what the hell could I possibly do? He already hates me, so what's the point...?"
"... Come on Partner. I'm sure that he just needs time for himself. After all you can't be expected to fix everyone's problems. People have their own issues to deal with, and both you and him are no exception."
"I... I know." I crossed my arms and then started thinking of Emiko's words. "Still what Emiko said still bothers me. That i'm only keeping it warm, for when the 'true' user shows up it will be passed on to them. What could she had meant by that?"
"Well for the moment don't over think it. Why don't you go out and get some fresh air. That should do you some good."
"Hehe, your right. Thanks Zaruba."
"No problem Partner."
After leaving my room, I started overthinking again and before I new it I crashed with someone. I then quickly got up and reached out to the person.
"Do you ever shut up? You're supposed to be our leader, remember?"
Looking at the person I noticed that it was Edna, and she locked more annoyed. I think she was annoyed at me, after all I walked around and crashed with her. Still I had to apologize to her.
"Y-Yeah, sorry about that."
I reached out my hand to help her get up, but she simply got up and cleaned the dust off her pajamas. It did caught me off guard, this was the first time I ever saw her with pajamas. But hey it wasn't my business to say anything.
"Anyway I should get going."
"Hold on." I stopped and stared back at her. "I would like to talk to you. Fallow me."
"Um why?"
She sighs. "Don't ask stupid questions, with more stupid questions and just fallow."
As she walked I fallowed after her. As a short time walking we made it to the yard of the school, and the two of seat on the benches.
"So what's on your mind?"
She said and deep down I knew what she meant. But even with that I didn't say anything. I then turn away from her and simply look away. I then heard her sigh.
"Look I'm not a good person. My attitude to others always gets me in to trouble with others. But I couldn't care less for them. I can already tell that something is bothering you, and simply keeping it to yourself will do nothing. So why don't you just tell me what's on your mind, and that way I can see if I can help. So what do you say?"
Truth be told, out of all the people in the school to tell me something like this. I thought that she would have been the last, but she was right i couldn't keep on holding all of this to myself.
"Well you see."
And so I told her everything, about my problems with my brother and of Emiko's words.
"Hmm, the way I see it. Some of this is your fault. Let me get one thing out of the way first. So what if your not worthy of the armor, the fact remains that your still doing your best to save other people is still something on its own. Thanks to your actions we were able to save many lives."
"But Emiko killed just as many people. If I can't even protect a single life what good am I?"
I heard her sigh again and before I new it she had grabbed me by my shirt, and brought me close to her face. Looking at her face, I could tell she was annoyed. "Lessen to me. Your not an almighty god, or some form of super soldier. Your only a child finding something that your family hadn't told you. Getting worried over the most smallest of things will do you no good. We are only huntsman and huntress, trying our best to survive in a world filled with fame obsessed heroes that most can't do their jobs right. The fact remains that we are doing everything we can to help others. Shouldn't that count for something? So what if she killed other people in the train? By the end of the day we protected the remaining people and they got to go home still with their lives."
"But its my responsibility as the Makai Knight, Garo to save-"
"Oh shut up. Lessen to my words. We are only huntsman and huntresses in training, we are nothing special. You can be a demon for all I care, and you still wouldn't be special. If what she told you bothers you, then to bad. Get over it and move on. I'm sure your brother also has his own fair share of problems. But you don't see him crying over them. Do you?"
I didn't respond back. Deep down I new she was right. My brother for the longest time had pushed people away because of that so called cursed power, and me in the hopes of helping him only made his trust in me worsen. I only wanted for him to have people close to him. People that he could have as friends.
"I will admit that what she said was true. Unlike (Y/n), you never had to hone your abilities. But remember, you have people fighting by your side, people that for the most part you can call "friends". So if that's the case, can you still say that your like your brother. Are the two of you really the same? Are you two really equals?"
I stood in silence thinking of my brother and the way everything was back them. While I kept on trying to help him, I was surrounded by people that would call me friend. While my brother had no one other then Yang by his side."
"Anyway I should go get some rest. Will talk some more when we have the opportunity. So go, clear your mind and relax."
As she started walking away I could help but stare back at her still thinking about her words. When I was left alone I stared of in to space, and let my mind wonder.
"Wait a moment?" It was then that I realized something as I stared back at the hallway Edna had left. "...."
"What's wrong partner?" Zaruba said but I simply shock my head and smiled.
"Its nothing... Still" I then spoke to myself. "How does she know my brothers name?"
{I take no credit for the video. I just felt like it fit the part.}
~{3rd POV: Kuo Kuana}~
Meanwhile back to Kuo Kuana, Croix could be seen running away as Echo fallowed after him. Looking back he noticed that Echo had vanished, while everything around him fell silent.
"That's strange?... !!"
Just then Croix quickly dogged to the right and stopped as Echo then came down at the spot Croix was standing previously standing on, and left a large crater. Croix not that much surprised by Echo's strength simply smirked at it.
"So big guy, can you talk?"
Croix said with both arms inside the pockets of his black winter jacket. Echo simply tilted it head to the side, almost looking like it wanted to understand Croix.
"I'll take that as a, No."
Echo stops for a moment remaining completely still and not making a move, while Croix did the same and didn't move. For a moment the two of them remain in silence as they waited for one of them to make the first move. Just then Croix leaned the rest of his body back, avoiding Echoi's attack by a small mile. He then noticed as Echo moved at a speed that left afterimages of itself, before that same after image was pulled back inside Echo's body.
Croix leaning back to the front, he took out his weapons from inside his winter jacket.
"So that's what you do. Okay that make sense why I didn't see you the first time." He then points his gun directly at it. "Don't worry. I won't be making that mistake again."
He then pulls the trigger and a shoot rings out across the forest. We then cut back to Blake, Mia and Luna fighting Orag.
Blake charged directly at Orag, while Mia and Luna ran behind her. Blake using Gambol Shroud in its pistol form and fired several shoots at it, but do to its shield, they were quickly blocked. Orag then using its blade like hand quickly tried to pears Blake only for Mia and Luna to jump on opposite sides from each other and miss them. While Blake uses her Semblance to create a clone of herself that took the hit, while the real Blake lands on the tip of the blade. She then tries to change at it from the front while riding the blade, but she didn't get to far as it quickly shield bashed her away from it.
"Blake!" Said Mia but her attention turned back to the Grimm.
Orag then turns it attention at Mia who was quickly closing. Ones close she quickly used her katana to slash away at it, but before any of her attack had connected, Orag used its shield to parry all of her attacks.
While focused on Mia's attacks, it didn't have time to react to Luna as she ran from behind it, and landed on its back, she then dug her fangs right between the gaps of its armor. It desperately tried to shake Luna off it's body, but as it did, it didn't notice as Blake had jumped above it and stabbed Gambol Shroud inside the many gabs of its armor. Mia then fallowed her by doing the same and stabbed the katana across one of its gaps.
It body moved back and forth in a desperate struggle to push them away, but they held on as its body started to slow down. It was then that its body while still standing up stopped moving and dropped its shield, while the sword turned to a normal arm.
"Did-Did we do it?" Blake said as she gazed back at Mia, and holding on to her weapon.
Mia gazed back at the Orag for a moment, but when she did her eyes widen.
Just then Orag's body emanated a large power surge that made Luna release her fangs. When it tried to jump off the Grimm's body, before Luna's paws had touch the ground, Orag quickly delivered a strong punch to Luna that forced her to crash against some tree's. Orag then turned its attention to Blake. Desperately Blake tried to release Gambol Shroud of the Grimm's body, but before she could even do it, she was meet with the back hand of Orag's arm, and pushed towards some of the people that were fighting. Lucky for them they had noticed her in time and grabbed her. Mia on the other hand wasn't so lucky as she tried to release her weapon from the Grimm's body, only for it to quickly hold the blade with one arm, and leaned its free arms back clenching it in to a fist.
Just then Mia unable to release the grip on her weapon in time, which she wound up taking the full brunt of its attack. One's the punch connected with her stomach, it send her body crashing inside one of the abandoned buildings. The building chock for a moment as it was engulfed in a cloud of smoke, before then being taken away by the wind. Luna with trembling legs got up, shock her head, and ran inside the building after Mia.
"Mia!!" Blake called out to her friend, while being slightly in pain.
As everything fell in to silence the Orag eerily turns to look at Blake, before then looking back inside the house that Mia had crashed in. It then looks at Mia's weapon which was still stuck inside its body, before then quickly pulling it out, and dropped to the floor, which then vanish. Orag then slowly started to walk in the direction of the house as its body emanated a strange dark cloud of smoke.
Meanwhile inside the building as the dust settled, Mia could be seen unconscious with her back against a now cracked wall. Her body leaned to the side, with blood running the right side of her face, while the sound of Orag's footsteps slowly started closing in.
We then cut back to Croix as he could be seen firing several shoots at Echo, only stopping to reload his guns when needed. He jumped across some tree's trying to avoiding several attacks, but every time he jumped to one, Echo was quick to fallow after him.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Said Croix starting to get annoyed with the Grimm.
As Echo's sword came down to slash at his opponent, Croix was quick to fire several small shoots at its sword changing the direction to the side slashing a tree. As the tree fell, Croix stumbled to the ground landing face up. He then rolled across the dirt, as a sword was stabbed at the spot he was at, before then quickly getting up and firing several shoots at it.
Echo on the other hand moved its body sporadically from left-to-right, not letting him land a clean shoot. It was only after getting close to Croix that it leaned its sword back, and then tried to slash at him by bringing the sword down.
Lucky for Croix, he quickly used his guns to block the attack, but in the process they wound up getting destroyed. Croix eyes then widen as he noticed what was going on. Looking at Echo he noticed that three afterimages emanated from its body all preforming a different attack. While he did avoided the first two attacks, the last one wound up slashing at him across his chest, before then getting kicked with such force that it made him crash against some tree's, before then stopping at the last one. The afterimages then returned back to Echo's body, its body twitched and moved in a way that was unbecoming of a normal Grimm.
Meanwhile Croix with his back against a tree he cough blood, before then leaned against the tree. Blood dripped to the floor, while trying his best to calm his breathing. He then looks at Echo as its body started emanating the same dark cloud of smoke from its body.
"So-So that's its ability... fuck..." Croix in a weaken tone told himself. "I didn't see that coming."
Ones Echo's body calm down, it faced Croix's direction. Noticing that he had nowhere to run it then leaned its left foot forward, preparing to charge at Croix. Croix on the other hand simply slowly closed his eyes and calmed his breath, while Echo then charged at him in a speed that shock the ground behind it. Closing in on Croix, three afterimages separated from Echo's body and each attack in different direction from Echo's original body. As the attack slowly got close, Croix blood dripped to the ground, and he slowly closed his eyes.
We then cut back to (Y/n) as he could be seen still fighting Adam, still unaware of his unintentional synchronization with Aisha's power. The two clashed and slashed away at each other not relenting for a moment before then clashing one last time and getting pushed back.
While still being pushed back Adam quickly stabbed his demonic arm to the ground and used it to propel himself forward at great speeds.
(Y/n) on the other hand stood in place and looks back at Adam who was already closing in for an attack. (Y/n) using his quick thinking jumped over Adam's attack, and used him to get airborne. While in midair he then used that opportunity to hold his sword with both hands and slashed at him, leaving a trail of black flames in the same direction that he had slashed across.
While not expecting something like this Adam quickly blocked (Y/n)'s flames with his sword. For a moment his sword held out, until it finally gave out and got cracked around the edge. The two are then pushed away and land on opposite sides from each other.
Adam then looks at his cracked sword before then snapping it in two. With a look of annoyance he then dropped the weapon to the ground and let out a small disappointed sigh.
"PIECE OF JUNK." He smiled with a sadistic glee, while raising up his demonic arm and clenching it in to a fist. "OH WELL! ALL I NEED IS THIS POWER! AND WITH IT MY DREAM OF KILLING YOU WILL BE COMPLETE. SO MY FRIEND ARE YOU READY?"
(Y/n) kept quiet lowering his katana and holding it in his left arm, while then summoning Tsukomi and holding it in his right arm. He then stared back at Adam with eyes still full of anger.
"TWO?!" Adam said with a big smile on his face. "HEHEHE, HAHAHA! I KNEW YOU WOUND'T DISAPPOINT LITTLE BROTHER!"
While the two kept on fighting, unbeknownst to them a portal could be seen over them. Despite it being a portal it couldn't be seen by the two of them. It's then revealed that inside the portal while seating on her throne was none other then, Gina.
"Come my friend." Gina told herself as she kept on overseeing the fight between the two of them. "Don't you dare disappoint me."
We then cut back to the fight as Adam desperately tried to slash away at (Y/n) with his demonic arm, while at the same time trying to find an opening in his defenses.
(Y/n) on the other hand kept on blocking, and attacking back when an opening would arise. But would only be countered by Adam most of the time he would aim for a vital spot. It was then that Adam lifted up his arm up in the air, and brought it down, which then prompted (Y/n) to block it with his own blades.
Despite the fact that (Y/n) had blocked the attack in time. It still had enough force to force him to one knee, while trying his best to block Adam's arm. Noticing that (Y/n) was strangely Adam couldn't help but smile to himself.
"Sh-shut up-" (Y/n) said trying to counter him, but was meet with Adam applying more pressure to his body.
While the floor underneath (Y/n) started to crack, he saw as Adam kept smiling at him with a sinister glee. Adam then leans back while still keeping (Y/n) in place.
Just then Adam's arm is then pushed away. While then quickly backing away he saw as (Y/n) quickly got close to him, and with Tsukomi he unwittingly engulfed the sword in flames. (Y/n) then leaned Tsukomi back and slashed at Adam leaving a trace of Black Flames.
For a moment the world around them stood in silence as the sound of something breaking is then heard.
While a cold sweat ran down Adam's shocked face. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as it was then revealed that Tsukomi had shattered in to pieces because of the overwhelming amount of flames surrounding it. Adam slightly surprised by this new development couldn't help himself, and leaned his demonic arm back, while straightening his fingers.
He then flung the arm forward in the hopes of at least stabbing him. Whoever noticing what he was about to do, (Y/n) made what was left of Tsukomi vanish. He then moved to the side avoiding Adam's arm, which made Adam's eyes widen as he couldn't stop his attack. (Y/n) having successfully avoided the attack, held on to his katana with both arms, and lifted it over his head. While locking eyes with Adam, the world around them had slowed down. He saw as (Y/n) had a look of anger having had enough of Adam's tone. And so not wasting anymore time (Y/n) quickly slashed at Adam.
Its then that the world resumes normally and Adam jumps back from his attack. When he landed he stayed in a crouching position, and stared back at (Y/n). Noticing that (Y/n)'s attack had failed he couldn't help but smile, while (Y/n) stared back at him with cold series eyes.
Just then the sound of something hitting the ground hard is head. While slowly turning to look at the thing on the floor, his ones sinister smile slowly faded away, and turning in to one of shock noticing that what his the floor was his demonic arm that (Y/n) had cut clean off.
When he finally looked at his arm, large amounts of blood started spilling out from it. The pain was so excruciating that it forced Adam to dropped to his knee's in pain, as his blood turned the ground that he stood red.
(Y/n) trying to catch his breath looks back it him. "Yo-You talk to much." He said before then lowering his weapon, and catching his breath. "Let's just finish this already."
While looking at (Y/n)'s eyes, Adam couldn't help but feel strange about his eyes. "YOUR EYES... WHY? WHY DO THEY MOCK ME?"
Just thinking of losing to him again only made his bloodboil with hate. A hate that was unbecoming of a normal monster.
"STOP LOOKING AT ME WITH THOSE EYES..." Adam while still looking at (Y/n) he couldn't help but to tart getting even more angry at both him, and himself. "I'M STRONGER THEN YOU." He tightened his grip on his know severed arm and spoke in pure anger. "I'M STRONGER THEN YOU! I'M STRONGER THEN YOU! THIS IS ABSURD! A MERE HUMAN CAN'T HOPE TO DEFEAT ME! SO WHY DO YOU STILL THINK YOU CAN WIN!?"
"No matter how many times we fight. I will never lose to you."
While looking at (Y/n), Adam looks at his blood, before then looking at his blood covered right arm.
"AH, I SEE..."
"!?" Confused (Y/n) stares back at him preparing himself to finish him for good.
Just then as Adam got up from the floor, while (Y/n) stayed on guard as several other Grimm started to appear from all directions. A cold sweet ran down the side of (Y/n)'s face, as the Grimm surrounded both him and Adam.
"What the hell are you even talking about?" (Y/n) said finding Adam's words, as the words of someone who has gone mad.
"DON'T YOU SEE!? MUCH LIKE YOU! I HAVE TO BE WILLING TO SACRIFICE EVERYTHING IN THE HOPES OF WINING AGAINST YOU!" While Adam kept talking one of the Grimm's how had appeared from the forest walked over to him. Adam then placed a hand on the Grimm's back. "LOOK ON TO ME LITTLE BROTHER! LOOK AS I BECOME SOMETHING THAT WILL TRANSCEND MY MORTAL COIL!"
Just then Adam's gripped the Grimm's fur, and then opened wide his mouth which revealed a pair of sharp fangs. He then dug his fangs on the Grimm's back and started to eat it. While he ate it the remaining Grimm all started to approach him avoiding (Y/n) like he wasn't even there.
When close one of the Grimm's dug its fangs on Adam's body, Adam then countered by moving on to that Grimm, and then moving on to the next one. As the pile of Grimm started to get bigger and bigger, even more Grimm get appearing. The pile eventually turned in to this sickly large blob that pulsated like a heart and drew in even more Grimm. The blob then released several spikes from its body impaling several other Grimm that were either getting close to it, or just being close to its vicinity.
"No I have to stop this!"
Just as (Y/n) prepared to attack the large blob, one of its spikes lunched itself directly at him, which then forced him to jump back and avoid it. Several other spikes then sprung forward trying to stab him, but he relaxed himself and kept moving until they finally stopped.
"No good. I can't even get near it."
(Y/n) told himself as he saw the blob thing get bigger and bigger as more Grimm kept getting fused with it. When all the Grimm's had been consumed by it, it took on the form of a large black sphere.
"MY LITTLE BROTHER! YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO WITNESS MY NEW FORM! A FORM THAT WILL SURPASS YOU IN EVERYTHING!" As Adam's voice echoed from inside the sphere, while the ground around it started to shake. "THIS TIME I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!"
Just then a crack appeared across the sphere, fallowed by another one. It then burst apart engulfing the area around then in a blinding light. When the light subsided (Y/n)'s eyes widen as he slowly backed away, as a large shadow started being cast across the floor, and overshadowing him.
"What the hell?"
While looking up at the 'thing', (Y/n) gripped his weapon with both hands.
It was then that Adam was revealed.
A cold sweet ran down the side of (Y/n)'s face as he noticed that Adam had turned in to a large hulking beast that overshadowed him. It's body was fully white with a muscular figure, sharp class, and fangs. It had two small like angel wings on its back, and held by several chains across its four arms. The lower half of its body despite not having any legs it had two more larger hands, and a long tail. The creature opened up its mouth and took out its tongue, before then making eye contact with (Y/n).
"That the hell have you become?" Said (Y/n) while pointing his blade at Adam. "Your not even a faunus anymore! Your nothing more then a monster!"
"HEHE, JUST LIKE YOU!" Adam clenching his arms in front of him couldn't help but smiled to himself, and the overwhelming power that he had it his disposal. "WE ALL MUST MAKE SACRIFICES FOR POWER! AS FOR ME! THIS IS ONLY BUT A SMALL PAYMENT THAT I HAVE TO PAY! IN ORDER TO SURPASS YOU!"
As the battle continued out of desperation Adam jumped directly towards (Y/n) in the hopes of landing on top of him. Despite Adam's body being massive it still moved with a speed that was almost the same at (Y/n)'s if not slightly faster. (Y/n) not wasting time quickly slashed away at Adam's arm, but the moment a wound was inflicted it quickly healed up.
Adam then flung the first punch downward in the hopes of smashing his body to the ground. Lucky for (Y/n) he quickly had managed to back away from the attack, but when the punch connected with the ground it made a huge crater that left (Y/n) vulnerable. Adam seeing an opportunity quickly turned around and swiped at him with his tail, which then connected with (Y/n)'s body and send him across a tree. Adam then fallowed after him with a sinister glee.
Trying to catch his bearings (Y/n) saw as Adam was already standing in front of him preparing another punch. Lucky for (Y/n) he jumped to the right quickly avoiding the attack, and landing several feet from him.
Adam's body twitched in an abnormal way before then jumping again to him at great speed. When his body got close (Y/n) then avoided Adam's attack, and tried again to slash at his body, but the moment his katana connected with Adam's body, Adam's body quickly healed it.
(Y/n) having had enough with Adam's taunting he started avoiding his attack, while trying to find an opening. Adam on the other hand started attacking him with several punches and claw swipes. Despite the fact that (Y/n) kept on avoiding his attacks, the swipes from Adam's claws created a gust of air that had enough force to not only rear some of (Y/n) clothes, but also leave small slashes across them. Adam then jumped back and saw as (Y/n) dropped to one knee, while also using his katana as leverage.
As (Y/n) tried to calm his breathing, Adam couldn't help but smile at his work. Sure he wanted nothing more then to beat him to a bloody pulp, but he didn't want to kill him to quickly. He wanted to have his time with him, and kill him slow and painfully. And with that power flowing through his new form he was going to have it.
Just then Adam pushed himself forward in the hopes of dashing to him. While (Y/n) caught his breath, he noticed that Adam was getting close to him. In the hopes of trying to back away tried to jump back, but as he did he was slapped away with one of Adam's larger arms. The impact of Adam's attack was slightly strong to the point that it send (Y/n) across some other tree's, and rolling across the ground before then stopping in one of the abandon populated arias that were evacuated.
"Fuck! This sucks." (Y/n) though to himself as he laid on the floor covered in cuts and bruises. Sure despite the fact he couldn't feel the pain, that didn't mean that his body didn't processed it. He was in pain, but he had to keep fighting. "I can't give in. I have to-"
Just then before he had time to get up, one of Adam's larger arms grabbed on to his waist. Adam with a sadistic evil glee on his face couldn't help but admit that he was having fun. It was then that he had a great idea, while looking at (Y/n). Before he could do anything he noticed that (Y/n) was abou to use his katana against him, but he quickly opened his mouth and wrapped his tongue around his arm.
(Y/n)'s body shivered because the tongue wrapped around his arm.
"That is fucking gross!" He told himself not wanting to look at him.
He said applying pressure to (Y/n)'s waist. For a moment it didn't do anything, but it was then that he caught out blood and spilled to the floor right in front of them.
"WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT. YOUR BLOOD IS RED." Adam then retracted his tongue and turned his attention at the blood. "HEHE, RED BLOOD... R E D... BLOOD..."
Meanwhile as (Y/n) kept trying to find a way to free himself he saw as Adam then leaned close to his blood and licked it of the floor.
In the hopes of getting free (Y/n) noticing that was preoccupied with the blood, he took that opportunity to stab his katana across the arm that was holding him, but that wasn't enough to do much of anything. Adam then turned his attention back at him, wanting only to keep playing.
"SORRY LITTLE BROTHER. BUT THAT DOESN'T HURT.... WHOEVER!" Adam said lifting (Y/n) up. "THIS WILL!" And then proceeded to furiously slam his body again the pavement of the floor, before then lifting him up in the air again.
While looking at (Y/n)'s body he couldn't help but notice that he was getting weaker. "HEY COME ON! DON'T GIVE UP ON ME JUST YET! I STILL HAVE MUCH TO PAY YOU FOR!"
Noticing that he wasn't responding Adam leaned his face close to his body. "HEY ARE YO-"
Just then Adam was quickly cut off, as (Y/n) slashed Adam's face in the hopes of using his flames. Whoever the oddest part was the fact that the flames didn't manifested because of his weaken state. On the other hand despite the fact that (Y/n)'s attack did connect, Adam was unfazed by it, but it did infuriated him. Not wanting to break his new toy he applied more pressure to (Y/n)'s waist.
"SO TELL ME LITTLE BROTHER! DOES THAT HURT!?" Adam said trying to get a reaction out of him, but all he did was glare back, with eye full of anger. Anger that was trying to be both suppressed and controlled. Adam wanting to see him lose control applied more pressure to his waist. "COME ON GET ANGRY! LOSE CONTROL! I WANT TO SEE THE PERSON THAT KILLED ME LAST TIME!" He said, while (Y/n) kept on glaring back at him. "THOSE EYES AGAIN."
"I don't... get you..." Adam lightly turns his head to the side. "Your just doing this to have your revenge against me, right?" Adam simply nods his head. Out of anger (Y/n) then raised his voice. "So then why!? Why bring innocent people in to this!"
(Y/n) coughed out blood before responding to him. "...Your fucking sick!"
"I'm nothing like you..." (Y/n) spoke with hate in his tone. "You disgust me."
Adam wanting to look at him then brought him close to his face, and spoke up, while gleefully smiling at him. "HEHEHE. I DON'T UNDERSTAND ALL YOUR WORRYING NONSENSE." Adam said before then licking the side of his fangs. "BUT IF I'VE DISGUSTED YOU, THEN THAT'S QUITE THE COMPLIMENT. SO THANKS FOR THAT LITTLE BROTHER."
Regardless of (Y/n) unable to break free from his capture, he still tried to break from even if his body slowly started to get weaker. Meanwhile as Adam held a firm grip on his, he could noticed that his aura had started changing to a more darker shade, which made him smile even more. The aura on the other hand wasn't noticed by (Y/n) despite that it was coming from his body.
"Us? What the hell are you even saying?"
"F-Fuck... you..." (Y/n) said trying to stay calm.
Adam then lifts him up I over him, before then speaking up.
"RAGE." Images of the time (Y/n) fought against Issei back in school, and beat him with his own rage. "HATRED." Another images of the time (Y/n) held Adam by the neck ran across his mind. "REVENGE." This time (Y/n) had found himself in a dark void. In that same void he then saw him, his grandfather with his back turned. (Y/n) didn't respond, but deep down he did want revenge against him, but he couldn't explain as to why. His grandfather then looks over his shoulder directly at him, with cold uncaring eyes before he is then consumed by the flames. "DESTRUCTION." The image of the time he saw the sea of flames outstretching to the horizon, and the many people walking towards it flash before his mind. (Y/n) is then slammed to the hard ground, which snapped back to reality.
"I-" Adam tilted his head, while (Y/n) then spoke. "I'm so sick and tired of your monologuing."
"I'm going to kill you-" (Y/n) said before then coughing out blood. "If you touch them."
Adam then still with a gleeful smile leans back his face, and opens his mouth. (Y/n) powerless to do anything closed his eyes... But nothing happened. It was then that he opened his eyes as he heard Adam screaming in pain. Adam then released his grip on (Y/n)'s body, while then trying to remove something from his body. It was then revealed that the small black-and-gold snake that had fallowed after him was digging its small fangs on Adam's face despite its small nature.
Adam said while trying to grab on to the snake in the hopes of getting rid of it, but every time the snake was pushed away from his face, it just kept coming back to dig it's fangs on Adam's face. (Y/n) couldn't understand why the snake had come back, but it was clear that it was distracting him. In the hopes of not wasting anymore time (Y/n) quickly ran to Adam in the hopes of shinning him off. Despite him not feeling any pain, his body still proceed that it was in pain.
As he started close the small snake was then swat away by one of Adam's arm. As luck would have it the snake had managed to land on one of the bushes before then slithering away from sight.
Just then when Adam placed his attention back at (Y/n), he noticed that he was already in front of him preparing a single focused attack.
Adam told himself as he tried to back away, but it was already to late as (Y/n) had released his attack cutting a straight line from the side of Adam's neck all the way the side of his jaw. For a moment nothing happens, that is until the same cut that (Y/n) had made was then engulfed in flame. Adam's screamed in pain as the flames didn't want to stop. Adam's body then leaned back and the flames stopped spreading. (Y/n) while still with his guard raised he kept trying to calm his breathing, but his body wasn't reacting to him. He felt like his body at any moment was going to give up.
"Did... Did I do it?"
For a moment Adam doesn't respond, and simply stood in silence. Just then right after (Y/n) had taken the first step his body dropped down on all fours, and gouged out blood. Then while still on all fours he placed a hand across had abdomen, and checked the rest of his body.
"Fuck... If it wasn't because of this power this would definitely be bad."
(Y/n) took a moment to then relaxed as he seat on his knee, and slowly closed his eyes.
Just then (Y/n) is woken up by Adam's voice. Looking at the body he then started to notice that Adam's body started twitching, before then leaning forward and looking back at him. While keeping his eyes focused on (Y/n), Adam passed one of its arms across the scar left by him.
Adam said also spilling black blood from the side of his lips. But what happened next was odd, as Adam tried to heal the wound inflicted by him, he noticed that it wasn't working. His injury wasn't healing at all, which shocked him.
"Hehe." In a weak tone (Y/n) scoffed to himself, while then getting up from the floor, and preparing himself to face him. "Looks like you can't heal everything."
"YO-YOU!" Adam clenched his arms in to first while getting agitated at (Y/n)'s almost smirking expression, that only he was imagining. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL! I'LL KILL YOU! YOU COCKY LITTLE BRAT!"
As the two continued the fight two unknown figures wearing what looked to be robes could seen overseeing the fight between the other two from the distance.
We then see that despite (Y/n) trying his best to avoid Adam's attack, Adam was starting to gain the upper hand. (Y/n) unable to move as fast as he could, kept trying to step back every time Adam attacked him. It was then that Adam used one of its large arms to try, and give him an upper cut. Despite the attack not having enough strength like before, it still had enough to get him sent airborne.
While (Y/n) was in the air Adam then stuck his larger arms inside the ground, and from the ground underneath him then spewed several large spiked tendrils homed in on (Y/n).
Noticing the spikes in time (Y/n) quickly used the first one to block it, and slash at the rest. As he dropped from the sky Adam took put the larger arms out of the ground and used it to shield himself.
(Y/n) then held on to his blade with both arms and engulfed it in flames, before then landing on top of the arms that Adam was using to shield himself. He then leaned the blade back and slashed in front of him. Just then before the attack could have had time to connect one of the tendrils that had spewed from Adam's body, flung itself to him, which be counted by slashing at it and causing an explosion right in front of the two, and engulfing them in a cloud of dust.
Adam's voice rung out from inside the cloud of smoke. Just then as (Y/n) was about to land, Adam fulled with range upreared to the side the smoke, and sank his fangs across the side of (Y/n)'s stomach. (Y/n) still left surprised bit the right side of his lip, before then coughing out even more blood from his mouth. Despite the fact that Adam had dug his fangs deep within his stomach, (Y/n) still tried his best to get himself free.
Without a moment to spare Adam quickly chock him around like a dog playing with its toy, before then releasing him, and sending him flying inside of one of the vacant buildings. Everything then fell silent as Adam licked his fangs that (Y/n)'s blood slid across. He then gave out a monstrous screech to the sky, before then turning to look in the direction of the building.
Meanwhile inside of the building, as the dust settled (Y/n) was seen holding his sword, with his back against a know cracked wall, and coughing even more blood. His body slide down across the wall before then dropping to the ground face down. The floor around him started to get drenched in blood, all the while from the outside the sound of that Monster getting close could be heard slowly making it's way to him.
(A/N: I take no credit for the video.)
"Get... up." (Y/n) told himself as he tried to get a responds from his body. But it was fruitless, his body was unresponsive. "Come on! I said move...!"
He slowly closed his eyes as the world around him grew dark and silent. "Is this death?" He though to himself. His body didn't want to move, or react to anything.
"Look at you. A weakling till the very end."
Just then he is then snapped back to reality as he noticed that standing in the door way was both a normal looking Adam that was leaning to the side of the entrance, while on the opposite side stood that Man leaning close to the entrance with his arms crossed, and a smirk on his face.
"Man he is kicking your ass." That Man spoke in a mocking tone.
"So you just going to lie there?" Adam spoke while looking at the monster her truly became. "If you don't stop it. If you don't stop me. Then I'll wind up killing more people that are innocent."
Despite the fact that his body was unresponsive, (Y/n) slowly tried to move which had managed to work, but all he could muster was to simply leaned his back on the cracked wall.
"Come on you can do it." Adam said while still looking at his former self.
While trying his best to get up his legs trembled for a moment before then calming down. His vision slowly faded in and out, before then coming back to normal.
Adam then sighs to himself before then turning to (Y/n). "Listen to me kid." (Y/n) then locked eyes with him. "No matter what. You have to kill him. That thing isn't me anymore."
"Then what the hell is it?" (Y/n) said looking back to the monstrous Adam, and then back to the normal Adam.
"It is but a simple empty vessel. With no will to fight back. No mind to think for itself. It is nothing."
"What the hell can I even do? That thing isn't even human anymore, let alone a faunus."
"...I can lend you a small portion of that power." That Man spoke still with a looming smirk on his face. "Whoever if I do. You might lose control again... And if that happens. Weeeell~ I don't think that I'll be able to save you this time. Is that what you want?"
(Y/n) didn't respond to him and simply stood in silence.
"Is there a way for him not to lose control?" It was then that Adam spoke up, and turning to look at him.
Meanwhile, That Man then nods back to him, with his eyes closed. "Yes. We have a soul that doesn't belong here. Sacrifice that soul, and for a brief moment one will be able to control it." He said opening one of his eyes, and looking directly at Adam.
"...I see. If it means resting then so be it." Adam said giving his consent. "Use me as the sacrifice."
"Why? Why go so far?" (Y/n) said confused as to why he was trying to help him.
Just then not even a moment in Adam's body then started to get engulfed in Black Flame. Despite him being consumed by said flame, to him they didn't hurt.
"It doesn't matter." His tone was sad, but great full at the same time. "I'm already a dead man anyway. So this outcome is the best." He then gazed back at (Y/n) for a moment before then responding back to him. "....I guess deep down I saw a small piece of myself in you. I wanted for faunus and people to understand each other, but as time went on I to became someone that I wasn't. I became twisted... I do have one favor to ask. Please free me from this new form that I have taken, and save the people of Kuo Kuana that is all I ask."
"...Fine." Reluctantly (Y/n) leans his head back to the wall, and spoke while using the wall as leverage to stand. "Whoever I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it because you will only bring more harm then good to the people here."
That Man scoffed at him. "Oh please kid. We both know why your really doing this. So stop acting tough." Adam nods back in agreement. That Man then point one finger at him, with a nasty smirk on his face. "Your doing this only to protect what little you have of friends, right?"
(Y/n) didn't answer his questions. Deep down he didn't want to admit it, but what he was saying was true. Despite the fact the physically he wasn't going to admit it.
"Fuck you. Just what the hell are you, really?"
"I'm but a shadow of the thine flame. Nothing but a holder of a past and present soul. A coward that chose to forget about the past."
The two locked eyes and stayed silent still confused at his words. That Man then let out a disappointing sigh, before then closing his eyes again.
"You will come to understand one day. But for the moment you will only be nothing more then a useless toll."
"But hey." Adam closed his eyes and nods back at That Man's words. "If they kill you don't worry. I'll save you a spot in hell..."
Adam then smiles to himself before his body was then later consumed by the same cursed flames, and vanishing in to nothingness, with his lards words echoing across the building.
"Catch you around, (Y/n) Sword Dancer."
Just as (Y/n) was about to talk to that Man, he noticed that he had vanished. After being left alone (Y/n) closed his eyes, and the world around him turned to void of darkness. In that same void Aisha had manifestation standing back-to-back with him.
"Aisha... please. Help me defend them.... Please."
While holding on to his katana, he then summoned Tsukomi. Looking at his two weapons he noticed that both we're still broken. He then takes a deep breath before then starting to walk to the entrance.
"Do you really want to continue this path?" Aisha said still back-to-back with him.
"Its not a matter of me wanting to continue this path... I have to continue it regardless. Deep down I know that your worried about me." He closed his eyes for a moment before then responding to her. "Aisha... Please... Trust in me..."
"....I see... Then go..."
Aisha then vanished behind him, fallowed by that Man. (Y/n) then stops in front of the entrance and closed his eyes, and concentrated. While concentrating the two broken weapons that he was holding are then engulfed by the same flame, but didn't vanish from his arms.
Meanwhile outside of the building Adam could tell that something was wrong. In the hopes of finish the battle ones and for all, he slowly started approached the building, but kept a slight distance just in case (Y/n) had something plan.
In the hopes of getting (Y/n)'s attention Adam spoke in a moving tone, but (Y/n) didn't respond back. Wanting to finish him, from his body Adam created two tendril like tentacles and send them at great speed inside the building. The tentacles are then stopped by something, which Adam though it was (Y/n)'s body.
(A/N: I take no credit for the video.)
Just then from inside the building Black Flames spewed out from it burring the tentacles and made a beeline for Adam's body. In the hopes of preserving himself Adam quickly severed both tentacles and backed away. He then saw as the Black Flames engulfed the building, while (Y/n) with weapons still in hand walked outside the building. Looking at (Y/n)'s broken weapons Adam couldn't help but laugh at him.
"H-HEY COME ON! HEHE, WHAT YOUR GOING TO FIGHT ME USING THOSE BROKEN WEAPONS! WHAT A FOOL!" As he laughed he saw as the building that was engulfed in Black Flames. "EH?"
As the flames raged on behind (Y/n), he raised both of his weapons in front of him. Despite it looking like it had a mind of its own the flames then made their way to (Y/n), fusing with his weapons. The weapons then slowly started to melt together before then turning to nothing more then melted metal. (Y/n) then gazed back at Adam before then slamming both weapons together. The two weapons flickered, before then merging together, and taking on a single new weapon.
Looking at the weapon Adam had noticed that it took on the form of another Katana. The weapon by its appearance had a mixture of both goldish, and black colors across it, with the saya ("scabbard") being of similar color, while also having a goldish cross-shaped tsuba ("guard"). Unsheathing the blade it had noticed that the blade had an obsidian color across it.
Just then Adam while staring back at (Y/n) something deep down started telling him to run, but not wanting to back down he couldn't bring himself to do so after coming this far. While still looking at him, his worriedness only started to get worse as he noticed that the injuries that (Y/n) had suffered had stopped bleeding.
"NO WAY! HOW!?" It was then that after locking at (Y/n)'s eyes, that he noticed that (Y/n)'s eyes had change to crimson. But also noticed something else from his eyes, he noticed that his eyes simply mocked him. "TH-THE HELL..." Adam then clenched his arms in to fist. "DOSE EYES AGAIN!" His body trembled not out of fear this time, but out of anger. Anger at the only person that had ever mocked him. He then spoke unable to control his own anger. "I'LL KILL YOU... I'LL KILL YOU! I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ANYMORE! I'LL MAKE SURE THAT I KILL YOU FOR GOOD THIS TIME!"
As the two started at each other the clouds in the sky started to darken, while their surroundings kept getting engulfed by normal flames.
We then cut back to Blake as she turn in the direct that (Y/n) was at. She couldn't understand as to why she could sense him, but deep down she new this feeling.
"This feeling." Blake said playing her arms close to her chest. As images of the time that (Y/n) had lost control ran across her mind. "It's just like back then. DON'T TELL ME!"
Despite (Y/n) being far away she noticed that dark clouds had started to form. Despite her not ever pleading for anything one thing didn't ran across her mind. "Please (Y/n)... please come back safe."
As everything falls in to silence we then cut to Luna walking inside the building that Mia had crashed to. Sporting her she walked over to her Master and licked her face in the hopes of getting her to move. For a moment Mia body doesn't react, it was only after the second lick that she started moving.
"Lu-Luna..." Mia said in a weaken tone.
She took a deep breath, before then held her stomach in pain as she saw that Orag had slowly started to make its way towards to building.
"I-I have to keep fighting."
Using the wall to get up, she takes a deep breath before calming down, Luna then takes two steps back before then looking up at her. She then nods back at Mia, which she then reluctantly and understandingly nods back.
"Are you sure about this Luna." Luna seat on her two back legs and gazed back at Mia. "...Okay. I understand."
Meanwhile we then see as Orag leans its face to look inside the building. For a moment her it doesn't see anything, that is until a small glimmer shined from within the darkness, which then got stabbed directly at Orag's eye. Do to having one of its eyes stabbed its body flinched back in pain as the object was revealed to be Mia's sword. It took several steeps away from the building before then pulling out the sword, and dropping it to the ground in anger. Which then got the attention of Blake.
"I who stand over the gates of paradise." Said Mia as she made her way outside of the building, with Luna at her side. "Release your restrains."
Blake eyes widen as she then noticed that Luna started to vanish in to petals of blue roses. Mia then spoke again. "Luna! Fox Fusion!"
Orag having had enough of this foolishness then tried to desperately strike at her with its bare hands, but he was then pushed back by a strong force.
Looking at Mia her body emanated a strange power across her body, which got Blake attention, she then saw as Mia's ones long black hair, with dark pink tips, had started turning completely pink. Most surprising of all was the fact that she also sported a pair of fox ears and three pink tails similar to Luna's tail and ears.
Orag noticing that something was wrong quickly tries to attack her, but Mia brought her left arm in front of her, which then created what looked to be a magical barrier between the two stopping Orag's attack. She then swiped her left arm to the side, which then punched Orag back.
Managing to remain standing Orag then saw that one of its arms had fallen off. Orag then slowly looks at Mia as it noticed that despite her using a katana, she was using something else. It was then reveled that the sword she had used had know changed to a pinkish looking Naginata.
"M-Mia?" Blake in weak tone spoke unable to comprehend what she was looking at. Stared at her new unexpected look that was both beautiful, but surprising to her.
"Don't worry." Mia while still looking at Orag. She then turns to look at Blake, with warm smile on her face. "Everything will be okay."
Mia then spins her Naginata over her head, and over to her right arm. "Okay this time I won't be holding back." She then points the tip of her weapon directly at Orag. "Let's go monster!"
Out of anger Orag's body then started to violently shake, before then emanating the same dark cloud of smoke from before. For a moment its body violently shock, before then stopping. Its body then started to expand and grow larger, before then ripping of the armor and revealing a more atrocious form then the previous one. While Orag's body had grown to a far larger size its arms had grown passed the armor it wore, and around his stomach stood a large gaping mouth. Half of its face while still shrouded by the helmet it wore, the other half showed a bunch of sharp fangs, with a single yellow eye. Its legs ones covered in armor had crown passed them, with the armor expanding with its body. Around where its spinal column should had been then split open and from it came what looked to be leftover Grimm parts that had taken on the form of four more extra arms, which sharp claws. Orag then roared at Mia before then charging at her. Whoever despite Orag's new form which disgusted Mia to no end. With a determined look Mia prepared herself to face it.
We then transition back to Croix as he could be seen standing up, with his back against the tree, his head leaning down, and Echo right in front of him with it's sword stabbed right threw the tree. Blood drip from the side of Croix face, as a close up of his lips revealed a slight series tone, that quickly changed to a smile. If the smile was directed at Echo, or himself no one could say. Letting out a sigh of relief it was revealed that Echo's blade had only graced his left shoulder a little. To Croix if the blade had been an inch closer to the right it would have been fatal.
"Hehe, So she finally used it." He told himself noticing the change in his sister's aura. "Man! Big buy if you had been an inch closer then i'm sure that would have been bad." Just then while still leaning against the tree, something at great speed then split Echo's blade it two, which cough Echo off guard. Croix then with a smile present on his face, locked eyes with Echo. "If my sister got series. Then sorry big buy, but I can't hold back anymore."
Just then Echo's body is then violently flung backward to a bunch of other tree's, that quickly land on top of it. The tree's are then flung away from Echo's body and land across the ground.
Meanwhile despite having several injuries across his body Croix couldn't help but smiled to himself. "Man you are one stubborn bastard." He said as his blood then stopped running down his face.
Echo then send several of his afterimages to attack him. But just as they were about to get close to him, two of the afterimages are quickly pushed back by something, while two more are then frozen in place.
"HAHAHA! Look sis, master was losing." A female voice spoke in a playful tone behind Croix.
"Come on sis don't say that." Another female voice this one sounding more relaxed and calm spoke up, while also being behind Croix.
Croix then let out a relaxing sigh, and leaned his head back against the tree he was at. "Sorry about this girls. But would you mind lending me your strength for a moment."
The playful girl smiled to herself before then manifesting herself in front of Croix. She had a young looking body, with pinkish hair & eyes. She sported black clothes with one oversize sleeve in her left arm, while also being sleeve in the other. She had a large chain tied to one of her legs, while also holding a red greatsword.
"Come on master do you even need to ask."
Just then another girl then manifested herself. Much like the red girl, she was almost similar to the other girl. Her clothes were also different then the red girl, with hers being blue, with one oversize sleeve on her right. She has blue hair and blue eyes, along with holding a rapier.
"Are you okay Master?" The blue girl said after noticing several of his injuries.
"I'll be fine don't worry about me. Something like this isn't going to kill me." Croix said with a bright smile on his face. "With that said. Sorry for calling you both here Velgalta (blue girl), Moralltach (red girl).
Velgalta warmly smiled back at him. "It's not trouble at all Master."
Moralltach nods her head. "That's right. No one knew that this thing would kick you ass."
"Hey for your information I was wining that!"
Moralltach rolled her eyes to the side, while covering her mouth. "Riiiight~ Sure you did."
As the two started arguing, Velgalta simply sighs in silence before then turning her attention towards Echo.
"Anyway." Croix then turn to look at Echo. "With that said. The longer we take fighting this thing. The more people will get hurt. So you two ready?"
Walking passed the two girls he smiled with and lifted up his arms slightly. The The girls looked at each other for a moment before then smiling at each other. They then handed over their respected weapons at him, and released their grip on them. Croix then spread both weapons to the side preparing himself to face Echo one more time.
"Releasing limiters on Curse Blue & Curse Red: 20%." As both girls nod behind him a strong surge of power emerged from his body. "You two ready?"
Echo gazed back at Croix for a moment before its body then started to twitch, its body then stopped and from it manifested several afterimages of itself. The afterimages then stared back at Croix, all pointing their weapons at him. They all then started to run at him, while Croix with a great smirk on his face prepared himself.
We then get back to (Y/n) as he could still be seen staring dagger at Adam, while Adam kept on trying to understand this new feeling he felt.
"WHAT'S WITH THIS FEELING?" Adam told himself, with trembling hands. "I'M STRONGER THEN HIM, RIGHT!? SO THEN WHY IS MY BODY TELLING ME SOMETHING ELSE!" He stared at his arms noticing that they were trembling. "AM I SCARED!?... NO... NOOO.... NO!!" He shock his head before then shouting back at (Y/n). "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU! A MERE CHILD CAN'T HOPE TO BEAT ME! I WON'T LOSE TO YOU!"
Meanwhile across the portal that Gina was using to see the fight, she couldn't help but smiled with great delight at what she was seeing. To her eyes the power that (Y/n) emanated was something couldn't help but bring her joy. Along with a deep desire to fight him at all cost. Next to her stood Emiko who also couldn't help but smiled with a sinister glee.
From the distance two people covered in black robes could be seen overlooking the fight between (Y/n) and Adam from on top of a tree.
"Well this should be interesting." One of them spoke which it sounded female. "Wouldn't you think so?"
The person next to her nods back at her question. "Let's see what happens next."
We then cut back to Adam, and (Y/n) as the two locked eyes. Out of anger Adam then spewed several tendrils from his body in the hopes of killing him. (Y/n) however sheathed his weapon and held a firm grip on his blade. As he closed his eyes, he started to remember what his grandfather had told him before.
"Your flames. Like I said, it devours everything and everyone including the user if not properly controlled. Whoever it also has other abilities that are unique to the Sword Dancer's."
"Abilities that only the Sword Dancer's use... What a load of bullshit."
(Y/n) told himself as he then opened his eyes. He then took a deep breath before then calming his breathing, and blocking all sound around him.
Adam unable to contain his excitement couldn't help but smiled, as the tendrils were about to pears him. It was then that inches away from (Y/n)'s body that the tendrils combusted in to black flames right before Adam's very eyes.
Out of desperation Adam then made another tendril in the hopes of this one killing him, but this time just as then tendril was about to connect with (Y/n)'s body. (Y/n) quickly opened his eyes and quickly unsheathed his blade cleanly cutting the tendril, and sending a shock wave across the ground which started heading directly to Adam. Having spotted the attack coming at him, he quickly jumped up in the air and avoided the attack.
After Adam landed, (Y/n) then gripped the handle of his blade before then concentrating the flames around him. While still gazing at (Y/n), Adam's body shock with an unknown fear, as he then saw that standing behind (Y/n) stood something.
His fear then turned to shock as the flames that raged behind (Y/n) had started taking on a new form. The silhouettes body warp and shock, before then taking on the form of a large black wolf, with similar crimson colors eyes. It's fangs and claws while also being consumed by the flames had a much more pure grey color around them. And across the wolfs back several swords that also emanated the same black flames could be seen stabbed across it. His fear only worsened as he saw the wolf stared him down, like a beast hunting its prey, which send chills down Adam's spine. But the most strangest thing of all was the fact that only Adam could see it. As the wolf stood behind (Y/n), it simply stood in silence as it stared down Adam.
He gazed at the wolf trying to understand just what the hell it was. Adam shock his head in the hopes of brushing the fear that ran across his body would vanish, but that only made it slightly worse, as the wolf never broke eye contact with him. Sheathing his blade (Y/n) held it with both arms and prepared himself, while the wolf prepared to pounce him.
"NO! NO-NO NO-NO NO-NO! I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE TO YOU AGAIN!" Adam said as he then started to change at (Y/n) in the hopes of finishing this battle. "I WON'T LOSE! I WON'T LOSE TO THE LIKES OF YOU!"
Just when Adam had gotten close to (Y/n), Adam quickly lifted his two larger arms up in the air, and then brought them down in the hopes of finishing. However seeing what he was about to do (Y/n) along with the wolf both jump back at the same time.
We then transition back to the city as Mia could be seen landing on top of a building, before then moving away from it as it was quickly destroyed by Orag's new found form that fallowed after her. Despite Orag's new form and almost overwhelming strength to Mia its power was nothing. Blake who was overlooking the fight could notice that Mia was calm, she saw that as she landed on the ground Orag quickly got up close and personal and started using all of its arms to try and land a punch.
However Mia gripped her Naginata and started countering Orag's attack, with some of her own. The floor around them shock with great violence to the point that most of the other Grimm's had started to run away from the city, but as they did the remaining people that fought them started finishing them off.
Sun and Blake both saw in disbelief as this single girl was handling Orag as if its power didn't matter. As the Orag and Mia kept slashing away blood dripped down to the ground. Orag's eyes then widen as it noticed that it wasn't her blood, but its own. Out of anger it let out a roar that didn't face Mia in the slightest.
After noticing an opening on Orag's defenses Mia quickly moved her attack upward breaking Orag's guard, and lifting its arms up in the air. Orag in the hopes of defending itself from Mia's attack tried to guard itself, but was quickly met Mia already up in the air in front of him, preparing to swing her Naginata down in the hopes of slicing him in two.
Orag not wanting to lose desperately turned to body to the right, but as it did Mia brought her attack down, which only cut its left arm. As Mia landed on the floor Orag found an opportunity attack her with what was left of its other arms quickly attacked, but as its attack connected, they were quickly stopped. Orag shocked noticed that Mia had used a magical barrier stopping its attack. She then got rid of the barrier, which then prompted Orag to slide forward, while Mia then slides underneath its legs. She then stopped and ran across Orag's back while slicing the remaining arms on its back.
Orag let out a painful shriek that was heard by most of the people seeing the fight. She then lands several feet away from it, before its body then lands on the floor face first. For a moment its body doesn't respond and simply stood still, while Mia waited for it to do something. Getting the feeling that it was over Mia still with a series look on her face turns around and starts walking away, but as soon as she did Orag's face lifted up, and from its mouth sprung a large spike.
As the attack drew closer Mia moved her body to the side swiftly avoiding Orag's attack. Turning around she then without touching the spike send a what looked to be a bluish lightning across the spike that fallowed all the way to Orag's face, before then connecting with its face and blowing up the bottom of its lower jaw. Orag left in disbelief simply gazed back at Mia with a look of fear. A fear that most Grimm didn't have.
Mia then held her weapon to the side, before then emanating a pinkish aura around it. The tip of her three for tails then started emanating a pinkish aura around them, that only made Orag cower in even more fear. A greater deeper fear.
After getting up from the floor it covered the bottom end of its jaw and took a single step back as something stood behind Mia. While none could see it, to Orag the "thing" that stood behind Mia was a large three tailed fox, far larger that its own body.
Orag almost out of the need to survive started to back away. However Sun and Blake locked at what it was going to do and they both nodded to each other.
In the hopes of living it desperation tried to escape, but as soon as its body turned around it was met with Sun attacking it with his weapons in its staff form, and alternating between the forms. Orag unable to defend itself took the full brunt of his attacks, which made its body stumbled back.
Sun cried out as Blake then uses his shoulder to jump directly at Orag's face. Out of desperation Orag then tries to grab brag on to her, but the moment it arm touched her body, Blake's body quickly vanished. Blake then runs across its arm, and as soon as she got close using the sword of Gamblol Shroud she swiftly slashed off its only remaining arms. Sun and Blake then jumped away from the Orag as its body dropped to its knee's facing Mia's direction.
"MIA! YOUR TURN!/IT'S ALL YOU! FINISH IT OFF!" Both Blake and Sun called out to Mia, while she then nods back at the two of them.
Mia then leans one leg forward and then dashes forward disappearing only when she was close to Orag. Mia's body moved across the battle ground at great speed to the point that not even Blake, or Sun could see her. Mia moved at such a speed that it left several afterimages of herself.
Mia then reappeared inches away from Orag and standing with her back turned away from it.
"Let the blooming sakura petals lay you to rest. Final Sakura Dance: Finality." She said looking over her shoulder, and posing with her Naginata.
For a moment Orag's body froze in place as the world around it stood in silence. It was then that the ground beneath it violently ripped apart, and its body was sliced to pieces. The ground underneath it then revealed a large Sakura Rose carved across the ground where it ones stood.
"For the crimes against the people of Kuo Kuana, you will surely be damned. Nevertheless I will say a prayer that you find peace in the next life."
Orag's body then drops to the ground, before then vanishing in to dust. After Orag's body had vanished both Blake and Sun walked up to Mia, who was still in her what looked to be fox form.
"Mia? Is that you?" Blake said as she gazed at her friends new form.
Mia turns to face her, she then smiled back at her. "Yeah." She nods back at her question. "Don't worry though. I can assure you I'm still me."
Blake shock her head and also smiled back at her. "Your wrong. I'm not worried. I'm just surprised is all-"
While looking at Blake, and still with a present smile Mia placed her index finger close to her lips, while winking at her. "Sorry. But if its alright with you. Could you keep this a secret from the rest of the girls?" She then turns to look at Sun. "Same to you."
"S-sure no problems here." Sun said waving his arms in front of him.
Blake for a moment doesn't respond, but then smiles back at her, and gives her a nod. "Sure. No problem... So what know?"
Mia then turns around to the direction that her bother and (Y/n) were taken. "I'm going after my brother and (Y/n)."
"I'm going with you." Blake said forcing herself to go with her.
Mia and Blake looks at the rest of the people that were being escorted away by Ghira, & Kali. While Blake's father kept on escorting the people, Kali turns to look at her daughter, and then nods at her understanding what her daughter wanted to do. Blake nods back at her.
"Don't worry about the people here." Sun spoke up, while placing his staff over his shoulder. "I'll look after them. You two go find them. Me and my team can handle the rest from here."
Both girls turn to look at him before then nodding in unison. "Okay. Thank you." Blake said with a smile.
"Come on we have to hurry!" Mia said.
Both girls then turned around and run after the two boys.
After being left alone Sun deeply sighs to himself with a big smile on his face. "Man (Y/n). You are one lucky guy."
Meanwhile then transition to Croix as he could be seen slicing several of Echo's afterimages that charged at him. While some of the afterimages desperately surrounded him all prepared to deliver the final killing blow.
"Velgalta (blue girl)!"
"Got it!"
Croix seeing that something like this would happen, he quickly stabbed the tip of the rapier on the ground beneath him. While it didn't stop the afterimages's attacks, it did froze the ground around him.
As soon as he spoke from the frozen ice several spikes spewed from it stabbing the afterimages. Managing to find an opening Echo quickly charged at him in the hopes of finishing the fight, but as soon as he got close its body almost out of pure instinct back away from him. Croix then jumped back avoiding one of Echo's afterimages that had gotten close, whoever that was when he hadn't noticed that another afterimage was already closing in for another attack.
Croix seeing that he had no were to escape he smirked before then releasing the rapier, and holding on to the greatsword. He then slashed at the afterimages that tried to attack him from the back, while then Velgalta (blue girl) then manifested herself before her rapier and quickly stabbed the afterimage that attack Croix from the front. Croix smiled with great enthusiasm after landing, while Velgalta floated next to him.
Echo trying to keep its distance simply kept on sending afterimages, after afterimages, not wanting to get close to him. The sound of a branch snapping is then heard behind him, Croix then looked over his shoulder only to spot several other normal Grimm's that had made their way behind him.
"Clever Grimm." He said turning his expression to a smirk. "However."
Just then while several of the normal Grimm's all charged at him, Echo created several other afterimages in the hopes of killing him. While this would have frighten anyone normal person, to Croix it only made him smiled, while behind him also stood Moralltach (red girl) with the same smile.
Moments after the Grimm's and afterimages attack had gotten close to Croix, the frozen ground he stood on quickly shattered and from it erupted seral red like looking vines that swiftly pierced across the Grimm and the afterimages.
While the Grimm's slowly vanished in to nothingness, the afterimages that still stood in form grabbed on to the thorns, but as soon as they touched them, the thorns countered by slashing away their heads. To some people despite the thorns looking like, well thorns they had enough force to pierce a Grimm's body like nothing.
The afterimages after fading they quickly turned in to clouds of smoke that dashed back to Echo's body.
Echo who had already started approaching him had slowly gained momentum in the hopes of attacking him while his guard was down. Just then in the blink of an eye it hadn't noticed as Croix was already in front of him. Almost out of instincts it desperately then lifted up its blade and brings it down to slash at him.
Whoever Croix with a smirk over his face moves his body to the right, which made the blade slam the group with such force that it got stuck on the dirt. Croix then points the tip of his rapier and pierces through Echo's blade, and with his greatsword breaks Echo's blade in two, which left Echo defenseless. Croix then jumps close to Echo's face, and with his knee kicks him right in the face sending him crashing to some more trees.
While on all fours and confused Echo shock its head before then staring back at Croix in disbelief. Despite the fact that it was expressionless, one could already read its mind. "How could one human have so much strength.
"Confused?" Croix questions Echo.
Echo while staring at him stands on its two legs, before then preparing to summon several more afterimages from its body.
"Yeeeeah, no."
Just then before then afterimages had split up from Echo's body, several thorns wrapped around Echo's body which then forced all the afterimages to vanish inside its body.
"Sorry big guy, but during our battle I kept noticing that your only able to use your ability while not being restraint since every time I killed one of them, they just kept going back to your body."
Echo out of anger let out a large scream that forced more Grimm's to stand in front of it. For a moment the Grimm's stared at Echo, before he then gave to command to charge at him.
While the rest of the Grimm started charging at Croix. The wold around him felt like it had slowed down.
"Vel, Mor..." His tone felt almost weak, but hopeful. "Sorry but I don't think I'll be able to fight for to long."
Both girls nod back at him, before then tossing their respective weapons at them. He then took a deep breath and calm his body.
"Increasing limiters for Curse Blue & Curse Red: 45%."
Just then as the ground shock out of instant the rest of the Grimm's that had charged at him all stopped in place. Velgalta & Moralltach each standing by Croix's side, both out stretch an arm. It was then that in front of Croix two different kinds of magic glyphs had appeared. One as red as blood, while the one in front of it blue as ice. Both glyphs then merge together creating what looked to be a purple glyph fallowed by a large purple sphere made out of pure magic. The world around all the Grimm's and Echo then darkened as they felt an overwhelming power coming from it. Croix then extends his right arm forward leaving his index and pinky fingers outward while leaving the rest folded. He then smiles one last time, while Echo desperately tries to break free, but its body was held down by the thorns that wouldn't release it.
It was then that Echo's body had broken free from the Thorns that held it in place, its body violently shock in the hopes of releasing several afterimages, but it was to late as more thorns had been summon and held it in place.
"Sorry big guy." Croix then smirked to himself, while both girls spoke at the same time. "Throughout heaven and earth, we alone are the honored ones. Curse Technique: Divinity."
Croix then switched his hand sign to a pinching motion using the pointer and thumb while then extending the middle finger, which released Divinity. As the blast moved forward a large crystal was made in front of him protecting him like a shield.
After unleashing the attack Echo, and the rest of its Grimm's all stood in silence as the world around them turns while, before then being consumed by it. The attack then continued dragging any and all unwanted Grimm far away from Croix until it collided with something solid. Do to the blast having an overly concentrated amounts of magic, for a split second it stops before then creating a large purple tornado that pulled in most of the Grimm that had escaped, while also freezing the rest, and then shredding the rest that got caught in the blast.
Meanwhile as Mia and Blake kept on running across the first, the ground around them shock, which made them stumble a bit before then stopping.
"What was that!?" In a worried tone Blake spoke up, while looking at Mia.
Mia however didn't respond and started picking up the paste, while Blake fallowed after her. While Blake looked at Mia she noticed that she was calm, but that was only to hide the fact that she was worried about both her older brother, and (Y/n).
We then cut back to Croix as we see the tornado slowing down, before then vanishing in to particles of red, and blue lights. The tree's around it either stood broken, mangled, or completely destroyed because of the blast. And the spot that Echo ones stood had left a large crater in its place. We then see as the crystal that protected Croix then vanished in front of him.
While Croix stood standing both Velgalta & Moralltach both stand at his side, before then smiling at his Croix and vanishing behind him. Croix stood in silence as he then spots Echo on the floor, looking close at its body half of its lower body had been torn to shreds leaving it with no legs, and one single arm. It's only working arm twitch before it then tried to use its afterimages, but as soon as they were summoned they quickly vanished.
"Man you are one persistent bastard."
Croix said approaching the wounded Echo, who simply tried to gaze back at Croix. Echo then slowly started to reach out to him, in the hopes of killing him, but its body was already to weaken from the attack. Croix with a series look on his face, then takes out his gun and points it at him.
"Sorry big guy. But when I get series no one can stop me. With that said." Croix said as he then pointed his gun directly at Echo. "Sorry, but right from the very start. You had no chance at winning against me."
This time however Echo mustering up little strength it hand had managed to lean close to Croix's gun, and placed its head close to the barrel. Croix slightly confused at first found it strange, but he then understandingly nods at it.
"I see. Don't worry big buy. As long as I live I will never forget someone as strong as you."
We then see that as the clouds darken, the sound of a gun shoot rings out. We then see as Echo's body slowly starts to vanish and leaving nothing but dust, before it is then carried away by the wind. After taking a deep breath Croix leans his back against a tree, and sits down on the floor, before then letting the tension on his body relax.
Two voices call out to him as he then noticed that it was both Mia and Blake. Happy to see them, he smiles and waves at the two of them. After getting close Mia started healing him. It was then that he took a good look at her that he noticed the new form she sported.
"So you used it again?" Croix said in a concerning tone.
Mia however nods back at him, while trying her best to heal him. "Yes. Luna said that it was okay. She was the one that told me to use it."
"I see." He looks at Blake before then looking at his surroundings. "Is (Y/n) still fighting?"
Both girls nod back at him. By looking at their faces he could already tell that they were worried about him. He could understand he felt the same way, and so not wanting to let his friend handle all this by himself and gets up from the floor.
"Brother wait! I'm still not-"
"No time for that." Croix said locking eyes with his sister. "Come on we have to find him."
"What about your wounds?" This time Blake said as she noticed the specks of blood across his clothes.
"Don't worry about it." He lift up his shirt revealing that the wounds inflicted by Echo had completely healed. "See."
Mia looks back at him for a moment before then responding worried tone, hinted by her fox ears going down. "Did you use...?"
Croix knowing that his sister was worried about him, petted her head with a smile on his face. "Don't worry to much about it. After all I chose to go all out. So come on smile."
"..." Reluctantly Mia wait a moment before then smiling back at her older brother, and nodding. "Okay."
"Great! Then lets move!" Croix said in an energetic tone.
As they ran they noticed that for in to the distance several black flames could be seen. While high in the sky the clouds could be seen darkening, and looking like it was about to rain.
Despite all of them heading to the same place. By looking at them one could tell that they were worried about their friend. And so as they kept on running they spoke to themselves, all three of them thinking the same thing.
For a moment silence falls, and the sound of lightning is heard. We then see that as the clouds started to darken, lightning rings out from it. We then see that as Adam kept attacking (Y/n),both him and the wolf simply kept on blocking or dogging Adam's attack.
The ground cracked as several spikes then spewed from it. Lucky for (Y/n) he had predicted this, and he quickly jumped back from the attack. All the while Adam could only focus on the wolf that stood behind (Y/n). He couldn't explain it, but deep down he was afraid it. With a fear that couldn't be explain to him.
Just then as several Grimm's that had made their way to the battle ground, they quickly charged past Adam in the hopes of landing a hand. However (Y/n) after landing on his feet, he moved his body to the left avoiding a Grimm's claw that had gotten close to him, before then swiftly slashing at the Grimm that then stood still.
Two of the Grimm's that saw their kin standing still locked at each other before then looking back at the Grimm. For a moment the Grimm didn't move, but that was quickly replaced by a cry let out by the Grimm as its body was then engulfed by black flames, while its body was then slashed to pieces.
Shocked Adam flinched before then coming to a full stop, as the rest of the Grimm ran to (Y/n). Adam then saw as (Y/n) charged at the Grimm slashing away at them at great speed, while hitting some of them with the guard of the blade. As (Y/n) slashed away at the Grimm, the wolf that was only visible to Adam let out a howl. (Y/n) to entranced by the fight in front of him couldn't help but maniacally smile at himself, which to him went unnoticed. Meanwhile Gina who was still watching the fight couldn't help but share his same smile, while covering her left eye. Next to her stood Emiko also watching with great delight at the fight, desiring that it was her fighting him.
"WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT SMILE!" Adam told himself as he saw (Y/n) slash away at his Grimm as if they were nothing. He then saw as the wolf then opens up its mouth and bites down on one of the Grimm's before then clawing away at the rest. "WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY!" Adam quickly shock his head as his body trembled. "WHAT AM I SAYING! I WANTED THIS! I WANTED TO FIGHT HIM! I WANTED TO KILL HIM!... SO THEN WHY IS MY BODY TREMBLING!?"
Meanwhile the two people that kept overseeing the fight had noticed the smile on (Y/n)'s face. The female then spoke. "He's smiling?"
"Yes." The male voice spoke, as he also stared at (Y/n)'s smiling face. "Most of the Sword Dancer bloodline have something like that."
"What do you mean?"
"This kid is much like Gina. Both waiting for the day of their final clash. Much like us, they crave battle, they crave the fight that they have long since waited for."
"Is that so... Well I'll be looking forward to seeing it myself." The woman then crossed her arms as she kept overseeing the fight. "Show me what you're made of. Child of the Sword Dancer's."
"Prove your worth to Her." Both of them then fell silent as they kept overlooking the fight.
Meanwhile we then see as (Y/n) then slash at the last Grimm by slicing the lower walf of its abdomen, while (Y/n) then used its body to get a boost up in the air a the Grimm's body vanished in to nothingness. The wolf on the other hand then charged at Adam.
Adam unable to keep an eye on the two of them, panicked and slammed his arms to the ground, which then created several spikes from the ground that went in all directions.
As the spikes spewed from the ground, The wolf swiftly moved its body across the spikes, while fallowing behind (Y/n), who was avoiding the spikes like nothing. It was only after getting close to Adam, that the last spoke broke threw the ground stabbed (Y/n) across his shoulder, which then pushed him back. It was only then that his body came to a stop, with the spike still planted on his shoulder. Like always (Y/n) unable to feel pain slashed the spike, with one single strike of his new katana. After landing inches away from Adam still with the spike pierced across his shoulder, he couldn't help but cackled, while the wolf simply stood behind him.
Adam's body trembled as he then saw (Y/n) slowly removing the spoke from his shoulder. However unlike the rest of his old wounds that had stopped bleeding, this one didn't, and so blood dripped down across his arm. For a moment there is no reaction from (Y/n), as he inspected the wound.
"So." What happened next shock Adam to the core, as (Y/n) then smiled back at him. "Is that all?"
Adam couldn't understand, why was he able to control the flames? To him unlike the first time they fought, (Y/n) had completely lost control of his power. So why was this time different? To Adam it almost felt like he couldn't understand if the person standing before him was the same person.
"DAMN YOU...!" Just then Adam's body emanated the same dark cloud of smoke from its body like his former comrades. "HEHEHE, THIS TIME I'LL FINISH THIS!"
Adam said speaking to himself as several Grimm's then manifest from his body, which they then started to charge at (Y/n). Despite the horde of Grimm's not stopping seemingly manifesting from Adam's body. (Y/n) simply looks at the blood that ran down the side of his arm, while the wolf stood in silence.
"Tanjiro, Victor." (Y/n) told himself while still gazing back at his bleeding wound. Remembering something that they told him.
"Tell us (Y/n). Do you have someone worth protecting?" Victor spoke in a friendly tone.
"If so then what about the girls? Or your friends?" Tanjiro then spoke up.
(Y/n) then snaps back to reality as he noticed the horde of Grimm that charged at him.
"Something worth protecting.... Despite having everyone close to me, I still lack what others have... Unlike Nero I lack the drive or power to protect the people closest to me... Despite it all... Deep down I want to fight. I still want to help the people closest to me. I don't give a damn about the people that reject me... I guess I'm nothing more then a fool myself. Aren't I?" He said biting the side of his lips in anger. "Regardless I...."
He grips the handle of his blade in front of him, and from it manifested far more intense black flames. He then took a deep breath letting his body relax, while the wolf stood behind him.
Despite his want to keep fighting Adam's body froze as the wolf stood behind (Y/n) staring back at him with his crimson colored eyes, that looked similar to (Y/n)'s eyes.
As the sky darkened, (Y/n)'s body started emanating large amount of heat, to the point that it could be seen as steam from his body, but despite it all he still couldn't feel it. To him at this moment nothing mattered, not even his own life.
"I... I have..."
Images if the girls, Croix, Mia and Luna all smiling back at him run across his memories. Despite having people close to him, he didn't want to admit it, but it did make him happy inside. Despite his want for them, his semblance only made him feel empty. He then sees Weiss smiling back at him, with a warm smile before then being engulfed by his own flames.
As he snapped back to the fight in front of him, his new blade is then engulfed in black flames, that slowly intensifier with his negative emotions that he bottled up. Gripping on to the grip of the blade with his right arm, he brought it close to his left shoulder.
Just then as the horde of Grimm all saw then flames they quickly came to a stop, while one of them mindlessly charged at him. Whoever the moment the Grimm made it close to him, its body was engulfed in black flames which shock the rest of the Grimm.
"That's right..." His flames then intensified as he spoke to himself. While the rest of the Grimm, and Adam all stood in shock as they saw what happened next. "I have no one to protect!"
Meanwhile as Mia, Blake and Croix started getting close to (Y/n)'s location. Croix feeling that something was wrong he quickly stop, which then prompted the girls to also stop.
"Mia cast a barrier!" He said in a worried tone.
Mia not questioning his brother's words created a barrier around them.
Meanwhile as the horde of Grimm kept watching over the black flames, (Y/n)'s left arm is then engulfed in the same flames.
"Hinokami Kagura." Despite disdain in using abilities that he had learned from others, he spoke words that belongs to Tanjiro's breathing style. Whoever this one felt different then the rest. "Self-taught Form: Engulfing Amaterasu!"
After speaking the words his body is then engulfed by his own flames before then horizontally slashing in front of himself. Adam and the rest of his Grimm all froze in place as the world around them is engulfed by it darkness.
For a moment nothing speaks its only then that all Grimm that had fallowed after Adam had started to get engulfed by a (Y/n)'s flames that engulfed all of them. Meanwhile Adam body then leans back, with a shocked expression on his face noticing that the lower part of his body had vanished. Or it was more like it had incinerated in to nothingness leaving him only with one right arm, and a single wing. His body, or lack thereof then collapsed to the ground.
Adam then slowly looks passed himself and noticed that several of the buildings, ground and tree's that were behind him, were also incinerated leaving nothing more then a plain burned field. He then turns to the sky left indefeasible as his body is then slowly being engulfed by (Y/n)'s flames.
Meanwhile (Y/n) could be seen standing on his own two legs, with his blade outstretched to the right, his hair covering his eyes, and his chest leaning down. His body emanated an extremely hot steam that despite it not bothering him, it could be seen even through normal human/faunus eyes.
"H....How?" Adam spoke in a weaken tone unable to even make a single move. "Where... did I go w-wrong?"
(Y/n) didn't speak up and simply stood in silence. Not even the wind could be heard as the world fell in to silence. The clouds darkness before then a single water droplet falls from the sky, fallowed by another one, which then turned to rain.
As the rain fell from the sky the moment a single drop hit (Y/n)'s body it quickly vaporized, and as more drops fell over his body it slowly started to cool his body.
However the same couldn't be said for Adam because as soon as the drops hit the flames they simply vaporized while not stopping from burning.
It was then that (Y/n) lowered his right arm, and the coughed, which released a small flame from his mouth that vanished in to nothing. Despite his body not feeling pain, it was noticeable that it wasn't the case. Mustering up what little strength he had he then starts walking over to Adam, only stopping when he was close to him.
"Where... did I go wrong...?" Said Adam in a weaken tone. "Please.... tell me... I gave up everything in order to kill you... So why?... Why couldn't I win?"
(Y/n) thought of an answer to give him, before he then came up with one. "You gave up everything. Your humanity. Your being. Your soul. You gave up everything in the hopes of killing not only me, but the rest of the people that you ones swore to protect."
".... We all must give up everything for power... Isn't that what makes us strong?... You and I are one in the same, right?"
"Your wrong. You ones wanted for faunus and people to understand each other. And they can. But the way you wanted to handle it was all wrong." Despite (Y/n) saying these words. To him they felt empty, but still he tried to make Adam realize his old self. "Isn't that right?"
"....That... That's right..." Adam told himself in a defeated tone. He didn't want to admit it, but much like (Y/n), he to felt like him empty. "Hehehehe, I see..." He gleefully smiles before then responding again. "Well you know what to do."
As Adam kept gazing at the sky, (Y/n) pointed the tip of his blade directly at the spot that Adam's heart should be. He then waits for a moment before then plunging the sword deep within his chest, and stabbing his heart.
As the world around Adam turned pitch black he noticed that in the distance flames could be seen, and standing before him stood himself. Himself hinted to walk to the flames, which without a fight Adam nods back at him, and to two start walking to it.
We then see (Y/n)'s sword stabbed through Adam's chest, before then being consumed by the black flames.
After Adam's body had vanished (Y/n) takes a deep sigh, and falls to his knees. The grip on his sword loosens and it drops to the floor. Taking a closer look he noticed that his left arm was engulfed by his own flames, but they didn't go passed his elbow, and so he didn't care. Dropping down on his knees, he let out a sigh of relief, while his ones crimson eyes then turn back to normal.
"I'm so tired..."
He said slowly closing his eyes before then dropping to the side. The sound of his heart slowly beating could be felt, as he turns his body to look up at the raining sky. It was then that he took noticed that standing at his side was the wolf, this time visible to him. He wanted to say something as he thought that the wolf was just going to kill him, but it did nothing. It simply stared back at him, before its body then vanished in to nothingness, which he then gives let out a sigh of relief. Unable to muster up anymore strength he then closed his eyes, as the world around him then fades in to nothingness.
{(Y/N)'s POV}
All I see is darkness. I vast void of darkness as far as the eyes could see. Not only that but if any Grimm wanted to kill me, then they would have their chance to do so. Truth be told helping the people of the city made me feel content, but also tired. More then usual, but why?
"(Y/n) please-!"
A voices ran across the vast darkness that surrounded me.
"(Y/n) come on open your-!"
Another voice ran out, they almost felt familiar.
"(Y/n)! Come on you selfish bastard-!"
And another voice this time sounded more male. Why was my name being called. It was then that I recognized the voices. It was then that I realized that I had my eyes closed. And when I open them I was met with Blake's face looking down at me with tears running down her eyes.
"(Y/n)!" She said in a happy tone, but why was she happy.
"(Y/n) you finally open your eyes!" Another voice rang out. It was then that I noticed that it was Croix much like Blake he to had tears in his eyes. But why? Talk about a grown as man crying.
It was then that I realized something as I stared him down. "Did you call me a selfish bastard?"
"What! ME! NOOOOOOOOO!" He rolled his eyes, which let me know that it was him. Truth be told deep down I didn't care anymore.
"Please try not to move. I'm still trying to heal you." Turning to look at my side I was met with a woman with pink hair, fox ears and three tails. Despite her appearance just by looking at her I could already tell who this person was.
She looks back at me, for a moment the two of us shared a silence before she then nods back at me. "Y-Yes."
"...I see." I said closing my eyes and letting her heal me.
"You aren't going to question me?"
I could have, but I had no real reason to question her. "Why would I? I have no reason for doubting you. Besides you might have your own reason as to why you didn't tell me. So I'm not going to pry."
"(Y/n)." She said smiling back at me.
As I was about to close my eyes it was then that I noticed that it had stopped raining.
{3rd POV}
As (Y/n) laid on the floor being healed by Mia, Blake noticed that the flames on his left arm still kept on burning. Mia noticing then tried to heal it, but just as soon as she used her magic, it was quickly nullified by his flames. Which left everyone except for (Y/n) speechless. Mia then tried again only for it to be nullified again by the flames that kept raging on. It almost looked like the flames themselves rejected her magic.
"No way!" Mia spoke in a worried tone as her magic kept getting rejected. "Why isn't it working?"
Mia in a worried tone looks back at her magic almost like as if at any moment she would cry. (Y/n) glazed at the flames and then stared back at his arm, before then focusing on the flames. They then saw as the flames then vanished leaving several burn mark on his arms, he then brings his arm close to Mia in the hope of her healing it, but much like the first time her magic was rejected. (Y/n) then drops down his arm, and lets out a sigh of relief as he was just glad he couldn't feel pain in the slightest.
"I'm sorry." Mia said while then lowering her gaze to the floor in front of her.
"Don't worry about it." (Y/n) said as he gazed up at the night sky. "No mater what form you take. You will always be Mia."
"(Y/n)." Said Mia with a visible blush across her cheeks.
"Anyway, what about the people?" Said Croix while helping (Y/n) to sit down.
Before anyone could say anything the sound of people cheering could be heard as several other Grimm that survived could be seen evacuating from the city. Blake and Mia then share a nod, before then looking back at the two boys.
"They're all fine thanks to Sun's team, and my parents." Said Blake pulling a pair of bandages, and wrapping them around (Y/n)'s right arm that couldn't be healed. "And not only that, but some of the other faunus and humans also helped each other."
"...That's good." Said (Y/n) sounding reassured that the people were safe.
(Y/n) then turns to look at Mia's new form. "So is this new form of yours permanent?"
"N-no I should go back to normal after a while." Just then as the two shared a smile, Mia's hair had turned back to normal, while her fox ears and tails all the disappeared. Luna then appeared next to her, which Mia then held her in her arms. Confused Luna then playfully licks Mia's chin, which prompted Mia to smile, and lightly embraced in a warm hug. "Welcome back, Luna."
The group charged a moment of silence as Mia kept holding on to Luna.
"Anyway with that said." Croix then spoke up. "We should consider throwing a party. After dealing with the Grimm and protecting the people."
(Y/n) couldn't help watch as Blake, Mia, Luna and Croix all started talking about what to do after everything goes back to normal. It was then that as Croix and Mia started arguing in a playful manner, that Blake stares at (Y/n) before then embracing him in a warm hug.
"I-I was so worried. I thought that something must have happened after I felt the same pressure from before."
"Blake." He noticed that as she embrace him, he could see tears running down her face. "I'm sorry for worrying you."
Blake then released her grip on him and dried her tears as she turns to look at Croix, and Mia who were smiling at talking as Luna then walked over to (Y/n) instead on Mia, and placed her head over his leg. Looking at Luna he couldn't help but pet her head with a light smile.
Just then someone spoke with got their attention which was then revealed to be Sun, smiling and waving back at them, while the rest of his other two teammates could be seen helping other people. As Sun started to talk with the group not to far from them Blake's parents could be seen watching over the group.
As Kali stood next to her husband, she couldn't help but warmly smile. Ghira on the other hand was a bit agitated that, Blake had fallen in love with a human. However he relented after seeing Blake's loving smile. He then lightly smiles to himself, which didn't go unnoticed by Kali.
"What's with that smile, Ghira? Are you happy that our daughter has found herself a cute hubby? Imagine when they have children of their own." Said Kali as she wrapped her arm around her husband.
"WHAT! NO! I HAVE TO STOP THIS!" Ghira told himself, but he then started imagining of their children. In his mind he saw as a small girl that looked like Blake, with (Y/n)'s (e/c) running up to him, which he then lifts her up in his arms arms.
"Grandpa up! Up!" The small girl smiled as she gestured at him to lift him up to the sky.
Ghira crosses his arms, with a faint smile on his face, and tears running down. "Yes, Yes up." He said before then being snapped back to reality. He then turns to his wife as he noticed that he was smirking at him, which made him blush and look away in embarrassment. He then coughed before then turning around an walking away. "Anyway I have to make sure that the people are safe."
Kali lets out a silent sigh, before then looking back at her daughter. She then smiles one last time and walks after her husband.
{(Y/N)'S POV}
As everyone kept talking about something I looked around in the hopes of spotting the snake that had helped me. But I couldn't find a single trace of it. Strangest of all was the fact that I felt like we were being watched by something.
"You okay." Just then Sun spoke which got my attention.
"Yeah, just thinking of something."
"Come on." He said before then placing a hand on my shoulder. "You need to start relaxing some more. We won, what more could we ask for?"
He was right. We had won this fight, so why was I still feeling like something was looking at us. No it felt like it was looking at me.
"Yeah your right. I'll try to do that."
I told him pretending to relax, but in truth I kept it a secret that I had my guard up in case something happened.
{3rd POV}
We then cut back to the two mysterious people that oversaw the fight still looking back at (Y/n), while still on top of the tree.
"It looks like that was a complete failure." The female spoke thinking back at Adam.
"Seem so." The male spoke in a calm manner before then dropping down from the tree. "Anyway we should leave. We have nothing more to see here."
"And what about him." The female said dropping down and pointing at (Y/n).
"Our goal was to simply collect information on him nothing more. Come on lets go. She must be waiting for us."
The woman let out a sigh as a portal then open up in front of them. Walking through it the portal then closed leaving nothing.
We then cut to Gina's throne room as a deep silence befell the room as Gina could be seen leaning back in her throne, while covering her eyes, with her right arm. He body twitched before then smiling back at herself.
"Hehehe, HAHAHAHA!" After calming down she finally looks at the portal while still smiling. "Good my friend. You didn't disappoint." She then stood up to gaze at him. "That's right! Keep getting stronger! I yearn for the day that our battle will burn even the brightest of stars! So come on keep getting stronger! Until then I will await you my most cherished friend."
As the portal then closed Gina turns around and walks away still with an ever present smile. Meanwhile Emiko who also saw the fight couldn't help with great delight.
"Onii-chan." She then while blushing covered her blushing red cheeks, with her arms. "That was incredible!"
She starts thinking to herself as an illusion of Nero and Ruby then manifested in self in front of her. She crosses her arms with a series look on her face, and tilts her head to the side.
"What to do with you?" For a moment she stood in silence thinking of her next plan. It's only after locking closely at Ruby that she smiled with great excitement. "Oooooh, I just thought of a great idea!" She then turns to look back at (Y/n). "Don't worry Onii-chan. I can't wait to play again with you."
As the throne room fades to black, her smile is seen among the darkness before then fading.
{3 Day Time Skip: Kuo Kuan, (7:47 AM)}
Three days have passed since the incident at Kuo Kuan, while the city sustain severe damages not many people got hut. However the same couldn't be said for the buildings, and peoples homes. Despite it all Sun, and (Y/n), along with the rest of their teams all pitched in to help what little they could. While Blake, Mia and Kali tended to the people and children that got hurt. Sun and his team were posted around the city guarding the people with some construction, while Croix had been given chance to help giving the food to some of the starving people. However he also had another mission besides simply giving food to the starving people, he also had to keep an eye on (Y/n). During the fight against Adam, despite his victory against him, (Y/n)'s left arm the one that was engulfed by his own flames had become paralyzed, however that didn't stop him from trying to do what little he could around the city.
After hearing this (Y/n) explained his dilemma towards Victor about fighting Adam, and ultimately killing him. However he kept the fact that he couldn't move his left arm to himself. Luckily thanks to the help of the remaining people that had made Kuo Kuan their home, they quickly pitched in, in the hopes of taking some of the burden from the people that protected their land. With there help the city despite it slowly still needing construction all pitched in for the reconstruction of their home, which didn't take to long.
Despite Kuo Kuan having mostly faunus, some normal people still aided them with what little they could give. The only thing that made (Y/n) a bit uneasy was the fact that he had yet to see the snake again.
And so the day finally came when they had to leave Kuo Kuan. While waiting for the boat to dock, (Y/n) still with his left arm unable to be used looks back at Blake who was looking back at her home, whith his new weapon strapped around his waist.
"You sure you don't want to stay?" Said (Y/n) while looking back at the city. "No one would fault you for that."
Blake hesitate for a moment before then shocking her head. "I already talked it over with my parents and told them that I would leave. This is something that I have to do."
The two locked eyes, before he then spoke. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Blake nods back at him. "I made a promise to the girls, that I would come back with you."
"Blake you do-"
Just then a hand was placed around (Y/n)'s cheek, which caught him off guard. He noticed as Blake smiled back at him.
"Come on. I also made a promise to myself that I would never leave the people closest to me. With the most important people being Weiss, Yang and most importantly you. We made a promised that we wouldn't leave you. So no more of this, okay?"
Unable to fight back (Y/n) lets out a sigh. "Fine. You win."
Blake lowers her arms, and placed them behind her back, and leans close to his face. "Okay then."
"Heeeeey!" Just then they heard a voice call out to the two of them, which came from Mia who was waving at the two of them, with her left arm, while holding on to Luna with her right. "Come on were about to board."
As the two of them walked over to the two of them Croix could be seen crouching down on the floor. He had tears in his eyes, not wanting to enter the boat again. "Please anything but this..."
Everyone look at him with a look of disappointment. This was the guy who faced several Grimm's in order to protect the city scared of a simple boat.
"I'll never understand why your not scared of water, but you hate boats." (Y/n) said placing his good hand on his waist.
"WATER AND BOATS ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT!" Croix said turning in to a chibi versions of himself, and shouting back. "BOATS ARE ONLY DEATHTRAPS FOR THE SEA! WITH THE OCEAN I CAN AT LEAST WALK AWAY FROM IT!"
While they all locked at him, they all rolled there eyes.
"You leaving already?" Just then a familiar male voice spoke as it was revealed to be Sun walking over to them. (Y/n) and Blake turn to look at him and nod. "I see." He said locking eyes with (Y/n) and reaching out his arm. "Thanks for all the help."
Hesitant at first (Y/n) reached out his hand and chock it, which made Sun smile back. "Yeah. Anyway did you think over what I told you?"
Sun nods back at him. "Yeah, don't worry you can count on me." He then turns to look at Blake and smiles. "I'll see to it that the city is back to normal by the time I leave. So don't worry."
"I'll hold you to it." Blake smiles back at him.
As Sun then starts taking his leave, Blake confused by his privies words turns her attention to (Y/n), which he then looks back at her.
"What did he mean about counting on him?"
Whilst looking at him, he lightly smiles back at her. "Don't worry about it."
Despite her wanting to know more didn't want to pry. So she quickly drooped it. Just then as soon as Blake had turned around Kali and Ghira had quickly ran to her and a speed that was unbecoming of normal people.
"My baby girl is leave!" Kali said crying which got the attention of almost everyone.
"Do you really have to go?" Ghira said in a worried tone.
Blake nods back at the two of them before then embracing them in a hug. "I have to. Please don't try to stop me."
Ghira and Kali both looked at each other before then embracing their daughter in their arms. Blake then backed away next to (Y/n), Kali then looks back at him and smiles.
"Please look after her. She can be a handful sometimes, but she means well. Oh by the way should she ever fall asleep in your lap scratch her ears she loves that." Kali said embracing her daughter in front of her boyfriend.
"MOM!" Blake then looks away with a blush on her face.
(Y/n) then looks at Ghira who was smiling back at his daughter, before then looking back at him.
"Are you sure you don't want this back?" (Y/n) said hinting at his new weapon.
"Yeah." Ghira nods back at him. "I wouldn't trust it with anyone else. After all that weapon used to belong to a Sword Dancer... I think."
"You gave your all to protect the this city. Besides its not the same weapon anymore. So its yours. All that I ask is that you take care of Blake."
"I think you have it all wrong. I'm the one who has needed her help."
"Not true." This time Blake pitched in with a smile on her face. "You helped me out first remember?"
"If you say so."
"Anyway you two should start boarding." Said Kali as she smiled at the two of them.
Blake and (Y/n) nodded their heads before then turning around. As they were about to leave several people could be heard, screaming about something, which garnered (Y/n) and Blake's attention. Surprised (Y/n) looks to the floor as it then stopped in front of him.
Looking at it he noticed that it was the same small snake from before. The snake slithered close to him, which he then got on one knee, and while the snake gazed up at him, he gazed back at it.
"Come to see me off. By the way I haven't thanked you for the save." The snake tilt its head to the side while slithering close to him. "What is it?"
Just then as the two of them locked eyes, Mia walked over to them. "What's going on? The boat is about to leave."
"Be right there." Said (Y/n) as everyone including Blake's family looks at the small snake. "Anyway I have to go. Take care."
Turning around to leave he noticed as everyone stared back at him, which then made him look down again. Only to noticed that the snake had started fallowing him, which made him get on one knee again.
Just then Luna brook free from Mia's arm and walks over to the snake. Luna sits next to the snake before then looking up at (Y/n), she then turns to look at Mia and lets out a short, shrill shrieks. Mia understanding her friend nods back at her, before then looking back at (Y/n).
"I think that it wants to go with you?" (Y/n) looks up at Mia, before then looking back at the snake. "Besides I don't think that's an ordinary snake."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll explain later. So what do you say?"
As the snake and (Y/n) looked eyes, he reaches out his right arm to it, which it then coils around it. "Is that so? Do you really want to go with me?" The snake playfully moves its body from side-to-side, before then lightly gripping on to (Y/n)'s arm. "I'll take that as a yes."
Blake then walks close to him, while the snake simply kept gazing at (Y/n). "I think that its going to need a name."
"I see. Then how about." (Y/n) then brings the snake close to him, and it lightly coils around his neck. "Yoru. What do you think?" The snake, know renamed Yoru playfully gets close to his face, and rubs (Y/n) face. He then lightly smiles back at Yoru. "Yoru it is then."
"ALL ABOARD!" The captain called out as the ship called out to all passengers to hurry.
"Anyway you all should get going." Ghira said as he looks at the rest of the party.
They all nod to each other as they then started boarding the ship. Minutes later as the ship starts sailing away Blake's parents could be seen waving at the group, while she waved back at her family with tears in her eyes. Croix not feeling so well kept to the side of the ship vomiting, while Mia could be seen staring at (Y/n) from the distance, with Luna in her arms. Minutes after the ship had set sail Blake could be seen trying to find something to alleviate Croix's symptoms, while (Y/n) could be seen staring up at the sky letting the wind blow across his face, while Yoru laid coiled around his neck. As he held his bandaged up left arm, he found it strange that both that Man, and Aisha had gone silent, but he quickly shock his head and tried to pay it no mind.
And so as the sound of waves crashing against the ship is heard, seagulls flew across the sky, while everything then fades to black...
{A/N: Hello to everyone that read this chapter. Anyway I have something to say. For the most part this was the longest chapter that I've ever made. Hell not even my others stories compare to this chapter. Hence why i'll be taking a short break from "Flames of Chaos" until I come up with an idea for the next chapter, while also working on the grammar of the old chapters. Also I'll be working on some of the other stories that I haven't been able to update like "Crimson Eclipse", "The Cats Cry", Ect. On a side note I also have a new project that I'm working on, which has to do with Genshin Impact but it also isn't. So yeah this will be fun. Anyway that should be it for today hope you all enjoyed the chapter.}
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