Chap. XI: ... Helping The Pain.
-3rd POV: Vale Hospital, 11:42 a.m., 4 Day Time Skip.
After tacking Y/n and everyone to the hospital. Nero and the girls we're brought to separate room's. Nero was mostly visited by Leon, Sophi, and Ruby. But as they wanted to visit Y/n. They were forbidden from coming close to Y/n's room, as he was still sleeping. It wasn't because they couldn't see him. It was because the Dr. told them that he needed some rest because he had a fever. Victor along with Weiss, Koneko, Momo, Blake and Yang we're starting to get worried as he had yet to wake up, but all they could do was wait.
Ozpina along with the teaches also went to go check up on him. But they were told to wait till Y/n had woken up. Ozpina wasn't the only ones that visited Y/n in the hospital. Several student also visited him, like team Hanzo, Izuku and his friend, even Rias and her friends, and several others. But like Ozpina they had to wait. But after his fever went away the girls would constantly be at his side, taking turns in looking out for him. Awaiting when he would finally wake up, from his slumber.
The City of Vale thanks to the help of huntsman and heroes alike help to clean the mess left by the White Fang. And with time things came back to normal.
-Y/N's Hospital Room: 11:50 a.m.
After sometime Y/n slowly started to open his eyes and he gave himself sometime to get adjusted to the room. "Where am I?" He told himself as he then noticed that he was in a room. He then was going to move, but as he did he noticed that Koneko was sleeping close to the edge of the bed. "..." She looked comfortable as she had a smile over her sleeping face. "Y/n~" She said as she slept. Just then as he was looking at the room, the door opened up, and several people walked in.
He then looked at the people as he noticed that it was Weiss, Momo, Blake, and Yang. As the girls talked they stopped as they looked with a shocked expression at Y/n. He looked at them and then responded. "H-Hey..." He said as the girls feeling overjoyed smiled with tears in their eyes. "Y/n!" The girls said, and because of the commotion woke up Koneko.
"What's with the laud racket?" koneko said as she scratched her eyes and looked at the girls. She then noticed that they were looking at something, and as she turned her head to look, she notice that Y/n was awake. "M-Morning..."
Their was a moment of silence, until tears started to run down her eyes. "Y-Y/N!" She said in a happy tone, as she was quick to wrap her arms around him. "Y/n! Your finally awake! Your awake!" He gently smile at her as he petted her head. The rest of the girls were also quick to wrap their arms around him, with tears running down their eyes.
"H-Hey come on--I can't breath." He said as all of them smiled.
-Small Time Skip
After the girls finished feeding him, they told him what happen and the things that happen on the city.
After sometime had passed the girls started to talk and smile again. But they then looked at Y/n and saw a sad expression. Momo was quick to respond to him. "What's wrong?" She said as everyone then turned their attention at him.
"... I'm sorry..." He said as everyone looked at him. "If I hadn't had lost control then..."
Blake spoke up. "Y/n it's okay stop blaming your self for what happen?"
Yang nodded her head. "Their right... It was bound to happen even if you didn't do it. None of us blame you for what happen."
Weiss smiled. "She's right and no mater what will never blame you."
"... What if I lose control again? What if something happens and I can't control my self?" He said as he gripped his bed.
"Still we won't blame you, EVER! And if you ever lose control again. Will be right there to bring you back." Momo said as she smiled at him.
Weiss then blushed as she looked at his face. "And besides you're the one that we love."
Y/n looked at them. "W-What!?"
Yang blushed as she scratched the back of her head. "Hehehe... If your wandering how long I was in love with you well... After you saved me and Ruby, back then."
The girls smiled as they looked at him, with blushes across their faces. Just as he was about to say something, Aisha materialized next to him yawning. "Good morning!" She said with a smile across her face. But as she did their was a silence as both of them looked at the Girls. Aisha then started floating around them, as they all looked at her. She then stopped in front of Weiss and she looked at her. "W-Wait can you all see me!?" The girls nodded. "WHAT! I thought that Y/n was the only one that could see me!?" She said as she felt awkward. "Such a shame. I guess I wont be the only one that can see Y/n naked." The girls heard what she said an they turned more red as they looked at her. "Oh well no point in fighting about that."
After some more time passed Aisha was relaxing close to Y/n. "I'm wandering that the reason you can all see me is because of Y/n's semblance adapting to change."
Koneko spoke up. "Change how?"
Aisha crossed her arms and shook her head. "Can't say really." As she crossed her legs.
Y/n sigh and looked at Aisha. "Never mind that for know. But what about you. Are you okay?" Aisha nod's with a smile at him. "But you said that you were tired?"
"Hehehe, Yeah I just needed some sleep. Hehehe." She said as she scratched the back of her head. "But never mind that." She said as she disappeared, with a smile.
When she disappeared Y/n gave a sigh of relief as he look back at the girls. "I'm going for a walk." The girls smiled as they nodded at him with smiles. He then got up and walked to the door. But as the door open he stopped as he ran in to both Leon and Aisha, he noticed that they had some gift in their arms. But their was a moment of silences as both of them looked at him. But he looked away and got passed them. As he walked away they didn't even try to talk or stop him for that mater.
After leaving them he headed to the rooftop as he stared at the sky. He then took a seat on one of the benches, their was a small breeze as he started to relax. He then closed his eyes. "Old man." He said as out of the blue Victor appeared next to him.
"Hello Y/n good to see you're doing good." Victor said with a smile. "Mind if I sit next to you?"
"Go ahead." Victor smiled as he took a sit next to him.
"... Your wandering to your self what was that power. I can tell you that it's the same power as your grandfather." Y/n looked at him. "But unlike him, he lost control and because of me I couldn't save him in time."
Y/n looked at the sky and then responded back at him. "... When do we leave?" Victor looked at him confused. "I take it that you came here to say something about training me?" Y/n sigh as he then frowns. "How long have you known that I couldn't control my power?"
Victor touched his mustache. "Since the day I first met you at the office."
"Can you really help me control it?" He said as he looked to the ground.
Victor nod's his head and smiled. "Of course... But what's with the sudden change?"
"I... just don't want them to get hurt because of me. And not only that but." A small memory slashes as he remembered how he killed Adam. He then looked at his arms as they started to shake. But Victor placed a hand on his shoulder understanding.
Victor then gets up from the bench and smiled with enthusiasm. "Will be leaving tomorrow. But i'm going to talk with Ozpina and All Might first. So if you'll excuse me." He said as he walked away.
As he started to walk back to the room. He stopped as he ran to the one person he had no reason for meeting. "Nero..." He said as Nero looked at him with a worried expression.
Nero looked away from him for a moment, an then looked back at him again. "H-hey Y/n... Glad to see you are doing okay." He said as he tried to smile.
Y/n gave sigh as he walked passed him, but as he did he stop and responded without turning to face him. "....Thank you for helping them... And thanks for helping me." Nero got surprised as he looked at him walk away. But after Y/n left, Nero smiled.
-Time Skip 8:48 p.m.
After he returned back to his room he was able to leave. But as he left he didn't see Leon or Sophi again. He then spent the rest of the day with the girls as they went to eat, and hangout. He even returned back to his dorm and manged to relaxed during the last day, as he was preparing his bag. That is until the silence was broken as someone knocked on the door. "How could that be at this hour?" He then closed the bag and walked to the door, and as he opened it he was met with a hug from Yang in her pajamas. "Y-Yang!!" He said in a confused tone.
She didn't respond as she pushed him inside the dorm and kicked the door close. She held on to his chest as he noticed that her arms were trembling. "... I've heard that you are leaving with Victor tomorrow. But I've also got my share of things I don't want to leave unsaid. After saving you... After I almost lost you in the city... I realized... I don't want to let you go. I want to be right at your side with you, always. Along with the rest of the girls." He saw as she was starting to cry. "Y/n I love you!" She then looked at him, as she smiled and in that moment both of them looked at each other and they kissed. After they parted from the kiss they spent the rest of the night together. That is until the rest of the girls showed up and they spent the last night together.
-Next Morning: Outside of Vale
After Victor explained everything to Ozpina and All Might that he was going to take Y/n away. They understood and let them go. So Victor was just only waiting for Y/n, who was running late. He then sigh as he noticed that Y/n was getting close with a duffel bag. He then smiled at him. "Oh good you made it. I was starting to get worried. hohoho."
Y/n sigh as he looked at him. "Shut up Old Man. But I just realized weren't we supposed to go on a mission soon?"
"Oh That, I told Ozpina to postpone it for the moment. It's not a really important mission. But we should be done before the mission starts." He then smiled.
"How long are we going to be gone?"
"Hmmm... I believe that will be gone for 5 Months. That should be enough to train you. After all your a quick learner." He then looked around. "But where are they?" He said as he maid Y/n look at him with a '?' mark over his head. "Oh! There they are!" He said with a happy tone.
Just then Y/n heard several footstep approaching and as he turned to the sound. He got surprised as he noticed that it was none other then. Weiss, Blake, Momo, Koneko and Yang. With Yang being in her bike. "Sorry were late." Weiss said as she looked at Yang. "See I told you that we had to wake up earlier!" She said as she looked at Yang, and scolded her for sleeping late.
"Well sooorrrryyyy Princess!" Yang said as she looked at Weiss. "I'm not the one who was putting on too much makeup!" She said scolding her back.
"Hey it not easy looking this good okay!" As the two continued fighting Blake stopped the two of them, before things escalate to the point of a fight.
But Y/n turned his attention at Victor. "The hell is going on here!?"
"Oh. Did I forget to mention? They'll be coming with us. After all your going to need all the help we can get." He said as he never stop smiling. He then turned around and started walking. "Are all of you ready to go on an Adventure!!"
Koneko then spoke as she looked at Y/n. "Sorry Y/n but Victor said that he was going to train us, along with you." The girls then smiled at him.
He gave a small sigh as he turned to walk with Victor. "I'm not mad but I guess it doesn't hurt to have company. Come on lets go." He said as the girls started to walk after him.
Weiss then spoke to Victor. "So where will be our first stop?"
Victor smiled as he walked. "Simple will go to an old friend that also wants to trai-" He cleared his throat. "I mean talk to Y/n. So it will be at." As he was going to finish what he was going to say, it quickly cuts to.
-Salem's Destroyed Castle
As Gina is with the mysteries man. She was just starting to relax but in that moment two more people appeared. They had black clothes, with hood on. "Oh! Big Sis Gina it's so good to see you!" An energetic female voice responded to her.
"So what does the young Mistress need from us?" A male voice said as he looked at the next person standing close to Gina. "Long time no see."
"Same old Friend."
"Great it's the Olllllldddd Maaaaannnnnn!" The female voice responded in a playful tone.
Gina sigh as she looked at them. "It's time that we cut the tides of this world. My friend has already awaken to his power. So it's time to execute the plan."
"So do you plan to eradicate this world or the people?" The man spoke.
The female clapped and jumped like a kid. "Dose that mean I get to play with Big Brother!"
Gina walked to the edge of the castle, and she looked at the desolate Wasteland. Looking disappointed at all the Grimm. "All these beast didn't even put up a fight. But know that my friend has awaken to his power. It is time to execute plan: Fall Of The Old World. For all of you that wish to hunt your own kind. Then it is time that we start the hunt. Come! The heavens shall bear witness to our dance. But I will warn you all. If any of you get in my way I wont hesitate to cut you down like simple Dog's." Just then as everyone looked at her they felt an overwhelming fear. But in that moment a small Grimm appeared. Gina then looked at the Grimm. "I want you to send a message to Ozpina?" She then throw a pendent that belonged to Salem, along with a paper wrapped around it. "Take that to Ozpina and tell her that if she wishes to join Salem. Then she will. Do I make my self clear?" She said in a threatening tone. But the Grimm nodded it head. She shook her head at it. "Speak?"
The Grimm looked at her remaining silence for a moment until. "... ... Yes..."
She then smirked as the Grimm left. "Good." She then turned to look at the moon. "Come my friend let us bathe in the blood of our enemies." She said as everyone got close to her.
-Far But Close To The City Of Atlas
After arriving at a cottage far from the City. Y/n and the girls simply looked with disbelief at a house not to far from Atlas. Victor then walked to the door. "Hello is someone home?" He called out.
"I'll be right out give me a moment!" A male voice responded back.
After sometime a man walked out warring a montsuki, the man then crossed his arms as he smiled and greeted Victor. "Long time no see my old friend."
The man smiled back. "The feeling is mutual my friend. And is that the boy you told me about?"
Victor nodded as they both looked at Y/n. "Yes I need your help in training him. What do you say will you help me old friend?"
The man smiled back at him. "Of course do you even need to ask. But first let me introduce my self to you all." He then cleared his throat, and smiled at Y/n and the Girls.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"My name is Tanjiro Kamado. I am the cultivator of both Water Breathing and Hinokami Kagura Breathing. It's a pleasure to be training you, Y/n Sword Dancer." And as soon as he finished what he was saying everything faded to blank.
Flames Of Chaos, Arc 1 End
Here's the end of the first Arc and as soon as I can I'll be posting the second Arc. So for now I'll have to think of what to do with the next chapter. So I'll need some time. So hope that you are ready for Flames Of Chaos Arc 2. Hope you all are looking forward to it.
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