Chap. X: Uncontrolled Emotions

-3rd POV: ???? Location

The scene opens up as Y/n is seen floating from within the darkness. He tried to move but his body didn't respond. "What happen? I can't remember... Why wont my eyes open? Why wont my body move?" He told himself as he tried to open his eyes again. But was met with nothing.

But then a close up of Y/n's eyes revealed as he was finally able to open them. But as he did he got surprise as he was in a very familiar location, then just the empty darkness. "This place again?" He said in a confused tone. He also noticed that he was resting on the ground, so he got up and looked at his surrounding.

Y/n then turned his back to the alter, as he only saw a field of grass from the distance. "So you finally woke up, Boy." Suddenly a male voice spoke in a calm and relaxed manner behind him.

Y/n quickly turned around and he noticed that on top of the alter was a Man with black clothes. The man started to walk down the stairs. As he then stopped, crossed his arms and smirk. Y/n notice that the man had glowing red eyes, and his hair was a stark shade of white, wrapped in a ponytail with a hood.

Y/n stared at the man with a look of discomfort. As he could sense an evil aura coming from him. The aura to Y/n felt familiar to him. Almost like if it was his own. "Who are you?" Y/n said as he looked at him and got on guard.

But the man simply stared back at him, with a smirk over his face. "Who am I? That is a good question." He said as he took a step forward and stopped.

Y/n as soon as the man stopped, he summon Tsukomi. "Aisha!" Y/n said but nothing happen.

The man grin as he looked at him. "She can't hear us. After all this is our problem." The man said. But Y/n looked at him confused. "But first." He then snapped his fingers and just like that Tsukomi shattered like glass in Y/n's arm. Y/n with a shocked and surprised look turned his attention at the broken weapon. "After all, their blood is on your hands. So let me take over for you and I will kill them." The Man said.

Y/n slowly looked at his arms and as he did, he noticed that they were covered in blood. He then looked back at The Man, but as he did, his expression changed to shock as he noticed that the girl's where in front of him.

As the girls smiled at him, they started to slowly fallback. He desperately reached out for them. But as soon as their bodies hit the ground, the girls disappear and their blood is splattered across the field. Y/n then fell on all fours as he with a shocked expression stares to the ground. "Hmhmhmhm... As expected more victims..." The man said as he looked at the blood splattered across the ground. "This is because you are weak...! All because you are weak...!" He turned to look down at Y/n.

"I... I just wanted... Urrraaaggghhh!!!" Just then as Y/n screamed to the sky. A dark and red aura started coming out of him, and swirled around him.

The man smirked. "You all... Are so dead."

-3rd POV: Burning Vale

Meanwhile back in reality Weiss, Koneko, Momo, and Blake look in shock. As they all noticed that after some time Adam had stop screaming. But Y/n kept wailing with tears running down his eyes and a smile across his face. As he continued mercilessly bashing away at Adam's body. "HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Y/n! Please stop!" This continued as the Girls called out to him. But it all fell on deaf ears as he didn't stop. "Please stop!" They called again, but was met with the same outcome. Just as they kept looking at him, a dark and red flame started coming out of his body. "HAHAHAHA!" As Y/n kept on laughing, the clouds became darker.

Y/n then stopped as he looked at Adam's body. He smiled as he look down at Adam broken body. "Hehehe... Hey get up! I know that you are only playing dead. So get up!" He said in a threatening tone. But Adam didn't move. "Fine." He then lifted Tsukomi with his right arm upward.

But as he was about to bring it down on Adam. Adam quickly grabbed his sword that he held in his arm, and stabbed him across his chest. Adam then smirk as he felt like he stabbed him. But his smirk went away as he noticed that Y/n had grabbed the blade with his left arm.

Just then in the blink of an eye. Y/n slashed Adam across his face cutting not only the mask, but his eyes. And as Adam fell to the ground Y/n looked at him with a smile. Admiring what he just did as Adam started to scream in pain. "AAAAHHHH!!" As he started to roll across the ground, Y/n grabbed him with his left arm, by his throat and lifted him up.

"You faunus scum, I grow tired of our game so." Just then Y/n started tightening his grip. The girls called out to him trying to stop him, but it was to late. A crunch was heard, and Adam goes limp. Y/n then drops him on the floor. As he turned his attention to the sky and starts laughing. "Hahaha!!" But in that moment his eyes widen, and he dropped to his knees. As he held his chest with his left arm. "Urrraaaggghhh!!" He then screams to the sky. As a dark and red aura spews out of his body, and swirled around him.

The girls looked at him trying to make sense of what was going on. Weiss spoke up. "Wh-What's happening? What's happening to Y/n!?" She said as she got up from the ground and held her right arm. She then looked at the rest of the girls, with a worried expression.

All of them covered their eyes as they tried to figure out what was wrong with Y/n. Blake then responded as she covered her face. From the gust of wind. "Something... Something is wrong with Y/n!"

Koneko was the nest to respond. "A stupendously powerful aura is surrounding him...!" She said as she was push back a bit.

Momo was the last to say something. "Something is wrong here. Everyone stay on guard!?" She said as she cued tell that something was wrong.

Suddenly the aura surrounding Y/n dispersed and he slowly got up, with his eyes closed.

Footsteps are heard as several White Fang members are seen surrounding Y/n. With their weapons pointed at him. But Y/n chuckled as he slowly open his eyes. "You all... Are so dead." Just then as all of them we're about to open fire at Y/n.

Y/n with one swing from his sword slash across all of them in the blink of an eye. They all then fell to the ground, as the girls looked at him with disbelief. Koneko then spoke as she cued fell his aura. "...Y/n?"

Y/n slowly turned to look at them with a cold look in his face. Weiss then responded as she looked at him. "Y/n...? What's wrong, Y/n?" She said in a worried tone.

Just as everyone looked at him, he responded back at them. "Get lost." He then in the blink of an eye attacked Weiss with a slash wave send to her across the ground. As she saw him attack her, she covered her face, and braced for the attack. But the attack was deflected back to one of the abandon buildings. Weiss then open her eyes as she noticed that she was saved by both Ruby and Nero who had just arrived.

Nero looked at his brother with a worried look on his face, and just by looking at him he could tell that something was wright with him. Ruby looked at Weiss with a worried look in her face. "Are you okay?" She said, but Weiss nodded her head. Ruby then turned to look at Y/n, just as Yang arrived at the location and got close to them. With her weapons drawn at Y/n.

Yang along with Nero could tell that something was up with Y/n. But Koneko then spoke as she looked at Nero, Ruby, and Yang. "Something isn't right, with Y/n! He feels like... a completely different person!"

Nero then stepped forward, as he held his sword. "Brother! What the hell's gotten into you!?" He said as he gripped his sword.

"..." Y/n remained silent as he looked at Nero, with a cold look on his face.

Yang then stepped forward. "You... aren't Y/n..." She said as everyone looked at him, with a surprised look in their faces. She then spoke again. "Who are you!?"

Y/n then spoke as he looked at all of them. "I am... The one who will destroy... everything... Kill them all..."

Nero spoke up. "Brother." He said as he looked at his brother with a sad look on his face.

"What are you all going to do?" Just then a voice responded behind them. They all got surprise as they all turned around and noticed that it came from Victor approaching them. Victor then stopped and looked at Y/n. "Y/n... Don't worry I'll save you." He then gripped his cane, and as he was going to walk in front of everyone. He was quickly stopped by Yang.

"P-Please let me handle it." She said as she never took her eyes off, Y/n.

Victor then sigh as he looked at her. "Tell me, do you know what that aura surrounding him is?" Yang along with everyone looked at him, and remain silent. "That isn't an aura. It's actually miasma. If you aren't careful you could very much die. That miasma is coming from his semblance or in better terms. It's coming out of his negative emotions losing control."

Nero spoke up. "Is their a way to save him?"

Victor looked at him, and then looked at the rest of the girls. "What make you all think that you have the power to save him as you are know?"

Nero looked to the ground. "His my brother... and it's my responsibility, as his older brother to bring some common sense to him. Even if it kills me."

Koneko responded. "His the one that was trying to help us. Even if it cost him pain. So will save him."

Weiss responded after her. "Even if he is lost... will be the ones to bring him back, no mater what."

Momo responded after her. "He is suffering because of us. So it's our responsibility to save him."

Blake then responded. "He is simply lost because he tried to save us. But it's our turn to help him."

Victor looked at all of them as he sigh, with a smile on his face. "Okay but I will say this. As we all talk he is fighting and trying to control himself. So go save him. I'll handle the remaining Grimm." Victor then with a look of understanding turned around and walked passed him.

When they finished talking Victor walked back as everyone turned their attention at Y/n. Who was looking at them with an uncaring looking in his face. Nero looked at him with a sad look on his face. "Brother... even if you disowned me. Even if you never want to see me again. No mater what! I still want to save you. So I will!" Nero then lifted his sword upward and spin it in a circular pattern, making a portal, as he then put the armor. "Don't worry brother will save you."

Yang looked at him and responded. "That semblance of him is swallowing him whole..."

Y/n lifted his sword and in that moment Tsukomi turned to a more demonic sword. "I'll destroy... everything... kill them all... to take back... everything I've lost..." He said as his aura became worse.

Weiss, Koneko, Momo, and Blake then responded at the same time. "Stop this right now, Y/N!" They all said as they raised their voices at him.

Koneko got on a fighting stance. "Stop going on your own! Stop handling everything on your own! And let us help you! After all you are the man that we love!"

Y/n looked at all of them as he held his chest in pain. "You... stand in my way?"

"You're damn right." Yang then spoke up. "I dunno how deep in that darkness you are, but we're gonna wade right in and pull you out of it. No mater what!" She said as she got on guard.

Ruby then spoke. "Yang's right! I may not know you fully, but as my old friend will make you snap out of it! Even if we have to force you!"

Weiss then spoke. "You're suffering all alone. Carrying a burdens that no one should ever shoulder alone. But you have us. So let us help you." She said as she smiled at him.

Momo touched her chest as she smiled at him. "Y/n you one's saved me, when I needed help. Till this day I still need help. So this time I along with my friends will save you! So hang on!" 

Blake smiled as she looked at him with a gentle smile. "I didn't know what to do or how to move on. But you along with everyone excepted me as a normal girl, and not some freak. So you just wait a bit longer will be the ones to save you from your sadness." 

Nero pointed his sword at him. "As a Makai Knight I promised to defend and protect the innocent. But as you're older brother that doesn't mater because I will do everything in my power to save you!"

Weiss, Momo, Koneko, Blake, and Yang responded. "So whatever darkness you are trap in. Will save you and bring you back!"  

"Shut up humans... I'll kill... all of you..." Y/n said as he gripped his weapon with broth his arms.

From the rooftop Gina looked with anticipation at what she was about to see. "Come my friend don't lose yourself." She said as the man behind her looked at Y/n.

(I take no credit for the video/ost. I just thought it fit with the story.)

As the miasma surrounding Y/n got worse, the girls got ready to fight him. Nero and Yang we're the first to charge at him, as they synchronized their attacks they attack him. But as they did, Y/n easily avoided their attacks. Yang then went for an uppercut but Y/n pulled back. But he didn't notice as Nero got close and punched him in the stomach sending him back. Y/n then stabbed the sword to the ground, and charged at Yang and Nero and he started attacking back with great ferocity. As Yang got back Nero stood still and took the blows. Y/n smiled as he continued attacking him. But Nero in that moment blocked the attack and countered by attacking him, with two swings of his sword. But he then got back as he noticed that his attack did nothing to him. Yang and Nero then looked at each other as they nodded ready to charge at him, but they didn't noticed that Y/n had already send slash across the ground pushing them both back.

Koneko then ran after Y/n as he started to summon black flames out of the palm of him free arm. And as he send them to her it cost an explosion as one of the flames hit the ground. As she manged to maneuvered her self throw the flames, she got close to him and she landed several punches at him face and arms. She then jumped over him and landed behind him, but as she turned around she didn't notice as she was quickly grabbed by her face and lifted up.

He then started to charge a flame blast at her face, but he was met with a punch to the face by Yang, and as he released her face, the blast was send to the sky. He then got surprised as both of the girls got back at the same time as he didn't notice. As Momo created a cannon and as soon fired at him, the blast only grassed his hair. But he then turned his attention at her and as he did he lifted his sword upward and charged it with miasma, and send it in a straight line at her. But as the attack was getting close Koneko got close grabbed her and pulled her away, as the attack destroyed a building.

As the area around them got covered by smoke from within the smoke. Ruby using her semblance charged at him, as she tried several swipes across his legs. But after the fourth attack he jumped and landed on top of her weapon, planting it in the ground. And as he was on top of the weapon, he charged his sword with miasma and as soon as he was going to attack. Ruby was wrapped by the waist by Blake's weapon and pushed back.

Blake then got close to him and she started attacking him, as she shoot at him. He blocked her attacks and he countered by attacking her. She was then sliced in half by the waist, but it was quickly revealed to be a clone. She then changed her weapons to both her katana and sheath and she started to quickly attack him. But Y/n was easily avoiding her attack as he clashed, jumped and blocked her attacks. But she was then quickly met with a kick to her stomach and send to the ground. He was then going to attack her but his legs were frozen in place. He noticed as not to far from the distance Weiss had made a strait line of iced at his direction. He then broke throw the ice and ran toward her. But as he was about to attack her he stopped for a moment and jumped back. Which Weiss and Blake noticed as he landed back. Holding his chest in pain.

When the pain subsided he looked at them with anger and he lifted his weapon up and charged it again with miasma, and send a direct line towards them. The slash was then blocked by Nero as he protected them from the attack. As Y/n prepared another attack he dropped to his knees in pain and placed his left arm on his chest. "Y/N!" As everyone screamed out his name they surrounded him. He looked at all of them with anger in his eyes and he then absorbed enough miasma in his sword and stabbed the ground. Sending a pulse across the floor and attacking all of them at the same time. Just as all of them fell to the ground, Y/n slowly got up and looked at all of them and he noticed that all except for one was still standing up. As it was revealed to be Nero.

(stop video here.)

The girls tried to get up but the attack left them weak. Leaving Y/n and Nero alone. The two clash with each other until Y/n was accidentally stabbed with the Makai Blade. But as Nero was going to pull out the sword, he was grabbed by his wrist and headbutted with enough strength that it broke the mask of the golden armor. Y/n then pulled out the sword and threw it back at Nero. Just then Y/n started to smiled as his emotions started to get the better of him. "Hahaha!!" Y/n charged at him and he continued his assault. All the while Nero could only block his attacks as he was getting tired of fighting him. "Hehehehe! You can't hope of killing me... So I will kill you first... Hehehe!" Y/n then smirk as he charged at Nero and continued his ruthless attacks. All the while Nero simply kept guarding his attack. As everyone looked in horror.

"Stop it Y/n! Where your friends remember!" Yang called out.

Just as he took a breather one strong attack from Y/n made the armor shatter to pieces. And as Y/n continued his attack the girls called out to him and begged for him to stop. As he continued to attack Nero mercilessly and without stopping. Meanwhile as Nero was getting hit across the ground and floor, he thought to himself. "He... Oh I get what your doing this is payback ain't it. Funny people thought that you were a wuss... But no matter how hard they beat you, you just kept getting right back up didn't ya... I know your mad, sad even. You can't forgive anyone for what happen to us as a family... I get it... Hey Brother, ones you get over that stuff come back to us okay."

Meanwhile back in Y/n conciseness, Y/n is seen on the ground breathing heavily. As he looked to the emptiness of nothing, as the man simply looked down on him. He then put his left foot on top of Y/n head. Y/n with a look of anger stared back at the man. But The Man then responded, with a smirk over his face. "Have you finally finished clearing your emotions out? It's almost time. You've reached your limit, haven't you? You can't hold me back." Y/n simply looked away from him. "How long are you going to lie to yourself? Get revenge against your Family? Save those girls who are suffering at your hands? You sure talk a lot. Hmhmhmhm... You're just pretending to be like someone else."

"F-Fuck you..." Y/n said in a weak tone.

"Come on boy stop lying to your self. The real you. Your true nature is to slaughter and destroy everyone and everything just like a Tyrant of the past. Just like when you were a child. Just like your grandfather.

"I... I refuse... you sick bastard... I'm different then back then... I'm different then him...!" Y/n said.

"Don't give me that crap... You are just lying to your self. No matter how much you deny it, you can't change the fact, that you are just trying to be like them. So come on now, unleash me. Just be honest with yourself. Don't suppress your impulse to slaughter and destroy everything." The man then grabbed Y/n by his hair and lifted him up.

"I-I will never... ever...!" Y/n said as he held the Mans arm.

"Hmhmhm! Go ahead and cling on to that weak heart of yours forever... You're already done." The man said as the darkness, was starting to consume Y/n. The Man turned around and walked away. "Good by Y/n..."

As Y/n was falling in to the emptiness of the void all he thought about was the girls that smiled with him. And as he laid in the darkness arms reached out to him and started to pull him even under. "Every one..."

Meanwhile just as the man was about to leave. He heard the sound of chains and in that moment several chains surrounded him, just as other chains reached inside the darkness and pulled out Y/n. The man turned around and got annoyed. "You never give up do you? Aisha." He said as Aisha appeared holding Y/n in her arms. Just by looking at her, he could tell that she was getting tired. The man looked at her, just as Y/n slowly open his eyes. 

"A-Aisha..." Y/n said as he looked at Aisha. But she put him down and slowly started to heal him.

"Why are you helping someone as weak as him? He can't control that power properly and simply refuses to acknowledge that his weak!" The man said with a smile over his face.

"Y/n, you can't just give up here? After all your friends are all okay." She said as Y/n looked back at her.

"They're okay?" Aisha nodded as she look back at him. Deep down Y/n started to  feel happy that at least everyone was okay. But he then turned to look at the man, and gets up. "... I see." She also gets up along with him. "I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble." Aisha smiled and shook her head. "But can I barrow your power one more time?" Aisha nodded as tears ran down her eyes.  

As Aisha turned to Tsukomi, and Y/n grabbed the sword and looked at the man. The man simply smiled back at him as he was waiting what he was going to do. "Okay then come on come at me!?" The man extended both his arms to the side. "But let me tell you something important. That semblance of yours is actually a curse that eats away at you bit by bit. So wouldn't it be better if you just disappear and let me handle it all. I'll even kill the girls and your family... Or are you going to let that power go to waste?"

Y/n pointed Tsukomi at him and gripped the handle. "I'm tacking back control. So get out of my way!" He said as he charged at him. But as he did, The man didn't move as he allowed himself to get run through.

Just as the darkness around them started to disappear and turned back to the field of grass. The man smiled as he looked at Y/n, with the sword through his own chest. "Damn not bad... But are you going to be prepared to see what you did. Or are you going to lose control again... Hehe I can't wait." He said as he then held the sword with both his arms. "But do me a favor? Don't get yourself killed before we meet again!!" A blinding light illuminated the area, and when it subsided. Y/n noticed that the man was gone.

Y/n then turned to the alter as he saw Aisha turning back to her demon form, with chains wrapped around her. As he was about to say something he was stopped by Aisha as she shook her head. "I'll be going to sleep for a while. So till next time Y/n..." She said in a weak tone, as Y/n nodded back at her. "Goodnight Aisha." Y/n said with a gentle smile.

Meanwhile back to reality Y/n's hair got back to normal, along with his eyes. His eyes became widen as he noticed that right in front of him was Nero, with his sword stabbed through his stomach. Nero fell on his knees as he looked back at him, he then smiled back at Y/n. "Glad to see that you are back to normal, B-Brother." Y/n simply stared in shook as he looked at him.

He then looked at his surrounding as he noticed that the rest of the girls were looking at him, all with smiles on their faces. He also noticed Adam's body on the ground dead. Along with several of his followers. "D-Did I... Did I do this..." He said as he turned his attention back at Nero.

Nero quickly removed the sword and looked at him, as his aura started to heal him. "It wasn't your fault, so don't blame yourself. We're just glad that you're back to normal." He said with a smile, but Y/n cued tell that he was in pain. Y/n then took two steeps back as he started to feel sick.

"I-I didn't... mean... I..." Y/n said as in that moment his body lost consciousness and he dropped to the ground, as everyone hurried to him. Weiss being the first to hold him in her arms. As Ruby and Blake help out Nero from the ground.

Meanwhile Gina looked at Y/n and she gave a sigh of relief. "Good my friend if anyone is going to kill you. It's going to be me. So live because I will be taking the Vermilion Crystal from you one day." She said as she turned around and walked away. The other person that was with her looked at Y/n before turning around and walking away.

Just as Huntsman and huntresses arrived at the location they took Y/n and everyone else to the hospital.  Along with them was Victor, Ozpina, Leon, and Sophi. Victor fallowed after Y/n as they took him to a closed of room, away from everyone. The Dr. help in cheeking to see that he was okay, but they gave him some medicine and left him to rest. As they noticed that he had fallen with a fever. So as he rested Victor remain outside awaiting for him to wake up, as he was soon met by the girls, and waited for him to wake up.

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