Chap. VIII: Dreams, Connections and Outcomes
A/N: Okay everyone here's the next chapter. It took some time to work with it. And sorry that It takes me awhile, most of my story's aren't really short for say. So hope you all like it. If you have any question just let me know, and I'll try my best to answer them. Anyway enjoy.
~{3rd POV: (10:37 a.m.)}~
The scene opens up, as seagulls soaring across the sky. In the vast open sea we see as a ship moving over the peaceful blue waters, that reflected the clouds. Across the deck we see Passengers strolling across both the upper and mid decks most being Children, Parents and the Elderly. Along with the Passengers, Croix could be seen vomiting by the side of the ship, he glances over the passengers before his face turned blue, and started vomiting again. Mia with Luna in her arms, could bee seen with, him trying her best to help her brother.
Far from them Y/n is seen resting with his hands on the rail of the ship, and staring in to the vast peaceful ocean. He takes a moment to enjoy the smell of the ocean. The sounds of the waves crashing with the ship. The sounds of the wind blowing. Nothing relaxes him more then just the calm waters and the sound of the seagulls.
"Aisha..." He called in his mind trying to call her waiting for her reply. But she didn't respond. The fact that she didn't respond worried him. "... Why won't you respond?"
He found it both strange and worrisome that she hadn't responded, ever sins Y/n's grandfathers appearance. But why? Why was she so unresponsive? The world around him fell silent trying to make sense of what was going on.
"Will you look at that." A male voice respond getting his attention. But As Y/n looks at the person his eyes widen slightly. "Even up till know, you still face more problems. I was right to hate you humans."
"You." He said with a series look on his face.
"Hey, what's with that look? And here, I thought we were friend... After all." The person is then reviled, with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"You were the one that killed me. With your own two hands."
Y/n then turned to look back at the sea trying his best to ignore him. "... Your not real."
"Hehe, I'm not real, he says. But your right. I'm not real..." He said noticing something that Y/n wasn't aware off, his trembling hands. "Why are your hands trembling? Does the fear of losing control scare you that much? Come on kid. You didn't have any problems snapping my neck."
"......" Y/n didn't respond back to him, and simply clenched the rails.
Adam turns his attention at the open sea, and marble at the vastness. He then crossed his arms, and without looking at him, he responds.
"I have a question for you. Have you ever killed a person? A real person other than me?" Y/n didn't respond. Adam finding it funny, simply starts laughing at him. "Hahaha! What's wrong afraid to answer?" He then walks close to him, which Y/n simply ignored. "You know for all that big talk of yours. You sure are nothing more then a kid. A kid that is only living in his Grandfather's shadow."
"Shut up." Y/n quickly turns to look at him, but as he does, he quickly falls silent noticing that Adam had vanished. "... Tch!"
He closes his eyes and tries to calm down. That is until he felt someone placed their hand on his shoulder, which startled him, but just as quickly calm down noticing that it was Blake.
"You okay, Y/n?" She said clearly worried about him.
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." He said trying to not look at her.
After sometime the two are then seen seating on the floor, with their backs against the walls. Y/n taking a sip of a drink that Blake was sharing with him. Blake simply watches him with a happy smile on her face. Y/n noticing her gaze responds.
"Something up? You've been staring at me."
"Nothing." She giggles with a blush on her face, before reaching out to touch his hair, that had started to get longer ever since his training started. "You might want to cut your hair. Or are you going to leave it like that?"
"I'll think about it." He said faintly smiling back at her.
The two share a moment of silence as Blake then removed her bow, which revealed her faunus cat ears. She then gets close to him, and leans to the side, resting her head on his shoulder. She then closes her eyes, and let's herself relax around him.
"It's such a nice breeze." She said letting a light breeze hit them both.
Y/n on the other hand looks at her cat ears. Deep down he couldn't explain it, but he wanted to touch them. He slowly reaches out to try and touch them, but then started to put the arm down. Blake on the other hand smiles to herself, thinking already of what he wanted to do.
"You want to touch them?"
She smirks and then stares back at him. "You heard me. Do you want to touch my cat ears?"
"I um... well you see... no..." He said trying to deny, that he DID want to touch them.
Blake leans close to him, with her smile still present. "Go ahead."
Y/n having nothing to lose, looks around from left to right, before slowly reaching out to her, and touching them. Blake's arms started to twitch as she never let anyone touch her ears, but to her Y/n was an exception to that rule. Several couples then walk passed them, all with friendly smiles.
"Such lovely couples. Why don't you treat me like that?" A woman said as she walks across with her husband.
"To be young and in love." An elderly male responds, with his wife at his side.
"Right." The two elderly people then walk away as they kept holding hands.
As soon as the people walked away, Blake and Y/n simply blushed as they weren't expecting people to just walk passed them. After sometime had passed, Y/n simply kept staring at Croix, who was still vomiting by the side of the ship. Y/n stares at him, with a bored expression on his face, wanting to just throw him overboard.
Just then Blake largely sighs in a bored tone. "I'm glad to be away from Yang and her bad puns for a while."
Y/n tilts with a question mark (?) appearing over his head. "What do you mean?"
"Did you heard the last one she told me?" Y/n simply shock his head in no. Blake then gives a sigh as she recalled what Yang told her.
~{Flashback: (Tanjiro's home, Living room)}~
As the rest of the girls kept on doing their homework. Weiss got up to get something to drink, meanwhile both Koneko and Momo both get up and walk after her. Also wanting to have something to drink leaving both Yang and Blake alone.
Blake still enthralled in her book, simply kept to herself. Yang largely sighs getting the attention of Blake that simply then returns to read her book. Blake trying her best to ignore her, tries not to pay attention to her as she was almost done reading.
Yang then before responding smirked. "Hey, Blake?"
Blake having had enough took a deep breath, and covered her eyes. "What is it?"
"Are you sitting in a pile of sugar?"
Blake took a moment and looks at the spot she was sitting on. She then turns her attention back at Yang, with a confused look on her face. "... No. Why?"
"CAUSE YOU'VE GOT A PRETTY SWEET ASS!" Yang then starts laughing uncontrollably. But Blake looks at her with an annoyed look on her face.
"THIS IS THE 56 TIME!" Blake shouted back, as Yang simply kept on laughing.
When everyone got back they noticed that Yang was on the floor, all tied up, with ropes across her arms and legs, and a gag on her mouth. Blake on the other hand was seen next to her with a calm look on her face, happily reading away.
~{Flashback End}~
Y/n lightly smiled "So that's what happened... But come on. They're not... that..." He stops himself before scratching the back of his head remembering that back in the day, Yang would tell her puns to him constantly with no end. "... On second thought never mind."
The both of them stood in silence, which relaxed the two of them. It was when they heard Croix on the edge of the ship vomiting, that the calmness was broken.
Blake with an awkward smile look at him, but responds to Y/n. "Looks like he doesn't like ships? Huh."
Y/n nod in agreement. "It's kinda funny."
"What is?" She responds back.
Even if he couldn't express it as mush. "Deep down I can't stop smiling at the fact, that I found his weakness." He said staring back at his new team.
Awkwardly Blake smiles at his bad sense of humor. "Y-Y/n."
With Croix unable to stop himself. He looks in to the vastness of the open sea, which only made him feel worse, and kept vomiting. As that continued Mia, with Luna still in her arms kept on trying to consult her older brother, again.
"It'll be okay. Just one more night."
Just then Croix responds, and as he does he turns in to a chibi version of himself, with tears on his eyes. Clearly just wanting to get off the ship.
"GET ME OUT OF THIS DEATHTRAP! I HATE-" Before he could finish what he was about to say, he turns to lean on the side of the ship and vomited *sigh* again. He then in an annoyed tone responds. "I HATE SHIP'S!"
~{Y/n POV}~
As I looked at Croix I noticed that his face started turning in to a different color. Truth be told it was fascinating. It was just like watching a car crash in slow motion. It was funny. I was then that it hit me. I walked over to him and I placed my hand on his back. I then leaned close and i told him.
"Hey look Croix. Look at that open sea. And look at all that water with no end in sight. Will probably get stuck here, and never be able to escape."
As soon as I mentioned the ocean he started vomiting again. I don't know why but it made me happy seeing him like this. Compared to that happy go lucky attitude.
I noticed as Blake and Mia both stare at me. Both with awkward looks on their faces. I then turned to look back at Croix again. Deep down I just wanted to keep bothering him, but I simply let out a sigh before reaching inside my pockets.
~{3rd POV}~
Y/n said as Croix turned his attention to him, and noticed that he was handing him a pill. A bit confused Croix takes it and looks at him. Y/n on the other hand simply crossed his arms, and looks away before responding.
"With this it should calm your stomach till we get to port. And it-"
Before he had time to finish what he was saying. A chibi version of Croix quickly embraced him, in a playful hug, and with tears running down his eyes.
Y/n felling slightly embarrassed and annoyed, turned in to a chibi version of himself and tried his best to pull himself free from Croix's grasp.
"Get your hands of me!"
As the two kept shouting back and forth. Both Blake and Mia simply locked at each other, before smiling. Luna simply looked up at her friend, and turned her face to look at the two chibi boys fighting back and forth.
As the rest of them say for Y/n, started laughing. Y/n had a senses of being watched by someone on the upper deck of the ship. And sure enough two hooded figures stood watching over him. The two hooded figures, turn their gazes at Y/n, but then turned around and walked away. The presence then quickly vanishes, but still left him unease. So Y/n not wanting to worry the rest of his companions simply tried to ignore it.
~{Y/n's Team Room: (11:12 p.m.)}~
Later that night after some of the people had retreated to their rooms, with the only exceptions being some of the Crew members. In side of Y/n's room we see the rest of his companions all fast asleep Croix could be seen finally fast asleep with a calm look on his face, Mia could be seen sleeping facing the ceiling, with Luna at her side, and Blake also fast asleep underneath her covers. We then cut to Y/n as it was revealed that his bed was empty, as the door is then seen slowly closing and locking.
We then transitions to the ships deck, as several of the Crew members could still be seen walking around the ship. Just as several of them started to leave, we see Y/n slowly walking to a spot that had no members, all the while leaning on the walls and holding his chest in pain. He then stops, leans his back against the wall and seat on the floor. All the while gazing up at the night sky. He slowly started to close his eyes, until his vision was completely blank.
~{Y/n's POV}~
As i'm left in the same empty void, I slowly opened my eyes, all the while trying my best to see. I then see five people that I couldn't make out. I tried to open my eyes completely to see them, but my mind wasn't letting me. And not long after, my mind slowly started to drift away, and I closed my eyes as everything around me vanished.
After a moment of silence, I started to hear the sound of running water, fallowed by a gentle breeze, that smelled of Sakura blossoms. I try opening my eyes again, only to be meet with a large open field with several tree's around it.
I stand up still mesmerized by the field and it's Beauty. It's only when I turned around that I was meet with a large Sakura tree. But it only took a moment for everything around me to be set ablaze by the very same Flames that dwell within me. The same Flames that belongs to him.
I wanted to look way. But a part of me simply kept gazing at the burning tree. I calm myself as this wasn't the first, nor the last time I've had similar dreams. But something about this one felt different. But why?
I wanted for the Flames to stop. But they didn't stop. It just kept consuming everything around me, with an insatiable appetite that seemed like it wouldn't end. Just then after taking the first steep, I dropped to my knee's, and I started getting a strong headache. Normally my semblance would prevent me from feeling anything. But that wasn't the same for this. As the Flames raged on,I felt the presence of someone standing behind me. And lo and behold, it was only then that I was meet with a person that looked like a Female, the same female that had her hood on, covering her face, and her back facing me. Just as I was about to speak, I noticed that something was off. My voice, I couldn't speak. I couldn't say anything. I turned my attention back at the woman, for a moment only to notice that she looked over her shoulder at me, even with that I still couldn't see her face, but I felt like she was actually looking at me.
"Bearer of the Curse Flame." Her voice was calm yet soothing. "You cannot stop fate. You will consume this world with the same Curse Flames that sleeps within you. And when all is set and done. When you have lost everything. What then? Where will you go?" I which I could respond to her question. But I simply stood in silence as she kept talking. "You will lose everything and everyone one. Please, don't fight against the inevitable. Embrace it, for You and Her are fated to meet. So go forth, bear witness to this worlds final calamity."
Finally after she had spoke I spoke back to her. "What are you even saying? Who are you? No, what are you?"
I said trying to understand what she was, but she didn't respond. She simply kept looking over her shoulder directly at me. Just then I felt something grab hold of me, I looked down as I noticed that I was being consumed by the very flames that surrounded me. The Flames obstructed my vision and held me in place. Strangest of all, was that if only for a fleeting moment I swore that I saw a tear run down the woman's face, as she kept looking over her shoulder.
As the flames parted away from my vision, my eyes widen as i'm then faced with a city I didn't recognized all covered in flames as far as my eyes could see. The clouds darkened by the amount of smoke coming from the Flames.
"This can't be real..."
I said still not believe what I was looking at. As I gazed in to the distance. I'm meet with something I didn't expect to see. There into the distance I saw a large crowed of people, all standing up and looking at the flames, all the while being consumed by the same Flames that they looked upon. What was even strangest of all was the fact that their body's looked more like shadow's, with glowing white eyes.
I don't know why, but my body started to slowly walk over to them. They turned to look at me, but they simply kept staring. It's only when I got closer that I felt something grab hold of my legs and arms. I turned to look at it, only to be meet with some of the same people, but unlike the white eyes the others had. These had nothing but darkness. I move struggling to break free, but more of them showed up with the Flames fallowing behind them. I didn't have time to break free as the flames then consumed me and I am met with the same dark void again.
"CURSE... FLAME..." Their voices were strange as they change from female, to male, to elderly, to even children. "CURSE FLAMES! CURSE FLAME! CURSE FLAME! CURSE FLAME! CURSE FLAME! YOU MUST FIGHT! YOU MUST FIGHT! YOU... LIVE! BRING... END...! S... ALL... F! CURSE FLAME WIELDER!"
As they kept shouting, several more arms wrapped around me, like a snake coiling their pray and obstructed my vision. Not like there was anything to see anyway. It's only when I opened my eyes, that I noticed that I was back on the ship. I tried to calm down, as my heart simply kept pounding, and a cold sweet ran down the side of my face. I covered my face and started to calm my breathing, still trying to make sense of what the hell I just witnessed. I had found it strange most of my dreams hardly ever had nothing like that. But this one was a nightmare, which I hadn't gotten one since I started going out with Weiss. So why know? What was that place? Who was that woman? And the shadow people... Could they had been? I shock my head as I started to calm down.
Just as I felt like I was alone, I turned to look at my side and noticed that Mia was looking at me. She had a worried look on her face. She then got close to me, placed a hand on my forehead and checked on my temperature.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm checking to see if your feeling sick. Why am I doing this wrong?"
(I felt like it suited the part, as it was what I was listening to when I was writing this. I also don't take credit for the video.)
~{3rd POV}~
After Y/n had finally calm down, Mia set next to him trying to see if he was harmed. She then smiled felling glad that he was okay and didn't need healing. Sure enough it was slightly awkward, as silence loomed between the two until Y/n decided to just break it.
"Why are you here? Weren't you sleeping?" He said crossing his legs and looking up at the starts.
"Well I noticed that you had left. So I figured that maybe you were hurt. But as I look at you know I'm glad that, that's not the case. I also notice that you were shaking a lot in your sleep. Did you have a nightmare?" Y/n didn't respond to her and simply kept looking up at the star's that were visible. She then brings her knees close to her chest, and then lightly smiles, all the while turning her attention to the floor. "Sorry. It's okay. You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. Just remember that if you ever need someone to talk. My brother, Blake and even myself are right here for you. I know that I don't have the right to say this but, you don't have to shoulder everything on your own, Y/n."
Y/n turns his gaze at her, and leans his back against the wall. She looks back at him, but as she did she quickly got nervous, blushed and looked away. He contemplated on telling her about the dream. But chose to keep it a secret for know. He then remembered that he forgot to tell her something. He then sigh's before responding to her, with the words he never expect to tell someone else.
"... Thank you." Confused Mia looks back at him. Y/n on the other hand turns to look up at the stars again. "It was you that healed both Me and Leon. When I lost control during the fight with both Emiko, and Hector, right? So thanks for that."
"Y/n." She said with a smile on her face and in a friendly tone. "Y-you don't have to thank me. I did it because were friends." She then lowered her tone to the point that Y/n couldn't even hear her. "Even though you don't see us as such. Hehe."
Y/n on the other hand looks at her, quickly blushed and turned away from her. "Yeah, well don't expect me to say it again."
"I-I'm not expecting you to." She said with a happy but smug look on her face. "Like I said were friends, right? Hehe." She turns to look at him with a bright smile that emanated a light around her, with flowers around her.
Y/n with just one look at her, quickly looked away. The two of them then look up at the night sky, and calm down as they take on the smell of the ocean, and relax with the sound of the waves. Mia gazed up at the stars, with a smile on her face and pointing to some of the stars. Y/n on the other hand still kept looking up at the night sky, and lessened to Mia naming the stars. Unbeknownst to her a close up of, Y/n's face revealed a faint smile as she simply kept naming the stars. She then puts her arms down, and twiddled her thumbs.
"I'll admit." Mia said getting the attention of Y/n as he kept his gaze at the stars. "At first I thought that you were scary. But the more I talk with you. The more I feel like that's not the case. So I'll be looking forward to working and talking with you, Leader."
He sighs before looking at her light pick eyes. "Come on don't call me that. I'm no leader and sure as hell ain't planing to become one."
As Mia turned to look up at the stars and started naming them again. Y/n closed his eyes with a faint smile.
We then transitions as we see the both of them walking back to their room. Mia walked ahead of him, as he kept walking behind her, with Y/n's arms inside his pockets. Mia looks over her shoulder at him. She then smiles and tilts her head to the side.
(Like so.)
She then turns her attention back in front of her and kept walking. Y/n on the other hand looks at her, and then faintly smiles again. To him the only friend he ever relied on was Yang. But if only for just for this moment, he thought that maybe it wasn't so bad to have people to rely on. If only a little. So as the two continued walking, they didn't respond and simply kept walking.
~{3rd POV: Beacon: Headmistress Office: (11:34 p.m.)}~
As we cut to Ozpina's office we see her looking at her scroll as the door's to the elevator open up, which revealed Nero in his pajamas.
"Hey, Headmistress. Did you need something?" Nero responds in a somewhat drowsy state.
Ozpina noticing the tired look on his face, simply nod's at him. "Ah! Yes. I wanted to talk to you personally about something. I also wanted to thank you for bring Salem to us more then anything."
"Oh... Um okay. But I didn't do that alone." Confused Nero scratches the back of his head, before responding about Salem. "Is she okay?"
She nod's back at him, but didn't smile. "Yes. She's going to be okay... I'm more concern of the way she looks. Buuuut that's not why I called you here. It has come to my attention that you are the only student without a team. I was originally going to place you with your little brother. And place you in charge as the de facto leader. But things have change, thanks to Master Victor."
Nero held the side of his arm and turned his gaze away from her. "Y-yeah. That would have been a bad idea. After what happen last time with Gina. I don't think that I would be suited to be a Leader. Let alone be on the same team as him. Besides everything's my fault anyway."
Confused she tilts her head. "What do you mean?"
He takes a moment before responding back to her. "I... I thought that if I tried to help him make some friends it would help him change his mind. But just because he was related to our Grandfather, they only treated him like dirt. So what's the point. I didn't do anything. For the most part, most of the time he got bullied in school people treated us differently. I being gifted the Golden Armor was treated with kindness, and respect. But me after having all that respect couldn't even help him. And to top it of it all, I failed to even notice his own feelings in all of this."
"Partner." Just then Nero lifted his arm to look at Zaruba. "You can't just keep blaming yourself for what happened in the past. You didn't know what was going on at the time. So you have to stop blaming yourself. After all if he kept blaming you, he wouldn't have thanked you when he was in the hospital."
"Even still. I don't think that it would be a good idea to be on the same team as him. Besides even if we were on the same team. I seriously think that he wouldn't lessen to me."
Ozpina let's out a sigh and then smiled. "Nero. I might have some good new's that you might want to hear. I recently got a text from Victor stating that Y/n has made a team."
"Wait!" Nero's eyes then widen with a big smile on his face. "WHAT!? YOU SERIOUS!? IS THAT TRUE?!" Ozpina nod's at his question. Nero on the other hand obviously feeling happy at the fact that his younger Brother has found some friends, could only feel happy. "I'm so glad. Man I can't wait to tell, Ruby."
Zaruba then spoke up. "Isn't that great partner. I think this calls for a celebration. What do you think. When he comes back buy him a gift. After all your his older Brother." Zaruba said in a somewhat happy tone.
Nero on the other hand shock his head and smiled. "No its alright. Truth be told, just knowing that he found a team of his own. It makes me happy and proud to be his older Brother. Besides I think it would only make him more mad, if I just made plans without telling him. And if I get him something, he would probability not even like it. But i'll think of something when he gets back."
"I see. Well then i'll leave it up to you then, Partner."
As Ozpina smiles she clears her throat, which got Nero's attention. "Anyway. Nero, I would like for you to come back here tomorrow morning. I have something important to show you." Nero nods at her. "Okay then please go get some rest. I'll be expecting you tomorrow."
"Okay, Goodnight Headmistress."
As Nero started walking to the elevator Ozpina quickly stops him, as the door's to the elevator's open up. "One last peace of advise Nero. You can't expect for him to just trust you right of the bat. Sure you two were raised in the same home, but he just needs time to stop living in the past. After all if a person like him still felt the same way, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to try and help Weiss, when you know what happened. So give it time. I'm sure that the two of you will come to an understanding eventually. Anyway that should be all. Goodnight Nero."
"Yeah. Thank you, Headmistress. I'll be seeing you tomorrow."
We then transition as we see Nero inside the elevator as it went down. Nero then smiled as he still was feeling happy at the fact that his younger Brother had found people to call friends. Zaruba understanding his Partners feelings didn't respond and simply stayed silent.
"Heh, I'm proud of you little Brother." Nero said in his mind.
~{Time Skip: Menagerie: (9:10 a.m.)}~
After a time skip, we cut to the next day, as the ship carrying Y/n and his team docked on the port. We then see the Captain waving at his passages with a smile, as they all disembark. Y/n looks around, noticing that most of the people across the island were Faunus. Meanwhile we see as Croix quickly got off the ship, and started kissing the ground.
Mia on the other hand simply walked over to Y/n, still holding Luna in her arms and feeling slightly embarrassed at the fact that her Brother was kissing the floor, lets out a sigh and spoke to Y/n.
"Hehe, Sorry about that. But if anyone ask, I don't know him."
Y/n nods as he looks in disgust at Croix actions. "Same."
After finally calming down, Croix got up and he started looking around, with a smile on his face. "So this is Menagerie. Got to say this place doesn't look half bad. But..." He noticed as some of the people were either faunus, shop owners, or.... "On second thought forget it."
Just then Blake walks over to Y/n, and wrapped her left arm, with Y/n's right arm and smiled. She then blushed felling slightly embarrassed at the fact she was holding Y/n's hand in public. Croix then walked over to them and put both of his arms behind his head, and spoke.
"Soooo! Where to next?"
Not to far in to the distance a large building could be seen, with several tree's around it. Blake then pointed to it and smiled.
"Will be heading to that building."
Y/n nods. "Okay then lets go."
"WAIT! I know that voice! Y/n! Blake!"
Just then a very enthusiastic Male's voice spoke that was all to familiar to both Y/n and Blake. The two turn to look at the person only to be meet with a familiar faunus. The faunus with a look of disbelief walked over to them and stopped ones he was in front of the group. Blake didn't respond and held on to, Y/n's arm slightly tightening her grip. Y/n stood in silence, before the two of them spoke at the same time. I'll be it with Y/n mostly saying it more calmer then, Blake.
The group stood in silence with no one, not even Croix and Mia making a move, still left confused at what was going on.
(I felt like it suited the part. I also don't take credit for the video.)
~{3rd POV: Beacon: Headmistress Office: (9:30 a.m.)}~
We then transitions back to Headmistress office, as we see Ozpina filling up a pair of paperwork, with Glynda at her side. All Might was also there, also occupied with the same amount of paperwork. Just then the sound of the elevator door opening is heard, and Nero is seen walking over to Ozpina.
"Ah, Nero. You finally made it. I'm glad." Nero simply nods at her. She then smiles before continuing what she was going to say. "Anyway your probably wandering why I told you to come in early, Right?"
"Yeah. I was still wandering why didn't you just tell me yesterday. But i'm here know."
She nods before smiling at him. She then looks over at All Might who also nods at her, he then stops what he was doing and walks over to Ozpina. He then stops inches away from Nero and crossed his arms. Ozpina then clears her throat before getting up from her chair, and walks over to All Might with a smile on her face. Nero now getting kind of nervous calmed himself.
All Might then spoke. "Nero. The reason that we called you here today was for something important."
"That's right." Ozpina said as she held her cane with both arms.
Just then the sound of the elevator stopping is heard. Nero still confused turned his attention towards the elevator as it then open. Ozpina then spoke as three people walked in.
"Nero, I would like to introduce you to your new team." She said keeping her smile as the individual all stopped ones they were in front of Nero.
The first one to respond was a boy that looked slightly taller then Nero, with black hair and red eyes. The boy had a stern look on his face, as he kept locked eyes with Nero.
"Nice to meet you. Names, Eizen Windfall. Let's both try our best." He said lightly smiling at him.
"Same." Said Nero as he smiled back at him.
The next to respond was a fox girl with black/red hair, and red eyes. She lightly smiled at Nero before introducing herself.
"You can call me, Teresa Marcellis. It's nice to finally get to meet the Golden Knight, Garo himself. I hope that we can all work together like a proper team." She said smiling at Nero, and winking at him.
"Um, not to sound rude. But I have a girlfriend." Nero said soundly slightly unconformable.
"That's okay cutie. The more the merrier." She said in a playful tone.
"Yeah. Yeah, No."
The last person to introduce herself was a woman with aqua blue colored eyes, and long gray hair. She also had a series look on her face, that felt like she was looking down at everyone around her.
She looks up and down at Nero before responding. "... Edna Ironwood. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please try not to slow me down." She responded in an almost cold tone. But just as quickly ignored him and turned her attention to something else.
Nero understanding her last name wanted to question her, but chose not to say anything as he felt like it wasn't the right time for that. So after they all introduced each other Nero calmed down and took a deep breath, he then smiled as he looked at all of them.
"Its a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Nero Black Wing. And I hope that we can all get along and work well."
After they all introduced each other. Ozpina spoke up, all the wile smiling with them. "For the remainder of the school year. You all will be called team NETE, with Nero as its leader. Any objections?" No one responded or lifted a finger. "Good. I'm expecting great things from all of you."
Nero then spoke. "If you don't mind me asking. Why me? I'm sure that you could have found anyone else that would be better then me."
Ozpina smiled back at him. "Because I trust that you will be able to lead this team to greatness."
"That really doesn't answer my-"
Just then Edna quickly cuts him off, and crossed her arms. "Should it matter? Your the leader so, will follow you. I'm expecting high standards from you. So don't let us down."
Teresa then spoke after her, but in a mush more friendly tone. "You just need confidence in yourself. So come on take a deep breath and calm down. You can do this, Leader."
Eizen then spoke and nodded. "Come on leader you can do this. Don't let us down." He then lightly smiles at him.
Nero stood in silence as he felt not even qualified to be a leader. Hell he felt more pressure then before. But not wanting to let both Ozpina and his new team down, he relaxed and nodded. He then faced Ozpina.
"Okay. I'll do it. I'm still not as skilled as my father. But i'll try my best."
Ozpina then smiles, and nods her head. "That a boy. Your mother and father would be proud of you. Okay, because I still have paper work to finish. You all can take the day to get to know each other. So make me proud, all of you."
As Nero, Eizen and Teresa all responded at the same time. Edna simply rolled her gaze at Nero without him noticing and simply kept to herself.
~{Unknown Forest}~
We then cut to an unknown forest as we see a Grimm on the floor trying its best to crawl away, but it is quickly held in place by a large demonic arm. The Monster then walked close to the Grimm, and looks down at it. The Monster then opens its mouth, completely covered in slobber, and then started devouring the Grimm. After finished devouring the Grimm, it cleaned its mouth and started walking again, with only one thing on its mind.
As the Monster kept laughing in a demonic tone. Just then everything fades to black with only the sound of the figure walking away, as it kept on laughing.
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