Chap. VII: New Tides
-3rd POV: Deep Forest, 12:37 a.m.
The scene open's up as Nero, along with Ruby, and team Hanzo are seen taking care of a punch of Grimm that had manged to get close to the city. With the horde of Grimm charging at them. Ruby quickly ducked for cover under one of the Grimm's attack. She then placed Crescent Rose across its neck, and pulled the trigger swiftly decapitating the Grimm, as she was pushed back because of the recoil. She then turned her attention towards several Grimm's that charged at her, but she then used Petal Burst to slash away at the Grimm ultimately killing them. She then perched herself on top of a tree, and turned Crescent Rose to its gun form, and started sniping at the Grimm from the distance.
"Where are they coming from!?" Ruby shouted as she kept on shooting at the Grimm.
As more Grimm kept appearing, we cut to team Hanzo surrounded by them. The Grimm's howled, and cried as they kept on appearing trying to kill the people.
With the Grimm's not letting down they kept on attacking. Hibari, and Yagyu on the other hand kept on pushing the Grimm back. They could tell that something about them felt off. Just then as one of the Grimm's got close to Hibari, it prepared to swipe at her. But before the attack could connect, Yagyu quickly blocked the attack with her Oilpaper Umbrella, and quickly disposed of it. She then turned to look at Hibari.
"Are you okay?" Yagyu ask questioning her friend.
Hibari on the other hand playfully smiles back at her. "I'm okay thank you. Come on we still have plenty of them to deal with!" The two share a nod before continuing to fight.
We then cut to Katsuragi with a smile on her face. "Man this is starting to get good!" Just then a large groups of Grimm surrounded her. She smirks with anticipation, expecting the Grimm to make this interesting. "Well come on!" She said in a mocking tone.
Grimm's being mindless monsters then charged at her. But when they got close they found out that it was all a trap. Just then Katsuragi crouches down and balances herself on her hands. She began to spin around like a break-dancer at great speed, to the point that she whips up a tornado, obliterating any Grimm caught in it. She then lands in a crouching position.
The Grimm's looked at their fallen brethren before charging at her again. Katsuragi then gets up and prepares herself as the Grimm's got closer. "That's it come on!"
Not to far from Katsuragi, Ikaruga is seen fighting the Grimm, with her Nodachi, Hien in hand, and winning with great ease. As the mindless Grimm's charged at her with an intent to kill. Ikaruga then takes on a stance and readies her attack. She then started slashing rapidly with her sword, Hien, moving so quickly that it left behind afterimages of where the sword had struck. She then proceeds to sheathe her sword as the last bit of damage from the sword strikes take effect. Several of the Grimm's then collapsed as she then held her sword.
"We have to hurry up and finish them!"
She said as the Grimm surrounded her. Asuka then lands behind her, with her wakizashi, Green Willow & Red Blossom in hand.
"Just a little bit more." Asuka then prepared to face the Grimm. Ikaruga then nod's at her, as she prepared to deal with the Grimm's.
"Here they come!"
Ikaruga shouted as the Grimm's got close to her. But much like the rest of her friends, she quickly unsheathe Hien and slashed away at the Grimm. As the Grimm's surrounded Asuka separating her from her team. The Grimm's closed in on her. But as they got close, Asuka taking the opportunity takes a stance as her two swords become coated in a greenish glow. She then dashed forward and unleashes a barrage of slashes on to the Grimm's. She then slammed both of her swords down, causing sharp rocks to rise up from the ground, sending most if not all of the Grimm away from her. Suddenly one of the Grimm's that had survived her attack, was going to swipe at her. But she quickly ducked under it's attack, and used the Grimm's body to get airborne. And then lands close to her team.
We then cut to Nero as he could be seen fighting a strange looking Grimm, with four arms, and two heads. The Grimm punches him forcing him to be pushed back. Nero managing to block the attack, gets pushed back. Zaruba then quickly responds.
"Nero something off about this Grimm."
Confused Nero looks at him. "What do you mean?"
"I think that this is the one controlling the rest of the Grimm. So that means."
Nero smiles before looking back at the Grimm. "If we deal with it. Then the rest of it's kind should disburse. Right?"
"Okay then. Then let's get this over with." He said as he then pointing his Makai Blade up in the air and drew a circle above him. The circle opened a portal, where the armor descends and equips on him, completing the transformation. He then firmly held the Makai Blade in hand, and prepared himself. "LET'S GO!!"
As the two started clashing. The Grimm in a fit of desperation tried to punch him several times. But Nero quickly adapting to the Grimm's fighting style, ducks and blocks it's attack. As it started rapidly attacking him, with a punch of rapid punches. Nero tried to jump back, but as he did he was grabbed by one of his legs. The Grimm then started spinning him around, like if he was some king of toy. It then threw him up in the air, and jumped after him.
One's close the Grimm clasped all four of it's arms together, and brought it down hitting his chest. The attack managing to connect sends Nero crashing down hard to the ground, engulfing the place in a cloud of smoke. As the Grimm jumped down, it made to cloud of smoke dissipate, it then leans two of it's arms back and prepared to deliver the finishing blow. But as the smoke dissipated, it flinched realizing that Nero was gone. In a fit of desperation it looked around trying to find him. It was then that it hit it, as Nero was above it, he prepared to deliver the final blow, as he started to land. The Grimm attacked him, but thanks to Nero's quick movement, he quickly landed in front of it, and swiftly brings his sword down on to the Grimm. A moment of silence stood between the two, before the Grimm took two steeps back, and as it did, it's body split in two. The Grimm then let out one last cry, as its body vanished into nothingness. The rest of the Grimm noticing that they leader had fallen, started to run away.
Nero then turns back to normal, and let's out a sigh of relief. Ruby landing next to him. He turns his attention to her.
"You okay?" He said looking at Ruby with a pretend smile.
Ruby noticing his smile nod's back at him. "Yeah! All good."
As team Hanzo walked over to them they all smiled. Katsuragi then walked over to Ruby and just as she was about to touch her breast. Ruby uses Petal Burst to quickly get behind Nero. Katsuragi then smiles in a playful manner.
"Hey come on. It's only a victory grope." She said smiling back at the defended Ruby.
"YEAH, THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN, KATSURAGI!" Ruby said as she stood behind Nero with a blush on her face, and holding her arms across her chest.
But Katsuragi being Katsuragi simply smiles at her. "Hey come on Ruby I was only going to give then a fondling appreciation." She then smiles as Nero then gave a sigh and smiled.
"Okay come let's get back. We still have to report to the headmistress." Nero then turned around with Ruby at his side walking back to the city.
On the way back to the City of Vale, but still a bit far, Nero, Ruby and team Hanzo are seen talking and smiling. Well all except for one of them. As they all looked at Asuka they noticed she had her hair down, and held the white ribbon in her arm. As she looked at it intensely. She looked like she was lost in thought.
Just then Hibari with a worried look on her face spoke up to her. All the while getting close to her. "Is something on your mind?"
Suddenly her question quickly snapped Asuka out of her trance. Asuka simply smiled as if nothing was wrong.
"What?... Oh! I-I'm okay. I'm okay don't worry." She said putting the white ribbon back on. She then walked a bit faster and got close to Ruby.
Her team then confused simply looked at each other, before looking back at her. Not realizing that she had a lot of things in her mind. So as they kept walking there was nothing but silents between the group. That is until Asuka herself gave a sigh and spoke, all the while turning her attention to Nero.
"Hey, Nero can I ask you something?"
Nero confused nod's at her. "Um... Sure what's on your mind?"
"I was just wandering is... is Y/n doing okay?"
Nero took a moment before responding to her. "Well I haven't heard anything at the moment. But I can say that his probably doing okay. I trust in him that mush."
"You trust him that mush." Asuka smiled.
Nero then with a smile on his face responds back. "Of course! His my younger Brother after all. But mind if I ask you something? Why the sudden question?"
After hearing his question she quickly smiled, as her face turned red, with her tone sounding embarrassed. "N-N-No reason! No reason at all! HAHAHA!" Her team then noticed that she started to sweet, and acting nervous. She then scratched the back of her head and avoided eye contact with everyone.
Meanwhile Nero and Ruby both simply looked at each other with a look of confusion. They then turned to look back at her. Hibari then spoke as they kept walking. "If you don't mind me saying. But do you have a "thing" for him?" She said questioning her friend. Which in return made Asuka's face turn even redder.
Katsuragi then smirk and got close to her. "OH! So that's why you asked for him." She then tried to fondle her breast. But Asuka quickly dogged her and kept her distance from her.
As they kept walking Yagyu kept silent as it didn't interest her in the slightest. But Hibari didn't respond back to her as she didn't feel like responding. But out of all of them the one that kept her gaze at Asuka was actually Ikaruga. As she tightly tightens the grip on her sword.
Just as Nero was about to respond to her, Asuka simply looked at him. "Well sorry to say this. But I haven't heard anything ever since he left with Master Victor. You could say that i'm also getting worried."
Asuka then lowered her head with a frowned on her face. "I... I see. Sorry for asking."
"It's okay do-"
Just then as he was about to respond a scream was heard not to far from them. Having all their focused on the scream, they cut their conversation short and all run towards the scream. It was then that they came across a woman with long blond hair, fighting a bunch of Grimm.
Just as the woman tried defending herself. Both Ruby and Asuka quickly took out their weapons and started fighting off the Grimm's.
-Small Skip
After dealing with said Grimm, Nero put's his blade away and walked over to the woman. He then responds to her. "Hey are you okay?" He asked as the woman gave a sigh.
"Yes I'm okay." She looked at her saviors as she cleaned her dress.
Asuka quickly responds to the woman. "If you don't mind me saying. What were you doing her Miss?"
The woman looks at them and noticed they had fighting potential. "Are you students from Beacon?" They all looked at each other confused at the woman's question. For a moment they hesitate to say anything. But Ruby then smiles as she nod's at her. "I see. Then please you have to take me to the school. I have to talk to Ozpina."
Everyone looks at each other before looking back at the woman. Ikaruga then got close to her and responds. "What's your name?"
The woman hesitant at first doesn't respond to her. But she then takes a moment before responding the her.
"My name is Salem and it's very important that I talk with Ozpina. Please take me to her." The woman sounding like she was pressed for time, looked at the rest of them.
Nero glances at the rest of the Girl's before looking back at Salem and nodding. "Okay. Please fallow us?"
-Time Skip: (Beacon Academy, Ozpina's Office)
As nothing but silence hanged in the room between Ozpina, All Might, and Salem. Nero, Ruby, and team Hanzo stood without a response seemingly waiting for one of them to say something. Ozpina stared on at Salem still puzzled with her new look, trying to comprehend just what was going on.
After a moment of painful silence, Ozpina finally took a moment before responding. "Okay. Why are you here? Why do you look like that? Is your plan so important that you had to come here yourself?" Ozpina said questioning Salem for everything.
Ones Ozpina stopped talking. Salem took that opportunity to respond to her questions. But what she said next was not what she expected.
"Look I know that my new look is conspicuous. But that is not the point. I have come here today as a messenger."
All Might with great anger slammed his left arm, on the desk in front of him. He then shouted at her. "A messenger? You expect us to believe anything that you say!? You are working with the league of villains! Meaning that you are working with All for One, and you expect US to believe that you are only here as a messenger!?"
Salem simply sigh as All Might kept berating her. It was only then that Nero ever the gullible Hero, stepped forward to calm him down. "All Might please calm down. I don't know what is going on, but the least you could do is hear her out. After all aren't you heroes?"
After Nero spoke Ruby spoke after him. "He's right. Even if you all have history together. Isn't it a heroes job to help people in need. Just look at her. We found her as she was being attacked by Grimm. If she is as bad, as you say she is. Then taking care of the Grimm should have been an easy task for her. Wouldn't you agree?"
As the rest of the student's kept arguing with Ozpina and All Might. Salem looked on as she couldn't believe that this children had more guts then Ozpina. Salem then lightly smiled as she spoke again.
"If you're scared that I will summon a Grimm, or fight back. Well it's safe to say. That I no longer have the power to control, the Grimm."
Confused Ozpina responds back to her with a question. "What do you mean?"
Salem outstretched her arms, exposing herself to them. "Look at me Ozpina. I don't know how. But Gina brought me back after killing me at my castle. She even got rid of all the darkness from the Grimm pool. Which to any normal human. It should have been impossible. But if me being here still frightens you. Then by all means lock me away, and put me under surveillance if that will make you happy."
Ozpina looks at the rest of the students, and saw as Nero and Ruby where willing to help her, even if she was the enemy. She then leans herself forward in her chair, and placed her hands together. "... *sigh* Okay. I'll hear you out. But after that you will be locked away." Salem simply nod's back at her. "Okay. So what is it that you need to tell us?"
Salem gives a sigh of relief before responding to them. "I have come today as a messenger. The massage is as fallows: Prepare yourselves. Prepare your Huntsman, and Huntresses. Prepare your Heroes and Demons. Be prepared for the coming calamity, when the promise day arrives. For it will be the day, that I will unsheathe my sword, and clash with the flames of destruction. Be prepared for this world will be our battlefield. We will turn the world upside down, so prepare for me and my friend will clash till one of us is no more." When she finished delivering her massage, everyone stood in silence. "As it stance. Gina only has one goal in mind, and that is to make this world a battle ground for her, and her so called Friend." Just then Nero and Ruby's eyes widen as soon as Salem mentioned Gina's name.
Ozpina still left with questions spoke. "Who is this so called friend of hers?" She said questioning Salem. But she simply stood in silence. "*silent sigh's* Fine... By the looks of things will have to send some of the heroes to deal with her-"
Just then Salem quickly cut her off. "That will do nothing."
All Might then spoke. "What could a single Person, do to a bunch of train Huntsman, and Heroes?"
Nero then spoke which got the attention of everyone in the room. "Have you even seen her?" All Might didn't respond. "I've only seen her ones. And I can tell you that she is not someone you should take lightly." He then let out a sigh. Figuring out what this "friend" Gina is talking about. "The friend that she spoke off... It can only be one person... My brother. I don't know why. But she showed some fondness towards him. You can even ask Ruby." Ruby nod's back at them.
Just then the room stood in silence again, as Ozpina turned her attention back at, All Might, and then back at Salem. "Will send several trained professionals to deal with the woman called, Gina. You on the other hand will be placed under locked down. Until she has been dealt with."
Salem not expecting much, new that this was going to happen. So she gestured her hands in front of her excepting her defeat. All Might then walked over to her, and placed her under arrest. "Trust me. You have not seen what she is truly capable off. Your professionals will do nothing. But if that's what you want to do. Then so be it... See if I care."
Salem then turned her gazed at Nero and spoke. "May I ask you something Golden Knight, Garo?" Nero nod's back at her. "What is the name of your brother?"
Confused Nero looks at Ruby before turning his attention back at Salem. "Um. It's Y/n... Y/n Sword Dancer."
When she heard the name of his brother. Salem started thinking to herself, but she then shock her head and spoke again. "Wait! The Sword Dancer lineage still lives?"
Confused Nero responds back to her question. "What do you mean?"
"What is your Mother, and Fathers name?"
Nero getting even more confused at her questioning. Didn't want to say. He looks passed Salem and over to Ozpina who shrug her shoulders. So being ever the most friendly Hero. "My Fathers name is, Leon Black Wing, and my Mothers name is, Sophi Sword Dancer. Why the sudden question?"
Salem then spoke in her mind as everyone noticed that she was lost in thought. "Sophi Sword Dance...?"
Just then she quickly snapped out of her trance as, Nero spoke again. "Um hello. Why the sudden question?"
"Is it possible for me to speak with them?"
Nero shock his head in no. "Sorry but they're with my brother at the moment."
"... I see then..." She then closed her eyes, as All Might started walking her to the elevator. Before the doors could close, she turned to face Ozpina one last time, with a smirk on her face. "Don't say I didn't warn you about her, Ozpina." The doors then closed.
One's alone Ozpina let out a silent sigh of relief. She then took out a letter, and looks at it. "If only I could get in touch with Victor. But by the looks of things. He still has some time left before returning."
"What do you mean?" Nero said.
"I will send professionals to deal with Gina. As for you." She then gets up from her desk, and walks over to him, and hands him the letter. "I have written down the location that Master Victor is at. Can you please take this to him?"
Nero looks at the letter. But before he could respond images of the time, Y/n attacked him for meddling in the fight with him and Gina flash before his mind. "I... I don't know-"
"I'll do it!"
Just then they all turned to the attention of the voice, as it was revealed to be Asuka. "I'm mush faster. So just drop me off close to the location.
Confused Ozpina stares at her. "Why so sudden?"
"N-No real reason. I just figure that it would be mush easier if I delivered it. After all Nero is one of the strongest students in school, it would be bad if he left. Besides do you really want him to go and leave the school unguarded?" Everyone stared at each other, before Ozpina walked over to her, and handed her the letter. Asuka then smiled and turned to leave. But her team then stopped her. "What is it?"
Katsuragi ever the good friend smirked. "You might be crazy if you think that will let you go alone." She then crossed her arms. "Will go with you."
Ikaruga then smiles. "She's right. If your going after him. Then will go with you."
Hibari was then also spoke after her. "That's right. We're a team after all."
And last but not least Yagyu then spoke. "I'll go. If Hibari goes."
Asuka left somewhat speechless sighs. "Come on... Fine."
As Ozpina walks over to her desk. Before the team left, Nero smiles back at them. "Hey, If you don't mind. If you see Y/n. Tell him to stay healthy."
Ruby then spoke. "Can you tell the rest of my team to come back safe."
The rest of Asuka's team nod's at the two. They then quickly turned around and left. Not to long after they left Nero and Ruby left, leaving Ozpina to wander one thing. "Just how strong is this woman?" She looks at her arms, and noticed that they were trembling.
-Tanjiro's Home: Backyard, 3:46 p.m.
Just then we then transitions to the backyard of Tanjiro's home, as the sound of the wind gave of a gentle breeze, with the birds chirping after it. The girls are then seen as Yang is seen laying on the grass, with her hands behind her head, and with one of her legs cross over the other. All the while Weiss, Koneko, and Momo could be seen having a small picnic, and talking about anything that was on their minds.
It was relaxing for the most part. That is until Yang seat up, with her legs crossed and with a smirk on her face, she looks at Weiss. "So Ice Queen. What happen back in the manner with your parents? Didn't you find it strange that your Sister wanted to dance with him?"
Weiss then sigh's and spoke remembered something. "Know that I think about it. It did felt like my sister was ogling him..." She then started thinking of the time Winter, and Y/n were dancing and she felt like she was way too close. She then imagines Winter taking Y/n away as she laughed like a spoiled rich girl. But she quickly shock her head, remembering what her father told her.
"When are you two planing to give us grandchildren? We need to keep the Schnee and Sword Dance bloodline running."
Just then her Weiss's face turned red as she turned in to a chibi version of herself. She then remember's, what her mother told her. "Know that you mention it. Some grandchildren would be nice. When are you planing on having them? If you want my advise, don't wait to long. If you want to plant one in the garden, then I would suggest you start now. You have my full support."
The chibi Weiss face then turned redder, with steam coming above her head. Yang then smirked at her and kept on bother her, as she two turned in to a chibi version of herself. "Hey come on don't just leave me Yanging." She said as she continued pressing on the matter.
The chibi Weiss on the other hand looked away from her. While also getting annoyed at her. "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!"
The chibi Yang feeling like she was pressing the right buttons, kept on bothering her. "Hey come on tell us! Is it lewd! I bet ya it's lewd!"
As the two continued exchanging insults. Koneko and Momo could be seen looking from left to right. But after sometime had passed the two finally finished throwing insults. Weiss reluctant at first then explained what her family told them. Yang on the other hand was only messing with Weiss, and wasn't expecting for her to tell her. Let lone talk about having children.
"O-Oh! S-So that's what it w-was. Haha..." Yang said with an awkward smile on her face. She then scratched the back of her head. "Well it's not like it will matter. After all, it's not like you have much in your chest to talk about. Hahaha! AM I RIGHT YOU TWO!"
Yang then tried to hi-five the other girls. But that only made Weiss, and Koneko angry. As the two of them had one thing in common, and that was the fact that both of them were flat as boards. Yang then smirked with a shadow across her eyes.
"Oops... I for got that two of you have hardly anything. Hey, that's okay you can be flat buddy's."
Koneko then got even more annoyed at her, and pointed to her chest. "Oh yeah! Well unlike you at least I look much cuter! Then the two of you!" She said insulting the two of them.
Weiss was the nest person to respond to her. "BULLSHIT! Well I have better looking legs, then the two of you!"
Yang not wanting to lose to them, kept on responding. "Well I have a great chest, and ass! So two in one!" She then pointed to Momo, who was simply making herself a sandwich. "I'm sure Momo would agree! Isn't that right Momo!"
"Please leave me out of this." She said not wanting to be in the middle of it all. But that didn't do anything as Weiss, and Koneko both turned their attention towards her. Momo on the other hand simply let out a sigh, as she didn't want to be placed in the middle of it all. "Anyway! Should it matter... B-Besides Blake isn't here. So is it even a fair fight?"
Meanwhile as the girl's continue to try, and one up each other. Tanjiro and Victor are seen inside the house playing Shogi, as they could hear the girls shouting. Tanjiro after making his move sigh, with a smile.
"Looks like they're at it again."
Victor on the other hand touches his mustache, and moves a piece, before responding to him.
"Yeah... But hey it's better then being alone here."
As the two of them stood in silence, something about the two felt off. That is until Victor decided to break the silence.
"Something on your mind?"
Victor said as he looked at Tanjiro. But Tanjiro on had a gentle smile on his face, with his face locking in the Shogi pieces. They continue moving pieces every time they spoke one after the other.
"Well... I've been thinking of something as of late."
"I think that this will be the last time I ever train another person."
Victor for a brief moment stops, and then looks at Tanjiro.
"What do you mean?"
"As you already know the Demon Slayer Corps disbanded a long time ago. I'm the only one that still holds the remaining breathing style... *sigh* Truth be told I don't want my children to fallow the same path as me. I want them to have a long and fruitful life... So I've been thinking of teaching Y/n, that."
"... Are you sure about this? You think that he's ready."
"Yes. The time he fought against his father, proved that he could use breathing techniques. So before he left I handed him a book that would explain his next training."
"I see... But there's only one problem. We don't have much time left before we have to return. And the fact that we still have to put him in the final trial is another problem."
"I see... But you have a plan. Don't you?"
Victor nod's back as he then made one final move forward with the piece. "By the looks of things. I think that I might have something that will give us more time... Tell me. Have you even heard of a Training Gate?"
Tanjiro with a gentle smile on his face, moves another piece forward before responding back to his question.
"So you plan to use a training gate... Hmm, Yes. I think with that he should be able to learn everything. But you know what that means, right?"
Victor silently sigh's before looking at him with a series look. "Will have to stop pulling our punches."
Tanjiro nod's at him. "Yep. Anyway I win."
Confused Victor looks at the bore and noticed that he lost. "Hohoho, Damn it. I almost had you. Oh well next time."
The two then get up from the floor, and started walking outside of the house. One's outside the girls approached them. Yang then quickly spoke up.
"So what's next on the training? Fist fighting? Arm wrestling?"
The two simply shock their heads, which confused the rest of them. Tanjiro then spoke up.
"Truth be told. Even if we continued to train you. There's nothing I can teach you... But I think I might know, who is."
Still confused Koneko responds at him. "If you don't mind me asking. Who is it?"
Tanjiro looks at Victor who took put his scroll and looked at the time. He then notices that the time said 4:00 p.m. He then shows Tanjiro the time, before turning to look back at the girls again.
"She should be arriving soon."
All of them then share a look of confusion before looking back at them. Just then before they could say anything, they all heard the sound of the front door opening, and closing. A female voice then spoke in a friendly tone.
"Tanjiro! You home?" The female voice called out.
Tanjiro quickly spoke back at her. "On the back!"
When the woman came in to view, it was revealed to be a woman with long, black hair, and pale pink eyes. The woman then quickly ran to Tanjiro and the two hugged. As the two hugged, a loving aura could be seen around the two of them. After a moment of silence, the two break the hug and she bows her head at Victor. Which Victor responds, as he touched his mustache.
"Well will you look at that. You look more beautiful by the day."
"Why thank you Master Victor. And I must say that you don't look a day over 50."
"Ho ho ho. Why thank you young lady."
The girls still confused at what was going on, respond at the same time. "What is going on?"
Tanjiro then smiles as he, and the woman faced the girls. He then spoke before they could say anymore. "Everyone this is someone very important to me."
The woman then smiles, and bows her head to the girls. She then moves her hair to the side and smiles at them.
"Hello everyone my name is, Nezuko Kamado. And i'll be your teacher for the remaining months to fallow. So let's get along."
The girl's looked at Tanjiro, and then back the woman. "Kamado!?"
Tanjiro then smiles as he walks close to Nezuko, and the two smile. "That's right. Nezuko my younger Sister. So please try to get along with her."
Nezuko then responds at the girls. "So I heard that your all huntresses in training. Is that true?" The girls simply nod at her. Nezuko then warmly smiles at them. "Okay then." She looks at Tanjiro. "Would you mind if I see what they're made off."
"Sure. Your the teacher after all."
Nezuko then turns her attention back at the girls. "I know that one of you is visiting her family. So until she get's back. Why don't we do a little sparring practice. What do you all say?"
Koneko not shying away from the girl step forward, and get's in to a fighting stance. "Toujou Koneko, rook piece of Rias. And future wife of Y/n Sword Dance. Please except my challenge."
Yang then fallows after her, but she could also feel that, Nezuko wasn't someone that could be taken down easily. But she also wanted to one up Koneko prepares herself. And the fact that she called herself Y/n's wife only annoyed her. "Yang Xiao Long, student at Beacon, and Y/n's CLOSEST girlfriend."
Both Koneko and Yang then locked eyes, and as they did, sparks started to fly between the two. But having nothing else Weiss then also walked after them. Nezuko noticing that she didn't fight hand to hand combat, quickly spoke.
"If you which to use your weapon. Then please do. Don't worry about me. After all don't let my appearance fool you I'm quite strong. So please don't hold back."
Weiss with an understanding look on her face nod's at her. "Very well. Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, and Y/n's first g-g-girlfriend. It's a please to fight someone as yourself."
Momo a bit confused at what was going sigh's, and also walked forward, and prepared to do battle with Nezuko. "Momo Yaoyorozu, hero in training also Y/n's girlfriend. I'll do my best!"
Nezuko with a warm smile on her face, looks at them. "Talk about young love. So cute." She then prepares to fight the four girls that stood in front of her. As they all prepared to fight her, they felt and overwhelming aura around Nezuko that felt overwhelming. But the girls not wanting to lose prepared themselves. "Nezuko Kamado, please don't hold back."
As they all prepared to battle. Tanjiro and Victor both walked back inside. Everything then fades to black.
Just as the scene transitions to a wide shoot of a large landscape with destroyed buildings, large flames that reached up to the building's themselves, and falling ash that fell from the darken sky could be seen. Far in to the distance a Castle is seen, with the moon glowing from behind it.
As it then cuts to the inside of the Castle's Throne room. The throne room was far more bigger then Ozpina's Office, with dark blue lighting across it, several interesting designs across the floor of Monsters fighting Humans, and with several enormous floating crystals on each side of the walkway, illumination a strait path to the throne itself. The atmosphere was dark, but across that darkness one could smell the faint sent of blood that reeked in the air.
That's when it revealed several carcasses of Humans, Heroes and Huntsman alike, staked together one over the other. As their blood laid a strait line to a set of stairways to the Throne. With one single person sitting on the throne, Gina. With her body leaning to the right, her right arm on her cheek, and the other on her lap, with one of her legs over the other. She locked down at everything with a bored expression. As she gazed at the corpses of her fallen pray, that fought against her. And yet with all that power she found no actual sport in fighting, or killing such weak opponents. Because to her there was only one person that would quench her desire for battle. Her desire to kill. Her desire to win. Her one and only Friend, Y/n.
"*sigh* Such a place ones filled with life and dreams for the future. Now reduced to nothing more then a smoldering pile of ash. Truly bothersome." As her mind began to wander. She gazed at Ame-no-Habakiri, as it was stuck firmly on the hard floor right next to her. "Truly is there no one else that would stand against me?... Tch." Not having mush to look at she closed her eyes as her mind started to drift.
"My oh my. You broke every last one of them and I wanted to play, Onee-chan." Suddenly a female voice spoke, as on top of one of the floating crystals a familiar face is seen sitting on it, Emiko Nia. "Hey come on why didn't you invite me to play? I was getting bored just looking at you dispose of them." The girl said as she seat on top of one of the crystals, swinging her legs back and forth. Like a child after having to mush fun.
Gina didn't look at her as she then grabbed Ame-no-Habakiri firmly in her left arm, and gazed at the edge of the blade, looking at her own reflection. All the while still ignoring the girl. Just then Nia jumped towards her and landed perfectly as she gazed at Gina. Gina in a bored tone then spoke. "What pray tell does a cat like you want?"
"Oh my! Is Onee-chan angry at me?" Gina didn't respond as she kept looking at Ame-no-Habakiri. "Hey come on I came here to deliver a massage. Everything has been set in motion and the beast that slept in crevice of one's soul has been released. Moreover the preparations for the ritual has also been set in place. Pretty soon everything will fall in to chaos just as it was back in the old days. And Onii-chan will have no choice but to come here and fight you. Isn't it great!"
Gina then spoke to her as she still kept her gaze at Ame-no-Habakiri. "Call it what you will. So long as my friend returns to me, fangs bared and claws sharpened, I care little for what you tell me."
"Of cores, Onee-chan. But I have to say that I might have a plan to force his hand." As she spoke Gina met her gaze. "What if we go after someone important to him."
"If you are aiming to go after the girls again. Then I have to say that my friend will not fall for the same trick twice."
"WHAT!" The girl said as she playfully covered her mouth, and smiled. "I wasn't planing that! NO! I was planing something more F-U-N." She then moved to the side as illusions of Nero and Ruby appeared right in front of them. "Why don't we go after them? I might have a plan that will force him to fight. And if all goes well will be able to see, what Onii-chan can really do. So what do you say?" She said as she leaned close to her with an eerie smile.
But Gina glared back at her. Nia with great excitement jumped back, as Gina spoke in a threatening tone. "Why do you tell me this? Are you in such a hurry to die? If so I will be glad to give you the death you so wish for."
As the girl leaned forward she looked at her still smiling. "Oh sorry about that Onee-chan I for got that you only have eyes for Onii-chan." She then stood back and in a playful tone responded to her. "But imagine it! Bound no more by the shackles of family! Bound no more by former love! He will be free at last to fight for the moment! Free to fight and have nothing holding him back!" She then with great enthusiasm smiled at her.
Gina lowered her blade, and gazed at the girl with a series look in her eyes. That same gaze felt like it could kill any normal person, but the girl, Nia wasn't even normal. So having nothing else Nia then bowed right in front of her. "Onee-chan. Give the word and I will go forth and prepare for you, your hunting ground. Just for the two of you. Hehe." She said in an eerie tone as she awaited Gina's command.
Gina on the other hand looked at her. She then let out a sigh of annoyance. "...I don't need your help as I already have prepared everything... But do as you will." The two illusions of Nero and Ruby both disappeared. As Nia then smiled as she playfully got up. She then is consumed by the very darkness of the room. Leaving Gina alone to her own thoughts.
As the throne room fell silent. Gina spoke to herself. "It has been too, too long, my friend... and insufferably dull in your absence. When you come to me, we will share everything. Every blow will be a story unto itself. Every triumph. Every kill." Suddenly she got up from her throne as she looked at her weapon with a smile on her face. Wanting nothing more then to see him. Wanting nothing more then to fight him. Wanting nothing more. "Rest assured we shall have a fitting stage for out reunion." She then looked at her reflection on her sword, and with one quick swipe from her sword, one of the crystals that floated in the room was destroyed. With the dust from the crystal falling over to ware she was standing. "Oh, yes. To reprise our transcendent reunion. I will set this world ablaze. And we shall dance before the pyre." She said as right behind her throne was a door far larger in size, then any other normal door.
As she made her way through it. It lead to a garden with flower's, that shined throughout the moon light. And in that same garden an enormous sphere like object made out of machine stood floating above the very garden, Gina then walked over to it and stopped. "Just a little bit more, my friend. Just a bit more."
-Unknown Forest, 11:26 p.m.
Meanwhile in a separate location, filled with nothing but darken tree's, and shadows. The silhouette of two people could be seen waiting for something. As one stood with it's arms crossed, the sound of crunching leaves is heard. It is only then that it is revealed what they were waiting for was, Nia. One of the people then spoke as it's tone revealed it was female.
Nia playfully smiled back at her. "The plan is a go. I already took out the puppet."
The person with the arms crossed then spoke, is it's tone was revealed to be female. "So you plan to use that puppet?"
Nia responds to his question with a bright smile. "Yep. Yep, I want to see what Onii-chan can really do."
Just then as the sound of something clawing it's way across the tree's is heard. A large claw is seen placed to one of the tree's. The monster then look's at it's arms, and let's out a demonic cry, that send the remaining birds across the tree's flying.
"KILL... MUST KILL. KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!" The monster from behind a tree, then drops to it's knee's. Nia then walked up to it, but tried quickly tried to attack her. Just as the monsters arm was about to hit her, it quickly stopped preventing Nia from getting hurt. "MUST KILL Y/N! MUST KILL Y/N! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"
It shouted at Nia, but she could only smile with a playful look on her face. The male then spoke. "So you plan to use this puppet to fight him? It looks kinda weak."
The monster from still behind the tree shouted at him. Finding the person's words annoying. "I'M NOT WEAK! I... AM STRONG! ONE'S I KILL HIM... YOU WILL BE NEXT! YOU WILL SEE! I WILL BECOME A GOD! HEHEHE HAHAHAHA!" The monster then started laughing maniacally.
The female then spoke spoke in a calm, but relaxing tone. "Will you look at that. Give this puppet a small amount of power and it think its self a god... How pathetic."
Nia then spoke. "I couldn't careless. But if you want to have fun with Onii-chan. Then I would suggest to hurry up, and leave. After all you don't want to miss your reunion."
The monster got up from the floor, and used it's large hand to balance it's self, by holding a tree. So as the sound of falling tree's are heard, the two figures then approached, Nia. The male humanoid then turned around and started to walk away, leaving the female and Nia alone.
"Why did you bring that thing with you?"
"Oh come on. I want to see what it can do. Besides don't you think that it will be more fun this way?" The two stood in silence as Nia awaited a respond from her. "What? No response."
The female let out a silent sigh before turning around, and walking away. "Well let's see what your puppet can do then."
As the people vanished, the Monster stopped and turned it's attention to the moon. "Y/....N... Y/N.... I... WILL... KILL YOU!!" The monster then stared back at it's large demonic arm, before then clenching it in to a first, and then punched a near by tree, that then made other tree's fall after it. One's the cloud of dust had settled, it let out one last cry, before everything faded to black. "I'LL KILL YOU Y/N!"
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